Towards Sustainable Urban Transportation Case Studies: R. M. R. Hussein

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering

Vol:7, No:9, 2013

Towards Sustainable Urban Transportation

Case Studies
R. M. R. Hussein

to the environmental and public health impact. Public transport

Abstract—Climate change is one of the greatest environmental, always seems to take second place to the car.
economic, and social challenges of our time. Urban transportation has Trends such as a continuous outward expansion of
had a major negative impact on our environment—most of our air development, unsustainable ways to deal with transportation
pollution comes from transport.
and the ever-increasing need for more transportation capacity
This paper explores ways to move toward a more sustainable
transport system by focusing on creating a more efficient and livable
threaten both the sustainability and the livability of our urban
city and improving the environmental efficiency of transport activity. environment.
The analytical study covers some international examples of applying So this paper answers the following questions:
sustainable transportation and uses them to suggest a frame work to – What is the meaning of sustainable transportation and what
International Science Index, Transport and Vehicle Engineering Vol:7, No:9, 2013

develop the transportation system in Egypt to be sustainable and more are its major applications?
intelligent. – What are the principles of sustainable transportation?
– How have cities applied the concept of sustainable
Keywords—Eco-efficiency, electric vehicle, liveable city,
transportation on their urban environment?
sustainable transportation.


This paper develops guidelines for sustainable
T RANSPORTATION is an essential part of urban design
and in the functioning of livable cities. There are a number
of beneficial forms of green transportation that support and
transportation, specifically in Cairo. This is achieved through a
combination of sub-objectives as follows:
enhance walkable urbanism. These green transportation – Use smart alternative ways of transportation to achieve
sustainability of the built environment.
options make our lives easier, reduce congestion, reduce our
– Create communities that are livable, walkable, and
dependence on cars and oil, are safer and less costly, help save
sustainable, while raising the quality of life.
the planet, and make life more efficient. This paper assesses – Make smart transportation by the improvement of urban
Cairo’s transportation problems Egypt currently faces and transportation.
gives an overview of the sustainable transportation strategies, – Develop the visual image of cities by highlighting the
by focusing on international case studies that have applied importance of sustainable transportation, to consider the
sustainable transportation systems on their urban environment. operations of urban design, and to provide an attractive and
This paper highlights the frame work that integrates technology safe urban environment for all users.
and intelligence into the transportation infrastructure and – Provide a solution for a sustainability framework that will
provides orientation for transport planners and policy makers allow people to quickly and easily move about our cities
who wish to promote sustainable urban mobility in their cities. without continuing to pump the amount of dangerous CO2.
Following that, it offers recommendations for the Egyptian – Make transportation options such as walking, biking, and
context to make its transportation systems more sustainable, transit safer and more convenient, and neighborhoods
efficient, and safe. more livable, walkable, and connected.
– Transform from a life based on fossil fuels to a future
II. RESEARCH PROBLEM based on renewable energy.
The city in the 21st century faces major challenges,
including rapid urbanism, wasteful consumption of resources,
transportation congestion, and environmental degradation. This paper assumes that by applying green intelligent
The problem of constant traffic congestion is quite serious; transportation systems cities can achieve sustainable urban
cities around the world are being wrecked by the design processes and create livable cities.
ever-increasing burden of traffic. A significant part of the
problem is the enduring popularity of the private car—still an V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
attractive and convenient option to many, who turn a blind eye The paper explores the concept of sustainable urban
transportation from theoretical, analytical, and practical
viewpoints aiming for sustainability. It seeks to identify the
R. M. R. Hussein was with Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering,
basic features of sustainable urban transportation. Next, it
Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. (phone: 00201060147050; e-mail: analyzes how the concepts of international case studies were
[email protected]).

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
Vol:7, No:9, 2013

developed and explores a practical approach toward sustainable transportation has been to increase the traffic across all
transportation systems. Finally, it suggests a set of types of transport between urban centers, and charged
recommendations to develop the urban transportation system. demands for increased speed, security, and reliability.
4. Pervasive information and communications technology”
“New urbanism promotes the creation and restoration of
diverse, walkable, vibrant, mixed-use communities composed IX. THE SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION
of the same components as conventional developments but “Transportation plays a key role in the global economy and
assembled in a more integrated fashion, in the form of complete in the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable
communities. Such communities contain housing, work places, development. Sustainable transportation can define as The use
shops, entertainment, schools, parks, and civic facilities of renewable resources, minimizes consumption of
essential to the daily lives of the residents, all within easy non-renewable resources, reuses and recycles its components,
walking distance of each other. New urbanism promotes the reduce carbon emissions on all transport modes and minimizes
increased use of trains and light rail, instead of more highways the use of land and the production of noise” [7]. “A sustainable
and roads, minimal environmental impact of development and transport system must meet the mobility and accessibility needs
its operations, eco-friendly technologies, respect for ecology of the people by providing safe and environmentally friendly
and value of natural systems, energy efficiency, less use of modes of transportation. This is a complex and difficult task in
International Science Index, Transport and Vehicle Engineering Vol:7, No:9, 2013

finite fuels, more local production, and more walking, less the mega-cities of developing countries” [8].
driving” [1]. “Transportation systems are also considered smart when they
“Beyond urbanization, the ‘livability’ of our communities is are applied to achieve smart policy goals in the urban
an important issue that many government organizations around environment, such as lower emissions, reduced fuel
the world are attempting to address. Community livability consumption, improved safety, or economic competitiveness”
applies a refreshing approach to environmental and social [9]. “Smart/sustainable transportation is green and it is a
concerns such as traffic safety, public health, opportunities for planning and administering intelligent transportation networks.
recreation, and entertainment among others. Livability There are a number of beneficial forms of green transportation
embraces the idea that hyper-motorization erodes the social and that support and enhance walkable urbanism. These green
economic vitality of a city. Improved walking and cycling transportation options make our lives easier, reduce congestion,
conditions, transportation affordability, increased security, reduce our dependence on cars and foreign oil, are safer and
health and safety and reduced emissions will all contribute to an less costly, and help save the planet” [1].
overall improved livability in our communities” [2] .
VII. LIVEABLE CITY “Transit friendly design should support a high level of
“Many aspects of urban design and new approaches to city transit activity by encouraging alternative transportation” [10].
form are based on the concept of livability. Livability is critical
A. Transportation Alternatives
to the establishment of a sustainable community. It forms part
of the sustainability equation” [3]. “Liveable cities offer a high “The greenest and most sustainable forms of transportation
quality of life, and support the health and wellbeing of the are trains, bicycles, and walking. Some of the world's best and
people who live and work in them. Liveable cities are socially fastest trains have been in operation for more than 25 years in
inclusive, affordable, accessible and safe. They also feature Europe, and more than 40 years in Japan. These include
attractive built, and natural environments” [4]. “The idea of futuristic high-speed trains and others such as the following”
livable cities is dual—the basics need to be in place (i.e., clean [11] ;
air and water, energy, and waste management” [5]. So, liveable Trains:
cities promote the benefits of sustainable urban transportation Modern high-speed trains such as the Eurostar, the French
to move towards health, safe and attractive urban environment. TGV, Japanese bullet trains, regional trains, monorails light
rail; trams; trolleys People movers. Clean electric trains are a
VIII. THE NEED TO CHANGE OUR CURRENT TRANSPORTATION major form of daily transportation in numerous countries, and
TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY are the single most powerful transportation choice that can
solve serious mobility, energy, environmental, economic,
Sustainable and liveable cities need efficient and affordable
health, and social problems on a global scale.
solutions for local public transportation due to a range of major
High-speed rail delivers faster, more efficient mobility for
factors, such as:
less money and energy than roads and airports combined.
1. “A rapid population expansion: One of the most
well-recognized root causes of transportation system
Bicycles are the most sustainable form of transport, are the
congestion is the relentless growth of world population.
least expensive to use, are pollution-free, take up the smallest
2. Hyper-Urbanization: An increase in a population in cities
amount of space for riding and parking, and provide daily
and towns versus rural areas.
exercise for riders. Bicycling creates safer streets, reduces the
3. Globalization: The impact of globalization on
causes of global climate change, promotes a healthy

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(9) 2013 2512
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
Vol:7, No:9, 2013

environment, and limits the effects and health care costs related
to inactivity.
Scooters electric and push types are heavily used in urban
areas as daily transportation, they can reduce air pollution also.
Walkable communities allow residents to walk to services,
shopping, schools, and jobs and can reduce traffic congestion,
air pollution, and improve public health.
B. New Vehicle Technology Fig. 2 Sustainable transportation for Qatar [13]
“Governments regularly subsidize research into
technologies to improve automobile fuel efficiency. Efforts to
improve the fuel-efficiency of trucks help reduce the cost of
transportation, contribute to greater use of transport” [12].
There are many types of environmentally friendly public
transportation, such as;
Hybrid Vehicle:
International Science Index, Transport and Vehicle Engineering Vol:7, No:9, 2013

It harnesses a significant amount of the braking energy and

use 30% less fuel.
Electric Vehicle:
It can be powered largely by electricity generated from
renewable sources of energy.
Hydrogen vehicle:
A vehicle that uses hydrogen as its onboard fuel for motive
Fig. 3 Green Railway – France [13]
It is cost-effective, energy-efficient, safe and reliable. Fig. 1
Solar Cars: Future transportation must be “smart”. Smart transportation
They are powered by solar panels an can reduce air and noise should address four main challenges, as follow:
pollution. A. Eco-Efficiency
The fully automatic and driverless Avenio: low-floor tram is
“The smarter system must respect the environment, limiting
another example for environmentally friendly transportation
or inhibiting adverse impacts on it, while also using natural
with significant savings potential. Fig. 2
resources efficiently.
C. Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure
B. Mitigating Congestion and Planning Capacit
Many cities design for a livable sustainable future by
The smarter system must be able to meet a growing and
applying sustainable transportation infrastructure, it represents
dynamic demand for transportation and provide for efficiency
many forms, such as “greenways and foreshoreways, bikeways, and consistency.
busways and railways” [14]. Fig. 3
C. Ensuring Safety and Security
The smarter system must be safe for all users and must
minimize exposures to risks.
D. Empowering Transportation System Users
The smarter system must be able to deliver choices to its
users, with an array of options that cater to different user
segments, reflecting the needs of the segments” [6].


Urban transportation has a major negative impact on our
– “Worldwide: There are more than 2,500 fatalities and
50,000 injuries each day from traffic accidents. According
Fig. 1 MonoMetro as a sustainable transportation system application
to the World Health Organization, over 1 million people
die each year in motor vehicle accidents.
– The road system is unable to efficiently move the
overwhelming number of cars that clog cities daily,

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
Vol:7, No:9, 2013

resulting in constant congestion for thousands of miles XIV. PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION
across the country. Many requirements and design considerations must be taken
– Money is spent continuously expanding the road system in into account in sustainable urban transportation. There are four
an attempt to keep up with rising congestion. Governments main principles.
spend money every day constructing, fixing, and
improving roads” [15]. A. Making Transportation Sustainable
– “Cars are highly polluting; cars produce noise pollution “Making transportation more sustainable includes designing
and numerous air pollutants, and they cause a tremendous highways that work best for communities, integrating transit,
amount of permanent environmental damage in the form of bicycling, and walking into projects and employing techniques
toxic air, acid rain, crop damage, climate change, and other that reduce storm water pollutants” [19] and meeting the social
global warming events. and economic needs of the present without compromising
– Cars are totally dependent on oil, which is a finite future generations’ ability to meet their own needs.
resource” (new urbanism, sustainability).
B. Technology
– “Congestion, which creates negative economic, health,
environmental, and social impacts, and affects mobility not “New technology and innovative methods provide a more
just at the local (city) level, but also long-distance transport reliable, responsible, and sustainable transportation system.
They can conserve fuel and energy, reduce carbon emissions,
routes that go through urban areas” [15].
and protect our natural environment while keeping people and
International Science Index, Transport and Vehicle Engineering Vol:7, No:9, 2013

From the above, cities should be moved towards a more

goods moving.
sustainable transportation system.
C. Efficiency
XIII. OBJECTIVES OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION Efficiency can be achieved by making highways more
“It is widely accepted that a main goal of a sustainable urban adaptive with the ability to smooth traffic flow through the
transportation is to limit emissions and waste within the busiest choke points. We're using fewer building materials by
planet’s ability to absorb them” [2], “reduced environmental recycling and extending the lifespan of roads, bridges, and
impact” [15], “reduced traffic congestion” [16], improved air other structures.
quality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting D. Reducing the Carbon Footprint
public health. The many objectives of sustainable
Sustainable transportation helps citizens and businesses
transportation, as follow:
reduce their carbon footprints in innovative ways, from
• “partnership for sustainable communities
expanding transit services and ridesharing opportunities to
• provide more transportation choices” [17].
partnering to build support infrastructure for electric and other
• “energy conservation and emission reductions alternative-fuel vehicles” [19].
• reduced parking problems and reduced traffic accidents, “Smart transportation should help in the development of
• reduced costs to build, maintain and operate roadways. smart growth communities, create walkable neighborhoods,
• improved mobility options, particularly for non-drivers, and provide a variety of transportation choices” [10].
• reduced land consumption, reducing stormwater costs,
heat island effects, and habitat loss, XV. CASE STUDIES OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION
• supports strategic planning objectives, such as urban This section will analyze a set of international case studies in
redevelopment and reduced sprawl, applying the basic principles of sustainable transportation to
• ncreased physical activity and associated health benefits” develop a system in Egypt.
• “Higher quality of life and better places to live, work, and A. Sustainable Transportation of Tokyo
play “Tokyo’s subway system is among the busiest in the world,
• greater mobility with millions of commuters passing through each station every
• increased transit ridership day. Recently, the Japanese government decided to harness the
• reduced household spending on transportation, resulting in power of all that foot traffic in two of the city’s biggest and
more affordable housing busiest stations, they’ve installed 25 square meters of
• greatly reduced dependence on foreign oil. piezoelectric energy-generating flooring tiles in front of the
• greatly reduced pollution and environmental destruction” ticket turnstiles. The tiles, made of layers of rubber sheeting
(Transit Oriented Development). and ceramic, absorb the vibrations from the footfalls and
From the above, “sustainable transportation allows generally capture the resulting energy. The combined energy, which
accepted objectives for health and environmental quality to be yields about 1,400kW/sec per day, is then stored in capacitors
met” [18]. and channeled to the station’s ticket gates and electric lights
and displays” [20] (Fig. 4).

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
Vol:7, No:9, 2013

Fig. 6 Solarr Roadways [21

D. San Franccisco Sustainaable Transportt Strategy
Fig. 4 Energy-
E generatiing subway flooor, Tokyo [21]
The guiding principles
p of thhe city;
B. Roadway Design
D Innovaation, USA 1. To ensure quality of liife and econoomic health in i San
“Other desiigners have integrated solar powerr with Francisco, the primary objective off the transpo ortation
suustainable trannsportation inn even more innnovative wayys. The system musst be the safe aand efficient movement
m of people
International Science Index, Transport and Vehicle Engineering Vol:7, No:9, 2013

Suustainable Higghway conceppt project triees to solve thhe same and goods.
issues of decrreasing greennhouse gases and improvving air 2. Public trannsit is an ecoonomically and a environm mentally
quuality by channging the roadds rather than the
t cars that drive
d on sound alternnative to transsportation by car.
thhem. The Sustainable Higghway conceppt is a lighttweight, 3. Decisions regarding
r the use of limiteed public streeet and
laaminated glass canopy aboove the roadw way that filteers dust sidewalk sppace shall encourage the usse of public rigghts of
paarticles from the roadwayy before relleasing air innto the way by peddestrians, bicycclists, and pubblic transit, annd shall
attmosphere. Thhe canopy is allso equipped with
w solar pannels that reduce trafffic.
prroduce cleann energy annd decrease carbon moonoxide 4. Transit prioority improvem ments, such as
a designated transit
emmissions” [21]] (Fig. 5). lanes and sttreets and improved signalizzation, shall bee made
to expedite the movemennt of public traansit vehicles and to
improve pedestrian safetyy” [21].
5. “Pedestriann areas shall bbe enhanced wherever
w posssible to
improve thee safety and coomfort.
6. Bicycling shall
s be prom moted by enco ouraging safe streets
for riding, bicycle
b lanes, and secure bicycle parkingg.
7. Parking poolicies for areeas well-serveed by public transit
shall be dessigned to encoourage travel byb public trannsit and
alternative transportation
t n.
8. The city annd county shall encourage innovative
i solutions
to meet pu ublic transporrtation needs wherever possible”
Fiig. 5 Roadway design innovatiion [21]
[22]. See, Fig.
F 7 and Tabble I.
C. Solar Roadways, Canadda
“There are also
a solar-powwered transpoortation projeccts that Thhree GHG Redduction Strategies:
reeenvision the road as a ggiant energy grid rather than a 1. Transitt Improvemennts
traansportation artery.
a Solar Roadways deesigned parkiing lots 2. Complete Street
made out of soolar panels. Roads,
R which go to most houses, 3. Electricc Vehicles
stores, and puublic buildinggs, provide ann excellent grid g for
moving solar power.
p Unforttunately, the conventional asphalt
rooad also generates a heatt island that exacerbates global
warming. Somee companies rreimagined thee road as a soolar grid
thhat collect heaat and disperseed it to homess as energy insstead of
innto the atmospphere. The sollar panels whhich are develooped to
doo this are insuulated betweenn glass sheets and are thick enough
foor cars to drivee on “[20] (Figg. 6).

Fig. 7 Transpportation greenhhouse gas emisssion pollution [222]

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(9) 2013 2515
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
Vol:7, No:9, 2013

Infrastructure support
Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3

Transit Improvements Complete Streets Electric Vehicles

Implement the transit effectiveness project Expand transit fleet, storage and maintenance Allow pilot programs for permeable paving
transportation GHG
Reduction Measure

to accommodate growth and green streets; revise Level of Service

Expand transit fleet and maintenance to Prioritize investments in bicycle Require higher ratios of carshare and bicycle
accommodate growth infrastructure, i.e., cycletracks, class II lanes, parking, and charging infrastructure in new
and bikesharing pods development
International Science Index, Transport and Vehicle Engineering Vol:7, No:9, 2013

Dedicate exclusive right of way for the bus Identify locations for pedestrian amenities and Promote incentives for expanding car-share
and rail network plazas with low-carbon/electric vehicles and electric
Increase efficiency, reduce travel time, and Enhance transit services, promote green Improves public health and safety, promotes
optimize capacity economy, and decrease travel time green economy
benefit of

Enhance transit services, promotes green Improves public health and safety, promotes Decreases auto ownership, direct reduction in
economy green economy congestion
Increase efficiency, promote green economy Improves public health and safety, promotes Decreases auto ownership, direct reduction in
green economy GHG and VMT, promotes green economy.


This section suggests a framework to develop a
transportation system in Egypt that is more sustainable and
more intelligent (Fig. 8).

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(9) 2013 2516
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
Vol:7, No:9, 2013

Sustainable transportation

Transportation Alternatives Sustainable transportation infrastructure

Hybrid Solar Bikeway Bikeway facility design

Vehicle Cars Bike lanes, bike passing lane,
buffered bike lane, contraflow bike
lane, floating bike lane, colored bike
Hydrogen lane, advisory bike lane cycle track,
vehicle signage
intersection treatments

Electric Walking Sidewalk design standers (crossing,

Vehicle ramps, seating, movement zone)
International Science Index, Transport and Vehicle Engineering Vol:7, No:9, 2013

Trees and plants

Sustainable materials
Grid street pattern

Green Storm water management

Street Landscaping, historic character
elements, traffic calming;
emphasize pedestrians and open
space, parks

Complete Safety for drivers; bicyclists; transit

Street vehicles and users; street furniture
and pedestrians
parking- traffic circulation plan

. Smarter Active traffic management

Highways Electronic signs—t raffic sensors

Green Combine landscaping with public

railway transportation

Fig. 8 Sustainable transportation system – Framework (Source: The researcher)

XVII. CASE STUDY OF CAIRO, EGYPT A. Urban Transportation Condition in Cairo

This section will deal with the city of Cairo to document the Cairo is a historical city; it is an ancient city and center for
most important problems that face urban transportation. culture and civilization. The city is dealing with a lot of urban
Following that the section will suggest a set of future and environmental problems, a high density of population due
recommendations based on the sustainability framework which to rapid growth of urbanization, environmental pollution due to
is have according to the results of the study to develop the old vehicles, traffic congestion, and unsustainable urban
transportation system in Cairo to be sustainable and more transportation, which negatively affects the visual image of the
intelligent. city, among other things, see Fig. 9, 10 and 11. Designers are
faced with urbanization problems and a mobility problem that
need to be reversed.

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International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
Vol:7, No:9, 2013

– Improvements to specific intersections and squares with

high traffic bottlenecks.
– Restructuring transportation infrastructure.
– Effective use of public resources: making efficient use of
existing infrastructure (public transport, existing road
space, etc.)
– Re-imagining the road as a solar grid by designing parking
lots made out of solar panels.
Public transportation infrastructure (green street):
– Efficient public transport system: road-based high capacity
mass transit systems
Fig. 9 Traffic congestion in Cairo [23] – Restructured bus network (formalize the informal).
– Storm water management, landscaping, open space and
historic character elements.
Non-motorized transportation (bikeway-walking):
– The city’s transportation plan should include bicyclists
– Sidewalk design standers (crossing, ramps, seating,
International Science Index, Transport and Vehicle Engineering Vol:7, No:9, 2013

movement zone)
– All street furniture should be made of sustainable
– Piezoelectric energy-generating flooring tiles in
Improved traffic management practices (smarter
– Solar roadways: The vibrations of cars over the road
surface will create energy for streetlights
– Traffic management plans
– Parking strategies/policies
Fig. 10 Old vehicles in Cairo [23] – Enforcement of traffic rules
– Traffic signal upgrading especially in central business
districts of Cairo and Giza
– Dynamic traffic management the ability to control the path
(route traffic) is critical to alleviating the traffic challenges
Transportation alternatives:
– Developing transportation alternatives by using the
environmentally friendly public transportation, such as
solar cars, hydrogen vehicle, electric vehicle).
– Decreasing the ratio of pollution by using renewable and
clean sources of energy as natural gas
– Reducing costs of maintenance
– Extending the use of clean means of transportation, such as
the underground metro, considered the cleanest, and fasted
Fig.11 The study for the number of users of transportation systems in mean of transportation
different cities in Egypt [24]
The objective is to develop recommendations to create an Urban transportation is one of the biggest contributors to
efficient, environmental friendly and affordable urban climate destruction—and mobility continues to increase in our
transportation system in Cairo. society. Sustainable cities need efficient and affordable
solutions for local public transportation to prevent traffic jams,
C. Future Recommendations for Sustainable Urban
improve urban environmental degradation and reduce CO2
Transportation in Cairo, Egypt
Future recommendations for sustainable urban transportation It is important to apply sustainable transportation in a holistic
in Cairo depends on the framework that is chosen from the and integrated manner to ensure that key concerns such as
theoretical and the analytical studies. These recommendations depletion of resources, global climate change, disruption of
can be divided into five main sections, as follow: ecosystems, and toxic pollution are effectively addressed.
Sustainable transportation infrastructure: From the previous study, sustainable transportation can be
Road network infrastructure and cars (complete street): supported by promoting the use of:

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International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering
Vol:7, No:9, 2013

• sustainable transportation infrastructure. [24] H. Jacques & M. Pierre, Mobilizing Cairo, 2011.
• more energy efficient forms of transportation.
The paper developed the framework to move toward
sustainable urban transportation in Cairo, Egypt. As such, the
paper suggested future recommendations for the Egyptian
context to make its transportation systems more sustainable,
efficient, and safe.

1. Urban bikeway for sustainable transportation.
2. Decision-making on urban transportation.
3. Financing policies and sustainable urban transportation.

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