Lesson 8 Writing

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Date 6th April 2022

Time 9.40 am- 10.50 am (70 minutes)

Class 3I

Number of pupils 32

Theme People and Culture

Topic Family Ties (Lesson 8)

Skill/Focus Writing

Language Focus Abbreviations

Prior Knowledge Students’ knowledge about birthday celebration

Main Skill
Writing 4.2
Communicate with appropriate language, form and style

Content Standard Complementary Skill

Reading 3.1
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
construct meaning
Learning Standard Main Skill
Writing 4.2.1
Punctuate written work with moderate accuracy
Complementary Skill
Reading 3.1.2
Understand specific details and information in longer texts on an increased range
of familiar topics

By the end of the lesson, the pupils must be able to:
1. Rewrite at least 3 out of 8 sentences with the correct abbreviations.
(DTL: LP=3/8, MP=5/8, =6/8)
2. Understand the specific details and information in a sample email by
ticking the at least 3 contents that has been included in the email.
Learning Objective
(DTL: LP=3, MP=4, HP=5)
3. Rearrange the jumble sentences to form at least 2 correct order of an
email contents.
(DTL: LP=2, MP=3, HP=4)

Assessment Pupils rearrange the jumble sentences of an email

Thinking Habits Analysis

Cross Curricular Moral values – be grateful (Pendidikan Islam/ Pendidikan Moral)
Elements (CCE)

Value Application Appreciating the loved one

Teaching Aids (TA) Close Up Textbook, Power point presentation

Arts in Education Not Applicable

/ Communication Skills
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
Lifelong Learning and Managing Information Skills

Soft Skills (SS): / Social Skills

Ethics and Moral
Entrepreneurship Skills
Leadership Skills
Contextual Learning
Project Based Learning
Problem Solving Based Learning
Brian Based Learning

Current Pedagogy (CP): 4C or 7C/3R/3M Competencies

Exploratory Learning
Inquiry Based Learning
/ Cooperative Learning
Self-Directed Learning

Steps / Time
Content Teaching & Learning Activities Remarks
Sharing session:
1. A birthday party
experienced. 1. Pupils look at the pictures of a birthday
2. Birthday party celebration.
Set Induction 2. Pupils share their experiences celebrating
invitation using
(5 minutes)
WhatsApp, Text, or attending a birthday party.
Invitation Card 3. Pupils activate their background schemata
and E-mail by talking about birthday invitation.

Identify abbreviations 1. Pupils look at the word “abbreviation” and

Notes to explain pronounced it with the teacher’s help.
the most 2. Pupils study the notes given by the teacher
common for the meaning and the use of the
Step 1 abbreviations: abbreviation.
(Presentation) am,pm, Mrs, Mr,
(10 minutes) 3. Pupils work in pairs and give a few other
USA,KBR,JLN examples of other abbreviations that they
already know.
4. A few pairs share their ideas with the rest
of the class.

1. Pupils turn to Close-Up page 14 and read

the instruction for Section D.
2. Pupils read each sentence carefully.
3. Pupils work in pairs to rewrite the 8
sentences with the correct abbreviations.
Using abbreviations:
8 sentences with wrong 4. A few pairs share their answers with the
written abbreviations. rest of the class.
Step 2 5. Pupils read the sample email given in
(Practice) Understand specific Close-Up page 14.
(30 minutes) details and information 6. Pupils proceed to Section D and read the
in an email for a instruction.
birthday invitation.
7. Pupils works in pairs to tick the things that
the email writer has included in her email.
8. A few pairs share their answers with the
rest of the class.

1. Pupils read the instruction for the task
Assessment: given.
Step 3 A task to rearrange the 2. Pupils rearrange the jumble sentences to
(Production) jumble sentences of an form a correct order of an email.
(20 minutes invitation email 3. Pupils discuss the answers as a class.

1. Pupils review their learning in this lesson by

underline the abbreviations in the previous
Closure Summary/Review task given.
(5 minutes) 2. Pupils give rating for today’s lesson.

Students’ Reflection:

Mentor’s Remark:

Supervising Lecturer’s Remark:

This is a general Daily Lesson Plan (RPH). Any amendments depend on the needs of their
respective core/elective areas.

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