Module 17 All Questions

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1. Three bladed propeller storage

a) Any position
b) One blade down.
c) Two blade down
d) All

2. Ice formation on propeller blade cause

a) Vibration
b) Drag
c) Aerodynamic in balancing
d) Efficiency reduces
e) All.

3. De-icing goes to slinger-ring through

a) Electrical pump.
b) Centrifugal pump
c) Motor

4. Aerodynamic twisting force

a) Increase blade angle.
b) Decrease blade angle

5. Centrifugal twisting force

a) Increase blade angle
b) Decrease blade angle.

6. Propeller synchronization s/s single taken from

a) Master engine.
b) Slave engine
c) Both
d) None
7. The purpose of drain hole in wooden propeller at tipping
a) Allow the moisture drawn away or throw it through centrifugal force.
b) Doesn’t not allow the moisture drawn away or throw it through
centrifugal force
c) Allow the moisture drawn away or throw it through Aerodynamic force

8. Physical force that tends to throw the propeller blade away from hub when
propeller under constant speed
a) Centrifugal force.
b) Centrifugal twisting force
c) Thrust bending force

9. Anti icing is done during

a) On ground
b) In flight at high altitude.
c) All

10.Slip rings

11.The cyclic times in electrical deicing s/s is heating circuits

a) Continues
b) Intermittent.
c) Automatically when propeller formed ice
d) None

12.Wooden propeller are constructed of

a) Solid block
b) Birch.
c) Separate layer with glued together
d) All

13.If propeller blade is not use for 3 months what will be done
a) Removed and stored
b) Pitch mechanism exercised using another engine if engine cannot be
c) Should be feathered and unfeathered using feathering pump.

14.Blade angle is
a) Angle b/w blade face and plane of rotation
b) Angle b/w blade chord line and plane of rotation.
c) Angle b/w blade chord line and relative wind

15.Centrifugal force act on

a) Blade shank
b) Hub.
c) Blade face

16.Cyclic timer controlled by

a) Electric motor.
b) Hydraulically
c) Ammeter

17.Synchrophasing Is done for

a) Reducing vibration and noise.
b) Reduce vibration
c) Reduce noise

18.Synchrophasing system used on

a) Multi engine a/c
b) Twin engine a/c
c) Both a and b.

19.To maintain the propeller RPM which is used

a) Reduction gear
b) Synchronization s/s
c) Governor.

20.Aerodynamic twisting force

a) Increases blade angle.
b) Decreases blade angle

21.Centrifugal twisting force

a) Increases blade angle
b) Decreases blade angle.

22.Force that opposes the plane of rotation

a) Torque bending force.
b) Thrust bending force
c) Aerodynamic twisting force
d) Centrifugal twisting force

23.Force that throw the propeller blade away from the hub
a) Centrifugal force.
b) Centrifugal twisting force
c) Aerodynamic twisting force

24.Force acting for forward bending

a) Thrust bending.
b) Torque bending

25.If prop not used for more than 3 months

a) It must be over hauled
b) Periodically checked for corrosion.
c) Static balance should be carried out
d) All

26.Electrical motor sync uses

a) Electrical connectors
b) Connectors are connected to altimeters
c) Both a and b

27.Storing propeller blades installed with rubber boots

a) Removed and blanked with non hygroscopic cover.
b) Filled with inhibiting fluid
c) Cleaned

28.Cyclic time is used in anti-icing

a) To control current flow
b) To energize the heating element
c) Periods of 15 to 30 sec with a cycle time of 2 mins.
d) It is an electric driven contactor with control power

29.Magnetic pickups are use in

a) One engine master system.
b) Master motor synchro
c) Twine engine

30.Aerodynamic twisting force will cause the blade to move

a) Low pitch
b) High pitch.
c) Not move the blade at all

31.Torque bending force will cause the blade to move in

a) Direction opposite than of rotation.
b) Direction same as of rotation
c) In both opposite and same direction

32.Thrust bending force will cause the blades to bend in

a) Towards engine
b) Towards low pitch
c) Away from the engine.

33.In fixed pitch propeller with a set configuration changing it will

a) Reduce efficiency.
b) Increase efficiency
c) Have effect

34.When 3 bladed propeller is not being operated for more than 3 months
a) 1 blade vertical position
b) 1 blade down position.
c) Any position

35.Synchronizing is done to
a) Reduce vibration
b) Control engine synchronization
c) A and b.

36.Magnetic pickups are used in

a) Twin engine sync
b) Single engine sync
c) Electric motor sync
d) One-engine master system.

37.Deicing fluid from tank to slinger ring flow through

a) Centrifugal pump
b) Electrical pump.
c) Gear type pump

38.When storing propeller installed with rubber boots

a) Removed and blanked
b) Filled with inhibiting fluid.
c) Cleaned and stored

39.De-icing system consist of

a) Slip ring
b) Brushes
c) Both.

40.The flyweight are mounted on

a) Governor.
b) Propeller blades
c) Engine
41.When one propeller is producing more thrust then other
a) Static balancing
b) Dynamic balancing
c) Contouring and blade angle adjustment.

a) Damage of all propeller, nicks, scratch, etc must be repaired immediately
b) Repair must be parallel to the length
c) Repair must be perpendicular to the axis of propeller
d) Both a and b are correct.

43.Wooden propeller are made up of

a) Oak
b) Birch
c) 5 to 9 separate layers
d) All.

44.Feathering is
a) Stopping propeller rotation
b) Increases fine pitch
c) Increases cores pitch.

45.Counter weight attached to propeller

a) Increases blade angle or pitch.
b) Decreases blade angle
c) Does not change blade angle

46.Low blade angle

a) Low airflow
b) Increases RPM.
c) Low AOA

47.Propeller vibration can be different form engine vibration

a) Evaluity of propeller hub
b) Propeller vibration
c) Propeller hub appears to swing in a slight orbit.

48.Electrical anti-icing systems working can be checked by (NO answer)

a) Carefully touching the heating element
b) Looking at onboard thermometer
c) Looking at temperature sensor on propeller

49.Tractor propeller is fitted

a) Downstream of propeller disc
b) Upstream of propeller disc.
c) None

50.Aerodynamic twisting force will cause the blade to move

a) Low pitch
b) High pitch.
c) Not move than blade at all

51.Torque bending force will cause the blade to move in

a) Direction opposite than of rotation.
b) Direction same as of rotation
c) In both opposite and same direction

52.In fixed pitch propeller with a set configuration changing it will

a) Reduce efficiency.
b) Increase efficiency
c) Have no effect

53.Deicing fluid form tank to slinger ring flows through

a) Centrifugal pump
b) Electrical pump.
c) Gear type pump

54.When storing propeller installed with rubber boots

a) Removed and banked
b) Filled with inhibiting fluid.
c) Cleaned and stored

55.Cyclic times is used in anti icing system

a) To control current flow
b) To energize anti icing circuit.
c) To de-energize anti icing circuit

56.De icing system consists of

a) Slip rings
b) Brushes
c) Both.

57.The flyweight are mounted on

a) Governor.
b) Propeller blades
c) Engine

58.When one propeller is producing more thrust than other

a) Static balancing
b) Dynamic balancing
c) Contouring and blade angle adjustment.

59.Counter weight attached to propeller

a) Increases blade angle.
b) Decreases blade angle
c) Does not change blade angle

60.Low blade angle

a) Low airflow
b) Increases RPM.
c) Low AOA

61.Propeller vibration can be different from engine vibration

a) Ovality of propeller hub
b) Propeller vibrating
c) Propeller hub appears to swing in slight orbit.

62.Pusher propeller are

a) Mounted on the upstream of driver shaft
b) Fixed pitch propeller
c) Mounted on the downstream of driver shaft.

63.A propeller retain is storage a label attached on propeller show their

a) Year of manufacturing
b) Original date of storage.
c) Engine specification

64.Feathering process occurs

a) Engine oil pressure
b) Counterweight and feathering spring.
c) Feathering spring

65.Due to ice formation on propeller blade the blade produces

a) Vibration occurs
b) Thrust decreases
c) Unbalance occurs
d) Both a and c.

66.In deicing system electrical power transfers through

a) Slip ring
b) Brush
c) A and b.

67.Electrical deicing system are usually designed for

a) Continuous application
b) Intermittent application.
c) None

68.Cyclic times are used to energize the heating element for a complete cycle
a) Regularity heating
b) With a complete cycle for 5 min
c) None of the above.

69.Synchronizing system controls and synchronizes

a) Engine rpm.
b) Propeller rpm
c) None

70.In turboprop propeller

a) Thrust is produced directly
b) Beta rang comes under produce negative thrust
c) None of the above are true
Note: beta range can be operated to provide either zero or negative thrust

71.Pitch changing mechanism of Hydromantic propeller are

a) Electrical hydraulic
b) Mechanical hydraulic.
c) Mechanical

72.Propeller converts
a) Brake horse power to thrust horse power.
b) Thrust horse power to brake horse power
c) Engine rpm to brake horse power

73.When it is difficult to determine the probable cause of propeller vibration

a) Propeller hub appears to swing in slight orbit.
b) Propeller hub does not rotate in orbit
c) None of the above

74.Bearing storage up to 12 months

a) Bearing must be removed and ercamined for brinelling and corrosion
b) If it is found satisfactory it must be cleaned, greased and reassembled on
the blade
c) A and b.
75.Which type of a/c equipped with master engine
a) Synchronizing motor master
b) Multi engine a/c.
c) Two engine a/c

76.Synchro master unit operated

a) Alternating current generator driven by an accessory drive of the engine.
b) Alternating voltage directly proportional to drive of engine
c) Alternative current inversely proportional to drive of engine

77.Synchrophasing master unit incorporates

a) Master motor which mechanically drives 4 contactors.
b) Slave motor which mechanically drives 4 contactors
c) None

78.In low pitch mechanism

a) Small AOA
b) Small diameter of propeller produce less amount of air
c) High rpm (max thrust)
d) All are correct.

79.In high pitch mechanism

a) CTF
b) ATF.
c) Torque bending force

80.The force that tends to pull the propeller blades out of the hub
a) Centrifugal force.
b) Thrust bending force
c) CTF
d) ATF

81.The force that tends to bend the propeller blade in the direction opposite than
of rotation
a) CTF
b) ATF
c) Thrust bending force.
d) Torque bending force

82.Lubricating of storage propeller

a) 3 moths
b) 6 months.
c) 12 months

83.Position of wooden propeller during storage

a) Vertical
b) Horizontal.
c) Obliques

84.Visually inspect the propeller for

a) Grease leak
b) Dent
c) Scratch
d) All.

85.Electrical de- icing converts

a) Electrical energy to heat energy.
b) Mechanically energy to heat energy
c) Heat energy to electrical energy

86.In deicer boots

a) The fluid flows laterally through the channel.
b) The fluid flows longitudinally through the channel
c) The fluid does not flow at all

87.Constant speed propeller

a) Engine rpm is held constant
b) Propeller rpm is held constant.
c) Tip rpm is held constant
88.Greasing of propeller are specifically
a) Aircraft manufacturer
b) Propeller manufacturer.
c) Engine manufacturer

89.During removal of spinner cone check for

a) Grease on the blade and inner surface
b) No grease leakage.
c) FOD

90.Dynamic balancing
a) When CG does not coincide with axis of rotation
b) When CG of propeller units do not follow plane of rotation.
c) When CG of propeller coincides with axis of rotation

91.High speed propellers are designed to

a) Rotate at high rpm
b) Operate at high forward speeds.
c) Operate at supersonic tip speed

92.When in the windmill position ATM

a) Opposes CTM
b) Is not related to CTM
c) Assists CTM.

93.The optimum angle for a fixed pitch propeller is

a) 15 degrees
b) 2-4 degrees.
c) 6-10 degrees

94.A left handed propeller is one that

a) Rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear.
b) Rotates clockwise when viewed from the front
c) Is fitted to an engine on the left side of the aircraft
95.Forces acting on a propeller are
a) Centrifugal, twisting and bending
b) Torque , thrust and centrifugal.
c) Torsion, tension and thrust

96.The blade angle at the root is

a) Less than the tip
b) Same from tip to root
c) Greater than the tip.

97.What force on a propeller blade turns the blades to a fine pitch

a) ATM
b) Torque
c) CTM.

98.The purpose of propeller twist is

a) Coarsen the blade angle at the root
b) To maintain blade angle along the blade
c) To maintain angle of attack at the same value along the blade.

99.The blade angle at the root is

a) Low
b) High.
c) Master blade angle

100. Blade angle is taken from the chord line and

a) Propeller shaft
b) Relative airflow
c) Plane of rotation.

101. What forces act on a propeller during flight

a) Thrust and torque
b) Bending , thrust, torque
c) Centrifugal , bending, and twisting forces.
102. CTM will
a) Try to through the blade away from the engine
b) Turn the blade about the lateral axis
c) Cause the tips to rotate at supersonic speeds
d) Turn the blade pitch to low.

103. From reverse pitch to return to normal pitch it

a) Passes through coarse then fine
b) Passes through coarse
c) Passes through fine.

104. When in reverse pitch CTM will tend to move the propeller blades towards
a) A positive pitch
b) A position depending on rpm
c) A negative pitch.

105. If the blade angle is increased

a) The pitch becomes finer
b) The pitch becomes coarser.
c) Lateral stability decreases

106. As a propeller blade moves through the air forces are produced which are
known as
a) Lift and torque
b) Lift and drag
c) Thrust and torque.

107. A rotating propeller imparts rearwards motion to a

a) Small mass of air at high velocity
b) Large mass of air at low velocity.
c) Small mass of air at low velocity

108. Propeller efficiency is

a) The ratio of output speed to input propeller speed
b) The ratio of the work applied to the geometric pitch to useful work on the
c) The ratio of the useful work done by the propeller to work done by the
engine on the propeller.

109. Geometric pitch is the distance moved

a) In one revolution
b) In one revolution when slip in maximum
c) In one revolution without slip
d) Both and b.

110. As propeller rotation speed increases the centrifugal twisting moment on the
a) Increases.
b) Decreases
c) Remain constant through RPM range

111. Propeller torque is the resistance offered by the propeller to (doubt)

a) Feathering
b) Changing pitch
c) Rotation.

112. The angle between the resultant airflow direction and the propeller blade
plane of rotation is known as
a) Angle of attack
b) Blade angle
c) Helix angle or angle of advance.

113. At constant rpm advance per revolution depends on

a) SHP
b) Forward speed.
c) Reverse speed

114. Aerodynamic twisting moment

a) Turns the blade to windmill
b) Turns the blades to high pitch.

115. Under normal operation the point of maximum stress on a propeller blade is
at the
a) Root .
b) Shank
c) Blade face

116. Propeller blade angle

a) Is constant along the blade length
b) Decreases from root to tip.
c) Increases form root to tip

117. Coarse pitch is used for

a) Take off and climb
b) Maximum economical cruise in level flight.
c) Landing and power checks

118. Effective pitch is

a) Distance moved in one revolution
b) Geometric pitch minus slip.
c) Pitch measured at the master station

119. A wind milling propeller has

a) A small positive blade angle
b) A small positive angle of attack
c) A small negative angle of attack.

120. Wind milling causes

a) Propeller under speeding
b) Maximum propeller drag.
c) Centrifugal twisting moment

121. Torque acts

a) In the same direction as the plane of rotation
b) At right angle to the plane of rotation
c) At right angles to the plane of rotation
d) In opposition to the direction of rotation.

122. The purpose of blade twist is to

a) Reduce angle of attack at the blade root
b) To ensure that tip speed does not go faster than mach 1
c) To even out thrust distribution across the propeller.

123. Thrust is greatest

a) At 70% to 80% of propeller length
b) In the first 50%
c) The same all along the length.

124. CTM changes the pitch of a blade

a) About its twisting axis.
b) Bending forward
c) Towards the feather plane

125. The velocity of the slip stream behind the aircraft is relation to the ambient
air is
a) less
b) greater.
c) equal

126. high speed aerofoils are employed at

a) the master station
b) the tips
c) the root.

127. a right hand propeller

a) Rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear.
b) is always fitted to the starboard engine
c) rotates clockwise when viewed from the front
128. given the blade angles is measured from the centre of the hub, the blade
angle at the hub is considered to be
a) lowest
b) master station value
c) Highest.

129. a wind milling propeller will create

a) more drag in feather
b) more drag in fine pitch.
c) more drag in coarse pitch

130. the chord line of a propeller is

a) a line joining the leading and trailing edges.
b) a line joining the tip to the root of the blade
c) a line joining the tips of the blades

131. the plane of rotation is defined as

a) the plane in which thrust force acts
b) the plane in which the propeller rotates.
c) the angle at which the blade strikes the airflow

132. thrust bending force on a propeller blade

a) intensifies the centrifugal forces to some degrees
b) can be used in propeller design to reduce some operation stress
c) Tends to bend the propeller blade forward at the tip.

133. what conditions are applied to a propeller blade wind milling

a) positive angle of attack, thrust negative.
b) negative angle of attack thrust positive
c) negative angle of attack thrust negative

134. primary purpose of propeller is to

a) Change engine brake horsepower to thrust.
b) provide static and dynamic stability to aircraft
c) create lift on the fixed aerofoils of a aircraft
135. the primary purpose of a feathering propeller is to
a) prevent further engine damage when an engine fails in flight
b) prevent propeller damage when an engine fails in flight
c) eliminate the drag created by a wind milling propeller when an engine
fails in flight.

136. propeller construction

a) will never be struck by lighting
b) does not require lightning strike protection
c) requires lightning strike protection.

137. The timber most often used today for propeller construction is.
a) Birch.
b) Spruce
c) Balsa

138. Electronic torque measuring systems utilize

a) Strain gauges in the reduction gear.
b) Stress gauges in the reduction gear
c) Pressure transducers in the reduction gear

139. A conventional turboprop torque meter uses

a) Hydraulic oil as the pressure medium
b) Coiled spring levers as the pressure medium
c) Engine oil as the pressure medium.

140. Metal at the tip along the leading angle of a wooden propeller is
a) For balancing
b) For protection.
c) For anti icing

141. Blade cuffs are fitted to the root of the blades

a) To increase the strength of the blade
b) To increase thrust
c) To increase flow of cooling air into the engine nacelle.

142. Low torque sensing is used to

a) Increase power
b) Increase pitch
c) Initiate auto feather.

143. Torque sensing is used to

a) Reduce drag
b) Reduce drag following engine shutdown.
c) Synchronies blade angle

144. The minimum percentage seating on a propeller rear cone should be

a) 90%
b) 70%.
c) 95%

145. The propeller is feathered when the blades are at

a) O* to plane of rotation
b) 20* the plane of rotation
c) 90* to plane of rotation.

146. The thrust of a propeller is normally taken by the

a) Torque meter
b) Propeller rear cone
c) Front bearing in the reduction gear.

147. On which type of turbo propeller would you expect to find a parking brake
a) Compounded twin spool
b) Direct coupled twin spool
c) Free turbine.

148. What does the torque meter reading indicate in a gas turbine engine
a) Torque reaction at the reduction gear.
b) The ration between engine thrust and engine torque
c) Engine torque

149. The gear segments on the blade roots of a hydromatic propeller mesh with
a) Stationary cam
b) Torque tubes and eye bolts
c) Moving cam
d) Spines of propeller shaft.

150. A propeller is centralized on the propeller shaft by

a) The fornt and rear cones
b) The front git seal
c) The rear pre-load shims.

151. Reduction gearing allows the

a) Blade tips to operate below the speed of sound.
b) Blade tips to operate above the speed of sound
c) Blade tips to rotate slower than the root of the propeller blade

152. When fitting a propeller to a tapered shaft

a) Locate the master spline
b) Ensure the master spline and blade alignment are in accordance with the
c) Ensure fully seated

153. What is the purpose of small holes at the tip of wooden propellers
a) Drainage.
b) Balancing
c) Pivot points used during manufacture

154. The thrust face of a propeller blade is the

a) root to which the gear segment is fettled
b) blade face or flat side
c) blade back or curved side.
155. solidity of a propeller can be increased by
a) increasing blade chord.
b) increasing blade angle
c) increasing blade thickness

156. a turbo prop engine

a) uses an epicyclic reduction gear system.
b) uses a spur gear reduction system
c) does not require a reduction gear system due to the propshaft being
driven from the low speed compressor

157. total power of a turbo prop engine is measured in

a) equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP)
b) shaft horsepower (SHP).
c) brake horsepower (BHP)

158. the disadvantage of using reverse pitch on a turbo propeller engine is

a) exhaust gas ingestion, high gas temperature and debris ingestion
b) debris ingestion.
c) high gas temperature

159. a compound twin spool engine is

a) turbo prop propeller driven by a power turbine
b) turbo prop twin spool compressor.
c) LP compressor driven by a free turbine

160. With the engine stationary the indication that the propeller is in ground fine
pitch is
a) Blade and spinner marking aligned
b) Below stop warning light on
c) Flight fine pitch stop lever withdrawn.
161. When the power lever on a turbo prop engine is moved from ground idle to
flight fine the fuel flow increases and the blade angle
a) Increases.
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same

162. How is the blade station measured

a) In inches from the centre of the hub.
b) In inches from the tip
c) As a percentage of blade length from the tip

163. The oil used in the torque meters system is

a) DTD 585
b) Engine oil pressure boosted by a pump driven off the reduction gear.
c) PCU oil pressure

164. Which type of turboprop engine is partially free from surge and requires low
power for starting
a) Compound twin spool
b) Directly coupled
c) One using a centrifugal compressor
d) Twin spool free turbine.

165. Blade stations are measured from the

a) Centre of the hub.
b) Tip
c) Shank

166. Auto feathering is disarmed

a) During landing
b) During take off
c) In the cruise.

167. With a multi engine aircraft the torque pressure would be

a) There is only one gauge for all engines
b) Same on all engines.
c) Similar on all engines

168. If torque pressure fell to zero during the cruise what would indicate that the
gauge had failed
a) Engine would auto feather
b) Engine would over speed
c) Engine would continue to run.

169. The purpose of using reverse pitch propeller is to

a) Provide aerodynamic breaking.
b) Allow aircraft to taxi backwards
c) Reverse the direction of rotation of the propeller

170. The RPM of a wind milling propeller is primarily related to

a) EAS
b) IAS
c) TAS.

171. A ducted propeller is used because

a) Ducted props give more thrust for the diameter of disc.
b) Only ducted propellers can be vectored
c) Ducted props give less thrust for the diameter of disc

172. A two position prop uses

a) High pitch for takeoff and low pitch for cruise
b) Low pitch for takeoff and climb and high pitch for cruise.
c) High pitch for takeoff , low pitch for climb and high pitch for cruise

173. A propeller operating in the beta range is operating between

a) Flight idle and ground idle
b) Coarse and flight fine pitch
c) Maximum reverse pitch and flight idle pitch.

174. The csu oil pump is provided to

a) Boost engine oil pressure to decrease pitch.
b) Boost engine oil pressure to alter pitch
c) Boost engine oil pressure to increase pitch

175. Counter weights are used to

a) Counter the ATM of the blades
b) Counteract the CTM of the blades.
c) Balance the blades

176. The pressure face of a propeller is

a) The flat face.
b) The leading edge
c) The camber face

177. In blade station numbering the station nearest the hub are
a) Datum
b) Highest
c) Lowest.

178. A propeller mounted forward of the engine is known as

a) Hydromatic propeller
b) A tractor propeller.
c) A pusher propeller

179. Contra rotating propeller are

a) Two propellers on the same shaft on one engine each revolving in a
different direction.
b) Propellers geared to rotate in the opposite direction to the engine
c) Propeller on a twin engine aircraft revolving in opposite directions

180. An aerodynamic braking propeller goes through

a) The feathered pitch position to act as a brake
b) The coarse pitch position to act as a brake
c) The fine pitch position to act as a brake.
181. The term spinner is applied to
a) A propeller tip vortex
b) A streamline covering over the propeller hub.
c) An acrobatic maneuver
Note: spinner provides streamlined flow over the engine nacelle

182. Turbo prop engines require a slightly higher viscosity oil than a turbo jet
engine due to
a) Lower engine rpm
b) Higher engine rpm
c) Reduction gear and propeller pitch change mechanism.

183. The propulsive efficiency of a propeller turbine engine is higher than that of
a jet turbine engine at aircraft speeds
a) Above approximately 450mph
b) Within the range 450mhp and 700mhp
c) Below approximately 450mhp.

184. A propeller has the requirement of a

a) Manufacturer date plate
b) Type certificate or equivalent certificate.
c) Batch number

185. Variable pitch propellers are used because they are

a) Reduce vibration and noise
b) Have peak efficiency over a greater speed range
c) More economical.

186. The condition lever normally has the following settings

a) Normal beta range and reverse range
b) Cut off idle and high idle.
c) Rich lean and cut off

187. What is the ground clearance for a tricycle geared aircraft

a) 7 inches.
b) 9 inches
c) 1 inches

188. In a variable pitch propeller system a decreases in propeller RPM will alter
the angle of attack on the blade to
a) Increase angle of attack
b) Decrease angle of attack.
c) Increase negative torque

189. To achieve reverse pitch the blade angle must be

a) More than 17*
b) Less than 0*.
c) More than 90*

190. Centrifugal latches are fitted to lock the propeller

a) In the feathered position
b) When stationary.
c) In the fine pitch position

191. Counter weights are fitted to blade root to

a) Counteract atm
b) Assist blade to move to fine pitch
c) Counteract CTM.

192. The limits for blade angle are controlled by pitch stops on the
a) Propeller shaft
b) Blade root
c) Cylinder.

193. The range of angle of a VP propeller is usually limited by

a) The fine pitch position
b) The feathering angle
c) Coarse and fine pitch stops.
194. The purpose of fine pitch stop is to
a) Maintain constant speed in flight
b) Prevent the propeller moving below flight fine pitch in flight.
c) Maintain maximum RPM at take off

195. Which best describes a variable pitch propeller

a) The blade angles can be changed in flight.
b) Its blade angle are set with an automatic system with which the pilot has
no input
c) Its blade angles can only be set on the ground

196. The holding coil of a hydromantic propeller feathering button switch holds
a relay closed that applies
a) Dome feathering mechanism
b) Feathering pump motor.
c) Governor

197. The primary purpose of the front and rear cones for propellers that are
installed on splined shaft is to
a) Prevent metal to metal contact between the propeller and the splined
b) Reduce stresses between the splines of the propeller and the splines of the
c) Position the propeller hub on the splined shaft.

198. The constant speed control unit is also called a

a) Propeller pitch control.
b) Accumulator
c) Governor.

199. When the compressive force on a speeder spring is reduced the propeller
blades will
a) Remain fixed
b) Fine off
c) Coarsen.
200. A hydraulic pitch lock is utilized in a hydromatic propeller to
a) Lock out the course pitch oil line in the event of underspeeding
b) Lock out the fine pitch oil line in the event of over speeding.
c) Prevent the propeller over speeding in the event of oil supply failure

201. When in the beta range the propeller pitch is controlled

a) Directly from the power lever.
b) Indirectly from the power lever
c) Directly from the pitch change mechanism to the PCU

202. The advantage of the beta range is it allows

a) High power setting with higher than normal pitch setting when in flight
b) Low fine pitch setting with high power
c) Low power setting with higher than normal pitch setting for ground

203. If the speeder spring pressure of a CSU is increased the blade will
a) Coarsen off
b) Fine off.
c) Will not move

204. The propeller blade face is also subjected to

a) Tension from centrifugal force
b) Tension from centrifugal force and additional tension from the bending.
c) Only tension from the bending

205. Engine vibration occurs

a) If the propeller hub appears to swing in slight orbit
b) If the propeller hub does not appear rotate in an orbit.
c) RPM improperly hub rotates on an absolutely vertical plane

206. Propeller vibration occurs

a) If the propeller hub appears to swing in slight orbit.
b) If the propeller hub does not appear rotate in an orbit
c) RPM improperly hub rotates on a absolutely vertical plane

207. Propeller blade tracking

a) Tracking shows only position of the blade
b) Tracking shows only the relative position of the blade
c) Tracking shows only the relative position of the blade not their actual

208. If there is any doubt as to whether the propeller de icing system is

functioning properly it should be checked during an engine ground run
a) Flow chat
b) Functional test.
c) Inhibiting

209. MTCS
a) Fixed pitch propeller the blade angle cannot be changed after the
propeller Is built.
b) Fixed pitch propeller the blade angle can be changed after the propeller Is
c) none

210. MTCS
a) Fixed pitch propeller is one piece constructed of wood or aluminum
b) Fixed pitch propeller is separate piece constructed of wood or aluminum
c) both

211. Synchronize used for

a) Dissimilar RPM setting between reduce the amount of vibration and
b) Similar RPM setting between reduce the amount of vibration and noise
c) None
Note: synchronizing systems control engine RPM and reduce vibration by
setting all propeller at exactly the same RPM such system can be used for
all flight operation expect take off and landing

212. The synchronizer master unit consist of

a) A master motor which mechanically drives four contactor unit
b) A master motor which mechanically drives four contactor unit that are
electrically connected to an alternator.

213. Synchrophasing are

a) Pulse generator
b) Electronic synchrophaser
c) Speed bias servo assembly
d) All.

214. If the propeller cone or hub cone seats show evidence of galling and wear
the most likely cause is
a) The propeller retaining nut was not tight enough during previous
b) The front cone was not fully bottomed against the crankshaft splines
during installation
c) The pitch change stops were located incorrectly, causing the cone seats to
act as the high pitch stop

215. If the ice formation on the propeller when the aircraft is in flight will
a) Decrease available engine power
b) Increase aircraft stall speed and increase noise
c) Decrease thrust and cause excessive vibration.

216. A variable pitch propeller mechanism for store long period should
a) Should be completely emptied and dried
b) Be filled which special inhibiting oil to prevent condensation and
c) Be filled with the normal operating oil to prevent condensation
217. Aerodynamic twisting force
a) High blade angle.
b) Low blade angle

218. Centrifugal force greater than the aerodynamic force

a) Low blade angle.
b) High blade angle

219. Pusher propeller

a) Pusher propeller those mounted on the downstream end of a drive shaft
behind the supporting the structure.
b) Pusher propeller those mounted on the downstream end of a drive shaft
behind the supporting the structure
c) Either a or b

220. The timer or cycling unit determines the sequence of which blades are
currently being de iced, and for the length of time
a) The cycling unit power to each deice boot segment in sequence or all on
b) The cycling unit power to each deice boot segment in continuous or all
on order

221. flat side of the propeller blade is called

a) Blade back
b) Blade face.

222. On which type of turbo propeller would you expect to find a parking brake
a) Compound twin spool
b) Direct coupled twin spool
c) Free turbine.

223. Propeller produced

a) Forward and rotary motion.
b) Backward and rotary motion
c) Either a or b

224. Blade station are measured in

a) In inches from the centre of the blade hub.
b) In meter from the centre of the blade hub
c) In degrees from the centre of the blade hub

225. Wooden propeller are stored in

a) Horizontally.
b) Vertically
c) both

226. Electrical de icing convert

a) Electrical energy to heat energy in the heating element.
b) Heat energy to electrical

227. Propeller slip

a) Difference b/w geometric pitch and effective pitch.
b) Geometric pitch – effective pitch
c) Both

228. Hamilton hydromatic propeller pitch changing mechanism mounted on

a) Dome assembly.
b) Hub
c) Shank

229. Static balance

a) Centre of gravity of the propeller does not coincide with the axis of
b) Centre of gravity of the propeller coincide with the axis of rotation

230. Dynamic balancing

a) Centre of gravity of similar propeller elements such as blades or counter
weight does not follow in the same plane of rotation.
b) Centre of gravity of similar propeller elements such as blades or counter
weight follow in the same plane of rotation

231. Why phosphate compound are not used compare to isopropyl alcohol
a) Expensive.
b) Less
c) moderate

232. Why phosphate compound are not used compare to isopropyl alcohol
a) Expensive

233. Temporary storage is generally defined as non use of the aircraft for
a) 90 days.
b) 180 days
c) 1 years
d) 2 years

234. Fine pitch propeller blade angle decided by (doubt)

a) Level flight
b) Take off
c) climb

235. Propeller lubrication

a) Hydromatic propeller does not require lubrication.
b) Hydromatic propeller require lubrication

236. Hub cone seat, shaft are examined to detect

a) Undue wear, galling and corrosion.
b) Corrosion
c) Wear

237. The propeller blade farthest from the hub generally defined as the 6 inch of
the blade
a) Blade tip.
b) Blade hub
c) Blade shank

238. Potential energy derived form

a) Velocity
b) Condition.
c) Movement
d) Direction

239. Hydromatic propeller consists

a) Hub assembly
b) Dome assembly
c) Distributor valve and anti icing assembly
d) All of the above.

240. Aircraft vibration produced by

a) Static balancing
b) Dynamic balancing
c) Both.

241. During takeoff for GSD

a) Low blade angle or pitch.
b) High blade angle or pitch

242. MTCS tractor propeller

a) Tractor propeller upstream.
b) Tractor propeller down stream

243. Propeller converts

a) BHP to THP.

244. Blade face

a) Flat side
b) Flat side with aerodynamic reaction.
c) Cambered face

245. Feathering propeller installed in

a) Single engine
b) Multi engine.
c) Turbo prop

246. Centrifugal force turns the counter weights into

a) Axis
b) Away from axis.
c) Into the plane of rotation

247. Cause of propeller vibration are engine vibration checked by

a) Propeller swing axially
b) Hub appears to swing.
c) Spinner wobbling

248. MTCS regarding ATM

a) Cause the blade into fine pitch
b) Forces blades out of hub
c) Cause into high pitch configuration.

249. If low pitch setting gets faulty

a) Low engine RPM
b) Low propeller and high engine RPM
c) Propeller vibration which further causes power plant vibration.

250. If you above hub swinging in a slight orbit the vibration is caused by
a) Engine
b) Propeller.
c) Both

251. During a drive

a) Propeller blade angle increases to prevent over speeding.
b) Propeller blade decreases
c) Propeller beathers

252. If the propeller is stored for 3 months and engine cant be run during this
period then
a) Engine given a ground run
b) Propeller feathered and un feathered using feathering pump.
c) Bearings disassembled

253. When preloaded assemblies held in storage after 12 months

a) Bearings disassembled
b) Bearings disassembled and then greased installed again.
c) Return to manufacturer

254. In a typical turboprop assembly

a) Pulse generator
b) Electronic synchrophaser
c) Speed bias sevo assembly
d) All.

255. Which of the following uses a generator

a) Master motor synchronizer.
b) Core engine master syn
c) Multi engine sync

256. Synchronization
a) Reduces propeller rpm
b) Reduces engine rpm
c) Reduces vibrations.

257. MTCS regarding torque bending force

a) Tends to bend the propeller blades opposite to the direction of rotation.
b) Pull out of hub
c) Away from the engine

258. Magnetic pickup device used in which synchronization

a) Master motor
b) One engine master system.
c) Multi engine synchronization

259. Improper blade tracking refer to

a) Manufacturer.
b) Civil authority of operating country

260. Propeller retained in storage label shows

a) Year of manufacturing
b) Original date of storage.
c) Engine specification

261. Cyclic timer

a) Central current flow
b) Energize the heating element.
c) Permits monitoring of current

262. MTCS regarding de icing system

a) Cyclic times is a motor driven contactor unit
b) Brush block placed inside spinner
c) Selector s/w used for heavy icing and low icing
d) Both a and c.

263. In an anti icing system fluid fed by

a) Gravity feed
b) Centrifugal pump
c) Electrical driven pump.

264. Thrust torque and centrifugal stress encountered at

a) Shank
b) Tip
c) Near the tip
d) Near the hub.
265. Automatic synchronization
a) Central tip speed
b) Central engine RPM reduce vibration.
c) Central power output of engine
d) All

266. Regarding erraneus propeller(no answer)

a) If blade track is disturbed correct tracking after check
b) Return to manufacturer
c) First check track the check balancing if not correctly balance send to

267. De icing boots well checked by

a) Felling it and monitoring the load current
b) Monitoring the current drew
c) Absrving ammeter.

268. 3 bladed propeller vertical position

a) 2 blades vertically down
b) 1 blade vertical down.
c) 2 blades vertical down
d) Any position

269. Blade tracking is carried out in propeller to determine

a) Actual position of propeller blades
b) Relative position of propeller blades.
c) As in b and out of track propeller are easy to dynamically balance

270. When aircraft climbs and engine failure occurs propeller

a) Blade angle increases to negative pitch to reduce drag
b) Blade angle decrease to negative pitch to reduce drag
c) Blade angle neither decrease nor increase to reduce drag
d) Blade angle goes to coarse pitch.
271. Purpose of metal tipping in L.E of wooden propeller to
a) Prevent formation of ice and snow
b) Protect blade from FOD caused by flying objects and aerodynamic
c) Reduce drag and increase efficiency

272. MTCs, ground adjustable propeller

a) Adjust blade angle only in ground.
b) Adjust blade angle only in flight
c) Adjust blade angle in both ground and flight

273. The purpose of reverse pitch in propeller is

a) Blade angle is changed to reverse pitch to provide negative thrust.
b) Blade angle is changed to forward pitch to provide positive thrust
c) Blade angle is not changed at all

274. The propeller governor the purpose of pilot valve

a) To control the propeller RPM.
b) To control the engine RPM
c) To control both engine and propeller RPM

275. In feathering the source of hydraulic pressure is from

a) Dedicated propeller hydraulic system
b) Aircraft hydraulic system
c) Engine lubrication system.

276. During feathering of propeller

a) Hydraulic pressure moves blade toward low pitch
b) Hydraulic pressure moves blade toward high pitch.
c) Hydraulic pressure moves blade toward reverse pitch

277. The primary function of front and rear cone when splined propeller shaft
a) To center the propeller on the crankshaft
b) To prevent the propeller from loosing
c) Position the propeller hub on the splined shaft.

278. When flyweight overcome the speeder spring pressure it means

a) Propeller rotates under speed
b) Propeller rotates over speed.
c) Engine rotates over speed
d) Engine rotates under speed

279. Auto feathering accomplishes

a) Automatically.
b) Manually by pilot
c) Both automatically and manually

280. When speeder spring force decreases the blade angle will be
a) Increases
b) Decreases.
c) Remains same
d) None

281. If an propeller rotate in under speed cord the blade angle will be
a) Fine pitch.
b) Coarse pitch
c) Smooth pitch
d) Bastad pitch

282. Hygroscopic covering on propeller while storing

a) It makes a layer between blade and atmosphere
b) It cannot absorb moisture
c) It absorbs moisture.
d) Both a and b

283. Phosphate is used as anti-icing fluid in place of isopropyl alcohol due to

a) Expensive
b) Reduced Flammability.
c) Corrosion
d) All

284. Static balancing is done by

a) Suspension test stand
b) Knife edge test stand.
c) No stand is required

285. Storage of propeller should be

a) On tip suspension
b) Not on tip
c) Dip in oil.

286. Nicks and abrasion are

a) Permissible
b) Not permissible.

287. Hydromatic propeller with engine shaft extension are used in

a) Feathering propeller
b) Non feathering propeller or double acting propellers.
c) Fixed pitch propeller

288. Material of metal fixed pitch propeller

a) Duralumin
b) Anodized aluminum alloy.
c) Anodized mg
d) Both a and b

289. During preservation the propeller should be checked for

a) Moisture and sunlight
b) Physical damage and corrosion
c) Internal damage
d) Both a and b.
290. Static unbalance is done to
a) When cg of the propeller does not coincide with the axis of rotation.
b) When cg of the propeller or similar propeller elements do not follow in
the same place
c) When cg of the propeller coincide with the axis of rotation

291. Anti icing is done

a) On ground
b) As in a for some time of period
c) If flight at high altitude.
d) All

292. Slip is
a) Geometric pitch- effective pitch.
b) Effective pitch and geometric pitch
c) Geometric pitch and effective pitch

293. Engine vibration determination

a) If the propeller hub appears to swing in slight orbit
b) If the propeller hub does not appear for rotation an orbit.
c) RPM improperly rotates on an absolutely vertical plane

294. Propeller blade tracking

a) Tracking shows only position of the blade
b) Tracking shows only the relative position of the blade
c) Tracking shows only the relative position of the blade not their actual

295. If there is doubt as whether the deicing system is functioning or not it should
be checked during engine ground run
a) Flow test
b) Functional test.
c) Inhibiting test
296. MTCS
a) Fixed pitch propeller the blade angle can be changed
b) Fixed pitch propeller the blade angle cannot be changed.
c) Variable pitch propeller the blade angle cannot be change

297. MTCS
a) Fixed pitch propeller is two piece contraction of wood or al alloy
b) Variable pitch propeller is one piece construction of wood or al alloy
c) Fixed pitch propeller in one piece construction of wood or al alloy.

298. Synchronization is used for

a) Dissimilar RPM setting and increase amount of vibration and noise
b) Dissimilar RPM setting and reduce amount of vibration and noise.
c) Some RPM setting and reduce amount of vibration and noise

299. Synchrophase consist of

a) Pulse generator
b) Electronic synchrophaser
c) Speed bias servo assembly
d) All.

300. The sysnchronies master unit consists of

a) A master motor which mechanically drive 4 contactor units.
b) A master motor which mechanically drive 4 contactor that are electrically
connected to an altimeter

301. If the propeller cone or hub seats show evidence of galling and wear the
most likely causes is
a) The propeller retaining nut was not tight enough during previous
b) The front cone was not fully bottomed against the crank shaft splines
during installing
c) The pitch change stops were located incorrectly causing the cone seat to
act as the high pitch stop

302. If the ice formation on the propeller when a/c is in flight will
a) Decreases available engine power
b) Increases aircraft stall speed and increases noise
c) Decreases thrust and cause excessive vibration.

303. A VP propeller for long storage

a) Should be completely expired
b) Be filled with special inhibition oil to prevent corrosion.
c) Be filled with normal oil

304. CTM
a) Turn blade towards low blade angle.
b) Turn blade towards high blade angle
c) Tries to pull the blades away from hub

305. Propeller blades when stores

a) Are covered with non-hygroslopic material.
b) Are covered with hydroscopic material
c) Are kept in cool and dry environment

306. Propeller blades stored in condition

a) Dry
b) Cool
c) Warm
d) Both a and c.

307. Blade angle is measured in

a) Inches
b) Degrees.
c) Millimeters

308. Blade station is measured in

a) Inches .
b) Degrees
c) Millimeters

309. Blades coming in contact with salt water should be washed with
a) Soap with water
b) Fresh water.
c) Nitric acid

310. Blades are inspected for

a) Oil and grease deposits
b) Welding or brazing failures
c) Nicks and scratches and other flaws
d) All.

311. When blade angle is increased

a) More air is handled per revolution.
b) Less air is handled per revolution
c) Amount of air handled per revolution is independent of blade angle

312. Hygroscopic materials are not used to cover propeller

a) They do not absurd moisture
b) They absorb moisture.
c) They resist corrosion

313. Vibration in the aircraft may be due to

a) Propeller unbalance static or dynamic.
b) Unbalanced tyre
c) Flap assembly

314. Geometric pitch is defined as

a) Distance a propeller should advance in one revolution.
b) Distance a propeller actually advance
c) Difference b/w pitch and slip
315. Anti icing fluid
a) Flows laterally along the T.E of blade
b) Flows laterally along the L.E blade
c) Flows longitudinally along L.E of blade.

316. Electrical de icing of propeller

a) Does not let ice to form
b) Removes ice often its formation.

317. Fixed pitch propeller are used on

a) Small aircrafts
b) Low horse power engine
c) When max efficiency at all condition is not important
d) ATA.

318. Blade shank is

a) At the root of the blade
b) Fits inside the hub
c) Thick and round section of blade
d) All.

319. Length of propeller blades are limited because

a) Excessive tip speed reduces efficiency
b) Excessive tip speed produces vibration.
c) Lower tip speed produces less thrust
d) Both a and b

320. Forces acting propeller

a) CTM
b) ATM
c) Torque bending force
d) ATA.

321. MTCS station number

a) Are measured in centimeter
b) Are measured from centre of hub.
c) Are measured from center of propeller shank.

322. Blade angle

a) Increases from root to tip
b) Decreases from root to tip.
c) Decreases from tip to root

323. Propeller converts

a) Engine thrust into propulsive force
b) Engine force into propulsive thrust
c) Engine power into propulsive force.
d) Engine force into propulsive force

324. In wooden propeller the head of screws in tipping are soldered to

a) Prevent opening or removed by technician
b) Make it air and water tight
c) Prevent loosening.

325. While storing propeller the label indicates

a) Part number
b) Original date of storage
c) Modification standards
d) ATA.

326. Metal tipping is in wooden propeller to prevent from loosening

a) Head of the screw soldered.
b) A lock washer is used
c) Lock nut is used
d) ATA

327. MTCS
a) CTM to low pitch.
b) CTM to high pitch
c) Bending force towards the plane of rotation
d) Bending force towards the engine

328. The control system permits variation in the pumping rate so that the quantity
of fluid delivered to propeller can be varied(doubt)
a) Depending upon the ambient pressure
b) Depending on the severity of icing.
c) Depending on the ice quantity

329. The feed shoes are molded on blade leading edge

a) Fluid flow from blade shank towards tip by centrifugal force
b) Flow laterally from the channel on the L.E of blade
c) The mixture of moisture and fluid reduces formation of ice
d) All.

330. Visual inspection of propeller is for

a) Scratches and cracks
b) Dent and bruises
c) Erosion
d) ATA.

331. Thrust and camber faces of a propeller should be blended out to

a) 5 times the depth of damage
b) 10 times to the depth of damage
c) 30 times to the depth of damage.

332. Leading edges should be blended out to

a) 5 times the depth of damage
b) 10 times the depth of damage.
c) 30 times the depth of damage

333. The shank of the propeller is permitted to have

a) Minor repairs
b) No repairs.
c) No decals fitted
334. Wooden propellers are permitted
a) No repairs
b) Repairs using sawdust and aeroglue.
c) Repairs that do not affect weight and balance

335. Composite propeller may have minor repairs carried out by

a) The operator
b) Any approved 3rd party maintenance organization
c) Any approved composite repair facility.

336. Details of propeller overhaul may be found in

a) Airworthiness notice 75.
b) The AMM
c) Airworthiness notice 55

337. The tip clearance of a single engine tail wheel aircraft is measured with the
a) Tail wheel on the ground
b) Tail wheel in the take off position.
c) In the rigging position

338. The tip clearance of a multi engine aircraft

a) Is taken between the engine with the props aligned
b) Is taken between the prop and the fuselage.
c) Is taken from the ground.

339. The tip clearance of a sea plane is

a) 9 inches
b) 1 inches
c) 18 inches.

340. Cropping is permitted to a maximum of

a) ½ inches on one blade only
b) ½ inch on all blades
c) 1 inch on all blades.
341. Dynamic balance is confirmed by use of
a) Knife edges and mandrel
b) A tracking check
c) A vibration analyzer.

342. Synchrophasing reduces vibration by the use of

a) Pulse probes and a single synchrophase unit.
b) Tachometers and correction motors
c) Coordinating the rpm of each engine

343. A metal propeller may be statically balanced by

a) Removing metal from the opposite blade.
b) Adding varnish to the lighter blade
c) Adding or removing lead wool to the hollow blade roots.

344. When in the windmill position ATM

a) Assists CTM.
b) Opposes CTM
c) Is not related to CTM

345. A hydraulic pitch lock is utilized in a hydromantic propeller to

a) Lock out the course pitch oil line in the event of under speeding
b) Prevent the propeller over speeding in the event of oil supply failure
c) Lock out the fine pitch oil line in the event of over speeding.

346. Electronic torque measuring systems utilize

a) Stress gauges in the reduction gear
b) Pressure transducers in the reduction gear
c) Strain gauges in the reduction gear.

347. A conventional turboprop torque meter uses

a) Engine oil as the pressure medium.
b) Hydraulic oil as the pressure medium
c) Coiled spring levers as the pressure medium
348. When in the beta range the propeller pitch is controlled
a) Directly from the pitch change mechanism to the pcu
b) Indirectly from the power lever
c) Directly from the power lever.

349. The advantage of the beta range is it allows

a) Low fine pitch settings with high power
b) Low power settings with higher than normal pitch setting for ground
c) High power settings with higher than normal pitch settings when in flight.

350. Electrically de iced propeller slip rings have regular resistance check for
a) Open circuit heating elements.
b) Wear between brushes and slip ring
c) Oxidization due to altitude

351. The optimum angle for a fixed pitch propeller is

a) 2-4 degree.
b) 6-10 degree
c) 15 degree

352. A left handed propeller is one that

a) Rotates clockwise when viewed from the front
b) Rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear.
c) Is fitted to an engine on the left side of the aircraft

353. If the speeder spring pressure of a CSU is increased the blade will
a) Fine off.
b) Coarsen off
c) Will not move

354. Deicieng boots can be checked by

a) Feeling it with hand and one person monitors the load meter.
b) Feeling with hand
c) Monitoring the loadmeter

355. Before storage anti icing boots must by

a) Cleaned with inhibiting fluid.
b) Removed and stored separately
c) Covered before inhibition.

356. Propeller efficiency is ratio between

a) Propeller thrust and indicated horsepower
b) Propeller thrust and engine thrust
c) Propeller thrust and engine BHP.

357. Propeller synchronization

a) Reduces engine rpm
b) Reduces propeller rpm
c) Reduces vibration.

358. Type of propeller synchronization that uses a generator

a) Electrical type
b) Master motor synchronization.
c) One engine master system

359. Hydromatic propeller governor uses

a) Electrical and hydraulic power
b) Electrical and mechanical
c) Hydraulic and mechanical.

360. When in climb to reduce the load on engine

a) Blade angle decreases.
b) Blade angle increases

361. When in a dive to prevent overspeeding

a) Blade angle is increased.
b) Blade angle is decreased
c) Governor reduces engine rpm

362. MTCS on governor

a) Control in cockpit
b) Any desired blade angle and speed can be obtained
c) Pitch is changed by PCU
d) All.

363. Procedure to change the brush of de icing system

a) The brush should move freely in the holder.
b) The brush should be changed with the spring
c) The holder should be cleaned with solvent

364. MTCS
a) Alpha range is controlled by governor with flying ball actuated governor.
b) Beta range is controlled by governor with flying ball actuated governor
c) In alpha rang the propeller cannot reach 100% of its normal operating rpm
d) None

365. MTCS
a) Torque bending force tends to pull the blade out of the hub
b) Centrifugal twisting force tends to bend the propeller in the opposite
c) Aerodynamic twisting force tends to increase blade angle.
d) All

366. Aerodynamic twisting force- high blade angle

367. Centrifugal twisting force- low blade angle

368. Torque bending force- bends propeller opposite to it plane of rotation

369. To check magnetos position of propeller(no answer)

a) High low pitch
b) Low low pitch
c) High high pitch
d) Low high pitch

370. Storage less than 3 months

a) Periodically inspected for corrosion.
b) Wear
c) both

371. Storage more than 3 months

a) Removed and sent to store
b) Feathered and unfeathered using feathering pump.
c) Installed and another aircraft and pitch change mechanism exercised

372. Storage more than 3 months

a) Dipped in inhibition oil.
b) Sprayed inhibition oil

373. Fixed pitch propeller

a) Has two separate blade
b) Pitch can be adjusted in flight
c) Pitch cannot be changed.

374. If vibration exists

a) Leak in pitch change mechanism
b) Engine should be checked
c) Tracking should be checked.

375. Synchrophasing system uses

a) Pulse detector
b) Electronic synchrophaser
c) Servo bias correction mechanism
d) All.
376. Cyclic timer
a) Controls sequence.
b) Cycle time of 5 min
c) Both

377. In electrical de icier

a) Brush are in spinner
b) The current flows through brushes and sliprings.
c) both

378. Wooden propeller is rejected if

a) Hub or bolt holes are deformed
b) Solder is missing
c) Protective coating is missing
d) All.

379. Tractor propeller is fitted

a) Down stream
b) In seaplanes and amphibians
c) Upstream.
d) As in a and b

380. In multiengine aircraft automatic synchronization is done by operating the

(no answer)
a) Power lever
b) Propeller control lever
c) Both
d) Governor

381. When the pitch is low

a) Acceleration is given to small amount of air.
b) Load on propeller increases
c) Engine rpm decreased
382. Dynamic balancing is confirmed by use of
a) Knife edges and mandrel
b) A tracking check
c) A vibration analyzer.

383. Sysnchrophasing reduces vibration by the use of

a) Pulse probes and a single synchrophase unit
b) Tachometers and correction motors.
c) Coordination the rpm of each engines

384. A metal propeller may be statically balanced by

a) Removing metal from the opposite blade
b) Adding varnish to the lighter blade
c) Adding or removing lead wool to the hollow blade roots.

385. When in the windmill position ATM

a) Assists CTM.
b) Opposes CTM
c) Is not related to CTM

386. A hydraulic pitch lock is utilized in a hydromatic propeller to

a) Lock out the course pitch oil line in the event of underspeeding
b) Prevent the propeller overspeeding in the event of oil supply failure
c) Lock out the fine pitch oil line in the event of overspeeding.

387. A conventional turboprop torque meter uses

a) Engine oil as the pressure medium.
b) Hydraulic oil as the pressure medium
c) Coiled spring levers as the pressure medium

388. When In the beta range the propeller pitch is controlled

a) Directly from the pitch change mechanism to the PCU
b) Indirectly from the power lever
c) Directly from the power lever.
389. The advantage of the beta range is it allows
a) Low fine pitch settings with high power.
b) Low power settings with higher than normal pitch setting for ground
c) High power setting with higher than normal pitch settings when is flight

390. Electrically de iced propeller slip rings have regular resistance check for(no
a) Open circuit heating elements
b) Wear between brushes and slip rings
c) Oxidization due to altitude

391. Before storage anti icing boot must be

a) Cleaned with inhibition fluid.
b) Remove and stored separately
c) Covered before inhibition

392. Propeller efficiency is ratio between

a) Propeller thrust and indicated horsepower
b) Propeller thrust and engine thrust
c) Propeller thrust and engine bhp.

393. Propeller synchronization

a) Reduces engine rpm
b) Reduces propeller rpm
c) Reduces vibration.

394. Type of propeller synchronization that uses a generator

a) Electrical type
b) Master motor synchroniser.
c) Both

395. Hydromatic propeller governor uses

a) Electrical and hydraulic power
b) Electrical and mechanical
c) Hydraulic and mechanical.

396. When in a climb to reduce the load on engine

a) Blade angle decreases.
b) Blade angle increases

397. When in a dive to prevent overspeeding

a) Blade angle is increased.
b) Blade angle is decreased
c) Governor reduces engine rpm

398. MTCS on governor

a) Control in cockpit
b) Any desired blade angle and speed can be obtained
c) Pitch is changed by pcu
d) All.

399. Procedure to change the brush of the iceing system

a) The brush should move freely in the holder.
b) The brush should be changed with the spring
c) The holder should be cleaned with solvent
d) As in a and c

400. MTCS
a) Alpha range is controlled by governor with flying ball mechanism
b) Beta range is controlled by governor with flying ball mechanism.
c) In alpha range the propeller cannot reach 100% of its normal operating
d) None

401. MTCS
a) Torque bending force tends to pull the blade out of the hub
b) Centrifugal twisting force tends to bend the propeller in the opposite
c) Aerodynamic twisting force tends to increase blade angle.
d) All

402. Cyclic timer are used to energize the heating element for a complete cycle
a) Regularly heat
b) With a compete cycle for 5 min
c) None of the above.

403. MTCS
a) Definition of tractor propeller upstream.

404. MTCS
a) Definition of ATM
Bends blade to high pitch.

405. A propeller must be capable of withstanding severe stress which are caused
by centrifugal force and thrust
a) Root
b) Blade face
c) Shank
d) Near the hub.

406. Blade face

a) Flat side of propeller blade
b) Flat side of propeller where aerodynamic reaction take place.
c) Camber surface

407. Feathering propeller use

a) Single engine airplane
b) Multiengine airplane.
c) Single turbine engine airplane

408. Low blade angle pitch

a) CTM.
b) ATM
409. MTCS
a) Complete cycle of 5 min
b) Energize the heating element.
c) None

410. A cyclic timer is an electric motor driven contactor that controls power

411. If the propeller hub appears to swing in flight orbit the vibration is usually
caused by
a) Propeller.
b) Engine
c) A and b

412. Automatic synchronizing

a) Control propeller tip speed
b) Control engine RPM and reduce vibration.
c) Control power of engine
d) All

413. A fluid may be pumped to the slinger ring from the supply tank by
a) Independent mechanical pump
b) Independent electrical pump.
c) Engine pump

414. MTCS at the end of 12 months

a) Bearing should be checked for brinelling
b) Bearing must be greased
c) Should be checked for trinelling and corrosion if found satisfactory should
be reassembled.

415. Propeller cannot run in 3 months

a) Propeller should be feathered and unfeathered using the feathering pump.
b) Propeller should be feathered
c) Propeller should be unfeathered

416. Centrifugal force moves the counter weights

a) Away from axis.
b) Axle
c) Forward the engine

417. Propeller converts

a) BHP into THP.
b) Produce BHP
c) IHP into THP

418. Generator is used in

a) Master motor synchronizers.
b) One engine master system
c) Multiengine A/c

419. Magnetic pickups is used in one engine master system

420. During take of we required high thrust and power conditions are
a) High blade angle
b) Low blade angle.

421. Sysnchrophasing are

a) Pulse generator
b) Electronic synchrophaser
c) Speed bias servo assembly
d) All.

422. When is a dive to prevent over speeding

a) Blade angle is increased.
b) Blade angle is decreased
c) Governor reduce engine rpm

423. Propeller efficiency is ratio b/w

a) Propeller thrust and indicated horse power
b) Propeller thrust and engine thrust
c) Propeller thrust and engine BHP.

424. If low blade angle is incorrect

a) Prop RPM reduce
b) Propeller RPM reduce engine RPM increase
c) Propeller vibration that further in power plant vibration.

425. Metal removed from which place in propeller according to

a) Propeller MFG.
c) Main org

426. Propeller blades are stored in conditions

a) Dry
b) Cool
c) Warm
d) A and c.

427. Dynamic imbalance is due to

a) Propeller elements or counter weights are not in the same plane of
b) Propeller elements C of G does not coincide with the axis of rotation

428. Geometric pitch is defined as

a) Distance a propeller advance in one revolution.
b) Actual advance in one revolution
c) Geometric pitch – effective pitch

429. Electrical deicing system in propeller

a) Does not let the ice to form
b) Removes ice after its formation.

430. Flat side of the propeller blade is called

a) Blade back
b) Blade face and aerodynamic forces acts on it.

431. On which type of turbo propeller would you expect to find a parking brake
a) Compound twin spool
b) Direct coupled twin spool
c) Free turbine.

432. Propeller produced

a) Forward and rotary motion.
b) Backward and rotary motion

433. Hamilton hydromatic propeller pitch changing mechanism mounted on

a) Dome assembly.
b) Hub assy

434. Static balance

a) Centre of gravity of the propeller does not concide with the axis of
b) Does not coincide with plane of rotation

435. Dynamic balancing

a) Centre of gravity of similar propeller elements such as blades or counter
weight does not follow in the same plane of rotation.
b) Blade angle
c) AOA

436. Why phosphate compound are not used compare to isopropyl alcohol
a) Expensive.
b) Low cost
c) Moderate

437. Temporary storage is generally defined as non use of the aircraft for
a) 90 days.
b) 180 days
c) 1 year
d) 2 year

438. Fixed pitch propeller blade angle decided by

a) Level flight.
b) Take off

439. Propeller lubrication

a) Hydromatic propeller does not require lubrication.
b) Hydromatic propeller require lubrication

440. Hub cone seat shaft are examined to detect

a) Undue wear, galling and corrosion.
b) Erosion and corrosion
c) none

441. Propeller blade use on large aircraft pitch change mechanism

a) Engine driven propeller governor.
b) Motor driven propeller governor

442. Potential energy derived form

a) Velocity
b) Condition.
c) Movement
d) Direction

443. Hydromatic propeller consists

a) Hub assembly
b) Dome assembly
c) Distributor valve and anti icing assembly
d) All the above.

444. Aircraft vibration produced by

a) Static balancing
b) Dynamic balancing
c) Both.

445. Engine vibration occurs

a) If the propeller hub appears to swing in slight orbit
b) If the propeller hub does not appear rotate in an orbit.
c) RPM improperly hub rotates on an absolutely vertical plane

446. Propeller blade tracking

a) Tracking shows only position of the blade
b) Tracking shows only the relative position of the blade
c) Tracking shows only the relative position of the blade not their actual

447. Centrifugal force greater than the aerodynamic force

a) Low blade angle.
b) High blade angle

448. Aerodynamic twisting force

a) High blade angle.
b) Low aerfoil

449. The timer or cycling unit determines the sequence of which blades are
currently being de iced and for the length of time
a) The cycling unit power to each deice boot segment in sequence or all on

450. A variable pitch propeller mechanism for store long period should
a) Should be completely emptied and dried
b) Be filled with special inhibiting oil to prevent condensation and corrosion.
c) Be filled with the normal operating oil to prevent condensation

451. The synchronizer master unit consist of

a) Master motor which mechanically drives four contactor unit
b) A master motor which mechanically drives four contactor units that are
electrically connected to an alternator.
452. What is beta range
a. Beta range is below flight idle.
b. Beta range is above flight idle

453. The typical propeller blade can be described as

a. Twisted airfoil on irregular platform

454. Feathering position described as

a. A line the trailing edge to in line of air flow
b. Leading edge strikes air flow
c. both

455. MTCS automatic propeller

a. Automatic Propeller control system adjust the pitch without attention
of pilot.
b. As in a by the engine
c. both

456. MTCS
Ans. The higher blade angle increases the mass of air handled pre revolution,
decreases the engine RPM reducing fuel consumption and engine wear.

457. Al alloy propeller nick/cracks is permited

a. Parallel to axis of rotation.
b. Perpendicular to axis

458. Which type of aircraft equipped with master motor engine system.
a. Multi engine .
b. Twin engine
c. both

459. In case of metal propeller balancing.

a. Lead wool is added to hollow blade root
b. Washer is added in spinner
c. both

460. the propellerblade face is also subjected to

a. Tension from centrifugal force
b. Tension from centrifugal force and additional tension from the bending.
c. Only tension from the bending

461. A variable pitch mechanism, for store long period should

a. Should be completely emptied and dried
b. Be filled with special inhibiting oil to prevent condensation and
c. Be filled with normal operating oil to prevent condensation

462. Before installing brush

a. The brush holder must be thoroughly cleaned with a dry cloth or small
spiral hair brush solvents must not be used.
b. Solvents can be used

06 question doubt
10 question no aswer

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