Demo-Version Unit 5: Grammar

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Demo-Version Unit 5

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs brackets.
1 We will run out of fresh water if we _____________ (not stop) wasting it.
2 Japan _____________ (launch) its own space programme in the near future, but it's not certain.
3 Scientists predict that the Earth’s temperature _____________ (probably / rise) by at least two
degrees in the next ten years.
4 The United States _____________ (not send) astronauts to the Moon again in the future. The
government has to get public support for the idea.
5 You _____________ (become) a pop star if you enter talent contests. Most people don’t make it, but
a few become famous.
6 Sandy thinks _____________ (probably / go) to university after he leaves school.
7 If ebooks keep improving, they _____________ (definitely / replace) printed books.
Mark __/7

2 Complete the sentences. Use the future perfect or future continuous form of the verbs in
1 The world’s population _______________ (reach) 10 billion by 2050, some scientists claim.
2 In the future, Sarah hopes she _______________ (work) as an engineer for a large construction
3 By the end of the year, you _______________ (complete) all your studies.
4 ________ people ________ (spend) their holidays on other planets in the twenty-second century?
5 By next week, I _______________ (finish) the project I’m currently working on.
6 A hundred years from now, people _______________ (share) their homes with robots.
7 If we don’t work harder, we _______________ (not complete) this exercise by the end of the lesson.
8 This time next week, Andy will be 10,000 metres up in the air! He _______________ (fly) to Los
Mark __/8

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs in brackets. Use the infinitive or a
pronoun with will.
1 We're planning ____________ (move) to the UK after we finish university.
2 I'm hoping ____________ (get) a new smartphone when I go shopping this weekend.
3 Do you think ____________ (find) the love of your life sometime soon?
4 I don’t reckon ____________ (buy) that laptop. I don't have enough money.
5 Do Jon and Tim want ____________ (study) computer technology next year?
Mark __/5

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one word that you do not need.
app autocomplete blog file-sharing GB LED social-networking USB Wi-Fi

1 He downloaded Finley Quaye’s new album from this __________ website.

2 Your webcam needs to be connected to the __________ port of the computer.
3 Dave bought a new laptop with a 300 __________ hard drive.
4 I’ve bought a new __________ display with a 21-inch screen for my desktop computer.
5 You can download this__________ for your smartphone, but you have to pay for it.
6 The café near our school has a high-speed __________ hotspot, so we can check our emails
7 Bruce met his girlfriend on a popular __________ website.
8 I really like the __________ function on this search engine. It’s very good at guessing what I’m
looking for.
Mark __/8

6. Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one word that you do not need.
make provide reduce replace start suffer treat
1 Galileo used a telescope to ____________ his famous discovery of the moons of Jupiter.
2 We can __________ carbon emissions if we walk or cycle to school instead of going by car.
3 Online encyclopaedias __________ a lot of information, but not all of it is reliable.
4 If we are going to __________ colonies on Mars, we should make sure there is water there first.
5 Doctors use antibiotics to __________ many of the infections caused by bacteria.
6 Many countries __________ catastrophes like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions every year.
Mark __/6

Use of English
6 Complete the text. Choose the correct answers, A, B, C or D.

The world's population will 1____ reach seven billion this week, according to the United Nations. The number
is growing by 200,000 people a day, and experts predict that, by the end of this century, it 2____ reach ten
____ growing very slowly for most of human history, the number of people on Earth has more than doubled
in the last 50 years. Official estimates say that eight billion of us 4____ in the world in 2025, and ten billion
____ the end of the century.
Experts reckon the speed of growth 6____ an increasing danger to citizens, as there will not be enough food for
everyone in the world. Of the 2.3 billion people the UN believes 7____ by 2050, more than one billion will
live in Africa, and India 8____ about 630 million more people. If this happens, it 9____ less land and water
available for each person.
But, despite the problems the world is facing, Under-Secretary-General of the UN, Dr Noeleen Heyzer, says
that she hopes 10____ the seven billionth child of the world have a better chance than ever of surviving past the
age of five. The life expectancy for both women and men has increased in every Asian and Pacific country
during the past decade, Dr Heyzer added.

7 A seems B may C might D probably

8 A could B probably C possibly D likely
9 A After B Soon C Until D When
10 A are living B have been living C will be living D will have lived
11 A as soon as B before C from D while
12 A present B presented C to present D will present
13 A are being born B are born C have been born D will have been born
14 A has added B is adding C will add D would have added
15 A had meant B has meant C will have meant D will mean
16 A are seeing B see C seeing D to see
Mark ___/10

7.  Listen to five people talking about science and technology. Match the speakers with the
statements. There is one statement you do not need.
Speaker 1 _____
Speaker 2 _____

Speaker 3 _____
Speaker 4 _____

Speaker 5 _____
A This person believes space programmes have a positive effect.
B This person talks about the speed of technological change.
C This person thinks scientists should focus on more serious issues.
D This person believes we still have a lot of research to do about our planet.
E This person thinks that more countries should be involved in space exploration.
F This person says technology has made our lives more flexible.

Mark __/5

8 Read the text. Are the statements true or false?
A capsule fails the test of time
The US state of Oklahoma, the 48th state in the Union, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2007. In a year full
of official celebrations, one event in June attracted spectators and media from all around the world. On 15 June
2007, thousands of people gathered in Tulsa to watch the unearthing of a time capsule that had been buried
half a century ago in 1957. There was a feeling of excitement in the air. As well as waiting to see the time
capsule, the crowd was also waiting to find out who had won a competition which had been launched when the
capsule was buried 50 years earlier.
The time capsule was a large reinforced concrete box. People said it was strong enough to survive a nuclear
strike. It had to be large and strong, because it contained a car: a brand new 1957 Plymouth Belvedere. Inside
the car were lots of everyday items from the 1950s. For example, there was a jerry can of petrol and a case of
beer in the boot. In the glove compartment was a handbag containing a lipstick and other small items
considered essential for a ‘typical’ woman in the 1950s. A savings account was also opened in 1957, and $100
was deposited in it. By 2007, this prize fund was worth about $1,200. But the main attraction was the car.
Before the capsule was buried, officials ran a competition. Entrants had to guess what the population of Tulsa
would be in 2007. The organisers recorded all the guesses and saved them on a roll of microfilm. The
microfilm was placed in the Plymouth Belvedere. The organisers’ idea was that when the time capsule was
opened in 2007, the winner would be announced – and he or she (or his or her heirs) would win the entire
contents of the time capsule, plus the contents of the savings account.
In the centre of Tulsa on 15 June 2007, thousands of people came to see the opening of the capsule. Diggers
dug down and exposed the large concrete box. The crowd heard a dramatic drum-roll as the time capsule was
opened and a large crane lifted the car out of the ground. But cheers turned to gasps as the crowd saw the
rusting, muddy shape that was raised out of the hole. Water had penetrated the concrete casing and the
beautiful chromed vehicle was in a sorry state. The beer cans were rusty, the handbag was a solid lump of
leather and the microfilm had apparently disintegrated. The winner would never be known.
As publicity stunts go, it was a bit of a disaster. But Tulsans took the setback with a smile! The sense of
connection with the past, and the feeling of taking part in an event that had been planned half a century ago,
was worth more to them than the sight of a gleaming vintage car!

1. There wasn’t much interest in the time capsule. ____

2. As well as the car, the buried time capsule contained some prize money. ____
3. The people who entered the competition had to make a prediction about the future. ____
4. The car was ruined because the protective box around it was not waterproof. ____
5. The winner of the competition was disappointed with the ruined prize. ____
Mark __/5
Total: ___/54

9 Your English-speaking penfriend has asked you about your plans after you leave school.
Write an email (120–150 words) to him/her. Include the following information:
 Tell your friend whether you want to continue your studies or find a job.
 Explain the reasons for your decision.
 Say what you think you will be doing in five or ten years from now.
 Ask your friend for advice about what courses or jobs he/she thinks would suit you best.

Mark __/10


1 don’t stop
2 could / may / might launch
3 will probably rise
4 may / might not send
5 could / may / might become
6 he will probably go
7 will definitely replace
1 will have reached
1 will be working
2 will have completed
3 Will people be spending
4 will have finished
5 will be sharing
6 won’t have completed
7 will be flying

1 to move
2 to get
3 you’ll find
4 I’ll buy
5 to study

1 file-sharing
3 GB
5 app
6 Wi-Fi
7 social-networking
8 autocomplete
1 make
2 reduce
3 provide
4 start
5 treat
6 suffer

Use of English

1 D

2 A
3 A
4 C
5 B
6 D
7 D
8 C
9 D
10 D


1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F

Темы разделов
1. Лексика «Современные технологии» - учебник стр.44 упр.1,4, стр.131 упр1.
2. Грамматика:
«First Conditional» - учебник стр. 45;
«Future Perfect and Future Continuous» - учебник стр.47

3. Разговорный английский "Говорим о планах на выходные " - учебник стр.50.

4. Письмо: Сообщение «Планы на лето» - учебник стр.51.

Устные зачеты, учитываемые при равенстве баллов:

1. Контроль техники чтения и перевода - учебник стр.48-49.

2. Диалог «Говорим о планах на выходные » - учебник стр.50.
3. Проект «Time capsules» - учебник стр.46 упр 8 (Future Perfect and Future

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