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A Receptionist and A Client

Receptionist : Hi, welcome to the GrammarBank Hotel. How can I help you?
Client : Hi, I would like a room for tonight. Do you have any vacancies?
Receptionist : Yes sir, would you like a single room, or a double room?
Client : A single room, please.
Receptionist : How long will you be staying?
Client : For three nights.
Receptionist : Okay, would you like a king size bed or a queen size?
Client : Well, king size bed, please.
Receptionist : Smoking, non-smoking?
Client : Non-smoking.
Receptionist : Sure, and would you rahter have a room with a view of the ocean or
the forest?
Client : It doesn't really matter to me, whichever one is cheaper.
Receptionist : Sure, it's going to be $55 per night. Can I have your ID, please?
Client : Here it is.
Receptionist : Alright, Could you sign here, please?
Client : No problem. Do you accept American Express?
Receptionist : Sure, any Visa, Master Card or American Express.
Client : Perfect, here is my card.
Receptionist : Thank you. Is there a phone number where you can be contacted?
Client : Yes, it is 333-3333.
Receptionist : Okay. Here's your key. Your room number is 276. It's on the 2nd floor,
you can take the elevators behind us. If you need anything, just dial 9
for the reception.
Client : Thank you for your help.
Receptionist : My pleasure. Enjoy your stay!
A Bank Clerk and A Bank Customer
Bank Clerk : Good morning, welcome to the Grammar Bank. How can I help you?
Customer : Good morning. I would like to open a bank account.
Bank Clerk : Sure thing. What kind of account would you like to open? A savings
account or a checking account?
Customer : What's the difference?
Bank Clerk : A checking account is designed to use for everyday transactions.
Yet; the money in a savings account is meant to stay in the account
and earn interest over time.
Customer : I see, actually I want to apply for a credit card. That's why I need an
Bank Clerk : Okay then, you probably want a checking account.
Customer : Well, thank you. I'd like that.
Bank Clerk : Sure, we will have you fill out an application form, please.
Customer : No problem.
Bank Clerk : How much of a credit limit were you looking for?
Customer : I would like a $10,000 spending limit.
Bank Clerk : Alright, we will see what we can do. We might be able to get you one
of our gold cards with a $10,000 spending limit.
Customer : Wonderful. Will I also collect points when I use the card?
Bank Clerk : Sure, with our gold card you will get 10 reward points for every dollar
Customer : Perfect, I have filled out the form. Do you need anything else?
Bank Clerk : You just need to deposit a minimum of $250 into your new checking
Customer : Very well, here you are.
Bank Clerk : Thank you, your account is set up now and your credit card will be
mailed to your address within 5 to 10 business days.
Customer : Thank you for your help, have a good day.
Bank Clerk : Thank you, you too.
Two Students (at University)
Nadia : Hello, my name is Nadia. Welcome to our university.
Alicia : Hi, I am Alicia.
Nadia : Nice to meet you.
Alicia : Nice to meet you too.
Nadia : Where are you from Alicia?
Alicia : I am from Nicaragua, how about you?
Nadia : I'm from France.
Alicia : Is this your first time in London?
Nadia : No, I have been living in London for about three years now.
Alicia : I see, have you been studying here for all that time?
Nadia : Yes, this is my third year here, I have got one more year to go.
Alicia : What are you studying?
Nadia : I'm studying English Literature. I want to be a linguist. How about you?
Alicia : Sounds cool. I want to be a school teacher.
Nadia : That's great!
Alicia : I have always wanted to study abroad, so I came to London.
Nadia : Nice! Yeah I love it here, I am actually planing to live here even after I
Alicia : Perfect, you are already from Europe, so it shouldn't be that difficult for
Nadia : Yeah, I will just need to convince my parents, what about you?
Alicia : I love London, but I am just here for school, I will need to go back once I
graduate anyway.
Nadia : I see, well, good luck to you, I have to go to class now, it was nice talking
with you.
Alicia : Thank you! You too, and have a good class.
Nadia : Good-bye!
A Steakhouse Waitress and Customers
Waitress : Good evening, welcome to GB Steakhouse, I will be your server tonight.
Customers : Hello, how are you?
Waitress : I am great, thank you for asking, can I get you started with something to
Customers : Yes, can we get two red wines and water please?
Waitress : Sure, I will be right back with your drinks.
Customers : Thank you, and can we get an extra menu as well?
Waitress : Certainly! (she leaves...)
Waitress : Here is your wine. Are you ready to order?
Customers : Yes, we are. What does the New York steak come with?
Waitress : It comes with veggies and mashed potatoes.
Customers : Okay, I will have the New York steak.
Waitress : Of course, and how would you like your steak cooked?
Customers : Well done, please.
Waitress : Sure, how about you ma'am?
Customers : Can I have Caesar salad with chicken, please?
Waitress : Absolutely. And for the little guy?
Customers : We will have macaroni and cheese for him?
Waitress : Sure! And would you like anything to drink mister?
Customers : Just water.
Waitress : Great! I will be back with your orders.
Customers : Perfect...
Waitress : Here are you orders! Enjoy your meal...
Waitress : How is everything so far?
Customers : Great thanks, can we get the check, please?
Waitress : Certainly...
Customers : Here is your bill, you can pay at the cashier whenever you are ready.
Waitress : Thank you.
Waitress : Thank you, enjoy the rest of your evening.
A Police Officer And A Tourist
Tourist : Excuse me officer, I think I am lost. Can you help me find my hotel,
Officer : Certainly, What's the name of your hotel?
Tourist : It's the GrammarBank Hotel.
Officer : Hmm, I think I know where it is.
Tourist : Is it far?
Officer : No, not really. Do you have a car, are you driving?
Tourist : No, I don't have a car.
Officer : Okay, actually it's only about 10 minutes walk. But if you want, I can call
you a cab.
Tourist : No, thank you. I don't mind walking.
Officer : Okay then, let me give you the directions.
Tourist : Thank you. I appreciate that.
Officer : Now, go along this street until you get to the Bank. Do you see the tall
Tourist : Yeah.
Officer : So, at the traffic lights there, turn left to Great Sheva Avenue.
Tourist : Okay, I will turn left.
Officer : Correct. Then go straight on, take the second right and that should take
you to the GrammarBank Hotel.
Tourist : Okay, I will take the second left.
Officer : No, it's the second right.
Tourist : Ah, right. The second right.
Officer : Yes sir, left at the traffic lights near the bank and then the second right.
Tourist : Got it, thank you very much for your help.
Officer : No problem, have a nice day.
A Cashier And A Customer
Cashier : Hello, may I take your order?
Customer : Hi, I'll have a double cheeseburger.
Cashier : With everything on it?
Customer : No onions, please.
Cashier : Sure, would you like the combo deal or just the sandwich?
Customer : How much is the combo?
Cashier : The combo is $4.99, it comes with medium fries and drink.
Customer : Okay, let's change it to a combo then.
Cashier : Certainly, what would you like to drink?
Customer : Coke, please.
Cashier : Diet Coke or regular?
Customer : Regular.
Cashier : Of course, Would you like anything else?
Customer : No, that'll be all. Thanks.
Cashier : For here or to go?
Customer : For here.
Cashier : That will be $5.45 please.
Customer : Thank you. Here you go.
An Interviewer and an David
Interviewer : Welcome to ABC Controls, David. I am Tom.
David : Hello, it's nice to meet you.
Interviewer : Nice to meet you too, how are you doing today?
David : I am doing well, and yourself?
Interviewer : Great, thanks. I hope we didn't keep you waiting for long?
David : No, I had the chance to talk to one of your engineers while waiting.
Interviewer : That's good. David, shall we start?
David : Yeah, sure.
Interviewer : First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the manager of our engineering
department here and we have an open position, so we have been interviewing applicants
to fill the position as quickly as possible.
David : Yes sir, I read about the position on your website, and I think I am a good fit.
Interviewer : We currently have several ongoing projects and the team is working hard.
We are hoping to keep busy for a long time.
David : What are the essential qualifications required for the position?
Interviewer : This is an entry-level engineering position, we do provide a lot of training
here. But we do require that you have at least a bachelors degree in computer
engineering. Previous experience in the field is a plus.
David : What kind of experience would you count as a work in the field?
Interviewer : Even though we provide training, it would be great if you had some hands-
on programming experience, knowledge of database systems or skills on developing
David : My final school project was actually developing a mobile application, so I
am fairly competent in developing mobile and web applications.
Interviewer : That's good to hear, which school did you graduate from?
David : I was a student at DEF University, and I graduated with a bachelor degree in
computer science. I worked as a computer lab tutor in school for about 2 years. Guiding
students through their projects helped me get experience in several programming
Interviewer : What are you looking for in a job?
David : The job should definitely help me grow in my career. I will be happy to
learn and grow as I work in a passionate company like yours.
Interviewer : You are right. There is plenty of room for advancement in our company.
What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?
David : I am a diligent person and a fast learner. I am very eager to learn. My friends
also find me very easy to work with.
Interviewer : Very well. Now, do you mind working overtime?
David : No, I do not.
Interviewer : Because, sometimes we get overwhelmed with heavy workload.
David : I understand that's the nature of the job. When I was going to school, I took
quite a few courses each semester while working at least twenty hours every week. And, I
handled that situation very well.
Interviewer : Do you have any questions for me?
David : No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the requirements. I believe
that I can handle it with ease, and the fact that you provide all the training sounds
excellent. I hope to have the opportunity to work for you.
Interviewer : David, It is nice to meet you. I can tell that you are a good candidate. Expect
to hear from us within a week or so about the job.
David : Nice meeting you too. Thank you for your time.
Interviewer : Thank you for coming.
A dialogue between waiter and customer in the restaurant
Waiter : ‘Hello, sir! Please come this way, your table has been reserved!’
Customer : ‘Thank you! Can I have the menu, please?’
Waiter : ‘Certainly, would you like to have regular water or mineral water?’
Customer : ‘Get me regular water, please’
Waiter : ‘Sure Sir!’
Waiter : ‘Here is your water and the menu. Do let me know what you wish to
Customer : ‘Yes, but before that, would you please tell me what is the famous dish
in this restaurant?’
Waiter : ‘Would you like to know from the veg menu or from the non-veg
Customer : ‘From the non-veg menu.’
Waiter : ‘For today, we have prawns sizzler, chicken salad, afghani bread, and
mutton curry! Would you like to order anything from this or would you
like to go with the menu, sir?’
Customer : ‘Umm..would mutton curry be too spicy or is it medium spicy?’
Waiter : ‘Mutton curry would be a bit spicy but if you wish, then we can make it
less spicy.’
Customer : ‘Okay then I would like to have one medium spiced mutton curry along
with two naans.’
Waiter : ‘Sure sir! Would you like to have any soft drink with your meal?’
Customer : ‘Yes, I would like to have a chilled sprite!’
Waiter : ‘Alright sir!’
Customer : ‘How much time it will take for the food to arrive?’
Waiter : ‘Not much sir, hardly 20-25 minutes. That’s all! Till then you can watch
the cricket match, sir!’
Customer : ‘Yes, thank you.’
Waiter : ‘No problem, sir!’

The word ‘or‘ can be used to join two sentences or two parts of a single sentence.
waiter and customer
Waiter : Welcome, sir. Please have a seat.
Customer : Thank you.
Waiter : How can I help you sir?
Customer : Could I see your menu card before ordering something?
Waiter : Sure! Sir this is our menu card.
Customer : Could you please tell me the famous dish of your restaurant?
Waiter : Sure! What would you prefer, veg or non veg?
Customer : Non veg.
Waiter : Roasted spicy chicken is one of the best dishes we serve.
Customer : Get that one.
Waiter : Anything in beverage?
Customer : Yes one coke.
Waiter : Very well, sir.
Customer : How long will it take?
Waiter : It will take 20 to 25 minutes.
Customer : Excuse me! I forgot to mention one thing.
Waiter : Yes, please tell me.
Customer : I want coke without ice.
Waiter : Sure, sir.
Customer : Meanwhile could I get something to read?
Waiter : What would you like to read sir?
Customer : Can I get a magazine.
Waiter : Yeah sure.
waiter and customer
Waiter : Good evening, Sir. How many people are in your party?
Customer : We’d like a table for 3, please.
Waiter : We have smoking and non-smoking section, also indoors and
outdoors area. Which area do you prefer?
Customer : Non-smoking section in outdoor area. Do you have that seat
Waiter : Yes, we do. Right this way, Sir.
Customer : Alright.
Waiter : Are you ready to order?
Customer : Yes, I’d like three fried noodles, one orange juice, and two ice lemon
Waiter : Which kind of fried noodles do you want? We have fried noodle with
spicy sauce and garlic sauce. We also have extra topping for the
noodle such as sausages, omelet, sunny side up eggs, and dried
seaweed sprinkles.
Customer : Two fried noodles with spicy sauce, then, and one with garlic sauce.
I’ll have sausage toppings for all of them.
Waiter : Alright. Let me repeat the order: Two fried noodles with spicy sauce,
one fried noodle with garlic sauce, sausage toppings for all, one
orange juice, and two iced lemon teas. Is there anything else?
Customer : Oh, I will also have three vanilla ice creams for dessert. But can you
please serve it for later?
Waiter : Of course, Sir. Just let me know when you’re ready for the dessert
Customer : Great.
Waiter : Your order will be served in 20 minutes.
20 minutes later.
Waiter : Here’s your order. Is it all complete?
Customer : Yes. It’s all here. Thank you!
Waiter : Please enjoy!
Pramusaji : Selamat malam, Pak. Meja untuk berapa orang?
Pelanggan : Meja untuk 3 orang.
Pramusaji : Kami memiliki area merokok dan bebas rokok, juga area dalam
ruangan dan luar ruangan. Area mana yang Anda sukai?
Pelanggan : Area bebas rokok di luar ruangan. Apakah tempat tersebut tersedia?
Pramusaji : Ya, tersedia. Sebelah sini, Pak.
Pelanggan : Baiklah.
Pramusaji : Apakah Anda sudah siap untuk memesan?
Pelanggan : Ya, saya ingin tiga mie goreng, satu jus jeruk, dan dua es teh lemon.
Pramusaji : Mie goreng yang mana yang Anda sukai? Kami memiliki mie goreng
dengan saus pedas dan saus bawang. Kami juga
memiliki topping ekstra untuk mie-nya seperti sosis, telur dadar, telur
mata sapi, dan taburan rumput laut kering.
Pelanggan : Kalau begitu dua mie goreng dengan saus pedas dan satu dengan
saus bawang. Saya mau topping sosis untuk semuanya.
Pramusaji : Baik, saya ulangi pesanannya: dua mie goreng dengan saus pedas,
satu mie goreng dengan saus bawang, topping sosis untuk ketiganya,
satu jus jeruk, dan dua es teh lemon. Ada yang lain?
Pelanggan : Oh, saya juga pesan tiga es krim vanilla untuk makanan penutup. Tapi
bisakah itu disajikan nanti?
Pramusaji : Tentu, Pak. Cukup beritahu kami saat Anda siap untuk makanan
penutupnya nanti.
Pelanggan : Baik.
Pramusaji : Pesanan Anda akan disajikan dalam 20 menit.
20 menit kemudian
Pramusaji : Ini pesanan Anda. Apakah semuanya sudah lengkap?
Pelanggan : Ya, semuanya sudah lengkap. Terima kasih!
Pramusaji : Selamat menikmati!
2. Asking for additional drink to the waiter / waitress (Meminta tambahan minuman
pada pramusaji)
Waiter : Yes, Sir. May I help you?
Customer : I’d like to add another glass of orange juice.
Waiter : Of course, Sir.
Customer : And add one more glass of orange juice for my friend as well.
Waiter : So, two glasses of orange juice.
Customer : Yes.
Waiter : Is there anything else?
Customer : Maybe later.
Waiter : Sure!

Pramusaji : Ya, Pak. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?

Pelanggan : Saya ingin meminta tambahan satu gelas jus jeruk lagi..
Pramusaji : Baik, Pak.
Pelanggan : Dan satu tambahan jus jeruk lagi untuk teman saya juga.
Pramusaji : Jadi, dua gelas jus jeruk.
Pelanggan : Ya.
Pramusaji : Apakaha ada tambahan lain?
Pelanggan : Mungkin nanti.
Pramusaji : Tentu!
3. Asking for a menu recommendation at the restaurant (Meminta rekomendasi menu di restoran)

Waiter : Hello, Ma’am. Welcome to Seashore Restaurant. How many people are
in your party?
Customer : Four people, please. Can we get a window-seat?
Waiter : Of course. Please follow me.
Customer : Great.
Waiter : This is the menu. Are you ready to order?
Customer : What’s this place special? Can you recommend some for us?
Waiter : We have Seafood Party Platter with three dips: spicy tomato salsa,
refreshing lemon, and creamy avocado cheese.
Customer : We will have that.
Waiter : Sure.
Customer : What about drinks? Please recommend this restaurant’s best drinks.
Waiter : We have our signature drinks, Pineapple Margarita and Tropical Sangria.
I suggest that you have both of them since it’s today’s special with
special price, Ma’am.
Customer : Of course! Please make two of them each.
Waiter : Awesome! Your order will be served shortly.
Pramusaji : Halo, Bu. Selamat datang di restoran Seashore. Meja utnuk berapa
Pelanggan : Tolong untuk empat orang. Bisakah kami dapat tempat duduk dekat
Pramusaji : Tentu saja. Mari ikuti saya.
Pelanggan : Baik.
Pramusaji : Ini menunya. Apakah Anda siap untuk memesan?
Pelanggan : Apa menu spesial tempat ini? Bisakah rekomendasikan beberapa
menu untuk kami?
Pramusaji : Kami punya Seafood Party Platter dengan tiga celupan: salsa tomat
yang pedas, lemon yang segar, serta keju alpukat yang berkrim.
Pelanggan : Kami pesan itu.
Pramusaji : Baik.
Pelanggan : Bagaimana dengan minumannya? Tolong rekomendasikan minuman
terbaik restoran ini.
Pramusaji : Kami memiliki minuman khas, Margarita Nanas dan Tropical Sangria.
Saya menyarankan Anda untuk memesan keduanya karena itu adalah
menu spesial hari ini dengan harga yang spesial pula, Bu.
Pelanggan : Tentu! Tolong buatkan dua untuk masing-masing.
Pramusaji : Baik! Pesanan Anda akan disajikan segera.
4. Returning the food (Mengembalikan makanan)
Waiter : May I help you?
Customer : There’s something wrong with my fried noodles.
Waiter : Your dish looks okay, Sir.
Customer : Yes, but when I taste it, it’s too salty.
Waiter : We’re very sorry to your inconvenient, Sir. I think it’s our kitchen’s fault.
Customer : How can you fix it?
Waiter : We will bring you a new plate of fried noodles and it’s free as an apology.
Customer : Okay, cool.
Waiter : Please wait for a second while we bring you the new dish.
Pramusaji : Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
Pelanggan : Ada yang salah dengan mie goreng saya.
Pramusaji : Hidangan Anda tampak baik-baik saja, Pak.
Pelanggan : Ya, tapi ketika saya mencicipinya, rasanya terlalu asin.
Pramusaji : Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya, Pak. Sepertinya ini
kesalahan dapur kami.
Pelanggan : Bagaimana kalian dapat memperbaikinya?
Pramusaji : Kami akan membawakan Anda sepiring mie goreng yang baru dan itu
gratis sebagai permintaan maaf kami.
Pelanggan : Baiklah.
Pramusaji : Mohon tunggu beberapa saat sementara kami membawakan Anda
hidangan yang baru.
5. Asking for the bill (Meminta tagihan)
Waiter : Good evening, Sir. How can I help you?
Customer : I’d like to make a payment. Can I have the bill, please?
Waiter : This is your bill, Sir.
Customer : Do you accept card payment?
Waiter : Yes, we accept both card and cash payment.
Customer : Great. I’d like to make a payment with my card.
Waiter : Can I have your card, please?
Customer : Here.
Waiter : All the payments are set. Thank you for dining with us. Have a good
Customer : Thank you!

Pramusaji : Selamat malam, Pak. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
Pelanggan : Saya ingin membayar. Bisakah saya mendapat tagihannya?
Pramusaji : Ini tagihannya, Pak.
Pelanggan : Apakah restoran ini menerima pembayaran dengan kartu?
Pramusaji : Ya, kami menerima pembayaran baik dengan kartu maupun uang
Pelanggan : Bagus. Saya ingin melakukan pembayaran dengan kartu.
Pramusaji : Bisakah saya meminjam kartu Anda?
Pelanggan : Ini dia.
Pramusaji : Semua pembayaran telah selesai. Terima kasih telah makan bersama
kami. Semoga malam Anda menyenangkan.
Pelanggan : Terima kasih!
6. Making the payment at the cashier (Membayar di kasir)
Cashier : Good afternoon, Ma’am. Would you like to make a payment?
Customer : Yes, for table number 2, please.
Cashier : Let me check the bill first. The total is Rp 460.000.
Customer : I would like to make the payment with cash.
Cashier : Yes, we accept cash as well, Ma’am.
Customer : Here.
Cashier : It is Rp 500.000. The change is Rp 40.000. Here’s the receipt, Ma’am.
Customer : Thank you!
Cashier : It’s nice to have you dining with us. Please come again!
Kasir : Selamat sore, Bu. Apakah Anda ingin melakukan pembayaran?
Pelanggan : Ya, tolong untuk meja nomor 2.
Kasir : Biarkan saya cek tagihannya dulu. Totalnya Rp 460.000.
Pelanggan : Saya ingin melakukan pembayaran dengan uang tunai.
Kasir : Ya, kami menerima pembayaran dengan uang tunai, Bu.
Pelanggan : Ini dia.
Kasir : Semuanya Rp 500.000. Kembaliannya Rp 40.000. Ini struknya, Bu.
Pelanggan : Terima kasih.
Kasir : Senang memiliki waktu Anda di sini. Silakan datang kembali!
7. Making a takeout / takeaway (Membuat pesanan yang dibawa pulang)
Customer : Excuse me.
Waiter : Can I help you?
Customer : I’d like to make a takeout, please.
Waiter : Sure. Which dish do you want take home, Sir?
Customer : I want one seafood fried rice and one lemon tea. With ice separated.
Waiter : Let me repeat you takeout order: one seafood fried rice and one lemon
tea with ice separated. Is that all, Sir?
Customer : Oh. Add one chocolate pudding to the order.
Waiter : Sure.
Customer : Where can I pick it up?
Waiter : You can pick up your takeout order upon payment or at the cashier
right there.
Customer : Thank you.
Pramusaji : Permisi.
Pelanggan : Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
Pramusaji : Saya ingin memesan untuk dibawa pulang.
Pelanggan : Tentu saja. Hidangan mana yang ingin Anda bawa pulang, Pak?
Pramusaji : Saya ingin satu nasi goreng seafood dan satu teh lemon. Dengan es
yang dipisah.
Pelanggan : Saya ulangi lagi pesanan dibungkus Anda: satu nasi
goreng seafood dan satu teh lemon dengan es yang dipisah. Itu saja,
Pramusaji : Oh. Tambahkan satu puding coklat ke dalam pesanan saya.
Pelanggan : Tentu saja.
Pramusaji : Di mana saya bisa mengambilnya?
Pelanggan : Anda dapat mengambil pesanan Anda yang dibungkus ketika
melakukan pembayaran atau di kasir sebelah sana.
Pramusaji : Terima kasih.

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