The Impact of Having Separated Parent To The Performance of The Grade 12 Student of Best College of Polomolok

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B.E.S.T College of Polomolok, Inc.

Valencia Site, Polomolok South Cotabato 9504

Region XII, Philippines



A Qualitative Research Paper

Presented Under

Research Project

Under Grade 12 Curriculum

Castillon, Rea Shaenna P.

Malacad, Joseph Xyrel

Mamayo, Manny

Dang, Dayne

Duran, Jian

Chapter 1


Family is the basic unit of the society. It is most important component of a

country. Family is said to be a distinct institution where individuals start to grow

personally and build relationships among the members of the family. It is where

parents start to create a big impact in individuals’ lives.

A broken family can negatively affect all domains of your child’s

development. The effects of a broken family on a child’s development depends

on numerous factors, Including the age of the child at the time of parents

separation, on the personality and family relationships. Although infants and

young children may experience few negative development effects, older children

and teen agers may experience some problems in their social, emotional, and

educational functioning.

In The Philippines, People know that family is important and one of the

pillars of our society. However, at present, a lot of Filipino Families have

encounter problems that may cause separation of the parents. It is one of the

major problems of the government. It affects the social, economic, and political

aspects of the country. Not only our society but most important is it affect the

child growth.
In this matter, the researchers would like to know the effects of Separated

Parents to the academic performance of Grade 12 students of Best College of


Statement of the Problem

Students that have a separated parent has different academic

performance compared to the other student, they are more independent than

others but sometimes they can not focus on learning and working things because

it is hard living without either father or mother that will support them and that

could create fear and insecurities in them. The following are the questions we

pursue to answer:

 What are the causes that leads to parent’s separation?

 What is the impact of parents’ separation to the academic performance

of the Grade 12 students?

 Is there as significant relationship between parents’ separation and the

academic performance of Grade 12 Students?

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on the theory of Daniel Goleman In Emotional Quotient

that effective.This research was anchored on the theory that the effects of

separated parents to the performance of grade 12 students that can be achieve

by identifying the academic performance of a students. In order to find solution to

decrease the effects of these problem on the level of students participation and

students achievement (Talib, 1996).

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 on this page illustrated the different concepts included in this

study. The independent variable considered as the academic performance of

senior high school. It is the factor that can bring about changes in the possible


The possible solutions as shown below represent the dependent variable.

It was the factor that describes the academic performance. It means that it

could be the result or the outcome of the independent variable that affects the

possible solutions in BEST College of Polomolok Inc.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Academic Performance of
Impact of Parents’ Separation
Grade 12 Students

of the Study

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Title: The Impact of Parent’s Separation to the Academic Performance of Grade

12 Students of BEST College of Polomolok, Inc.

Significance of the study

The result of this study would give further information about the role of

Having separated Parents to the performance of Grade 12 Students of Best

College of polomolok. Significantly, this study aims to benefit the following


To the Readers. This will help them to understand the issue about the

people who suffers with the separation of their Parents.

To the Teachers. This Study will give additional knowledge which would

be useful for their teaching career as they enlighten and help their students in

this time.

To the students. This study will help them broaden their minds with it

comes to this situations and how will they be able to handle their selves.

To the future Researcher. This study will serve as their basis for their

future research endeavors.

Definition of terms

Separated-to set or keep apart.


Parents - a Father or a Mother. (


Family- the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing

their children. (

Performance- the ability to perform.


Scope and delimitation of the study

Researcher will conduct a research to discover the performance of every

grade 12 student of BEST college of Polomolok students who has separated

parent. Their experience will be the weapon to achieve the problem, this study

shows that having a separated parent could affect each student performance in

school especially if they experience it at early age.

Chapter II

Review Related Literature

We are the product of human relationships, and most of us spend our

days within the context of relationships with other people. Problems experienced

in our early relationships in the family are often expressed in our own behavior

towards others. Some young adults can define a family

As their role model, mentor and people who will always inspire them to be

self-sufficient, socially responsible and to get along with other individuals. But

some other young adults defined it as traumatic experience, bad influence and

considered family as the most hated people in their life because of being into a

broken home. It can affect their whole life, especially in their marital relationship

and in their emotions. Being into a broken family gives a lot of effects in a young

adult’s life.

A broken home is where the parents of a family are separated or divorced

(Oxford, 2018). It is a situation wherein the parents of a family were separated for

a reason. Dissolution rate of marriage in the Philippines is steadily increasing

overtime despite the lack of divorce law. Aside from Vatican, the Philippines is

the only country in the world where divorce is not legal. In 1960, there were
28,988 Filipino men and 52,187 Filipino women who were divorced or separated.

On the year 2010, these numbers have increased more than tenfold to 330,253

and 565,802 respectively. Factors among Filipino women with higher

divorce/separation rate include higher education levels, being raised in urban

settings, and cohabiting without ever marrying in their first union. Moreover,

religion and ethnicity are also associated with union breakdown in the Philippines

(Abalos, 2017).

Family is the most basic unit of society, and the foundation of it is the

parents, marriage, and off springs. Everyone longs for a place to call home and a

healthy family both in mind and body relationship. Generally, people’s view of

complete families has married parents with children. Even so, the case is not

always like that. Thus, broken families are not uncommon; rather, it is

familiar and often encountered around us (Saikia, 2017).

The issue of parental separation is an increasing social problem that has

become a topic for discussion in recent times it is traumatic for those who

e6perience it. Those affected may experience grief, embarrassment, resentment,

disappointment, intense anger and loyalty. Children need a secure emotional

base after their parents separate, e6actly as they needed before (Mclntosh,


People often take for granted the impact of having separated parents on

children. Individuals from broken homes are highly impressionable and the

effects of what they have witnessed during childhood are conventionally carried
with them into adulthood. There have been a limited amount of studies describing

the impact of parental separation of young adults’ perception on marriage.

According to Eschica, nowadays, many are involve in a broken family. It

is very usual for people to think that Teenagers doing such nasty act are rooted

to family disorientation. Even countless studies show that child’s mislead is to

blamed to separated parents (Eschica, 2010).

Argued that the mother traditionally play substantial role in the care of the

family. The mothers cares for them, listens to their problems and provide

solutions others are very important in ensuring a happy childhood and

meaningfully adult life for their children. The parent child relationship studies

indicate that a father can contribute uniquely to the development of the child

independently of the Mothers contribution. However, when issues on factors such

as emotional, intelligence, self-esteem, competence and confidence come up,

the father cannot be replaced easily by the mother. (Park and Kim, 2003).

In the Philippines, we all know that family is important and one of the

pillars of our society. However, at present, a lot of Filipino families have

encounter problems that may cause separation of the parents. It is one of the

major problems of the Philippine society that need so much attention from the

government. It affects the social, economic, and political aspects of the country.

Not only our society but most important is it affect the child growth.

A broken family is not a good example to the Filipino it has a negative

impact on each individual knowing that you came from a broken family. In the
Philippines traditionally it is the family that keeps us strong and gives us the

courage to do what is right and family is our first priority in our life. However,

even if we don’t want to have a broken family we can’t stop our parents to

separate their ways if they really not in a good relationship. If Filipino parents

suffer in their relationship their marriage also suffers and leads to separation

(LookUpgrade, 2018)

A study by Margot Galang (2015) on Implication of Broken Marriages to

Filipino Children, the common reasons why Filipino couples separate include

financial problems, lack of communication, infidelity, and domestic violence.

Clinical and therapists note that children caught in the middle of parent’s

animosity during separation have attention and concentration problems,

academic problems, anger issues, sleep disorders, and other psychological,

behavioral and spiritual.

According to Saikia It is obvious that death reduces the family strength.

More adversely death sometime leads to broken family. Like other reason all

death in the family do not necessarily bring any broken, but by the death of

mother or father children become mother/father less. When children realize that

the parent will never return, they get emotionally disturbed.

It is obvious that death reduces the family strength. More adversely death

sometime leads to broken family like other reason all death in the family do not

necessarily bring any broken, but by the death of mother or father children

become mother/father less.

When children realize that the parent will never return, they get

emotionally disturbed. It is obvious that death reduces the family strength. More

adversely death sometime leads to broken family. Like other reason all death in

the family do not necessarily bring any broken, but by the death of mother or

father children become mother/father less. When children realize that the parent

will never return, they get emotionally disturbed. ((Ruksana Saikia 2017)

Because of parental or friends influence. When a third party has involved

itself in the matters inside the home, bad-mouthing will just likely to happen and

misunderstanding will only grow worse (Laldanmawia 2013)

I believe its mostly cause by drugs or money. Too much money leads to

arguments and greediness which causes to forget about love and divorce. Too

poor leads to depression and arguments and feels like they have to split up and

start over. (lilianmaeg 2011)

Many schools involve parents in school-based or school related activities.

This constitutes parental involvement rather than parental engagement.

According to Harris and Goodall (2007), parental involvement can

encompass a whole range of activities with or within the school while parents

view parental engagement as offering support to students while teachers tend to

view it as a means to improved behavior.

Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has

when it comes to the schooling of his/her children. Some schools foster healthy

parental involvement, but sometimes parents has hesitations if they will involve
themselves with their children's education. It has been advocated in Western

countries. However, there is a body of literature that examines the significance of

social and cultural influences and the effects of parents’ involvement in and

expectations of their children’s development and learning.

It is important for schools to recognize the existence of cultural variations

in parent involvement because there are differences among parents with diverse

background on when, why, and how they are involved in their children's

education. Parenting is important in the Philippine society because family is

viewed as a center to one's social world. But, social contexts in which Filipino

families are embedded have changed rapidly over the past ten years (Ochoa &

Torre, n.d.).

Children’s learning is increasingly moving toward a broader vision of the

21st century learning. As children’s educations increasingly occur across a range

of settings, parents are uniquely positioned to help ensure that these settings

best support their children’s specific learning needs. Thus, parental involvement

researches remain misrepresentative of parents and the involvement that they

have with their children’s education (Jackson, 2010).

According to Amato, Family stress is the most common cause of

behavioral problems of the adolescents. Parental separation, children born

outside marriage, death of parent, discordant two-parent families, and

stepfamilies are the origins of abroken home. However, adolescence becomes

risk-taking due to economic hardship, quality of parenting, and exposure to stress

(Amato, 2007).
Parental separation has been associated with reduced cognitive

development and educational performance. Since parental separation can result

in multiple negative effects, including perceived guilt, blame, stressors, and

diminished resources for the children, it is not surprising that parental separation

has also been reported to negatively affect a child’s motivation, engagement and

learning-related behavior in the classroom.

Although several studies have investigated the impact of the timing of the

parental separation on scholastic performance, they have yielded discordant

results. Most studies found that for younger children the adverse impact was

more pro-nounced than for older children, suggesting that younger children may

feel more anxious about abandonment and that they may be more likely to blame

themselves. However, others studies have found that divorce may adversely

affect adolescents more than elementary school-age children, or that the child’s

age did not alter the effect of divorce on academic achievement.

According to Ana Green, A broken family can negatively affect all domains

of your child’s development. The effects of a broken family on a child’s

development depend on numerous factors, including the age of the child at the

time of parents’ separation, and on the personality and family relationships.

Although infants and young children may experience few negative developmental

effects, older children and teenagers may experience some problems in their

social, emotional and educational functioning.

In the mixed method study of Evangelista (2008), it aims to find the

relationship between academic involvement of grade one parents and their

children’s scholastic performance. It shows that academic involvement of parents

is still visible to their children interms of peers, school activities, and others.

Because of this, parents are still involved in their child’s learning with regards to

other linkages he/she is in. It recommends that parents should participate and be

involved in the development of their children’s education especially during their

fundamental years because this stage will be the foundations of children for them

to accelerate in the next level of higher education and the school should consider

informing parents on how much involvement they should give to improve their

child’s scholastic performance.

A broken family can negatively affect all domains of your child’s

development. The effects of a broken family on a child’s development depend on

numerous factors, including the age of the child at the time of parents’

separation, and on the personality and family relationships. Although infants and

young children may experience few negative developmental effects, older

children and teenagers may experience some problems in their social, emotional

and educational functioning. School is another factor that help the child or the

student becoming successful, but how will make them successful if they can’t

focus, they can’t do schooling like others because their minds are occupied their

problems encounter in their family. According to Desk (2015

Parents, teachers and school should be working hand in hand in preparing

children spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. According

to the works of Epstein, parents and schools recognize their shared interests in

and responsibilities for children, and they work together to create better programs
and opportunities for students. She explains this connection through the theory of

overlapping spheres of influence which expresses that the external model of

overlapping spheres of influence recognizes that the three major context sin

which students learn and grow—the family, the school, and the community may

be drawn together or pushed apart (Brofenbrenner, 1994).

In broken homes, students that have suffered from neglect or lack of care

and it is known to be psychologically imbalanced to face the realities their lives. It

is worth noting that cognitive development of a child socialization plays a major

role. Thiessen pointed out that single parenting is one of the factor that can lead

low academic outcomes of adolescents (Thiessen, 1997).

Children live with one of the parent, or many a time there are looked after

by one of the grand parent. In such family, children have bad childhood as they

witness the separation, or lack of parents love together. A broken family is

believed to be a reason of a child’s mislead in life, some people give it as the

main cause of the rebellious and unclear acts of children. According to Desk


According to Mayntz (2006), in the most basic definition, family is a group

of people who share a legal bond or a blood bond. Family is really an important

word. It means to feel secure, to have someone who you can count on, whom

you can share your problems with. In an ideal family, all the members are happy.

They understand, love and help each other. 

Lastly, very few studies have focused on the effect of parental separation

on very young children. One would expect that a negative effect of parental

separation on school performance should also be apparent in children who were

delivered preterm, in light of the vulnerability of this population. Preterm births are

indeed associated with lower educational performances. Preterm children are at

risk of achieving lower cognitive test scores, and their level of immaturity is

directly proportional to the mean cognitive scores at school age (Kelly and



This chapter represents the research design, locale, respondents of the

study, data gathering instrument and procedures and sampling methods.

Research Design

Descriptive Quantitative Research. Descriptive research is defined a

process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in-depth understanding of social

phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the "why" rather than the

"what" of social phenomena and relies on the direct experiences of human

beings as meaning-making agents in their everyday lives.





Impact of having Locale:

separated parent to the
BEST College of
academic performance of
Polomolok Inc.

Negative and positive RESPONDENTS:

impact of having Grade 12 students
separated parent

Impact to the
academic grade of the
student who has
separated parent METHODOLOGY:
Descriptive survey

Microsoft excel


Research Locale
B.E.S.T College of Polomolok Inc., was located at Valenciia site

Polomolok South Cotabato, This school was owned by Pastor Danilo A. Ramos

together with his wife Mrs. Lydia A. Ramos and His Daughter Ms. Zoely Ramos.

This School offers Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High school, Senior High

school and Tertiary Education. Best College is also a Tesda Accredited and

offers ESC Scholars.

Respondents of the research

To determine the number of respondents in study, stratified random

sampling were used, with the methods of sampling. The Grade 12 students in

B.E.S.T College of Polomolok Incorporated with an estimated population of grade

12 regular students

Data Gathering Instrument

To perform this research, the researchers conduct a survey within the

population of Grade 12 Students to determine the effects of having a separated

parents’ to the academic performance of grade 12 students.

Data Gathering procedure

The procedure in this study, the researcher gather Online articles to

supply the said study, this Study involved of conducting survey within the

estimated population of the correspondents of the said study.

Chapter IV



This chapter provides the presentation of statistical data relative to the

problem posted in the statement of the problem. The corresponding analysis and

interpretation of the data are incorporated in this portion of the study.

Table1.The reasons of having separated parent of grade 12 students.


1.Not Married 8 57.14%

2.Lack of financial support 2 14.28%

3.Abusive Relationship 4 28.57%

The Table shows the reasons of having separated parent of grade 12

students. Out of 14 respondents, 57.14% choose No.1-Not married, 14.28%

choose No.2-Lack of financial support, and 28.57% choose No.3-Abusive

relationship. Therefore, Most of the Respondents Choose No. 1 as they more

experience having parent that was not married that leads to having separated

Table2. The impact of having separated parent to the academic

performance of grade 12 students.

Effects Frequency Percentage

1.Become more resilient and 12 85.71%

inspired to continue
2.Lack of interest towards reaching 2 14.28%

The Table shows the impact of having separated parent to the academic

performance of grade 12 students, 13 or 81.25% of them choose no.1-Become

more resilient and inspired to continue. While the rest of the student 3 or 18.75%

of them choose number 2- lack of interest towards reaching goals. Therefore,

Most of the Respondents choose No. 1, they use their experience to be more

resilient and inspired to reach their goals.

Table3. The significant relationship between parents’ separation and the

academic performance of Grade 12 Students?



1.Gapos 88 86 87

2.Malacad 90 91 90.5 or 91

3.Corre 89 87 88

4.Corre 89 87 88

5.Marcelino 88 86 87
6.Berdigay 79 79 79

7.Bendanillo 87 86 86.5 or 87

8.Tiala 80 75 77.5 or 78

9.Abdul 87 85 86

10.Ampo 91 91 91

11.Manny 90 90 90

12.Sabornido 87 80 83.5 or 84

13.Sabido 95 95 95

14.Castillon 88 91 89.5 or 90


1.Line of 7 total average 2 14.28%

2.Line of 8 total average 7 50%

3.Line of 9 total average 5 35.71%

The table shows the significant relationship between parents’ separation

and the academic performance of grade 12 students which is their 2 nd grading

and 3rd grading average. Out of 14 students there is 2 or 14.28% who got number

1- line of 7 total average, 7 or 50% of the students got line of 8 total average

while the rest which is the 5 or 35.71% of the students got the line of 9 total
average. Therefore, Most of the students has the line of 8 total average which

means there are relationship between parent’s separation and academic

performance of the grade 12 students.

Chapter V



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and

recommendations derived in the conduct of the study which is the probe on the

impact of having a separated parents’ to the academic performance of grade 12

students of B.E.S.T. College of Polomolok Inc.


The findings of the study were summarized to the statement of the

problem stated in chapter 1.

1. What are the causes that leads to parent’s separation?

57.14% choose No.1-Not married, 14.28% choose No.2-Lack of

financial support, and 28.57% choose No.3-Abusive relationship.

Therefore, Most of the Respondents Choose No. 1 as they more

experience having parent that was not married that leads to having

separated parent.

2. What is the impact of parents’ separation to the academic

performance of the Grade 12 students?

13 or 81.25% of them choose no.1-Become more resilient and

inspired to continue. While the rest of the student 3 or 18.75% of them

choose number 2- lack of interest towards reaching goals. Therefore, Most

of the Respondents choose No. 1, they use their experience to be more

resilient and inspired to reach their goals.

3. Is there as significant relationship between parents’ separation and

the academic performance of Grade 12 Students?

There is 2 or 14.28% who got number 1- line of 7 total average, 7

or 50% of the students got line of 8 total average while the rest which is

the 5 or 35.71% of the students got the line of 9 total average. Therefore,

Most of the students has the line of 8 total average which means there are

relationship between parent’s separation and academic performance of

the grade 12 students.


Based on the summary of findings gathered, the researchers concluded

that the Grade12 students has more experienced having a not married parent

that causes to leads the parents to separation, most of the grade 12 students are

more resilient and inspired to reach their goals despite of having separated

parent and their academic performance was depend on how a student would

handle its performance in school in spite of its incompleteness.


From the conclusion that were drawn, the researchers recommended that

the students must pursue their dreams despite of having a separated parent they

have their self to help them up through the challenges they have been facing that

having a separated parent could not stop them from dreaming more and the

researchers was encouraging all the victims of parents separation that you

should learn from the experience you have encountered for the better future and

future family of yours.














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