Module 3 - Electrical Fundamentals

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The document contains content about electrical circuits and components. It provides example questions and answers related to circuits, transformers, batteries and other electrical topics.

Questions cover topics like resistors, capacitors, transformers, batteries, voltage, current and other circuit elements. Multiple choice questions test understanding of concepts like parallel and series circuits, voltage and current calculations, and component properties.

Basic components include voltage sources, resistors, capacitors, inductors and switches. Circuits can be connected in series or parallel and composed of more than one type of component. Transformers and batteries are also discussed.

JAR 66 Module 3 Questions 1) In a DC motor the stator magnetic field due to armature reaction moves a) In the sane direction

of rotation b) In the opposite direction to rotation c) In alignment with GNA 2) A 20 Pico farad capacitor with a 1MW resistor takes how long to charge a) 20m seconds b) 1 second c) 10 seconds 3) Heat exposed to a material will a) Make all materials harder to magnetise b) Make all materials easier to magnetise c) Have no effect on magnetism 4) A transformer has 2000v, 500 turns on the primary and 50 turns on the secondary. What would be the line voltage if the transformer were Delta/Star connected? a) 200v b) 346v c) 450v 5) A transformer to supply a 24v load with a 5:1 turns ratio will have what primary supply? a) 120v DC b) 48v AC c) 120v AC 6) A transformer has 750 primary turns and 4500 secondary, its turns ratio is a) 6:1 b) 1:6 c) 1/6 7) A band stop filter will a) Pass all frequencies either side of the band b) Stop all frequencies either side of the band c) Stop all frequencies 8) What is this circuit? a) High Pass Filter b) Low Pass Filter c) Band Stop 9) In this circuit, Rx is equal to a) R3 x R2 R4 b) R3 x R4 R2 c) R2 x R3 R4 10) A parallel circuit with any number of 2 terminal connections

a) Has the same current throughout b) The sum of the individual voltage drops is equal to the emf c) The resistance is dependent on current 11) 2 coils, which are turned from being in parallel to 90 but in close proximity, will have its mutual inductance a) Decreased b) Remain the same c) Increase 12) If armature speed is doubled and field strength halved, field strength will a) Halve b) Remain the same c) Double 13) In a circuit with voltage and current which is purely resistive will have its voltage with respect to current a) In phase b) 90 Leading c) 90 Lagging 14) Average value of voltage is equal to a) 1.1 b) 0.627 x Peak c) 0.707 x Peak 15) What wave shape is used to control sweep in a CRT? a) Sine wave b) Square wave c) Saw tooth 16) In a 3 phase AC motor, if one phase goes open circuit the motor with a light constant load will a) Stop b) Run slowly c) Run normally 17) Line voltage in a Wye wound transformer is a) 3 Phase voltage b) Same as phase voltage c) 3 x Phase voltage 18) To calculate generator output you need to know a) Armature speed and number of series conductors b) Field strength and number of armature parallel conductors c) Series field strength and armature speed 19) What charge does an electron have? a) Positive b) No charge c) Negative 20) An atom, which has gained an electron, will become

a) A negative ion b) A positive ion c) A neutral atom 21) An atom, which has few electrons in its valency (less than 4), will have a) Low resistance b) High resistance c) No resistance 22) A 40AH battery will supply 200mA for a) 250 hrs b) 40 hrs c) 200 hrs 23) A 24v, 10 A circuit wit 0.5W resistance will have what power a) 50W b) 100W c) 150W 24) An electrolytic capacitor is used where a) There is a polarised supply b) Light loads are used c) Low frequencies are used 25) A combined starter generator has a a) Low resistance shunt field and high resistance series field b) Low resistance series field and high resistance shunt field c) High resistance shunt field and high resistance series field 26) To find the direction of current in a coil you would use a) Flemmings R/H rule b) Flemmings L/H rule c) Corkscrew rule 27) In a transformer, if the rate of change of current is decreased, mutual inductance will a) Remain the same b) Increase c) Decrease 28) If the brake coil in an actuator goes open circuit the actuator will a) Over ride its mechanical stops b) Continue to run c) Stop 29) The speed of a generator with 400Hz supply and 4 poles is a) 6000 RPM b) 10000 RPM c) 12000 RPM 30) An inductance/resistance starter motor is a) Better than a capacitive b) More efficient that a capacitive c) For light loads only

31) The voltage at point C would be equal to a) 10 V b) 7V c) 28V 32) With an output of 200V in a short shunt configuration, the voltage at the series field resistor would be a) 6 V b) 10V c) 450V 33) At point B a voltage in a wire would be a) Maximum b) Minimum c) Zero 34) An ideal 4:1 step down transformer draws 115V and 1A, the output would be a) 28.5V at 1 A b) 28.5V at 4 A c) 460V at 4 A 35) The voltage induced in the stator of an AC generator is produced by a) A fixed magnetic field b) A rotating magnetic field c) An alternating field 36) A low frequency supply a) May damage inductive circuits b) Will make the circuit operate faster due to loss of impedance c) No effect on inductive components 37) A zinc carbon battery life depends on a) Amount of zinc b) Purity of carbon c) Amount of electrolyte paste 38) A batteries terminal voltage at open circuit, with low internal resistance will be a) Same as the emf b) Smaller than the emf c) Greater than the emf 39) When checking the specific gravity of electrolyte in a lead acid battery a) Check all the cells as they may vary b) Check the two front cells as they are the terminal cells c) Check any cell as the will all be the same 40) When a Nickel Cadmium battery is to be stored it should be done a) Fully charged b) Fully discharged c) Totally dry

41) A circuit with a 14.14 peak voltage and a 10W resistance will have a power output of a) 141.4 W b) 1.414 W c) 10 W 42) The power of a piece of equipment with 24V supply with 0.5W resistance and 80A has how much power dissipated? a) 320 KW b) 3200 KW c) 3.2 KW 43) What must you do to make a 3m farad circuit into a 2m farad circuit? a) Place 1m farad in series b) Place 3m farads in parallel c) Place 6m farads in series 44) What does this symbol represent? a) Light dependent resistor b) Laser dependent resistor c) Laser dependent rectifier 45) A parallel circuit at resonance has its impedance at a a) Maximum b) Minimum c) Zero 46) In a capacitive circuit, if frequency is increased a) Current increases b) Impedance increases c) Current decreases 47) If the energy supplied to a circuit for 4hrs 15 mins at 800 j/sec what would be the energy consumed? a) 3.4 KW Hrs b) 3400 KW Hrs c) 340 KW Hrs 48) When switching off the supply, the back emf in a collapsing field in an inductor a) Never exceeds forward emf b) Can be multiple times bigger than forward emf c) Is equal to forward emf 1- The Sine wave signal of a circular time base are: a-phase separated by 90 b-phase separated by 180 c-in phase 2- A Thristor

a-positive temperature coefficient b-if energized on, will switch on a circuit c-if energized on, will switch off a circuit 3- What does a Band stop filter do a-controls certain frequencies within a certain band passing through b-controls or attenuate all frequencies within a band 4- Motor used in linear actuator is a-series b-shunt c-compound 5- In an AC generator with a supply frequency of 400HZ, it has 4 Poles, what is the RPM? a-6000RPM b-9000RPM c-12000RPM 6- Transformer with star connected primary windings, the secondary Must be a-star windings b-Delta windings c-star or Delta 7- What is the purpose of the capacitor used in a single phase AC AC motor a-smoothing b-changing direction of motor c-provides a high starting torque 8- The rating of an AC Generator is in a-KVA b-KVAR or KW c-volts and Amps 9- In a vibrating contact voltage regulator the voltage coil is a-connected in series with the field winding b-connected in parallel with the field winging 10- in a Delta connected generator the line current is equal to a-1.7 X phase I b-1.7 X phase V 11- The voltage rating of a capacitor is a-the maximum voltage it can take b-the normal operating voltage 12- The time constant for an 8 micro farad capacitor fitted in a circuit of 1 mega ohms resistor is a-80 seconds b-800 mS c-41 seconds

13- In a star wound generator, the voltage in a single phase is a-less than the total of all three phases b-more than the total of all three phases c-equal to the total of three phases 14- Generator brush arcing can be caused by a-brushes located at the neutral axis b-weak brush spring tension 15- Faradays law 16- Peak voltage is equal to a-0.707 X maximum voltage b-0.637 X maximum voltage c-111.1 X maximum voltage 17- Average voltage is equal to a-0.707 X maximum voltage b-0.637 X maximum voltage c-111.1 X maximum voltage 18- In a Dessyn indicator system, the rotor is a-permanent magnet b-electromagnet 19- A low pass filter will have a- the capacitor in series and resistor in parallel b- the resistor in series and a capacitor in parallel c- both resistor and capacitor connected in parallel 20- In an AC generator , to decrease the output voltage a-decrease RPM or series wound armature current b-decrease RPM or parallel wound armature current 21- In a series AC resonant circuit a-the current is maximum at resonant b-the current is minimum at resonant c-the impedance is max at resonant 22- In a parallel AC resonant circuit a-the impedance is minimum at resonance b-the current is at max at resonance c-the impedance is maximum at resonance CAPACITORS 1.What is the time constant for an 8uf capacitor with a 1 Mega ohm resistor? a. 8 ms b. 8 seconds* c. 1 minute Time to charge = 5x time constant or 5CR were C=Farads & R= Ohms

= 8 seconds 8.800 x 1000 f = 0.008 1Mohm = 1000 Time constant would = 63.2 percent 2. Three capacitors 10 microfarads, 10 nanofarads, 10 milli farads are connected in parallel. What is there total capacitance? a. 10,01001 mf * b. 111 mf c. 1.001001 mf Capacitors calculations are opposite to resistors and inductors So 10mf = 1000000 10nf = 1000 10 mille f = _ _____1 1001001 3. If a 1mf capacitor has a potential difference across it of 5v what is the energy stored? a. 12.5 j b. 12,5 mj * c. 25 mj 4. A capacitor is fully charged after 25 seconds to a battery voltage of 20v. The battery is replaced with a short circuit. What will be the Voltage across the capacitor after one time constant? a. 12.64v b. 7.36v * c. 0v 5. A pure capacitor, inductor & resistor are connected in series. The voltage drop across each is 10v. The total current is 1 amp. How much power is the current consuming? a. 30 VA b. 30 w c. 10 w * Capacitor + inductor cancel each other out VI= Pwr 1 x 10 = 10 w 6. Three 5-microfarad capacitors connected in parallel. What is there total capacitance?

a. 15 * b. 5 c. 1.66 Capacitance opposite to resistors and inductors 5+5+5=15 7. The voltage rating of a capacitor is? a. The max voltage that can be constantly applied * b. The min voltage required to charge c. The normal operating voltage 8. When capacitors are joined in parallel the total capacitance is a. Equal to the sum of the individual capacitors * b. Less than the smallest of the individual capacitors c. Dependent on the voltage supplied 9. If the distance between the 2 plates of a capacitor is reduced what will be the effect? a capacitance decreases b capacitance increases * c capacitance unaffected 10. Relative permitivity dielectric constant is measured with respect to a space b dry air c vacuum * 11. A 50f capacitor is fed with a current of 25 ma. How long will it take to charge it to 100 v? a. 200 ms * b. 136 seconds c. 12 minutes Q=CV I= C dV 50 x 0.000001 x 100 dT 25 x 0.0001 V= I dT 5 x 1000 x 0.0001 C 25 V= IT 5 C 25

So T= CV 200ms I MAGNETISM 1.Glass is an example of a a. Paramagnetic material b. Diamagnetic material * c. Coercive material 2.The amount of magnetic force left when the magnetising force is removed is a. retentivity b. reminance * c. resistivity 3. Magnetic dip is least at a. The poles b. The equator * c. The isoclines 4. The point of coercivity occurs when the. a. Magnetising force applied causes the material to become magnetically saturated b Magnetic flux is zero even thought a magnetic force is being applied. * c Magnetising force reaches a peak or negative value 5. Flux changes to Field strength changes are a. Linear b. Non linear * c. Linear in opposite direction 6. 2 bar magnets should be stored a Stuck together to keep their strength b Separate in a non-magnetic container c on a magnetic keeper plate * 7. Magnetic wire memory is constructed from a Ferromagnetic bits b Ferrite bits * c. Paramagnetic bits

8. The SI unit for magnetic flux is a. Flux strength b. Teslar * c. F 9. The core material used for an electro magnet is soft iron because a it demagnetises easily * b. It demagnetises slowly c. It has a low reminance 10. The area of a hysteresis loop is proportional to a The energy absorbed in completely demagnetising the material * b The saturation point c The coercive force 11. In a magnetic memory what is information stored on a. Ferrule beads * b. Electro magnets c. Permanent magnets 12. The opposition to magnetic flux is a. Remanence b. Reluctance * c. Resistance 13.What is a collection of ferrite bits used for? a. Storing numbers b. Storing a word on a computer* c. Storing a sentence 14. Ferromagnetic material cannot be magnetised a. Above a certain temperature * b Below a certain temperature c It can always be magnetised 15. Ferrite blocks are used for a. Permanent magnets b. Temporary magnets c. Storing binary numbers * 16. What are the properties of a material suitable for use as an electromagnet? a. Low coercivity, high reminance, high permeability

b. Low coercivity, low reminance, high permeability * c. High coercivity, low reminance, high permeability 17. A paramagnetic material has a relative permeability of a. Equal to unity b. Less than unity c. Greater than unity * FILTERS a. What type of filter is shown a. Band stop b. Band pass * c. Low pass 2. What type of filter is shown? a. Low pass filter b. Integrator c. Differentiator * 3. A band stop filter passes signals a. Outside a range of frequencies * b. Within a range of frequencies c. Attenuates outside a range of frequencies 4. A high pass filter has a. High impedance to low frequency, low impedance to high frequency * b. High impedance to high frequency, low impedance to low frequency c. High impedance to both low and high frequencies 5. A resistive/capacitive low pass filter will have a a. Long pulse b. Short pulse * c. Equal pulse AC CIRCUITS 1. What is the current in a parallel ac circuit at resonant frequency? a. Max b. Minimum * c. Zero

2. What is the current in a series ac circuit at resonant frequency? a. Zero b. Minimum c. Max * 3. What is the definition of a coulomb? a. Amps x seconds * b. Amps divided by seconds c. Amps x seconds x coulombs 4. If you apply this waveform to this circuit what is the output across the capacitor a. Pulsed positive * b. Pulsed negative c. Zero 5. If a capacitor 1uf and an inductor 10mH are connected in parallel what is their approximate resonant frequency a. 62Hz b. 3.2MHz c. 1.6KHz * Something wrong with question but equation for calculation is 1 2LC 6. How may the RMS value of an alternating current be defined? a. The value having the same heating effect as a dc of equivalent value * b. The average value having the same heating effect as a dc of the same value c. The peak value having the same heating effect as a dc of the same value 7. What is the relationship between the voltage and a current in a ac circuit containing resistance and inductance. a. Current leads voltage by up to 90 b. Current lags voltage by up to 90* c. Current lags voltage by 90 8. A square wave into an AC circuit with the output across a capacitor. The output is a. Saw tooth b. Pulsating DC c. Sign wave *

9. The heating effect in an AC circuit is a. Peak b. RMS * c. Average 10. What shape is the waveform when the input pulse and time base is equal a. Saw tooth b. Rectangular c. Square * 11. A sign wave with 5 amps RMS value has what peak value a. 7.07amps * b. 6.37amps c. 10.00amps peak value = rms x 1.414 rms = peak value x 0.707 so 5 x 1.414 = 0.707 12. In the diagram a. Current lags volts by 90 b. Current and volts are in phase c. Current lags by up to 90* 13. The frequency of a wave with a time period of 1mm second is a. 1MHz b. 1KHz * c. 1Hz 14. What is the phase difference in a circuit with 100volts and 50amps a. 90 b. 60* c. 45 use vector diagram 15. What shape is the wave form if the input pulse and time base

are unequal a. Saw tooth b. Square c. Rectangular * 16. What would be the effect on the current in an inductive circuit if the supply frequency increased a. The current would increase b. The current depends on the resistive element of the circuit c. The current would decrease * 17. Mark to space ratio is written for the following diagram as a. DE EF * b. AC EF c. DE AC 18. At resonant frequency voltage and current are out of phase by a. Zero degrees * b. 180 degrees c. 90 degrees 19. A sinusoidal voltage of 14.14 peak value is connected to a 10 ohm resistor. The power is a. 10 watts * b. 1.414 watts c. 14.14 watts 14.14 x 0.707 = rms = 9.99698 round up to 10v v = ir so 10v = I x 10 ohm I=1 W = IV so w = 1 x 10v = 10v 20. The frequency of a wave whose time period is 0.5mm seconds is a. 1KHz b. 2KHz * c. 3KHz 21. The power factor is calculated using which angle of the wave

a. Sine b. Cos * c. Tan 22. In an AC circuit with no phase lead or lag what is true a. Real power is zero b. Real power is greater than apparent power c. Real power is equal to apparent power * 23. A CRO displays the following waveform. What is the peak amplitude and frequency a. 8 volts, 250Hz b. 4 volts, 1,000 Hz c. 4 volts, 250 Hz * 24. What happens to the time constant in an AC circuit with the input through a capacitor a. Faster b. Slower * c. The same 25. In an AC circuit what happens to the inductance if the supply frequency is reduced a. Inductance increases to a dangerous level * b. Circuit becomes resistive c. Circuit becomes inductive 26. In an inductive circuit a. Current lags voltage * b. Voltage lags current c. Voltage equals current TRANSFORMERS/INDUCTANCE 1.A transformer with a Y connected primary winding must have a a. Y secondary winding b. Delta secondary winding c. Y or delta secondary winding * 2.A solenoid of 10 turns per Metre carries a current of 5 amps. If the current were reduced to 2.5 amps how many turns would be required to maintain the same magnetic field a. 5 b. 50 c. 20 *

To maintain the same currentturns x amps = amps turns 10 x 5 = 50 so 2.5 x ? = must = 50 2.5 = ? = 20 50 3. What is the mutual inductance if two coils of 10mH and 500mH have 90% of the flux transferred from one to the other a. 4.5 milli H b. 459 milli H c. 63 milli H * 4. An inductor has 100 turns of wire and a cross sectional area of 0.01m squared. If the core has a permeability of 0.0001 and the magnetic circuit is 10m what is the value of the inductor a. 1mH * b. 100 micro H c. 100 milli H 0.01 x 0.0001 x 100 = 0.0000100 10 5. Which of these represents absolute permeability a.* b. 0 c. a 6.Three inductors 10 mH, 5mH & 20mH are connected in parallel. What is there total inductance? a. 35 milli H b. 2.86 milli H * c. You need the coupling factor to calculate it same as resistors 7. If the current reaches maximum through an inductor of 2 amps in 5 seconds what is the current after 3 seconds a. 1.26 amps * b. 0.63 amps c. 1 amp 8. A transformer has 200 watts at the primary windings and a secondary voltage of 400 volts what is the secondary current a. 2 amps

b. 0.5 amps * c. 0.05 amps watts in primary = watts in secondary w = iv so 200 = ? x 400 200= I = 0.5 400 9. An inductor a. Smoothes current * b. Smoothes voltage c. Smoothes resistance 10. The time constant for an inductor and a resistor is a. L * R b. R L c. LR 11. In an inductive transformer if the frequency is doubled the current will a. Double b. Halve * c. Stay the same 12. a transformer with 1200 primary windings and 4800 secondary windings with 1-kilo ohm in the primary. The secondary windings would be a. 1 kilo ohm b. 2 kilo ohm c. 4 kilo ohm ratio = 4800 = 1:4 1200 If 1Kohm in the primary at a ratio of 1:4 secondary must be 4Kohm 13. In an autotransformer a. Primary coil & secondary coil share some of the windings * b. Have the same amount of primary & secondary windings c. Have separate primary & secondary windings 14. Copper loss is due to a. Voltage flowing in the coil b. Current flowing in the coil * c. Capacitance

15. If the rate of change of current in the primary coil of a transformer is doubled mutual inductance is a. Doubled b. Halved * c. Stays the same 16. To reduce eddy currents in a transformer you would a. Reduce the thickness of the laminations * b. Increase the thickness of the laminations c. Change the dielectric 17. A transformer with 115v primary voltage and a ratio of 5:1 when a landing light of 24v and 45 amps is used what is the current drawn. a. 205 amps b. 9 amps * c. 4.5 amps if 45 amps are in the primary 45 = 9amps 5 18. A transformer has 4500 primary turns of 750 secondary turns the ratio is a. 1/6 b. 6:1 * c. 1:6 19. Two coils at 90to each other the number of flux linkages are a. Zero * b. 2 c. 20. What does the diagram represent? a. A transformer with 180 betweenphase shift primary and secondary coils b. No phase shift between primary and secondary coils * b. Shows positive and negative terminals 21 The secondary coil of a transformer has 1500 turns and 10 ohms resistance. The primary has 1 kohm resistance. How many turns has the primary coil

a. 15.000 b. 150.000 * c. 1,500.00 1kohm = 1000 ohm so ratio = 1000:10 =100:1 1500 turns at 100:1 = 1500 x 100 = 150000 Generators/Motors 1. In a vibrating contact voltage regulator: a. The voltage coil is in series with the field b. The voltage coil is in parallel with the field * c. The voltage coil is in parallel with the current coil 2. What is the rating of a generator measured in a. Kwa b. Kvar * c. Kv 3. In a voltage equalising circuit the generators are regulated so a. The lower output is increased to that of the higher b. The higher is decreased to that of the lower c. The lower is increased and the higher is decreased until they are equal * 4. Decreasing the field current in a shunt motor will do what to the speed a. Decrease speed and increase torque b. Increase speed and increase torque * c. Increase speed and decrease torque 5. What type of DC motor is used in a linear actuator? a. Series * b. Shunt c. Compound 6. What is the capacitor used for in the diagram? a. To shift the current b. To shift the voltage c. To shift the phase *

7. In a Y wound generator the voltage in a single phase is a. Less than the total of all 3 * b. More than the total of all 3 c. Equal to the total of all 3 8. Generator brush arcing is caused by a. Weak brush springs * b. Brushes in the neutral plane c. Interlopes 9. An AC motor that rotates at the same speed as the supply frequency is a. A squirrel cage motor b. A synchronous motor * c. An AC motor 10. A generator is label as having 115v/200v,20 amps & a power factor of 0.8.what is the apparent power in each line that the generator can produce a. 2.3 Kw b. 23 Kva c. 4 Kva * apparent pwr = IV 200v x 20amps = 4000va = 4kva 11. What is one advantage of using a 3-phase 4 wire star wound system a. Two levels of current available b. Two levels of voltage available * c. Two levels of voltage and current available 12. From where douse a 3-phase phase squirrel cage induction motor receive its field a. DC fed to it via slip rings to a rotating field b. AC induced into a rotating field on the rotor c. 3 phase AC supplied to the stator * 13. How is the speed of an induction motor affected by changing the number of pole pairs a. Speed will reduce with a reduction in the number of poles b. Speed will increase with an increase in the number of poles c. Speed will reduce with an increase in the number of poles *

14.How is the magnetic field in a single-phase induction motor obtained during starting a. By supplying dc to the rotating field b. By using a permanent magnet c. By splitting the phase with a capacitor * 15.How many cycles of AC are produced in a 6 pole motor for each rotation a. 4 b. 3 * c. 6 16. The neutral plane is the point where a. The coil is parallel to the magnetic flux b. The armature windings are cutting the magnetic flux c. The armature windings are moving parallel to the generator magnetic flux * 17. If a six pole motor is supplied from a 400Hz source and rotates at 7800 rpm what is the % slip a. 1.25% b. 2.5% * c. 5.25% slip = synchronous speed RPM x 100 synchronous speed synchronous speed = frequency = number of poles x sync rpm 60 400hz = 3 x ? = 400 x 60 = sync rpm = 8000 60 3 slip = 8000- 7800 x 100 = 2.5 8000 8. How may the power factor be calculated? a. Kw Kvar b. True power Apparent power * c. Watts Apparent power

19. What current supplies the field of an AC generator? a. AC b. DC * c. AC or DC 20. A two-phase induction motor used in a servomechanism a. Requires a permanent magnet b. Is self starting under light loads * c. Will not self-start 21. If the phase voltage in a star connected generator is 200v what will be the line voltage a. 115v b. 200v c. 346v * 22. What is true of a 3-phase delta or mesh connected generator a. Line volts = phase volts. Line current = the 3rd root x phase current * b. Line current = phase current 3rd root c. Line voltage = 3rd root x phase voltage 23. Flemings left hand rule applies to a. Generators b. Motors * c. Electro magnetic force 24. The current in a DC generator armature is a. Pulsating DC b. DC c. AC * 25. In a 3 phase motor if one phase is lost what happens a. It runs at two-thirds speed b. It runs at one-third speed c. There is on speed difference * 26. The 3 phase currents in a delta wound generator when combined a. Equal zero * b. Are out of phase with each other c. Are in phase with each other

27. On a generator the armature reaction moves the flux a. In the same direction as the rotation * a. In the opposite direction as the rotation c. In the direction of the main flux 28. What is the minimum required number of brushes for a 4-pole motor a. 2 * b. 4 c. 8 29. A split phase starter induction motor after starting a. Runs as an induction motor * b. Can only take small loads c. Runs as a 2-phase motor 30. A 2-phase induction motor will stop when a. The control phase is reversed b. The control phase is zero * c. The control phase is at maximum 31. A 3-phase motor has the windings a. 120 degrees apart * b. 90 degrees apart c. 180 degrees apart 32. An AC generator with 2 pole pairs delivers an output frequency of 400 Hz. What would the output frequency be if 4 pairs of poles were fitted and the rotational speed remained the same. a. 200 Hz b. 400 Hz c. 800 Hz * If 2 poles were upped to 4, speed would normally decrease by half. As speed is to remain the same then the frequency must double 33. Current transformers on the earth neutral of a generator are for a. Current protection b. Differential protection * c. Voltage protection 34. When measuring the phase and line voltage of a generator it was found that the line voltage was equal to the phase voltage.

The generator is a. Star wound b. Delta wound * c. Compound wound 35. To change the direction of a 3-phase motor you would a. Change the current direction on the armature b. Swap over any two of the stator connections * c. Increase the frequency 36. What values are needed to calculate the generator output? a. Field strength, frequency and current b. Field strength and armature speed * c. Field strength and voltage a shunt motor what happens if the field current and the armature current direction are reversed a. The motor stops b. The motor reverses c. The motor continues to run in the same direction * 38. The permanent magnets on a AC generator induces what a. AC in the exciter field b. DC in the exciter field * c. AC in the main field 39. In a single phase to earth neutral of a balanced star wound generator the phase must be able to a. Take the maximum load applied to any phase * b. Current douse not flow between phase and neutral c. Take the total of all three phases 40. A two-phase induction motor is fed with a. Phase lead b. Phase lag * c. DC use CIVIL were C=capacitance, I=amps, V=volts and L= inductance 41. A two-phase induction motor has its 2 phases a. 90 degrees apart * b. 120 degrees apart c. 180 degrees apart 42. An AC brush less rotating field alternator is normally

a. Delta wound b. Star wound * c. Compound wound 43. Star wound generator line voltage is a. Equal to phase voltage b. Root 3 x phase voltage * c. Root 3 divided by phase voltage advantage of a starter generator is a. Although bulkier produces the same power without having to engage/disengage the drive * b. The power to weight ratio is improved and the gear is constantly meshed c. You get a better start 45. The angular displacement between control coils and reference coils of a 2-phase induction motor are a. 90 degrees and 270 degrees * b. 90 degrees and 180 degrees c. 90 degrees and 0 degrees 46. To reverse the direction of a 2-phase induction motor a. You would reverse the polarity of the reference phase b. You would reverse the polarity of the control phase * c. You would reverse the polarity of the voltage phase 47. AC motor speed is relative to a. Voltage b. Current c. Number of poles * 48. The stabilizing resistance in the field current of a generator reacts to a. Current b. Voltage c. Temperature * 49. Calculate the armature current in this DC generator to the nearest amp a. 105 amps b. 100 amps c. 102 amps *

50. The differential cut out contacts are closed using the a. Voltage coil * b. Current coil c. Voltage and current coil 51. What type of generators are used on aircraft a. Series b. Shunt * c. Compound 52. a shunt wound generator is normally started a. On load b. Off load * c. Either off or on load 53. In a cumulative compound wound generator a. The series and shunt fields oppose each other b. The series and shunt fields assist each other * c. Are no connected 54. The shunt wound generator is controlled by a variable resistance in a. Series with the armature b. In series with the field * c. Parallel with the armature 55. The separately excited generator voltage is a. Independent of rotational speed b. Controlled by the load c. Controlled by a separate supply * 56. a shunt generator field is supplied by a. A separate supply b. The armature * c. The load 57. A shunt generator voltage falls on load due to a. High resistance of the field b. Low resistance of the armature c. Armature voltage drop * 58. Increasing the speed of a aircraft generator results in

a. Field circuit resistance decrease b. Field circuit resistance increase * c. Armature circuit resistance increase 59. Increasing the load on a permanent magnet generator will a. Reduce terminal voltage by a small amount * b. Increase terminal voltage by a small amount c. Have no effect on the terminal voltage 60. The series wound generator terminal voltage will, when below saturation a. Increase with an increase in load * b. Decrease with an increase in load c. Remain the same with an increase in load Module 3 1. If the DC generator main contactor is welded closed the fault would be indicated by a. The generator failure warning light illuminating b. The generator ammeter reading high c. The aircraft generator continues to rotate after engine shutdown * 2. The DC generator switch directly controls the a. Generator field b. Generator contactor * c. Generator warning light 3. Increasing the load on a permanent magnet generator will a. Reduce the terminal velocity by a large amount b. Reduce the terminal velocity by a small amount * c. Increase the terminal velocity by a small amount 4. The separately excited generator voltage is a. Independent of rotational speed b. Controlled by the load c. Controlled by a separate supply * 5. The series wound generators terminal voltage will when below saturation a. Increase with an increase in load * b. Decrease with an increase in load c. Decrease with a decrease in rotational speed 6. The shunt wound generator is normally started

a. On load b. Off load * c. Either on or off load 7. The shunt wound generator is controlled by a variable resistance in a. Series with the armature b. Series with the field * c. Parallel with the armature 8. In a cumulative compound wound generator the a. Series and shunt fields oppose each other b. Series and shunt fields assist each other * c. Voltage falls suddenly with an increase in load 9. What type of generators are usually used on aircraft a. Series b. Shunt * c. Compound 10. Increasing the speed of an aircraft generator results in an automatic a. Field circuit resistance increase * b. Field circuit resistance increase c. Armature circuit resistance increase 11. In the shunt generator the field is supplied by a. a separate supply b. The armature * c. The load 12. The shunt generators voltage falls on load due to the a. Height resistance of the field b. Low resistance of the armature c. Armature volts drop * 13. With a rising generator voltage in a DC generation system the a. Under volts relay closes before the differential relay * b. Differential relay closes before the under volts relay c. Generator operates normally but the ammeter reads zero 1. One advantage of using ac electrical power in aircraft is a: that ac electrical motors can be reversed while dc motors cannot. b: greater ease in stepping the voltage up or down. c: that the effective voltage is 1.41 times the maximum instantaneous voltage;

therefore, less power input is required. 2. In an ac circuit with no phase lead or lag, which is true? a: Real power is zero. b: Real power is greater than apparent power. c: Real power equals apparent power. 3. The AC power used in most aircraft is: a. 115Hz b. 50Hz c. 400Hz 4. True power in an AC circuit is expressed in terms of: a. Watts b. Joules c. Volt-amps 5. The maximum value of voltage in either the positive or negative direction is known as the: a. RMS value b. Peak value c. Effective value 6. A purely resistive circuit has a power factor of: a. one b. two c. ten 7. As frequency increases, inductive reactance: a. decreases b. Increases c. remains the same 8. In an R - C circuit a change in current will: a. lead a change in voltage b. lag a change in voltage c. does not change due to the presence of the resistor 9. As frequency increases capacitive reactance will: a. decreases b. increases c. remains the same 10. Total reactance in a circuit containing an inductor and a capacitor is: a. more than the effective d.c. resistance

b. the sum of inductive & capacitive reactance c. the difference between inductive & capacitive reactance 11. True power in an ac circuit may be found using the formula: a. P=IV b. P=I2R P=IVcosc. 12. The equation for resonant frequency is: a. 2fc b. c. 13. In a series R-L-C circuit at resonant frequency, the current will be at: a. an undetermined value b. a maximum value c. a minimum value 14. In a parallel R-C-L circuit at resonant frequency, the current will be at: a. an undetermined value b. a maximum value c. a minimum value 15. The value of an alternating current measured in terms of the direct current that produces the same heating effect in the same resistance is termed the: a. root mean square value b. average value c. maximum value 16. The peak value of an aircraft 115V single phase a.c. supply is: a. 81.3V b. 115V c. 162.6V 17. The periodic time for an aircraft a.c. supply is: a. 250mS b. 25mS c. 2.5mS 18. The statement that is true is: measured in Henrys, XC is measured in Farads, Z isa. XL is . measured in XC are measured inb. XL and , Z is measured in Impedance c. measured inXL , XC and Z are all . 19. The current flowing at resonance in a series tuned circuit is:

a. b. c. 20. A sinusoidal voltage of 115V at a frequency of 400Hz applied to a coil with negligible resistance, the current is found to be 500mA. The inductance of the coil is: a. 9.15mH b. 915mH c. 91.5mH 21. An aircraft generator is supplying a load of 90kW at a power factor of 0.75 lagging. If the power is raised to unity, how much more power ( in kW ) can the generator supply for the same kilowatt-amp loading: a. 30kW b. 120kW c. 60kW 22. The opposition offered by a coil to the flow of alternating current is called: a. inductive reactance b. impedance c. reluctance 23. An increase in which of the following factors will cause an increase in the inductive reactance of a circuit? a. voltage b. resistance c. frequency 24. An a.c. supply is 115V, 400Hz. Which of the following is false? a. The periodic time is 2.5mS b. The rms value of the voltage is 81.3V c. The peak value of the voltage is 162.61V 25. An alternating voltage is given by v = t-0.30). Which of the 200sin(50following statements is true? a. The rms voltage is 200V b. is leading v = 200 sin50 radiansThe voltage t by 0.30 c. The frequency is 25Hz 26. In an R-C-L series circuit a current of 5A flows when the supply voltage is 100V. The phase angle between the current and voltage is 600 lagging. Which of the following statements is true? a. The circuit is effectively inductive. b. The true power is 250W

c. The equivalent circuit reactance. is 20 27. The factors that govern the magnitude of induced emf in a generator are: a. Flux density, No. of turns on the coil, armature speed, angle at which the lines of force are cut. b. No. of turns in the armature, flux density, armature speed, angle at which the loops cut the lines of force. c. Flux density, No. of turns on the coil, field strength, angle at which the lines of force are cut. 28. On an aircraft d.c, generator the pole pieces are: a. Permanent magnets b. Electro- magnets c. Securing devices for the armature 29. In an A/C d.c. generator, armature reaction is compensated for by: a. Moving the brushes so that they are in the neutral plane when at normal load b. Using interpoles c. By " cross magnetising " the generator field 30. The use of interpoles and compensating windings: a. Increase the life of brushes and commutators b. Improves efficiency and reduces radio interference c. Both a and b 31. An aircraft d.c. generator is normally of which class? a. Permanent magnet excitation b. Separate excitation c. Self excitation 32. The most common type of aircraft d.c. generator in a. Series wound b. Shunt wound c. Compound wound 33. In a d.c, generator the purpose of the commutator in to: a. Pass a current through the armature coils b. Provide an omni-directional output to the external circuit c. Provide a unidirectional output to the external circuit 34. An A/C starter generator consists of: a. One set of field windings and one set of armature windings b. Two sets of field windings and two sets of armature windings c. Two sets of field windings and one set of armature windings

35. A starter generator is normally employed on a: a. Gas turbine engine b. Reciprocating engine c. Ground power supply 36. The reason for flashing the field in a generator is to: a. restore correct polarity and/or residual magnetism to the field poles b. increase generator capacity c. remove excess deposits from the commutator and brushes 37. An armature is wound with its coil ends connected to adjacent commutator segments. This configuration is known as: a. Lap winding b. Wave winding c. Overlap winding 38. A Wave wound armature uses: a. Only two brushes, regardless of the number poles b. The same number of brushes as poles c. Multiple parallel paths 39. A lap wound armature is associated with: a. low voltages and high current machines b. high voltage and low current machines c. high voltage and high current machines 40. The unit of capacitance is: a. the Farad b. the Henry c. the Coulomb 41. The amount of charge stored in a capacitor is dependant upon: a. The gap between the plates, the applied voltage, and the materials used in construction b. The size of the plates, the gap between the plates and the materials c. The materials used in construction, the gap between the plates, the size of the plates and the applied voltage 42. 100p farads is equal to: a. 100 x 1012 b. 100 x 10-12 c. 100 x 10-9 43. The time taken for a capacitor to charge is:

a. 5C R b. 5CR c. rC R 44. Conventionally, Flemmings left hand rule can be used to determine: a. the polarity of a solenoid b. the direction of rotation of a generator c. the direction of rotation of a motor 45. What magnetic properties do magnets manufactured from soft iron possess? a. easily magnetised and retains its magnetism b. easily magnetised but readily demagnetised c. difficult to magnetise but easily demagnetised 46.Which of the following diagrams shows the correct direction of force on a current carrying conductor? 47.For a current carrying conductor which of the following field patterns is correct? 48.In the simple d.c. motor illustrated, if the loop of wire is free to rotate it will do so in: a. an anticlockwise direction. b. whichever direction it is given an initial start. c. a clockwise direction. 49.Materials with narrow hysterisis loops will have: a. high retentivity b. low retentivity c. cannot be magnetised 50.Flux density increases: a. nonlinearly with MMF b. linearly with coercive force c. linearly with MMF 51.The hysterisis loop for a magnetic material is plotted on a graph with: a. total flux against flux density b. current against flux density c. flux density against magnetising force 52.A transformer secondary step-up winding has: a. more turns than the primary

b. thicker turns than the primary c. less turns than the primary F and 53.A capacitor of 0.1 resistor of 1M Ohm are connected in series to aa The time constant of the circuit is: a. 5S b. 5mS c.S 5 54.A transformer with 1,000 turns of primary and 50 turns of secondary winding, if connected to 240V supply would have an output of: a. 6 volts b. 12 volts c. 48 volts 55.A relay whose winding is constructed using many turns of fine wire is essentially a: a. current coil b. voltage coil c. power coil 56. Lenz's Law states: a. the e.m.f. produced in a circuit is equal to the rate of change of flux b. the direction of an induced e.m.f. will always oppose the motion that created it c. the direction of the magnetic flux lines around a wire carrying a current is the same as the direction of the fingers of a right hand point when the wire is held with the thumb pointing in the direction of the conventional current in the wire 57. Magnetic flux density is: a. the amount of flux per unit area, whose symbol is and the unit is the Tesla ( T ). b. the amount of flux per unit area, whose symbol is and the unit is the weber (Wb). c. the number of lines of flux going from the North pole to the South pole. 58.A series AC circuit consisting of an inductor, resistor and a capacitor is connected across an alternating supply. Which of the following statements is true? a)The voltage across the resistor leads the voltage across the capacitor by 900. b)The supply voltage leads the circuit current by a given phase angle. c)The voltage across the capacitor lags the supply voltage by 900. 59.In an AC circuit, the nearer the phase angle between the applied voltage and current is to 0, the a) power factor approaches unity b)apparent power is almost equal to the reactive power. c)true power is almost equal to the reactive power.

60.At resonance in an L C R circuit, the a)inductive reactance (XL) is equal to the capacitive reactance (XC). b)impedance of a series circuit is a maximum. c)applied voltage is in quadrature to the total circuit current. 61.If, in a 3 phase star connected system, the line voltage is 200v AC, then the phase voltage is a)is equal to the line voltage x and is approximately equal 115v. b)measured between any two lines and is equal to 130v. c)is equal to any line and neutral x and is equal to 115v. 62.To obtain a strong magnetic field in a DC generator, the materials used should be ferromagnetic of a)High permeability and low reluctance. b)high retentivity and low permeability. c)Low permeability and high remanence. 3:12:1:1 63.Armature reaction occurs when the a)armature magnetic field interacts with the main magnetic field. b)magnetic neutral axis is in line with the geometric neutral axis. c)armature magnetic field aids armature rotation. 64.Decreasing the field current of a DC motor will a)increase the rotational speed. b)decrease the rotational speed. c)decrease the output torque. 65.The maximum output voltage from a basic single loop generator is when the loop is a)cutting maximum lines of magnetic flux. b)rotating anti-clockwise relative to the direction of the magnetic flux. c)at 450 to the magnetic flux. 66.When a ferrite core is placed inside a coil, the flux density a)increases due to the relative permeability of the core. b)increases due to the increase in magnetising force. c)decreases due to the increased reluctance of the core. 67.The induced emf in a 20mH coil when a changing current of 20mA/sec is flowing is a)0.4mV. b)100mV. c)400mV.

68.A circuit consists of a coil, battery and switch. When the switch is initially closed, the a)rate of change of magnetic flux is zero. b)current rises instantaneously to its maximum value. c)back emf is a maximum. 69.ThreeH are connected inductors of 10mH, 0.01H and 1000 in series. The total value of inductance is approximately a)11mH. b)21mH. c)21H. 70.Prolonged reactive sparking in a DC generator could damage the a) commutator. b) armature. c) pole pieces. 71.If the angular velocity of the armature of an AC generator is approx. 2513 radians/sec, the periodic time of the output voltage is a)2.5 msecs. b)25msecs. c)30 msecs. 72.If the peak to peak value of a sine wave is 10 volts, the RMS value is a)3.53v. b)2.45v. c)8v. 73.A series AC circuit consisting of an inductor, resistor and a capacitor is connected across an alternating supply. Which of the following statements is true? a)The voltage across the resistor leads the voltage across the capacitor by 900. b)The supply voltage leads the circuit current by a given phase angle. c)The voltage across the capacitor lags the supply voltage by 900. 74.A series ac circuit consists of L = 90 mH and R = 40 ohms is connected across a 150v, 50 Hz supply. The approx impedance of the cct is a)50 ohms. b)30 ohms. c)60 ohms. 75.The turns ratio of a transformer used to match the output impedance (1KW) of an amplifier to the input impedance of a loudspeaker (8W) is approximately a)11: 1 stepdown. b)8 :1 stepdown.

c)125 : 1 stepdown. 76.If, in a 3 phase star connected system, the line voltage is 200v AC, then the phase voltage is a)is equal to the line voltage/ 3 and is approximately equal 115v. b)measured between any two lines and is equal to 130v. c)measured between any line and neutral and is equal to 145v. 77.The power in a delta connected AC system with the line voltage = 115v, line current = 5A and a power factor = 0.85 is approx a)845W. b) 490W. c)1460W. 78.The capacitor that is normally included in the starting circuit of a two phase induction motor fed from an single phase AC supply, is to a)ensure that the magnetic fields in the main and aux. windings are approx. 90 to each other. b)to filter out any dc ripple in the supply voltage. c)build in a time delay in conjunction with the main winding to aid starting. 79.The synchronous speed of an 8 pole AC motor being supplied from 115v 400Hz is a)6000 RPM. b)3000 RPM. c)3200 RPM. 80 The poles of a d.c generator are laminated to: a. reduce hysterisis losses b. reduce flux losses c. reduce eddy current losses 81 Residual voltage is a result of: a. magnetism in the field windings b. current flow in the field coils c. magnetism in the field core 82.In a balanced delta connected 3 phase system, if the phase current is 20A, the line current is equal to a)34.64A. b)20A. c)56.34A 83.An auto transformer has a)a single coil, the output winding(s) being tappings on this coil.

b) separate primary and secondary windings. c) centre tapped primary and secondary windings. 84.The shaded pole motor produces its magnetic fields by a)By having split pole faces and copper ring on one part of the pole face. b)shading part of the single phase winding with a capacitor. c)by causing a 90 phase shift between the poles by including an inductor. 3:15:3:1 85.The poor starting torque of three-phase induction motor can be improved by a)Increasing the rotor resistance to increase the power factor. b)decreasing the rotor resistance to decrease the power factor. c)Increasing the rotor resistance to decrease the power factor. 3:18:2:1 86.A three-phase actuator is often controlled by a change over contactor a)reversing two of the three-phases allowing it to run in both directions. b)reversing all three-phases allowing it to operate in both directions. c)causing a cyclic shift in the stator windings, allowing it to run in both directions. 87. The graph below is a graph of a a. band stop filter b. band pass filter c. high pass filter 3:18:3:1 88. Passive filters are composed entirely of a. resistors, capacitors and inductors b. operational amplifiers, resistors and capacitors (not inductors). c. operational amplifiers, resistors, inductors and capacitors 89. A High pass filter will allow frequencies a. above a certain value to pass b. below a certain value to pass c. within a range to pass 90. What is true of a delta connected generator a. Line volts = phase volts, line current = phase current. b. Line current = phase current divided by c. Line voltage = times phase voltage, Line current = phase current. 91.If a current of 4A exists in a circuit the quantity of charge transferred in 8 seconds is: a. 12C b. 2C c. 32C 92.If an electrical load of 1.5kW is operated for 3 minutes, the energy consumed is: a. 8.33J

b. 0.27MJ c. 500J 93.The resistance of a given piece of wire is: a. Directly proportional to its cross sectional area and inversely proportional to its length. b. Directly proportional to its length and independent of its cross sectional area. c. Directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross sectional area. 94.In the circuit shown V1 is: a. 5V b. 10V c. 20V 95.If an ammeter is connected in a circuit as illustrated it will : a. have no effect on the circuit. b. indicate the wrong value. c. be seriously damaged. 96. In the circuit shown the current ( IT ) is: a. 5A b. 2.5A c. 80A 97.A length of resistance wire has to be replaced to obtain a 50% increase in resistance. The new wire, of the same material, should have the same: (a)diameter and a 50% increase in length (b)length and a 50% increase in diameter (c)length and a 50% decrease in diameter. 98. In the figure below. If the volts dropped across the 20 resistor is 10V, the resistance of R1 is: a. 20 b. 16 c. 2 99.The bridge will be in balance when the value of the unknown resistor R is: a. 18 b. 14 c. 2 100.A circuit has an applied voltage of 30 volts and a load consisting of a 10ohm resistor in series with a 20ohm resistor. What is the voltage drop across the 10ohm resistor? a30volts b20 volts

c10volts 101.Which requires the most electrical power during operation? A A 12-volt motor requiring 8 amperes. B Four 30-watt lamps in a 12-volt parallel circuit. C Two lights requiring 3 amperes each in a 24volt parallel system. 102.A 47K Ohm resistor with a 10% tolerance has the following colour code: a. Yellow, Violet, Orange, Silver b. Orange, Violet, Red, Gold c. Red, Orange, Yellow, Silver 103. A 24volt source is required to furnish 48 watts to a parallel circuit consisting of four resistors of equal value. What is the voltage drop across each resistor? a. 3V b. 12V c. 24V 104.Resistance is defined as: a. The opposition to the flow of electric charge, irrespective of the temperature b. The opposition to the flow of electric charge at normal temperatures c. The time it takes to restrict the voltage in a circuit 105. For how many hours will a 140AH battery deliver 15A. a. 15.15hours b. 9.33 hours c. 27.25 hours 106. What part of a nickel-cadmium cell helps to prevent thermal runaway? a. The positive plate b. The negative plate c. The separator 107. When charging current is applied to a nickel-cadmium battery, the cells emit gas only: a. toward the end of the charging cycle. b. when the electrolyte level is low. c. if the cells are defective. 108. Which of the following can cause thermal runaway in a ni-cad battery: a. electrical leakage between the cells and the case. b. excessive current drawn from the battery. c. charging the battery to more than 100% of its capacity. 109.A Secondary cell is: a. A cell that is capable of being recharged b. Not capable of being recharged c. The primary source of electrical power in an A/C 110.When a battery is to be removed from an aircraft, which lead should be removed first? a. it makes no difference, provided the master switch is off b. the lead goings to the main solenoid ( "hot" lead )

c. the lead going to ground 111. A spillage of electrolyte from a Ni-Cad battery is neutralised using: a.Bicarbonate of soda b.Warm water c.Boric acid 112. When a battery is refitted from an aircraft, which lead should be fitted last: a. Negative b. Positive c. It makes no difference, provided the master switch is off. 113.An ammeter in a battery charging system is for the purpose of indicating the a: amperage available for use. b: total amperes being used in the aeroplane. c: rate of current used to charge the battery. 114. In a primary cell sal-ammoniac is: a. a depolarising agent b. the electrolyte c. the annodic material

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