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Solar Grass Cutter With Linear Blades by Using Scotch Yoke Mechanism

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Solar Grass Cutter With Linear Blades By Using Scotch Yoke Mechanism

Article · September 2014


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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21


Solar Grass Cutter With Linear Blades By Using Scotch Yoke


P.Amrutesh1, B.Sagar2, B.Venu3

Student,B.Tech(Mechanical Engineering), MeRITS, A.P, India,2Student,B.Tech(Mechanical Engineering),
MeRITS ,A.P, India, 3Asst.Professor,Mechanical engineering, MeRITS,A.P,India.

A Solar grass cutter is a machine that uses sliding blades to cut a lawn at an even length. Even more
sophisticated devices are there in every field. Power consumption becomes essential for future. Solar grass
cutter is a very useful device which is very simple in construction. It is used to maintain and upkeep lawns in
gardens, schools, college’s etc. We have made some changes in the existing machine to make its application
easier at reduced cost. Our main aim in pollution control is attained through this. Unskilled operation can
operate easily and maintain the lawn very fine and uniform surface look. In our project, ―Solar grass cutter‖ is
used to cut the different grasses for the different application.
Keywords: scotch yoke mechanism, linear blades,

I. INTRODUCTION changing the engine oil. Even though electric solar

Moving the grass cutters with a standard motor grass are environmentally friendly, they too can be an
powered grass cutters is an inconvenience, and no inconvenience. Along with motor powered grass
one takes pleasure in it. Cutting grass cannot be cutter, electric grass cutters are also hazardous and
easily accomplished by elderly, younger, grass cutter cannot be easily used by all. Also, if the electric grass
moving with engine create noise pollution due to the cutter is corded, mowing could prove to be
loud engine, and local air pollution due to the problematic and dangerous. The prototype will also
combustion in the engine. Also, a motor powered be will be charged from sun by using solar panels.
engine requires periodic maintenance such as

Figure 1 solar grass cutter with linear blades

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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21

1.1 SOLAR ENERGY: potential to meet basic energy needs of teeming

Solar energy is very large, inexhaustible source millions who live in rural India.
of energy. The power from the sun interrupted by Solar energy is an important, clean, cheap and
earth is approximately 1.8/10MW, which are many abundantly available renewable energy. The sun
thousands of times larger than the present radiates heat and light. The heat, light received from
consumption rate on the earth of all energy sources. the sun supports the environment on the earth
The quantum of energy India’s land area receive through the following well known natural effects.
from sun is equivalent to 15,000 time sits  Temperature balance on the earth
consumption requirement (500 billion kWh) as  Photo-synthesis by biological plants
projected for 2004. In addition to its size, solar production of oxygen and organic materials,
energy has two other factors in its favor. Firstly, production of organic chemicals and bio-
unlike fossil fuels and nuclear power, it is an mass.
environmentally clean source of energy. Secondly, it  Wind due to unequal heating of water, land
is free and available in adequate quantities in almost surfaces.
all parts of the world people live. But there are some  Heating of ocean water: ocean thermal
problems associated with its. The real challenge in energy (OTEC)
utilizing solar energy is of and economic concern.  Waves in ocean: ocean wave energy
One has to strive for the development of cheaper  Tides in ocean: ocean tidal energy (due to
methods of collection and storage so that large initial gravitational forces)
investments required at preset in most applications
are reduced, solar energy in India: The sun produces enormous amount of energy of
A large amount of solar radiation fall on India heat and light through sustained nuclear fusion
and for most of the country very few days are without reactions. The solar energy received on the earth in
sunshine. India lies within the latitude of 7 N to and the form of radiation is used for heating and
37 N with annual average intensity of solar radiation producing an electrical energy.
as500 to 600 cal/cm/day with more such insulations Among the non-conventional sources of energy solar
available in arid and semi arid regions. Average solar energy is the most promising. Hence our project is
radiation falling on India in arid and semiarid regions based on the solar energy conversion to mechanical
is 7.5 K w h/m/day. Solar energy 5× 10 K w h/year energy to run a normal grass cutter.

1 Totally free from pollution Pollution is a great factor
2 No fuel consumption Fuel is the important need
3 No. of reciprocating parts are less No. of reciprocating parts are more
4 Friction is greatly reduced Frictions between the parts are high.
5 Low cast and maintenance Maintenance is difficult & costly
6 Load carrying capacity is low Load carrying capacity is high
7 Continuous ride for hours together is not Continuous ride is possible
8 Ratio of speed reduction more when Speed reduction ratio is less and it does not vary
weight increases very much

1.2. PROBLEMS IDENTIFICATION decreased. Now we have a need to depend on the

Earlier most of the activities are done by technology.
manually. Gradually so many big and small Due to the risk involved in a conventional grass
equipments are developed to ease human activities cutter, now days very few peoples coming forward to
,thus to reduce the human efforts to do the things . grass cutting by conventional grass cutter .moreover,
Now a day’s most of the activities which included educational background of Indian youth is improving.
human efforts are either replaced or automated by the So most of people hesitate to use conventional grass
use of machines or other kinds of equipments. Skilled cutter.
persons are required for conventional grass cutter
.why because here we uses animals like bulls .now a 1.3. COMPONENTS USED
days the technology is developed in other hands The main components of the solar powered grass
skilled persons with convention grass cutter were cutter are,

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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21

 Solar panels free electrons with higher energies than the created
 Batteries there must be an electric field to induce these higher
 Brush less DC motor energy electrons to flow out of the semi-conductor to
 Solar charger do useful work. A junction of materials, which have
 Mechanism used different electrical properties, provides the electric
 Circuit breaker field in most solar cells for the photon interaction in a
 Blades semiconductor.
This are explained below one by one A solar cell consists of
 Semi –conductor in which electron hole pairs
1.3.1SOLAR PANEL: are created by the absorption of incident solar principles: radiation.
The photo- voltaic effect can be observed in  Region containing a drift field for charge
nature in a variety of materials that have shown that separation.
the best performance in sunlight is the  Charge collecting front and back electrodes.
semiconductors as stated above. When photons from
the sun are absorbed in a semiconductor, that create Photovoltaic effect the n-type material through the conductor to the p-
The photo-voltaic effect can be described easily type material as shown in the figure. Here the free
for p-n junction in a semi-conductor. In an intrinsic electrons will enter the holes and become bound
semi-conductor such as silicon, each one of the four electrons thus both free electrons and holes will be
valence electrons of the material atom is tied in a removed. The flow of electrons through the external
chemical bond, and there are no free electrons at conductor constitutes an electric current, which will
absolute zero. If a piece of such a material is doped continue as long as move free electrons and holes are
on one side by a five valance electron material, such being formed by the solar radiation. This is the basis
as arsenic or phosphorus, there will be an excess of of photo-voltaic conversion that is the conversion of
electrons in that side, becoming an n-type semi- solar energy into electrical energy. The combination
conductor. of n-type and p-type semiconductors thus constitutes
The excess electrons will be practically free to a photo-voltaic cell or solar cell. All such cells some
move in the semi-conductor lattice. When a three rate direct current that can be converted into
valance electron material, such as boron dopes the alternating current it desired.
other side of the same piece, there will be deficiency The photo-voltaic effect can be observed in
of electrons leading to a p-type semi-conductor. This almost any junction of material that have different
deficiency is expressed in terms of excess of holes electrical characteristics, but the best performance to
free to move in the lattice. Such a piece of semi- date has been from cells using semiconductor
conductor with one side of the p-type and the other, material especially all of the solar cells used for both
of the n-type is called p-n junction. In this junction space and terrestrial applications have been made of
after the protons are absorbed, the free electrons of the semiconductor silicon. Future cells may use such
the n-side will tends to flow to the p-side, and the materials as the semiconductors like Gallium
holes of the p-side will tend to flow to the n-region to arsenate, copper sulphate cad sulphide etc. The
compensate for their respective deficiencies. This device used to utilize the photovoltaic effect is
diffusion will create an electric field from the n- solar cell.
region to the p-region. This field will increase until it
reaches equilibrium for voltage, the sum of the
diffusion potentials for holes and electrons. If
electrical contacts the connected through an external
electrical conductor, the free electrons will flow from

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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21 SPECFICATIONS: less than one kilowatt. Batteries seem to be the only
Array size : 67×60cm technically and economically available storage
Maximum Power : 50W means. Since both the photo- voltaic system and
Maximum Voltage : 12V batteries are high in capital costs, it is necessary that
Maximum Current : 2.9A the overall system be optimized with respect to
No of modules :1 available energy and local demand pattern. To be
Type : Poly crystalline economically attractive the storage of solar electricity
requires a battery with following particular
1.3.2 BATTERY: combination of properties:
The batteries are used as a storage device for (1) Low cost
solar energy which can be further converted into (2) Long life
electrical energy. The only exceptions are isolated (3) High reliability
sunshine load such as irrigation pumps or drinking (4) High overall efficiency
water supplies for storage, for small units with output

Figure 2 Li-ion batteries


This is a relatively new class of motors whose application have been increasing at a rapid rate each
year, due to both declining costs as well as increasing functionality.
A brushless DC motor is similar to that brush DC motor in that it has an internal shaft position
feedback which tells which windings to switch on at which an exact moment. This internal feedback gives both
the brush DC motor and brushless DC motor their unique characteristics. Linear speed-torque curves which are
well suited for speed and position control and high starting torque. The internal feedback is accomplished in a
brush type DC motor with the mechanical commutator (a series of copper bar which are insulated from each
other) and the mechanical brushes through which the current is fed into the commutator bars and switched
sequentially into the appropriate winding in the armature.

Figure 3 brushless DC Motor

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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21 Theory of DC motor speed control: down and heat up, and you will just get an average
The speed controller works by varying the glow of 50 Watts. This is how lamp dimmers work,
average voltage sent to the motor. It could do this by and the same principle is used by speed controllers to
simply adjusting the voltage sent to the motor, but drive a motor. When the switch is closed, the motor
this is quite inefficient to do. A better way is to sees 12 Volts, and when it is open it sees 0 Volts. If
switch the motor's supply on and off very quickly. If the switch is open for the same amount of time as it is
the switching is fast enough, the motor doesn't notice closed, the motor will see an average of 6 Volts, and
it, it only notices the average effect. will run more slowly accordingly.
When we watch a film in the cinema, or the As the amount of time that the voltage is time that it
television, what you are actually seeing is a series of is off, the average speed of the motor increases.
fixed pictures, which change rapidly enough that This on-off switching is performed by power
your eyes just see the average effect - movement. MOSFETs. A MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-
Your brain fills in the gaps to give an average effect. Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) is a device
Now imagine a light bulb with a switch. When you that can turn very large currents on and off under the
close the switch, the bulb goes on and is at full control of a low signal level voltage.
brightness, say 100 Watts. When you open the switch The time that it takes a motor to speed up and slow
it goes off (0 Watts). Now if you close the switch for down under switching conditions is dependent on the
a fraction of a second, and then open it for the same inertia of the rotor (basically how heavy it is), and
amount of time, the filament won't have time to cool how much friction and load torque there is.

The graph below shows the speed of a motor that is being turned on and off fairly slowly:

We can see that the average speed is around 150, The regulator sits between the array of panels, the
although it varies quite a bit. If the supply voltage is batteries, and the equipment or loads.
switched fast enough, it won’t have time to change By monitoring the voltage of battery, the
speed much, and the speed will be quite steady. This regulator prevents overcharging or over discharging.
is the principle of switch mode speed control. Thus Regulators used in solar applications should be
the speed is set by PWM – Pulse Width Modulation. connected in series: they disconnect the array of
panels from the battery to avoid overcharging, and
1.3.4 SOLAR CHARGER: they disconnect the battery from the load to avoid
The power charge regulator is also known as over discharging. The connection and disconnection
charge controller, voltage regulator, charge-discharge is done by means of switches which can be of two
controller or charge-discharge and load controller. types: electromechanical (relays) or solid state
(bipolar transistor).

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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21

Figure 4 Solar charger

Solar chargers should never be connected in parallel. In order to protect the battery from gasification, the
switch opens the charging circuit when the voltage in the battery reaches its high voltage disconnects (HVD) or
cut-off set point.
The low voltage disconnects (LVD) prevents the battery from over discharging by disconnecting the load.
The most modern regulators are also able to automatically disconnect the panels during the night to avoid
discharging of the battery. They can also periodically overcharge the battery to improve their life, and they may
use a mechanism known as pulse width modulation (PWM).
Solar charger has three light indicators. The first light blinks when the batteries are charging by using solar
energy. The second light glows when the charging in the batteries is very low. The third light glows when the
batteries are fully charged and an extra load (charging) is applied on the batteries.

Figure 5 readymade solar charger

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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21

2.0 Scotch yoke mechanism

Figure 6 animation view of scotch yoke mechanism

The Scotch yoke (also known as slotted link mechanism) is a reciprocating motion mechanism,
converting the linear motion of a slider into rotational motion or vice versa. The piston or other reciprocating
part is directly coupled to a sliding yoke with a slot that engages a pin on the rotating part. The shape of the
motion of the piston is a pure sin wave over time given a constant rotational speed.

Figure 7 scotch yoke mechanism

2.1 Applications:
This setup is most commonly used in control valve actuators in high pressure oil and gas pipelines. Although not
a common metalworking machine nowadays, crude shapers can use a Scotch yoke. Almost all those use a
Whitworth linkage, which gives a slow speed forward cutting stroke and a faster return. It has been used in
various internal combustion engines, such as the Bourke engine and many hot air engines and steam engines.
The term scotch yoke continues to be used when the slot in the yoke is shorter than the diameter of the circle
made by the crank pin. For example, the side rods of a locomotive may have scotch yokes to permit vertical
motion of intermediate driving axles.
2.2 Circuit breaker:
A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical
circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to detect a fault condition and

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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21

interrupt current flow. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and then must be replaced, a circuit breaker can be
reset (either manually or automatically) to resume normal operation. Circuit breakers are made in varying sizes,
from small devices that protect an individual household appliance up to large switch gear designed to
protect high voltage circuits feeding an entire city.

Figure 8 A two-pole miniature circuit breaker

Types of circuit breakers

2.2.1 Low-voltage circuit breakers
Low-voltage (less than 1,000 VAC) types are common in domestic, commercial and industrial application, and
 MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker)—rated current not more than 100 A. Trip characteristics normally
not adjustable. Thermal or thermal-magnetic operation. Breakers illustrated above are in this category.
There are three main types of MCBs:
1. Type B - trips between 3 and 5 times full load current;
2. Type C - trips between 5 and 10 times full load current;
3. Type D - trips between 10 and 20 times full load current. In the UK all MCBs must be selected in accordance
with BS 7671.
 MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breaker)—rated current up to 2,500 A. Thermal or thermal-magnetic
operation. Trip current may be adjustable in larger ratings.
 Low-voltage power circuit breakers can be mounted in multi-tiers in low-voltage switchboards
or switchgear cabinets.
2.2.2 Magnetic circuit breakers
Magnetic circuit breakers use a solenoid (electromagnet) whose pulling force increases with the current. Certain
designs utilize electromagnetic forces in addition to those of the solenoid. The circuit breaker contacts are held
closed by a latch. As the current in the solenoid increases beyond the rating of the circuit breaker, the solenoid's
pull releases the latch, which lets the contacts open by spring action. Some magnetic breakers incorporate a
hydraulic time delay feature using a viscous fluid. A spring restrains the core until the current exceeds the
breaker rating. During an overload, the speed of the solenoid motion is restricted by the fluid. The delay permits
brief current surges beyond normal running current for motor starting, energizing equipment, etc. Short circuit
currents provide sufficient solenoid force to release the latch regardless of core position thus bypassing the delay
feature. Ambient temperature affects the time delay but does not affect the current rating of a magnetic breaker

2.3 Blades:
A blade is that portion of a tool, weapon, or machine with an edge that is designed to cut and/or puncture, stab,
slash, chop, slice, thrust, or scrape surfaces or materials. A blade may be made from a flaking stone, such
as flint, metal (usually steel), ceramic, or other material.
Here we used two blades i.e fixed blade and sliding blade
2.3.1 Fixed blade:-the blade which has no motion is called Fixed blade. This fixed blade is welded to the frame
.And this is placed below the sliding blade.
2.3.2 Sliding blade:-This blade slide over the moving blade .This blade is connect to wheel and this is
connected to DC motor.

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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21

Figure 9 showing sliding and moving blade



Solar battery load load




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P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21


Coming to the working of solar powered grass cutter , it has panels mounted in a particular arrangement at
an angle of 45 degrees in such a way that it can receive solar radiation with high intensity easily from the sun.
These solar panels convert solar energy into electrical energy as studied earlier. Now this electrical energy is
stored in batteries by using a solar charger. The main function of the solar charger is to increase the current from
the panels while batteries are charging, it also disconnects the solar panels from the batteries when they are fully
charged and also connects to the panels when the charging in batteries is low. The motor is connected to the
batteries through connecting wires .Between these two mechanical circuit breaker switch is provided. It starts
and stops the working of the motor. From this motor, the power transmits to the mechanism and this makes the
blade to slide on the fixed blade and this makes to cut the grass.

Figure 10 orthographic view of solar powered grass cutter


P= watts
P = power
N = Speed of motor
T = Torque
Then P=V*I


N= 800 RPM

2∗π∗800 ∗T


www.ijera.com 19 | P a g e
P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21

N=600 RPM
2∗π∗600 ∗T
T=5.53 N-m
Torque with No Load Conditions =3.58N-M
Torque with Load Conditions =5.53 N-M
 Compact size and portable
 Easy to move from one place to another place
 Operating principle is simple.
 Non-skilled person also operate this machine
 Large time required to remove the grass
 Manually operated
 Difficult to operate in rainy seasons
 For cricket ground.
 The football ground.
 All garden
 All Playground


In our market, the approximate cost of an electric grass cutter is ₨., 25000/-.Coming to our project, we are
modeling a solar powered grass cutter with an estimated cost of
Table 2: Cost benefit analysis
S.No Component Quantity Estimated cost

1 Solar panel 1 3500

2 DC motor 1 3000

3 Batteries 4 3600

4 Solar charger 1 2000

5 Materials 8 2000

a. Square pipe=3

a. L angular =2

a. Flat plate=3

6 Electrical components 18 300

a. Mechanical switch = 1

b. Wires = 5 Meters

www.ijera.com 20 | P a g e
P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September 2014, pp.10-21

c. Connections pins = 12

7 Expenses 1 600

Total 34 15000

5.1 Product Description;

Table 3: Specifications
Motor power 350w,24v,2500rpm

Battery type Li –on Battery

Battery speciation 12v ,7.2 Ah

Charging time 5 to 6 Hrs

Solar charger 12 v,10Ah

Solar panel 50w,12v


Our project entitled Fabrication of solar We completed our project successfully with
powered grass cutter is successfully completed and the available sources. But the results and
the results obtained are satisfactory. It will be easier modifications are not up to the expectations. This can
for the people who are going to take the project for be further improved by incorporating the following
the further modifications. modifications to obtain better results.
This project is more suitable for a common man as it The mechanism which we used ie scotch yoke
is having much more advantages i.e, no fuel cost, no mechanism does not given excepted efficiency. This
pollution and no fuel residue, less wear and tear efficiency can be increased by using some other
because of less number of moving components and mechanism. and speed of motor is reduce because we
this can be operated by using solar energy. This will have used heavy material and this material can be
give much more physical exercise to the people and replaced by using light weight material .and design
can be easily handled. of blades should be done based on types of grass is
As we are nearer to Equator, the solar energy (non- used to cut.
conventional energy) is vastly available, so it is easy The project which we have done surly
to charge the battery and is also pollution free. But reaches the average familes because the grass can be
the initial investments of the solar powered grass trimmed with minimum cost and with minimum time
cutter is high. At present in order to curtail global Finally this project may give an inspiration to the
warming and ozone depletion, the Government of people who can modify and can obtain better results.
India is offering subsidy for the solar equipments. REFERENCES:
The industries are producing these components in 1. The solar entrepreneur’s handbook, Wise
mass productions, so the cost of the system may publications
come down. So in future it is expected to run all 2. A project report on ―solar tracking system
equipments by using solar energy. using hydraulic damper‖ (MeRITS)
This system is having facility of charging the 3. Non Conventional Energy sources by
batteries while the solar powered grass cutter is in G.D.RAI, Khanna Publishers
motion. So it is much more suitable for grass cutting 4. A project report on‖solar powered bicycle‖
also. The same thing can be operated in night time (MeRITS)
also, as there is a facility to charge these batteries in 5. WWW.solar grasspowered grass cutter.com
day light. [on line]
6. www.merits.tech.in
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