150+ Indian History One Liners Part IX (Pratiyogitaabhiyan - In)

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150+ Indian History One Liners Part IX

1. Who was the first Governor General of Bengal? Warren Hastings

2. Who was the last Governor General (GG) of Bengal? William Bentinck
3. Who was the first Governor General of India? William Bentinck
4. Who was the first Governor General and Viceroy of India? Lord Canning
5. Who was the first Governor General of the Dominion of India? Lord
6. First Indian to be governor general- C. Rajagopalachari (last one after
him post was abolished), independent India’s first and last Indian
Governor General.
7. Who was the last British viceroy and independent India‘s first Governor
General? Lord Mountbatten
8. Who was the Governor General of India during the revolt of 1857? Lord
9. The first Railway line from Bombay to Thane in 1853 was opened by-
Lord Dalhousie
10. The first Telegraph line from Calcutta to Agar in 1853 was opened
by- Lord Dalhousie
11. Doctrine of Lapse, Grand Trunk Road, Postal system, Wood‘s
Dispatch, Widow Remarriage Bill is related to- Lord Dalhousie
12. Who came to be known as the Father of Civil Services in India?
Lord Wellesley
13. Fort William College at Calcutta was founded by: Lord Wellesley
14. The policy of Subsidiary Alliance i.e.- a system to keep the Indian
rulers under control of the Britishers was adopted- Lord Wellesley
15. Permanent Settlement of Bengal & Zamindari system, Police
reforms was introduced by- Lord Cornwallis
16. Civil Services in India was introduction by- Lord Cornwallis
17. Policy of non-intervention was followed by- Sir John Shore
18. Who found the Calcutta Madrasa, for promotion of Islamic studies in
1781? Warren Hastings
19. During whose reign a civil and criminal court in each district was
established? Warren Hastings
20. During Lord Willingdon‘s reign, who started Communal Award?
British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald
21. In 1928, Simon commission came to India. Who was the Viceroy at
that time? Lord Irwin
22. What was the name of the newspaper edited by Gandhiji till 1933?
23. Who was the founder of ‗Young India‘ and ‗Harijan‘? Gandhiji
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24. Who translated the fiction ‗Neeldarpan‘ in English? Madhusudan
25. Who wrote the culture of national song ‗Vande Matram‘? Bankim
Chandra Chatterji
26. Who is related with the title ‗Frontier Gandhi?‘ Khan Abdul Gaffer
27. Whose nickname was ‗Seemant Gandhi?‘ Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
28. Who was famous as ‗Lady with the Lamp‘? Florence Nightingale
29. Who first called Gandhi, ‗the father of nation‘? Subhash Chandra
30. Who wrote the song ‗Saare Jahan Se Acha‘? Muhammad Iqbal
31. What was name of the newspaper published in South Africa by
Mahatma Gandhi? The Indian Opinion (6 June, 1903)
32. Which of the creations in relation to Gandhi? The Holy Family
33. Who started the first English newspaper in India? James Augustus
Hicky in 1779
34. In the west India, which religious reformer is known as ‗Lokhitwadi‘?
Gopal Hari Deshmukh
35. By what name, was the song ‗Jana – Gan– Man‘ written by
Rabindranath Tagore was first published? Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
36. Which revolutionary was sentenced to death by the Britishers? Raj
37. Which fiction become the sources of inspiration for the freedom
fighters? Anandmath
38. Which revolt is mentioned in the fiction, Anandmath, written by
Bankim Chandra Chatterjee? Sanyasi revolt
39. For what reason was Aurobindo Ghosh arrested? Alipur Bomb
Case (31 August, 1908)
40. Who accepted that the revolt of 1857 is a National Revolt?
Benjamin Disraeli (Former PM of United Kingdom)
41. Where was Bal Gangadhar Tilak sent when arrested by the
Britishers in 1908? Mandalay
42. Which revolt was registered against the Lahore plot case? Bhagat
43. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were sentenced to death in-
Lahore conspiracy case (24 March 1931)
44. Who established the 'Naujavan Bharat Sabha (Youth Society of
India)? Bhagat Singh (1926)
45. In U.S.A. who established the Gadar Party in San Francisco? Lala
46. Where was Ghadar Party‘s Headquarters? San Francisco

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47. Who founded the Indian National Party- in Berlin during 1914?
Champakaraman Pillai
48. Which group were related to ‗Tana Bhagat‘ movement? Oraon
49. Mangal Pandey shot the first bullet in 1857 revolt at- Barrackpore
50. Who started the ‗1857 Revolt‘? Soldiers
51. Bahadur Shah Zafar or Bahadur Shah II was– Last Mughal ruler
52. Who look after the Gadar at Kanpur during Sepoy Munity? Nana
53. With whose fall did the Mughal existence from the red fort ended?
Bahadur Shah Zafar
54. Where was the royal court held for the proclamation of the queen an
1 November, 1858? Allahabad
55. In which year did the British got control of India by the East India
Company? 1858
56. When was the army recruiting Act implied? 1856
57. What is the other name of Nana Sahib? Dhondu Pant
58. Who didn‘t take part during the revolt of the British in 1857? Tipu
59. Which incident encouraged the ruler of England to undertake the
Indian government (administration)? Sepoy Mutiny
60. Who was the man to attend the Imperial Durbar in 1877 dressed in
hand-spun Khadi and was one of the founders of the Poona Sarvajanik
Sabha in 1807? Ganesh Vasudev Joshi
61. Who applied the revenue arrangements of the Istmarari Bengal?
62. Permanent settlement system of collecting revenue in India was
launched by- Lord Cornwallis
63. During the reign of British, who started the ‗Ryotwari system
instantly in Madras presidency?‘ Thomas Munroe
64. Who was the first Governor General of Bengal and first Governor-
General of India? Warren Hastings
65. When was the first telegraph line opened between Calcutta and
Agra? 1853
66. In which state was the ‗state kidnapping policy‘ used? Punjab
67. Who made it possible for an open competitive exam‘s a medium to
shift to India civil service for Indian? Dalhousie
68. Who was the first Indian to pass the Civil Service exam? Satyendra
Nath Tagore
69. Who first started the civil services in India? Lord Cornwallis
70. Who was the first viceroy of India? Lord Canning

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71. Who was the last Governor General of East India Company and the
First Viceroy under the Crown? Lord Canning
72. Who started the Doctrine of Lapse? Lord Dalhousie
73. Who was the last Viceroy of India? Lord Mountbatten
74. Who was the Viceroy of India during the formation of Muslim
League? Lord Minto
75. Who was the last Viceroy and first Governor General of free India?
Lord Mountbatten
76. Who was the first Governor General of British India? Lord William
Bentinck (1828-1835)
77. Who was the first Governor General of the Independent India?
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
78. What is considered the most useful and important improvement by
Lord Curzon? Farming Improvement
79. Who passed the Indian University Act? Lord Curzon
80. Who is known as the ―father of local self-government‖? Lord Ripon
81. The first passenger train in India ran between Bombay (Bori
Bunder) and Thane on— 16 April 1853
82. What was established, under the ‗Pitts India Act‘? Board of Control
83. Which act established the highest court in Calcutta? Regulation
Act, 1778
84. Which charter Act, ended the business monopoly between China and
East India Company? Charter Act, 1833
85. Who started the ‗Provincial autonomy‘ in India? India Govt. Act,
86. Which act‘s important specification was the ‗Provincial Autonomy‘ —
Government of India Act 1935
87. Diarchy was introduced as a constitutional reform by- Edwin
Samuel Montagu
88. ‗Diarchy‘ was implied under which government of India? 1935
89. The Narendra Mandal or Chamber of Princes was inaugurated in
1921 by- Duke of Connaught
90. Rowlatt Act, 1919 was implied under whose reign? Lord
91. What is the ‗Government of India Act, 1935‘ based on? Simon
92. When was the constitutional committee set up, to make the
constitution of India? 1946
93. Who removed restriction on Vernacular press? Sir Charles

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94. In which year was Lala Lajpat Rai outclassed and sent to Mandalay
for the Agricultural Movement in Punjab? 1907
95. According to Dadabhai Nauroji, the meaning of ‗Swaraj’ is– Self-
96. Who was the purpose of the movement of boycotting the foreign
things by Gandhiji? Encouraging cottage industry
97. When was Indian given the position of dominion states? 15 August
98. Who was the member of Swaraj Party? Sardar Patel
99. After whose failure was the Swaraj Party made? Non–Cooperation
100. C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru made the Swaraj Party– Forward Block
101. Motilal Nehru and Chitranjan Das were the founder member of–
Swaraj Party
102. Under which sun sign was P. Jawaharlal Nehru born? Scorpio
103. Who established first Medical College in Calcutta? William
104. What was the roundtable meeting famous for? Constitution of
105. Who took part in the National Congress, belonging to the Dalit in
Brussels in 1927? Jawaharlal Nehru
106. Who made social reforms like abolition of Sati Pratha with the help
of Rajaram Mohan Roy, Suppression of Thuggee? William Bentick
107. Who was the first Indian woman President of Indian National
Congress? Annie Besant
108. Who was the President of the Indian National Congress, while the
Mountbatten Plan was accepted? Acharya J.B. Kriplani
109. Bal, Pal and Lal were the main politicians of– Congress Party
110. Which party did Subhas Chandra Bose establish after leaving the
Indian National congress? Forward Block
111. Who established the Forward Block? Subhas Chandra Bose
112. Who was the founder of ―Azad Hind Fauj‖? Subhash Chandra Bose
113. Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress?
Badaruddin Tayabazi
114. How many people did take part in the first session? 72
115. Who was the President during the first meeting of Indian National
Congress in 1885 AD? Shree Womesh Chandra Banerji
116. Who was the founder of India National congress? A.O. Hume
117. Who was the first General-Secretary of India National Congress?
A.O. Hume

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118. Which movement was not under Mahatma Gandhi? Swadeshi
119. Khilafat Movement was initiated to protest against the insult of-
Turkish Khalifa
120. Who proposed the name Pakistan? Chaudhary Rahmat Ali
121. In which session did the Congress & Muslim league came together?
Lucknow (1916)
122. When the Indian National congress did was divided into moderate
and extremists? 1907
123. Which Brigadier was linked to Jalianwala Bagh incident? General
124. In between whom was the Pune compromise held? Gandhi &
125. Who was the first non-Indian President of Indian National Congress?
George Yule
126. Who was the Home rule league found? During first world war
127. Who founded the ‗All India Muslim League‘? Agha Khan
128. In which year was the Muslim league founded? 1906
129. Who was the president of Partition Council? Lord Mountbatten
130. The political leaders boycotted Simon commission because- All the
members of commission were British.
131. Who founded ‗Bharat Sevak Samaj‘ (Servants of Indian Society)?
Gopal Krishan Gokhle
132. In which year, Gandhiji founded ‗Sabarmati ashram‘ in Gujarat?
133. High Courts in Calcutta, Mumbai and Madras were established in-
134. Bal Gandadhar considered whom his political Guru? Dada Bhai
135. Attack on ‗Chitgaon Arsenal‘ was done in whose leadership- Surya
136. Gandhi–Irwin agreement was signed in– 5 March, 1931
137. The first non-congress Government was formed in which state in
independent India– Kerala
138. By whom, Mahatma Gandhi was very impressed? Leo Tolstoy
139. Where Gandhiji did learned the art of Satyagraha? South Africa
140. Who used the word ‗Satyagraha‘? Gandhiji
141. Who went South Africa to meet Gandhiji? Gopal Krishna Gokhle
142. Who was the political Guru of Gandhiji? Gopal Krishna Gokhle
143. When did Gandhiji start ‗Satyagraha movement‘? 1919
144. From where Gandhiji started his political activities? Champaran

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145. Where was A.I.C.C. session organized in the presidency of Gandhiji?
146. From where Gandhiji started civil disobedience movement in 1930?
147. Gandhiji considered Khadi as the symbol of what? Financial
148. In which two states, non-congress cabinets were formed in 1937?
Bengal and Punjab
149. Subhash Chandra Bose defeated whom and elected President of
Congress Party in 1939? Pattbhi Sitaramaiya
150. Cabinet mission came to India in– 1946
151. What was the main reason behind ‗Quit India movement?‘ Failure
of Cripps mission
152. Which one of the following was first female Governor of
Independent India? Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
153. The famous Quit India movement of Gandhi ji was started in–
August 1942
154. When did Cripps mission come to India? 1942
155. Where did ‗Parallel government‘ form during Quit India movement?
156. Gandhiji postponed which movements after thieves steal scandal
(Chauri Chaura Incident)? Non - cooperation movement
157. Where Indian National congress did passed its famous proposal
‗Non-cooperation‘ in 1920? In Calcutta
158. Which movement was supported by Hindus and Muslims both? Non
- cooperation movement
159. Which are the three form of Satyagraha? Non-cooperation, Civil
disobedience, Boycott
160. Gandhiji‘s Dandi March is an example of what? Civil Disobedience
161. Mahatma Gandhi started Civil disobedience movement in which
year? 1930
162. In which session of Indian national congress, ‗self-governance‘
proposal was passed? Lahore session, 1929
163. Who founded all India association of Harijanas in 1932 AD?
Mahatma Gandhi
164. Who was the first speaker of Independent India? G.V. Mavlankar
165. Who is related to Sarvodaya and Bhaada movement? Aacharge
Vinoba Bhave
166. From where Christopher Columbus was? Genoa, Italy
167. ―Where there is no law, there is no freedom‖ who said this? John

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168. What is reform movement? Revolt against the dominance of
169. Idealogy of Fascism was developed in which country? Italy
170. Methods of democratic socialism are– Explain and promote
171. Who was the co-founder of Populist movement ‗Anarchism‘ in
Russia? Mikhail Bakunin
172. Socialism is basically whose movement? Workers
173. Who built the Great Wall of China? Shi Huang Ji
174. In ancient India, what was Burma called? Golden land
175. Marcopolo is famous for what– For travelling China, India and
176. ‗Karl Marks‘ book ‗Das Kapital‘ was published in– 1867
177. Which country embossed as the biggest colonial power at the end of
18 century? Britain
178. Napoleon‘s final defeat was in which one of the following battle?
Battle of Trafalgar
179. Which one of the following person was not related to integration of
Italy? Mussolini
180. Atomic bombs were dropped on which cities of Japan during Second
World War? Hiroshima and Nagasaki
181. ‗French Revolution‘ started due to whose fall? The Fall of the
182. When did Russian revolution happen? 1917 AD
183. Incident of Boston tea Party is related to– American
Independence War
184. How did Crimean war finish? Paris Agreement
185. Crimean war was fought b/w whom in 1854–1856? Russia and
186. Under which treaty did the World War I came to an end? Treaty of
Versailles of 1919
187. Who made the word ‗Iran casing‘? Winston Churchill
188. Who made the word ‗United Nations‘? Roosevelt
189. Who was the writer of ‗Mein Kampf‘? Hitler
190. Who is the oldest British King/Queen to sit over the royal throne?
Queen Elizabeth II

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List of Viceroys of India
Viceroy Period Achievements/Events
Lord Canning 1856-1862  The Governor General during Mutiny of 1857.
 The first Viceroy of India after the war.
 He removed Doctrine of lapse.
 In his reign, Indian Council Act was passed in 1861
 During his rule, University of Bombay, Calcutta, Madras was established
in 1857.
Lord Lawrence 1864-1869  In his reign, High Court was established at Calcutta, Bombay, Madras in
 He formed Indian Forest Department.
 The telegraph line was opened with Europe.
 He introduced various reforms.
 He became the member of Punjab Board of Administration.
 He was known by the name i.e. Savior of Punjab.
Lord Mayo 1869-1872  He started financial decentralization in India.
 Rajkot College in Kathiawar & Mayo College in Ajmer for Indian princess
was established by him.
 In his time, first Census of India was held in 1871.
 Statistical survey of India was organized by him.
 In Andaman in 1872, he was the only Viceroy murdered in the office by
a pathan.
Lord Lytton 1876-1880  In order to decorate Queen Victoria with the title of Kaiser-i-hind,
the Delhi Durbar was held on January 1, 1877.
 In 1879, the Statutory Civil Service examination was started.
 The maximum age for the civil services exams held in England, was
reduced from 21 to 19 years.
 In his reign i.e. in 1878, Vernacular press Act was passed.
Lord Rippon 1880-1884  The age for civil service exam was raised to 21 years.
 In 1881, in his reign, First Factory Act was passed which restricted the
child labour.
 In 1883, he passed the Illbert Bill.
 In 1882, he passed the Local Self Government act.
Lord Dufferin 1884-1888  The Indian National Congress was formed by him.
Lord 1888-1894  In 1892, Indian Council Act was passed.
Lansdowne  Second Factory Act (1891) was passed during his time.
 Durand Commission to define a line between British India and
Afghanistan, was appointed by him.
Lord Curzon 1899-1905  At his time, the partition of Bengal (1905) was done into 2 provinces-
Bengal and East Bengal.
 He passed the Ancient Monuments Act (1904), in order to restore
India’s cultural heritage.
 Curzon established Archaeological Survey of India.
Lord Minto 1905-1910  In his time in 1909, Morley-Minto reform was passed.
Lord Hardinge 1910-1916  Capital of Calcutta shifted to Delhi in 1911, as partition of Bengal was
 In 1915, Gandhi ji returned from South Africa.
 Annie Besant launched Home Rule moment during his rule.
Lord 1916-1921  The control over the Indian Government was to be handed over to
Chelmsford Indian people according to August Declaration of 1917.
 Rowlett Act 1919 was passed.
 Montague-Chelmsford reform was passed.
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 During his reign, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (1919), Non- Cooperation
movement , Khilafat movement took place.
 He opened Women’s University at Poona in 1919.
Lord Reading 1921-1926  The incidence of Chauri -Chaura took place during his time.
 Swaraj party was formed at his time.
 In 1921, Ahmedabad session of INS was being held.
Lord Irwin 1926-1931  In 1928, Simon commission came to India.
 The incidence of Dandi took in 1930.
 Civil Disobedience movement was started in 1930.
 Gandhi signed Irwin pact. In 1931, First Round Table Conference was
Lord 1931-1936  In his reign, Poona Pact was signed.
Willingdon  During his time, Second and Third Round Table Conference was held.
 British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald started Communal Award.
 Government of India Act (1935) was passed.
Lord Linlithgow 1936-1944  In provinces, Government of India Act was enforced.
 In 1942, Cripps Mission visited India.
 In 1942, Quit India movement was started.
 In 1939, Second World war took place.
Lord Wavell 1944-1947  Shimla Conference between Muslim League and Indian national
Congress failed which was held on June 25, 1945.
 In 1946, Cabinet Mission Plan was launched.
 The first meeting of Constituent Assembly was held on December 09,
Lord March 1947-  Lord Mountbatten was the Last Viceroy and first Governor General of
Mountbatten August 1947 free India.
 On June 3, 1947, partition of India was done.
 On July 4, 1947, by British parliament India Independent Act was
 According, India Independent Act, India got freedom on August 15,
 He succeeded C. Rajagopalachari, who was the last Governor General of
free India.

List of Governor General of India

Governor General Period Achievements/Events

Warren Hastings 1772-1785  Warren Hastings was the first Governor of Bengal.
 He joined the British East India Company in 1750.
 During his reign, Zamindars were given judicial powers.
 At his time, civil and criminal courts in each district was established.
 He found the Calcutta Madrasa, for promotion of Islamic studies in
 In 1784, Asiatic Society of Bengal was found by him.
Sir John 1785-1786  The post was held temporarily by him.
Lord Cornwallis 1786-1793  Permanent Settlement of Bengal & Zamindari system was
introduced by him.
 An agreement between East India Company and Bengali landlords
was made to fix revenues.
 Police reforms was introduced by him.
 Civil Services in India was introduction by him.

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Sir John Shore 1793-1798  Policy of non-intervention was followed by him.
 Charter Act of 1793 was introduced by him.
Lord Wellesley 1798-1805  The policy of Subsidiary Alliance was adopted by him i.e.- a system to
keep the Indian rulers under control of the Britishers.
 A College was opened by him to train the Company’s servants in
 He came to be known as the Father of Civil Services in India.
 Fort William College at Calcutta was found by him.
Sir George Barlow 1805-1807  Mutiny of Vellore in 1806 is the vital event at his time.
 In mutiny of Vellore, the Indian soldiers killed many English officials.
Lord Minto I 1807-1813  Apart from Lord Minto I, the Treaty of Amritsar (1809) was
concluded by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Lord Hastings 1812-1823  Non-intervention policy was ended by him.
 The censorship of press was abolished by him.
 Ryotwari and Mahalawari system in Bombay, was introduced by him.
Lord Amherst 1823-1828  During his reign, First Anglo Burmese War (1824-26), took place.
 Mutiny of Barrackpur (1824), took place in hs tenure.
Lord William 1828-1835  Lord William Bentick was a British Soldier and Statesman.
Bentick  William Bentick happens to be the first Governor General of India.
 He made social reforms like abolition of Sati Pratha with the help of
Rajaram Mohan Roy, Suppression of Thuggee.
 He established first Medical College in Calcutta.
 English as the language of higher education was made by him.
 He prohibited female infanticide and child sacrifice.
Sir Charles Metcalfe 1835-1836  His post was temporary.
 He removed restriction on Vernacular press.
Lord Auckland 1836-1842  In his reign, First Afghan War was fought.
Lord Dalhousie 1848-1856  The first Railway line from Bombay to Thane in 1853 was opened by
 The first Telegraph line from Calcutta to Agar in 1853 was Opened by
 Doctrine of Lapse was introduced by him under which he captured
Satara (1848), Jaipur and Sambhalpur (1849), Udaipur (1852), Jhansi
(1853), Nagpur (1854).
 He started Grand Trunk Road.
 He established Postal system.
 During his reign, in 1854, Wood’s Dispatch was passed which gave
well identified system of education from School to University.
 He passed Widow Remarriage Bill.

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