GECC 105A Module 1 - Science, Technology, and Society

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City of San Fernando, La Union


(GECC 105A)



(GECC 105A)


The course deals with interactions between science and technology

and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and are
shaped by them. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013)

This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the

realities brought about by science and technology in society. Such realities
pervade the personal, the public, and the global aspects of our living and
are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge and technological
development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political,
cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course
seeks to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to
live the good life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific
and technological advancement.

After finishing the course, the students are expected to:

1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society,

specifically Philippine society;
2. Explain how science and technology affect society and the
environment and its role in nation-building;
3. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express
philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to the student as a
part of society;
4. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the students'
life and Philippine society in general ;
5. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation
of the environment and the development of the Filipino nation;
6. Critique human flourishing vis-a-vis the progress of science and
technology such that the student may be able to define for
himself /herself the meaning of the good life;
7. Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and
sustainable development of society and the environment;
8. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and
technology to society;

GECC 105A- Science, Technology, and Society -Preliminaries-


9. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come
up with innovative and creative solutions to contemporary issues
guided by ethical standards;
10. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their
lives and their understanding of climate change


1. active participation during the face to face meetings;

2. quizzes and assignments;
3. evaluation of exercises (module assignments);
4. supervised midterm and final examination;
5. video analysis



Lesson 1 Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

Lesson 2 Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
Lesson 3 Intellectual Revolutions and Society
Lesson 4 Science and Technology and Nation-Building



Lesson 1 Technology as a Way of Revealing

Lesson 2 Human Flourishing in Progress and De-development
Lesson 3 The Good Life
Lesson 4 When Technology and Humanity Cross
Lesson 5 Why the Future Does Not Need Us


Lesson 1 Information Age

Lesson 2 Biodiversity and Healthy Society
Lesson 3 Genetically Modified Organisms and Gene Therapy
Lesson 4 Nanotechnology
Lesson 5 Climate Change and Environmental Awareness

GECC 105A- Science, Technology, and Society -Preliminades-



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GECC 105A- Science, Technology, and Society -Preliminaries-


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GECC 105A- Science, Technology, and Society -Preliminaries-


Lesson 1 Introd uction to Science,

Technology, and Society

Lesson 2 Historical Antec edent s of Science

and Technology

Lesson 3 Intelle ctual Revolutions and


Lesson 4 Science and Techn ology and


-Module I-
GECC 1OSA - General Concepts and Historical Developments




This module introduces students to the study of Science, Technology,

and Society (STS) beginning with general concepts and its historical
development. It also covers the impact of science and technology and their
interactions of science and technology and their interactions within various
social contexts, with emphasis on the role of science and technology in
Philippine nation building.


After reading the module, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the interactions between Science and Technology and society

throughout history;
2. Discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society
and the environment; and
3. Identify the paradigm shifts in history.

Welcome to the world of children!

Read thoroughly the module 1 in the four different lessons. Assess the
extent of knowledge, values, and skills you have acquired from the module
by performing the activities designed for the purpose.

After accomplishing the activities, submit your output to your tutor

at the DOUS office. In case you encounter difficulties, contact your tutor at
DOUS. Good luck and may you enjoy reading about the world of children.

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


Lesson 1



Science comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning 'knowledge.' It

refers to a systematic and methodical activity of building and organizing
knowledge about how the universe behaves through observation,
experimentation or both. According to the famous American science
historian, John Heilbron (2003, p. vii), "Modern science is a discovery as
well as an invention." Heilbron considered science as a discovery of
regularity in nature, enough for natural phenomena to be described by
principles and laws. He also explained that science required invention to
devise techniques, abstractions, apparatuses, and organizations to describe
these natural regularities and their law-like descriptions.

Technology, for its part, is the application of scientific knowledge,

laws, and principles to produce services, materials, tools and machines
aimed at solving real-world problems. It comes from the Greek root word
techne, meaning 'art, skill, or cunning of hand.' During a live public Q&A in
December 2014, one member of the audience asked Mark Zuckerberg what
his definition of a technological tool is, and the CEO of Facebook responded:

"What defines a technological tool- one historical definition - is

something that takes a human's sense or ability and augments it
and makes it more powerful. So, for example, I wear contact
lenses or glasses; that is a technology that enhances my human
ability of vision and makes it better."

Wolpert (2005) made an interesting comparison between science and

technology that is helpful in the study of their interaction with society. In
his landmark paper, The Medawar Lectur 1998: Is Science Dangerous?
Wolpert explained that reliable knowledge has no moral or ethical value. It
is meant simply to explain how nature and the universe work and that the
obligation of scientists, besides studying the nature of the universe, is to
explain the possible uses and applications of such scientific .knowledge.
Along this line, Wolpert made it clear that science is not the same as
technology. The scientist is not responsible for the application of knowledge
in technology. He further explained that the very nature of science is that it
is not possible to predict scientific discoveries and how these discoveries
may be applied. While scientists are responsible for the reliable conduct of
the scientific inquiry and its honest interpretation and dissemination,
technological applications of science are influenced by other sectors such as
politics and governance, religion, and business. With this distinction, one
can surmise the need for the study of the various ways in which science and
technology act and are enacted in society. This is a particularly timely and

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


relevant concern because of the advancements in science and technology


Nowadays, advancements in science and technology have become

pervasive. They are manifested in the activities that humans pursue and the
tools they use every day. The beauty of this is that pursue and the tools
they use every day. The beauty of this is that advancement builds upon
itself. As such , humans today live more productive and more exciting lives
than their predecessors. With the way, things go it, could be expected that
this generation's children and the children of their children have the chance
to lead even better lives than this generation already does.

However, the dynamism and immensity of scientific and technological

progress also pose challenges and drawbacks to the way humans live. The
introduction of machines tremendously cut the need for the human
workforce and gave rise to questions about whether machines will
eventually replace humans. The invention of drugs that cured the previously
incurable diseases introduced new strains of bacteria and viruses that are
resistant to the very same drugs that once fought them - take an antibiotic-
resistant strain of gonorrhea as an example. The rise of social media
drastically changed the way humans communicate, interact, and share
information; however, this tends to put people's privacy at risk. Indeed,
science and technology have served a predominantly double-edged function.
This is succinctly captured in a famous line of popular American scientist,
Carl Sagan, quoted in Tom Head's (2006) book:

"We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and

technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost
no one understands science and technology. That's a clear
prescription for disaster."

As problems in science and technology continue to rise and become more

observable, the need to pay attention to their interactions with various
aspects of human life, e.g., social, political, and economic, becomes ever
more necessary. How the different aspects of society shape and influence
the progression and further development of science and technology is the
area of concern of a relatively new academic discipline called Science,
Technology, and Society.

Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is a relatively young field that

combines previously independent and older disciplines, such as the history
of science, philosophy of science, and sociology of science. As an academic
field, STS, according to Harvard University's Kennedy School (2018), traces
its roots from the interwar period and the start of the Cold War. It was
during this period when historians and scientists found interest in the
interconnections of scientific knowledge, technological systems, and
society. The rise of STS as an academic field resulted from the recognition
that many schools today do not really prepare students to respond critically,
reflectively, and proactively to the challenges posed by science and
technology in the contemporary world .

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


In general, STS applies methods drawn from history, philosophy, and

sociology inthe study the nature of science and technology and ultimately
judge their value and place in society. As an interdisciplinary field , the
emergence of STS was a result of questions about science and technology's
dynamic interaction with various aspects of society and was thus viewed as
a socially embedded enterprise. Thus, as the Kennedy School effectively
encapsulates, STS seeks to bridge the gap between two traditionally
exclusive - humanities (interpretative) and natural sciences (rational) - so
that humans will be able to better confront the moral , ethical, and
existential dilemmas brought by the continued developments in science and

The John J. Relly Center for Science, Technology, and Values of the
University of Notre Dame is responsible for listing the ten emerging ethical
dilemmas and pol icy issues in science and technology every year. Below is
the list for 2018.

1. Helix - a digital app store designed to read genomes

2. BlessU-2 and Pepper - first robot priest and monk
3. Emotion-Sensing Facial Recognition - a software being developed to
assess your reactions to anything such as shopping and playing games.
4. Ransomware - a way of holding data hostage through hacking and
requiring a ransom to be paid.
5. Textalyzer - a device that analyzes whether a driver was using his or
her phone during an accident.
6. Social Credit System - a system of scoring citizens through their
actions by placing them under constant surveillance (which China
plans to adopt)
7. Google Clips - a hands-free camera that lets the user capture every
moment effortlessly
8. Sentencing Software - a mysterious algorithm designed to aid courts
in sentencing decisions
9. Friendbot - an app that stores the deceased's digital footprint so one
can still "chat" with them
10. Citizen App - an app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or major
events in a specific area.

Even though several items in the list sound unfamiliar to many, it can
be a useful springboard in the study of science and technology. The list
points to the ever-growing challenges, questions, and issues that need to be
addressed and resolved when science and technology and humanity
intertwine. However, methods of critiquing these emerging ethical
dilemmas may come from similar methods used in previous critiques of
science and technology issues. For example, one can use methods used in
critiquing the rise of clinical trials of gene therapy in the 1990s. Today's
approach in critiquing emerging science and technology issues, such as the
ones listed above, may be influenced by how scientists and non-scientists
evaluated the positive and negative implications of clinical trials of gene
therapy in the 1990s. For this purpose, one can continue to specifically draw

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


from the tenets of history, philosophy, and sociology in making informed

and critical judgments of the ethical and moral values of these innovations
in science and technology.


Instructions: On the space below, paste a magazine or newspaper cutout of
any photograph that depicts an issue or problem in science and technology.
Then, answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the issue or problem depicted in the photograph?

2. How does this particular issue or problem impact the well-being of

humans today?

3. Why is it important for people to study and learn about STS as an

academic field, especially in addressing the issue or problems depicted in
the photograph?

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


Lesson 2



One of the key interests of STS as an academic field is the history of

science and technology. As a strand of STS, the history of science and
technology focuses on how science and technology have changed across
time. Also, it explores the impacts of scientific and technological
innovations on the prevailing social, cultural, political, and economic
context throughout history. Conversely, it also pays attention to the
conditions that shaped science and technology. Quite often, interests lie in
historical antecedents of scientific and technological innovations.

An antecedent is defined as a precursor to the unfolding or existence

of something. Thus, historical antecedents in science and technology are
factors that paved the way for the presence of advanced and sophisticated
scientific and technological innovations today. Knowledge of the history of
science and technology is useful in appraising these innovations today. By
understanding how previous generations influenced and were influenced by
developments in science and technology, today's generation can come up
with informed decisions on the proper applications of science and
technology to daily life.


The rise of ancient civilizations paved the way for advances in

science and technology. These advances during the Ancient period allowed
civilizations to flourish by finding better ways of communication,
transportation , self-organization, and living in general.

Sumerian Wheel Potter's Wheel

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


Ancient Wheel

People from ancient civilizations used animals for transportation long

before the invention of the wheel. No one knows exactly who invented the
wheel and when. There is, however, a general agreement that the ancient
wheel grew out of a mechanical device called the potter's wheel - a heavy
flat disk made of hardened clay which was spun horizontally on axis. It is
believed that the Sumerians invented the potter's wheel shortly after 3,500
BC. The invention of the ancient wheel is often credited to the Sumerian
since no other ancient civilization used a similar device at the time. It could
be that a potter thought of shifting the potter's wheel to a 90-degree angle
for the purpose of transportation or the wheel was reinvented for this
purpose. Nonetheless, it would not be until 1000 to 1500 years later that the
wheel was first used on carts.


Roughly around 3000 BC, the ancient Egyptians began writing on

papyrus, a material similar to
thick paper. Papyrus is made from
the pith of the papyrus plant
Cyperus papyrus. It is lightweight,
strong, durable, and most
importantly, portable. Before the
Egyptians invented the papyrus,
the writing was done on stone.
Because of the difficulty of
writing on stone, the writing was
reserved only for very important
occasions. With the advent of the
....,..;.<.-~ papyrus, documentation and
record-keeping became efficient, widespread, and vast. Through its use,
information dissemination became exponentially faster. Records were kept
and stood the test of time.


The shadoof was an early tool invented

and used by ancient Egyptians to irrigate the
land. Among Egyptians who lived near the Nile
River, irrigation was necessary to water their
crops. The shadoof, also spelled as shaduf, is a
hand-operated device used for lifting water. Its
invention introduced the idea of lifting things
using counterweights. Because of this invention,
irrigation and farming became much more
efficient. The shadoof is also believed to be an
ancient precursor of more sophisticated
irrigation tools.

-Module I-
GECC 1OSA - General Concepts and Historical Developments

Antikythera mechanism

Even before the invention of the antecedents of the modern

computer, the Greeks had already invented the ancient world's analog
computer orrery. Discovered in 1902 and retrieved from the waters of
Antikythera, Greece, the Antikythera mechanism is similar to a mantel
clock. Upon its discovery, the bits of wood seen on its fragments suggest
that it must have been housed in a wooden case. It is akin to a clock in the
way that the case has a circular face and rotating hands. A knob on the side
makes it possible for it to be wound forward or backward. As this knob
moves forward or backward, its mechanism allows it to display celestial
time. Thus, it is widely believed that the Antikythera mechanism was used
to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendar and astrological
purposes. It is also believed that the Antikythera mechanism, which is one
of the oldest known antecedents of modern clockwork, was invented by
Greek scientists between 150-1 00BC.


Also known as the Hero's engine, the aeolipile is widely believed to

be the ancient precursor of the steam engine. Hero of Alexandria is credited
- -~ for the demonstration of the use of the aeolipile
rr 1 -:fy, during the 1st century AD. The aeolipile is a
Y. steam-powered turbine which spun when the
~ ........~... water container at its center was heated, thus
making it practically the first rudimentary steam
engine. It is not clear whether the aeolipile
served any practical purpose, but it is believed to
be one of many "temple wonders" at the time.
Nonetheless, Vitruvius, a Roman author,
architect, and civil engineer described the
aeol ipile as a scientific invention through which
"the mighty and wonderful laws of the heavens
and the nature of winds" may be understood and

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-



Between the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and
the colonial expansion of Western Europe in late 15 th century AD, major
advances in scientific and technological development took place. These
include a steady increase of new inventions, the introduction of innovations
in traditional production, and the emergence of scientific thinking and
method. The Middle Ages was not a stagnant as alternate terms such as the
'Medieval Period' or 'Dark Ages' suggest. In fact, many medieval universities
at the time stirred scientific thinking and built infrastructures for scientific
communities to flourish. As such, some of humanity's most important
present-day technologies could be traced back to their historical
antecedents in the Middle Ages.

Heavy Plough

Perhaps one of the most important technological innovations during

the middle ages is the invention of the heavy plow. Clay soil, despite being
more fertile than lighter types of soil, was not cultivated because of its
heavy weight. However, through the invention of the heavy plow, it became
possible to harness clay soil. Professor Thomas Bernebeck Andersen of the
University of Southern Denmark succinctly describes the impact of the
invention of the heavy plow. "The heavy plow turned European agriculture
and economy on its head. Suddenly, the fields with the heavy, fatty, and
moist clay soils became those that gave the greatest yields." Because of
this, Europe, particularly its northern territories, saw rapid economic
prosperity. The heavy plow stirred an agricultural revolution in Northern
Europe marked by higher and healthier agricultural yields and more efficient
agricultural practices.


Around 850 AD, Chinese alchemists accidentally invented black

powder or gunpowder. Multiple accounts suggest that the gunpowder might
have been an unintended byproduct of attempts made by the Chinese to
invent the elixir of life, which is why the Chinese called it huoyao, roughly
translated as "fire potion." Prior to the invention of the gunpowder, swords
and spears were used in battles and wars. Towards the end of the 13 th
century, the explosive invention crept into most parts of Europe and Asia.

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


Since its invention, the

gunpowder has allowed for
more advanced warfare . From
fiery arrows to cannons and
grenades, the gunpowder has
prompted foundation for the
functionality of almost every
new weapon used in war since
its invention. It ushered in an
unprecedented advancement
in warfare and combat
throughout the Middle Ages.

Paper Money

Although it was not until the 17th century that bank notes began to be
used in Europe, the first known versions of paper money could be traced
: -· - - · back to the Chinese
in 17th century AD as
an offshoot of the
invention of block
printing, which is
similar to stamping.
Before the
introduction of
paper money,
precious metals,
such as gold and
silver were used as
currency. However,
the idea of assigning value to a marked piece of paper did not immediately
become popular. In fact, when the Mongols attempted to introduce paper
money into the Middle East market in the 13 th century, it did not gain
immediate success. Nonetheless, traders and merchants eventually realized
the huge advantage of using paper money because it was easier to transport
around compared to the previous forms of currencies.

Mechanical Clock

Although devices for timekeeping and recording sprung the ancient

times, such as the Antikythera mechanism, it was not until the Middle Ages
that clockwork technology was developed. The development of mechanical
clocks paved the way for accurately keeping track of time. The
sophistication of clockwork technology of the mechanical clock drastically
changed the way days were spent and work patterns were established,
particularly in the more advanced Middle Age cities.

GECC 1OSA - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


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A medieval mechanical clock found in Prague, Czech Republic

Spinning Wheel

Another important invention of the Middle

Ages is the spinning wheel, a machine used for
transforming fiber into thread or yarn and
eventually woven into cloth on a loom. Although
no consensus could be made regarding the origin
of the spinning wheel, it is theorized that the
Indians invented the spinning wheel between 6th
and 11 th century AD. Prior to the invention of the
spinning wheel, weaving was done predominantly
through the more time-consuming and tedious
process of hand spinning. According to White
(1974), the invention of the spinning wheel speed up the rate at which fiber
could be spun by a factor of 10 to 100 times. Thus, White argued that this
invention ushered in a breakthrough in linen production when it was
introduced in Europe in the 13 th century AD.


As the world population steadily increased, people of the Modern

Ages realized the utmost importance of increasing the efficiency of
transportation, communication , and production. Industrialization took place
with greater risks in human health, food safety, and environment which had
to be addressed as scientific and technological progress unfolded at an
unimaginable speed .

Compound Microscope

A Dutch spectacle maker named Zacharias Janssen id credited for the

invention of the first compound microscope in 1590. Together with his
fat her Hans, Zacharias began experimenting with lenses by outing together
several lenses on a tube. This led to an amazing discovery that an object,
when placed near the end of the tube, can be magnified far larger than

GECC 1OSA - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


what a simple magnifying lens can do.

Janssen's compound microscope was
an important progression from the
single lens microscope. It was capable
of magnifying objects three times
their size when fully closed and up to
ten times when extended to the
maximum. Today, the compound
microscope is an important
instrument in many scientific studies,
such as in the areas of medicine,
forensic studies, tissue analysis, atomic studies, and genetics.


Perhaps the single, most important technological invention in the

study of astronomy during the Modern Ages was the practical telescope
invented by GalHeo Galilei. This invention could magnify objects 20 times
larger than the Dutch perspective
glasses. It was Galileo who first
used the telescope skyward and
made important astronomical
discoveries, and identified the
presence of craters and
mountains on the moon. Galileo's
remarkable technological
contribution drastically changed
the study of astronomy. For the
first time, it became clear that the universe is far larger than previously
imagined and the Earth for smaller compared to the entire universe.

Jacquard Loom

As the Industrial Revolution reached

full speed, the Jacquard loom was
considered as one of the most critical
drivers of the revolution. Built by French
weaver Joseph Marie Jacquard, the
Jacquard loom simplifies textile
manufacturing. Prior to the invention of
the Jacquard loom, a drawloom was used
which required two individuals to operate -
the weaver and a "drawboy" - if figured
designs on textiles were needed . As such,
intensified manual labor and greater effort
had to be exerted to produce complex
designs. In 1801, Jacquard demonstrated
the ingenuity of his version of a loom in

-Module I·
GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments

which a series of cards with punched holes automatically created complex

textile designs and made mass production easier. The Jacquard loom is also
an important antecedent of modern computer technology as it
demonstrated the use of punched cards to instruct a machine to carry out
complex tasks, i.e., making different textile patterns.

Engine-Powered Airplane

Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright are credited for designing and
successfully operating the first engine-powered aircraft. The Wright
approached the
design of powered
aircraft and flight
Orville and Wilbur
proved that
aircraft could fly
without airfoil-
shaped wings.
They demonstrated
this in their
"'1\r-~• original Flying
,. · '•
Machine patent (US
.:0;.; ~-:.. ~:::~;.;,};~~:,t,.__. patent #821393),
showing that slightly-tilted wings, which they referred to as airplanes, were
the key features of a powered aircraft. Their pioneering success marked an
age of powered flights. Sans modern knowledge on aerodynamics and a
comprehensive understanding of the working of aircraft wings, the Wright
brothers were brilliant scientists who paved the way for modern aircraft


The Scottish engineer John Logie Baird is largely credited for the
invention of the modern television. Baird successfully televised objects in
outline in 1924, recognizable
human faces in 1925, and
moving objects in 1926, and
projected colored images in
1928. Baird's television
technology caught on really
swiftly. In fact, the British
Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC) used this for its earliest
television programming in
1929. Despite being the first
television invented, Baird's television was later on criticized for its fuzzy

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


and flickering images, primarily because it was mechanical compared to

electronic versions that were developed much later.


The Philippines boasts of its own history and tradition of scientific

and technological innovations. Filipinos have long been known for their
ingenuity. As with all other inventions, necessity has always been the
mother of Philippine inventions. Most of the inventions appealed to the
unique social and cultural context of the archipelagic nation. Throughout
Philippine history, Filipinos are responsible for developing many scientific
and technological innovations focused on navigation, traditional
shipbuilding, textiles, food processing, indigenous arts and techniques, and
even cultural inventions. The following are some of the most important
inventions by Filipino scientists.

Electronic Jeepney (e-jeepney)

The jeepney is perhaps one of the most recognizable national

symbols of the Philippines and the most popular mode of public
transportation in the country. It is also perhaps one of the most enduring
symbols of Filipino ingenuity. Jeepneys were designed and improvised from
scratch out of military jeeps that
the Americans left in the country
after World War II. As demand for
more responsive transportation
technology arose, the e-jeepney
was introduced in Metro Manila and
Bacolod City. The e-jeepney is the
inventive response to criticisms to
the traditional jeepney that
belched smoke, directly causing air
pollution which made it
unsustainable and uneconomical. E-
jeepneys are designed to be environment-friendly, eliminating noise and air
pollution as they run on electricity. They are also more economical for
electricity is far cheaper than ordinary diesel, allowing jeepney drivers to
earn more profit.


Perhaps one of the most important

medical inventions is the Erythromycin.
The llonggo scientists Abelardo Aguilar
invented this antibiotic out of a strain of
bacterium called Streptomyces
erythreus, from which this drug derived

GECC 1OSA - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


its name. As with the case of several other local scientists, however, Aguilar
was not credited for this discovery by Eli Lilli Co, Aguilar's US employer, to
whom he sent the strain for separation. The US company eventually owned
the merits for this delivery.

Medical Incubator

World-renowned Filipino
pediatrician and national scientist, Fe
del Mundo, is credited for the
invention of the incubator and jaundice
relieving device. Del Mundo was the
first woman pediatrician to be
admitted to the prestigious Harvard
University's School of Medicine. She is
also the founder of the first pediatric
hospital in the country. Her pioneering
work in pediatrics that spanned a total
of eight decades won her the 1977
Ramon Magsaysay Award, Asia's
premier prize granted to outstanding
individuals whose selfless service
remarkably contributed to the
betterment of society. Her original
improvised incubator consisted of two
native laundry baskets of different sizes that are placed one inside the
other. Warmth is generated by bottles with hot water placed around the
baskets. A makeshift hood over the baskets allows oxygen to circulate inside
the incubator. Del Mundo's incubator was particularly outstanding as it
addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity
to aid the regulation of body temperature of newborn babies. For this
purpose, del Mundo's invention was truly ingenious.

Mole Remover

In 2000, a local
invention that had the ability
to easily remove moles and
warts on the skin without the
need for any surgical
procedure shot to fame.
Rolando dela Cruz is credited
for the invention of a local
mole remover that made use
of extracts of cashew nuts
(Annacardium occidentale),
which are very common in the
Philippines. The indigenous

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


formula easily caught on for its accessibility, affordability, and painless and
scarless procedure. Dela Cruz won a gold medal for this invention in the
International Invention, Innovation, Industrial Design, and Technology
Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2000.

Banana Ketchup

Filipino food
technologist, Maria Orosa,
is credited for the
il l
invention of banana
ketchup, a variety of
ketchup different from the
commonly known tomato
ketchup. Her invention
appeals particularly to
Filipinos who love using
condiments to go along
with their food . Historical
accounts posit that Orosa
invented the banana
ketchup at the backdrop of World War II when there was a huge shortage of
tomatoes. As a result, Orosa developed a variety of ketchup that made use
of mashed banana, sugar, vinegar, and spices, which were all readily
available. Orosa's banana ketchup is brownish-yellow in natural color but is
dyed red to resemble the color of the most loved tomato ketchup.

Salamander Amphibious Tricycle

' ~ '.'{~ -. ' - .,. .,, . ',.,... ·.;!-• •·It " has become
. ' ordinary for Filipinos to

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, . convert transport vehicles

into something more
useful. An example is the
conversion of American
military jeeps used in
World War II into
jeepneys. Another Filipino
innovation is the addition
of a sidecar to a
motorcycle, transforming
it into a tricycle to accommodate more passengers.

During the rainy season, flooding is a common occurrence in many

areas in the country. Tricycles find it very difficult to traverse the streets.
To remedy the issue, H20 Technologies headed by Dominic N. Chung and
Lamberto Armada, together with Chief Designer Victor "Atoy" Llave, was
able to invent the Salamander, an amphibious tricycle that can cross not

GECC 105A · General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


only flooded streets but also rivers and lakes. It may also be utilized to
travel from island to island. Since the Philippines is an archipelago, the
Salamander is a useful invention that has a lot of potentials.

Salt Lamp

One of the major needs in the Philippines, as a developing nation, is

electrification. Electricity powers various types of machines, including light
sources. In many rural areas in the country, activities would cease when it
gets dark. It also becomes more dangerous to travel. Filipinos have resorted
to using candles and kerosene lamps but they carry certain risks as they are
fire hazards. Solar power is also a welcome development but like
rechargeable batteries, solar panels are
too expensive for ordinary Filipinos.
Fortunately, a young Filipina inventor
named Aisa Mijeno was able to invent a
lighting system that utilizes a material
abundant in the Philippines - saltwater.
She invented the Sustainable
Alternative Lighting (SALt) lamp, an
environment-friendly light source that
runs on saltwater. The SALt lamp is
safer as it poses no risk of fire and emits
no toxic gases. Aside from people who
live in coastal areas, it may their own
saltwater by mixing two tablespoons of
salt and a glass of tap water.

Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System

Dengue, a mosquito-
borne viral illness, is
endemic in tropical and
subtropical areas, including
the Philippines. This virus is
usually transmitted by
Aedes aegypti mosquito,
rampant during the rainy
season. Insecticides were
previously used to kill the
species. However, recent
studies show that
insecticide resistance has
evolved in some mosquito
populations. Likewise, using
insecticides is harmful not only to humans but also to the environment. In
2010, the Department of Science and Technology - Industrial Technology
Development Institute (DOST-ITDI) was able to introduce the Mosquito

GECC 1OSA - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System, also known as the OL Trap. This trap

system is made of natural ingredients that are lethal to mosquitos but safe
for humans and the environment.


Guide Questions

1. Give three other major scientific and technological developments in

the world (or in the Philippines) that created a large impact on your
daily life.
2. What historical antecedents gave rise to the inventions you
mentioned in the first question?
3. How did developments in science and technology shape human

GECC 1OSA - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I·


Lesson 3


In the study of the history of science and technology, another

important area of interest involves the various intellectual revolutions
across time. In this area, interest lies in how intellectual revolutions
emerged as a result of the interaction of science and technology and of
society. It covers how intellectual revolutions altered the way modern
science was understood and approached.

For this discussion, intellectual revolutions should not be confused

with the Greeks' pre-Socratic speculations about the behavior of the
universe. In science and technology, intellectual revolutions refer to the
series of events that led to the emergence of modern science and the
progress of scientific thinking across critical periods in history. Although
there are many intellectual revolutions, this section focuses on three of the
most important ones that altered the way humans view science and its
impacts on society: the Copernican, Darwinian, and Freudian revolutions. In
the words of French astronomer, mathematician, and freemason, Jean
Sylvain Bailey (1976 in Cohen, 1976 ), their scientific revolutions involved a
two-stage process of sweeping away the old and establishing the new.

In understanding intellectual revolutions, it is worth noting that these

revolutions are, in themselves, paradigm shifts. These shifts resulted from a
renewed and enlightened understanding of how the universe behaves and
functions. They challenged long-held views about the nature of the
universe. Thus, these revolutions were often met with huge resistance and

Copernican Revolutions

The Copernican Revolution refers to the 16th -century paradigm shift

named after the Polish mathematician and astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus.
Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model of the universe. At the time,
the belief was that the Earth was the center of the Solar System based on
the geocentric model of Ptolemy (i.e., Ptolemaic model).

Copernicus introduced the heliocentric model in 40-page outline

entitled Commentariolus. He formulated his model in the publication of his
treatise, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (The Revolution of Celestial
Spheres) in 1543. In his model, Copernicus repositioned the Earth from the
center of the Solar System and introduced the idea that the Earth rotates on

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


its own axis. The model illustrated the Earth, along with other heavenly
bodies, to be rotating around the Sun.

The idea that the Sun is at the center of the universe instead of doing
Earth proved to be unsettling to many when Copernicus first introduced his
model. In fact, the heliocentric model was met with huge resistance,
primarily from the Church, accusing Copernicus of heresy. At the time, the
idea that it was not the Earth, and, by extension, not man, that was at the
center of all creation was unthinkable . Copernicus faced persecution from
the Church because of this.

Moreover, although far

more sensible than the
Ptolemaic model, which as
early as the 13 th century had
been criticized for its
shortcomings, the Copernican
model also had multiple
inadequacies that were later
filled in by astronomers who
participated in the
revolution. Nonetheless,
despite problems with the
model and the persecution of
the Church, the heliocentric
model was soon accepted by
other scientists of the time, most profoundly by Galileo Galilei.

The contribution of the Copernican Revolution is far-reaching. It

served as a catalyst to sway scientific thinking away from age-long views
about the position of the Earth relative to an enlightened understanding of
the universe. This marked the beginning of modern astronomy. Although
very slowly, the heliocentric model eventually caught on among other
astronomers who further refined the model and contributed to the
recognition of heliocentricism. This was capped off by Isaac Newton's work
a century later. Thus, the Copernican Revolution marked a turning point in
the study of cosmology and astronomy making it a truly important
intellectual revolution.

Darwinian Revolution

The English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, Charles Darwin, is

credited for stirring another important intellectual revolution in the mid-
19th century. His treatise on the science of evolution, On The Origin of
Species, was published in 1859 and began a revolution that brought
humanity to a new era of intellectual discovery.

The Darwinian Revolution benefited from earlier intellectual

revolutions especially those in the 16 th and 17th centuries, such that it was

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


guided by confidence in human reason's ability to explain phenomena in the

universe. For his part, Darwin gathered evidence pointing to what is now
known as natural selection, an evolutionary process by which organisms,
including humans, inherit, develop, and adopt traits that favored survival
and reproduction. These traits are manifested in offspring's that are more
fit and well-suited to the challenges of survival and reproduction.

Darwin's theory of evolution was, of course, met with resistance and

considered to be controversial. Critics accused the theory of being either
short in accounting for the broad and complex evolutionary process or
dismissive of the idea that the functional design of organisms was a
manifestation of an omniscient God. The Darwinian Revolution can be
likened to the Copernican Revolution in its demonstration of the power of
the laws of nature in explaining biological phenomena of survival and

The place of the Darwinian Revolution in modern science cannot be

underestimated. Through the Darwinian Revolution, the development of
organisms and the origin of unique forms of life and humanity could be
rationalized by a lawful system or an orderly process of change underpinned
by laws of nature.

Freudian Revolution

Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud, is

credited for stirring a 20 th -century intellectual
revolution named after him, the Freudian
Revolution. Psychoanalysis as a school of thought in
psychology is at the center of this revolution. Freud
developed psychoanalysis - a scientific method of
understanding inner and unconscious conflicts
embedded within one's personality, springing from
free associations, dreams, and fantasies of the
individual. Psychoanalysis immediately shot into
controversy for it emphasized the existence of the
unconscious where feelings, thoughts, urges,

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


emotions , and memories are contained outside of one's conscious mind.

Psychoanalytic concepts of psychosexual development , libido, and ego were
met with both support and resistance from many scholars. Freud suggested
that humans are inherently pleasure-seeking individuals. These notions were
particularly caught in the crossfire of whether Freud's psychoanalysis fit in
the scientific study of the brain and mind.

Scientists working on a biological approach in studying human

behavior criticized psychoanalysis for lack of vitality and bordering on being
unscientific as a theory. Particularly, the notion that all humans are
destined to exhibit Oedipus and Electra complexes (i.e., sexual desire
towards the parent of the opposite sex and exclusion of the parent of the
same sex) did not seem to be supported by empirical data. In the same vein ,
it appeared to critics that psychoanalysis, then, was more of an ideological
stance than a scientific one .

Amidst controversy, Freud's psychoanalysis is widely credited for

dominating psychotherapeutic practice in the early 20 th century.
Psychodynamic therapies that treat a myriad of psychological disorders still
remain largely informed by Freud's work on psychoanalysis.

How well have you understood the lesson? Try to evaluate yourself by
doing the following activities:


Guide Questions

1. Why do you think were most intellectual ideas controversial?

2. Why did the people accept these new discoveries despite being
contradictory to what was widely accepted at that time?
3. How do intellectual revolutions transform societies?
4. Can you name other scientific revolutions that happened in the
following places?
a. Mesa - America
b. Asia
c. Middle East
d. Africa

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


Lesson 4


Science and technology in the Philippines had its beginnings during

the pre -colonial times.
During this period, people
used herbal medicine to
treat illnesses. To facilitate
trading, Filipinos made use
of writing, numerical,
measurement, and calendar
systems. Farming, fishing,
mining, and weaving were
the first livelihood skills
developed by Filipinos. In
some cases, the techniques
Filipinos developed for
livelihood purposes resulted in majestic architectural designs that managed
to attract worldwide attention like the Banaue Rice Terraces of lfugao.

During the Spanish colonial period, science and technology developed

through the establishment of formal education institutions and the
launching of scientific organizations. Schools were mandated to teach
religion, mathematics, reading and writing, music and arts, and health and
sanitation. Medicine and biology were taught in different educational and
training institutions. Since agriculture was the major livelihood of Filipinos,
the natives were trained to use innovative approaches in farming. To
construct buildings, churches, bridges, roads, and forts, engineering was
introduced and developed as well. The rapid development of scientific
principles influenced by Western culture during the Spanish colonial period
was shortchanged. This is why agriculture and industrial developments were
during the latter part of the Spanish era. Instead, trade was prioritized due
to possible bigger profits.

When the
Americans came,
institutions for science
and technology were
reorganized as well. For
example, the former
Laboratorio Municipal
was replaced by the
Bureau of Government
Laboratories under the
United States'

GECC 105A · General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


Department of Interior. The Bureau was established for the purpose of

studying tropical diseases and pursuing other related research projects.
Eventually, in 1905, the Bureau was changed to Bureau of Science, which
became the main research center of the Philippines.

In 1933, the National Research Council of the Philippines was

established. Developments in science and technology during the American
regime were focused on agriculture, medicine and pharmacy, food
processing, and forestry. In 1946, the Bureau of Science was replaced by the
Institute of Science.

During the time of former President Ferdinand Marcos, the role of

science and technology in national development was emphasized. He
mandated the Department of Education and Culture, now known as the
Department of Education (DepEd), to promote science courses in public high
schools. Additional budget for research projects in applied sciences and
science education was granted by Marcos. A big drunk of the war damage
fund from the Japanese was donated to private universities and colleges for
the creation of science and technology-related courses and to promote
research. The 35-hectare lot in
Bicutan, Taguig proclaimed in
1968 as the Philippine Science
Community, now the site of the
Department of Science and
Technology (DOST). Seminars,
workshops, training programs, and
scholarships on fisheries and
oceanography were also sponsored
by the government during Marcos'
presidency. The Philippine
Coconut Research Institute
(PHILCORIN) was tasked to
promote the modernization of the SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
coconut industry. Several agencies
and organizations were then established like the Philippine Textile Research
Institute, Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (now the Philippine Nuclear
Institute), National Grains Authority (now the National
Food Authority), PhiUppine Council for
Agricultural Research (now the Philippine
Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and
Natural Resources Research and
Development), PhiUppine Atmospheric,
Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA), PhiUppine
National Oil Company, Plant Breeding
Institute, International Rice Research
Institute (/RR/), Bureau of Plant Industry,
Bureau of Forest Products, and the National
Committee on Geological Sciences. The
National Science Development Board (NSDB)

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


reorganized as the National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA) in

1981. In 1976, Marcos established the National Academy of Science and
Technology (NAST) to be the reservoir of scientific and technological
expertise in the country. Salary increases for teachers and administrators at
the Philippine Science High School were granted and the Mindanao and
Visayas campuses of the Philippine Science High School were established
during Marcos' time.

In 1986, under President Corazon Aquino, NSTA was renamed DOST.

This was done in order for the science and technology sector to be
represented in the cabinet and thus play an integral role in the country's
sustainable economic recovery and growth. The Science and Technology
Master Plan penned by DOST aimed to update the production sector,
improve research activities, and develop infrastructures for the science and
technology sector.

In 1987, during the presidency of Fidel Ramos, the Philippines had

approximately 3,000 competent scientists and engineers. The "Doctors to
the Barrio" Program made healthcare accessible even in far-flung areas in
the country. Incentives were given to people who played significant roles in
the science and technology sector. The National Program for Gifted Filipino
Children in Science and Technology was created for high school students
who wanted to major in science and engineering in college. It was also
during Ramos' term that a number of laws and statutes related to the
science and technology sector were mandated such as RA 8439: Magna Carta
for Scientist Engineers, Researchers and other Science and Technology
Personnel in Government: RA 7687: Science and Technology Scholarship Act
of 1994; RA 7459: Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act; and RA 8293: The
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines.

RA 8749: The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 and RA 8792: Electronic
Commerce Act of 2000 were both signed and mandated during the term of
President Joseph Estrada. He was also responsible for implementing cost-
effective irrigation technologies and providing basic health care services for
those who could not afford them.

During the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the

science and technology sector was developed to strengthen the education
system and to address poverty. The term Filipinnovation was coined to refer
to the Philippines as an innovation hub in Asia. Arroyo also promulgated RA
9367: Biofuels Act, to utilize indigenous materials as sources of energy.
However, the act was not able to produce positive outcomes because of the
lack of technology to source raw materials. It was also in Arroyo's term that
farmers were encouraged to use rice that can withstand environmental
hazards. RA 10601: Agriculture and Fisheries Mechanization (AFMech) Law
was also passed to modernize agricultural and fisheries machinery and

In 2014, President Benigno Aquino Ill named new National Scientists

namely: Gavino C. Trono for Marine Biology, Angel C. Alcala, for Biological

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


Science, Ramon C. Barba, for Horticulture, and Edgardo D. Gomez, also for
Marine Biology.

NRCP PRESIDENT NRCP Regular Member NRCP Regular Member NRCP Regular Member NRCPAssociate Member
National Scientist National Scientist National Scientist National Scientist Alfredo Mahar Lagmay
Edgardo D. Gomez Angel C. Alcala Ramon C. Barba Gavina c. Trono , Jr.

Today, in the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, the

science and technology sector is seen to be a priority based on the budget
for research and development (R&D) that grew by nearly six times over the
same period. Formulation of programs and policies that will aid in shaping
the country is backed up President Duterte. The focus of DOST is to put the
results of R&D into commercialization in order to gain new intellectual
properties. Currently, the Philippines have the PhWppine Space Technology
Program which launches Diwata-2 in 2018 after the launch of Diwata-1 in
2016 that displayed the Philippine flag in space. Besides technology, the
current administration also gives importance to agriculture and disaster

Science and Technology in the Philippines and the Environment

Science and technology have numerous contributions to society. The

mechanization of farming, for instance, is necessary for agriculture, being
the number one source of food production. Agricultural development needs
to cope with the rapidly
and exponentially
growing population.
Tools such as water
pumps and sprinklers
help in managing the
damaging effects of
extreme heat caused by
climate change on
crops. Science and
technology have also
made it possible to
produce genetically
modified crops, which
grow faster and are more resistant to pests. Fertilizers that increase

GECC 1OSA - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module/-


nutrients in the soil enhance the growth of the crops and produce high-
quality yields. However, many types of research show that genetically
modified crops and fertilizers made from strong chemicals are not
environment-friendly. Science and technology have improved transportation
by land, air, and sea. Communication has also improved through
technological advancements . With the internet and the rise of social media,
information is transmitted easily and rapidly. Through technological
developments, ways of learning also changed. Learning management
systems used in education is now accessible through computers, mobile
phones, tablets, and other gadgets. Online learning has also become popular
in various disciplines like mathematics, physics, biology, geography,
economics, and others.

These contributions of science and technology, however, always

come with advance impacts especially on the environment. One is resource
depletion. The increasing number of new and advanced technologies in the
production and manufacture of different goods and services results in the
depletion of the Earth's natural resources. Wastes are also generated as
these technologies are developed. People have also become too dependent
on science and technology, making them disregards its consequences that
may be damaging to the environment.


Guide Questions

1. Trace the development of science and technology from the pre-

colonial times up to the present. What have you observed?
2. What do you think are the major contributions of science and
technology to Philippine nation-building?
3. What specific government policy do you like the most in terms of
contributing to the development of science and technology in the
4. What do you think are the major contributions of the Philippines to
the field at present?
5. What policies do you want the government to implement in the near


Lesson I introduces Science, Technology, and Society (STS) as a field

of study. After defining science and technology, the section traces the
historical roots of STS as an academic field. It also enumerates emerging
dilemmas that reinforce the importance of the study of STS in an age of
scientific progress and technological development.

GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments -Module I-


Furthermore, Lesson 2 tackles how social contexts shaped and were

shaped by science and technology across three historical periods. By
introducing the historical antecedents of science and technology, the
section explores the dynamic interactions between differen t societal factors
and science and technology. Along with the discussion of these antecedents
during the ancient period, middles ages, and modern ages, this section also
includes a discussion on important Philippine inventions and innovations. It
emphasizes the various social, cultural, economic, and political impacts of
scientific and technological innovation throughout history.

Lastly, Lesson 3 reviews the intellect ual revolutions that changed the
way people perceive the influence of science on society in general. It
focuses on three of the most important intellect ual revolutions in history:
Copernican, Darwinian, and Freudian. By discussing these intellect ual
revolutions in the context of science, technology, and society, the attentio n
of students is drawn again toward the complex interplay of the various
social context and the development of modern science. The section also
engages students in a critical analysis of ongoing intellect ual and scientific
revolutions, which they may find themselves to be part of.


A. Read Lewis Wolpert's The Medawar Lecture 1998 Is Science

(https: / / bi.nlm.n mc/ articles/PMC1569503). Then
complete the metacognitive reading report below.

1. Difficult Concepts
b. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. Learning ·lnsights
a. Before reading the article, I thought that

However, after reading the article, I now think/lea rned that

b. Before reading the article, I thought that

However, after reading the article, I now think/lea rned that

How did you find the module? I'm sure you'd be able to know more
about science and technology and nation-b uilding. Welcome to Module

-Module I-
GECC 105A - General Concepts and Historical Developments

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