Practical Research 1: Quarter 2 - Module 6: Analyzing The Meaning of The Data and Drawing Conclusion

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The passage discusses evaluating innovative news outlets that aim to engage youth audiences in global current events.

The research project aims to analyze innovative news outlets that have the potential to attract young audiences to follow global current events.

The research project will test 20 selected news outlets for one week and explore their coverage, financing, and communicate with their editors and writers to understand how and why they publish.

Practical Research 1

Quarter 2 - Module 6:
Analyzing The Meaning of The Data
and Drawing Conclusion

CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

Practical Research 1 – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 6: Reporting and Sharing the Findings
First Edition, 2019

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Practical Research 1
Quarter 2 - Module 6:
Analyzing The Meaning of The Data
and Drawing Conclusion
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know
Hi young researcher! Do not worry for the end of the tunnel is almost in sight!
You may have asked yourself, “So what now? What will I do with these interviews and
observations?” This module is your answer. It will help you weed out the important
information that you got during your data collection or as they say, “Find the needle in
the haystack.” However, I would like to remind you that there will be several outputs
required of you at the end.

In this lesson, you will learn how to collect and analyze data by using a certain
method and to gather varied perceptions from different people. Through all these
diverse opinions coming from a set of people, you will discover a certain idea or pattern
governing the entire data collected. Geared toward a common theme, idea, or pattern,
the collected facts and information can guarantee evidence-based conclusions.
Factual data and logically collected ones are meaningful data to yield valid and
credible conclusions (Baraceros, 2016, 121).

Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you are expected to:

• infer and explain patterns and themes from data (CS_RS11- IVd-f-2), and
• relate the findings to pertinent literature (CS_RS11- IVd-f-3).

What I Know

Before moving on the next part of this module, complete the following statements by
choosing from the given options.
1. What is the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection,
presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an individual’s
speculation with reality?
A. Research C. Quantitative research
B. Qualitative Research D. Scientific method

2. Which of the following is the first step in formulating a Qualitative research title?
A. Concept Making C. Formulation of Ideas
B. Citing a Problem D. Reading Journal Articles 1

3. What kind of question should Qualitative Research start with?

A. Do or Does C. Is or Are
B. Does or Did D. Why or How

4. What kind of research is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behavior, and other
defined variables and generalize results from a larger population?
A. Research C. Quantitative Research
B. Qualitative Research D. Scientific Method

1 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

5. What kind of Qualitative Research is emphasized of this title “Understanding
Addiction: A Study of Adolescent Drug-users?
A. Case Study C. Ethnography
B. Content Analysis D. Phenomenology

6. This kind of Qualitative Research refers to a particular group in which it reveals

the nature or characteristics of their own culture through the world perceptions
of the cultural group’s members.
A. Content Analysis C. Ethnography
B. Case Study D. Historical Research

7. This kind of Qualitative Research involves a long-time study of a particular

person in psychology, medicine, and education. It seeks to find answers to why
such things occur to the subject.
A. Content Analysis C. Ethnography
B. Case Study D. Historical Research

8. Which of the following is most appropriate to a qualitative approach?

A. Describing the relationship between students’ math attitudes and their math
B. Describing the effect on students’ achievement of creating a
student/centered assessment environment.
C. Identifying the characteristics that differentiate students who dropout of high
school from students who do not drop out.
D. Understanding what is like to work in a school that is changing the decision-
making process from a top-down, administratively driven model to a bottom-
up, teacher/driven model

9. Ethics in research ensure that participants have informed consent. Which of the
following actions is the best example of informed consent?
A. talking to him or her privately C. writing him or her a letter
B. surprising him or her with questionnaire D. Taking his or her picture

10. Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of the following

A. Asking the participants to write his or her name in the questionnaire
B. Not mentioning his or her name in the Participants of the Study Section
C. Introducing himself or herself in an interview
D. Taking his/ her picture and placing it in the appendix

2 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6


What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned how you can collect information for
your research topic, covering the steps to define data and making a research design.
Now, you are ready to gain more knowledge about doing research. Before we go
further, perform first the activity below.

Directions: Rearrange the jumbled letters to form a concept about data collection and
analysis procedure.
1. It is a set of procedures and methods that is used to collect and analyze
measures of the variables given in the objectives. (GESDIN CEHERSAR)
2. It is a program, person, or event in a defined time frame. (DATSEYCUS)
3. It is a list of names which shows the characteristics of the target population.
4. It involves a study of a certain cultural group to get information about its
characteristics and group activities. (THAGYONERPH)
5. It is conducted in a step-by step process through systematic methods and
procedures. (LEMDACOHIT)

Now, you are ready to proceed to the next lesson.

What’s New


A code in qualitative inquiry is most often a word phrase which symbolically

defines a summative, salient, essence-capturing, and/or evocative attribute for a
portion of language-based or visual data. This data can compose of interview
transcripts, participant observation field notes, journals, documents, literature,
artifacts, photographs, video, websites, e-mail and correspondence. While a pattern is
something that happens in a regular and repeated way. A theme is generated when
similar issues and ideas expressed by participants within qualitative data are brought
together by the researcher into a single category or cluster. There are two strategies
on how to infer data. These are thematic analysis and qualitative data analysis (QDA).
But we will focus on thematic analysis.

3 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

There are 6 steps in thematic analysis. We will discuss in detail in each step.

1. Familiarization with the data: This phase involves reading and re-reading the
data, to become immersed and intimately familiar with its content.

2. Coding - this phase involves generating succinct labels (codes) that identify
important features of the data that might be relevant to answering the research
question. It involves coding the entire dataset, and after that, collating all the
codes and all relevant data extracts, together for later stages of analysis.

3. Searching for Themes. This phase involves examining the codes and collated
data to identify significant broader patterns of meaning (potential themes). It
then involves collating data relevant to each candidate theme, so that you can
work with the data and review the viability of each candidate theme.

4. Reviewing themes. This phase involves checking the candidate themes against
the data set, to determine if they tell a convincing story of the data, and one that
answers the research question. In this phase, themes are typically refined,
which sometimes involves them being split, combined, or discarded.

5. Defining and naming themes. This phase involves developing a detailed

analysis of each theme, working out the scope and focus of each theme,
determining the “story” of each. It also involves deciding on an informative name
for each theme.

6. Writing Up. This final phase involves weaving together the analytic narrative data
and extracts and contextualizing the analysis in relation to existing literature.

Here is an example of a transcribed result of an interview conducted in Clarin

National High School to displaced learners during the Marawi siege. They were able
to come up with varied themes depending on the question asked. This is a result based
on a one-on-one interview.

1. I.Paano ka nkarecover sa I.How did you recover after the

nangyari sa Marawi siege?
P: Para sa akin, nakaricover rako P: For me, I have recovered from
sa nangyari sa Marawi.Magmula what happened in Marawi ever
nung tumira kami dito sa Auntie since we started to live in my
ko, mas napalapit kami sa isa’t auntie because we became
isa nasanay din sa pamumuhay closer, and we started to get
dito. used to the way of living here.

2.I. May nagbago ba sa pamilya I.Is there any changes in your SEPARATION
ninyo magmula nung nangyari family ever since that happened?
P: Yes, my family got separated
P: Oo, kasi nagka hiwa hiwalay because of what happened
kaming pamilya nang dahil doon.

4 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

What Is It

In this lesson, the next task expected of you is to analyze data carefully. For
most researchers, this is the heaviest task, but it is the most fulfilling. Qualitative data
analysis is an ongoing and cyclical process which includes identification, examination,
and interpretation of certain patterns and themes in the data. It determines how these
patterns and themes help answer the research questions.

This part will guide you on how to make this task easy. Below are the processes
in doing a qualitative analysis.

1. Know your data. Reread your written observations, relisten the audio recorded
interviews, or rewatch the movie or clip.

2. Focus your analysis. Focus yourself on consistent and or varied responses.

For example:
your research question is, “Why are some high school students sometimes late
for school?” Common responses would be school’s distance, waking up late,
tons of chores prior to going to school, sleeping late, etcetera.

3. Do coding. Always consult your research questions or you might end up coding
unnecessary information. Coding is simply categorizing the data and reducing

4. Clean your data. Go through your data once more if there are data errors.

5. Identify meaningful patterns and themes. Identifying meaningful patterns and

the theme is the heart and soul of the entire qualitative data analysis. In
this stage, you can look at the data

6. Interpret your data. After analyzing, coding, and organizing the data, identifying
the patterns and themes, you are now ready to interpret your data. In
interpreting the data, you will synthesize your tables to a paragraph.

Here is another example of a transcribed result of an interview during the

Marawi siege. They were able to come up with varied theme depending on the
questions asked. This is a result based on one-on-one interview.


I: Para sayo, may nagbago ba? I: How about you, there any STRONG
changes? FAITH
P: Para sa akin,hindi. Kasi mas
lumakas yung pananampalataya P: For me, it’s no, because my
ko sa Panginoon. faith in God became even

I: Anong natutunan mo matapos I: What have you learned after NOT

ang nangyari? what happened? NEGLECTING

5 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6


P: Yung natutunan ko ay,kahit P: I have learned that, even THE

nasa Christian area ka,wag mo though you’re in a non-Muslim CULTURAL
dapat kalimutan ang relihiyon area, you shouldn’t neglect the PRACTICE
mo at ang mga praktiks niyo sa practice of your religion

I: Paano mo matutulungan yung I: How would you help those OFFER

mga katulad mong nakaranas ng people who are also THEME A JOB
hirap? experiencing the same?

P: Gusto kong tulungan sila sa P: I want to help them find a job

pamamaraan natulungan silang so that they can start their life
maghanap ngtrabaho para over again.
mkapagsimula ulit sa
pamumuhay nila.

What’s More

Extracted from an unpublished research paper conducted by Ms. Cristy Dablo

of the Division of Misamis Oriental is the narrated experience of teenagers realizing
the inevitable pregnancy. The research is entitled, “TEENAGE PREGNANCY AND

There were three central themes which emerged based on the interviews with the five
(5) respondents experiences that cherished relationships as substantial and tough
acquisition of love in the acceptance of being pregnant at an early age towards
successful adjustment. The three central themes are the following:
(1) Life’ turning point: a baby bump, (2) role changing: new set of
responsibilities, and (3) Glint of hope: a blessing in disguise.
Choose which themes best fit each table.

Table 1: Experiences knowing that you are pregnant Theme: _______________

R1 “Kanang nahadlok ko kay basin di ko pananagutan sa akong uyab,pero mas
nahadlok ko nga basin dili madawat sa akong ginikanan samot na nga dili sila
ganahan sa ako uyab”
{I’m afraid that my boyfriend won’t carry the responsibility, but I am more afraid
of my parents not accepting me for they don’t like my boyfriend}

R2 “Nahadlok ko gayon ga to the point nga ngplano ko nga ipalaglag ang bata nga
naa sa ako tiyan tungod ky wala nay ginikanan na akong madoulan sa akong
pagburos og ngplano pod ko maghikog na lng”.
{I am so afraid and reach to the point of aborting the baby’s life inside my
tummy,since I don’t have the parents to turn to. With that, I planned to commit

6 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

In Table2 and Table 3, choose which theme that best fit either (1) life's turning
point; a baby bump, (2) role changing: new set of responsibilities, and (3) glint
of hope: a blessing in disguise.

Table 2: Adopting your life knowing that you are pregnant Theme: __________

R1 “Karon ky ok na kayo ko,naa akong pamilya nga nagsupport og alaga sa

{Today I am much okay. I have my family that supports and take care of me}.

R2 “Karon na feel nako ang support sa akong pamilya. Ila kong gialagaan kay
unsaon paman daw nila og kasuko kung naana. Karonginatabngan ko nila
maamunsaon pag maanak na baby”.
I now felt the support of my family. They take care of me coz how are they
going to get angry when it's already. For now, they’re helping me to prepare
for the coming of the baby}

Table 3: The present condition Theme: ___________________________

R1 “Dako gayod kayo ang kabag ohan labi na mglaag kay buntis bya,sige
rakatulgon and tapulan na mglakaw lakaw,na ana laing obligasyon ang baby
sa tyan”
{A lot of changes happened especially roaming around oops I’m pregnant,
always sleepy and lazy to walk around, have an obligation on the baby in my

R2 “Nag attempt kopaglaglag sa bata kay nglibog ko unsaon nibut afriend nag
ingon na ayaw kay bunga na sainyong love and a blessing kay dili mkaanak”
{I attempted to abort the baby for I got confused on this, but a friend told me
not to do it for this is the fruit of your love and a blessing since not all can bear
a child}

What I have learned

Using the ideas presented above, you can now start working with your
research questions by using thematic analysis. You may start with one informant
only. Using five questions you may use this format.

Verbatim Translation Theme

Interviews Question (1)

Participants Answer (P)

7 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

What I can do

Complete the table. Think of possible preset codes/categories/themes for the given

Area of Focus Codes/Categories/ Themes

1. What is the consumers and vendors perception

on the NO PLASTIC POLICY in Cagayan de
Oro City?

2. What is the response of chain-smokers on the

No Smoking Ordinance in the Province?

3. What is the most common reason for Students

who enrolled in the Open High School?

4. How effective is the Policy on Wearing School



What’s In

Concluding qualitative research needs the researcher to recall more thoroughly

the problem statement, objectives, and results and findings of your analysis and how
they connect and organize together. The aim is to integrate them to come up a
comprehensive, logical, and smart answer or explanation to the research question.
Research conclusion has its important roles and purpose in a research study. These
are commonly elaborated as the following: a) it stresses out the importance of the
thesis statement, b) it gives the written work a sense of completeness, c) it leaves a
final impression to the readers and d) it demonstrates good organization.

Conclusions are inferences, deductions, abstractions, implications,

interpretations, general statements and/or generalizations based upon the finding. It
should appropriately answer the specific questions raised at the beginning of the
investigation in the order that they are given under the statement of the problem. When
making the conclusion in qualitative research, it should be drawn from the patterns
and themes. Patterns and themes that were extracted from the real-life experiences.
In vanManen’s point of view, conclusions can be best illustrated in literary works as
poem, quote, and/ or songs as it conveys emotions like making metaphors. Through
metaphor like results can go beyond a descriptive synthesis of data.

8 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

Strategies or tips to writing conclusions:
1. Write in a manner that is comfortable to you and edit while writing.
2. Write to be understood. Do not write to impress or to sound smart. Avoid
highfalutin words to replace the common but clearer ones.
3. Write from an objective distance. Remember that you are writing a formal
academic paper.
4. Write in a fresh new style. In concluding your qualitative research, you are
supposed to present a new knowledge after all.
5. Conclusions should be formulated concisely, that is, brief and short, yet they
convey a meaningful and logical argument. It is important that conclusions have
a conceptual significance and can imply, indicate, or chart future research

In the previous lesson, you have learned how to interpret data, group similar
responses into categories and identify themes for easier data analysis. Now, you are
ready to report or share your findings of your research to its relevant literature. Before
we go further, perform first the activity below.

Directions: Complete the following table with ideas indicated by the headings.
KEY WORDS INFORMATION (Sentence that express your
experiences about the key term)

1. pattern

2. code

3. themes

4.Thematic Analysis

What’s New

Comparison of Findings with Related Literature

In this lesson, you will compare your results or findings with the existing
knowledge. Since you already know how to infer and explain patterns and themes from
data, you will now proceed to relate your research findings with pertinent literatures. It
is one of the most important features in doing a qualitative research and how you will
compare the context with its existing knowledge. The discussion of your research
findings should not only limit in the summary of the results you have found but it should
also include original thinking or novelty. It must be well organized, broad in scope as
you relate its findings to pertinent literature.

Activity 1: Read the poem. Carefully read and analyze the themes where the poem
has been crafted.

9 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

Match the themes on the poem, and then answer the following question:
1. Identify which stanza and line does each theme belongs?
2. How does it feel after reading the poem?

Life Challenges

Life is a challenge we all walk for

Just like water flows in the river
The way we make it depends on us
With a negative thought to positive push

Life is a challenge we should cherish

We all end for days, months, or years
Role shift, adopt a new to live for more
Reestablish life quest to care forever more

Life is a challenge to be with families

To be with, to share with friends in all ages
Accept all the life has to offer
Successfully adjust to live happier.

What Is It

Direction: For this activity, you will refer your answer to the given poem above.
To do this, simply read and analyze the contents of the poem. Write all your answers
on the table provided below.
Themes Stanza and Line Number
1.My Existence with Love of Family and
2.The Role of Having More
3.Life so Fast Making It Easy Is Not that Easy
4.Accept All that Life has to Offer
5.Struggles, Learning Lesson to Happiness

What’s More

Activity 2. Do the following directions: Analyze the themes formulated from the
patterns of the findings in the previous chapter. Craft your own conclusion as
introduced by vanMannen (poem, quote, and/ or song).
Themes Conclusion
1. Turning Point: A Baby Bump!
2. Role Changing: New Set of
3. Glint of Hope: A Blessing in Disguise

10 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

What I have learned

Sample interpretation of data using the extracted table from the unpublished
research paper of Ms. Cristy G.Dablo, entitled, “TEENAGE PREGNANCY AND ITS

Table1: Experiences knowing that you are pregnant

R1 “Kanang nahadlok ko kay basin dili ko panagutan sa akong uyab,pero mas
nahadlok ko nga basin dili madawat sa akong ginikanan samot na nga dili
sila ganahan sa akong uyab”.
{I’m afraid that my boyfriend won’t carry the responsibility,but I am more
afraid of my parents not accepting me for they don’t like my boyfriend}
R2 “Nahadlok kog ayo nga to the point nga nagplano ko nga ipalaglag ang
bata nga naa sa ako tyan tungod ky wala nay ginikanan na akong
maduolan sa akong pagburos og ngplano podkomaghikog na lang”.
{I am so afraid and reach to the point aborting the baby’s life inside my
tummy,since I don’t have the parents to turn to. With that, I planned to
commit suicide.}
R3 “Kada gabiiko maghilak kay gahuna huna kung unsaon nako pgsulbad ani
nga problema.Gusto nako ipalaglag ang bata ky dili pa ko ready nga
mahimong inahan.”
{I cried every night, thinking on how to solve the problem. I wanted to abort
the child for Iam not ready to become a mother}
R4 “Pagkabalo nako na buros murakog na down og ayo tungod kay ga
overthink kog ayo sa mga possible nga mahitabo og wala pod ko kabalo
unsa akong buhaton.Mas samot ko nahadlok unsaon pag atubang sa
problema nga na buros ko sa sayo nga pangidad.”
{As soon as I know that I’m pregnant, I felt so down because I overthink of
possibilities and do not know what to do}
R5 “Nahadlok ko…kay maulawan akong pamilya. Naghunahuna ko nga dili
padayun ang akong gidala. Ug siguro magpalayu na lng,mu undang ug
eskwela.Nawad-an kog paglaum sa akong kinabuhi tungud ani nga bata.”
{I’m afraid…because I put shame on my family. I thought of aborting my
baby inside my tummy. I want to stay away from them, I want to stop
schooling. I lost hope in my life because of the baby.}

Interpretation for Table 1:

All the respondents’ responses were about fear, worries, and apprehensions.
Table 1 showed the emotions that respondents felt knowing that they were pregnant
at an early stage. Three (3) directly blurted out the feeling of fear and the rest indirectly
said. Fear on how the parents reacted to the shame they brought up, fear of
hopelessness that the baby shuttered their future dreams, fear on how they raise the
child knowing that they are incapable of supporting themselves. The fear felt push to
worry, apprehend and think of worst deed to abort the child.

Using the same data extracted table from the unpublished research paper,
identify the row which of the following interpretation best describe.

11 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

Interpretation A: Row # ____________________

Most (3 out of 5) of the respondents were worried much for they do not know
what to do with the situation. The role changing happened due to physical changes of
the body and the thought of having another life put themselves in a dilemma of
additional responsibility, yet they are too young, incapable of supporting oneself and
financially dependent from parents for their studies. Since the partner also do not have
the capability to handle the responsibility, for they are still young to think of, some got
separated leaving the teenage mother to take all the responsibilities. Though parents
felt bad, they still accepted and no other choice but to help the teenage pregnant
According to Bandura as stated by Cherry (2011) acceptance is an important
stage in the process to reach the goal of successful adjustment. People with a strong
sense of self efficacy: view challenging problems as tasks to be mastered, develop
deeper interest in the activities in which they participate, from a stronger sense of
commitment to their interests and activities, and recover quickly from setbacks and

Interpretation B: Row # ____________________

Majority (3 out of 5) of the respondents felt much better as their parents

accepted the fact of being pregnant at an early stage despite the drama of the
situation. The table above showed the acceptance of having a baby, role changes to
self and new responsibilities made the respondents happy towards adjustment.
According to Anonuevo, C.A. as stated by Natividad et., al (2005), family is still the
primary source of care. The family is very important in the care of adolescents. Though
the family is facing many changes and challenges, it continues to have the
responsibility of taking care of each member’s needs. Such relationships of close
family ties cherished older person to adjust situations of life successfully.

What I can do

Provide the required information below. Refer to your proposed research study.
(Answer may vary)

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________


1. Proposed research: _________________________________________________


2. Conduct an interview using the guide questions you formulate from unstructured
Interview to start coding and identifying themes and categories.

3. Write examples of transcript derived from the interview:

Question: ______________________________________________________

12 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

Interviewee 1: ________________________________________________________

Interviewee 2: ________________________________________________________

Interviewee 3: ________________________________________________________

4. Based on the transcripts, what code can be formulated?


5. What themes did you identify? _________________________________________


6. What categories emerged from the analysis? _________________________


7. What level of interpretation will you apply to your findings? Provide a sample opening
paragraph below.


Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A qualitative research involves data.
A. numerical C. categorical
B. Non numerical D. statistical

2. It is a document review that is used as a method of data collection.

A. written report C. minutes of the meeting
B. oral presentations D. notebook

13 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

3. It is a word or short phrase to represent subjective data.
A. code C. theme
B. pattern D. data

4. The tendency in qualitative research to derive a complex array of data from a

variety of sources, using variety of methods is termed as.
A. triangulation C. cross tabulation
B. bricolage D. confirmability

5. This is a process of analyzing data by grouping them according to themes.

A. content analysis C. recursive abstraction
B. thematic analysis D. computer assisted data analysis

6. It is a detailed description of the setting or individuals followed by analysis of the

data for themes or issues.
A. grounded theory C. phenomenological research
B. thematic analysis D. case study

7. The characteristics of good research that any conclusion drawn is based upon
hard evidence gathered from information collected from real life experience or
observation is.
A. rigorous C. systematic
B. empirical D. critical

8. Which of the following data collection techniques is not applicable for qualitative
A. interviews C. observations
B. questionnaires D. focus group

9. It refers to codes that are formulated by the researcher based on his or her
knowledge through the reviewed literatures.
A. predefined code C. defined code
B. emergent code D. Pre-emergent code

10. It is a part of data analysis where comprehensible statements are included after
analyzing and synthesizing the patterns and categories that are derived from
the findings.
A. presentation of the data C. interpretation
B. analysis D. Discussion

11. It is a part of data analysis, where the knowledge and logical understanding is
required, and the important data are given enough attention as it will be the
basis of the results of the study.
A. presentation of the data C. analysis
B. interpretation D. discussion

12. It is a part of data analysis, that showcases the data for easy understanding of
the reader, and it can be displayed through tables, diagrams or other figures to
easily understand.
A. presentation of the data C. interpretation
B. analysis D. discussion

14 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

13. It involves the identification, examination, and interpretation of patterns and
themes in textual data.
A. quantitative data analysis C. content Analysis
B. qualitative data analysis D. thematic Analysis

14. The research considers the protection of research participants by obtaining

approval from participants through voluntary written consents.
A. Validation C. Reliability
B. Informed consent D. Interview

15. If a researcher works at a cafeteria, and observes the waiters, this is an

example of
A. observation C. focus group
B. interview D. document review


Additional Activities

Read the text below and provide the required information.

International Headlines 3.0 Exploring Youth-Centered Innovation in

Global News Delivery.

Traditional news media must innovate to maintain their ability to

inform contemporary audiences. This research project analyzes
innovative news outlets that have the potential to draw young audiences
to follow global current events. On February 8, 2014, a Pew Research
Center Poll found that 52 percent of Americans reported having heard little
or nothing about the anti-government protests in Egypt. Egyptians had
been protesting for nearly two weeks when this poll was conducted. The
lack of knowledge about the protest was not a result of scares media
attention. In the United States, most mainstream TV news sources (CNN,
FOX, MSNBC, and ABC) ran headline stories on the protests. Sparked by
an assignment in International Reporting J450 class, we selected 20
innovative news outlets to investigate whether they are likely to overcome
the apparent disinterest of Americans, particularly the youth, in foreign
news. Besides testing those news outlets for one week, we explored the
coverage and financing of these outlets, and we are communicating with
their editors and writers to best understand how and why they publish as
they do. We will evaluate them, following a rubric, and categorize them
based on their usefulness and effectiveness.

15 CO_Q2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 6

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