Chapter Two: The Geology of Ethiopia and The Horn: Pangaea Split in To Gondwanaland Where

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Chapter Two: The Geology of Ethiopia and the Horn 2021

HORN 2. The external (exogenesis) or geomorphic
2.1. Introduction processes:

Geology is an Earth science that studies  They include weathering, mass transfer,
the evolution of the earth, the materials of erosion and deposition.
which it is made of, and the processes  They act modifying, roughening and
acting upon them. lowering them down.
The earth’s continents were once bunched 2.3. The Geological Time Scale and Age Dating
up together in to a single huge continent Techniques
called Pangaea.
Pangaea split in to Gondwanaland where  The geologic time scale (GTS) is a
Africa is a part and Laurasia
system of chronological dating that
Australian Climatologist Alfred Wegener
proposed the hypothesis that the classifies geological strata (stratigraphy)
continents were once assembled together in time.
as a supercontinent, called the Continental  The history is divided in to Eras. Each Era
drift Theory. is divided into periods.
 The Earth is geological believed to have
been formed approximately 4.5 billion
Wegener‟s principal observations were:
years ago
 Fit of the continents  Geological time divisions basically based on
 Match of mountain belts, rock types occurrence of significant geological events.
 Distribution of fossils likes:
 Paleoclimates:
 The relative position of land and sea
2.2. The Geologic Processes: Endogenic and
 The kind of climate
Exogenic Forces
 The kind of animal and plant life
 Geology studies how Earth's materials, Geological time scale involves four main units:
structures, processes and organisms have
 Epoch: the smallest unit of time
changed over time. These processes are
 Period: epochs are clumped together into
divided into two major groups: internal
larger units.
and external processes
 Era: Periods are combined together and
1. The internal processes (endogenic): make it.
 Eon: the largest period of geological
 volcanic activity time.
 Tectonic processes (faulting)
 Orogenesis processes (folding or Age Dating Techniques
mountain building)
There are two major techniques in age dating:
 Epeirogenesis (slow rising and sinking of
the landmass). Relative dating

Chapter Two: The Geology of Ethiopia and the Horn 2021

 It is putting events or objects in chronological  Orogenesis: intense folding (gigantic

order without using actual date or ages mountains)
 Estimate whether an object is younger or  Intrusive igneous activity: formation of
older than other things found at the site. huge mountain ranges
 Relative dating does not offer specific dates, it
simply allows to determine if one artifact, 2. The Paleozoic Era & Geologic events
fossil, or stratigraphic layer is older than  600-225m years ago.
another.  Denudation: gigantic mountains were
subjected to intense and prolonged erosion.
 Peneplained: sediments of gigantic
Absolute dating mountain were transported southward to
form continental deposits (in Africa) and
 It is the process of finding a numeric age of
eastward (marine deposits in Indian
rocks or fossils using radiometric dating
 Provide more specific origin dates and time
 In Ethiopia, rocks belonging to this Era are
ranges, such as an age range in years.
rare due to denudation.
 How specific these dates can be will depend
on what method is used.
3. The Mesozoic Era Geologic Processes
The two major radiometric techniques are:
 225-70 million years ago.
 Carbon-14 Technique
 Alternatively & slows sinking and rising
 Potassium-Argon Technique
There are three period in Mesozoic era
1. Carbon-14 Technique
A. Triassic Period
 Used to date organic remains.
 Land sank from South East to North
 By measuring the carbon-14 in organic
West led to sea transgression to land
material, scientists can determine the date
then form Adigrat Sand Stones (1st
of death of the organic matter
B. Jurassic Period
2. Potassium-Argon Technique
 The sea depth increase; formed Hintalo
 Allow much older samples to be dated.
lime stones.
 Potassium is common in rocks and
C. Cretaceous period
minerals, allowing many samples
 The land up lift to South East direction
of geochronological or archeological intere
the sea was regression formed upper
st to be dated.
sand stone.
 Mesozoic sedimentary rocks cover 25%
2.4. Geological Processes & Landforms of
of the land mass of the country. Those
Ethiopia and the Horn
have the greatest potential for oil and
1. The Precambrian Era & Geologic Processes gas deposits.
4. The Cenozoic Era Geologic Processes
 4.5 billion - 600 million years ago.  70 million years ago – Present
 Covers 5/6th of the Earth’s history  The Cenozoic Era is the most recent
The major geologic event of the Precambrian geologic Eras.
Era  The tectonic and volcanic activities that
 Crystalline/basement rocks: were formed took place in this Era

Chapter Two: The Geology of Ethiopia and the Horn 2021

ridges and Thermal springs, fumaroles

There are two periods in Cenozoic Era etc.
A. Tertiary Period  Climate change and Quaternary
 Lava Flow (Volcano) and Mountain: deposition
uplifting of the Arabo-Ethiopian landmass  Climate change brought pluvial rain
and outpouring of lava flood with cooler and wet periods in Africa.
 Rift Valley was formed: The movement of  Most parts of Africa covered by Ice
the crust in opposite directions producing Age.
tensional forces that caused parallel  The heavy Pluvial Rains eroded the
fractures or faults known as Rift Valley Ethiopian plateau and the eroded
 Afar Triangle: widest part of the Rift materials were deposited in the Rift
Valley (200-300 km). The Red Sea, the Valley lakes.
Gulf of Aden, and the East African  Lastly, the Pluvial Rains replaced by
System meet at the triangular depression dry climate and evaporation that led to
of the Afar. extinct of great lakes and life from Rift
 Kobar Sink: lies about 125 meters below Valley.
sea level. 2.5. Rock and Mineral Resources of Ethiopia
 metallic minerals in Ethiopia is associated
The Spatial Extent of the Rift Valley with the Precambrian
The Ethiopian Rift Valley is part of the 2.5.1. Brief Facts and Current State of Main
Great East African Rift system and the most Minerals in Ethiopia
unstable part of the country (numerous hot  Geological surveys proved that Ethiopia has
springs, fumorales, active volcanoes, abundant mineral resources of metals and
geysers, and frequent earthquakes) precious metals, coal, and industrial minerals.
From Palestine-Jordan up to Malawi- Gold: Metekel, Adola, Sakoro, Lega-dembi,
Shakiso, Akobo, Wondo, Borena, Sherkole,
Mozambique 7,200 kms.
5,600 kms in Africa and 1,700 kms in
Platinum: Yubdo and Delatti in Wellega, Tullu
Eritrea and Ethiopia. Mountain area in Sidama etc
Tantalum: Adola , Kenticha, Nedjo (Wellega),
B. Quaternary Period Chilga (Gonder), Ankober, Sululta, Muger, Aletu
 Quaternary Volcanic Eruptions /Aden , Debrelibanos, Didessa, Wuchalle, Chuliga,
series include: Borkena etc.
 Recent volcanic activities after the Gemstones: (including amethyst, aquamarine,
formation of the Rift Valley. Limited to emerald, garnet, opal, peridot, sapphire, and
the floor of the Rift Valley. tourmaline). Wadla and Dalanta, woredas in
Oromia and North Wello in Amhara
 Dubi, Erta Ale, Afrera etc. Of these,
Potash: Danakil (Dallol Depression)
Erta Ale
Gypsum and Anhydrite: Ogaden, Shewa,
 Volcanic hills and mountains, some of
Gojjam, Tigray, and Hararghe
which are semi-dormant (Fantale, Clay: Adola, Abay, Hawassa
Boseti-Gouda near Adama, Aletu north Marble: Mekelle, Adwa, Soka, Gonder,
of Lake Ziway, Chebbi north of Lake Benishangul-Gumuz and Gojjam
Hawassa etc.). Construction stones: Dire Dawa , Muger, Abay,
 Extensive lava fields and lava sheets: Messebo
some of which are very recent Lava


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