Is Supply Chain More Important Than Technical Innovation For Medical Device Manufacturers in 2011
Is Supply Chain More Important Than Technical Innovation For Medical Device Manufacturers in 2011
Is Supply Chain More Important Than Technical Innovation For Medical Device Manufacturers in 2011
At first glance, when considering the production of medical devices, the key driver should be innovation, at least in theory. The rose-tinted viewpoint that focusing on what can be created or improved upon that will improve lifespan or quality of life for the patient, improve the success rate for the surgeon or ease the strain for the clinicians and technicians is the cornerstone of the success of medical device industry is not necessarily the case anymore. Whilst this used to be the case, in the highly developed global medical industry many stakeholders are involved across the entire chain of patient care; Everything from medical device manufacturers to logistics solutions providers right through to healthcare and local authorities, regulatory bodies, insurance companies, care providers, hospital management teams, Primary Care Trusts... the list goes on, and we haven't even mentioned doctors, nurses or patients themselves! The framework in which patient care exists and that medical devices form a pillar of is infinitely more complex than it was 30 or 40 years ago, and so too medical device companies must also look beyond the obvious 'keep innovating' mantra to ensure long-term success, both in business and revenue terms and most importantly - in terms of delivering the best care to the patient.
By definition this stress has been transferred into the supply chain across virtually every industry, across the globe. Through smart supply chain management, robust plans with competitive procurement strategies and fallback plans can be put into place to account for these issues. Again, driving cost down and causing minimal disruption, which keeps clients happy and, more critically, more patients alive.
Extreme pressure on cost controls Inadequate forecasting Physician preference (hospitals, clinics etc) Suppliers Poor visibility Poor ordering Warehouse Inventory Distribution Waste unwilling to throughout systems or management management management management change supply chain protocols and disposal operations to In-house product storage
Equally important was inadequate forecasting, and to a lesser degree suppliers unwilling to change operations to match priorities, poor visibility and poor ordering systems were also cited as key issues.
by focusing on what is already available in your catalogues costs can be reduced, profit margins increased, provision of orders can be faster and more robust and, in turn, more sales are made and more patients are cared for. It may not have the same wide-eyed-child excitement of bleeding edge technological development, but with a core foundation in place, then the funding required for modern medical device innovation will be there, with the space required to make it bigger and more successful than ever.
If you are looking to boost your medical device supply chain performance through increased transparency, competitive differentiation and end to end collaboration, find out more about LogiMed 2011. LogiMed will take place in Germany on 18th - 20th October - visit, email [email protected] or call +44 (0) 20 7368 9465 for more information.