DLL Mathematics 2 q1 w3

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School: File Submitted by DepEd Club Member - depedclub.

com Grade Level: II

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File Created by Ma’am MARIANNE MANALO PUHI Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JUNE 19-23, 2017 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES Give the place value of each digit Write three-digit numbers in Compare numbers using >, <, and Orders numbers up to 1000 from Weekly Test
in a 3- digit numbers expanded form = least to greatest and vice versa.
A. Content Standards A.Content Standards A.Content Standards A.Content Standards A.Content Standards
demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of
whole numbers up to 1000, whole numbers up to 1000, ordinal whole numbers up to 1000, whole numbers up to 1000, ordinal
ordinal numbers up to 20th, and numbers up to 20th, and money up ordinal numbers up to 20th, and numbers up to 20th, and money up
money up to PhP100. to PhP100. money up to PhP100. to PhP100.
B. Performance Standards B.Performance Standards B.Performance Standards B.Performance Standards B.Performance Standards
is able to recognize, represent, is able to recognize, represent, is able to recognize, represent, is able to recognize, represent,
compare, and order whole compare, and order whole numbers compare, and order whole compare, and order whole numbers
numbers up to 1000, ordinal up to 1000, ordinal numbers up to numbers up to 1000, ordinal up to 1000, ordinal numbers up to
numbers up to 20th, and money 20th, and money up to PhP100 in numbers up to 20th, and money 20th, and money up to PhP100 in
up to PhP100 in various forms various forms and contexts. up to PhP100 in various forms and various forms and contexts.
and contexts. contexts.
C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ Answer test item with
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives 75% of success.
gives the place value and finds reads and writes numbers up to 1 visualizes and compares numbers visualizes and compares numbers Follow directions
the value of a digit in three-digit 000 in symbols and in words up to 1 000 using relation symbols. up to 1 000 using relation symbols. properly.
numbers. M2NS-Ic-9.2 2NS-Id-12.2 2NS-Id-12.2 Answer test with speed,
M2NS-Ib-10.2 accuracy and honesty
II. CONTENT Content: Place Value of a 3- digit Content: Writing 3 digit numbers in Content: Comparing Numbers Content: Comparing and Ordering
Numbers expanded form Numbers
III. LEARNING K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016
RESOURCES Grade 2 – Mathematics page 27 Grade 2 – Mathematics page 28 Grade 2 – Mathematics page 28 Grade 2 – Mathematics page 28
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TG in Mathematics pages 36-39 TG in Mathematics pages 39-42 TG in Mathematics pages 42-46 TG in Mathematics pages 46- 48
(softcopy) (softcopy) (softcopy) (softcopy)
2. Learner’s Materials LM in Mathematics pages 24-26 LM in Mathematics pages 27-28 LM in Mathematics pages 28-30 LM in Mathematics pages 30-33 Test paper at lapis
3. Text book pages      
4. Additional Materials 1. Place value Chart 1. Place Value Chart 1. Number cards 1. Number Cards
from Learning Resources 2. Activity card 2. Show Me Board 2. Cut-outs 2. Show Me Board
3. Counters 3. Flashcards 3. Pocket chart 3. Number line
4. Abacus 4. Mystery Box of Knowledge 4. Show Me Board Lesson 12
5. Number cards with 3-digit Lesson 10 5. Counters
numbers 6. Flash Cards
6. Drill or show cards for each 7. Mystery Box of Knowledge
pupil Lesson 11
Lesson 9
B. Other Learning laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop
lesson or presenting the Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities
new lesson 1. Drill 1.Drill 1.Drill 1.Drill
Counting numbers by 10s, 50s Game: RELAY Comparing Numbers using relation
and 100s Mechanics: symbols
Give the next three numbers Ask the pupils to position at the back Contest: SINO ANG MATIBAY?
starting from 10, 20, ___, ___, part of the room. Mechanics:
___, ___ Place all number cards inside the Ask the pupils to stand and form
What is the next three numbers Mystery Box of Knowledge. 2.Review two lines.
starting from _____, 100, 150, The teacher will draw one at a time Strategy: Group Activity One line for the boys (Team I) and
____ the number cards. Then she/he will Directions: another line for the girls (Team 2)
What is the next three numbers show it to the class. Divide the class into four small Two pupils will be called, one from
starting from 100 ___300, ___, Ask the pupils to raise their right learning stations. One pupil will each team.
What is the next three numbers hand as fast as they can, if they act as a leader. The teacher will flash the number
starting from 40, 50 ____ 70 know the answer. Distribute the Mystery Box of card and the contestants will
____, ___ The pupil who got the correct Knowledge with number cards answer the question as fast as they
2. Review answer will make step forward from 0-9 can.
Reading and writing numerals in The first pupil to reach the finish line Explain that for every set of cards The first one to answer the
words and in symbols wins the game. consists of three-digit numbers. question correctly will take a seat.
Strategy: Game- “SHOW ME Examples of Number Cards: Pupils rearrange the cards in each The team with less number of
PARTNER” How many hundreds are there in set to form as many three-digit members standing wins the game.
Instructions: 987?__________ numbers as they can.
Ask the pupils to count off. How many tens are there in 507? Group with more three-digit
Ask a pupil to draw one at the ______________ numbers formed, wins the game
time the number cards inside the In 627= ______hundreds,
Mystery Box of Knowledge ________tens, ______ones
Then, she/he will ask somebody What is Five hundred sixty in
by calling his/her number to symbols? __________
answer the question printed in What is 819 in words? 2. Review
the number card. __________________________ Comparing numbers using relation
Examples of number cards: How many ones are there in 379? symbols <, =, >
______________ 1. 975_____ 957 2. 490
In 351 = ______hundreds, _____490 3. 213 _____315
_______tens, ______ones Original File Submitted and
What is Two hundred twenty nine in Formatted by DepEd Club
symbol? ____ Member - visit
2. Review depedclub.com for more
Give the place value of each given
What is the place of 8 in 389?
In 895, what is the value of 8?
What is the value of 5 in 589?
3. Pre-Assessment What is place value of 2 in 629?
Choose the letter of the correct ________________
answer. In 146, what digit has a value of 40?
1. What is the place value of 7 in _____________
897? What digit has a place value of
a. Ones b. Tens c. Hundreds hundreds in 569?___
2. In 946 what number is in the 2. Pre-Assessment
hundreds place?
a. 4 b. 6 c.. 9
3. What is the place value of 2 in
a. Ones b. Tens d. Hundreds
4. In 946 what number is in the
tens place?
a. 9 b.6 d. 4
Fill in the blanks.
1. 7 59 is a 3-digit number. It is
made up of ________ hundreds
_______tens and _______Ones
2. In 479, the digit 4 stands for
3. In 275, the digit _______ is in
the tens place. The value of the
digit is __________
4. In 456, the digit _______ is in
the hundreds place. The value of
the digit is _________
B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson ( Motivation) for the lesson for the lesson for the lesson for the lesson
1.Motivation: 1.Motivation 1. Motivation 1.Motivation
Post on the board this word Strategy: GUESS and CHECK Strategy: Story Telling “MY RULE IN LIFE”
problem Present a mathematical problem in Post the story. Ask volunteer from Post on the board.
“I am a four-digit number. My the form of a riddle. Post this on the the pupils to read the story. Ask: Children are you familiar with
ones digit is 1. My tens digit is board. Every morning Lolo Enting is in his these patterns? Ask the pupils to
three digit larger than my ones “I am a four-digit number. My vegetables garden. One morning tell something about it. Call at least
digit. My hundreds and hundreds digit is 8. My ones digit is his grandchildren come to visit 5 pupils. Then, ask them to
thousands digits are both larger six less than my hundreds digit. My him. Roger gives him 5 pieces of complete the patterns.
than my ones digit. What number other digits are both twice as large papaya, Arlette gives him 10 1. 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, ______,
am I? as my ones digit. What number am pieces of ripe mangoes and ______, _____, _____, _____, ___
Ask the possible questions. I? Rosemarie gives him 5 pieces of 2. 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 _____,
What does ones, tens, hundreds Ask: Underline the question asked in sweet banana. “Oh thank you very _______, _______, _______,
and thousands digit mean? the problem? much, he said. Thank you my dear ______
What is the correct answer? Restate the question into answer grandchildren. God bless you all. 3. 70, 80, 90, ______, _______,
Explain why and how the answer statement form. Comprehension questions leading _______, _______, ________, ____
was achieved? Solve the problem showing the to the development of the 4. ___, _____, _____, ____, ____,
What are the other possible complete solutions of the equation. concept: ____, 60, 58, 56, 54, 52, 50, 48
solutions? Who came to visit Lolo Enting? 5. 40, 45, 50, ____, _____, 65, 70,
Who gave him 5 pieces of papaya? ____, ____, 85, 90, ____, _____
What did Arlette give him?
How many ripe mangoes did
Rosemarie give him?
Do you also give something to
your Lolo and Lola? Why? Or why
Who gave him lesser fruits?
Who gave him more fruits?
Who gave him equal or the same
number of fruits?
Arrange the number from highest
to lowest or vice versa.
Ask how many hundreds, tens and
ones are there in each set of
C. Presenting Examples / Posing a Task Posing a Task Posing a Task: Posing a Task Present the test
instances of new lesson C. Presenting Examples / C. Presenting Examples / instances C. Presenting Examples /Instances C. Presenting Examples /Instances materials.
( Presentation) instances of new of new lesson( Presentation of new lesson 2.Presentation of new lesson Presentation
lesson( Presentation) Distribute a word problem written in Posing the Task Distribute the number cards. (See
Divide the class into 5 small the strip of manila paper. Present another set of word to it that all pupils have number
learning groups. Tell the pupils to underline the problem. cards). Then let them post the
Distribute the Place Value pocket questions asked in the problem. Let Tatay Jomar is a farmer. He number cards on the board.
Chart and number cards. them rewrite the problem into harvested 780 mangoes while Then, post your prepared number
Ask each group to place the answer-statement form. Tatay Junray harvested 890 line on the board. Ask the pupils
numbers on the place value Distribute popsicle sticks. Tell the mangoes. Who harvested more something about the number line.
chart. pupils to use the popsicle sticks to mangoes? Ask them to describe it.
Example represent given in the problem. Call 3 or 4 pupils to arrange the
What do 759 mean? Let the pupils solve the equation. number cards in the number line.
Other possible questions The number line looks like this:
1. What digit is in the hundreds
place of a four-digit number in a
Mathematical problem?
2. How about in the ones place?
3. What are the operations to be
used to form an equation?
4. What is the mathematical
5. What is the correct answer?
6. Is your answer correct? Why?
Explain your answer.
Post the Place Value Chart
Present an example
Say: The numeral 896 can be
expressed in expanded form:

Elaborate that; 8 hundreds = 800

9 tens = 90
6 ones = 6
Numbers can be written in different
ways. These can be done in words,
symbols and expanded form.
Draw the pupils’ attention to the place
value chart.
Illustrate how 896 be expressed in
expanded form:
The expanded form of 896 is 800 + 90 +

D. Discussing new concepts Performing the Task Performing the Task Performing a Task  Performing the Task Explain the direction to
and practicing new skills #1 Processing Processing: Processing Ask : them.
( Modeling) Ask: Ask: How many hundreds, tens and Ask: Processing
Possible questions ones are there in 896? Ask: Underline the question in the What number comes after 51?
1. What is the value of 7? How Give additional illustrative examples: problem and rewrite the question What number comes before 54?
about the 5? and the 9? 275 = ______Hundreds ______Tens in answer statement. What numbers are between 51 and
2. In 759, is it possible that the ______Ones Who are the two farmers? 54?
numeral 9 will be placed in the 702 = ______Hundreds ______ Tens Who between the two farmers Look at the numbers 50, 51, 53 and
hundreds place? Yes or no. Why? _____ Ones harvested more mangoes? 54. What number is the least?
Explain your answer. ______ Hundreds _____ Tens _____ Compare the numbers. What number is the greatest?
Explain: The digit 7 means 7 Ones How did you compare the Can you arrange the numbers from
hundreds, or 700 number? least to greatest? Or from greatest
The digit 5 means 5 tens or 50 Arrange the number from highest to least.
The digit 9 means 9 ones or 9 to lowest or vice versa.
Point out that numbers may be Ask how many hundreds, tens and
written in different ways: In ones are there in each set of
symbols, in words and in numbers.
expanded form. Still the place Let us represent the total number
value of each digit in the numeral of mangoes harvested by Tatay
is being considered. Jomar and Tatay Junray in the
Give examples: Place Value Chart.
1. 758 = 700 + 50 + 8 Then, compare the number using
2. 985 = 900 + 80 + 5 relation symbols such as <, >, and
3. 476 = 400 + 70 + 6 =.

Let us compare the hundreds

digits. Which numbers has more
We say 800 is greater than 700 or
700 is less than 800
We write: 800 > 700 or 700 < 800
Say: Let us have another set of
Compare 356 and 346

What have you noticed about the

digit in the hundreds place?
Say: Now let us compare the digit
in the hundreds place:
Next, let us compare the digits in
the tens place.
Which is bigger? (5 is bigger than
Therefore: We write: 356 > 346 or
346 < 356.
We say: 356 is greater than 346 or
346 is less than 356.
E. Discussing new concepts E. Discussion of new concepts E. Discussion of new concepts and E. Discussion of new concepts and E. Discussion of new concepts and Giving the standards
and practicing new skills #2 and practice of new skills practice of new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided
(Guided Practice) #2(Guided Practice) Refer to the Practice) Refer to the LM - Gawain 1 Practice) Practice) Refer to the LM – Gawain
LM - Gawain 1 pahina 24 sa A pahina 27 sa LM Refer to the LM Gawain 1 pahina 1 pahina 30-31
Gawain 1 Gawain 1 28 Kumpletohin ang mga sumusunod
Ibigay ang place value ng bawat Ayusin ang mga sumusunod gamit Sipiin sa iyong kuwaderno ang na bilang.
bilang. ang expanded notation. sumusunod. 1.128, 129, 130, ____, _____,
1. 308 = _______ + 0 _______ Punan ang patlang gamit ang >, < _____, 134
2. 429 = 400 + ______+ 9 at =. 2. 208 _____ , _____, 211, 212
3. 912 = ______+ 10 _______ 1. 567 ___ 576 _____, ____
4. 469= 400 + ______+ 9 2. 383 ___ 438 3. ____, _____ 503, 504, 505,
5. ________= 700 + 50 + 2 3. 580 ___ 300 + 100 + 70 + 5 ______, ____, ____, 509
6. ________= 400 + 40 +1 4. 12 + 890 ___ 902 4. 317, ______, ______, ______,
7. 473 = ______+ 70 + 3 5. 567 – 15 ___ 525 _____, _____, ____ 324
8. 199= 100 + _______+ ______ 5. _____, ______, ______, _____,
9. 295 = 200 + 90 + ________ _____, _____, ___ 575
10. 645 = ________+ _______+ 6. 807, _____, ______, ______,
______ _____, 812, ____, ____
7. 657, 658, _____, ______, _____
662, 663 _____, ___

F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery
( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice)
Gawain 2, pahina 25 sa LM Gawain 2, pahina 27 sa LM Refer to the LM Gawain 2 pahina ) Refer to the LM pahina 31
Punuan ang mga patlang ng Isulat ang sumusunod sa expanded 29 Gawain 2
tamang sagot. form. Sipiin sa kuwaderno ang Bilugan ang pinakamalaking bilang
Ang Looc Central Elementary 1. 957 sumusunod. Lagyan ng kahon ang at lagyan ng ekis ang pinakamaliit.
School ay may kabuuang Grade II 2. 250 malaking bilang at ekis ang maliit. Pagkatapos, ayusin ang mga ito
enrolment na 952. 3. 675 Pagkatapos ay paghambingin simula sa pinakamalaki hanggang
Ang 952 ay isang 3-digit na 4. 598 gamit ang >, < at =. pinakamaliit na bilang.
bilang. Ito ay may 5. 407 1. 506 ___ 517 6. 520 ___ 505 1. 568 ,647, 490, 678, 586, 290
__________hundreds, 6. 825 2. 640 ___ 633 7. 637 ___ 647 2. 890, 478, 278, 908, 990, 675
________tens and _______ones. 7. 342 3. 606 ___ 609 8. 603 ___ 645 3. 780, 589, 479, 290, 892, 576
8. 109 4. 116 ___ 117 9. 712 ___ 711 4. 890, 287, 190, 287, 280, 389
9. 195 5. 290 ___ 390 10. 945 ___ 93 5. 780, 685, 564, 290, 482, 471
10. 725 6. 127, 278, 453, 290, 489, 390
7. 891, 380, 68, 286, 286, 308, 108
8. 129, 397, 478, 298, 665, 476,459

G. Finding Practical G. Finding Practical applications G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications of  Did you answer the test
applications of concepts and of concepts and skills concepts and skills ( Application ) concepts and skills ( Application / concepts and skills ( Application / correctly?
skills ( Application / ( Application / Valuing Valuing)
Valuing) Valuing) Gamitin ang mga bilang na nasa Gumawa ng numberline. Ilagay ang
Ibigay ang tamang place value ng loob ng kahon upang masagot ang mga bilang mula sa pinakamaliit
5 sa bawat bilang. mga sumusunod na tanong. hanggang sa pinakamalaki. Gawin
1. 953 ito sa iyong sagutang papel.
___________________________ 1.12, 15, 16, 11, 10, 18
_ 2. 45, 48, 40, 39, 49, 37
2. 745 3. 67, 70, 65, 63, 73, 71
___________________________ 4. 15, 17, 18, 20, 12, 21
_ 5. 89, 87, 80, 84, 81, 90
3. 531
1. Maghanap ng bilang na mas
maliit pa sa 373. Paghambingin sila
gamit ang simbolo ng
4. 650
373 ________
2. Maghanap ng bilang na mas
5. 517
malaki sa 676. Paghambingin sila
gamit ang simbolo ng
6. 865
676 ________
3. Maghanap ng bilang na
magkapareho. Paghambingin
7. 517
gamit ang simbolo ng

H. Making generalizations H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and What did you learn
and abstractions about the abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson today?
lesson ( Generalization) (Generalization ) (Generalization ) (Generalization ) (Generalization)
How many digits have the How do you write numbers in In comparing 3 digit numbers, How do we arrange numbers from
numbers we studied today? expanded form? compare the hundreds first then least to greatest or vice versa.
What are the different place Writing number in expanded form is the tens and the ones. We use the Numbers can be arranged from
values in a 3-digit number? expressing the number as the sum of symbol >,<, and =. least to greatest or from greatest to
What did we use to identify or the values of its digits. The expanded To show the relationship between least depending on their place
give the place value of each digit form gives the value of each in the numbers being compared, one of value positions.
easily? number the following symbols is placed
between them:
< means less than
> means greater than
= means equal to
I. Evaluating Learning I. Evaluation I.Evaluation I.Evaluation I.Evaluation  Checking the test
Supply the correct answer 1. Using the digits 2, 8, 9, 4 and 6 Compare the pair of numbers by Arrange the numbers from least to
applying the place value only once, what is the greatest writing <, >, and = greatest.
1. Sa 897, ________ ay nasa ones three-digit numbers can be formed? 1. 897 675 995 453
place Then express it in expanded form. __________________________
2. ________ ay nasa hundreds ___________ 2. 124 987 907
place 2. Teacher Danny draws number Compare the numbers in column A 234__________________________
3. ________ ay nasa tens place cards: 2, 0, 9, 8 and 7. Using the from column B. Use the relation 3. 481 745 999 761
4. Ano ang place value ng 8 sa digits only once, form the smallest symbols >,<, and =. __________________________
284? _________ three-digit numbers and express it in Column A Column B Arrange the numbers from greatest
5. Sa 693 anong numero ang nasa expanded form. 346 ____ 450 to least.
thousands place? _______ __________________ 450 ____ 336 4. 987 456 340
6. Ilang tens ang mayron sa 760? 3. Write 708 in expanded form. 565 ____ 656 675____________________
_____________ ______________________________ 765 ____ 767 5 310 289 980 129
7. Ilang hundreds mayron sa 965? ____ ____________________
________ 4. Express in expanded form: Three 6. 567 321 896 459
8. May ilang tens mayron sa isang hundred fifteen”_______ ___________________
daan? _______ 5. What is 897 in expanded form?
9. Sa 679, ang bilang na ___ ay ______________________________
nasa hundreds place. Ang __
kabuuang value
halaga ay __________
10. Ang 498 ay isang 3-digit
number. Ito ay binubuo ng
________ hundreds _______tens
at _______Ones.

J. Additional activities for J. Additional activities for  J. Additional activities for  J. Additional activities for  J. Additional activities for Study the next lesson.
application or remediation application or remediation application or remediation application or remediation application or remediation
( Assignment) ( Assignment) ( Assignment) ( Assignment) sa pahina 30 ( Assignment) sa pahina sa LM
A. Ibigay ang tamang value ng Basahin nang maayos ang talata sa Pag-aralan ang tsart sa ibaba.
bilang na nakasaad. ibaba. Sagutin ang sumusunod na Isulat ang lahat ng three-digit na
1. 5 sa 756 _______ ________ tanong. Isulat sa kuwaderno ang bilang na maiisip mo gamit ang
________ iyong sagot. mga bilang na 6, 4 at 7.
2. 7 sa 927 _______ ________ 1. Ang tagapangasiwa ng silid- Gamitin lamang ang mga ito ng
________ aklatan ay nakapag-ayos ng 856 na isang beses. A. Bumuo ng limang three-digit na
3. 9 sa 910 _______ ________ mga aklat. Pagkatapos ay paghambingin ang bilang. Ayusin ito mula sa
________ Isulat ang 856 sa expanded form. mga ito gamit ang >, < at =. pinakamaliit hanggang sa
B. Dagdagan ang value ng ______________________________ ____________________________ pinakamalaki.
nakasaad na bilang. Pagkatapos ______ ____________________________ _____________________________
isulat ang bagong bilang. 2. Saan sa dalawang bilang 789 at ____________________________ _____________________________
Halimbawa: Sa 437, dagdagan ng 812 ang 8 ay may mataas na halaga? __________________ _____________________________
100 ang hundreds place. Isulat ito sa pormang expanded. _______
Sagot: 4 ay nasa hundreds place, ______________________________ B. Bumuo ng limang three-digit na
dinagdagan ng100, ang bagong _______ bilang. Ayusin ito mula sa
bilang ay 537. 3. Saang bilang mas mababa ang pinakamalaki hanggang sa
1. Sa 879, dagdagan ng 10 sa tens halaga ng Sa 274 ba o sa 741? pinakamaliit.
place. Ang bagong bilang ay Isulat ito sa expanded form. _____________________________
____________________ ______________________________ _____________________________
2. Sa 620, dagdagan ng 1 sa ones ________ _____________________________
place. Ang bagong bilang _______
3. Sa 268, dagdagan ng 100 sa
hundreds place. Ang bagong
bilang ay________________
V. REMARKS          

A. No. of learners who earned          
80% on the formative
B. No. of Learners who require          
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons          
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue          
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching          
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I          
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized          
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

File Submitted by DepEd Club Member - depedclub.com

File Created by Ma’am MARIANNE MANALO PUHI

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