DLL English 9 Feb27 March3 2023

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Annex 1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s.





Teaching Dates Mangga – 8:30-9:30 (MTWTH)

Quarter THIRD
and Time Pomelo – 10:00-11:00 (MWTHF)

Atis – 11:00 – 12:00 (MTWTH)

(Session 3)
(Session1) (Session 2) Used for Classroom (Session 4)
Observation 1


● Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of connecting to
the world; also, how to use ways of analyzing one-act play and different forms of verbal for him/her to skillfully perform in a one-
act play.

● Performance The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based
Standards on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.

● Learning ● Interpret the Message ● Interpret the Message ● Interpret the Message ● Interpret the Message Conveyed
Competencies/ Conveyed in A Material Conveyed in A Material Conveyed in A Material in A Material Viewed
Viewed Viewed Viewed
Write the LC code for

● Objectives 1. Interpret the message 1. Identify pointers in 1. Identify visual elements 1. Identify the messages or
conveyed in a material interpreting visual related to visual symbolic values of visual cues or
viewed, material. representations; images;
2. Show awareness of societal
2. Determine the message 2. Complete the 2. Perform differentiated tasks
issues present in any visual
conveyed from the infographics by writing related to visual elements;
images; and
materials viewed, and responses depending on
3. interpret the message the visual materials and 3. Write a critical essay that
conveyed through visual presented. explains the satirical image
3. Reflect on the importance of
analysis. using its artistic
3. Interpret bad visual visual elements by
material by giving accomplishing 3-2-1 strategy.

Lesson: Visual Lesson: Identifying

Lesson: Pointers in
Lesson: Importance of Visual
1. CONTENT Interpreting Visual Elements Related to Visual Meaning of the Satirical Images
Materials Representations

A. References Learners’ Packet (leaP) Module Learners’ Packet (leaP) Learners’ Packet (leaP) Learners’ Packet (leaP) Module
1 Quarter 3 Module 1 Quarter 3 Module 1 Quarter 3 1 Quarter 3
1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s English Self – Learning English Self – Learning English Self – Learning English Self – Learning Module
Materials pages Module for Grade 9 Q3 M2 Module for Grade 9 Q3 M2 Module for Grade 9 Q3 M2 for Grade 9 Q3 M2

3. Textbook pages
A Journey through Anglo- A Journey through Anglo- A Journey through Anglo- A Journey through Anglo-
American Literature Learner ‘s American Literature American Literature Learner American Literature Learner ‘s
Material for English Learner ‘s Material for ‘s Material for English Material for English

4. Additional English- Grade 9 Alternative

Materials from Delivery Mode
Quarter 3, Wk.4, Module 3:
Resource (LR)
Interpret the Message
Conveyed in A Material
First Edition, 2020

B. Other Learning https://www.youtube.com/

Resources watch?v=11GV6OI-swM
INTRODUCTION A. Routinary Activities: A. Routinary Activities: A. Routinary Activities: A. Routinary Activities:
Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance
Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer
Safety Health Protocol Safety Health Protocol Safety Health Protocol Safety Health Protocol
Reminder Reminder Reminder Reminder

B. Review B. Review B. Review B. Review

Review of the past lessons Review of the past Review of the past lessons Review of the past lessons
and submission of lessons and submission and submission of and submission of
incomplete learning tasks of incomplete learning incomplete learning tasks incomplete learning tasks

C. Motivation C. Motivation C. Motivation

C. Motivation

R-E-B-U-S this! 4 PICS 1 WORD! There are many ways to

Logo Quiz! represent ideas visually.
You will identify the word
Presentation can be done by
Identify which famous depicted in the four pictures.
A REBUS is a picture
brands or logos are Use the mouse to navigate the drawing, photographs,
representation of a name,
presented in each number. game. formatting information with a
work, or phrase. Each "rebus"
word processing program,
puzzle box below portrays a
common word or phrase. Can video, multimedia, web pages
you guess what it is? Study the and web- based
sample below: correspondence. Students like
you should understand and
interpret correctly these visual
representations with
objectivity or without any
biases. Let’s have this powerful
What you’ve just done in the image as the first example:
initial activity is identifying
the word described in the four
pictures. You use the visual
elements in the pictures such
Answer: Since the word HEAD as color, symbol and
is over the word HEELS, the composition to recognize the To analyze and interpret this
answer to the puzzle would be commonalities or similarities powerful image, you should take
HEAD OVER HEELS! of the pictures and identify note of these artistic
the word being described.
elements related to visual
In reality, you are surrounded
Get it? That's great! Now wake representations:
with images, pictures,
up your brain by having some photographs or even TV ads • Print (charts, diagrams,
more fun with the teasers on and commercial products that illustrations)
the next page! It’s your time reflect the social activities of
now. Have fun and enjoy! • Textual techniques (layout,
people across the globe. What
color, symbols)
makes these visual materials
meaningful to you? How do • Perspectives or assumptions
you interpret these visual
images? How do these images • Variety of media (photos,
play in your understanding of plays, video)
the world?

How do you find the activity?

Do you find it exciting?
Were you able to stimulate
your mind to think with your
answers? Well, that is just one
of the activities as you go
through to this module.
DEVELOPMENT WHY IS VISUAL LITERACY Use these pointers in Due to the rapid What makes this image
IMPORTANT? interpreting visual development of technology, powerful and impactful to the
material. visual literacy becomes viewers? If you are
integral or important in
to analyze this image and
Considering how interpreting the messages or
interpret its meaning, the first
visually orientated we are as 1. What Can You See? symbolic values of any visual
thing that you’ll notice is
humans, it is no surprise that forms. Visual literacy is the
Familiarizing with ability to interpret the
images have such a powerful the placards held by the
Visual Literacy Clues (VLCs) meaning of visual images
impact on us. Research shows protesters in the street carrying
such as subject matter, (Giorgis, 1999).
that there are a wide range of the messages “Black Lives
colors, symbols vectors,
benefits derived from
lighting, gaze, gestures, and It is also the ability to Matter”, “Our Generation, Our
improved visual literacy
shapes enable us to develop construct effective visuals in Choice” and “Demilitarize the
the method of approaching order to convey ideas to Police”. From these
any image with a view to others (Valmont 2003 and
Heinich 1999). Through the statements, you can infer that
decoding its meaning.
Visual Information is More help of social media platforms these protesters are asserting
Memorable 2. How Does It Make You such as Facebook and Twitter, their rights to combat
Feel? many people have already racial discrimination and expose
Through the Visual Literacy been reacting or even giving the abuses and violations of
Studies show that we
Clues, you would now be their varied opinions and police. The neutral
retain approximately 10-20%
able to express how the comments on certain
of written or spoken powerful images or visual color used in the image only
image makes you feel and
information, but around 65% explains that people from all
how it has influenced you to cues which can help you gain
of information when it is walks of life are affected by
feel this way. You may feel an array of perspectives and
presented visually.
anger, anguish, excitement, interpretations. However, you the incident. The media became
happiness etc. There is no should take into consideration responsible for giving people an
limit to the emotions you the correct ways of analyzing awareness on what
Visual Information is may refer to, provided you or interpreting the messages
Transferred Faster can point to evidence from conveyed in any materials, truly happened and why these
the image. Here are some either viewed or read. So, can protests still continue in the US.
suggested questions to help you suggest any Also, advertisements such as
Information presented you explore your responses: considerations you need to
billboards and TV commercials
visually is processed extremely remember and understand? can present
quickly by the brain. Around What are the elements and
90% of the information Subject Matter: What is the components that are useful to media messages as visual
transmitted to the brain is topic of the visual text? Who understand the message or representations. In study.com, it
visual in nature. and what are in it? What is it symbol of any visual texts? identifies authorship,
content and audience as critical
factors to understand media
Helps Us Communicate with the Visual Elements are the
messages. Questions
World Around Us Color: How is color used in characteristics of visual
the image? What effect do representation or visual related to authorship, content
the colors chosen have on media. These include line, and audience are given below:
Visual literacy involves the viewer? symbol, space, color, gaze,
• Authorship - Who is the
similar processes of frame, and distance.
author of this message?
interpreting images and
creating images. In a fast- Symbols: What symbols are - For what purpose was it made?
moving world, with ever- used in this image? What do Line is the foundation of all
• Content - How does the
increasing diagnosis of you think they represent? drawings because it can be
message attract your attention?
attention deficit disorders, we Are the colors that were used to suggest shape,
increasingly rely on images to chosen symbolic? pattern, distance, movement - Does the message ask you to
quickly convey meaning. and range of emotions. do something?
• Audience - What is the
Lighting: Can you describe
meaning of the message?
Enriches Understanding the lighting used? How does Five Types of Lines
it affect the ‘mood’ of it?
Gaze: What type of look is Guided Practice
Images can greatly 1. vertical suggest height and
the character giving? Where
enrich our understanding of a strength
is their gaze directed? What
text or other media, but to be
does this say? Let’s try a few items as practice
able to interact with these
deeper levels of meaning, we Gesture: What type of exercises. To apply what you’ve
must possess the necessary gestures is the character learned in interpreting
skills to access those depths. giving? What is messages through visual texts,
communicated by these what you need to do is to
gestures? identify the
Increases Enjoyment meaning of the satirical images
Shapes: What geometric
shapes can you recognize in or a humor or irony that is
the image? Do they repeat? sarcastic or ridiculing
Not only does Is there a pattern? Is order
using the statements written in
increased visual literacy enrich or chaos conveyed?
the box.
our understanding of the
media we consume, but it can
also enrich our enjoyment too -
3. What Is the Image
especially of visual art.
Trying to Tell Us?
This aspect peels
Creates More Educated Image back another level of
Readers meaning to get to the overall
message underlying the
image. This question asks 2. horizontal suggest
In an era of fake news you to delve into the distance and calm
and ceaseless advertising, a intentions of the image
responsible approach to maker themselves. The
the duty of educating us genre of the image will be of
must involve encouraging significance here too, as you
ourselves to become consider the nature of the
informed viewers of the image as art, entertainment,
world around us, including advertisement or a fusion of
the media they engage the various genres.

3. diagonal suggest
movement or lack of stability
4. zigzag suggest anxiety or

5. curve suggest comfort and

Space refers to the area
within, around, above or
below an object or objects.

3. Symbol is a mark, sign or

word that indicates or
represents an idea, object, or

4. Color is a visual element

that has the strongest effect
on our emotions.

4.1. Red means warm, angry,

adventure, violence, fire,
blood, passion, love, and
4.2. Blue means cool, calm,
peaceful, trust, loyalty,
wisdom, confidence,
intelligence, faith, truth, and
5. Gaze one way to convert
meaning or message through
an image because of how a
figure is looking at something.

6. Distance the connection

between the viewer and
subject. How close or far away
is the subject shown?
7. Framing is the
presentation of visual
elements in an image,
especially the placement of
the subject in relation to other
subjects. A technique used to
bring focus to a subject.

ENGAGEMENT C-O-V-I-D Alert! C-O-V-I-D Watch! GROUP ACTIVITY (Presentation and scoring of
Group Activity)
Study the chart below and tell
how the disease quickly Each group shall perform a
differentiated activity of chosen
tasks regarding visual
representation using visual

• Infographic – the group will

create an online infographic
spread. with the use of pictures with
visual elements.
www.sciencedirect.com/ • Poster – The group will draw
science/article/pii/ a poster depicting a chosen
S0048969720323998 visual element.
• Editorial Cartooning- The
group will draw a news editorial
(excerpt : Fig. 4. Transmission illustration depicting a chosen
dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 visual element.
infection in People.) Fighting this disease is our • Shoot a picture- The group
joint responsibility. Protect will find a subject containing
____________________________________ yourself and others by visual element inside the
____________________________________ making these 6 simple classroom and take a picture of
____________________________________ precautions for your new it then have an analysis of what
____________________________________ habits. Complete the the picture is all about or would
____________________________________ infographics below by like to express.
____________________________________ telling what each picture
means. Write your
responses on white space

beside each picture.


A. Generalization A. Generalization A. Generalization A. Generalization

ASSIMILATION Let us always One of the easiest CONSTRUCTIVIST Satire, artistic form, chiefly
remember that we must not ways to ensure that learners APPROACH literary and dramatic, in which
limit ourselves to augment our store information in their human or individual vices,
knowledge through reading as long-term memory is to pair To wrap everything up that
follies, abuses, or shortcomings
to viewing well as. We need to we have talked about in this
process correctly the concepts with meaningful lesson, please do this activity are held up to censure by means
information we see for us to images. Visuals help that summarizes the lesson by of ridicule, derision, burlesque,
become a better and even more students make sense out of completing the semantic map. irony, parody, caricature, or
educated reader. As said that the content and direct other methods, sometimes with
visual literacy is about attention, increasing the an intent to inspire social
language, communication and possibilities that the reform.
interaction, acquiring the skills learners will remember the
to process messages B. Assessment
meaningfully needs to be the B. Assessment
Put a check (√) mark if the
priority. B. Assessment
INDUCTIVE INQUIRY-BASED satirical image describes the
Choose the letter of the best APPROACH given theme or concept and a
answer in each number. cross (X) mark if the image does
B. Assessment Identify which visual element
not describe the theme.
1. One pointer in is presented in each picture.
Matching Type: Match the
interpreting visual materials Theme: Technology and mass
road and traffic sign pictures in is familiarizing with VLCs.
media have great and
Column A with its description What do VLCs stand for?
unprecedented impacts on the
o-in column B. write the letter
lives of many people across the
of your answer before each a. Visual Learning Cues
globe. They greatly influence the
number. b. Visual Literacy Clues physical, mental, social and
c. Very Least Competencies cultural dispositions of people
about the world.
d. Very Low Competencies
2. What is the topic of the
visual text? Who and what
are in it? What is it about?
What specific questions are
these to target your
a. Color
b. Symbols
C. Reflection
c. Lighting
Picture Analysis: Interpret C. Reflection
d. Subject Matter
the message implied in the Make a critical interpretation of
picture below. Use the rubric 3. This question peels back the satirical image given below
for you to be guided in another level of meaning to by writing a 2- paragraph essay.
accomplishing the activity. get to the overall message Make use of the artistic
underlying the image. elements previously discussed
a. What Is the Image Trying to analyze and interpret the
www.adstasher.com/ C. Reflection
to Tell Us? image. Create an eye- catching
manila-revisits-boy-who- b. How Does It Make You
studied-mcdonalds- Feel? REFLECTIVE APPROACH
c. What Can You See? Visual representation of arts
d. Can you describe the or any media messages shows
lighting used? the artists’ creativity. To
better understand the
4. These are acts of importance of interpreting the
nonverbal cues where visual messages or symbolic values
materials may show of a viewed material, you’ll do
movement or effect of
this 3-2-1strategy to reflect on
the things you learned in the
a. Posture lesson.
b. Lighting
c. Color
d. Gestures
5. These visual pointers are
used to give emphasis on
________________________ the mood and emotion put
________________________ on a visual material.
________________________ a. Posture
b. Lighting
c. Color
d. Gestures
C. Reflection

Write your own reflection

on the picture below, does it
follow the pointers in
interpreting visual


Look for a satirical image that
is sarcastic or ridiculing then
interpret its meaning and
identify which visual elements
are used.

Prepared and submitted by: Checked by:


English 9 Teacher Head Teacher I – English Department/Subject Coordinator

Noted by:
Principal III

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