5 Signs of Love

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Service Deeds

A person feels loved and appreciated for acts of service when someone does
nice things for them, such as:

Assisting with the dishes

Errands to run
Filling up the gas tank

They enjoy it when people do little things for them and are frequently found
performing acts of service for others.

2. Physical Contact

Physical affection is how a person who has physical touch as their primary love
language feels loved. Apart from sex, they feel loved when their partner, for
example, holds their hand, touches their arm, or gives them a massage at the end of
the day. A perfect date for this person might include cuddling on the couch with a
glass of wine and a good movie. They simply want to be physically close to their
3. Time Well Spent

Someone who speaks this love language desires undivided attention. When you are
together, they will feel loved if you are present and focused on them. This includes
putting down the phone, switching off the tablet, making eye contact, and actively

4. Words of Encouragement

Words of affirmation are expressions of affection expressed through spoken words,

praise, or appreciation. When this is someone's primary love language, they
appreciate encouraging words, uplifting quotes, love notes, and cute text messages.
You can brighten this person's day by complimenting them or highlighting
something they do well.


You may express affection to your significant other on a regular basis,

but do you take the time to ensure that you're communicating it in the way
that your partner prefers to receive it? When two partners speak different
love languages, even love can get lost in translation.

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