Strategic Plan Term Paper

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Wily international company limited


This document describes Wily company limited strategic plan for the five-year period

2020-2025. It sets out a realistic strategic programme that will allow the company

build on the achievements, lessons learnt, progress made to date and respond to the

changing environment and associated challenges in the world economic and social

developmental needs.

The strategic plan is driven by a core theme whose effervescent goal is financial

sustainability for the company.

Clear strategies and detailed activities have been developed to help achieve each of

the set strategic themes, goals and objectives. The implementation of the proposed

strategies will enhance the institutional capacity of the company and enable it to

build synergy among key players in order to mitigate both external and internal

challenges. The implementation will also provide the actual process through which

the strategic objectives will be achieved. Through their operations, the functions,

departments, and programmes will translate the strategic objectives into results by

developing and implementing Departmental Annual Work Plans.

I wish to give special thanks to the company Board of Management members for

their special interest, guidance, and support during the preparation of the Plan. I wish

also to thank most sincerely, our various stakeholders. I wish also to thank the

Strategic Planning Team and members of staff of company who demonstrated

extreme commitment during the planning process.

The company hope and belief that during the period of the strategic plan

implementation (2020-2025), members will not only take the opportunity to

constructively critique and propose realistic ways in which to re-cast and accelerate
the implementation of the plan, but also play their requisite role to ensure that the

expectations and targets set are both achieved and even exceeded.

In conclusion, we have come up with a comprehensive five-year strategy to address

the needs of the company that will enable our members meet their business needs.

Our success depends on our ability to generate the necessary resources we need

for implementation of the strategic plan, our ability to work together at all levels of the

company as a team and our ability to monitor and evaluate the implementation.


General Manage


The Strategic Plan provides a roadmap, action and institutional agenda that Wily

Company Limited will implement in the next five (5) years.

Our Vision

To be a leading member driven organisation, offering globally acceptable standards

for seamless business operations.

Our Mission

To promote the adoption of global business practices by offering value addition

products and services to members and other business partners.

Our Core Values

Wily Company Limited shall be guided by the following core values:

1. Innovation.

2. Integrity and accountability.

3. Collaboration and partnership.

4. Teamwork.

5. Efficiency and responsiveness.

Priority Areas

The strategic plan 2020-2025, focuses on Strategic Issues, priority areas, key

success factors for each department and function as listed below within the
framework of; accounting and finance, administration, human resources,

Procurement and Marketing.

Strategic Priority One: Increase awareness of Wily company limited


Strategic Priority Two: Improve the use of technology and institutionalize R&D.

Strategic priority Three: Improve governance and management.

Strategic Priority Four: Build board and staff capacity.

Strategic Priority Five: Increase product portfolio.

Strategic Priority Six: Enhance financial sustainability.

Key Success Factors.

There are also certain things which Wily company must do right in order to fulfil its

mandate. Key success factors include: proper planning, acceptance and effective

management of change in the global arena, effective utilization of resources,

capacity building, effective implementation of foreign policy, facilitation and

strengthening of foreign relations, effective communication strategy and effective

networking including international linkages, teamwork, accountability and

transparency, constructive engagement with stakeholders and finally monitoring and


Budget and Cost Estimates.

For all the activities to be undertaken during the planning period, cost projections will

be done yearly as part of budgeting process and annual work plans. These will be

financed by the normal collections from our members and other revenue streams.
Management of resources will be guided by operational rationalization and

modernization of key processes, while cost saving measures, including creating

partnerships and strategic alliances, will be implemented to strengthen Wily

company financial resource base. While efforts will be made to cost-rationalize the

available resources in order to realize the stated objectives, the plan acknowledges

that the ability of the company to implement its planned activities depends on the

availability of adequate and timely financing.

Organizational Structure

The structure has been appropriately developed to enhance management and

reporting linkages, and facilitate information and communication flow so as to ensure

effective implementation of the plan.

Plan Implementation.

Clear strategies and detailed activities have been developed to help in achieve each

of the set objectives. The implementation of the proposed strategies will enhance the

institutional capacity of the company to enable it build synergy among key players so

as to mitigate both external and internal challenges. The plan implementation will

also provide the actual process through which the strategic objectives will be

achieved during the implementation period. Through their operations, the

departments will translate the strategic objectives into results by developing and

implementing Departmental Annual Work Plans, Individual Operational Plans and a

framework for performance appraisal that will be aligned to Wily Company Limited

Strategic Plan.


1.0 Introduction

Founded in 2010, Wily company limited is located at Dar-es-salaam city, it is a

neutral, not-for-profit standards organisation that helps companies to do business

across the world. Its mandate is to implement the company Standards in the region.

The company system is a series of standards designed to improve supply chain

management. Globally, the company serves 111 Member Organisations around the

world, develops standards for over one million companies worldwide, serves 25

industries across 10 countries and barcodes are scanned more than 5 billion times a

day globally.

WCL believes in the power of standards to transform the way it works and lives.

WCL creates a common foundation for business by uniquely identifying, accurately

capturing and automatically sharing vital information about products, locations and

assets. Further, the company enables visibility through the exchange of authentic

data and empowers business growth and to improve efficiency, safety, security and

sustainability. WCL has a total of 18 employees occupying varied positions from the

General Manager at the apex through to support level. the company offers a wide

range of services which are aimed at helping the members to implement their

standards with ease in order to achieve efficiency and transparency within the supply



The company has never developed and implemented a strategic plan. The rationale

for developing this strategic plan is therefore to inject the strategic thinking that the

leadership of the requires to visualize the future, critically analyse operational

environment (internal and external), develop a plan and provide transformational

leadership in order to effectively implement it and achieve sustainable desired

results. This means that the process of developing the plan has questioned the

present, evaluated the past and informed the future strategic direction in terms of

vision, mission, key success factors and strategies. In essence therefore, the

roadmap has been developed for transforming WCL to a sustainable organisation

through this strategic plan. Besides, the plan has developed the framework for

implementation, risk assessment and mitigation strategies that require vision, critical

and lateral thinking, creativity and innovation.


The strategic plan has articulated the core and non-core business as follow;

Core businesses -Technical services, Research and Development and Membership


Non-core business - Finance, Administration, Procurement, HR and IT support.


The Strategic Planning Process was conducted through a participatory approach,

which included:
 Review of all the relevant documents.

 Strategic planning workshop involving the key company personnel and

culminating in the production/output of the following;

a. WCL Vision, Mission and Core Values.

b. Review of the WCL performance over the last years.

c. Situation Analysis.

d. Strategies formulation.

e. Strategic Plan Implementation Matrix.

f. Evaluation Framework for strategic plan implementation.

 Development of draft strategic plan, 2020-2025

 Finalization of the Strategic Plan, 2020-2025


The strategic plan is organized into six chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction and Background.

This chapter provides background information of the company and its operating


Chapter 2: Review of the company and Contextual Analysis.

Highlights of the company performance over three years, challenges and analyses

the situation it operates in with a recommended way forward.

Chapter 3: Strategic Direction.

Outlines and sets out the strategic direction of the company what be pursue in the

next five years. These are described in the form of vision, mission, values, focus

areas (key result areas), objectives, strategies and activities.

Chapter 4: Institutional Framework for Plan Implementation.

Presents institutional framework; the organizational arrangements for effective

implementation of the strategic plan.

Chapter 5: Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.

Sets out measures that Wily company will take to monitor and evaluate the strategic

plan implementation.

Chapter Six: Risk Assessment and Mitigation.

This chapter highlights the risks that are exposed to and spells out mitigating




This chapter has detailed results of Wily company limited unique proposition,

performance review and other situational analysis as part of the development of this

Strategic Plan.


1. Annual increment on new membership registration from 124 in 2018,

350 in 2019 and 485 in 2020 respectively.

2. Improved revenue base from ksh.23m in 2018 to ksh.44m in 2020.

3. Improved quality and better management of Gateway magazine,

information platform, and engagement with members through visits,

follow-ups, events, emails and SMS’s.

4. Increased awareness creation through engagement and participation

in various events.

5. Strengthened partnerships with other organizations such as KAM,



6. Improved image of the organization through revamping of the

reception area, improved quality of the Gateway magazine and its



The key challenges faced by WCL were identified as:

1. Insufficient management leadership to support change.

2. Non-existence and out-dated key processes.

3. Inappropriate organisational culture.

4. WCL market is limited in segmentation.

5. Cheaper alternatives demand driven by consumers [existing competition

barcodes in the market].

6. Breaking into the policy maker platform is a challenge no institutionalized


7. Limitation in capacity to implement its programmes and processes


The process of identifying the company aspirations, strategic issues and vision

requires a SWOT analysis. In SWOT analysis, we look on the Strength (S),

Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) it is likely to face in the future

are identified. Such analysis is important in the identification and formulation of

specific strategies and action plans for achieving the aspirations and long-term

strategic goals and objectives. WCL's main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities

and threats analysis within the business environment is as illustrated in Table 1


Strengths Weaknesses

Global nature of standards – platforms Limited to offer, only standards, not

and technical support. software nor hardware.

 Member driven organization.  Lack of research and

 Resources with global nature.  Weak corporate governance

 Have bargaining power on processes.

behalf of the  Limited product range.

members for sustainability/cost-  Lack financial stability


 Part of a global system, have

exclusive licence for WCL.

 Strong stakeholders, who can

bail us.

 Global brand embraced by


Opportunities Threats

 Untapped company Market {wide  WCL market is limited in

market}. segmentation.

 Existing membership drawn from  Cheaper alternatives demand

diverse industry in Tanzania. driven by consumers [existing

 Potential growth on the competition barcodes in the

significance of product barcoding market].

and traceability.  Breaking into policy maker

 Strategic collaborations to roll platform is a challenge no

out projects. institutionalized formula.

 Limitation in capacity building


During the strategic planning process, PEST analysis methodology was used to

establish the company external operational environment within the framework of

Political, Economic, Social and Technological framework. The analysis findings are

summarized herein below:


The situation is that the government has not developed a policy/ legislation with

regard to barcodes standards. As such, the business is not regulated and as result,

the operators are exposed to counterfeits. Lobbying, if any has not yielded good

results for relevant policies and regulations to be enacted.


The situation and trend in the business of barcodes standardization is currently

untapped and there is potential that attracts entrants who may focus on making quick

money and ignore the quality.


The demand for traceability of products in the market is increasing. The supply chain

players are demanding to know at which point the process went wrong in case of

quality issues, recall action.


The company operations and indeed the business technology driven. In turn,

technology is research driven. The consultants have established that WCL cannot

reliably provide the requisite standardization platform for some big business




This chapter provides the direction adopted by Wily company limited for the 2020-

2025 Strategic Plan period.

The strategic direction covers; the vision, mission, core values, and priority areas.

The chapter articulates priority areas as; strengthening the company capacity,

developing and enhancing infrastructure and provision of service to company

Council. Above all, the strategic direction aims at providing structure, processes and

outputs that facilitate the company in fulfilling its mandate and justifying its existence

and thus continue to make contribution to economic and social development.

The vision, mission, motto and the core values are the anchors upon which Wily

company was established. These are stated hereafter.


“A leading member driven organisation, offering globally acceptable standards for

seamless business operations”.


“To promote the adoption of global business practices by offering value addition

products and

services to members and other business partners”.


The Global Language of Business.


Wily company limited shall be guided by the following five core values:

1. Innovation: the company is committed to support innovation, creativity and

development of products and relevant to the market needs.

2. Professionalism: We shall do our work with sincerity as well as maintaining

and conducting ourselves in a professional manner and with the highest

standard of ethics. Our actions will be characterized by the highest level of

professionalism and this value will be realized through enhancing a sense of

integrity, objectivity, accountability, and respect for time in carrying out


3. Team Work: We contribute fully to the company mandate by sharing

information and resources to create a workplace that fosters community and

cooperation. We promote open communication, collaboration and

commitment in our approach to work.

4. Integrity and accountability: We shall seek to remain accountable and

transparent in all our dealings as we deliver our services to the members and


5. Efficiency and responsiveness: We shall always be responsible for our

actions and omissions. This will be done through being focused, ambitious,

consistent, and having the capacity to distinguish between what is important

and what is urgent.



Wily company limited organizational structure will provide both institutional and

functional frameworks for implementing the strategic plan.

The purpose of a well -designed structure is to deliver value to the stakeholders in an

efficient and cost-effective manner. For company to successfully implement its

strategic plan, there must be a strong technical relationship between strategy and

structure, quite independent of the individuals occupying the positions. The guiding

principles for developing an organizational structure are, namely:

a. That the designed structures should focus on the core business as articulated

in the company mandate and strategic plan.

b. That the structure should recognize the key support functions to the core


c. That the structure should enhance effective delegation, control and decision


d. That the structure should facilitate timely and efficient management

information for decision making;

e. The structure should allow effective control of the management process.

f. The structure must be cost-effective.


The Board is responsible for providing leadership and overall policy direction of GS1

Kenya. Specifically, the role of the Board is namely;

 Developing the corporate strategy.

 Manage succession planning.

 Appointment and separation of the General Manager.

 Appointment and separation of senior managers.

 Approval of appointment and separation of Staff.

 Approve overseas travels for the Board and Staff.

 Ensuring that the organisation is able to meet its objectives and fulfil its

mandate as established by Law.

 Formulating policy for ensuring efficient and effective management.

 Providing guidance to the General Manager on the efficient and effective

management of operations and

 resources of the organisation.

 Ensuring the welfare of staff and security of assets and other resources.

 Ensuring good governance and risk-based management


The General Manager is overall responsible to the Board for implementation of the

company policies. In addition, the GM is responsible for;

 Implementing of the corporate strategic plan.

 Proactively initiate policies to the Board for consideration.

 Co-ordination of the Board meetings.

 Custodian of Board minutes.

 Implementation of Board resolutions thereof.

 Ensuring occupational safety and health compliance for the company.

 Maintain harmonious relations within Board, Member Organizations and


 Ensuring financial reports and controls are updated.

 Preparing business development proposals, reports and other submissions

for consideration by the Board.

 Developing and implementing the corporate policies and programs.

 Providing leadership to the members of staff.

 Recommend appointment and separation of staff.

 Conduct staff individual performance appraisal.

 Maintaining a conducive work environment for attracting, retaining and

motivating members of staff.

 Human Resource matters including organisation structure, recruitment,

welfare, training, employee relations and separation.

 Effective succession management planning.

 Enhancing positive synergy and communication between the board,

management and staff.

 Safeguarding the Wily company assets.

 Ensuring continuous achievement of the financial and operating goals and


 Ensuring timely preparation and audit of financial statements.

 Fostering timely corporate culture that promotes professionalism, good

governance, ethical practices, creativity, innovation and good corporate


 Ensuring continuous improvement in the quality and value of services and

products offered to the members/stakeholders.

 Ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations.

Facilitating and reviewing development of marketing and corporate affairs, policy

and strategic plans.


The department is headed by a manager Finance, Procurement and

Administration who reports to the General Manager. The functions of Finance,

Procurement and Administration department entail:

1. Financial Accounting.

Responsibilities include:

 Preparations of periodic reports.

 Liaison with internal and external auditors on system and annual accounts


 Implementing internal control system and accounting procedures for the


 Development and implementation of revenue management systems.

 Working capital management.

 Financial Review of the company.

 Prepare cash flow forecasts.

 Maintain general ledger accounts segment.

 Compliance with statutory obligations and international financial reporting


2. Management Accounting.

Responsibilities include:

 Preparation the company budget and periodic reviews of the budgets.

 Preparation of periodic management reports to aid management and the

Board in making routine decisions.

 Variance reports comparing budgets with actual performance and reporting

on any deviation for corrective action.

3. Financial analysis and Funds Mobilization.

Responsibilities include:

 Carrying out financial analysis for projects and advice management and

Board on their sustainability.

 Monitor project implementation.

 Analyse financial information to produce forecasts of business industry and

economic conditions for use in making investment based on financial analysis.

 Prepare financing models for the company and recommend appropriate

payment structure.

 Preparation of project proposal for financing.

 Maintenance of database for possible partners and approaching them for

 Monitor usage of development grants and assist in preparation of reports to


4. HR and General Administration.

The responsibilities include:

 Implement the HR policies and procedures.

 Undertaking HR planning.

 Undertake market survey on salaries and remuneration and advise the Board


 Preparation of ToRs for HR consultancies.

 Development and management of performance management systems.

 Identifying relevant HR strategies and translating them into action plans.

 Coordination of services that support the implementation of the company


 Managing special HR projects that add value to members and key

stakeholder company.

 Review Training Needs Assessment [TNA] for HR staff and assist other

departments in undertaking their TNA.

 Advising the management on government HR policies and procedures.

 Undertake job analysis and review sound job descriptions in liaison with the

heads of departments and units.

5. General Administration.

The responsibilities include:

 Ensuring that office services and logistics are professionally provided.

 Develop a data base for the boards and company motor vehicles and

ensuring that they are serviced and well maintained.

 Coordinate drivers in the company and ensure that proper traffic rules and

regulations are followed.

6. Procurement.

The Responsibilities include:

 Implement Procurement Monitoring Systems.

 Management of Disposal Processes: Stores and equipment.

 Prepare and issue procurement documents for works and goods.

 Prepare and issue documents for disposal of stores and equipment.

 Preparation of procurement plans.

 Maintain and update annually prequalified lists of registered of

contractors, suppliers and consultants.

 Procuring and issuing of goods and services in accordance with the

relevant policies and processes.

 Inventory management.

 Periodic and annual stock taking.

 Maintaining and safeguarding procurement and disposal documents

and records.

 Processing of requisitions from departments.

 Preparing of purchase orders.

 Sourcing for quotations for goods and services.

 Maintaining the procurement records.

 Ensuring safe custody of procurement documents.

 Receiving and recording goods received and issued.

 Issuing materials and stores to users based on requisition.

 Maintaining stock levels and determining re-order levels.


The department is headed by The Manager, Technical Services who is responsible

to the General Manager. The department is charged with the following functions;


 Preparing training materials for the Member Organisations, in liaison with R &


 Training member of the company products/services in liaison with R & D.

 Supporting member organisations and partners on company


 Initiate/formulate strategies on sector-oriented products and services.

 Implement GS1 – GDSN Technology.

IT Support.

 Developing and implementing the IT strategy.

 Maintaining an efficient and effective Management Information System (MIS).

 Implementing the IT policy.

 Custody and maintenance of the information database.

 Maintaining an up-to-date information system security policy.

 Installing and maintaining recovery and disaster management systems.

 Advising user departments on IT matters including acquisition of hardware

and software.

 Promoting the use of modern technology for enhanced customer service


 Examining and analysing the feasibility of potential computer applications.

 Designing and developing computer base systems.

 Maintaining the existing IT systems.

 Maintaining the operating systems support.

 Undertaking infrastructure (networking) support.

 Undertaking connectivity support.

 Providing user applications support.


This function will be headed by The Manager, Communication and Corporate Affairs

who reports to the General Manager. The functions of the Communication and

Corporate Affairs division entail;

Corporate Communication

Responsibilities include:

 Internal Communication.

 External Communication.

 Management of corporate image.

 External Relations.
 Media Relations.

 Creation of brand.

 Ensuring cost-effective internal and external communication tools including


 Membership upgrading and updates.

 Liaising with media for accurate coverage and rejoinder.

 Maintaining social media accounts for the company.

 Implementing a social corporate responsibility policy.

 Enhancing positive public relations.

 Organising official functions and events.

 Co-ordinating employee and customer satisfaction surveys.

 Implementing public relations and communications strategy.


Responsibilities include:

 Monitoring the environment and advising management on possible market


 Ensuring compliance with national and international standards as part of

competitive strategy.

 Implementing and maintaining the quality assurance process.

 Management and Co-ordination of County representatives.


This department will be headed by The Manager, Research, Development and

Innovation who reports to the General Manager. The functions of the Research,

Development and Innovation department entail;

 Prepare training materials for member organizations.

 Develop and manage digital library or resource centre

 Carry out market research in liaison with other departments.

 Promote research, development and innovation activities in pursuit of

company products.

 Strengthen partnerships with other research institutions, partners and

member organisations.

 Approve research and development projects and ensure that they are in line

with the company overall objectives.

 Ensure dissemination and application of research findings relevant to

stakeholders needs.

 Hold conferences, workshops, seminars and field extensions and market


 Continually develop new initiatives aimed at planning for the improved quality


 Conduct market surveys to determine the market product demands and

create demand.

 Initiate research proposals in collaboration with other departments.


The purpose of this function is to inculcate compliance and change culture and

perform internal control and operational review company. The function shall be out-
sourced for the strategic plan period and review the need to institutionalize this

function. This function will be reporting to the Finance and Administration committee

of the Board.


Responsibilities include:

 Implement Performance Management System of the company.

 Implementation of the corporate strategic plan and departmental operational


 Monitoring and evaluation to ensure effective and efficient implementation of

the corporate strategic plan and operational work plans.

 Policy analysis, review and approval of company operational policies.

 Preparing and implementing of annual performance contracts.

 Ensuring compliance of company with regulations and the Strategic Plan.

 Ensuring compliance with corporate values.


Responsibilities include:

 To provide independent and objective appraisal of financial, operational and

other management control activities.

 Development of appropriate risk based annual plans and procedures.

 Ensure liability and integrity of financial and operating information.

 Ensure effective control systems for recording and reporting on performance.

 Review of internal control systems to ensure compliance with policies,

procedures, laws and regulations.

 Ensure effective safeguarding of assets.

 Ascertain establishment of operating standards for measuring efficiency and





Wily company limited will make monitoring and evaluation an integral part of the

entire process of the implementation of the strategic plan. This will be done with an

aim of measuring and assessing performance in order to draw lessons from the

implementation experience. The findings of the monitoring and evaluation exercises

will inform the decision-making processes. The system will largely use the strategic

objectives and indicators that have been incorporated in the strategic plan detailed

implementation matrix.
5.1 MONITORING AND EVALUATION SYSTEM. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

System will be aligned to the company priorities and strategic objectives.

The company Board of Directors have the overall responsibility for the M&E of the

company strategic plan.

The Head of Departments will be responsible for the implementation of the targets

that fall under their jurisdictions. This will be achieved by ensuring that all prepare

Annual Work Plans (AWPs) for each year of implementation; and all individuals

prepare Individual Operational Plans (IOPs) based on the Departmental

implementation plans.

The areas to monitor will include, but not limited to: performance, utilization of

resources, impact, context, institutional capacity. The monitoring process will involve

regular collection and analysis of information on the progress of the strategic plan

implementation. The process will include the following:

The process will include the following:

 Check whether the implementation is on course in relation to the set


 Help in the documentation of the process of implementation.

 Document progress and key learning areas from experience and feedback.

 Inform company of future directions, decisions and planning.

 Help in taking corrective measures if any unexpected results occur, in order

to bring the activities/programs back onto target.

 Check that allocated resources are being used as intended and cost

The results of both monitoring and evaluation will be reported regularly (monthly,

quarterly and annually etc.) as will be dictated by the M&E system and the activities

specific to the various Department. The reports will contain information

achievements, challenges encountered, limitations in implementation; and emerging

issues as well as recommendations for interventions in order to improve

performance, results/outputs and outcome or contribution of plan implementation.

The company will ensure adequate ICT infrastructure and human resource capacity

for efficient and effective monitoring and evaluation of plan implementation. Similarly,

coordination and integration within and between functions will be a critical feature in

ensuring holistic implementation of the strategic plan within the framework of

company vision, mission and priority areas.

The company will use a variety of monitoring tools, depending on the nature of the

activities. Some of the tools will include: work plans, reports, field visits, annual staff

appraisal forms, and staff meetings. Each function and programme will determine

which tools are relevant and most suitable for their situation.

The reports will include progress/management reports; financial reports, audit

reports and other specific reports, which may be required from time to time

depending on the nature of interventions, but at least quarterly.

These reports will include: Planned programmes and activities for the period;

achievements against the plan; major variances; any trends (in terms of context,

national or global that have or may influence the work of the company; constraints

and challenges faced; any lessons that have been learnt; recommendations; and

All financial reports will be expected to be compliant with the company financial

policy and procedure.

Annual Staff Appraisal.

The key issues that will be looked at here are:

 Performance against agreed standards/indicators or result areas as per the

job descriptions.

 Identification of gaps (or factors that contribute to poor or good performance)

and agreement on corrective measures where necessary.

 Agreement on the next period’s result areas/objectives.

The company will hold several staff and management meetings on a regular basis in

order to discuss important issues pertaining to the work and take appropriate action,

where necessary. Other consultative meetings will be held with specific stakeholders

of different aspects of our work to discuss progress and how the implementation can

be improved.

Finally, mid -term (after 2 years) and end of term (end of period) evaluation of

strategic plan implementation will be crucial, thus providing accurate data for the

review of the five (5) year period of implementation and basis for preparation of the

subsequent five (5) year strategic plan of wily company


The company has decided to improve its operations by learning from others. There

will be a continuous benchmarking process of measuring the company priority

targets, objectives, strategies, services and practices against the world-renowned

best practice organisations.

The respective heads of all departments will be responsible for initiating and

spearheading and the benchmarking process for each of their respective


In practice, the company benchmarking process will encompass:

 Regularly comparing aspects of performance with best practitioners.

 Identifying gaps in performance.

 Seeking fresh approaches to bring about improvements in performance.

 Following through implementing improvements.

 Following up by monitoring progress and reviewing the benefits.

The company benchmarking process will strongly contribute towards the following


 Increased collaboration and understanding of interactions within and between

strategic partners.

 Raised awareness about performance and greater openness about relative

strengths and weaknesses in each key priority areas.

 Increased knowledge of other institutions and organizations with a greater

confidence in deploying and applying new approaches.

 Improved performance measurements.

 Improved quality and institutional productivity and innovation.



Implementation of this Strategic Plan is prone to various risks; the specific risks are

outlined below:

 Insufficient commitment of the board to ensure implementation of the

Strategic Plan.

 Inability of management to implement the Strategic Plan.


 Some of the proposed programmes/activities may experience challenges.

 Presence of insufficiently trained technical staff in key areas is likely to affect

delivery of services in particular Technical and IT function.

 Shortage of office tools and equipment.

 Inadequate budgeting and lack of implementation may make difficult to

implement the planned activities.

 Inappropriate attitude and culture in the governance and operations of the



 Inability to raise revenue to finance planned operations.

 A national economic crisis may affect the implementation of the planned

programmes and activities of the company

 Inability of the company to collects debts from members.

 Inability of the company to meet litigation expenses when due.

 Overstay of independent auditors in office.


 The company may not keep pace with rapid ICT developments.

 Some members of staff may find it difficult to adapt to new technological

 Inadequacy of the current software to match the operations of the company.


To mitigate the effects of the above risks on this plan, the company implements the

following measures:

 Enhancing M&E for early detection of formative risk

 Carrying out appropriate consultation with stakeholders

 Enhancing the company management capacities

 Fostering optimal utilization of resources

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