Ten Emerging Ethical Dilemmas
Ten Emerging Ethical Dilemmas
Ten Emerging Ethical Dilemmas
2. BlessU-2 Popper- is a software that allows a AI robot to act as a priest and/or a monk. Ethical
issues arise in terms of loss of jobs as increase in inteliigent system will result to several jobs
such as priest in this case, can be affected. Other forms of work and new professional skills may
emerge as a result of this technology, but will they be enough to compensate for potential job
losses? It is not yet known but this kinds of technology do impose a threat to jobs, companies,
and the society and it is for them to adopt if this kind of things continue to happen. Moreover,
algorithms based on massive volumes of data and models are used in many AI applications. This
can result in skewed judgements or deviations toward a particular preference, implying
prejudice or being biased. This technology can also be controlled to achieve a specific aim, such
as adjusting prices, manipulating or influencing elections, and so on.
3. Emotion-Sensing Facial Recognition- This is a software being that assess and monitors your
reactions and emotions to specific daily activities. Ethical issues on this area includes privacy as
this application requires you to open your camera all the time. Security is also a main issue as
everything you put or every detail the software gets from all the monitoring it did and the data
are fully controlled by the company. Additionally, it is not accurate in many cases, human
emotions are raw, complex and a simple machine surely cannot read external or internal factors
of human behaviour and actions. It will only arise further issues because of misunderstanding.
For instance, psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett, captured pictures of the individuals and
matched them with emotional labels that were pre-selected. The association between individual
facial expressions and emotions was drastically reduced when she ran the same test without
4. Ransomware- Hackers employ ransomware to lock or restrict you access to your systems and
files until you pay a ransom. Ransomware is a difficult ethical dilemma to deal with. Two
situations are always laid out, whether to pay the ransom or not. If an organization for example
did not pay the ransom required by the hackers/people, they will be forced to make a decision
based on a risk assessment to pay the ransom to resume normal business operations as soon as
possible. Additionally, the risk of client data or sensitive information being leaked online, as well
as the time required to recover systems from backups, will have been found to be more
damaging than just paying the ransom. However, If they will follow and pay the then they will be
supporting a criminal organization. Paying a ransom may free your company from cyber
shackles, but it also empowers and funds criminals to carry out future attacks. It also creates a
vicious circle, since criminals are now able to devise and carry out more complex attacks thanks
to the increased funding. Even if you update your security settings after the attack, a more
complex attack will be devised in the future, making you exposed again.
5. Textalyzer- Is a technology that would give the authorities such as the police an access to the
drivers phone after an accident happened to see if several clues or what activities did the person
do leading to the accident. Several ethical issues includes privacy concerns as legal experts point
out that once a cellphone is unlocked, an officer is not restricted to using the Textalyzer and can
look at images or other personal information that might not be needed anymore, as
investogations are not limited and they can do whatever they want with the data they see or
acquired. The technology also cannot tell whether the smartphone was handled by a passenger
or a driver only that it was in use at the time of the accident. Moreover, A warrant is required to
obtain cell phone records. Lastly, their is a law that guarantees citizens' rights to be free from
unreasonable searches and seizures of their " homes, persons, documents, and things," which
includes cell phones.
6. Social Credit System- a system of scoring citizens through their actions by placing them under
constant surveillance.
The most controversial aspects of the social credit system for individuals is that it tracks behaviour and
hands citizens a credibility rating using what critics charge is often incomplete, or inaccurate, data.
Critics of China’s social credit system often say Beijing’s commitment to regulating behaviour and mass
surveillance is Orwellian in nature, where a government tries to control every part of people's lives,
similar to what was described in the novel 1984 by English author George Orwell.
There are also concerns about data credibility, data protection and invasion of privacy in China due to
weak regulations and law enforcement. Questions also remain as to whether the name-and-shame
tactics and sanctions can improve credibility and reduce outstanding debt, especially among local
governments and state firms, some of which have long-standing financial problems.
Google Clips- a hands-free camera that lets the user capture every moment effortlessly.
Other drawbacks of the Google Clips device relate to issues of privacy. The device is small enough, about
two inches in height and width, it can easily be concealed or forgotten about. Although the device shines
a small light to indicate it is recording, unless people are aware of it, this recording can go unnoticed.
This raises moral, legal, and ethical implications discussed in the next pages of this blog.
Lastly, also related to the issue of privacy, is the far-reaching scope of Google. Although Google claims
“Clips doesn’t connect to the Internet: its intelligence lives on the camera hardware, not in the cloud”
(Fowler, 2018), questions should still be raised. What happens to photos stored on the Clips device after
they are deleted? Are they really deleted? Does Google truly not have the ability to access the photos on
the Clips device? Can this be changed with a simple system update? These are questions which need
concrete answers. Even with honesty from Google, the risks may seem too great for many people.
Sentencing Software- a mysterious algorithm designed to and courts in sentencing decisions.
CITIZEN APPWhat is the immerging ethical dilemma all about?WHAT FACTORS OR EVENTS THAT MAY
LEAD TO THISDILEMMA?It encouraged private citizens to engage in, well vigilantism.There seemed to be
a very real danger that people would takethis as a direction to put themselves in a harm's way, or
takenon crime directly, and For sure, these concerns beg the questionof the consequences and
accountability if a Citizen user is livestreaming an incident and is directly hurt or their actions lead
toinjury of police officers or others. These concerns have validityand Citizen does appear to be making
efforts to discourage thistype of behavior. For example, Citizen reports on their website,“Citizen
excludes vague complaints of “suspicious persons” or“suspicious behavior,” in order to avoid instances
of racialprofiling.
Friendbot- an app that stores the deceased's digital footprint so one can still chat with them.
Friendbot is an app thatstores the deceased’sdigital footprint so onecan still “chat” withthem.-John T.
Reilly Center ofUniversity of Notre DameAl chatbots that givepeople life after deathA type of Science
and Technologyissue that takes “grieving” to a wholenew form.010302
Citizen App- an app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or major events in a specific area.
That version was marketed as a way for civilians to take the law into their own
hands and respond to crime in progress, rather than avoid it.