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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T

UNIT: 01
Best Practices of Safety and Security: A Study of Taj and Oberoi Hotels, Mumbai
Security Departments of Hotels
Guidelines for Security in Hotels
Dealing with various Emergency Situations
Dealing with Fire
Dealing with Death
Dealing with Crisis
Dealing with Disaster
Significance of Safety and Security
References/ Bibliography
Suggested Readings
Terminal Questions

Safety and security is the major concern among all the living creature of this universe. It
is also described by Maslow through his Need and Hierarchy Theory. The safety and
security does not confined to life only but it also emphasizes on job, health and
environment. When we think for safety and security especially in hotels, automatically it
comes on the part of tourists. As we know tourism is a recreational activity in which a
tourist leaves his/her home to a distant place and safety and security is a major challenge
for him/her. At this (new and unfamiliar) place he/she has to stay somewhere so that
he/she can feel safe. Thus, some short of means of shelter is required to keep
himself/herself safe from unforeseen circumstances. The moto of hospitality industry
emphasizes that Guest is God and the God should be provided safety and security. The
guests coming to the hotel must be given safe and secure environment so that their stay
must be comfortable and enjoyable and over all the hotels are gaining monetary benefit
from those guests. It is the moral and ethical responsibility of the hotels to protect guests
from any mishap leading to their death and loss of baggage. The hotels are also aware that
if they fail in providing safety and security to guests, the bad reputation tag will be tagged
and it will affect their business in many folds. It has also been seen that hotel keeps on
hiding the information of some eminent person/ VVIP/ celebrities movement in their
premises because it will create chaos and hamper the smooth functioning of the hotel. It is
a good practice to not disclose the identity of such persons and hotels are doing just to
provide such guests an environment where such persons can feel safe and secure. The

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hotels are putting a lot of efforts in curbing terror attacks and crimes by keeping an eye
over suspected guests through various tools and technologies and also helpful in
preventing other casualties caused due to nature. The ambience of the hotels itself
describe that the hotel is very much concerned about the safety and security of not only
the guests but their belongings as well.

It is observed that safety and security concern is not limited to the guests only but yes, it
has been extended beyond it. It also encompasses the hotel employees, the property and
the tangible and intangible assets which are helpful in making the stay pleasant. However,
the value of a hotel is estimated by its assets and that‟s why the safety and security
concern other than guests are highly required by the hotels.

The word safety and security are used together but it has literary differences too. Safety
has been defined as a condition in which a person is being protected from harm caused by
unintentional failure while security is defined as a condition in which a person is being
protected from harms caused due to intentional human behavior or actions. So, in the
present unit we will be discussing about the relevance of safety and security in the hotel
industry along with the case studies of various hotel chains.


After reading this unit the students will be able to:

 Understand Safety, Security and its types and significance
 Know the best practices of Security and Safety in Hotel industry
 Understand the term “emergency” and the ways to deal with different emergency


The hotels in order to fulfill their safety and security needs, have implemented proper
safety and security system to protect their employees, guests and their belongings,
tangible assets such as artifacts and décor, equipment and appliances, raw materials,
grocery items and goods pertaining to various departments like production, housekeeping
and front office along with intangible assets like garden and surroundings.

The incident of 26/11 terror attack at Taj Hotel and Oberoi Hotel, Mumbai was an eye
opener for many of us who were earlier advocating the privacy of the guests and did not
allow the scanning and frisking of the guests and cordoning of guest‟s room (in some
cases only). After this terror strike, almost all the popular hotels reviewed their safety and
security system to cope up with any similar situation likely to happen in near future. The
personnel from defense services were also impaneled for their expert advice and
suggestion. However, the success of safety and security lies in the fact that everyone i.e.
employees and guests should adhere with policies, procedure, strict rules and regulations

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and instructions provided by the hotels time to time. The Taj Hotel, Mumbai, review its
risk assessment on regular interval to incorporate and update its safety management
features. Safety committees are deputed by The Taj Hotel Group to conduct monthly
audits of the hotels in the light of the applying appropriate risk mitigations if any. The
offices of the hotel are incorporated with safety and security features which are in the
pattern of latest industry trends and regulatory requirements. Even these are also reviewed
on regular basis to incorporate changes if required. In order to achieve its objectives, The
Taj Hotel, Mumbai often organizes safety awareness programmes, workshops and safety
weeks in collaboration with independent safety experts. The Taj group of hotels has
conferred an award to its hotels for opting and performing best in safety aspects.

The Taj Hotel, Mumbai reviewed its safety and security systems and implemented many
new procedures after receiving inputs from many defense experts. Their policy itself says
that the profit of the hospitality industry is based on the safety and security system which
it provides to the guests in terms of bringing satisfaction and loyalty. In the initial phase
of their safety plan, the Taj Hotel, Mumbai established collaborations with foreign
organizations who had world class expertise in various terror operations. The Taj Hotel
Mumbai, however provided extensive training to its security personnel in consultation
with many international and national security experts and even they were sent to overseas
to meet out the objective. The security personnel are equipped with bollards and similar
appropriate technologies and also scanning machines have been installed for baggage
screening and above all personal frisking has been mandate to be done by metal detectors.
Separate male and female security personnel have been deputed for frisking of male and
female guests. The dog squad is also invested to the hotel to prevent any mishap caused
due to improvised weapons. The hotel also gives emphasis on organizing awareness
programmes especially for the hotel guests and employees. In the process of winning
confidence of guests regarding safety and security issues, the Taj Hotel, Mumbai is one
which has opted for OHSAS 18001 certification. The Taj Hotel, Mumbai has also
installed safety management devices throughout the hotel premises that keep on
reminding the people (guests and employees) regarding issues related to health, safety
and work place culture.

The Taj Hotel, Mumbai has installed CCTV cameras of high quality and security
personnel are constantly watching the movements of each guest and their behavior. The
Taj Hotel has opted for floor security. Under these system, the guest is supposed to access
those areas for which he/she is entitled. Like, if the guest‟s room lies on third floor, the
lift will stop at its designated floor only and thus, the guest‟s movement can be restricted
to its floor. Every room has been placed with safety procedure cards also known as
“Credo Cards” indicating do‟s and don‟ts to be followed during any emergency

In case of vehicles approaching towards the Taj Hotel, all the vehicles have to pass
through a barrier, which is under control by the Taj Hotel‟s own security personnel. As
soon as the vehicle is stopped, its trunk and hoods are thorough check, and after
satisfaction, the vehicle is allowed to proceed towards parking area or porch area.

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So far As Oberoi, Mumbai is concerned, it is the first one who introduced Bollard based
safety. Bollards are basically hydraulic cylinders that lie under the surface and is being
controlled by button. It is used as a device against anti-terrorist activities. It is also
responsible for averting any terror strike carried out in the form of a speeding vehicle. An
orientation cum training programme of fifteen days duration became an essential part of
recruitment process. It enables every staff member to be aware of and handle firefighting
equipment in any emergency situation, helpful in locating emergency exit gates and may
contribute as a disaster management team. It is being organized as an essential part of
training for all newly recruited staff members and it is mandate for them to participate
and secure minimum 75% marks. Those who are unable to score 75% marks, are given
another chance to clear the exam. However, those who are unable to score desired
percentile after two consecutive attempts such employees are not entertained to be an
employee of Oberoi hotel. Oberoi Hotel, Mumbai created “Emergency Response Team”
by re-employing the ex-employees of NSG. They were also deputed in lobby area and at
scanner counter.

The safety and security of the Oberoi, Mumbai is divided into two parts. First one that
takes care of outer premises while another one is responsible for providing hotel inside
safety and security. The outer premise is under the control of police that always checks
the guest‟s movement through barricades. The safety and security of the inner self of the
hotel is taken care by the armed and undercover guards that keep an eye over the every
movement. They check the necessary documents of guests against the proof of their hotel
reservation and on confirmation they accept the baggage for inspection and x-ray
scanning. The guests are then allowed to pass through metal detectors to detect something
unwanted. The same procedure is applicable to the employees as well where everyone has
to pass through scanner located at entry and exit gates.

The Oberoi, Mumbai set an example in implementing safety and security majors. Their
rooms are fitted with sensors and rooms will be opened only when the actual guest arrives
at the gate. Also, the elevator will lead the guest to the exact floor by sensing the location
of the room. This will prevent the guest‟s intention to loiter unnecessarily on every floor.
The Oberoi, Mumbai is also destined to provide safety and security to its employees as
well. For female staff/s whose shift is over by midnight, the hotel administration with the
help of hotel security provides pick up and drops facility from/to their resident/s. This
facility is rendered against even if the employee comes by her own conveyance and is
provided as an escort service till she enters in her residence.

However, there are some more preventive steps taken by the Oberoi, Mumbai to handle
any awkward situation. They are as follows:
1. Introduction of PABX system specially for voice recording
2. Introduction of finger print based entry system in room
3. Installation of bullet proof glasses at strategic locations
4. Installation of PA system with multiple language to be used during emergency
5. Installation of CCTV cameras and motion detectors
6. Creation of ample evacuation routes
7. Provision of safe deposit boxes

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8. Installation of smoke detectors
9. Implementation of clearly visible marks showing exit gate
10. Installation of alarms at every entry points
11. Introduction of electronic card locking system that includes deadbolt locks


One of the most important aspect that talks about customer satisfaction in the hospitality
industry is security. The security department of a hotel is held responsible for protecting
guests and their luggage, employees and staff of the hotel, hotel equipment, raw
materials, groceries and other resources of daily use and fund protection. This department
provides safeguards to the movable and immovable properties pertaining to the hotel.
This department closely works with room division and provides training to the staff
members of the hotel to fight against any emergency situation. This department is also
responsible for maintaining HIT (Hospitality Information Technology) system that
includes all surveillance system installed in the hotel premises. They guard and keep an
eye over every movement that is happening in and around hotel through these CCTV‟s.

The functioning of security department of a hotel is based on the size and structure of the
hotel. The five star properties have the provision of either security head or individual
head. Security head is appointed by the HR department while individual head is appointed
by the hotel management directly. Security head/Individual head is assisted by four
security personnel who are addressed as shift in-charge. They take care of movement of
every shift i.e. morning, evening and night. The job role of these security personnel are
widespread i.e. whole complex is under their supervision. They cover mainly entrance
gate, scanning area, digital recording room (security supervisor cabin) of the front area of
the hotel, the back area like the entrance gate for hotel staff and their frisking, receiving
mobile handsets from each one and issuing tokens, distributing vehicle passes to the hotel
staffs are also done by them. They also assist in procuring consumable materials supplied
to the hotel. It is responsibility of this department to receive such items and put entry into
the entry register, duly signed by date and timings. The security personnel are also liable
for issuing gate passes against damaged items/non- functioning items which are being
carried out of the hotel for maintenance or discard purpose.


1. What do you mean by security?

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
2. Write down the major steps taken by Taj Hotel, Mumbai to improve its security.


A hotel must focus on providing safety to its employees, guests and their valuables, hotel
equipment, protection of hotel resources and fund protection. It is the responsibility of the
hotels to keep on reviewing its safety and security majors and update accordingly.
Though the guidelines for security in hotels vary from country to country and chain to
chain but their common agenda is to provide an ambience where all the key players of the
hotel component must feel safe and secure. The major guidelines are discussed below:

1. Regarding Guests and their valuables: The guests should be protected from the
crimes like murder, killing, abduction, threat from hotel staff or outsider. Should
be provided with hygienic and fresh food and drinking water. The guest room
should be ensured safe and protected by locking system. The added advantages of
this type of doors are that they are supported by electronic devices controlled by
smart cards and magnetic strips. It enables the hotel to know at what time the
guest checked in the room and at what time. The guest is also supplied in room
safes that are operated by key cards. Even some of the smarter safes are equipped
with biometric configuration that uses thumb impression or retina scan to open it.

2. Regarding its employees: The backbone of every hotel is its employees and it is
the moral responsibility of the hotels to take care of its employees. To provide
them with a terror free working environment, the hotel management must focus on
deputing security personnel at all the strategic locations, entry points, scanning
area, staff entry gate, installation of CCTV cameras. They should also be given
staff lockers, insurance, free pickup and drops facility, health schemes and many
employee oriented benefits. They should be provided with aqua guard drinking

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water, training and mock drills over firefighting equipment, evacuation process
during emergency situation. The hotel employees of every functional department
must maintain the dress code as per industry requirement.

3. Regarding hotel equipment: The delivery part of the hotel operation is dealt by
the equipment and hence it is utmost required to take care of these machines. The
major technologies used in the hotels are in the form of lifts and boilers, the
instruments used in kitchen for production are technology based and the movable
and immovable assets of the hotels like furniture and hotel complex must be
protected against fire, flood, earthquake and bomb. The hotel management must
ensure that there are proper safety and security devices installed in the hotel that
can alarm the staff well in advance to prevent any damage to the hotel.

4. Regarding protection of hotel resources: The hotel administration ensure the

contamination free storage of all the perishable and non- perishable food stuff.
The whole hotel complex should be treated with proper pest control mechanism.
Implementation of total material management may also check the usage and
misusage of the resources. The hotel administration may also depute security
personnel for keeping all the records of in house supply.

5. Regarding fund protection: Funds are very crucial for any hotel and it must be
handle with special care. The hotel makes a policy to put cash at a safe place
where limited people can access and after every shift all the cash is kept under
tight security and 24x7 CCTV monitoring. The hotel makes a policy that only one
employee (confidential) should be held responsible for accessing cash bank. All
the entries pertaining to transactions must be done immediately. The person in
charge receiving cash should close the cash drawer after every transaction. In
some of the five star properties automatic lock is installed in the cash box that
asks biometrics for every transaction. However, certain hotels have policy of
surprise audit of the cash register of the front office and it is done by the person
from the accounting section with the prior permission of hotel management

Other than above discussed guidelines, there are other guidelines that are equally
important and directly contribute in maintaining security in hotels. These are:
a. Certain hotels have established defibrillation centre in its own premises in
collaboration with police and where heart attack guests can be provided
emergency help.
b. Elevators have been installed specially for guests staying in designated floors.
No one other than guests are supposed to use it.
c. The hotels have made it mandate for its employees to wear photo identity card
provided by hotel during their duty hours.
d. Some hotels also maintain emergency manuals to help guests during
emergency situations.
e. Big hotels also maintain an emergency power backup to provide uninterrupted
power to the hotels when it needed.

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f. The big properties have installed smoke detectors and fire alarms in its every
guest room, entire complex and at every floor. It will enable the quick
response team (QRT) to identify and respond the place/ area for quick action.


As we know emergency situation occurs without our estimation. We may confront it at
any point of time with multiple forms. The emergency situations are always challengeable
and many times it attracts loss of human life and property. The preparedness in fighting
against all these emergency situations may minimize its impact on health and wealth. The
organizations who peep into the future and plan accordingly may overcome emergency
situation. Likewise, fire is a common hazard which is confronted by almost every
building. But the advance preparation by organizations may minimize its impact on health
and wealth.

Dealing with Fire

The hotels are not exceptions in confronting emergency situations. Similar to other
buildings, hotels are also at risk of fire. But fire in other buildings and fire at hotels make
a big difference in terms of people and property. Being sensitive against fire, the hotels
are always at stake leading to threat to life of guest and host. The major causes of fire in
hotels are due to smoking, short circuits, gas leaks, open flames and flammable grease,
combustible waste and fault in elevator shafts. The hotels can prevent the fire by adopting
certain safety measures. Like smoking should be prohibited and should be allowed at
certain designated areas called smoking zone. The cigarette butts and live cigarettes
should be properly disposed of. The hotel administration must ensure that ash trays are
supplied to every guest room to prevent throwing of used cigarette hither and thither. The
short circuits can be checked in the hotels by regularly inspecting electronic appliances
and identifying the loose wires, poorly fitted electronic devices and insulators. These
potential hazards must be brought into the notice of the concern department and remedial
action must be taken in priority basis. The functional department also ensure that none of
their electronic devices are kept on “on” mode and after using the appliances, it is placed
at its place. To check the fire caused due to gas leakage, the cylinders are placed outside
the kitchen area and the production manager/supervisors physically monitor the activities
in the kitchen. The supervisor in the kitchen also ensures that deep cleaning of the kitchen
appliances like chimney, exhausts, grills, ventilators etc must be done on regular basis.
The elevator shafts must be greased properly so that the smooth functioning of the
elevators can be ensured.

However, there are certain strict code of conduct and guidelines from National Building
Code of India (NBCI) against fire safety and confirmed to be observed by every hotel. As
per this, the hotel will appoint a full-fledged fire officer and will report to chief executive
of the hotel. The hotel management will also ensure that the information pertaining to gas
mask and fire escape routes must be displayed in online and off line mode. The guest‟s
room must have information displayed regarding floor plan, escape routes, stair cases and
dos and don‟ts during fire situation. The hotel will also establish a centralized fire
command centre at ground floor and possibly at entry gate. The hotel administration must

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provide training to its employees regarding raising an alarm during fire, use of first aid kit
and tackling firefighting gadgets along with making them familiar with evacuation plan
and entrusting them their individual role during any emergency situation. The hotel
administration will depute a person to call fire services during emergency and will also
guide fire men to specific location. The hotel administration will take care of all the safety
measures on daily basis and ensure that all the escape routes are opened, housekeeping is
doing its job and there is no scope of any hazardous situation. The hotel management will
also ensure that testing, inspecting and maintenance work is going on to avert any
hazardous situation in near future. The hotel administration will assign strategic locations
to install firefighting equipment in accordance with NBCI. A letter depicting hot work
permit or work permit is required either from Fire Officer or Security Officer to outside
contractor who is about to work inside hotel. The hotel administration will also ensure
that the displayed items used to décor the hotel have class I flame spread rating and do
not produce harmful gases on burning. Such items should not be placed at position where
it may lead to create obstacle during evacuation or exit process, may hide any important
notice or sign or obstruct any door or passage. The reflecting mirrors/objects should not
be used at placed which are supposed to be used during emergency situation to avoid any
confusion. The mattresses use to cover staircases and floors should be ensured that they
are not slippery and stacked tightly. The division of the guests on each floor should be in
the manners of 60:40 ratio i.e. 60 % occupied and 40 % kept reserved. The less number
will help authorities during evacuation process.

The safety lies into the hands of guest as well. The hotel administration takes all the pain
to curb out emergency situation caused due to fire but sometimes the role of guests are
equally important in overcome any unforeseen situation. As soon as the guest arrives in
the hotel, it is expected that he/she must take a look of their floor plan and evacuation
routes, staircases, exit and emergency exit gates, nearby fire alarm and also go through
the manual provided in the room. During the fire situation, leave and close the door of the
room, sound the alarm and proceed towards staircases/emergency exit gate and it is
advisable that avoid using elevator. It has been seen that major fatalities has been caused
due to smoke inhalation, so certain tips can help guests out in minimizing the death tolls.
During the fire the guests can crawlon floor and put water soaked cloths on the door. This
process will check smokes to come out from the fire area. Hotel fire can also be checked
if the guest will not use beds, sofas and other places as a means of comfort to enjoy
smoking. These areas where the smoldering butts cannot be traced easily. So while
leaving/checking out from room, a small inspection can avoid fire event. Also, it is
assumed that the guest will not dump ashes directly to the wastebasket and never use
electronic appliances other than that they are provided to fulfill a purpose.

Dealing with Death

Death is an inevitable truth of this world. Any one may die at any place and at any
moment, whether it is a work place, home, travelling, playing, enjoying or even
holidaying no maters. The major reason of the deaths in the hotels are caused due to drug
abuse or suicide. There are few deaths that have been reported by hotels and major cause
of such deaths are due to heart failure. The hotels generally follow certain guidelines
divided into three categories i.e. preserving the scene for police investigation by the hotel

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authorities, safeguarding the guest‟s personal belongings and removal of dead body and
cleaning up process of the guest room while handling with the dead guest. The details of
the handling procedure is given below:

1. While declaring the guest dead, make sure he is not asleep or into a state of
unconsciousness. After analyzing the vital signs absent such case should be immediately
reported to the front office manager though front desk and the front office manager will
bring the mishap into the notice of the GM or the resident manager. In some cases
security manager is also informed. The general manager/resident manager/security officer
will inform the local police station and simultaneously the hotel doctor is also called upon
who will check, verify and put confirmation of the death.

2. After receiving the confirmation from the doctor, the details of the diseased like home
address, contact numbers etc are retrieved and information is shared with the decedent
near and dear by the hotel.

3. The police after doing all the formalities, ask the hotel administration to remove the
dead body with the help of coroner and lock and seal the room for further forensic
investigation if any required. The dead body will be fully covered and will be carried
through stretcher. In this process the service elevator will be used rather than guest

4. The hotel administration must collect the death certificate from the doctor.

5. The hotel administration will prepare a list that will depict the information like the
person who reported the case, date and time, date and time of check in into the hotel by
the diseased along with room number, date, time and reason of the death. A proper list
will also be prepared by the hotel which will have the details of the belongings and
luggage possessed by the guest. The luggage of the dead person will be then shifted to the
luggage room and the concerned who is dealing with all these exercises will sign on all
the documents as an evidence.

6. So far as the rebooking of such room where any death has been occurred is concerned,
it is the responsibility of the hotel administration to request for a clearance letter from
police department. After receiving NOC from the competent authority, the room will be
opened and treated with chemicals to disinfect and sanitize it and with the permission of
the GM/RM the room will be opened for further booking.

Dealing with Crisis

As we know tourism and hotel are interlinked and if there is any disturbance in tourist
traffic movement (tourism) it will affect hotel as well. In general terms we may define
crisis as an occurrence of any threat that hampers the smooth operation of tourism
industry. It is damaging the reputation of the destination in terms of safety, security,
comfort, attractiveness by spreading the negativity into the minds of tourists causing a
down turn in the economy. As there will be a declination into the tourist arrival and
expenditure pattern, it will lead towards unemployment and crisis in all the segments of

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the tourism i.e. whether it is travel agency, hotels, tour operators, Destination
Management Company (DMC), souvenir shops owners, restaurants operators,
everywhere there will be a turmoil condition and a question of survival will emerge. The
major form of crisis that is often confronted by tourism and hotel are natural calamity,
economy slum, rise in prices (tax levied), epidemic and pandemic, terrorist activities,
violence over destination caused due to political instability, lock down imposed to
prevent spreading of pandemic, misdeeds by staff and management, negative reviews of
the destination or hotels and customer dissatisfaction. The crisis is not an everlasting
event and it will be removed and once again the movement of the tourism industry and
other secondary and tertiary affiliations will start flourishing.

The biggest challenge in front of hotel industry is to reacting and coping up with
situation. The hotels need to establish relations with the locals i.e. administration, police,
Fire men, environmentalist, NGO‟s, cybercrime department, banks etc. The
environmentalist will suggest hotelier to comply with strict norms while police
department will assist hotel in how to be responsive while tracing an unidentified article
in hotel surrounding, the fire department will provide assistance in installing firefighting
equipment at the strategic locations in the hotels. As hotels have their conference rooms
and it can be offered to the concern organizations/departments at discounted rates or
sometimes free of cost may create some sense of belongingness. The participation into the
local fare and festival will also boost the hotelier‟s relationship with locals and it will act
like a supporting hand for them during any crisis.

Compromise with certain things can also lead to overcome crisis. As there are certain
hotels who are strict with their “no pet please” policy but due to the low tourist movement
they relaxed the policy to motivate guests intending to stay in the hotel along with their
pets. Hotels offer special incentives to attract travelers like pay for four night and get one
night additional free or discounted coupons to redeem during happy hours or casino
coupons to play over casinos of the hotel. During power outage, the hotel may request all
the guests to check out simultaneously it may also request for blackout party those who
want to stay.

The hotel administration can also create a corpus with funds provided by themselves and
they can ask for a compulsory contribution from every employees as well. This corpus
must have a crystal clear norms while utilizing during crisis. If the employees and their
family members are protected, then the hotel will be in a position to earn profit.

The hotel administration can also take the help of technologies to cope up crisis. The
technological advancement will enhance the quality of the security in hotel.

Establishing communication with the guests those who have been served in past. It will
help hotel administration to establish a customer relation and efforts should be to convert
them into a loyal customer. The record keeping is a healthy exercise and can be used for
future reference as well. The guest who stayed into the hotel long back may seek any
information pertaining to his/her stay, food served, food preparation process and many
more at any point of time. A customer will be delighted if as per the guest history records

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the hotel management may offer the services to him i.e. the choice of meal, the type of
room, any special requirement etc.

The preparedness in crisis will also have a positive impact on hotel operation. The Hotels
have been asked to install CCTV cameras, metal detectors, x-ray screening and bollards
to its premises. Even the hotel employees have also provided with the training to fight
against any crisis.

Cost cutting during crisis can be a wise decision to be in business during such scenario.
The major areas of cost cutting can be traced out like all the recruitment process can be
withheld, staffs can be sent on vacations, and volunteers can be asked for vacations. The
hotel floors where guests have not been turned up, the electric and water supply can be
closed. It will save electricity and thus, efficiently man power can be utilized. Crisis
management teaches the lesson to survive with in limited available resources.

Dealing with Disaster

The major concern of hospitality industry is its services, amenities, guest satisfaction and
earning profit by receiving and entertaining guests. The inner self ambience of the hotel
may be enough to attract guests to the hotels but the important question lies in this fact
that whether the hotel building is strong enough to provide safeguard to the in house
guests and employees. The hotel‟s compatibility to fight against flood, hurricane and
other natural disaster add extra weightage in the minds of the guests while looking for
booking a room. A proper planning in this regard may save the lives of the valuable
guests, money to be spent on repairs and damages and many potential litigations that may
be confronted during the post disaster incidence. The hotels preparedness in advance
against disasters may ensure safety and security along with helping guest to not face any
terrific experience. The law also emphasizes that hotel should be liable for accidents that
happen due to negligence on their part. So the hotels must ensure that they have ample
evacuation plans and spaces, all exit gates are functioning without any impediments and
exit door indicators are clearly visible and the hotel CCTVs camera are working and
proper monitoring and recording is done, have ample of food stuff, water and other
resources available in the kitchen to be served during disaster. The hotel administration
can also offer free or discounted accommodation to the victims, volunteers and relief

The hotel administration should ensure that it has offered training to its every employee to
fight against disaster. The hotel staff must be competent enough to understand the
situation and accordingly, the course of action to be followed. When the Taj Hotel,
Mumbai was under terrorist attack, it was their staff members who brought guests to the
safer places. It was done because the employees were able to sense the impact of such
incidents and they focused only on providing safety and security to the guests calmly and
without taking care of their own lives. The hotel administration must bind the employees
into a team and communicate accordingly like the employee should know whom to report
and how to react while dealing against a disaster.

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The communication system of the hotel should be effective and be accessible to
everybody. The hotel‟s website must display the latest information/notices pertaining to
disaster. The social media platforms should be used to update the latest happenings and
progress to all the stakeholders i.e. guests, community and interested parties of the hotel.
There should be provision of direct question and answer facilities also so that the fresh
queries and doubts can be entertained. All the guests and employees needs to be
connected with in a fraction of moment if any disaster occurs.

The hotels may also seek opinion from any restoration company regarding pre-loss
assessment so that the hotel administration may purchase insurances against property and
physical loss. As soon as the disaster is over and upon feeling that now it is safe to roam
around, the hotel administration can take a look of the damages and instruct maintenance
and engineering department to take care of the repair or replacements at the earliest so
that the hotel operation can be ensured. In the meantime a circular will also be issued to
the residing guests to not visit the dangerous area indicated through a map. The hotel
administration will also make a file regarding the loss and damages caused due to disaster
for the final insurance claim.

After doing all these exercises, it is good to engage the staff members in cleaning up
process. The hotel staff should be indulged for cutting the unnecessary trees and branches
fallen down, removing debris, draining water from the logging areas and drying it for
further use. The counseling session followed by a religious rituals before opening for
booking can also be helpful in overcoming the trauma felt by the hotel administration.


1. Discuss some of the guidelines followed by hoteliers regarding safety.

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2. What are the major causes of fire in a hotel? Discuss the strategies adopted by a hotel
to curb fire if any in their premises.


Safety and security is important for every individual because it ensures the wellbeing of
the concerns. The more the people will be safe and secure, the more it will contribute into
society by his/her efforts. Similarly, the organizations are also important so far as safety
and security is concerned. If the organizations are safe, it ensures its productivity for a
longer time, the employees feel happy and government receives revenue. The hotel
organization also considered into the list of safety and security. The profit share of the
hotels are based on the turn up of the satisfied guests and satisfaction comes when they
(guests) feel safe and secure. Though other components of the services offered by hotels
also contribute into guest satisfaction, but safety and security of the guests, employees,
assets and reserves are highly recommended. After terror strike in many parts of the
world in recent past, targeting the hotels became the talk of the town for many renowned
hotel chains. The hotel became the soft targets as many people are gathered at a single
place and the target against the crime such as terrorism, theft, assault, murder are solved.
The hotels took the help of many safety and security service providers and received
suggestions from army retired personnel in coping up the potential hazardous situation.
The hotels installed many safety and security features to its premises to ensure nothing go
wrong against guests, property and hotel staff. Over all these are the assets of the hotel
that bring revenue to the organization.

To sum up it can be said that safety and security is a prime component that contributes
into the mental satisfaction. If a tourist is aware of that he is safe and secure, he/she will
enjoy the destination in the desired manner. The hotel‟s safety and security is also

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important because it provides shelter to those persons who are new to the town. They
prefer a place to stay because the need a place where they may feel as they are safe. By
seeing the events of frequent terror strike at hotels, the hotels reviewed their safety and
security mechanism and upgraded the hotels with latest equipment and technologies that
they found suitable in curbing the situation. The hotels formulated policies in which they
clearly mentioned that in house training to the employees are must so that they can be a
supportive hand during any emergency situation. They reviewed their security features
related to room safety, floor safety, emergency evacuation doors, exit and entry points for
guests and staff and many more. The hotels also came out with their special security
department and formulated guidelines pertaining to guests and its belongingness, its
employees, hotel equipment, hotel resources and fund protection to be strictly followed
by everyone i.e. guests and hotel staff. The hotels also formulated action plans to fight
against emergency situations created by manmade or nature. They formulated course of
action to be taken in case of fire, death crisis and disaster. From the above discussions it
is clear that safety and security is an important aspect of modern tourism and why it
should not be as the hotels are indulged into the business and after all they are promoting

Tourism: The motive which pursues a traveler to visit certain place.

Safety: It has been defined as a condition in which a person is being protected from harm
caused by unintentional failure

Security: It can be defined as a condition in which a person is being protected from

harms caused due to intentional human behavior or actions.

Hotel Resources: The components that contribute into providing guest satisfaction. It
includes all the facilities offered by hotel to recreate its guests.

Emergency Situation: The situation that cannot be predicted and can arise due to man
made efforts or nature.

Evacuation Process: The procedure that is being followed by the guests with the help of
the hotel staff to be at a safer place during any emergency situation.


 Tourism Security: Strategies for Effective Managing Travel Risk and Safety By
Peter Tarlow
 Safety and Security in Tourism Relationships, Management and Marketing By C.

Uttarakhand Open University 15

Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
 Hall, Dallen J. Timothy and David Timothy Duval.
 Tourism, Security and Safety (The Management of Hospitality and Tourism
Enterprises) -Yoel Mansfeld & Abraham Pizam


 Tourism Security: Strategies for Effective Managing Travel Risk and Safety By
Peter Tarlow
 Safety and Security in Tourism Relationships, Management and Marketing By C.
 Hall, Dallen J. Timothy and David Timothy Duval.
 Tourism, Security and Safety (The Management of Hospitality and Tourism
Enterprises) -Yoel Mansfeld & Abraham Pizam


1. Write a note on „Best Practices of Safety and Security: A Study of Taj and Oberoi
Hotels, Mumbai‟.
2. Define security? Explain the importance of Security Departments of Hotels.
3. List the guidelines of security followed in hotels.
4. As a manager of a five star hotel how you will deal with:
a. Dealing with Fire
b. Dealing with Death
c. Dealing with Crisis
d. Dealing with Disaster
5. Write the note on „Significance of Safety and Security‟.

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UNIT: 02

Destination Images from Tourist Perspective
The Role of Media in Influencing Consumer‟s Perception of Travel Safety
Understanding Tourist Security, its importance and Impact on Tourism Industry
Consumer Awareness of Travel Advisories and Their Influence on Behavior
Common Problems and Challenges with Hotel and Tourism Destinations Security
Security Issues at Airports, Railway Stations, Single Women Travelers in India
Tourist Police and Its Role
Role of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India/ UN WTO Guidelines/ Advises on safety and Security
International Issues on Tourist Security
The Role of Insurance in the Travel Industry
Terminal Questions

Safety and security are vital to providing quality in tourism. More than any other
economic activity, the success or failure of a tourism destination depends on being able to
provide a safe and secure environment for visitors. In the case of leisure tourists on
organized trips, the tourists‟ travel behavior is facilitated by two stakeholders in the
tourism system––tour operators in the generating markets and tour operators in the
receiving destination. Both share a common objective of mitigating the almost inevitable
damage resulting from a change in the security climate of a given destination. Since these
stakeholders do not normally coordinate their reactions to security-oriented crises, each
has to perform an individual assessment of the other side‟s actions taken to mitigate the

After reading this chapter, the students will be able to:
 Understand perception and role of media in influencing consumer‟s

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 Understand the significance of tourist security and problems of tourist
 Understand the concept of tourist police and its role in maintaining security
over destinations.
 Define the role of Ministry of Tourism and UNWTO in maintaining safety
and security over destinations.
 Know the role of various insurance policies applicable in tourism industry.


of the destination plays an important role in attracting tourists. This image is being
based on the perceptions of the visitors about the particular destination which
further leads towards tourist behavior and choice of destination. It has been seen that
whenever we plan a holiday, we check so many things about our planned destination. The
sources of all the desired information pertaining to this specific destination may be many
more ranging from print media to electronic media and even word to mouth publicity.
The image of the destination has been picturized by citing good things about the
destination like its facilities, location, people (host), food and culture, safety and security
etc. All these components, if bind together make a distinct image of destination, which
further leads towards attracting more and more tourists. To define an image of destination
it can be said that it is a set of components like ideas, belief and impressions that a tourist
possesses regarding a destination. The tourists have their own imaginations regarding a
destination and it is based on many believes and perception. According to Pike and Ryan
(2004) image has three distinct components which are commonly known as cognitive,
affective and conative. This image is considered as an amalgam of large number of
associations and essential information pertaining with the place.The image building is an
important exercise for the destinations because it attracts tourists and bring satisfaction to
them. It often creates competition among similar types of destinations and thus, making a
confusion among the travelers regarding their choice of destination.

Major components of Destination Image can be broadly divided into two parts:
1. Tangible Attributes: Tangible attributes are those components which are
available over destination and it supports a place calling it a “destination”.
Hotel buildings, infrastructure, attractions etc. are included in this list.
2. Psychological Attributes: These are the components which deals with the
individual‟s belief about the destination and often called as cognitive
components. It often talks about the tourist behavior and helps in decision
making while choosing a destination.

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Check Your Progress-I

1. Define Destination image with example.


Safety and security has been a prime component of tourism when it comes to plan for a
holiday. As the place is new and no acquaintance is available and even the basic support
of friends and relatives are absent, the most important aspect is safety and security of
person and belongings over the destination. A place totally new to a traveler, may not be
aware of the actual risk which he/ she can confront. During any crisis the traditional
media is very helpful while the smart phones are also liable for the updating of
information related to destination. The nexus of smart phones and social media cannot be
ignored because the person can access their social account with in a fraction of second
and any update can be checked. Generally a tourist may confront the situations over
destinations in the form of crime, disaster, diseases like heart attack, natural calamity,
weather, cultural barrier and sometimes political risk. Take an example, if I leave my
home place for holidaying and in between anything happens wrong due to manmade and
natural factors, how come I will be aware of such happenings. So in this way the role of
media exists and the timely help in spreading the information may save the life and travail
which may be faced by the tourist. In fact the social media has been considered as a
reliable source of crisis related up to date information in a quick manner if compared to
traditional media. It is also observed that during crisis all the means of social media
become active and share the information in their own manner. Sometimes the media helps
the travelers by sharing information on do‟s and don‟ts, the contact person along with
contact details, and other pertinent information so that the diseased may opt the services
on time. Thus, in brief we can say that social media has been proved as an emerging
information source that every individual is likely to access during crisis. As a matter of
fact, the information related to crisis which may not be easily provided by traditional
media is often made available on social media. Also, the younger generation who is
technologically shabby and also share certain social media platform, often found
inquisitive about crisis information through various social media platforms because it
provides original essence of latest information with credibility.

There has been a long debate on the credibility of the information shared by traditional
media over social media and the users have found that social media is more reliable
because it opens the path of two way communication which seems to be more realistic

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and authentic. There are various examples when social media platforms were used to
shorting out the issues raised during travelling. We can recall when social twitter (media
platform) was used for eradication of technical fault witnessed by railway passengers and
even camel milk was also supplied to the patient during lock down period from Rajasthan
to Mumbai in a short span of time.Even Twitter was also used by the Dallas-Fort Worth
International Airport to share information with the travelers of an approaching tornado
threat and proper safety precautions. So, no doubt social media plays an active role in
motivating people in seeking/ sharing information during various crisis.

Significance of using social media: There are any purposes by which the users are
following social media. Their details are discussed below:
1. The timely shared information may cautious the traveler from any potential
crisis like harm, crime, loss of life, political risk, natural calamity etc.
2. The traveler may likely to cope up the crisis which may lead to meager
3. The social media flashes the news first i.e. the firsthand information is
being shared by social media which is more authentic and reliable in
4. It crosses the geographical area very fast.
5. To get in touch with outer world regarding the latest happenings.

Check Your Progress-II

1. Explain the role of media in influencing consumer perception in travel safety.


The word safety and security are used together but it has literary differences too. Safety
has been defined as a condition in which a person is being protected from harm caused by
unintentional failure while security is defined as a condition in which a person is being
protected from harms caused due to intentional human behavior or actions. Safety and
security is the major concern among all the living creature of this universe. It is also
described by Maslow through his Need and Hierarchy Theory. The safety and security
does not confined to life only but it also emphasizes on job, health and environment.

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As we know tourism is a recreational activity in which a tourist leaves his/her home to a
distant place because of leisure and pleasure or fulfill different motives. For him safety
and security is a major challenge. At this (new and unfamiliar) place he/she has to stay
somewhere so that he/she can feel safe. Thus, some short of means of shelter is required
to keep himself/herself safe from unforeseen circumstances. One of the prime component
of tourism industry is tourists who contribute into the local economy by their spending.
They also bring revenue to the governments by invisible trade. Once the image of a
destination get deteriorated due to misbehave, cheating and theft or any hostile behavior
shown by the locals may have serious consequences over the tourist inflow and probably
it may hamper economics of tourism over the place. That‟s why many countries have
concentrated on tourist safety and security. In India, also, the government has talked
about seven “S” out which “SURAKSHA” is one of the essential components. The
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is destined to offer safety and security to solo
travelers, female travelers and every national and international travelers.

Importance of Tourist Security: The destination is being represented by the tourist. The
overall satisfaction is being felt by the traveler generates more tourists to the destination,
the attributes of the destination brings more satisfied tourists and hence, the destination
get converted into a brand. More tourist facilities are increased and supply pattern is
being changed. The dependency of the locals on tourism is also increased gradually. More
tourist inflow will generate more employment opportunity and the flow of income is
maintained. But it all are based on tourist inflow and better services. The safety and
security is one of the components that bring satisfaction to the travelers. So a dissatisfied
traveler will stop many to visit a place which is not compatible (tourist friendly) to
travelers. The destination with negative image (often confronted with agitation, crime,
curfew, community clashes etc.) will hardly attract tourist from remote places. So, a
tourist centric destination is important not for individual tourists but for every
stakeholders who is reaping benefit from it i.e. government, locals etc.

Impact on Tourism Industry: For the prosperity of any nation it is utmost required that
government should create a favorable environment for tourists to visit. If the governments
are considering tourism as a cash cow, they should provide amenities at least of that
extent. The slackness in maintaining law and order at destinations may affect tourist
inflow. The reputation of the destination will also be affected which may prevent the
tourists to visit and revisit. Tourism is a business and in any business investment is
required, similarly, tourism development attracts a lot of investments from various
stakeholders and imagine if the tourists are not willing to visit what will be the
consequences? As we know all touristic activities are meant for solace and peace of mind
and any miss-happening will bring all his time and money spoilt. Therefore, the
governments are putting a lot of efforts to branding a destination crime free and tourist
friendly. In this regard a lot of capacity building programmes and awareness programmes
have been launched to signify the importance of tourist safety and security in the
prospects of economy.

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
Check Your Progress-III

1. Define tourist security. What is its importance in tourism?


To define an advisory, it can be said that it is a piece of information, bulletin or an
announcement that is used to advise and warn people regarding potential hazards. This
advisory plays an important role in making aware the tourist regarding their holiday plan
and destination, types of preparation required and in fact it is the standard operating
procedure (SOP) which is badly required. It can be checked well in advance before
finalizing a booking and also during leaving for destination because there is a huge time
gap when some books a holiday package and actual journey starts.

These advisories are helpful to tourists in many folds but the question is whether tourists
use certain sources to access these advisories, how much they rely on these sources and in
the last do they really act as per the SOP mentioned in the advisory. The answer to these
questions are different because on cannot estimate the number of the tourists.

The content of the travel advisory varies from country to country and destination to
destination. But most of the common information are related with travel safety and
security, health, entry and exit procedure and documents required, local laws and culture,
weather and climatic conditions. Travel advisory also share certain dos and don‟ts. It also
highlights the emergency contact details for instant help during crisis situation. We
should not forget that COVID 19 emerged as a crisis throughout globe and every country
released advisory on travelling. Airlines also came forward with their advisories along
with SOP, hotel industry opted their own SOP, and special guidelines were launched for
tourist, tourism and destinations.

Sources of Travel Advisory: There are many sources of travel advisories but the
significance lies in the fact that which are the reliable and authentic sources.
Statutory Bodies: The advisory in India in always being circulated through the
government bodies like Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Environment or Ministry
of Tourism when it comes to deal with tourism. All the information are shared through
their official websites and links. These are the most reliable sources of information.

Social Media: There are certain sources which are linked all together and spread travel
advisory. These platforms are called as social media platforms. These are volunteering

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services and information may be reliable or unrealistic. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc
are counted in this form of source of travel advisory.

Traditional Media: Traditional media like radio and television also shares advisories but
it is not possible that every time people are careful to read or listen advisories. It is also
considered as a reliable source of sharing advisories.

Web Portals of Airlines, Hotels, Travel Agents and other officials dealing with the
tourism: The official websites of the tourism stakeholders also helpful in offering
essential information on tourism and related activities in their respective countries and
areas. It also supports travelers in deciding their holiday packages.

Check Your Progress-IV

1. Define travel advisory with example

2. What are the sources of travel advisory?


Safety and security is utmost required over destination. The loss of life and theft of
belongings of tourists along with protecting the ambience of destination is a prime
concern. Any destination free from crimes is always a temptation for travelers. Though
tourism is a recreational activity in which people travel because of some diverse
motivation which we can say is not a cumbersome job. The people spend a quality time
with hassle free job over the destinations. They seek a good hotel to stay and relax. If
their stay and holidaying is full of misery and be spent with terror, what to describe it.
Tourist and destinations are always targeted as a soft target for all types of crimes. Be it
prostitution, drug puddling, late nights rave parties, gambling, looting, misbehave,

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molestation with the foreign tourists, cheating and theft are a common practice that have
been observed during tourist season over destinations. It has become a common practice
because there is no interference of the government organizations? If any case of crime is
being reported the government fulfills the decorum of the task and report of such
happenings never being shared in public domain. Let‟s discuss some of the common
problems of safety and security of the destinations:

1. Terrorism in the form of lone wolves: There are certain individuals who
are radicalized and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the unknown noble
cause. This type of terrorism is caused due to identifying

2. Responsibility of Media: Many times it has been seen that media breed
hysteria. A small incident is been narrated with such a twist that it becomes
a blow out of proportion. The media gives an impression that the particular
place is not safe place for visitors and thus tourism get affected.

3. Cyber Crimes: We are residing in such a world where things are just one
click away. The plastic money is with us and it is being used for all types
of payment made to airlines, hotels, shopping, food etc. For this purpose a
computer set up is required which keeps an eye over all the billing process.
The most of the fraudulent cases has been reported over the destinations
are related to cybercrime in which all the personal e data are stolen and re
used through morphed exercises.

4. Quality of food stuffs: The ingredients used by the hotels and restaurants
are another treat to life because being a tourist we do not know the quality
of the food stuff which are being used for food and beverages services.
There is no such mechanism to check the quality of the poultry products,
milk products and fruits and vegetables and even the preparation standards.
Genetically Modified (GM) foods are highly demanded products but it is
not good for health while Chinese salt (MSG) is a cancer causing
substance which is often used in restaurants for preparation of Chinese

5. Lack of tourist police services over destinations: At many of places we

do not find tourist police who is there to help tourists during crisis. Though
tourism is an industry that supports GDP for many countries but it has been
left unattended. A sense of security over destinations may lead to more
satisfaction to the tourists. The helpline numbers provided by the
governments may work for a particular time slot and sometimes there is
none to pick the calls or if even picked up, the response team reaches the
spot when everything is almost over.

6. Over Taxation: The tourism has been considered as a cash cow and it is
the reason why the governments are imposing so much taxes particularly
on tourism related services. It is their faith that tourists are richer and they

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are here to spend some money and travelers are not their vote bank. It
hardly matters for such politicians to increase taxes. But the increased
taxes will kill tourism and it will hamper the growth of economy. The local
employment whose income is based on tourism flow only will be affected
badly. There will be loss in the revenue as well.

The guests are always welcomed by hotels because it depicts Guest is God. The
accommodation facility has been granted to everyone who is intending to stay and
capable to pay. But there are also threat of security in the hotels as well. The details are
given below:

1. Unauthorized Visitors: During season time the accommodation units are

filled with guests and it is very difficult to identify who is authorized
person and who is unauthorized. The hotels must have certain mechanism
to check unauthorized person in the hotel premise.

2. Theft: The theft is a common problem which can be seen in almost every
hotel. The belongingness of the guest and luggage are often picked up by
someone who seems to be the hotel employee but when it is enquired, it
seems a spurious person who entered the hotel by pretending himself as an
employee. Sometimes guests are also held responsible for carrying out
theft in the hotel. The picking up of towels, soaps, ashtrays, hair driers,
T.V and AC remote are some of the common items which have been
recovered from guests during checking out.

3. Theft from Parking Area: Parking area is most vulnerable to theft

because once the vehicle is parked, it seems a guest is relaxed. By keeping
all his belongingness in the car, he/she leaves for hotel. It is the high time
when thieves are super active and break the glass of the car to pick up the
valuable articles like laptop.

4. Disorderly Conduct: When a rock star, super star or cine star stays in a
hotel, the public behaves rudely asthey want to get the glimpse of their
favorite star. The crowd management is a big challenge because public can
be rowdy and create ruckus. The potential damage to hotel property,
people and vehicles cannot be ignored.

Check Your Progress-V

1. Discuss some of the issues prevailing over tourist destinations regarding tourist
safety and security.

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The airports have been considered as very sensitive places that may harm many
individuals together. After 9/11, all the countries reviewed their security management at
airports and made strategies to overcome any awkward situation. The passengers at
airports significantly represent a richer section of the society who has been categorized as
IP, VIP and VVIP. They travel by air because they want to reach their destination on
time. The security issues at airports does not concentrate on the passengers only but it
also highlights baggage, cargo, fence checks, inspecting retail sections, enforcing
checkpoints along with formulating and executing emergency plans relating to natural
disaster, fire and civil threat. However, there are no such full proof system that may
ensure 100% safety and security at the airport. There are certain issues which needs to be
1. Every airport has its uniqueness in terms of serving passengers. The
security companies and personnel are trained as per the training manuals
provided by the government agencies. However, it is highly suggested that
the security personnel must be selected and identified to carry out special
duties at airports. The special training and certification courses will
enhance their qualification and practical exposure.

2. Automation is required at every airport because many a times we come to

know that a dummy passenger entered the airport through a cancelled
ticket. The security personnel are not aware whether the holder of the
ticket is a genuine passenger. They check the print copy of the ticket and a
valid identity proof but there is no such mechanism to trace the passengers
entering airport premises with dummy tickets.

3. Safety of runways from wild animals are another concern because open
area is always a fascination for wild animals who come out of their holes
to run and prey. It affects the safe landing of the air crafts.

4. Clear Open sky for aircrafts is also required because bird hitting is a
common phenomenon. The aircrafts are damaged and complains of engine
failure often happen due to the bird hitting exercise. Many flights are
cancelled due to engine failure and passengers are left stranded with no

5. Flights are also unavailable due to fog. The meteorological services at

majority of airports get failed during dense fog in winters. The flights are
remain cancelled or delayed due to operational reasons. Even sometimes
the passengers are grounded to some other airports and from there they are
sent to their final destination with some other alternate arrangements.

6. Airports are now a hub of beggars, homeless people, drug abuse and
mentally ill people who loiter heather and thither in the airport campus

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without any reason. The movement of such people should be completely
banned in the premises of the airport.

7. The public side of the airports are highly vulnerable when it comes to
terror attack which may be confronted in the form of active shooting,
baggage filled with explosives, ramming of vehicles into the airport area,
weaponized drones etc.

8. The outrage scenes created in the flights by drunkard persons, sexual

abuses and misbehave with the flight attendants and co passengers are
another issue of safety and security.

9. Potential safety and security threats caused due to airport employee who is
indulged in supporting and assisting terrorist. The person can get involved
in smuggling drugs, weapons, money laundering etc. Recently, a flight
attendant was caught with carrying foreign currencies illegally and that
were kept in food pouches, supposed to be served to the passengers with
freshness during journey. The direct access to the aircraft might have
motivated miscreants to indulge into this type of crime.

Security issues at Railway Station: Railways are the backbone of Indian passengers
because millions of people travel from one place to another. The railways stations are
most vulnerable in safety and security because of number of persons available at a time.
The safety and security at the railway station is divided into the following parts:

1. Safety and security of Passengers and their belongingness

2. Safety and security of Railway Assets
3. Safety and security of Trains
4. Safety and security of Employees

The major challenges which a railway station may face fall under the category of
terrorism, fire, abandoned luggage, entry to restricted area, evacuation process during any
emergency situation without much harm. Railway stations are also home to differently
abled people, beggars, orphans, widows, young and small children, unauthorized persons
and nobody is there to bother. The antisocial elements also become active during night
time and always waiting for their preys. The thieves are always waiting for a suitable time
to pick the belongingness or pocket of passengers who is standing in a que for ticket,
enjoying tea in the cafeteria or busy in chit chat with their friends and relatives. The other
group of the miscreants are there to wait for the trains to be into the sheds where they can
exercise their motives of theft and other illegal activities.

Security issues relating to female solo travelers in India: It has been a debatable topic
whether India is safe for female solo travelers. There is a mix response against it. Those
who have seen India with in its proximity, have different opinion. However, the common
issues which is confronted by majority of the female solo travelers are discussed below:

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1. Eve teasing, sexual assaults and attacks: Many of the female travelers have
shared their experience of sexual assaults and attacks at destination places,
trains and public transport. The individual or group of persons are often
indulged into this type of activities.

2. Heat, dust and noise: This is a common issue of every destination. The
poorly designed destinations are full of dust and noise and above all the
prevailing climatic conditions of the Indian subcontinent is also
responsible for creating nuisance to the travelers.

3. Staring, groping and stalking: The solo female travelers are always a prey
for anti –social elements. Such elements always keep an eye over such
female solo traveler/s (soft target) who can easily be victim. The need of
the hour is to protect such travelers from miscreants through certain strict
rules and regulations.

4. Getting Sick and feeling lonely: The major challenge with solo traveler is
to take care of herself during any emergency situation. If she is ill, sick or
met out with any awkward situation, who should be there to take care for

5. Friendliness behavior as a part of culture: The solo female traveler, if

shows her friendly behavior towards a person, it should not be understood
as a symbol of something but it should always be welcomed as a healthy.

However, there is no hard and fast rule to curb safety and security issues pertaining to
solo female travelers in India but it the sole responsibility of the concern herself how she
is reacting/ tackling any awkward situation. The emergency contact numbers and women
helpline numbers are always displayed at eye catching points in the cities, the local police
station is also marked. It is also advised to such travelers that they should take extra
precaution while traveling to destinations. Even general advisories are also issued by the
governments time to time. Late night movements in case of pick up and drop from
airports railway station, use of late night public transport and parties are always
discouraged especially for solo travelers.

Check Your Progress-VI

1. Discuss the security issues prevailing over airports in India.

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
2. What are the major challenges of security and safety at railway stations? Discuss

3. Explain the issues and challenges related to solo women traveler regarding safety
and security issues.


In the previous contents we have seen how important a tourist is for a country. To provide
safety and security to the tourists is top priority for nations whose economy is fully
depending on tourism. In India also the advocacy started for establishing certain
organizations/institutions who can be helpful in offering safeguard to international and
domestic tourists at various destinations. To maintain law and order and to provide safety
and security to the tourists is the task of states. Some of the states have already deployed
tourist police at prime destinations from their existing police personnel. But due to certain
limitations and constrains it was not a wise decision to pull personnel from main corpus.
Therefore, the concept called “Tourist Facilitation and Security Organization” was
launched by Government of India to fulfill the purpose of providing safety and security to
the tourists at destinations, counsel tourists for their safe visit to destinations and to help
them in their seamless movement within the state. The added advantage is that the
personnel employed are well trained and capable to facilitate and guide tourists in many
ways. To encourage states and union territories against establishing Tourist Facilitation
and Security Organization (TFSO) the central government is offering partial financial
assistance (seed money) for the initial years.

Funding: For the initial three years from the date of establishment, the central
government will bear fifty percent of the expenditure incurred on this project. The
remaining fifty percent (matching share) will be borne by the respective state
governments and union territories. For the next three years, the Government of India will

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bear 25 % share while remaining 75% will be met by the concerned state/ union

Pilot Project: Initially three states Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh were
identified for implementing this project. It was decided that certain individual destination/
circuit will identified from these concerned states. To check the effectiveness of the pilot
project, Kushinagar and Shravasti from Uttar Pradesh, Jaipur from Rajasthan and
Golconda Fort from Andhra Pradesh were chosen.

Deployment of TFSO Personnel: Initially, they were deployed at tourist places assigned
with the responsibility to escort the tourist group with in the destination or circuit. They
were also deployed at railway station, bus stands and airports or at any place where there
deployment is required.

Role and responsibility of TFSO Personnel: The major role and responsibility of TFSO
a. To maintain safety and security at the destination and report the crime if
any against tourists to the local administration/ nearest police station.
b. To provide necessary information to the tourists for their smooth
movement at the destination.
c. To make aware tourists about the do‟s and don‟ts of the place, also about
the activities of touts and undesirable elements. It will also include the
reporting of such cases to the higher authority in curbing the situation.
d. To report any emergency situation related to tourists to higher authorities.
e. To assist in loss and found activities along with managing traffic and
f. To check unscrupulous practices like gambling, alcohol consumption, drug
trafficking or illegal selling of liquors.
g. To ensure cleanliness of the destination by advising the tourists to throw
their litters at designated places.

Tourist Police: In some of the states where TFSO personnel are not working, it is the
tourist police who is taking care of tourist destinations and tourists. In general term,a
police is a civil force that is responsible for detecting and preventing crime and to
maintain law and order. Similarly, a tourist police constitute the similar task but
specifically for tourist and tourism. If we turn the history of tourist police in India, it is
the Goa state who formulated and executed the concept of tourist police somewhere in
1990. It not only ensured safety and security of the tourists in and around Goa but also
helps tourism department in implementing the provisions of Goa Registration of Tourist
Trade Act 1982. As per NDTV report, currently tourist police is active in 16 states and
carrying out the following duties and responsibilities:
a. To control crime and maintaining law and order over the destinations.
b. To obtain and collect information relating to the person/s indulged in
crime/s over the destination and vigilant over such culprits.
c. To ensure that all the crimes reported and registered with the support of

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d. To curbthe movement of the unauthorized persons, beggars, hawkers, touts
at the destination.
e. To ensure hassle free movement of the tourists at the destination.
f. To provide emotional support to the tourists during any mishap like
cheating, theft etc.
g. To share information related to locations, facilities, transport system,
authorized shops and shopkeepers, medical emergency prevailing over the
h. To assist tourist in identifying right type of accommodation, transportation
and other services.
i. To intervene in the events like pick pocketing, eve teasing, molestation,
drug trafficking and consumption.
j. To sensitize tourists regarding local ethos, rules and regulations, do‟s and
don‟ts, law and order, special permits and security conditions at
k. To inform tourist about the procedure of foreign currency exchange and
direct such tourist to approach right banks and counters for the same.
l. To act as a liaison with FRRO during immigration situation at entry and
exit points.
m. To restrict the entry of unauthorized/ unlicensed tourist guides at the
attractions and destinations.

Tourist Police Station: It refers to any kiosk, place or post designated by the state
government to offer policing services to the tourist at the destination. This tourist police
post will work under the supervision of SP/SSP. This police station will be established
either in permanent shape or moveable set up of fiber or glass furnished with a tables,
chairs, small wardrobe and toilet facility. The establishment should be eye catching with a
mixture of dark colors, clearly visible from a distance. The name of the tourist police
station along with logo should be displayed, the slogan Incredible India should also be
engraved to make aware the tourist about the brand of India tourism.

Deployment of Tourist Police: The provision of deploying tourist police includes major
tourist attractions that includes monuments falling under world heritage sites, entry and
exit points like railway station, airports and bus terminals. Along with this, the police can
be deputed to major religious shrines, shopping areas, entertainment areas where tourists
interacts with touts, hawkers and shopkeepers. The deployment will ensure the hassle free
movement of the tourists at these places and it will also build the sense of confidence
among them.

It may be concluded that tourism is a leisure activity and it should not be hampered
because of any unscrupulous practice. To check such practices and to maintain law and
order over destination is a prime factor if we really want to promote tourism and talk

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about customer satisfaction. The tourist police can be a helpful hand in curbing negativity
over destinations.

Check Your Progress-VII

1. Describe the duty and responsibility of TFSO personnel in maintaining safety and

2. Who are tourist police? Discuss the role of tourist police in Tourism.


Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is an apex body that deals with tourism in
India. It talks about policy, planning, development and promotion of tourism. It also
makes collaboration with various stakeholders, state tourism boards and other central
institutes for the smooth running of tourism industry in India. The ministry also acts as a
regulatory body in framing policies related to boosting tourism in India like Visa on
Arrival, infrastructure development, safety and security issues, tourism education and
man power etc.

The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India was set up in the year 1967 and Dr. Karan
Singh was appointed as a maiden minister. Since then MOT is progressing neaps and

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bounds, The MOT, GOI has been charged with the responsibility to do a number of tasks
that fall under the following category:
1. Policy Formulation that includes all types of policies pertaining to Tourism
Development, Incentives, man power development, promotion and
marketing of India as a destination, and above all attracting FDI for this
2. Planning and Development of Destinations through the joint efforts of state
tourism boards, and other ministries.
3. Infrastructure Development required for tourism in the country.
4. Developing Human Resources required for tourism industry in India.
5. Publicity of materials and formulation of appropriate marketing campaign
for tourism destinations.
6. Research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of various ongoing tourism
7. Creating platform for international co-operation through various
international bodies, bilateral agreements, overseas technical collaboration
and external assistance,

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India’s stand on Safety and Security: The MOT
in its policy released in the year 2007 concentrates on 7 S points of tourism development.
Out of this 7S, one and very prominent in “SURAKSHA”. The MOT in his advises talks
about the following issues when it comes to deal with safety and security:
1. It promotes tourism activities to be undertaken with dignity, safety and
freedom from exploitation for all the stakeholders.
2. It advocates to prevent illegal happenings like prostitution, sex tourism,
molestation and assaults with tourists over the destinations to provide
safety of persons, in particular women and children.
3. It also focuses on preventing the consumption of drugs(forced or
involuntary)over destinations and cultural and social intolerance which
could increase vulnerability to crime.

Application: The code of conduct (COC) shall be strictly adhered by the owners,
suppliers, contractors, employees of the travel and tour sector including hotels,
restaurants, lodges, guest houses, tour agents, entertainment establishments etc. In
addition, it shall be applicable to service providers like event management organizations,
entertainment providers, transport operators like taxis, buses, tour guides and other
services or agencies associated with the tourism sector.

Safety and Security Guidelines (For Industry): The Tourism management will provide
training and management to their staff members to ensure safety and security of tourists,
local people and staff members at their place. All the stakeholders will appoint personnel
to look into the matter if all the safety measures have been strictly adhered. In case of any
incidence of exploitation, the entrusted person will report the correct issue to the
appropriate higher authority who will ensure the strict action to be taken against such

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Public Awareness and Guest Notification (Tourist): The information related to
exploitation or any kind of intolerance reported at the place must be displayed/ visible to
the tourists, employees and the local people. Such information can also be shared through
company‟s website, brochure, hard copy of entry tickets, bills, manuals in the hotel room
etc. The information related to child trafficking, child sex tourism, prostitutions,
pornography, molestations, sexual assaults can also be shared with the guests. In order to
minimize intolerance with the tourists at the destinations, the visitors should be informed
through various social media platforms regarding the local, cultural and social ethos
prevailing over destinations. It will enable tourists to dress, conduct and respect local
culture. This will reduce the harassment of the travelers. The officials of tourism
department are also supposed to assist foreign tourists with safety tips like places of
interest, timings, dressing sense, do‟s and don‟ts while roaming alone and acceptance of
eatables from unknown persons. They will also share information pertaining to touts and
unauthorized tour operators prevailing over destinations. Such officials will encourage
travelers to consult official website of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India for any
further assistance. The emergency contact numbers and helpline numbers must be shared
with travelers to contact during any emergency. The women helpline nember1091, child
helpline number are always displayed over prime locations, destinations and public

UNWTO Guidelines/ Advises on Safety and Security: There are four important areas
which can be considered as risk originating and safety and security is required utmost.
These are:

a. Human and Institutional area (outside the tourism sector): The

incidents such as pick pocketing, theft, assault, burglary, rape and
harassment, organized crime, terrorism, civil unrest caused due to political,
social and religious issues are some of the examples of human and
institutional area.

b. Tourism and other related commercial areas: Defects in safety

standards services offered by tourism entrepreneurs, non eco -friendly
tourism enterprises, lacking with the safety and security environment,
practicing fraudulent activities while dealing against offering tourism
services, personal attacks are some of the examples falling under this

c. The individual traveler: Certain threats are sometimes caused by the

individual tourist as well. The examples are visit to risky areas, indulging
into unlawful activities, loss of valuables, documents etc caused due to
inattentive approach, indulging into excess and over enthusiastic practices
of tourism specially in driving, drink and food,

d. Environmental risk: The tourists may potentially be exposed to various

environmental threat because they are not aware of the natural features of
the attraction, flora and fauna, the type of medical emergency existing,

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medical procedure (vaccination) to be followed for visiting those
destinations, the precautions taken while eating local cuisines and
emergency situation created due to the vulnerability of the destination.

UNWTO Initiative: The UNWTO primarily focuses on creation of National Tourism

Administration (NTA) to look into the mater pertaining to safety and security. It has
advocated for a coordination among various stakeholders/organizations to accomplish the
goal of maintaining safety and security. The coordination can be done with the following:
a. The government organizations in the concerned countries which are
closely related with tourism and directly or indirectly deals with it.
b. Communities whose interest lye in Tourism
c. Representatives of Tourism Industry
d. The Media

It has been further suggested by UNWTO that the success of the coordination lye‟s only
when National Tourism Council (NTC) will be formulated as an apex body to look into
the maters associated with safety and security. But the mere formation of NCT will not be
enough to accomplish the goals of safety and security but it will further create a National
Safety and Security Committee by comprising members from the following Indian
government agencies:
a. National Tourism Board
b. Police Department
c. Immigration Department
d. Judiciary Department
e. Customs Department
f. Transportation Department
g. Health Department
h. Ministry of External Affairs
i. Ministry of Social Welfare/ Civil Defense
j. Airlines Operators ( Government and Non -Government)
k. Hotel Operators
o. Consumer Group
p. Retail Trade Organizations
q. Research Centers focusing on safety and security oriented researches

Policy and Planning: The policy on safety and security would comprise the following:
a. Principles, Goals and objective to fulfil the primary set up
b. Clarity in guidelines so that reinforce agency may act accordingly
c. Need to recognize tourist safety and security as a vital element
d. Need of Resource sharing formulae fit for every key player

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Plan for Action: The plan for action should address the following:
a. Identification of potential tourists risk likely to occur over destinations and
during travel.
b. Detective and preventive mechanism in curving safety and security issues
of tourists.
c. Providing an ambience to the locals and tourists free from drug.
d. Protecting destinations and facilities form the illegal interference.
e. Sharing of the Information related to safety and security issueswith
international travel trade.
f. Creation of an organization specifically dealing with natural disaster or
g. Adopting safety standard and operating procedures at destinations and
tourist facility centers related to fire, theft and health.
h. Developing liability rules at the tourist facility centers.
i. Consideration of safety and security aspects while providing license to
restaurants, hotels, transport operation and guiding.
j. Provision of sharing accurate information on documentation related with
safety and security to both out bound and in bound travelers.
k. Creation of a national policy pertaining to tourist health and reporting
procedure adopted by a tourist while dealing with health problem.
l. Developing special insurance packages for tourists.
m. Collection and dissemination of genuine information/data related with
crimes against travelers.

Check Your Progress-VIII

1. Discuss the role and responsibility of MOT, GOI in maintaining safety and
security of tourist and destinations in India.

2. Explain the stand of UNWTO regarding safety and security issue in tourism.

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Tourist safety and security has been major consideration since the inception of the
movement of people either for pilgrimage, trade and commerce or tourism. The nature of
crimes against tourists have been change but it has not been abolished. The safety and
security issues has also jumped from basic necessity to utmost requirement. The nature of
crime witnessed against travelers sometimes 70-80 years back used to be soft but not
hard. In present scenario, the crime has been converted from soft to hard and now it is
being categorized as heinous. Istvan Kovari and Krisztina Zimanyi shares many
information on tourist security through their research article “Safety and Security in the
age of Global Tourism (The Changing role and Conception of Safety and Security in
Tourism)”. In this research paper the researchers have highlighted a sequence of safety
and security which were prevailing some 75-80 years back. According to them, during the
period of 1950 – 70, the primary focus was on health and hygiene that included
vaccination, drinking water issues and cleanliness of toilets. These problems were
localized and restricted to certain geographical area. They were not harming the tourism
as a large and even these issues were never discussed on international forums and solution
to such problems (safety and security) were left with the concern national authorities.

During the period of 1970-90, few of the incidences really became thought provoking
issues. The high jacking of airlines, bomb blasts, terrorist activities, civil unrest and wars
proved to be additional risk factors. It was for the first time when WTO (now UNWTO)
considered safety and security as a major component to tourism. It passed certain
directives to tourist generating countries through its Hague Declaration planning and

Now we are living in the era of Global tourism with a slogan “Earth is our family”.
Tourism gradually flourished with this concept but with the increase in number of tourists
globally it attracted many issues and challenges. It was stated that tourist and tourism
cannot harm anyone but blessings always come in disguise. The negative impacts of such
inflows were witnessed by many communities. Drug puddling, prostitution,
showmanship, molestation, misbehave rape and killing became common issues, theft and
looting and evidences of cross cultural incidences increased over destinations
tremendously. The demand of some special type of treatment in tourism sector motivated
people to indulge into child trafficking, sex tourism, drug tourism, rave parties and even
call girls. Some of the destinations became pioneer in attracting special interest tourism.
Terrorism has identified tourism as a soft target to attack. Very often hotels and
restaurants become the victim of such organized terror. The innocent people who has
nothing to do with such miscreants are killed. Taj and Oberoi hotels at Mumbai witnessed
the killing of more than 200 people who were there to enjoy their vacations.

However, it is proclaimed that tourism brings income to the country, promotes

brotherhood and focuses on peace, but the modern tourism has become a burden to the
host country because there is always a debate who should be considered first when it
comes the mater of resource sharing, tourist or host community. Even when the countries
are engaged in searching the solution of their own issues and challenges, tourist safety
and security becomes secondary to them. So, in this condition tourist can be left to take

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care of themselves. So far as international issues on tourism security is concerned, it talks
more or less on the following:
1. Political Security
2. Safety, health and Sanitation of tourists
3. Safety related to personal data
4. Legal protection of tourists through consumer protection act (in case of
cheating or theft)
5. Safety on Communication
6. Protection against Disaster and natural calamity
7. Protection against unauthentic information related to place of interest,
shopping, accommodation received while visiting a destination

Check Your Progress-IX

1. Discuss the international issues on safety and security.


As we tourism has been considered as a charming industry that allows people to move
from one place to another. It is the presumption that the tourists belong to richer society
and carry money either in hard cash and plastic money. The place they are visiting is new
to them and they do not know anything about that place except the basic information
shared through internet. The risk can be confronted at any point of time and even it
cannot be predicted. The potential risk can be categorized into Social, Environmental and
Political. The social threat can be witnessed in the farm of physical harm, molestation,
theft, eve teasing etc. Environmental risk is accountable against natural calamity and
disaster which is unpredictable and may likely to happen over destination at any point of
time. The political condition decides the future of tourism in that very country. The
country‟s policy itself describes whether such communities are happy to host foreign
guests or not. If the country itself indulged into civil war and unrest, it is very difficult to
expect tourism as a tool to poverty elevation.

Insurance in the travel industry is equally important as transport, accommodation and

food. It protects an individual tourist from economic loss to loss of life caused due to any
unforeseen circumstances. The insurance isdivided into the perspectives of sociology,
economics and legal and that has the ability to offer compensation against the damages

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caused to the social groups. As we know, tourist can be exposed to different types of risk
as soon as they leave their surroundings for an unknown place. The sources of risk may
vary from minor injury caused due to transportation services to loss of life caused due to
natural calamity, theft of belongings and valuables, loss of money due to technical faults.
However, we can classify tourism hazards in the following categories:
1. Natural hazards caused due to earthquake, flood, volcano, thunder and
tornado, hail etc.
2. Political hazards caused due to human behavior like civil unrest, crime,
terrorism, drug puddling, violence, riots etc.
3. Biological Hazards caused in the form of pandemic, spreading of virus
(COVID19) from one place to another etc.
4. Technological hazards caused due to technical glitches, cyber-attacks,
hacking of emails and passwords etc.

How insurances are beneficial to tourists: A loss can be incurred to a traveler in the
following ways:
1. Loss of the physical properties like passport, articles of personal use,
valuable items etc.
2. Legal liability on the part of service provider like discrepancy in promised
services (breach of contract) and delivered services, delivery of faulty
items, non-valued services etc.
3. Personal loss on the part of traveler caused due to consumption of bad
quality of food and beverages, negligence on the part of vehicles used for
commuting, death caused due to natural reasons, killing and murder are
caused due to socialization etc.

Insurance is part and parcel of tourism business. It is also an integral part of the risk
management. Every business follows a kind of insurance plan and this plan determines
the nature of the items to be insured. It also focuses on the types of assets and hazards
which needs to be covered through an appropriate insurance policy. It should be brought
to the notice that insurance never guarantees that the things will never turn out. It does not
make activities safer and never talks to reduce nor stop the possibility of incidents from
happening rather it is a matter of post incident activity of the risk management process.
Generally, tourists opt individual insurance packages which are not being covered
through normal travel insurance plans. Both individual tourist and service provider insure
themselves against the risks as a precautionary step and thus minimizes the negative
impact of certain future risk covered through insurance plans.

Areas of insurance policies to be considered in tourism: The insurance policy covers

the following losses:
1. Insurance against baggage lost.
2. Insurance against personal accidents.
3. Insurance against illness and hospital admission expenses.
4. Insurance against damages caused due to the negligence part of airlines,
railways, public transport etc.

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5. Insurance against covering cost in case when the tourist failed to reach the
destination or the trip was terminated but failed to receive amount back.

To conclude it can be said that insurance policies are available in wider form. It starts
with the tourists as soon as he/she leaves his/her house and till the time he/she returns
home after spending a quality time. The insurance policies are also available to cover the
protection of the property which may be potentially targeted by the house burglar, fire etc.

Check Your Progress-X

1. Write an essay on the significance of insurance in tourism industry.

Safety and security is a prime requirement in tourism industry. The host community
should be taught for the significance of tourism in their daily life, the destinations should
be developed in such a manner that it should reflect tourist centric. The government
should formulate and execute policies to keep way touts, beggars, drug peddlers,
miscreants, anti-social elements, criminals etc out from the destination areas or their entry
should be banned. A sense of security should be provided by the government either
through implementing strict law and order in compliance with the police personnel over
the destinations. The issues of eve teasing, exploitation, molestation, rape, theft and
cheating, misbehave etc with the tourists have been reported which brings a negative
image of destination in international market. The introduction of tourist police or tourist
friends can be a solution to it. The travelers are also advised to go through the travel
advisory which are being displayed on the UNWTO official sites or on the official
government sites of the respective counties. The travelers are also advised for the travel
insurances which are available in readymade and tailored made options and offered by

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Destination Image: It is a set of components like ideas, belief and impressions that a
tourist possesses regarding a destination.

Consumer Perception: It is referred as awareness of customers, their impressions and

their opinions about a particular business, products or brand.

Tourism Security: The invaluable services offered by private securityexperts, personnel

of police departments to servetourists and destinations, in hotels or convention centres, or
at casinos or events.

Travel Advisory: It is an official warning statement issued by government agencies to

disseminate information related to the safety of travelling to or visiting one or more
specific foreign countries or destinations.

Tourist Police: A special police force deputed at important places flocked by tourists and
entrusted with the responsibility to provide assistance to tourists to save them from being
cheated, harassed etc.

Insurance: Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or

entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance
company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the

 Safety and Security in Tourism, Relationships, Management And Marketing
(Editors C.M. Hall, D.J. Timothy, D.T.Duval,The Haworth Hospitality Press)
 Tourist Safety and Security, Practical Measures for Destinations, WTO (1996)
 official website of Goa police
 (safety and security in the age of Global Tourism). The
changing role and Conception of safety and security in tourism by Istvan
Kovari and Krisztina Zimanyi.

 Tourism Security: Strategies for Effective Managing Travel Risk and Safety By
Peter Tarlow
 Safety and Security in Tourism Relationships, Management and Marketing By C.
 Hall, Dallen J. Timothy and David Timothy Duval.

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
 Tourism, Security and Safety (The Management of Hospitality and Tourism
Enterprises) -Yoel Mansfeld & Abraham Pizam


1. Define Destination image with example.

2. Explain the role of media in influencing consumer perception in travel safety.
3. Define tourist security. What is its importance in tourism?
4. Define travel advisory with example
5. What are the sources of travel advisory?
6. Discuss some of the issues prevailing over tourist destinations regarding
tourist safety and security.
7. Discuss the security issues prevailing over airports in India.
8. What are the major challenges of security and safety at railway stations? Discuss
9. Explain the issues and challenges related to solo women traveler regarding safety
and security issues.
10. Describe the duty and responsibility of TFSO personnel in maintaining safety
and security.
11. Who are tourist police? Discuss the role of tourist police in Tourism.
12. Discuss the role and responsibility of MOT, GOI in maintaining safety
and security of tourist and destinations in India.
13. Explain the stand of UNWTO regarding safety and security issue in tourism.
14. Discuss the international issues on safety and security.
15. Write an essay on the significance of insurance in tourism industry

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T

UNIT: 03

Introduction to Travel Documentation
Documentation required while leaving and entering into India.
Passport, its types and procedures to obtain an Indian passport
Currency Regulations
Concept of Basic Travel Quota (BTQ)
Custom Regulations
Health Certificates
Insurance, Immigration and Emigration
Suggested Readings
Terminal Questions

A travel document is an identity document issued by a competent authority like
government of a country or international treaty organization to facilitate the movement of
individuals or small groups of people across international boundaries, following
international agreements. Travel documents usually assure other governments that the
bearer may return to the issuing country, and are often issued in booklet form to allow
other governments to place visas as well as entry and exit stamps into them. The most
common travel document is a passport, which usually gives the bearer more privileges
like visa-free access to certain countries. However, the term is sometimes used only for
those documents which do not bear proof of nationality, such as a refugee travel

After reading this unit the students will be able to:

 Understand the concept of travel documentation and its significance in travel

 Define Passport, its types and procedure to obtain Passport in India.

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
 Define and understand the significance of BTQ, Custom Regulations, Currency
Regulations, Health Certificates, Insurance and Immigration in the context to
inbound and out bound tourism


The ancient form of tourism was something that never asked for the identification of the
travelers, as there were no travel restrictions and boundaries. The freedom of travel
allowed travelers to travel as and reach as many countries as they can. As the countries
became more conscious and civilized, they introduced permit system and put restrictions
if anyone other than their own residents are intending to enter into their country. It helped
them in checking the entry of unauthorized persons in their country. The modern tourism
is abide by various rules and regulations, documents, do‟s and don‟ts and many more. As
we know tourism is an activity that requires movement of people. In due course of
movement if travelers seek to visit international destination, they need certain documents
that will be required to show while entering into the territory of the desired country.
These documents are so important that without having these documents the person cannot
enter into the territory of any country and if it is found, the case may be considered as
illegal and the person can be treated as per the prevailing laws of the concerned country.
Passport and visa are essential if anyone is intending to visit out bound destinations. But
other documents like insurance, health are equally important. In absence of these
documents, the travelers may be denied to enter into the territory of the visited country.
Thus, the present chapter is going to give emphasis on the documentation, its types and its


Immigration department is held responsible to check each and every passenger while they
are entering into India through various routes i.e. sea, land, rail or Air. All the foreigners
entering in India are required to furnish the details like name, age, gender, place of birth
and address where he/she is going in India in their disembarkation card. While there are
certain documents which are required for every traveler while entering into India and are
supposed to be produced/shown whenever authorities are asking for. The list of such
documents are given below:

1. Valid Passport: It generally informs the authority about the nationality of the
passport holder.

2. Granted VISA permit: The visa permit describes the types of visa which has
been granted to the person along with its duration.

3. Health Certificate: This certificate is required against yellow fever. The person
who has entered in India either by sea route or by air route by touching the area of

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
yellow fever endemic will have to produce vaccination certificate and without
vaccination against yellow fever such travelers will be kept in isolation for six

4. Travel Insurance: The travelers can be protected through insurances against loss
of life, medical expenses caused due to major and minor injuries or loss or theft of
baggage. It covers the compensation in both the places i.e. within the own country
and foreign destination.

5. Disembarkation Card (Also called as Arrival Card): This card is issued by

Immigration department to all the foreigners at the time of entry in India.

6. Registration Formality: All the foreigners who are entering into India on valid
document and their stay has been planned for six months or more than that needs
to be registered at Foreigners Regional Registration Offices located at the capital
cities of the states or at certain strategic locations within fifteen days of their

7. Currency Declaration: It is required in case the traveler is bringing into India

foreign exchange more than USD 10000. The declaration will be done through a
format available with custom office.

The above documents are also prevailing in the context of Indian citizens who are
traveling overseas for any purpose.

While leaving India, a foreign national is supposed to carry following documents:

1. Such passengers who have been registered in the FRRO office have to surrender their
registration certificate to the FRRO office where the registration was doneor to the
immigration office at the exit point to get exit endorsement. All the persons leaving India
by either of any means i.e. air, water, land or rail have to furnish embarkation card.

2. Vaccine certificate is advised for all those persons who are leavingfor yellow fever
prone area or touching yellow fever infected zone. However, the vaccination certificate is
not required for the infants who areless than the six months old. The persons suffering
from chronicle diseases are also exempted from vaccination against yellow fever and the
crew members and passengers of such a craft which landed in the territory of any yellow
fever zone and if it is found that such crew members and passengers never left the craft to
land on the soil of such infected area are also free from vaccination.

3. Incase a foreigner who is a resident in India and leaving the country permanently,
should receive no objection certificate from the local income tax department.

4. The foreign parents whose child is born in India, will opt exit visa while leaving from
India. This exit visa can be obtained from local FRRO seven days prior to departure. The
Xerox copies of following documents are required to opt exit visa:

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A. Duly filled exit permission application form
B. Birth certificate of the child
C. Passport of the child
D. Address proof of the parents
E. Confirmed air tickets of all the members of the family
F. Passport and visa of parents
G. Passport size photograph

5. Export Certificate: To refrain from custom duty charges, a passenger carrying high
value items such as jewelries out of India and it is estimated to be imported back to India,
such passengers must receive export certificate.

However, in some of the cases though the documents are not required but certain given
below do‟s are expected from the travelers.

1. The Indians visiting abroad can carry Indian Currency RS 7500 along with
them. However, exporting Indian National Rupee outside India is strictly
2. The foreigners departing from India can carry foreign exchange or
currency with them but the value should not exceed the amount which was
brought by them while entering into India or equivalent to US dollar
3. The foreigners can export gold as much as they can from India but it
should be kept in the bonafide baggage of the customer.
4. The foreigners should not indulge into the practice of purchasing, selling
or using of psychotropic drugs like charas, cocaine and heroin as it is a
cognizable offence and such cases will be dealt as per Indian Penal Code
of Indian Constitution.
5. Income Tax Clearance Certificate is required for such foreigner/foreigners
who has stayed in India for more than 120 days. It is a kind of certification
that the concern person stayed in India on his/her own expenses and
neither indulged into any form of employment or remunerative activity nor
sold his/her valuable items to maintain the expenses.
6. The trading and purchasing of live animals or items/souvenirs made from
wild life animals that are protected under Wild Life Protection Act is a
punishable offense which attracts punishment in the form of imprisonment
as well as heavy fine in monitory terms.


The Passport as a document plays an important role in out- bound tourism. It is helpful in
entry and exit into any foreign country without much hassles. It is one of the document
which has been approved by almost every government to roam in any country of this
world. It is the proof of identity and nationality of the traveler and hence, if anything
happens wrong during the trip consular access of the concern country cannot be denied. It

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
is a legal document which is being issued to the nationals by their respective government
in anticipation to foreign visit. There are different types of passport issued in India and
the color of the passport signifies the importance of the person. The passport generally
incorporates the following information:

a. Complete name of the passport holder along with photograph, signature,

permanent address, nationality, date of birth along with place, gender etc.

b. The place of issuing of the passport along with date of validity, expiring and
issuing authority.

c. The passport in India is valid for 10 years from the date of issue

Types of passport: In India, the Ministry of External Affairs issuethe passport in

consultation with its 37 passport offices located in different corners of the country and
180 embassies and consulates offices located overseas. There are three important types of
passport prevailing in India and whose description is given below:

1. Ordinary Passport: This dark blue color passport is issued to all the interested
nationals of India who is intending to visit any foreign country in near future.

2. Official Passport: It is also known as service passport or special passport. It is

issued to the persons who are government officials and travelling out of India for
some official purpose. Those who are representing India on any government
mission are also entitled for official passport. The color of this type of passport is
white or grey.

3. Diplomatic passport: Also known as consular passport, is issued to diplomats,

consular and other government officers who are entrusted with responsibilities to
perform in foreign countries. The color of this passport is maroon.

4. Orange Passport: (Yet to be implemented). The government is planning to

introduce a new form of passport to majority of its citizens who did not pursue
their education beyond high school.

There are some other documents which also act as passport and are equally important.

a. Alien Passport: This passport is issued to the foreign nationals who are residing
in India as homeless (not considerable under Indian citizenship act) and are often
designated as alien nationals. It is also called as document of Individual.

b. Emergency Passport: The person who has lost or misplaced his/her original
passport and does not have time to apply for a fresh passport. Such persons can
apply for an emergency passport.

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c. Collective Passport: This type of passport is issued to a group of people who has
common destination and are travelling together.

d. Family passport: There isonly one passport issued in the name of family and it
depicts the names of every individual who are travelling together. Any individual
member can also carry that passport at any point of time to travel and hence, there
is no need of separate passport.

e. Children’s Identity Card: Such cards are issued to minors but with certain limits
of travelling.

f. Hajj Passport: It is a special document issued to the pilgrims who are visiting
Hajj and Umrah, Mecca, Medina located in Saudi Arabia.

There are other documents which are also used as passport in other parts of world but its
use is permissible under certain restrictions and is limited to certain countries and

1. Nansen Passport: It is issued to stateless persons and has been accepted

internationally as a refugee travel document. First time it was issued by league of
the nations to stateless refugees.

2. Loissez-Passer Document: This document is issued by the issuing country under

special circumstances to its citizen for one way travel. In the history there are few
instances pertaining to issuance of Loissez Passer document. It was during 1950
when Iraq issued Loisez-Passer to its 1,20,000 Jewish Citizens with a commitment
to leave the country leaving all their assets behind.

3. Camouflage Passport: These passport are issued in the name of those country
which existed previously but in the present scenario either the identity of such
countries has been lost or their identity has been changed. The intention to obtain
such passport is not humanitarian.

4. Internal Passport: In modern scenario, there are only three countries (China,
North Korea and Russian Federation) are using this form of passport. The primary
motive to issue such documents was to restrict the movement of the people of sub
divided states of above mentioned countries for employment i.e. preventing them
to migrate to other regions or richer cities.
6. China Travel Document: This document is issued to the Chinese residents by the
People‟s Republic of China in place of passport.

Procedure to obtain Indian Passport: Procedure to be followed for Normal/Regular

Passport: There are two modes of application for Indian Passport, one is online and
second one is offline. For applying through online the applicant has to generate an email
Id and after that he can fill up the application form online and payment of the fees can

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also be done through online. After filling up of the application form, the applicant can
book an appointment with any of the Passport Seva Kendra or Regional Passport Office.
A print out of the applied form and payment receipt should be takenand all the documents
like birth certificate, residential certificate etcneeds to be carried in original while going
to appear personally to passport office or Passport Seva Kendra.

The applicant can also apply through offline mode. Either they can download the
application form provided online or can purchase it from District Passport Cell by making
a payment of RS 10/-. Duly filled application form supported by all the relevant
documents (date of birth, residential proof, identity proof and proof of nationality) will be
submitted in physical to the District Passport Cell counter where the concern official will
check and verify the application form, photograph and attached documents. Upon
satisfaction the payment will be made through demand draft. It is expected that the
applicant should furnish the details like his/her name, date of birth and date of submission
of the application form behind the demand draft. The applicant will receive an
acknowledgement letter that contains the file number which is used to track the status of
the passport on line.

Procedure to be followed for Tatkal Passport: This facility has been extended to those
applicants who are in need of urgent passport. There are certain restrictions to opt tatkal
scheme. After checking the details and on confirmation of the eligibility, one can apply
Tatkal Passport through e form submission, online mode or through in person. The
requisition fees can also be paid online. In this case if police verification is not required,
the passport is issued within one working day after receiving the application form. When
there is a need of police verification, the passport is issued on third working day after
receiving such requests. The following documents are required while applying Tatkal

1. Verification certificate that is mentioned in Annexure F.

2. The verification certificate should have applicant‟s photograph and this photo
needs to be attested by the issuing officer.
3. The applicant will furnish the details of all the places where he/she has resided
during last one year.
4. Any three documents for address proof, age proof and photo proof from the list
provided in the annexure of passport act.
5. Duly attested a non-judicial stamp paper (as per annexure I) by notary.
6. Covering letter
7. Xerox copies of the supporting documents
8. Color photo graph with light or white background

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Check Your Progress-I

1. Discuss the documents that are required while entering into India?

2. Define Passport. Explain various types of passport.

As per the provisions of FEM (export and imports of currency) Regulations, 2015
regarding import and export of Indian currency is concerned, no foreigner is allowed to
import Indian National Rupee however,an Indian national can bring RS 25000 in India. In
case of foreign currency, there is no limit to send in India but if anyone is having US $
5000 in notes and coins or US $ 10000 in the form of traveler‟s cheques, cash and coin,
they should declare it through currency declaration forms available at custom offices
while arriving in India. The persons travelling to Bhutan and Nepal are entitled to carry
currency notes up to a limit of RS 25000 but in the denomination of RS 500 or RS 1000.
The persons from Nepal and Bhutan can also bring Indian National Rupee in India but
with the denominations of above RS 100.

Any person who is a resident of India, can carry INR not exceeding RS 25000 out of
India. In case of commemorative coins, only two such coins either may be carried
personally or sent out of India. Any person who has acquired foreign currency in India
through legal channel of business, is authorized to send foreign currency out of India. The
cheques which are drawn in the name of foreign currency account and such accounts are
maintained as per the norms of FEMR 2000. Such person may also receive foreign
exchange from any authorized person who has gained/drawn/earned/ foreign exchange
through legal process i.e. in compliance with the provisions of the FEMR, 2015 or
following the rules, regulations and other directive issues as per this act. As per the
provisions of this act, the vessels and aircrafts carrying foreign currency with due
permission of RBI can also bring into India.

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Such travelers or persons resident out of India who came to India on tourist visa and after
spending some days they may return to their native places with unspent foreign exchange
with them. This foreign exchange should not exceed the amount that was declared by him
while entering into India through currency declaration form.

The export of Indian coins that are covered under Antique and Art Treasure Act, 1972 are
completely prohibited and no person is allowed to take or send it out of India.

All the foreign currencies are acceptable in India and visitors are advised to get their
currency exchanged through the nationalized banks and RBI approved money changers
only. The benefit of doing this exercise is to get the best exchange rates along with the
genuine currency notes. The government approved agents and nationalized bank will
hand over currency exchange certificates every time to the concerns which will be helpful
at the airport to return unused INR and also pursuing for tax clearing certificate from
Income Tax department. It will also prove that the legal channel was followed for
currency exchange. The exchange of currency through black markets are illegal and
probably the tourists may not get an attractive margin. The possibility of cheating also
exists if the person is exchanging foreign currency through illegal persons or


To define basic travel quota, it can be said that the guidelines that are being imposed to
the Indian travelers going overseas regarding carrying foreign exchange with a maximum
limit. It is a common question that being a traveler to international destinations we are not
aware how much foreign currency we need to carry as an individual or in group. The
concept of basic travel quota suggests us the maximum amount of foreign currency which
we can buy for our foreign trips scheduled either in the form of leisure or business. There
has been capping fixed by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on carrying foreign exchange
currencies with a maximum limit. As per RBI guidelines, $10000 is the maximum limit
that has been conferred to the Indians going abroad (excluding the countries likeNepal
and Bhutan) on private visits. All the expenses like returned air fare, prepaid vouchers of
cellular mobile phones, local transportation cost will have to be managed with in this
limit. All the payments can be done in INR with in this prescribed limit. However,
Indians are entitled to avail hard cash in USD or any other currency under BTQ foreign
exchange up to US Dollar 3000 per calendar year for undertaking one or more private
overseas visits.

As per RBI guidelines, the person going abroad from India on business trip can take
maximum 2,50,000 US Dollar per financial year as a Foreign exchange while in case of
Indian National currency it is RS 5000. If anyone is in need of carrying more than the
capped amount, they can seek prior permission from the RBI. The whole amount either
can be used in a single trip or can be fragmented into many parts depending upon the
number of visits but the limit will not be enhanced.Some of the forms of business trips
that are to be considered for foreign visits are attending an international conference,

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representing the company in business meetings and attending overseas specialized
training programmes. However, the persons visiting overseas on medical grounds are also
included in this category.

The travelers going out of India are advised to carry 70 % foreign exchange through forex
travel card offered by many nationalized banks in India and which can be used for
payment purpose through swipes and remaining 30% can be carried in hard cash which
will be used against some of the services where cash payment is not possible. Carrying
Traveler‟s cheques cannot be a wise decision as it has become obsolete and even banks
refuge to accept it for payment.

So far as foreign currency procurement is concerned, it the authorized dealers who are
approved and appointed by RBI. These money changers are authorized to deal with
foreign currency with a maximum limit of 250000 USD per passenger. The person in
need of foreign currency under business trips needs to provide the following documents
to avail it:
1. Certificate of incorporation of company
2. PAN Card of the company
3. GST Certificate
4. Address Proof Copies (two)
5. Request letter to release foreign exchange on company‟s letterhead with seal
6. The ID proof of the concern person signing the request letter
7. Copy of the documents of person who is going abroad ( passport, sanctioned
VISA and returned air tickets)
8. Duly filled A2

Form Check Your


1. Write a note on currency regulations.

2. What do you mean by BTQ? What are the provisions of carrying foreign
exchange under this means?

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Duty free items permissible under Imports: The case is considerable under the
provision that when such non- residents are going to stay in India for not less than twenty
four hours and maximum of one hundred eighty days and limited to once in month.

A person who has attained the age of seventeen or more are entitled to bring in India
either of hundred cigarettes or one hundred twenty five grams of tobacco or twenty five
cigar along with two litters of alcoholic beverages or wine.

He can bring medicine/medicines duly prescribed by medical practitioner in reasonable

quantities. He may bring the items of personal use free of cost. He is also entitled for
carrying perfumes with in a limit of two ounces and ¼ liter of toiletries.

So far as jewelry is concerned, male non- resident can bring in India up to a value of INR
50000 while in case of a female traveler it is RS 100000.

Any resident of India/ national of India/People of Indian origin/ who has attained the age
of nine or more can bring souvenirs to India up to a value of INR 6000 if their stay was
scheduled in either of the country Bhutan/Nepal/China for more than three days. If the
duration is less than three days, no such items are permissible. If such person/persons
returning to India from any part of the world other than Bhutan/Nepal/ China are entitled
to bring souvenir up to a value of INR 45000 if their stay was fixed in that country for
more than three days while in case of less than three days stay the value is restricted to
INR 17500.

The person/persons who are below ten years of age and are the residents of Bhutan or
Nepal coming from their respective countries are not granted any exemption in duty free
items while the same nationals if they arrive in India from other countries are allowed
with articles up to INR 8000. The nationals of Pakistan who are entering into India from
Pakistan are allowed with article/articles up to a value of INR 6000 while such persons if
approaching to India from any country other than Pakistan the value of such
article/articles is increased up to a limit of INR 8000. The nationals of all the sovereign
countries can bring in India imported items up to a value of INR 8000.

The export and import of E cigarettes are totally prohibited in India and such items can be
confiscated at the custom office.

The goods in excess of the maximum permissible amount if carried by the traveler will
attract import duty which varies from item to item and whose details are available at all
the custom offices located in India.

In case of arm and ammunition import, it is the Directorate General of Civil Aviation
headquarters located in India will issue an authorization (import permit) to the concern
person/organization in this regards.

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The traveler/s is/are entering in India with remote controlled helicopter and drone, the
import is allowed only when they have WPC license issued by the Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology, Government of India.

So far as the import of seeds and plants for any of the reasons like sowing, consumption,
plantation, research etc. are concerned, it requires a permit. Such import is strictly
prohibited at the airports like Amritsar, Varanasi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati,
Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna, Hyderabad, Trivandrum and Tiruchchirapalli.

The import of livestock and their product in all the manners is restricted. It can be done
with certain prerequisites/permits like receipt of sanitary import and NOC (no objection
certificate) from the animal quarantine and certification services. The items of birds and
bird products along with pig and pig meat products are strictly prohibited.

The import of human remains or ashes are done under certain regulations like the death
certificate strictly mentioning the cause of the death in English language or duly
translated in English will be accepted.Incomplete death certificates will not be entertained
at all. However, the concern airlines or carrier can be contacted for more clarifications in
this regard.

Export Regulations: The government of India has banned all the Indian coins that are
falling under the Antiques and Art Treasure Act, 1972.

The export of e-cigarettes are completely prohibited in India.

Crew members can import gift items up to a value of INR 1500, however, they will
furnish all the details of dutiable item/items if any, in their Private Property List.

Pets are allowed if the owner has been transferred to India after the completion of two
years of continuous stay overseas. Under this provision, such owner are allowed to import
only two pets through the airports like Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad and
Bengaluru only and subject to the submission of a health certificate issued from the
country of origin. The health certificate would certainly mention the name and address of
the owner in both the countries i.e. origin country and arrival country. The name
depicting on the health certificate should strictly tally with the name on the air ticket. The
concern person must hold the NOC seven days prior to import such baggage from the
Animal Quarantine and Certification Services (AQCS). It is the officer of AQCS who is
held responsible to physically examine the pets on arrival of their concerned airport.

Tourism is a recreational activity but we do not know the destination where somebody is
going may have some health issues unless or until we are not informed through some
reliable channels/sources. Health is a prime concern to everyone i.e. host and guest. The
travelers are potential carrier to many communicable diseases and some of the
destinations are known for some special type of diseases which is prevailing in those

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surroundings only and the chances of getting affected by the tourists is very high. The
famous example of COVID 19 which spread from a small place called Wuhan located in
China to every corner of world because of movement of the people. The way it has
affected the tourism industry is very devastating. The potential carriers of this disease
where ever they reached, they communicated to the host population knowingly or
unknowingly. The other example is Yellow Fever, a communicable disease which is
prevailing in African countries. The incidence of H1N1 is unforgettable when the tourism
industry was ransacked due to mass cancellation in hotel, aviation and other secondary

There is an advisory from World Health Organization (WHO) regarding movement of

people to certain locations of the world that such travelers must ensure that they have
been vaccinated against the diseases like cholera, yellow fever and hepatitis and the
certificate must be produced in this regard while entering/leaving the country. These
documents are called as health certificates. As we know, if we are going to Kailash
Mansarovar on pilgrimage, the Government of India allows a person to join the trip only
after his/her proper physical and medical health check- ups. In this regard fitness
certificate is issued to the participants from the camp doctor to carry on the trip. World
Health Organization also insists travelers to comply with the health regulations in terms
of their origin, transit and destination because every territory requires health certificate
against certain diseases. The travel agents are also advised to council the tourists
regarding health certificates at the time of booking their holiday packages. It will save
them from any inconvenience caused during their international trips.

There are two types of health concern raised against certain diseases. These are
preventive and curative measures. The preventive methods include vaccination which
protects us against serious diseases. It keeps us healthy and safe during our international
trips while curative measures includes the proper medication and keeping oneself in a
proper environment and climate.

There are two types of vaccination prevailing for international tourists. The first one is
compulsory vaccination and it is mandate and a certificate is needed in this regard. The
person failing to produce vaccination certificate either may be deported to the country of
origin or can be put under quarantine.The vaccination certificate can be obtained from a
registered medical practitioner, government hospitals and health clinics. The certificate
will bear the name of the person who has been vaccinated, the disease against which he
was vaccinated, date and signature which will prove its reliability. The vaccination if has
been done against yellow fever and cholera together, it will take twenty days to be
effective. While in general terms once vaccination has been done against yellow fever, it
is valid for ten years while vaccination certificate against cholera is valid for a period of
six months only. It is advisable that the travelers should go for the formality of
vaccination and procurement of vaccination certificate at least one month prior to their
scheduled movement. The second one is non-compulsory vaccination. Though there is no
strict guideline against certain diseases but for precautionary purpose it is advised to the
travelers if they are traveling to African and South American countries.

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In India, the common diseases against which the travelers are advised for vaccination has
been categorized under the following important categories:
a. Water Borne Diseases: The major diseases are Diarrhea, Hepatitis, and acute Viral
Fever etc.
b. Water Related: The major diseases under this category are Dengue, Malaria and
Japanese Encephalitis.
c. Zoonotic Diseases: The diseases which are spread through animal bites like
d. Imported to India: Such diseases which are been carried to India by foreigners.
Likewise Yellow Fever is not India bound disease but can be communicated
through the diseased person to other normal person.

A routine vaccination is required against the following diseases if coming to India:

a. Adult Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine
b. Hepatitis A and B
c. Oral Polio Vaccination: It is compulsory for the travelers coming to India from the
countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan from Asia subcontinent and the countries
like Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and Somalia from African subcontinent.
d. Typhoid
e. Varicella: The pregnant ladies are exempted from vaccination against it.
f. Japanese Encephalitis: The travelers entering into the rural areas of India are
advised for vaccination.
g. Meningococcal Vaccine
h. Rabies: Against dog bite, monkey bite or any animal bite.
i. Yellow Fever: Especially for the travelers coming from Africa or South America.


The persons going out of India or coming to India must insure themselves with certain
insurance policies. These policies protect oneself from mishap, death caused due to
accidents or diseases, hospital bills if you become sick during your journey. The persons
going to USA or European countries are specially recommended for insurance because
the medical charges in these countries are very high and sometimes it becomes out of
budget for common man. Overseas insurance are always termed as medi-claim policies
which protects a person against urgent medical help required overseas. The travel
insurance is different than common life insurance because the travel insurance is always
helpful against any awkward situation leading to health and wellbeing of the person.
Apart from health and wellbeing, the travelers are also provided with option to avail other
types of insurances which cover almost everything which may likely to be confronted by
travelers any point of time to their foreign visits. A complete list comprising of the
various items and activities has been listed below:
1. All medical issues and expenses caused due natural and manmade efforts,
including oral hygiene too.
2. Baggage lost during journey/mishandled during transfers
3. Loss of passport and other articles

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4. Stranded situation caused due to the cancellation of the accommodation or flights.
It also includes travel delay as well.
5. Loosing flight connection, if any

There are a number of travel companies that offer various insurance plan to travelers.
These plans may be opted item/activities wise or in comprehensive way that includes
many things in a single premium. However, the premium charged against the travel
insurance is based on the factors like health, age, place to visit, duration, purpose of the
visit and the number of benefits opted.

It is the responsibility of the travel agents and tour operators to council travelers regarding
the benefits of the travel insurance at the time of the booking holiday package or trips.
The travel agents must inform the travelers regarding the pros and cons of availing and
ignoring insurance plans. They should also inform the travelers regarding the potential
challenges in the foreign nation which may likely to be faced. They may also explain
them with various case studies and recorded audio-visuals aids of such sufferers/diseased.
The travel companies should also assist travelers in opting best insurance plans, the
coverage under the plan and the premium charges.

Immigration is an important term which is used to denote all the necessary steps which
are to be taken while entering into India or any foreign country. The immigration
department in India is located at 86 locations i.e. immigration check post of the country
(approached either through air, water or land routes) and is liable for checking and
verifying necessary documents of the person/s entering into India (visa, passport and
other documents). Out of this 86 immigration check post, 37 are running under the
Bureau of Immigration while remaining 49 are associated with the concerned state
governments. All the foreign nationals except from Pakistan and Bangladesh will have to
go for immigration clearance and will also furnish the arrival details in the arrival form.
The major function of immigration department in any country is to prevent unlawful entry
of any national in the country, provide facility to the lawful entries and look after
naturalization process and termination of residences not complying with the rules and
regulations. Immigration department in USA performs a number of task like inspection of
migrants entering into USA without valid documents, imposing fines to the airlines
carrying persons without verifying documents or lacking with documents, granting
citizenship to immigrants, detaining criminals declared under red corner, granting visa
permits and its extension, replacement of green cards against lost and many more.

Emigration check is required and essential at the time of departure from India and it is
done in the office of protectorate of emigrants (POE). Nobody will be allowed to leave
the country without emigration clearance. The emigration department protects its
nationals from any fraud, cheating or indulgence into unscrupulous practices that may
occur/taken overseas. Therefore, POE office asks for return air ticket to ensure the
returning of the person to India. Also, if POE finds the integrity of any person doubtful,
such person/s may be denied to leave the country besides availability of all the relevant
documents. In the passport it clearly mentioned whether emigration clearance is required
or not. The persons who are graduates, doctors, income tax payee, females whose

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
husband is employed with merchant navy and minors are exempted from emigration
check. Even airlines staff does not require any emigration clearance.

The duty of emigration officer at airport is highly risky. The emigration officers at
airports are police personnel that keeps an eye over every departure. They also keep in
mind the culprits/criminals who may leave the country after committing crimes. During
emergency, sometimes due to the unavailability of the POE officer or suspension of
emigration check, Assistant Commissioner (AC) emigration or Deputy Commissioner of
Police (DCP) emigration can be contacted. If they find the situation really genuine, the
applicant will be allowed to travel.

To conclude it can be said that travel documents are utmost required if someone is
crossing an international boundary. The travel documents include a valid passport, visa
endorsed, vaccination certificate, insurance etc while leaving from India a foreign
national must have documents pertaining to currency exchange, cancellation of
registration certificate, income tax papers, TBRE forms, exit visa if applicable etc. To
avail passport, any citizen of India can apply for ordinary passport either through on line
or offline and fees for the same can be deposited in both the modes. The required
documents is also necessary to attach with the application form. The color of the passport
tells the type of person like blue color passport is issued to all the nationals of India, the
persons representing in India or on official visits may carry white or grey passport while
the persons working with consulates hold maroon passport. The travelers coming to India
are supposed to carry foreign currency without any limit but if they carry beyond 10000
dollars, they have to declare it through declaration certificate. No any foreign national
from Pakistan and Bangladesh can carry INR in India but the persons from Nepal and
Bhutan can bring in India INR not exceeding more than 25000. Custom Regulations
informs the travelers about the quantities of items like liquor, cigarettes, cigars and
tobacco that can be brought into India under certain limits. It gives a detailed list of the
items which are permissible in India. There are certain restrictions on the part of inbound
and out bound travel. Health certificate (vaccination) against yellow fever is mandate if
someone is travelling to South America or African countries or coming from those
countries to India. Insurance is always advisable against foreign trips because it protects
traveler from loss, damage of property and life. It insures against major and minor health
issues caused due to manmade and nature. Immigration department of any country keeps
the record of foreigner‟s entry. At the time of entry, they ensure that the person is having
the valid documents to stay in India. Emigration department ensures that the persons
leaving India must not be a criminal and will return to the country. It protects its nationals
from any unlawful activities or indulgence into any unlawful activity. There are some
categories of India nationals who are not required emigration check if they are travelling
out of India.

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T

Travel Documents: All those documents which are needed for out bound travel. It
includes passport, visa, special permits, vaccination certificates etc.

Passport: An essential document which is required for foreign trips. It is the proof of

Visa: An authorization given by the concern country where the passport holder is
intending to visit.

Currency Regulations: It informs the travelers regarding maximum foreign currency one
can bring into the country where he/she is visiting. It also make aware the dos and don‟ts
related while dealing with foreign currency.

BTQ: Basic Travel Quota is related with the allowance of carrying maximum foreign
currency by any Indian during his visit to overseas for the purpose like business or
personal visits.

Custom Regulations: The regulations that has been imposed to the foreigners while
entering into India in terms of articles/items used by them in certain limits without any
custom duty levied. It includes cigars, cigarettes, tobacco product, perfumes, toiletries,
gift items etc.

Health Certificates: The vaccination certificate is required against certain diseases like
yellow fever etc. if anyone is travelling to Africa or South America.

Travel Insurance: An important exercise that will protect a person in foreign country
against loss of life or property, damage caused due to natural and manmade factors. It
covers all the expenses done in that very country.

Immigration and Emigration: These two departments of any country plays an important
role in checking the entry or exit of unauthorized person/s from the country. The
immigration department allows any person to enter in India only after the verification of
the valid documents while emigration department protects its citizens from any cheating
or unscrupulous practices happen to be overseas.

 Safety and Security in Tourism, Relationships, Management And Marketing
(Editors C.M. Hall, D.J. Timothy, D.T.Duval,The Haworth Hospitality Press)
 Tourist Safety and Security, Practical Measures for Destinations, WTO (1996)
 official website of Goa police

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T
 (safety and security in the age of Global Tourism). The
changing role and Conception of safety and security in tourism by Istvan
Kovari and Krisztina Zimanyi.

 Tourism Security: Strategies for Effective Managing Travel Risk and Safety By
Peter Tarlow
 Safety and Security in Tourism Relationships, Management and Marketing By C.
 Hall, Dallen J. Timothy and David Timothy Duval.
 Tourism, Security and Safety (The Management of Hospitality and Tourism
Enterprises) -Yoel Mansfeld & Abraham Pizam


1. Write a note on currency regulations.

2. What do you mean by BTQ? What are the provisions of carrying foreign
exchange under this means?
3. Discuss the documents that are required while entering into India?
4. Define Passport. Explain various types of passport.
5. Write short note on the following:
a. Travel Documents
b. Passport
c. Types of Passport
d. Visa
e. Types of VISA
f. Currency Regulations
g. BTQ
h. Custom Regulations
i. Health Certificates
j. Travel Insurance
k. Immigration and Emigration

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Safety, Security and Travel Documentation BHM-703T

UNIT: 04

An Introduction to VISA and Permits
Understanding the Concept of VISA and its Types
Categories in which India gives VISA to Foreign Tourists
VISA Requirements and Procedure to Obtain Tourist VISA for Singapore, UK, USA and Australia
Restricts and Special Area Permits for Foreign Tourists their Procedure to Obtain
VISA on Arrival Scheme of Government of India
Suggested Readings
Terminal Questions

The nature of visa varies on the type of sanctioned visa like there are some visas who are
limit with single entry. It means once a person has left the host country he/she cannot re-
enter into it i.e his/her visa is cancelled. They have to apply again if they want to re-enter
in the same country. There are some visa which has been extended with multiple entry.
Once the visa has been sanctioned for three or five year, the visa holder can enter into the
concern country many times. Once the visa has been granted, the traveler has to utilize it
with in a stipulated time frame. The grant of visa is also dependable upon the expiry of
the passport. Like, if the passport is about to expire within a year, the visa cannot be
sanctioned for a long time. Even the sanction of visa does not assure its holder to enter
into the issuing country unless the final authorities on the airport or seaport or at any entry
point finds the alien up to the mark of their own satisfaction to abide by the rules and
regulations of the concern country are liable to be allowed to enter.

After reading this chapter, the students will be able to:
 Define VISA, types and procurement process of different types of VISA.
 Understand the concept of VISA on Arrival and its relevance in Tourism.

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 Know the Tourist VISA procedures to be followed for the countries like
Singapore, UK, USA and Australia.
 Understand the significance of restricted areas and special permits required to visit


Well, before proceeding with the content I want to raise a small question that why do the
countries ask for documents if any nonresident try to enter in their premises after all we
all are human beings? The answer to this question can be a number of but the exact
answer is though we all are human being but the entry in a particular country is subject to
production of necessary documents which will ensure that the foreigner who has entered
into the boundary of the country is registered, recognized, identified and it also ensures
that he will return back to place of origin. The concern person will not hide himself, will
not indulge into sensitive matters, will not affect the sanctity of the visited country and
over all abide by the rules and regulations imposed to the foreigners. So from the above
discussions it is clear that any person who is seeking to enter into any foreign country will
ask for permission and then only his entry will be made confirmed. While seeking
permission, the officials of the concern country may ask so many documents from the
applicant and on the satisfaction they are granted permission to enter. Now, the question
arises whether the permission entitles the person to explore everything or his access is
limited in the foreign country? Yes, being a foreigner such person cannot explore
sensitive places, border areas or other restricted areas, again they will ask for special
permission if intending to visit those areas. These permissions are called as special
permits conferred to those who want to visit restricted areas. So, if any country wants to
protect its interest, safe guards its citizens may restrict the movement of theforeigners in
its premises. It is not necessary that all the applicants seeking permission should be
allowed to visit the place. Their numbers and entry can be checked, restricted, even
cancelled or withdrawn at any time.


The word VISA is not new to this world. Even during the ancient times people used to
prove the purpose of their movement while entering into premises of a dynasty. The
famous book “Arthashashtra” written by Chanakya provides the account of visa which
used to be issued in the form of sealed passes to the persons entering countryside. As a
matter of fact Visa and passport became an essential document only after the Second
World War. The word visa has been derived from the Latin word “charta visa” which
means “the paper has been seen”. The word VISA is also abbreviation of Visitor
Intended to Stay Abroad (VISA).

However to define visa it can be said that an endorsement issues to the foreign nationals
by the authorized representative of the concern country and has been marked in the
passport which allows the passport holder to enter, reside and travel in the country for the
fulfillment of motives like business, education, employment, tourism etc. So the granting

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of visa entitles the person to legally enter either one time or multiple times into that
specific country and stay there for a specific period. The duration of visa depends on the
type of visa that has been granted i.e. long term visa, short term visa, single entry visa,
multiple entry visa, student visa, tourist visa, business visa etc. Some visa needs to be
endorsed prior to departure while others like tourist visa can be obtained on arrival in the
country. The visa authorization allows a traveler to enter into the country but finally, it is
the immigration authorities who allows a person to step in. The immigration department
after verifying all the necessary documents allows a person to enter. So, all the travelers
are advised to be updated with all types of latest information pertaining to frontier
formalities of a specific country/s. These visa authorization fully depends upon the
bilateral agreement between two nations. Likewise, the nationals of India and Nepal can
enter into the boundaries of each one without any passport and Visa. The important thing
which is utmost required is the validity of the passport. If the passport of an applicant is
expiring within six months from the date of applying visa, his application form will be
rejected. So while applying visa on must take care of it. The visa can be applied either
through on line or off line mode. If applying off line check the right form of application
because there are separate format for different types of visa. However, the visa formalities
from country to country and for latest information one should always check the details

Types of Visa: The description of some of the common types of Visa are given below:

Tourist Visa: This type of visa is granted to persons visiting any foreign
country for the sake of entertainment, leisure, pleasure etc. The validity of
tourist visa varies from country to country and it falls between 90 to 365 days.

Transit Visa: This visa is granted to travelers who have to change their flight
or getting connection en route to their final destination. The maximum
duration of this visa is 72 hours. The proof to obtain transit visa is confirmed
airlines ticket along with the endorsed visa of the final destination.

Private Visa: Granted to a person who has been invited by the resident of the
host country.

Medical Visa: Granted to a person who has got appointment with a doctor
overseas for purpose of preliminary diagnose, treatment of disease or other
medical facilities.

Business Visa: This type of visa is granted to person/s for engaging into
commercial activities into the host country. Multiple entry is allowed under
the provision of this visa as the duration of the visa falls between three to five

Athletic/Artistic Visa: It is granted to person/s who is going to represent

his/her country in any sports activities, cultural activities. To get this visa

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endorsed the concern person should have invitation letter along with the
details of the event.

Refugee Visa: It is extended to the families who are stranded and taking
shelter in another country because of natural calamity or war.

Pilgrimage Visa: This visa is extended to the people who are going on
pilgrimage/religious destination in group. The best examples are Haj Visa
facilitated by Saudi Arabia or Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Visa provided by
Republic of China.

Student Visa: It is extended to the students who are taking admission into
higher education institutes of the visa issuing country. It provides the facility
of multiple entry with extension.

Temporary Worker Visa: Under the provisions of this visa, the issuing
country approves a person to take up an employment in the host country.

Residence Visa: Under the provision of this type of visa, the applicant/s is
granted long term residence in the host country. The country like New
Zealand asks for long term residence certificate before granting such
applicant/s the status of permanent residence.

Immigrant Visa: It is granted to those persons who want to settle

permanently in the host country.

Diplomatic Visa: It is extended to the only persons bearing diplomatic


Visa on Arrival (VOA): It is extended to person/s who is/are on urgent need

of visa. The countries offering VOA have their own terms and conditions for
its issuance. It is worthwhile to check the details of VOA of the host country
before leaving the place of residence.

Electronic Visa (E Visa): Under this provision of visa, a person is given with
a receipt against his online application. It acts like a visa and can be stored in
the mobile phone as well. In fact, this receipt contains all the relevant
information of the traveler like his name, passport details and hence, no
separate endorsement is required in the passport.

Schengen Visa: There is no need to carry separate visa if anyone is travelling

to Europe. The twenty six European countries have created a borderless
region called Schengen in which a Schengen visa holder can freely enter into
those countries without immigration check.

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The nature of visa varies on the type of sanctioned visa like there are some visas who are
limit with single entry. It means once a person has left the host country he/she cannot re-
enter into it i.e his/her visa is cancelled. They have to apply again if they want to re-enter
in the same country. There are some visa which has been extended with multiple entry.
Once the visa has been sanctioned for three or five year, the visa holder can enter into the
concern country many times. Once the visa has been granted, the traveler has to utilize it
with in a stipulated time frame. The grant of visa is also dependable upon the expiry of
the passport. Like, if the passport is about to expire within a year, the visa cannot be
sanctioned for a long time. Even the sanction of visa does not assure its holder to enter
into the issuing country unless the final authorities on the airport or seaport or at any entry
point finds the alien up to the mark of their own satisfaction to abide by the rules and
regulations of the concern country are liable to be allowed to enter. In some cases the
authorities may deny, reject or cancel the entry of such applicant/s.

Check Your Progress-I

1. Define Visa. What are the types of visa?

2. Write a short notes on “Visa on Arrival”

3. What do you mean by Schengen Visa?

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Any person residing out of India is entitled to get visa to enter into India under different
motives. The various types of visa that are being granted to foreign nationals are
described below:

Tourist Visa: This type of visa has been granted to the tourists in individual
capacity, tourist groups (charter flights) and cruise tourists.

E Visa: E visa facility has been granted to the persons coming to India for
tourism, medical or business purpose.

Transit Visa: It is granted to a person/s in getting his/her flight through India

to any foreign country.

Medical Visa: It is extended to all the foreigners who are in need of medical
services specifically in India.

Medical Attendant Visa: It is granted to a person who is accompanying the

diseased person as a medical attendant.

Business Visa: Under the provision of this visa, there are three categories
under whom visa can be granted. The first category is business visitors who
are coming to India for a short period to attend some business meetings,
seminars, workshops etc. The second category is of business visitors coming
to India for small and large business. The third category is of business
investors. The business visa is also extended to the crew members of non-
scheduled flights, charter flights and special flights operating in India. This
visa also covers the foreign subject experts/academicians who has been
enlisted under GIAN. It is also extended to the foreign nationals who are
either business partner in Indian firm or holding senior positions like director
etc. The sports coaches from foreign countries who are duly appointed by
government of India on fixed remuneration and foreigners engaged in
commercial sports activities in India are also covered under this visa facility.

Employment Visa: It is granted to foreigners who has been appointed in

India for a period of six months or twelve months over a fixed remuneration.
This visa has also been extended to the foreigners engaged with various
NGO‟s on paid wages. The appointment of overseas faculties in the
institutes/universities like Nalanda University and other South Asian
Universities are also protected under employment visa.

Project Visa: This visa has been extended to those foreigners who are
coming to India to execute project assignments pertaining to powers and steel

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Film Visa: This visa is granted to the foreign nationals coming to India for
shooting, featuring film, documentary, filming reality TV shows or
commercial TV shows etc.

Student Visa: There are eight sub categories under which this visa facility
has been extended. The students coming to India for taking admission into
regular course in any of the recognized university/college/school either for the
purpose of school education or for higher education are eligible to get this
visa endorsed in their passports. The students seeking admissions into short
terms programmes/courses, yoga, vedic culture, Indian music, classical dance,
Buddhist studies, theological and missionary and students coming to India on
cultural exchange programme are also covered under the provisions of student

Research Visa: The eligibility to get this visa endorsed in the passport of the
person applying under research visa is that the concern should be a registered
research scholar at any of the duly recognized university/ college/institute in
India. If such candidate is not falling under this category, then he/she must be
a visiting faculty in any of the recognized institute in India or be a member of
botanical, anthropological society or such candidate is registered under the
bilateral exchange programme.

Conference Visa: This visa facility has been extended to all the persons who
are seeking permission to enter India to participate in
conferences/seminars/symposiums organized under the banner of government
organizations, PSU, Autonomous bodies running under governments and
other NGA/O.

Mountaineering Visa: This visa facility has been extended to such foreign
nationals who are entering into India for mountaineering expeditions.

Missionary Visa: This visa facility has been granted to the missionary
people/religious volunteers of the approved organizations.

Journalist Visa: This visa facility has been extended to those foreign persons
who are visiting in India for tourism purpose, visiting India for
shooting/filming documentary purpose, foreigner representing any print or
electronic media channel or any foreign print/electronic media house
journalist whose accreditation has been confirmed in India.

Entry Visa: This facility has been extended to those persons who are PIO but
do not possess OCI cards. It is also extended to those foreign nationals who
are married with Indian national, PIO‟s and OCI card holders along with their
family members. It is also applicable to such foreigners who have owned
property in India, visiting India to participate in religious gathering organized
by Auroville foundations, Missionaries of Charity or similar approved

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organizations if any. Entry visa can also be availed by the dependents of
diplomats, diplomat on personal visit to India or officials with entrusted
responsibility to visit India.

Diplomatic Visa: This visa is granted to the diplomats assigned in India

(specifically to person holding diplomatic passport), diplomats visiting in
India on official visit to India (such person should hold diplomatic passport).
Under the provision of this visa, the family members of diplomats are also
eligible to stay in India.

Official Visa: It is granted to the non- diplomatic officials who are on a

diplomatic mission in India, non- diplomatic officials on an official visit to
India and the dependents of non- diplomatic officials appointed in India.

UN Diplomat Visa: It is extended to UN Diplomat appointed to India, UN

Diplomat on an official visit to India and the dependents of such appointee‟s

UN Official Visa: The UN non diplomatic officials appointed in India, UN

non diplomatic officials visiting Indi and their dependents are entitled to get
this visa endorsed.

Pakistan Specific Visa: It is extended to Pakistani nationals under three

1. Visiting India (visitor visa)
2. Taking a pilgrimage in India (strictly as per religious protocol)
(pilgrim visa)
3. Minority communities coming in a group to India on a pilgrimage
(group pilgrim visa)

Bangladesh Specific Visa: It is extended to Bangladeshi nationals visiting

India to apply for visa to such foreign missions who are accredited to India
and Bangladesh both. The nature of this specific visa is double entry.

Check Your Progress-II

1. Define Diplomatic Visa.

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2. What do you mean by Entry Visa?

3. Write a short notes on “Business Visa”


Tourist Visa Requirements for Singapore: Certain destinations have created niche for
themselves in attracting in bound tourism. Singapore is one of them. As an estimate
nearly 1.4 million Indians travel Singapore annually. So, in this topic we will be
discussing about the procedure of procuring Singapore Visa by the Indians. Any Indian
who is planning to travel Singapore must have the following documents to fulfil his/her
eligibility for tourist visa:

1. The Indians are granted tourist visa for a maximum period of 30 days with a
validity of two years. It means they can visit Singapore at any point of time once it
has been issued but not a period of more than two years from the date of issue
such visa. This visa authorization permits an Indian to enter Singapore multiple
times but his/her total stay should not exceed 30 days.

2. The passport must have validity of at least 6 months from the date of entry to

3. The applicants can fill the visa application form either online or offline (Form 14

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4. The old passport if any possessed by the applicant, should be enclosed along with
visa application form.

5. Two recent passport size colored photograph (not to be older than three months)
in a dimension of 35 mm x 45mm with white background should be attached with
the visa application form. One photograph should be pasted on the visa
application form at the space provided with a crossed signature of the applicant
while the other photograph should be attached to the visa application form with a

6. Documentary evidence of confirmed return air tickets with detailed itinerary and
hotel reservation is a prerequisites for obtaining Singapore Visa.

7. A covering letter addressed to “The Embassy of Singapore or The Consulate

General of Singapore citing the reason/reasons of travelling to Singapore should
also be forwarded along with visa application form.

8. The applicant will also attach the leave certificate form his/her concerned
organization on its letterhead.

9. The first time traveler to Singapore needs to furnish income tax return of last three
years along with the bank‟s transaction details of last three months. All the pages
need to be stamped and sealed by the competent authority of the concerned bank.

10. Any two government authorized documents pertaining to current address prove is
required in case the residential address is different thanthat of mentioned in the

11. In case if any visitor is there in Singapore to receive his/her flight connection for
his/her final destination and have more than 4-5 hours in his/her hand may opt free
Singapore tour by merely registering himself at the Changi airport. This facility is
extended to only those travelers who has less than eight hours to get their
connecting flight but beyond it one has to opt transit visa.

12. Any traveler who is entering or leaving Singapore with more than S$20000, such
traveler needs to furnish the details in form “NP727” available at customs office,
Singapore airport.

13. The prohibited items which are not supposed to be carried in Singapore include
chewing gums, tobacco and tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, weapons, fire
items like lighter and fire cracker and sedatives/controlled drugs.

Tourist Visa Requirements for United Kingdom: The United Kingdom offers tourist
visa under four categories. The first category is valid for a period of six months, the
second category is valid for a period of two years, and the third category of tourist visa is
valid for a period of five years while the fourth category of tourist visa is valid for a

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period of ten years. The UK tourist visa is also called as Standard Visitor Visa which
entitles its holder to visit United Kingdom for the purpose of tourism, to meet family
members, medical consultancy or for other professional reason. However, the citizens of
EEA countries, Switzerland and Commonwealth are exempted from visa formality for
UK. Once the visa is approved, the travelers may enjoy the historic cities of United
Kingdom i.e. Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Here are the procedures
through which one can opt tourist visa for United Kingdom.

1. The United Kingdom visa is being granted only when the applicant appears in
physical to the consulate office. It means prior appointment is must and on the
date and time of appointment, the applicant will submit his/her biometric
information which includes finger print and digital photograph, duly filled visa
application form along with the necessary supporting documents attached to it.

2. The original copy of the applicant‟s passport with two pages left blank. The
passport should be valid for a minimum of six months.

3. Two colored passport photograph clicked not more than six months old.

4. The applicant will furnish his/her travel plan which will mention the exact
departure date, stay during the visit, places to be visited, meeting agenda, booked
tour etc., the current home address along with the time since the applicant is
residing at this place, the details of the parents like their name and date of birth

5. Besides, above all the applicant will also share his/her travel history for the last
ten years, the details of the spouse like name, date of birth and passport number.

6. The applicant will reveal the name and address of the sponsor if any for the
proposed trip. He will also share the details of the relative like his/her name,
address and passport number if any staying in United Kingdom. The applicant will
have to reveal his/her criminal/civil offences if any.

7. Bank statement copy for the last six months to act as a proof to meet out the
expenses in United Kingdom during the stay.

8. Tuberculosis Test results (negative result) are mandate to qualify for UK visa.

9. Submission of Invitation letter in case the applicant has been invited by a host
who is a UK resident.

10. Fee receipt as a proof that the applicant has paid the visa fee.

11. If the applicant is an employee, he/she has to submit a letter from the organization
stating the position, salary and length of the service period. For self- employed
people the documents pertaining to business registration are essential. If the

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applicant is a student, such student/s have to submit a letter from the school
certifying his enrollment number and leave sanctioned.

12. If the applicant is below 18 years of age, such applicant will have to submit some
extra documents like birth certificate and adoption paper if any.

Note: If the UK visa has been denied for any applicant, they can appeal against the
rejection. Such applicant can fill IAFT-2 form and submit it to United Kingdom
Immigration office from where this application form will be forwarded to the concern
authorities. A new decision will be notified to the applicant. If the decision persists and
there is no change it is advisable that the applicant should go for filing a new application

Tourist Visa Requirements for United States of America (USA): Any foreign national
who is visiting USA for tourism purpose needs to fill B-2 VISA which is also called as
visitor visa. Under this visa scheme one can get the extended benefit of visiting friends
and relatives and medical treatment as well.

The process of procuring tourist visa starts with the filling of application form i.e. DS 160
online. After the completion of this online DS 160 form, the applicant should take the
print out and produce it at the time of his/her interview. The colored photograph should
be uploaded and be fixed at the right place in the on line application form. The photo size
should be 22mmx35mm size and should not be clicked more than six month old. The
background should be plain white or off white and the face should be directed towards
camera. Normally the interviews are scheduled in the country where the applicant resides.
Like in India, an applicant can opt any of the interview venue for US visa located at
Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai.

Documents which are required at the time of interview are as follows:

1. Original Passport with a validity of at least six months.

2. Each individual will submit separate DS 160 form for visa claim.

3. Payment receipt against application fee is required.

4. The documents pertaining to purpose of trip and copy of bank statements of last
six months.

5. Documents pertaining to return journey from USA.

6. Evidence of applicant‟s employment.

7. Details of the sponsor if any residing in USA.

8. Ink free, digital scanning of finger prints are mandate at the time of the interview.

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9. Once the visa is approved, the applicant will have to pay the visa issuance fee and
also has to manage to get his/her passport and visa back on his/her own expense.

The granting of US visa allows a person to travel and enter in the premises of USA but it
never guarantees the holder to do so. The department of Home Land Security, Custom
officials and Border Protection officers may allow or deny the entry of such visa holders.
Once a person has been allowed to enter USA, he/she will have to fill a paper form I-94
which is an arrival/departure record.

Tourist Visa Requirements for Australia: Australia is known for its nature based
tourism which has a rich diversity from flora fauna to beach activity. The Australia has
become a pioneer destination for out bound travelers especially from India. In the year
1999, more than 3.7 lacs tourist visited Australia. The cricket fans from India is also
willing to enjoy 20 20 cricket world which is scheduled in Australia. The basic question
arises regarding the visa formalities. The given below are the current information
regarding the visa formalities and the documents required for Australia:

1. The Australian visitor visa known as sub class 600 entitles a person to enter in the
Australia for tourism or business purpose. This visa application form can be filled
on line.

2. Under tourism the activities like holidaying, visiting friends and relatives,
recreation are included while under the business purpose the person can
participate into conferences, explore the possibilities of business or indulge into

3. The visa authorization does not allow a person to work, do business, sell goods or
services and provide services to any firm in Australia. For such purposes one can
opt sub class 400 visa separately.

4. The persons seeking to join any informal training or study for a period of less than
three months may opt visitor visa.

5. The validity of this type of visa falls between three to twelve months. However,
the parents of Australian citizens and Permanent Residents can apply for longer
duration of visitor visa. Under this provision, such applicant/s will be entitled to
receive an authorization of three to five years multiple entry visa which will
enable them to stay in Australia for a maximum duration of twelve months in
every entry.

6. Passport with six months of validity from the date of ravel.

7. Two photos of 35x45 mm size with white background.

8. A covering letter which will share the information of the applicant like name,
passport number, date of travel etc.

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9. A Copy of Pan Card or Adhar Card details.

10. A copy of the employment certificate along with salary statement.

11. Income Tax returns for the last three years.

12. Marriage Certificate if the applicant is married.

13. Confirmed air tickets, detailed itinerary along with hotel vouchers and travel

14. Bank transaction details for the last six months, duly attested and signed by the
manager/branch manager on each page.

15. Submission of vaccination certificates as prescribed by Australian embassy.

16. The visa application form must be accompanied by the invitation letter if the
applicant is visiting Australia for the purpose of meeting friends and relatives.

Once the online visa application form has been filled up with correct details, submit it
online by paying the requisite amount of visa application fee. The applicant will
receive an ETA (Electronic Travel Authority) with-in three days. Though the
applicant will not receive any visa in hard copy form, they can down load the
electronic form of visa which will be sent to their registered email id. This visa is
linked with the passport number of the applicants. Any fake information/misleading
information will always attract the rejection of the visa application.

Check Your Progress-III

1. Discuss the tourist visa procedure to procure visa for Singapore.

2. Discuss the tourist visa procurement process for United Kingdom.

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3. How one can procure Australia tourist visa? Discuss the procedure.


Though the tourists can visit all the places in India once their visa is approved but this
visa authorization does not entitle visitors to visit certain areas which Government of
India has declared “Restricted for Foreigners”. Most of the restricted areas fall under the
border areas and are very sensitive in nature. The motive behind imposing the restriction
is to ensure national security along with protecting the culture of the indigenous
aboriginals. These restricted areas are not similar to the normal tourist destinations which
can be visited by everyone but the seekers will have to apply separate passes to explore.
The temptation of these restricted places lie in the fact that they are abundant in
untouched natural beauty. As per the provisions of the Foreigner‟s Act the foreigners will
have to show Protected Area Permit (PAP) while entering into these restricted areas
whereas the Indian nationals who are not the residents of those areas will apply for Inner
Line Permit (ILP) to explore restricted areas. So far as the NRI, PIO card holders and OCI
holders are concerned, they will have to apply for PAP. In recent development, the places
like Darjeeling in West Bengal, Tripura, Assam and Meghalaya have been excluded from
the list of the restricted areas.The prerequisites to obtain PAP is that the travelers must be
in a group of four. The state like Nagaland has lifted the PAP requirement against such
applicants who are married and are accompanied by a registered travel agent or tour
operator. Such travelers are allowed to enter and exit to certain designated places only.
However, the national of China, Myanmar, Pakistan and Bangladesh will receive PAP
only after the clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs.

Initially, the Protected Area Permit (PAP) is issued by Ministry of Home Affairs for a
period of ten days and it can be extended to another seven days. The application for
which must be processed at least fourteen days prior to scheduled visit. This PAP can also
be obtained from the authorities of the concerned states, FRRO and Indian Mission

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The details of the Restricted Areas located in each state is given below:

1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands: All the parts of this island are restricted for
foreigners and the foreigners intending to visit this island needs prior approval.
This authorization can either be obtained on arrival at Port Blair through
immigration Officer or can be obtained in advance from the office of Chief
Immigration Officer (CIO) located at International Airports of Delhi, Mumbai,
Kolkata and Chennai. The permit can also be received from the FRRO, MHA and
Indian Missions located abroad.

Important: If the foreigner has arrived by air, he/she can be granted permission to
stay for a period of 30 days by the office of competent authority located at Port
Blair airport itself. But such foreigners who are arriving in Andaman Nicobar
Islands by sea route needs PAP in advance because the tickets are being purchased
only by producing the document.

Under this authorization, day and night visits are allowed at the following places:
A. Municipal Area, Port Blair
B. Havelock Island
C. Long
D. Neil Island
E. Jolly Buoy
F. North and South Cinque
G. Red Skin
H. Entire Island of Central Andaman

However, night stay is permissible at the Islands of Mahatma Gandhi Marine only
after the special approval of U.T. Administrator.
Only day visits are allowed to the following placed:
A. Mayabunder
B. Diglipur
C. Rangat
D. Mt. Harriet
E. Madhuban
F. Ross Island
G. Narcondum Island
H. Interview Island
I. Brother Island
J. Sister Island
K. Barren Islands

2. Arunachal Pradesh: The places like Along, Bhalukpong, Itanagar, Miao,

Namdapha, Pasighat, Sujesa and Zero are restricted for foreigner‟s movement. All
the foreigners seeking to visit Arunachal Pradesh in a group require prior
permission and which can be obtained from the office of Home Commissioner,
Government of Arunachal Pradesh located in Itanagar. The permission can also be

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granted by the Foreigner‟s Regional Registration Office located at Delhi, Mumbai
and Kolkata. One can also contact Indian Missions located abroad in this regard.
No individual tourist is allowed to enter in the restricted area. The applicant can
apply at least four weeks prior to their departure. Indian citizens can receive their
permission from the office of the Arunachal Bhawan located at New Delhi,
Kolkata, Guwahati and Tezpur.

3. Assam: The places like Guwahati, Sibsagar, Halflong, and Kaziranga are opened
for the foreign national who are intending to visit in a group of four members or
more. The prior permission can be obtained from the office of Assam State
Tourism Development Corporation located in New Delhi and other parts of
Assam state. The tourists have to provide their passport size photograph, copy of
the passport and visa in order to receive the permission.

4. Gujarat: The border area of Rann of Kutch falls under the category of restricted
area. The permits are being issued to both foreigners and Indian nationals by the
District Collector, Bhuj to visit up to Banni region and few other places beyond
the India Bridge.

5. Himachal Pradesh: Lahul, Spiti and Kinnaur district are the restricted areas
located in Himanchal Pradesh and the permission can be obtained for a group of
four or above from the office of the Deputy Commissioner located at Shimla,
Kullu, Keylong and the District Magistrate office located in Rampur. The
permission can also be obtained from the office of Commissioner/ Resident
Commissioner (Tourism), Government of Himachal Pradesh, DGP HP located at

6. Kashmir: The places Khaltse, Dunkhar, Sroduchan, Hanudo, Biana, Dhafalling

under Khaltse region, the trekking passes located in Nubra sub division like Leh-
Khardung La-khalsar- Trit- Panasik, Leh- Khardung La- Khalsar-Hunder and Leh-
Sabo-Digar La-Digar-Labab-Khungru Gampa-Tangar are opened to foreign
nationals strictly for trekking purpose only and that can be conducted by the
registered travel agency/tour operator and accompanied by police personnel from
Jammu and Kashmir state. The trekking passes falling under the jurisdiction of
Nyona Sub Division like Leh-Upshi- Chusathang-Mahe-Puga-Tso-Moari-
Lake/Korzok area, Leh-Upshi- Debring-Puga-Tso-Maori Lake/Korzok area, Leh-
Karu-Chang La-Durbuk- Tangtse- Lukung-Spanksit and Pangong lake upto
Spanksik are opened to foreigners for trekking purpose only. The permission can
be obtained from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) or the office of District
Magistrate can be contacted. The permission will not be granted to any individual
tourist and the maximum period for which the permission is granted for seven
days. The permission is granted to a group of members comprising four to twenty
persons. A liaison officer needs to be accompanied by the group to ensure travel
on identified tour circuits only.

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7. Lakshadweep: Only Bangaram Islandand Suheli Islands are open for foreign
nationals who can receive permission to visit Bangaram from the FFRO office or
Lakshadweep Administration office located at Kochi. However, Indian nationals
may receive their permit from the Commissioner office located in New Delhi. For
Aggati Islands, an entry permit is required for both, foreigners and Indian
nationals as well.

8. Manipur: The locations like Lohtak Lake, Imphal, INA Memorial, Deer
Sanctuary, Waithe lake Kongjam War Memorial are only open for tourists. The
prior permission for which can be obtained from MHA and FRRO‟s. Home
Commissioner, State Government of Manipur can also be contacted for entry
permission. The permission is granted to a maximum period of 10 days and to the
group of 4 or more persons travelling together.

9. Mizoram: The areas like Vairangte, Thingdawl and Aizawl are protected. The
entry permit can be obtained from the Resident Commissioner, Government of
Mizoram located in Aizawl. The FRRO‟s office located at Delhi, Mumbai and
Kolkata are also entitled to release entry permits for foreigners if travelling in a
group of four or more members. However, in Chennai Chief Immigration Officer
can be contacted for this purpose. This permission is provided for a period of not
more than 10 days. The entry permission can also be availed through Indian
Missions and application must be put forward 4 weeks prior to scheduled

10. Nagaland: The places located in Dimapur, Kohima, Mokochong and Wokha are
declared as restricted area for foreigners and the entry permit can either be
obtained from all the Indian Missions located overseas or through the FFRO‟s
offices located at Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai. The Chief Immigration Office
located at Chennai is also handful in providing special permits to foreigners.
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India can also be contacted for the
same. In some cases the Resident Commissioner/ Home Commissioner, the State
Government of Nagaland can also be approached for obtaining special permits.

11. Rajasthan: Certain places falling near by the international border has been
declared as protected area and prior permission is required to enter into it. These
places are located in a belt of 40 kilo meters from the international border.The
places like Suratgarh, Bikaner, Gajner, Kolayat, RamDevra, Pokran, Jaisalmer,
Fatehgrah, Bhadewa, Barmer, Sanwara, Gandhwa, Dhamuna falling in and around
National Highway 15 running between Sriganganagar to Sanchoreare restricted
area and foreigners need to get prior approval (Protected Area Permit) from
Ministry of home Affairs/District Magistrate of the concern areas to explore the
area.This permit is extended to the foreigners visiting in a group of two or more
and for a period of 30 days.

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12. Sikkim: The places like Gangtok, Rumtek, Phodang, Pemayangtse, Khecheperi
and Tashiging are partially open for foreign tourists and permission can be
obtained from many authorities like Ministry of Home Affairs, FRRO, Indian
Missions, Immigration Offices located at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi
international airports, Home Secretory, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok, IG
(Police) Government of Sikkim and from the office of Deputy Directors
(Tourism) located in New Delhi and Kolkata. For Zongri (West Sikkim), only
trekking sites are opened for foreigners but in a group of 4 or more. The main
compulsion is that the group should be accompanied by the liaison officer. The
permission is granted for a period of 15 days. The place like Tsangu can be
explored as a day visit and the permission can be obtained from the Home
Secretory, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok. A five days permit is issued to the
group of foreigners visiting the areas like Mangan, Tong, Singhik, Chungthang,
Lachung and Yumthang by the authorities like Home Secretory or Secretory
Tourism, Government of Sikkim.

13. Uttarakhand: The places like Nanda Devi Wild Life Biosphere located in
Chamoli and Uttar Kashi districts, Niti Ghati and Kalindi Khal and adjoining
areas of Milam Glacier are partially protected areas and permission for the
Protected Area Permit (PAP) can be obtained from Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of Uttarakhand and DM/SDM of the respected areas if the foreigners
are travelling in a group of four or more on a sponsored trip organized by a
recognized travel agency in India.

Check Your Progress- 4

1. What do you mean by PAP, RAP and ILP?

2. What are the places that are opened for tourists in Arunachal Pradesh? Discuss the
formalities which are required to obtain PAP for tourists visiting Arunachal

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3. Discuss the procedure to obtain protected area permit for Andaman Nicobar


The primary motive behind providing VOA (Visa on Arrival) was to promote tourism in
India. For the very first time the Government of India launched its Visa on Arrival
scheme on January, 2010 specifically for tourism purpose considering the citizens of five
nations only. In the year 2014, this Visa on Arrival (VOA) scheme was replaced with
ETA (Electronic Travel Authority). It was again renamed as “e-tourist visa” in the year
2015 by Government of India withimplementing following three types of E-tourist Visa:

1. Visa with a validity of one month (maximum two entries allowed)

2. Visa with a validity of one year (Multiple entry with a subject to

minimum period to stay)

3. Visa with a validity of five year (Multiple entry with a subject to

minimum period to stay)
In the prevailing scenario, now it is also known as “e- visa” and extended to the nationals
of 180 countries excluding Pakistan. All the Pakistani nationals will apply for normal visa
if they want to visit India.This visa on arrival scheme is available with the nine
international airports located in India namely Bangaluru, Chennai, New Delhi, Kolkata,
Mumbai, Trivandrum, Goa, Cochin andHyderabad. Once this visa has been granted
cannot be extended or converted with any other form of visa during the stay. There are
five categories of e-visa whose description is as follows:
1. e- tourist Visa
2. e- Business Visa
3. e- Medical Visa
4. e- Medical Attendant Visa (Allowed up-to two medical attendants
against one e-medical visa)
5. e-Conference Visa

Eligibility Criterion: The applicants must fill application form online not less than four
days and not more than thirty days of their scheduled departure. One the application

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process is over, the applicant needs to upload a photograph of himself clicked in while
background along with the copy of the photo page of the passport that reveals the
personal details of the applicants. The candidate should also ensure that the passport is
valid for at least six months from the date of its issue. Once the details have been filled
up, the candidate will pay the requisite fees which is non-refundable online. On the
successful submission of the fees, an application ID and ETA will be shared with the
registered email id with- in three to five days. It is also advisable that the applicant should
always check the status of their on line visa if it shows “Granted”. At the time of entry to
India either of any mode air, water or land, a copy of ETA will be shown to the
immigration counter where the immigration officer will stamp the passport with the e visa
entry mark and all the biometric data of the traveler will also be captured. Upon fulfilling
all the eligibility criterion the candidate is permitted to enter into India and expected that
such candidate has confirmed return air tickets and ample of money to spend in India
during his/her stay period. In brief we can conclude that any applicant can adopt the
following steps to receive the e visa:
1. Fill Application Form

2. Pay E Visa Fees Online

3. Receive ETA Online

4. Fly to India and Enter

There are certain things which should always be kept into mind regarding e-visa that:

1. E visa is neither extendable nor convertible. It is also not valid for

visiting protected areas or restricted areas. For such cases, the candidate
may approach other officials when they enter into India.

2. This e visa facility has not been extended to diplomatic passport holders
or official passport holders. The persons with International Travel
Documents are also deprived with e visa facility.

3. The traveler should visit India with the same passport whose details
have been entered/ uploaded while applying on line visa.

4. The travelers coming from yellow fever affected areas or such nationals
arriving from countries affected from yellow fever needs to produce
yellow fever vaccination certificate. If such traveler/s fail/s in producing
the certificate, they would be put into quarantine for six days on the
expenses of the travelers only.

Tourist Visa on Arrival (TVOA) Scheme: The tourist visa in Arrival scheme has been
extended to the nationals of twelve countries so far with a maximum period of 30 days
only. This visa which is single entry in nature can be availed through immigration offices
located at international airports namely Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Kochi,

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Hyderabad, Bangalore and Trivandrum with a payment of fees of USD 60 or equivalent
to INR. The applicant can fill a simple visa application form available at Immigration
counter of the above mentioned international airport on the arrival. A passport size
photograph is also needed with it. The person can avail TVOA for a maximum period of
two times in per calendar year with a minimum of two months gap between two visits.

Eligibility Criterion: The applicant must be a citizen from the following countries:
Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Myanmar, Japan, Finland, Republic of Korea,
Luxembourg, New Zealand, Laos, Philippines and Indonesia.

The interest of such applicant should lie either in recreation, sightseeing, visiting friends
and relatives, medical treatment (short term period) or casual business visits.
The applicant should not have any residence or should not indulge in any kind of
occupation in India.

The applicant must be a holder of passport whose validity exists at least for six months.
The applicant must produce confirmed return air tickets and proof of sufficient fund to
spend in India during visit.

Check Your Progress-V

1. What do you mean by Visa on Arrival scheme?

2. Explain TVOA (Tourist Visa on Arrival) along with its eligibility criterion.

Visa and passport play and important role when it comes to cross boundaries. The
passport is an identity that proves the nationality of the person while visa is an

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authorization (legal channel) granted to the person who is intending to visit a particular
country. These two documents are the backbone of international tourism. There are many
forms of visas along with validity is available to international travelers depending upon
the needs of the person. There is no common norm followed by counties in granting visa
to travelers as different countries follow strict norms when it comes to allow a non-
nationals to enter into their premises. Even there are separate norms for different forms of
visa requisition also like for tourism purpose it is different while for business purpose it is
different. The visa authorization does not entitle a person to explore protected areas or
special areas defined in the country concerned. The travelers seeking to enter into those
restricted areas or protected areas need to apply separately and in this regards competent
authorities are there take care of such cases. In India many authorities from Ministry of
Home Affairs to regional directors have been given responsibility to allow people to visit
those designated areas with under strict terms and conditions. The government of India
initiated a proposal of visa on arrival (VOA) scheme under five categories and till date
nationals of 180 counties are enjoying this facility. The tourist visa on arrival TVOA) is
another scheme which was incorporated along with visa on arrival scheme which has its
own limitations and demerits.


Passport: A document issued by the concern country to its citizens to prove the
nationality overseas. Normally there are three types of passport available to citizens of
any country depending upon the nature of the job.

Visa: An authorization to enter into the premises of the granting country. It is a legal way
to enter into a country. There are many forms of visa available fulfilling the needs of
various travelers.

Schengen Visa: There is no need to carry separate visa if anyone is travelling to Europe.
The twenty six European countries have created a borderless region called Schengen in
which a Schengen visa holder can freely enter into those countries without immigration

Transit Visa: It is granted to a person/s in getting his/her flight through India to any
foreign country.

Visa on Arrival (VOA): It is extended to person/s who is/are on urgent need of visa. The
countries offering VOA have their own terms and conditions for its issuance. It is
worthwhile to check the details of VOA of the host country before leaving the place of

Electronic Visa (E Visa): Under this provision of visa, a person is given with a receipt
against his online application. It acts like a visa and can be stored in the mobile phone as
well. In fact, this receipt contains all the relevant information of the traveler like his
name, passport details and hence, no separate endorsement is required in the passport.

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Protected Area Permit (PAP): It is issued by Ministry of Home Affairs for a period of
ten days and it can be extended to another seven days.

Special Area Permit (SAP): It is granted to foreign nationals by MHA or their

authorized representative to visit specific regions under strict norms.

 Roday, Sunetra. Biwal, Archana. Joshi, Vandana (2009) Tourism: Operations and
Management, Oxford Higher Education, India
 Swain, K. Sampad and Mishra, Jitendra M (2011) Tourism: Principles and
Practices, Oxford Higher Education, India

 Tourism Security: Strategies for Effective Managing Travel Risk and Safety
by Peter Tarlow.
 Safety and Security in Tourism Relationships, Management and Marketing
by C. Michael Hall, Dallen J. Timothy and David Timothy Duval.
 Tourism, Security and Safety (the Management of Hospitality and Tourism
Enterprises}Yoel Mansfeld & Abraham Pizam.

Terminal Questions

1. What do you mean by Visa on Arrival scheme?

2. Explain TVOA (Tourist Visa on Arrival) along with its eligibility criterion.
3. What do you mean by PAP, RAP and ILP?
4. What are the places that are opened for tourists in Arunachal Pradesh?
5. Discuss the formalities which are required to obtain PAP for tourists visiting
Arunachal Pradesh.
6. Discuss the procedure to obtain protected area permit for Andaman Nicobar
7. Discuss the tourist visa procedure to procure visa for Singapore.
8. Discuss the tourist visa procurement process for United Kingdom.
9. How one can procure Australia tourist visa? Discuss the procedure.
10. Define Diplomatic Visa.
11. What do you mean by Entry Visa?
12. Write a short notes on “Business Visa”
13. Define Visa. What are the types of visa?
14. Write a short notes on “Visa on Arrival”
15. What do you mean by Schengen Visa?

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