Polyform® A3 Heavy Duty Buoy: Product Information
Polyform® A3 Heavy Duty Buoy: Product Information
Polyform® A3 Heavy Duty Buoy: Product Information
Proudly made by
Product information
The Originator of
Modern Plastic Buoys
Article number A3
Diameter (max recomended) 460 mm
Height (max) 575 mm
POLYFORM® OF NORWAY Weight (nominal) 3,1 Kg
The POLYFORM® A-3 is a supreme Eye diameter for ropehold 28 mm
heavy duty buoy with an extra Valve type V10
strong pre-made injection molded Gross volume 52 L
ropehold. The buoy and the rib- Recommended max load 31 Kg
reinforced ropehold are unified
through the in-house developed
rotomolding WELCOTEC technology.
The A-series are made from our
unique blend of high class tough,
flexible vinyl materials. The buoys
are resistant to all weather
conditions. The A-series buoys are
Technical information
used all over the world for different Breaking load for ropehold 1400 kp
applications, such as in commercial Buoy body material description
fishing as net buoys, buoys for long Hardness, shore A 66
lines, lobster and crab pots, markers Tensile strength 13,9 MPa
and as heavy duty fenders. Elongation at break 587%
Cold flex temperature -33°C
Available in various colours.
Recommended max temp. 40°C
Temp. not to be exceeded 50°C
Specific gravity 1,17
Buoy and Ropehold made from PVC.
No use of CFC. Cadmium free.
Made by Welcotec production technology
Polyform AS
POLYFORM AS +47 70 17 25 50 For all measurements, weights and other technical data specified in
Tverrvegen 37 +47 70 14 76 36 this data sheet, please allow for a deviation of not less than +/-5%.
N-6020 Ålesund [email protected] The illustration may deviate from the actual product.
Norway www.polyform.no