Eng 9 Quarter 4 Week 6 DLL-A

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Magsaysay National High Grade

School: School Level: 9

Learning Englis
Teacher: Audrey Ann T. Pinas Area: h
Dates and Thursday, June 2, 2022 Fourt
Time: 8:35 AM- 9:35 AM Quarter: h

Grade Level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/

Standards: her understanding of British-American Literature, including
Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation
of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Learning React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand
Competencies/ sound analysis and call for prompt actions.
Objectives 1. Identify the critical issue in the poster.
2. Express value judgment on the critical issue.
3. Give prompt action about the critical issue presented in
the video clip.

Making Value Judgment on Critical Issues

A. References English 9, Quarter 4 SLM Week- 6

1. Teacher’s None
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Printed Quarter 4 SLM 5 & 6, pages 1-7.
3. Textbook None
4. Additional None
(LR) portal
B. Other Laptop, LCD, PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures, video clip
Learning (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjju0oG1mwg), worksheet
C. Strategies Mini-lecture, Picture Analysis, Visualization, Brainstorming,
Groupwork, Sharing

A. Reviewing Previous - Let the students recall the two concepts that they have learned in the previous lesson.
Lesson or Presenting the - Ask volunteers to give the meanings of critical issues and value judgment.
New Lesson
Critical Issue/s Value Judgment
- Critical issues are problems or - It refers to the rightness or wrongness
concerns that need immediate action of a particular issue.
or solution. - It is a form of judgment based upon a
particular set of values or principles.

- Ask them also to give at least one example of a critical issue that the community is
facing at present and state their value judgment.
Critical Issue/s Value Judgment
- We are aware of the life-threatening
effects of the Covid-19 so we must
follow the minimum health protocols
in our community to mitigate the
spread of the virus.

Spread of the Covid-19

- Give appreciation to the students’ responses.

B. Establishing a Purpose - Inform the students that they will be having the continuation of last week’s lesson on
for the Lesson Making Value Judgments on Critical Issues.

- State the learning objectives that serve as the learners’ guide in acquiring the Most Essential
Learning Competency (MELC), React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound
analysis and call for prompt actions.

1. Identify the critical issue in the poster.

2. Express value judgment on the critical issue.
3. Give prompt action about the critical issue presented in the video clip.

C. Presenting - After which, let them study the picture with the aid of the guide questions:
Examples/Instances of
the Lesson

1. What is the problem shown in the picture?

2. What do you think the boy feels?
3. What would you do if you were in the same situation? Why?
B. Discussing New - Give a mini-lecture about the meaning of a critical issue and its three types.
Concepts and Practicing - Give an example for each type of critical issue.
New Skills #1
A critical issue is something that creates a problem or concern among a great number of people.
It tends to be complex and usually not easy to solve since it consists of interrelated problems
that need to be worked out systematically.
Three Types of Critical Issues
1. Current Issues: These can be obviously observed. Public interest is high and action is a need.
Example: High unemployment rate due to the pandemic.
2. Emerging Issues: These are widely recognized but they are apparent. They are seen as
becoming increasingly important.
Example: Soil degradation due to industrialization in agriculture
3. Potential Issues: These are not quite visible yet they will eventually rise into problems of
broad concern.
Example: Full implementation of the Face-to-Face classes

C. Discussing New - Do a mini-lecture about what value judgment is and how to make a value judgment on a
Concepts and Practicing critical issue.
New Skills #2
Value Judgment refers to the rightness or wrongness of a particular issue. It is a form of
judgment based upon a particular set of values or principles.
Guidelines when making Value Judgments:
1. Identify the issue. (What is the situation all about?)
2. Assessment of the feelings/emotions. (How do you feel
about the issue?)
3. State your opinion wisely. (What is your opinion on the
4. Give appropriate actions on how to deal with the critical
- Ex. Current Issue: Unstable Internet Connection
- Value Judgment: It is sad that oftentimes, students’ online classes are affected because
of unstable internet connections. In this regard, disabling the bandwidth-hogging
programs may help lessen the problem.

D. Developing Mastery - Group the students into two groups.

(Leads to Formative - Assign a poster for each group to study.
Assessment 3) Group A Group B

- They will be asked to identify the issue in the material.

- Then, call for the group representatives to state their value judgment and prompt action
about the issue.

E. Finding Practical - Give one critical situation observed during the Face-to-Face learning in the Grade 9
Applications of Concepts level.
and Skills in Daily Critical Issue: Improper disposal of infectious wastes
Living - Ask at least two volunteers to state their value judgment.

F. Making Generalizations - Wrap-up the lesson on Making Value Judgment on Critical Issues through a graphic
and Abstractions about organizer
the Lesson
Making Value Judgment on Critical Issues

Identify the Assess the State wise Give appropriate

issue feelings/emotions reaction. actions on how to
deal with the
critical issue.

G. Evaluating Learning - Let the students do the following:

- Watch the video clip. Refer to the link at https://www.youtube.com/watch?
- Identify the critical issue presented in the video clip.
- State personal value judgment and solutions about the issue.
1. What critical issue is presented in the video clip?
2. Write your own value judgment about the effects of climate
change in 1-2 sentences.
3. How can you solve or minimize the effects of climate
change? (Write three ways how you can contribute to solving
or minimizing the effects of climate change.)

H. Additional Activities for

Application or


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter that my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
use/discover which

Prepared by: Observed by:


Subject Teacher- English 9 MT1- English

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