Rubrics Anyo Demonstration 2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021 PE 02 (Self-Defense) Professor: Mark Johnson San Juan Totalscore
Rubrics Anyo Demonstration 2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021 PE 02 (Self-Defense) Professor: Mark Johnson San Juan Totalscore
Rubrics Anyo Demonstration 2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021 PE 02 (Self-Defense) Professor: Mark Johnson San Juan Totalscore
Anyo Demonstration
2nd Semester, SY 2020-
PE 02 (Self-Defense)
Professor: Mark Johnson San Juan TOTALSCORE:
1. Perform a 3-5 minute exhibition with background music demonstrating thefollowing:
a. Largo b. Banda y Banda c. Sungkit d. Dukot e. Launch attack f. Iktad
Indicator Very Satisfactory (9-10 points) Satisfactory (7-8 points) Fair (5-6 points) Needs Improvement (3-4 points)
Body Form Body posture and proper Body posture and proper Body posture and proper Body posture and proper
fighting stance were maintained fighting stance were maintained fighting stance were maintained fighting stance were not
all throughout the almost the whole duration ofthe in some parts the maintained in most parts the
demonstration. demonstration. demonstration. demonstration.
Accuracy All strikes landed on the correct Almost all strikes landed on the Some strikes landed on the Most of the strikes did not land
target areas. correct target areas. correct target areas. on the correct target areas.
Almost all blocks were aligned Most of the blocks were not
All blocks were aligned with the with the corresponding target Some blocks were aligned with aligned with the corresponding
corresponding target areas. areas. the corresponding target areas. target areas.
Execution All movements were performed Almost all movements were Some movements were Most of the movements were
with ample force and performed with ample force and performed with ample force and not performed with ample force
confidence. confidence. confidence. and confidence.
Background Music The background music The background music The background music The background music
complemented all the complemented almost all the complemented some the complemented a bit of the
movements of the movements of the movements of the movements of the
demonstrators demonstrators demonstrators demonstrators