Applied Practical Research 1 - q1 - Mod3 v2

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Practical Research 1

Quarter 1 - Module 3:
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the
Problem Related to Daily Life

CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

Practical Research 1 – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem Related to Daily Life
First Edition,2019

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module:

Author: Chona M. Colonia, PhD, Karen Abanes-Serrania

Editors: Jane Charity E. Madronero, Anthony P. Marollano, Chelou M.
Tizon, Norma B. Delima, Kareen Agcopra, PhD, Hasima Salic,
Jerrie Jane Y. Alojado
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Practical Research 1
Quarter 1 - Module 3:
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the
Problem Related to Daily Life
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask
your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At
the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning.
Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in
using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help
you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

People from all walks of life are bombarded with problems and challenged with obstacles
that are to be conquered every day. Some solutions to these problems are within ordinary man’s
capacity of doing. However, some, need further investigation and exploration as they are too
technical to be accomplished in a wink of an eye.

One of the main foci of qualitative research is to be of help to humans in their everyday
undertaking. It seeks to improve the lives of the people and for them to become competitive in the

The unique feature of qualitative research is it does not test hypothesis; rather, it only
poses a problem or question that are to be explored through case study, ethnography,

phenomenological approach, and others. To satisfy the problem posed, data are gathered
through interview, observation, focus group discussion and the like.

In designing your own research project and your research title, have in mind what
particular aspect of your existence you will focus on. Further, you have to keep an eye on the
reason behind conducting the research study.

In order to accomplish the desired performance stated, please be guided with the following
learning competencies as your anchor:

a. designs a research project related to daily life (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-1)

b. writes a research title (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-2),
c. describes justifications/reasons for conducting the research (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-3),
d. states research questions (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-4),
e. indicates scope and delimitation of research (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-5),
f. cites benefits and beneficiaries of research (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-6), and
g. presents written statement of the problem (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-7).

Learning Objectives:

After studying this module, you will be able to:

a. identify the steps in designing a research project,

b. determine the guidelines in writing a research title,
c. craft a research project related to daily life, and
d. formulate a research title

1 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The reason why researcher has to examine literature as a technique in narrowing down the
research topic is:
A. it is already edited.
B. it is an excellent source of ideas.
C. it is abundant in the library and in the internet.
D. it can be copied so that researchers do not need to work a lot.

2. One of the following is NOT a good contributor of ideas in research.

A. people who aspire to do research study
B. people who are knowledgeable about the topic
C. people who have opposing views about the research
D. people whose opinions may differ from the researcher

3. One of the following research topics below needs to be narrowed down.

A. Menace of Terrorism in Mindanao
B. HIV: Causes, Prevention and Cure
C. Global Warming and Greenhouse Effect
D. Body Tattooing as an Art in the Philippines

4. An example to this source of research topic is a blog.

A. Replication C. Wide Reading/Critical Film Viewing
B. Social Networking D. Lectures, Talks, Seminars

5. Researchers should avoid controversial topic because:

A. it lacks focus along the process.
B. it is prone to opinions of the subject.
C. it requires thorough and extensive reading.
D. there are no available materials as source of information to support it.

6. A broad research topic should be :

A. narrowed down
B. converted into a broader topic.
C. supported with extensive reading and investigation.
D. challenging to the researcher as it needs more sources.

7. In research, this is the answerable inquiry of a specific concern or issue.

A. Research question
B. Significance of the study
C. scope and delimitation
D. Research Title

8. This is a statement containing the main point, main idea or central message of the paper.
A. Conceptual framework
B. Significance of the study
C. Thesis statement
D. Statement of the problem
2 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3
9. It contains the explanation of what information or subject is being analyzed following the
limitation of the study.
A. Research design
B. Scope of the study
C. Research title
D. Thesis statement

10. This is where the purpose of the study is highlighted indicating the key reasons of doing
A. Significance of the study
B. Research objectives
C. Scope of the study
D. Rationale

11. One of the components of a research question that provides enough specifics that one’s
audience can easily understand its purpose without needing additional explanation.
A. Complex
B. Clear
C. Arguable
D. Brief

12. This is considered to be the ground beneath the foundation of research.

A. Statistical treatment
B. Research title
C. Research question/s
D. Scope of the study

13. This is the chapter where the significance of the study is particularly indicated.
A. Chapter 1
B. Chapter 2
C. Chapter 3
D. Chapter 4

14. This is one of the components of a research objective which is expressed in the fewest
possible words.
A. Complex
B. Concise
C. Goal-driven
D. Clear

15. You cannot formulate questions unless you have already identified your:
A. references.
B. research topic.
C. research design.
D. audience.

3 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3


What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned:

● The types of qualitative research are Phenomenology, Case Study, Ethnography,

Content and Discourse Analysis, Grounded Theory

● Qualitative research is important to the fields of education, technical communication,

psychology, advertising, social work, marketing and international business.

● Your knowledge about the kinds of qualitative research and the fields where they are
of significance are preparatory to our next lesson.

What’s New

Directions: From among the list, choose what you want to build, accomplish, create or make.
Then determine the materials that you need in order to accomplish it.

List of choices:
House Cake
Car Dress
Bag others, please specify

Your answer here:

I decided to make a ________

In making this, I need these materials: _________________________________

What Is It

Designing a research is similar to making a house, car, bag, dress, cake, etc. which needs
appropriate materials and necessary process or steps to follow. Then, you have to consider
whether what you intend to make or invent has significance to you as a person. Otherwise, your
efforts will not be put to use.

4 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

In designing your qualitative research, you have to consider whether the topic you have
chosen is relevant to you as a learner, as a constituent in your barangay, and as a citizen of this

Therefore, the first question you should answer is, “What is the issue, phenomenon or
problem in my school, at home, and in the community that needs my special attention by
conducting a research?”

1. In School
Based on observation, what are the issues and problems I encounter inside
the classroom? Is it the lesson, teachers, learners’ attitude and hindrances to

2. At Home
Considering my life on a daily basis, what are the things that bother me at

3. In the Community
What are the usual complaints of my neighbor regarding ordinances,
practices and activities in the barangay? Or, what are the situations in my
community that need to be improved?

Once you have decided on area where you can focus on, you need to remember
the design of the qualitative research you will venture into.

Design of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is an emergent design which means that it emerges as you make
ongoing decisions about what you have learned.

As a design, qualitative research requires researcher’s decision-making like how to gather

data, from where and whom to collect, when to gather, and for how long is the process will be.

To have a holistic picture of qualitative research project, you have to remember that in
deciding on a topic, you have to consider the kind and the field it belongs, as well as its relevance
to your daily life.

What’s More

Directions: Determine whether the topic listed below are directly relevant to you. Mark (/) if
they are, and (X) if not, on the blank provided before the number.

1. Ups and downs of the Spanish Government

2. Struggles of novice teachers in Department of Education
3. Parenting styles of the American people
4. Utilization of gadgets among students

5 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

5. Study habits of honor students
6. Time management practices among senior high school students
7. Signs and symptoms of depression among teenagers
8. How to avoid contamination of Novel Coronavirus
9. Learning style preferences of senior high school students
10. The life of kings and queens of royal families

What I Have Learned

Directions: Answer the questions below.

1. What is the first consideration in choosing a topic for research?

2. How do you know that the topic you have chosen is related to you?
3. Give at least three examples of topics that are observable in your community,
school, and community.

What I Can Do

Directions: Cite at least two issues, concerns or problems that you have encountered in the
different domains. Then, choose one which interests you the most as your focus for
your research project.

A. The problems, issues, and concerns I encountered:

a. In school
1. __________
2. __________

b. At home
1. __________
2. __________

c. In the community
1. __________
2. __________

I would like to focus on:

d. Domain (Home, School, Community): ______________________________
e. Issue/problem/concern: ______________________________
f. Kind of qualitative research: ______________________________
g. Special field of qualitative research: ______________________________

6 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3



What’s In

From the past lesson, you have learned that:

● Research project should be related to daily life.

● Relevance of the research project to you can be determined by considering the different
domains of your experiences like home, school and community.

● Alongside its relevance to daily life, the kind of qualitative research you will focus and the
specific field it belongs must be considered as well.

What’s New

Reduce Me!

Directions: Reduce the following general term to its specific equivalent. The purpose of this activity
is to show you how a certain portion/piece of something can be taken out from the
whole or group it belongs. The first one, as an example, is done for you.
Whole Portion/Piece
1. A layer of Cake Slice of cake
2. A Case of soda
3. One section of students
4. Bunch of bananas
5. 1 sack of rice

What is It

The activity you have just accomplished is similar to the process you will undergo in
choosing a research topic and eventually in formulating your research title. You have to start from
general view of the subject and proceed to its specific spectrum.
To do it, you will learn how to determine your research topic as we discuss the Guidelines
in Choosing a Topic, Topics to be Avoided, Sources of Research Topics, Examples of Research
Topics and their Sources, and How to Narrow Down a Research Topic.

7 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

Guidelines in Choosing a Topic

1. Interest in the subject matter

You are interested about the topic because you have experienced it.

2. Availability of information
It is important that when you decide on a topic, sources of information are available.

3. Timeliness and relevance of the topic

The topic you have chosen can be of significance to the community.

4. Limitations on the subject

Sometimes, topic is limited to what the teacher suggests. An example of this is when the
teacher asks the entire class to focus on COVID-19 pandemic, then you have no freedom
to explore other topics aside from what is given.

5. Personal resources
Consider also if you can finish the research in terms of your intellectual and financial
physical capabilities.
Topics to be Avoided

1. Controversial topics
Avoid highly opinionated topics.

2. Highly technical subjects

Too technical topics requires expertise. If you don’t have enough knowledge about it, then
look for another one.

3. Hard-to-investigate subjects
Unavailability of reading materials and materials that are not updated make the subject
hard to investigate.
4. Too broad subjects
You lack focus if you deal with broad topics. The remedy is to narrow it down.
5. Too narrow subject
Some subjects are too narrow that extensive and thorough reading are required.

6. Vague subjects
Titles that start with indefinite adjectives such as several, many, some, etc., make the topic
Sources of Research Topics

1. Mass media communication-television, newspaper, ads, radio, films, etc.

2. Books, internet, journals, government publications
3. Professional periodicals- specialized periodicals in different fields
4. General periodicals- Reader’s Digest, Time Magazine, Women’s Magazine, etc.
5. Previous readings
6. Work experience

8 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

Examples of Research Topics and their Sources

Possible Area of Research Source Topic

1. Social Problems Magazines, journals, social Cyberbullying and coping
media, books, newspapers, mechanisms among senior high
school students
2. Wide Reading/Critical Varied reading materials- books, SONA as information campaign of
Film Viewing journals, magazines, newspaper, the President’s programs and
videos and documentaries projects

3. Social Networking Social Media: Facebook, Functionality of social media

Instagram, Twitter among students during the
4. Replication of research Compilation of research in the Inadequacies of private schools in
library the K to 12 implementations

5. Gray Areas about Lectures, Talks, Seminars The fallacy about COVID-
issues, phenomena, 19 vaccines

How to Narrow Down a Topic

1. You can narrow down the topic by exploring and extending the explanation of a theory.
2. Talk over ideas with people who know research.
3. Focus on specific group. Ex: Students, Mothers, Teachers
4. Define the aim or desired outcome of the study.
a. Is the study exploratory, explanatory, or descriptive?
b. Is the study applied or basic?

Before deciding on your topic, ask:

1. What areas are not yet explored that I want to investigate?

2. Is my research useful to me, to my school, to my family and to my community?

Remember, a research study must be significant enough to make it worth your

efforts as the researcher.

Example of a Broad Topic Narrowed Down to Specific One

General Concept: Early Pregnancy
Narrow: Early Pregnancy among Senior High School Students
Narrow: Prevention of Early Pregnancy among Senior High School Students

More Examples of broad and specific topics:

Broad Specific
Lack of Self-esteem Lack of Self-Esteem among Introverts: Remedies and
Drug Addiction Health Hazards of Vaping: Prevention and Intervention
Suicide Suicidal Teenagers in Urban Areas: A Case Study
COVID-19 Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of COVID-19

9 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

Now, we will tackle how you will formulate your research title.

⮚ Research title is the most important element of your research as it clearly expresses the
problem to be explored.

⮚ A research title capsulizes the main thought or idea of the whole research paper. It also
reflects the variables under study.

⮚ It is expressed in few words possible and just enough to describe the contents and the
purpose of your research.

⮚ It needs to be informative.

⮚ It contains the:
● What: the subject matter or topic to be investigated
● Where: place or locale where the research is to be conducted
● Who: the participants of respondents of the study
● When: the time period of the conduct of the study


● Struggles in Online Learning Modality among Students of Quezon National High School
during School Year 2021-2021

What: Struggles in Online Learning Modality

Where: Quezon National High School
Who: Students
When: School Year 2021-2021

● Less Mastered Competencies of Senior High School Students in Bukidnon during School
Year 2020-2021

What: Less Mastered Competencies

Where: Bukidnon
Who: Senior High School Students
When: School Year 2020-2021

In qualitative research, it is not necessary to complete the data on what, where, who, and
when in the title. Consider the research titles below.

● Study Habits of Senior High School Students in Public Schools of Bukidnon

● Understanding the Academic Journey of Senior High School Students
● The Pulse of the People on the Leadership Style of President Rodrigo R. Duterte
● Phenomenology of Pioneering Senior High School Students in Private Schools
● Body Tattoo: Is it an Art?

10 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

What’s More

A. Directions: Put ( / ) if the topic is already narrow and X if broad.

1. Preferred Learning Styles of Quezon National High School HUMSS Students
2. Parenting Styles and Its Impact
3. Reducing Weight is Difficult
4. Obesity among Toddlers in Rural Areas of Region 10
5. Solo Parents’ Rights and Responsibilities

B. Directions: Narrow down the following research topics:

1. Study Habits of Working Students

2. Students’ Preferred Learning Styles

3. Senior High School exits: higher education, employment, and entrepreneurship

4. Senior High School Journey

5. Senior High School Academic Subjects

What I Have Learned

Directions: Answer the questions below.

1. What are the guidelines in choosing a research topic?
2. What are the possible sources of research topics?
3. How do you know that a research topic is to be avoided?
4. Why do you need to narrow down a broad research topic?
5. How do you narrow down a research topic?

What I Can Do

A. Directions: Think of an appropriate research topic that is relevant to you as a Senior High
School student or simply as a citizen of this country. Start from a broad concept, then narrow
it down.

1. Research Topic 1
⮚ Broad Topic: _________________________________________
⮚ Narrowed Topic: _________________________________________

11 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

2. Research Topic 2
⮚ Broad Topic: _________________________________________
⮚ Narrowed Topic: _________________________________________

B. Directions: Write a title of the research topic you stated above. Then, supply the information
on what, where, who, and when.

Title of Research 1: ______________________________________________________

⮚ What: _______________________________________________
⮚ Where: _______________________________________________
⮚ Who: _______________________________________________
⮚ When: _______________________________________________

Title of Research 2: ______________________________________________________

⮚ What: _______________________________________________
⮚ Where: _______________________________________________
⮚ Who: _______________________________________________
⮚ When: _______________________________________________




Introduction of the Lesson

Take pride as we begin this session. From the previous lesson, you have already
identified the significant topic that you want to accomplish in your research. And for that,
I say, KUDOS! Since you have already stated your research title, you are guided on the
things that you will do in your paper. However, identifying your audiences, scope and
objectives will give you a complete picture of your paper’s direction.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned how to design a research project and
identify topics based on your interests. You are also introduced to some red flags in

12 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

choosing a topic in order for you to avoid them. Further, the following are the important
concepts that you need to remember from the previous lesson:

⮚ Qualitative research is an inquiry process of understanding a social or human

problem based on building a complex holistic picture formed with words, reporting
detailed views of informants and conducted in a natural setting (Creswell, 1994).
⮚ Participant Observation, Observation, In-depth interviewing , Focus Group
Interviewing , Content Analysis , Narratology and Films are the kinds of data
utilized for Qualitative Research
⮚ A research title capsulizes the main thought or idea of the whole research paper.
It also reflects the variables under study

What’s New

Consider yourself as the speaker No.1. Answers are already provided but you need to
think of the question to complete the conversation.

Note: The question succeeding the given answer is connected to each other.

Where do you usually go
during weekdays? School

What do you like best Learning activities

about school?

You try:


Prose and poetry

13 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

Very good! You have completed the first activity. What are your considerations in deciding
on your questions? Please write your thoughts here:


What is It

Formulating Research Questions

The questions that you ask in your research will determine the data that you want
to have, answer, and specify in Chapter 4. Hence, it is a crucial stage to attain your
research objective. Research questions help writers focus their research by providing a
path through the research and writing process. You should ask a question about an issue
that you are genuinely curious and/or passionate about. The question you ask should be
developed for the discipline you are studying. A question directed towards Literature, for
instance, is different from an appropriate one in Mathematics to Biology.

Let’s get into the details

A research question is an answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue. It is

the initial step in a research project. The research question is the first active step in the
research project. Let us use this metaphor--the research project is a house. Your data
collection forms the walls, and your hypothesis that guides your data collection is the
foundation. So, what is the research question? It is the ground beneath the foundation. It
is what everything in a research project is built on. Without a question, you can't have a
hypothesis. Without the hypothesis, you won't know how to study what you're interested

A research question forms the base of where you are going, so we have to write a
good research question. If your foundation is built on something shifty, like a house built
on sand, then everything following that will be about correcting that initial issue instead of
on making an awesome home/research project.

Writing a Research Question

Writing a good research question means you have something you want to study.
Let's say you're interested in the effects of television. We will examine the steps and then
look at how you could write a research question.

14 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

✔ Specify your specific concern or issue
✔ Decide what you want to know about the specific concern or issue
✔ Turn what you want to know and the specific concern into a question
✔ Ensure that the question is answerable
✔ Check to make sure the question is not too broad or too narrow
✔ This is the basic process in writing a research question. Writing a good
question will result in a better research project.

A research question should be (from the Writing Center of George Mason


✔ Clear. It provides enough specifics that one’s audience can easily understand its
purpose without needing additional explanation.

✔ Focused. It is narrow enough that it can be answered thoroughly in the space the
writing task allows.

✔ Concise. It is expressed in the fewest possible words.

✔ Complex. It is not answerable with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but rather requires
synthesis and analysis of ideas and sources prior to composition of an answer.

✔ Arguable. Its potential answers are open to debate rather than accepted facts.

Please check for the following examples for reference:

Unclear: How should social networking sites address the harm they cause?

Clear: What action should social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook
take to protect users’ personal information and privacy?

The unclear version of this question doesn’t specify which social networking sites
or suggests what kind of harm the sites might be causing. It also assumes that this
‘harm’ the
Writing is proven
Thesisand/or accepted.
Every paper youWhat is the
write effect
should on the
have environment
a main from global
point, a main warming?
idea, or central message.
The argument(s) you make in your paper should reflect this main idea. The sentence that
Focused: What is the most significant effect of glacial melting on the lives of
captures your position on this main idea is what we call a thesis statement.
penguins in Antarctica?.
A thesis statement focuses your ideas into one or two sentences. It should present
The unfocused research question is so broad that it couldn’t be adequately
the topic of your paper and also make a comment about your position in relation to the
answered in a book length piece. While the focused version narrows down to a
topic. Your thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper is about and also help
specific effect of global warming, a specific place and a specific animal that is
guide your writing and keep your argument focused.

15 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

You should provide a thesis early in your essay -- in the introduction, or in longer
essays in the second paragraph -- in order to establish your position and give your reader
a sense of direction.

Tip: In order to write a successful thesis statement:

A. Avoid burying a great thesis statement in the middle of a paragraph or late in

the paper.
B. Be as clear and as specific as possible; avoid vague words.
C. Indicate the point of your paper but avoid sentence structures like, “The point
of my paper is…”

Please see these examples on how to improve your thesis:

Original thesis:

There are serious objections to today's horror movies.

Revised theses:

Because modern cinematic techniques have allowed filmmakers to get more

graphic, horror flicks have desensitized young American viewers to violence.

The pornographic violence in "bloodbath" slasher movies degrades both men and

Today's slasher movies fail to deliver the emotional catharsis that 1930s horror
films did.

Tips in Writing Clear Thesis:

Your thesis statement is no exception to your writing: it needs to be as clear as possible.

By being as clear as possible in your thesis statement, you will make sure that your reader
understands exactly what you mean.

Tip: In order to be as clear as possible in your writing:

✔ Unless you're writing a technical report, avoid technical language. Always avoid
jargon, unless you are confident your audience will be familiar with it.
✔ Avoid vague words such as "interesting,” "negative, "exciting,” "unusual," and
✔ Avoid abstract words such as "society," “values,” or “culture.”

16 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3



The scope of study in your research paper contains the explanation of what
information or subject is being analyzed. It is followed by an explanation of the limitation
of the research. Research usually limited in scope by sample size, time and geographic
area; while the delimitation of study is the description of the scope of study. It will explain
why definite aspects of a subject were chosen and why other were excluded. It also
mentions the research method used as well as the certain theories applied to the data.


Writing a research paper has its purpose-- may it be for you (as a researcher) or
even for others. That is why, you need to identify the key reason/s why you are taking a
step forward and make your query into a formal writing. In this stage, your ‘WHYs’ and
‘HOWs’ will be answered and explained. Before taking this step, read the following notes:

Tips in Writing the Significance of the Study (Regoniel, 2015)

A. Refer to the statement of the problem

Your problem statement can guide you in identifying the specific contribution of
your study. You can do this by observing a one-to-one correspondence between the
statement of the problem and the significance of the study.

For example, if you ask the question ‘Is there a significant relationship between the
teacher’s teaching style and the students’ long quiz scores in Mathematics?’ then the
contribution of your research would probably be a teaching style or styles that can
help students perform better in Mathematics. Your research will demonstrate that
teaching style really works. That could be a groundbreaking approach that will change
the way teachers teach Mathematics which students are hesitant of.

B. Write from general to specific contribution

Write the significance of the study by looking into the general contribution of your
study, such as its importance to society as a whole, then proceed downwards--towards
its contribution to individuals and that may include yourself as a researcher. You start off
broadly then taper off gradually to a specific group or person.

17 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

Sample Significance of the Study

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will underscore to the benefit of society considering
that mathematics play an important role in science and technologies today. The greater
demand for graduates with Mathematics background justifies the need for more
effective, life changing teaching approaches. Thus, schools that apply the
recommended approach derived from the results of this study will be able to train
students better. Administrators will be guided on what should be emphasized by
teachers in the school curriculum to improve students’ performance in Mathematics.
For the researcher, the study will help them uncover critical areas in the educational
process that many researchers were not able to explore. Thus, a new theory on
learning mathematics may be arrived at.

What’s More

Given the notes on writing research questions, formulate three (3) research
questions from your research title on the previous lesson. Indicate your thesis statement
to guide you in making clear, focused and concise questions.

Title: ____________________________________________________________

Thesis Statement: __________________________________________________



Research Questions:




18 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

What I Have Learned

A. In writing a research question, I should consider the following:

(Enumerate the components)


B. In writing the Significance of the Study, one should follow these tips:


C. How does the significance of the study help in presenting a clear picture of your


What I Can Do

Revise the following thesis statements to establish a clear position:

1. The government has taken precautionary measures against Novel Corona Virus


19 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

2. A person infected with Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) has noticeable symptoms


3. How can we prevent the contraction of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)?


Rubrics for Thesis Statement Writing

( Adopted from

20 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3


Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Researchers need to examine literature from published articles because they: __

A. are excellent source of ideas.
B. are already edited.
C. can be copied so that researchers do not need to work a lot.
D. are abundant in the library and on the internet.

2. These people are good sources of ideas about a research study, EXCEPT those:
A. Who aspire to do research study?
B. Who are knowledgeable about the topic?
C. Who have opposing views about the research?
D. Whose opinions may differ from the researcher?

3. One of the following is a broad topic for research.

A. Film Industry in the Philippines
B. HIV: Causes, Prevention and Cure
C. Aftermath of Terrorism in Maguindanao
D. Body Tattooing as a Form of Art in the Philippines

4. An example to this source of research topic is the symposium on drug addiction.

A. Replication C. Wide Reading/Critical Film Viewing
B. Social Networking D. Lectures, Talks, Seminars

5. Controversial topic should be avoided because it _______________.

A. lacks focus in along the process.
B. is prone to opinions of the subject.
C. requires thorough and extensive reading.
D. has no available materials to support it.

6. The remedy to a broad research topic is to:

A. narrow it down.
B. make it even broader.
C. do extensive reading and investigation on it.
D. challenge oneself to finish it in whatever means.

7. In research, this will be your guide in identifying the specific contribution of your
A. Hypothesis
B. Research topic
C. Problem statement

21 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

8. Significance of the study. This is one component of a research question that is
narrow enough to be answered thoroughly in the space the writing task allows.
A. clear
B. complex
C. Focused
D. Content-driven

9. Choose a clear thesis statement from the following:

Research Topic: Vegetarianism and its benefits
A. People practice vegetarianism for five major benefits it provides them.
B. The reasons why people practice vegetarianism are varied.
C. Vegetarianism is an essential practice.
D. Vegetarianism as a healthy lifestyle.

10. In writing the significance of the study, the researcher should follow this format.
A. general to specific contribution
B. specific to general contribution
C. direct to specific contribution
D. none of the above

11. One of the components of a research question that provides enough specifics that
one’s audience can easily understand its purpose without needing additional
A. Complex
B. Clear
C. Arguable
D. Concise

12. Choose a statement below to translate this unclear research question to a specific
Unclear: How should social networking sites address the harm they cause?
A. What action should social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook take to
protect users’ personal information and privacy?
B. What are the steps to eliminate harm caused by social networking sites?
C. Why do social networking sites a contributory factor for teenager’s
psychological struggles?
D. How to minimize the disadvantages of social networking sites?

13. The scope of the study is particularly indicated in what chapter?

A. Chapter 1
B. Chapter 2
C. Chapter 3
D. Chapter 4

22 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

14. You cannot formulate questions unless you have already identified your:
A. References
B. Research topic
C. Research design
D. Significance of the Study

15. Research is usually limited in scope by the following except for:

A. sample size.
B. time.
C. culture.
D. theme.

Additional Activities

Directions: Given the following research topics, identify the scope of the study:
1. Bullying cases among Grade 7 students of ABC Academy


2. Senior High School students’ perception towards the integration of technology in

the classroom

3. Difference of the 3rd and 4th quarter Science grades of Grade 5 pupils


23 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3 24
What I have Learned
1. The first consideration in choosing a research topic is its relevance to the
2. The research topic is relevant to me if it is about the issue, phenomenon
or problem in my school, at home, and in the community that needs my
special attention by conducting a research.
3. Answers may vary.
What I Can Do
Answers may vary.
Lesson 1
What’s New
Answers may vary.
What’s More
1. X
2. X
3. X
4. /
5. /
6. /
7. /
8. /
9. /
10. X
Key to Answers
Let’s Check!!!
CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3 25
Lesson 2
What’s New
Suggested Answers
Whole Portion/Piece
1. A layer of Cake slice of cake
2. A Case of soda a bottle of soda
3. Bowl of soup spoonful of soup
4. Bunch of bananas a piece of banana
5. 1 sack of rice a salmon of rice
What’s More
1. /
2. X
3. X
4. /
5. /
Answers may vary.
What I Have Learned
1. The guidelines in choosing a research topic are Interest in the subject matter, availability
of information, timeliness and relevance of the topic, limitations on the subject, and
personal resources.
2. The possible sources of research topics are mass media communication-television,
newspaper, ads, radio, films, etc., books, internet, journals, government publications,
professional periodicals- specialized periodicals in different fields, general periodicals-
Reader’s Digest, Time Magazine, Women’s Magazine, etc., previous readings, and work
3. A topic is to avoided if it is controversial, highly technical subjects, hard-to-investigate
subject, too broad subjects, too narrow subject, and vague subjects
4. We need to narrow down a broad research topic so that it can be attainable in a specified
target timeline.
5. We can narrow down a research topic by exploring and extending the explanation of a theory,
talking over ideas with people who know research, focusing on specific group, and defining
the aim or desired outcome of the study.
What I Can Do
Answers may vary.
Assessment (Post-test)


Regoniel, Patrick A. (2015). Two tips on how to write a significance of the study. from

The Writing Center. George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA, 22030

University of Illinois: Center for Writing Studies: 288 English Building, 608 S. Wright St.,
Urbana, IL 61801

Baraceros, Esther L. 2016. Practical Research 1.First Edition. Sampaloc, Metro Manila:
Rex Book Store.

Naval, Victoria 2017. Practical Research for Senior High School. Cubao,
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing House

26 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 3

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