Human Flourishing

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In terms of Science and Technology

Prepared by: Ms. Christy M. Ardiente, LPT

Analyze the Human Condition in order to deeply reflect and express

philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to the student as a
part of society.

Critique Human Flourishing vis-a-vis the progress of science and

technology such that the student may be able to define for
himself/herself the meaning of the good life.
The Human condition
before the Common

• Homo erectus have

been using fire to cook,
through chipping one
flint over the other
to produce a spark.
The Human condition before the Common Era

Humans can utilize abundant

materials for their own ease
and comfort
There is little no written accounts except for several cave drawings and
unearthed artifacts from various parts of the world that narrate how their
culture came to be.

The art made by a cove man 32,000 years Venus figure found in a excavations in
ago in a Chauvet cave southern France different parts of Europe during Paleolithic
•Soon enough people discovered minerals
and began forging metal work.
Essence of
Martin Heidegger
The Essence of technology is by
no means anything technological

Technology, according to Heidegger

must be understood as “a way of revealing”
(Heidegger 1977, 12

Posits that in our daily

lives we take decisions
that have unintended
consequences, which we
combine to create large-
scale social forces that
may have an utterly
unpredicted effect.
(384-322 B.C)
Thefountainhead behind every
achievement of science, technology,
political theory and aesthetics
especially romantic art in today's
His philosophy has underpinned the
achievements of the Renaissance and
of all scientific advances and
technological progress to this very day.
Technology as a way of Revealing

Technology is therefore no more means. It is a

way of revealing. If we heed to this, then another
whole realm for the essence of technology to will
open itself up to us. It is the realm of revealing, that
is the truth-Martin Heidegger
Martin Heidegger's understanding of
technology was based on its essence

The essence of technology is

something we make; it is a mode of
being a revealing.
Human Flourishing
an effort to achieve self-actualization and
fulfillment within the context of a larger
community of individuals, each with the
right to pursue his or her own such
(Eudaemonism or Eudaimonia)
is a moral philosophy that defines right
action as that which leads to the "well-being"
of the individual, thus holding "well-being"
as having essential value.
In his Nicomachean Ethics,
(1095a15–22) Aristotle says that eudaimonia means
“doing and living well”.
It is significant that synonyms for eudaimonia are living
well and doing well. On the standard English translation,
this would be to say that 'happiness is doing well and living
To flourish,
a man must pursue goals that are both
rational for him as an individual and as a
human being
Activity #1
The Magician's Twin: CS Lewis and the
Case against Scientism

1. Discuss your initial reaction to the movie clip

2. Listed below are the significant qoutes cited
in the movie clip. Do you agree or disagree
with them? Explain your answer
• Only Science can save us from natural catastrophe- John
• Forget Faith, only science can save us- Melanie Gosling
• The future beongs to science-J. Nehru
• Future of Science: We will have the Power of the Gods-
Roger Hihfield
3. How can you prevent good from being
twisted into evil ends? How can you prevent
science from becoming scientism?
Share and explain your answer.
Activity #2
Village of the watermills
1. What is the central theme of the story?
2. What life lessons can be learned from the choices made by the
characters in this story?
3. Describe the symbols in the story.
4. What details in the setting of the film are similar to the setting in
which you live or in various places you have been? What are the
Activity #3
1. What does it mean for a human being flourish?
2. As you look at your daily life and your life in the past
years, what aspects of your life have been the most
rewarding and enriching? When was the happiest?
3. what are the things that made you flourish?

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