Endorsement or Handover
Endorsement or Handover
Endorsement or Handover
Name: Czarina Mae Quinones Tadeo Yr. & Section: BSN -2D Date: January 29, 2022
Definition: Clinical handover is the transfer of responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of
your care from one health care professional to another on a temporary or permanent basis.
Aim: The aim of clinical handover is to achieve effective, high-quality communication of relevant
clinical information when the responsibility of your care is transferred.
Effective clinical handover helps promote patient safety and can reduce the likelihood of incorrect
treatment, delays in diagnosis and a longer length of stay in hospital.\
Definition of Terms:
Clinical Handover
• Direct patient care handover may only occur in electronic documentation within the EMR
in specific clinical areas (e.g., Wallaby & Pre-op Hold).
• Handover occurs between the nurse who is in charge of the patient's care and the nurse
who will be in charge of the patient's care.
• The ISBAR format is used to structure handovers with an emphasis on ISR – identification
of the patient, current situation, and any risks or recommendations for break intervals.
• The handover is recorded in the EMR.
Transfer of patient within the hospital (for procedure, treatment or to another ward)
• All patients transferred from one clinical area to another must have their handover
documented in the EMR. This includes information about the transfer time, which
indicates a change in professional responsibility and accountability.
• According to the RCH Patient Identification Procedure, the positive patient identification
process occurs to confirm full name, date of birth, and Medical Record Number (MRN) to
the EMR.
• Clinical alerts have been identified (e.g., FYI flags, allergies, infection control precautions,
MET modifications)
• The handover is recorded in the EMR.
• A patient can be transported by CARPs, parents/ carers if the patient is assessed as:
• Stable
• Predictable
• Having no fluids or blood product transfusions running
• Requiring clinical observations <4 hourly
• Handover can be conducted over the phone to the receiving nurse/ AUM/
appropriate health practitioner who will then assume responsibility and
accountability for the patient
• A patient must be escorted by the nurse if the patient is assessed as:
• Unstable
• Having fluids or blood transfusions running
• Requiring clinical observations <4 hourly
• Handover occurs between the nurse that holds responsibility for care and the nurse
who will be assuming responsibility for the care of the patient
• Inpatients to theatre- Handover occurs between the nurse in charge of care and
the pre-op hold nurse, who will assume responsibility for the patient's care.
• Rosella and Butterfly patients to theatre- For Rosella inpatients being
transferred to & from theatre, clinical handover is required from the bedside nurse
to the anaesthetist
• Ambulatory Care patient to another clinical area- The nurse transferring care
contacts the relevant AUM of the receiving clinical area to ensure patient is
expected and handover is given. Relevant local administrator (Desk Staff, Ward
Clerk) to be notified of transfer or admission by the AUM
Non-Clinical Activities
• Parents, caregivers, teachers, volunteers, and others may accompany a patient off the ward
if it has been determined that the patient is safe to leave the ward without a nurse in
accordance with the Supervision and movement of inpatients across RCH and access to
inpatient areas procedure.
• If the patient is deemed safe without the presence of a nursing escort, document this in the
• Patients colonized with a multi-resistant organism may only leave the ward/room with the
permission of the treating team or Infection Prevention and Control.
Patient Discharge
• On discharge home patients are provided with written discharge advice about the patient’s
hospital stay
• An After Visit Summary (AVS) can be printed for the parents/ carers, along with any
attendance certificates, which has a minimum data set including:
• name of consultant
• diagnosis
• medication plan
• follow up information
• phone number to contact if more information required
• The clinician documents in the EMR that the discharge advice has been given to the
parents/ carers and the time of discharge.
Patient Endorsement using SBAR Technique
Situation • Identify yourself and the site/unit you are
calling from. Identify the patient by name
and the reason for your report.
• Describe your concern.
• Firstly, describe the specific situation about
which you are calling, including patient’s
name, consultant, patient location,
resuscitation status and vital signs.
Mee, D. (2019, August). Nursing Clinical Handover. Retrieved from The Royal Children's Hospital