Two Sections Were Given Introduction To Statistics Examinations. The Following Information Was

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Worksheet 2

1. Define the following

a. Mean k. Independent and dependent
b. Median probability
c. Dispersion l. Random variable
d. Properties of variance m. Probability distribution
e. Kurtosis n. Probability mass function
f. Skewness o. Probability density function
g. Coefficient of variation p. Cumulative distribution function
h. Standard score q. Mean and variance of random
i. Probability variables
j. Mutually exclusive events
1. Two sections were given introduction to statistics examinations. The following information was

Value Section 1 Section 2

Mean 78 90
Standard deviation 6 5
a. In which class the score is more dispersed?
b. Student A from section 1 scored 60 and student B from section 2 scored 95. Relatively
speaking who performed better? Why?
2. In how many ways can a committee of 5 people be chosen out of 9 people?
3. A committee of 5 people must be selected out 5men and 8 women. In how many ways can be
selection made if there are three women on the committee
4. Explain the two type of probability
5. A lot consists of 20 defective and 80 non-defective items from which two items are chosen
without replacement. Events A & B are defined as A = {the first item chosen is defective}, B =
{the second item chosen is defective}
a. What is the probability that both items are defective?
b. What is the probability that the second item is defective?
 x, 0  x 1
6. Let X be a continuous random variable with pdf 
f ( x )   2  x, 1  x  2
 0,
 elsewhere
Then compute the following
a. Find P (0.1  X  1)
b. Compute p (0.6  X  1.9)
c. Calculate P( X  0.4)
d. mean
e. Standard deviation
7. The amount of bread X ( in hundreds of kg) that a certain bakery is able to sell in a day is found
to be a continuous r-v with a pdf given as below:
 kx , 0 x5

f ( x)  k (10  x) , 5  x  10
 0
 , otherwise

a) Find k
b) Find the probability that the amount of bread that will be sold tomorrow is
i) More than 500kg, ii) between 250 and 750 kg
c) Compute the mean and variance for the sold bread

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