DLL - Mathematics 2 - Q1 - W2

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and AUGUST 5-9, 2024 (WEEK 2)
Time: Quarter: 1st Quarter


I. OBJECTIVES Counts numbers by 10s, 50s, and Counts numbers by 10s, 50s, and Counts numbers by 10s, 50s, and 100s Counts numbers by 10s, 50s, and 100s
100s 100s
A. Content A.Content Standards A.Content Standards A.Content Standards A.Content Standards WEEKLY TEST
Standards demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of whole demonstrates understanding of whole
whole numbers up to 1000, whole numbers up to 1000, numbers up to 1000, ordinal numbers numbers up to 1000, ordinal numbers up
ordinal numbers up to 20th, and ordinal numbers up to 20th, and up to 20th, and money up to PhP100. to 20th, and money up to PhP100.
money up to PhP100. money up to PhP100.
B. Performance B.Performance Standards B.Performance Standards B.Performance Standards B.Performance Standards
Standards is able to recognize, represent, is able to recognize, represent, is able to recognize, represent, is able to recognize, represent,
compare, and order whole compare, and order whole compare, and order whole numbers compare, and order whole numbers up
numbers up to 1000, ordinal numbers up to 1000, ordinal up to 1000, ordinal numbers up to to 1000, ordinal numbers up to 20th,
numbers up to 20th, and money numbers up to 20th, and money 20th, and money up to PhP100 in and money up to PhP100 in various
up to PhP100 in various forms and up to PhP100 in various forms and various forms and contexts. forms and contexts.
contexts. contexts.

C. Learning C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/

Competencies/ Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives
Objectives visualizes and counts numbers by visualizes and counts numbers by visualizes and counts numbers by 10s, visualizes and counts numbers by 10s,
10s, 50s, and 100s. 10s, 50s, and 100s. 50s, and 100s. 50s, and 100s.
M2NS-Ib-8.2 M2NS-Ib-8.2 M2NS-Ib-8.2 M2NS-Ib-8.2

II. CONTENT Content: Counting by 10s, 50s and Content: Counting by 10s, 50s and Content: Counting by 10s, 50s and Content: Counting by 10s, 50s and 100s
100s 100s 100s Lesson 7
Lesson 7 Lesson 7 Lesson 7

III. LEARNING K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016
RESOURCES Grade 2 – Mathematics pages 27 Grade 2 – Mathematics pages 27 Grade 2 – Mathematics pages 27 Grade 2 – Mathematics pages 27
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide TG in Mathematics pages 30-32 TG in Mathematics pages 30-32 TG in Mathematics pages 30-32 TG in Mathematics pages 30-32
Pages (softcopy) (softcopy) (softcopy) (softcopy)
2. Learner’s LM in Mathematics pages 19-20 LM in Mathematics pages 19-20 LM in Mathematics pages 19-20 LM in Mathematics pages 19-20
3. Text book pages
4. Additional 1. popsicle sticks, bottle caps, 1. Number Cards 1. Counters (Popsicle sticks, straws, etc.),
Materials sticks, drinking straws, flashcards, 2. Show Me Board 2. Hundred chart Set of card with the 3-
from Learning flats, longs, ones, picture, pebbles, 3. Mystery Box of Knowledge Digit numbers
Resources other concrete counters 4. Numbers Chart 3. Pictures
2. Picture Lesson 7
3. Cut-outs Lesson 6
Lesson 5
B. Other Learning laptop laptop laptop
previous lesson or Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities
presenting the new 1. Drill 2. Drill 3. Drill 4. Drill
lesson Skip count by 2s Skip count by 2s Skip count by 2s Skip count by 2s
Post a hundred chart on the Post a hundred chart on the Post a hundred chart on the board. Post a hundred chart on the board. Ask
board. Ask the pupils to count 1 to board. Ask the pupils to count 1 to Ask the pupils to count 1 to 100 using the pupils to count 1 to 100 using the
100 using the number chart. 100 using the number chart. the number chart. number chart.
Skip count by 2 starts from 2 then Skip count by 2 starts from 2 then Skip count by 2 starts from 2 then Skip count by 2 starts from 2 then
encircle the next numbers up 100. encircle the next numbers up 100. encircle the next numbers up 100. encircle the next numbers up 100.

2.Review 2.Review 2.Review 2.Review

Directions: Using their Show Me Directions: Using their Show Me Directions: Using their Show Me Directions: Using their Show Me boards,
boards, tell the pupils to write boards, tell the pupils to write boards, tell the pupils to write down tell the pupils to write down the missing
down the missing numbers to down the missing numbers to the missing numbers to complete the numbers to complete the table. Ask
complete the table. Ask them to complete the table. Ask them to table. Ask them to show, one at a them to show, one at a time, what they
show, one at a time, what they show, one at a time, what they time, what they have written. have written.
have written. have written.

B. Establishing a B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose

purpose for the lesson for the lesson for the lesson for the lesson
for the lesson 1. Motivation 1. Motivation 1. Motivation 1. Motivation
( Motivation) Game – “Count Me In, Count Me Game – “Count Me In, Count Me Game – “Count Me In, Count Me Out” Game – “Count Me In, Count Me Out”
Out” Out” Directions: Directions:
Directions: Directions: Divide the class in two groups Divide the class in two groups
Divide the class in two groups Divide the class in two groups Group I (Pupils will skip count by 2s) Group I (Pupils will skip count by 2s)
Group I (Pupils will skip count by Group I (Pupils will skip count by Group 2 (Pupils will skip count by 5s) Group 2 (Pupils will skip count by 5s)
2s) 2s) Let the pupils stand and form a Let the pupils stand and form a straight
Group 2 (Pupils will skip count by Group 2 (Pupils will skip count by straight line. Let them count by 1s. line. Let them count by 1s. Pupils whose
5s) 5s) Pupils whose number falls on the number falls on the multiple of 2 or 5
Let the pupils stand and form a Let the pupils stand and form a multiple of 2 or 5 will say “Count Me will say “Count Me In”, “Count Me Out.”
straight line. Let them count by straight line. Let them count by 1s. In”, “Count Me Out.” respectively. respectively. Failure to do so will exclude
1s. Pupils whose number falls on Pupils whose number falls on the Failure to do so will exclude the pupil the pupil from the group.
the multiple of 2 or 5 will say multiple of 2 or 5 will say “Count from the group.
“Count Me In”, “Count Me Out.” Me In”, “Count Me Out.”
respectively. Failure to do so will respectively. Failure to do so will
exclude the pupil from the group. exclude the pupil from the group.
C. Presenting Posing a Task: Posing a Task: Posing a Task: Posing a Task:
Examples / C. Presenting Examples /Instances C. Presenting Examples /Instances C. Presenting Examples /Instances of C. Presenting Examples /Instances of
instances of new of new lesson 2.Presentation of new lesson 2.Presentation new lesson 2.Presentation new lesson 2.Presentation
lesson Posing the Task Posing the Task Posing the Task Posing the Task
( Presentation) Strategy: Learning Stations and Strategy: Learning Stations and Strategy: Learning Stations and Strategy: Learning Stations and
Cooperative learning. Cooperative learning. Cooperative learning. Cooperative learning.
Group the class into three (3) Group the class into three (3) Group the class into three (3) groups Group the class into three (3) groups and
groups and assigned them by groups and assigned them by and assigned them by Learning assigned them by Learning Stations. A
Learning Stations. A group leader Learning Stations. A group leader Stations. A group leader shall be group leader shall be identified by each
shall be identified by each group shall be identified by each group identified by each group members. group members.
members. members. Performing the Task- Performing the Task-
Performing the Task- Performing the Task- Activity No. 1 Activity No. 1
Activity No. 1 Activity No. 1 Distribute a bundle of 100 pieces of Distribute a bundle of 100 pieces of
Distribute a bundle of 100 pieces Distribute a bundle of 100 pieces Popsicle sticks to each group. Instruct Popsicle sticks to each group. Instruct
of Popsicle sticks to each group. of Popsicle sticks to each group. the pupils to group the Popsicle sticks the pupils to group the Popsicle sticks by
Instruct the pupils to group the Instruct the pupils to group the by 5s, 10s, and 50s. Let them write 5s, 10s, and 50s. Let them write their
Popsicle sticks by 5s, 10s, and 50s. Popsicle sticks by 5s, 10s, and 50s. their answer on the table presented answer on the table presented below.
Let them write their answer on Let them write their answer on below.
the table presented below. the table presented below.

Ask a leader or any of the members to

Ask a leader or any of the members to report their output
Ask a leader or any of the Ask a leader or any of the report their output
members to report their output members to report their output
D. Discussing new Performing a Task Performing a Task Performing a Task Performing a Task
concepts and Processing Processing Processing Processing
practicing new Then ask: Then ask: Then ask: Then ask:
skills #1 How many 5s are there in 100? How many 5s are there in 100? How many 5s are there in 100? How many 5s are there in 100?
( Modeling) How many 10s are there in 100? How many 10s are there in 100? How many 10s are there in 100? How many 10s are there in 100?
How many 50s are there in 100? How many 50s are there in 100? How many 50s are there in 100? How many 50s are there in 100?
How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity?
Did every member of the group Did every member of the group do Did every member of the group do his Did every member of the group do his
do his part? his part? part? part?
What made your group finish the What made your group finish the What made your group finish the What made your group finish the activity
activity ahead of time? activity ahead of time? activity ahead of time? ahead of time?

E. Discussing new E. Discussion of new concepts and E. Discussion of new concepts and E. Discussion of new concepts and E. Discussion of new concepts and
concepts and practicing new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided practicing new skills #2(Guided Practice)
practicing new Practice) Practice) Practice) Refer to the LM Gawain 1 pahina 19
skills #2 Refer to the LM Gawain 1 pahina Refer to the LM Gawain 1 pahina Refer to the LM Gawain 1 pahina 19 Bumilang ng 10s. Ano-ano ang mga
(Guided Practice) 19 19 Bumilang ng 10s. Ano-ano ang mga nawawalang bilang?
Bumilang ng 10s. Ano-ano ang Bumilang ng 10s. Ano-ano ang nawawalang bilang? 1. 146 _____, ______, ______ 186 ____,
mga nawawalang bilang? mga nawawalang bilang? 1. 146 _____, ______, ______ 186 _____, _____.
1. 146 _____, ______, ______ 186 1. 146 _____, ______, ______ 186 ____, _____, _____. 2. 54, 74 ____, ______, ___ __, _______,
____, _____, _____. ____, _____, _____. 2. 54, 74 ____, ______, ___ __, _______, ______.
2. 54, 74 ____, ______, ___ __, 2. 54, 74 ____, ______, ___ __, _______, _______, ______. 3. _______ 300, ______320 ______,
_______, _______, ______. _______, _______, ______. 3. _______ 300, ______320 ______, _______, ______, 360.
3. _______ 300, ______320 3. _______ 300, ______320 _______, ______, 360. 4. 390, 400, ______,______, ______430,
______, _______, ______, 360. ______, _______, ______, 360. 4. 390, 400, ______,______, 440 _____, ____
4. 390, 400, ______,______, 4. 390, 400, ______,______, ______430, 440 _____, ____ 5. ______, ______, ______40, 50, _____,
______430, 440 _____, ____ ______430, 440 _____, ____ 5. ______, ______, ______40, 50, ______, ______ 90
5. ______, ______, ______40, 50, 5. ______, ______, ______40, 50, _____, ______, ______ 90 6. 470, 480, 490, _____, ______, ______,
_____, ______, ______ 90 _____, ______, ______ 90 6. 470, 480, 490, _____, ______, ______, 540.
6. 470, 480, 490, _____, ______, 6. 470, 480, 490, _____, ______, ______, ______, 540. 7. ________900, 910, 920, ______,
______, ______, 540. ______, ______, 540. 7. ________900, 910, 920, ______, ______, ______, _____
7. ________900, 910, 920, 7. ________900, 910, 920, ______, ______, _____ 8. 50, 60, 70, ______, ______,
______, ______, ______, _____ ______, ______, ______, _____ 8. 50, 60, 70, ______, ______, 100,______, ______ 130
8. 50, 60, 70, ______, ______, 8. 50, 60, 70, ______, ______, 100,______, ______ 130 9. 30, 40, 50, 60, _____, _____, 90
100,______, ______ 130 100,______, ______ 130 9. 30, 40, 50, 60, _____, _____, 90 ______, ______ 120
9. 30, 40, 50, 60, _____, _____, 90 9. 30, 40, 50, 60, _____, _____, 90 ______, ______ 120 10. 147, 157, 167 ________, _______,
______, ______ 120 ______, ______ 120 10. 147, 157, 167 ________, _______, _______, ______
10. 147, 157, 167 ________, 10. 147, 157, 167 ________, _______, ______
_______, _______, ______ _______, _______, ______

F. Developing F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery

mastery ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice)
( Independent Refer to the LM Gawain 2 pahina Refer to the LM Gawain 2 pahina Refer to the LM Gawain 2 pahina 19 Refer to the LM Gawain 2 pahina 19
Practice) 19 19 Bumilang ng 100s. Isulat sa Bumilang ng 100s. Isulat sa kuwaderno
Bumilang ng 100s. Isulat sa Bumilang ng 100s. Isulat sa kuwaderno ang nawawalang bilang. ang nawawalang bilang.
kuwaderno ang nawawalang kuwaderno ang nawawalang 1. 300, 400______, _______, 700, 1. 300, 400______, _______, 700,
bilang. bilang. ______, ______, _______ ______, ______, _______
1. 300, 400______, _______, 700, 1. 300, 400______, _______, 700, 2. ______, _______, 600, 700 2. ______, _______, 600, 700 _______,
______, ______, _______ ______, ______, _______ _______, _______, ________ _______, ________
2. ______, _______, 600, 700 2. ______, _______, 600, 700 3. _______ _______ 1300, 1400 3. _______ _______ 1300, 1400 ______,
_______, _______, ________ _______, _______, ________ ______, _______, _______ _______, _______
3. _______ _______ 1300, 1400 3. _______ _______ 1300, 1400 4. 355 _______, _______, _______, 4. 355 _______, _______, _______,
______, _______, _______ ______, _______, _______ ________, ___________ ________, ___________
4. 355 _______, _______, 4. 355 _______, _______, 5. 675, _________, ________, 5. 675, _________, ________, _______,
_______, ________, ___________ _______, ________, ___________ _______, ______, ______ ______, ______
5. 675, _________, ________, 5. 675, _________, ________,
_______, ______, ______ _______, ______, ______

G. Finding Practical G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications of
applications of concepts and skills ( Application / concepts and skills ( Application / concepts and skills ( Application / concepts and skills ( Application /
concepts and skills Valuing Valuing Valuing Valuing
( Application / Bumilang ng 50s. Ano-ano ang Bumilang ng 50s. Ano-ano ang Bumilang ng 50s. Ano-ano ang Bumilang ng 50s. Ano-ano ang
nawawalang bilang? nawawalang bilang? nawawalang bilang? nawawalang bilang?
Valuing) 1. 60, 110 ______, _______, 1. 60, 110 ______, _______, 1. 60, 110 ______, _______, 1. 60, 110 ______, _______, _______310
_______310 ________, ________ _______310 ________, ________ _______310 ________, ________ ________, ________
2. 700 _______, 2. 700 _______, 2. 700 _______, 2. 700 _______,
_______850_______950 _______850_______950 _______850_______950 __________ _______850_______950 __________
__________ __________ 3. _____, ______ 150, ______, 250 3. _____, ______ 150, ______, 250
3. _____, ______ 150, ______, 3. _____, ______ 150, ______, ______ 350 ______ ______ 350 ______
250 ______ 350 ______ 250 ______ 350 ______ 4. 950, 900, 850 _______, _______, 4. 950, 900, 850 _______, _______,
4. 950, 900, 850 _______, 4. 950, 900, 850 _______, _____, _______ _____, _______
_______, _____, _______ _______, _____, _______ 5. 600, ______, 500, ______, 400, 5. 600, ______, 500, ______, 400,
5. 600, ______, 500, ______, 400, 5. 600, ______, 500, ______, 400, _______, ______, _____ _______, ______, _____
_______, ______, _____ _______, ______, _____
H. Making H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and
generalizations and abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson
abstractions about (Generalization ) (Generalization ) (Generalization ) (Generalization )
the lesson Let the pupils skip count by 10’s Let the pupils skip count by 10’s Let the pupils skip count by 10’s from Let the pupils skip count by 10’s from 10
( Generalization) from 10 through 100. from 10 through 100. 10 through 100. through 100.
Ask: How many groups of 10 are Ask: How many groups of 10 are Ask: How many groups of 10 are there Ask: How many groups of 10 are there in
there in 100 there in 100 in 100 100
How many numbers are there in How many numbers are there in How many numbers are there in each How many numbers are there in each
each group? each group? group? group?
How do we skip count by 10? How do we skip count by 10? How do we skip count by 10? How do we skip count by 10?
What do you call the sequence or What do you call the sequence or What do you call the sequence or What do you call the sequence or
pattern of counting that we used? pattern of counting that we used? pattern of counting that we used? pattern of counting that we used? What
What skip counting was used? What skip counting was used? What skip counting was used? skip counting was used?
I. Evaluating I.Evaluation I.Evaluation I.Evaluation I.Evaluation
Learning Count by 10s, 50s and 100s. Write Count by 10s, 50s and 100s. Write Count by 10s, 50s and 100s. Write the Count by 10s, 50s and 100s. Write the
the missing number. the missing number. missing number. missing number.
1. 70, 80 ______, 100, ______, 1. 70, 80 ______, 100, ______, 1. 70, 80 ______, 100, ______, 1. 70, 80 ______, 100, ______, ______,
______, ______ ______, ______ ______, ______ ______
2. _____150, 160, _______, 2. _____150, 160, _______, 2. _____150, 160, _______, _______, 2. _____150, 160, _______, _______,
_______, _______ _______, _______ _______ _______
3. _____ 800 ______ ______ 1100 3. _____ 800 ______ ______ 1100 3. _____ 800 ______ ______ 1100 3. _____ 800 ______ ______ 1100
4. 65 , 115 _______, _______, 4. 65 , 115 _______, _______, 4. 65 , 115 _______, _______, 4. 65 , 115 _______, _______, ________,
________, ______ ________, ______ ________, ______ ______
5. 25, 75 _______, _______225, 5. 25, 75 _______, _______225, 5. 25, 75 _______, _______225, 5. 25, 75 _______, _______225, ______,
______, ______ ______, ______ ______, ______ ______

J. Additional J. Additional activities for J. Additional activities for J. Additional activities for application J. Additional activities for application or
activities for application or remediation application or remediation or remediation remediation
application or ( Assignment) sa pahina 20 ( Assignment) sa pahina 20 ( Assignment) sa pahina 20 ( Assignment) sa pahina 20
remediation Punan ang patlang ng tamang Punan ang patlang ng tamang Punan ang patlang ng tamang bilang. Punan ang patlang ng tamang bilang.
( Assignment) bilang. Isulat sa kuwaderno ang bilang. Isulat sa kuwaderno ang Isulat sa kuwaderno ang sagot. Isulat sa kuwaderno ang sagot.
sagot. sagot. 1.Hanapin ang nawawalang bilang. 1.Hanapin ang nawawalang bilang.
1.Hanapin ang nawawalang 1.Hanapin ang nawawalang Ayusin ang mga ito ayon sa nakasaad. Ayusin ang mga ito ayon sa nakasaad.
bilang. Ayusin ang mga ito ayon sa bilang. Ayusin ang mga ito ayon sa
nakasaad. nakasaad.
2. Kumpletuhin ang pagkasunod- 2. Kumpletuhin ang pagkasunod-sunod
sunod ng mga bilang. ng mga bilang.
a. Simula sa 567 dagdagan ito ng tig 5. a. Simula sa 567 dagdagan ito ng tig 5.
2. Kumpletuhin ang pagkasunod- 2. Kumpletuhin ang pagkasunod- Ang susunod na bilang ay _____, Ang susunod na bilang ay _____, _____,
sunod ng mga bilang. sunod ng mga bilang. _____, ______, _______, ______, ______, _______, ______, _______
a. Simula sa 567 dagdagan ito ng a. Simula sa 567 dagdagan ito ng _______ b. Simula sa 345, dagdagan ito ng tig 10.
tig 5. Ang susunod na bilang ay tig 5. Ang susunod na bilang ay b. Simula sa 345, dagdagan ito ng tig Ang susunod na bilang ay ______,
_____, _____, ______, _______, _____, _____, ______, _______, 10. Ang susunod na bilang ay ______, ______, ______, ______, _______,
______, _______ ______, _______ ______, ______, ______, _______, _____
b. Simula sa 345, dagdagan ito ng b. Simula sa 345, dagdagan ito ng _____ 3. Punan ng bilang ang bakanteng kahon
tig 10. Ang susunod na bilang ay tig 10. Ang susunod na bilang ay 3. Punan ng bilang ang bakanteng sa ibaba.
______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, kahon sa ibaba.
_______, _____ _______, _____
3. Punan ng bilang ang bakanteng 3. Punan ng bilang ang bakanteng
kahon sa ibaba. kahon sa ibaba.


A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of Learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation Counts numbers by 10s, 50s, and 100s
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher III Head Teacher III

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