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Technical and Vocational Institute

Centre No.: 91043

BTEC RQF - Assignment Brief (16)

Qualification: BTEC Level 5 HND in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Student Name /ID Number Rewan Khaled ahmed / 20109720
Unit Number and Title Unit 06 – Mechatronics
LO1: Explain the design and operational characteristics of a mechatronic
LO2: Design a mechatronic system specification for a given application
Unit Learning Outcome
LO3: Examine the operation and function of a mechatronics system using
simulation and modelling software
LO4: Identify and correct faults in a mechatronics system
Academic Year 2021/2022
Unit Assessor Eng. Amr Khamis
Assignment Title Mechatronics System from operation to simulation and fault finding
Issue Date 22 – Feb. – 2022 (1st Week)
Submission Date 29 – May – 2022 (15th Week)
IV Name Dr. Ahmed Shoier
Date 20 – Feb. – 2022
Student Declaration
“I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work, and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.”

Student Name: Rewan Khaled ahmed

Student Signature:

Submission Format:
Task No. Summary of Evidences Required Evidence Presented
1 Report using word file
2 Report using word file
3 Report using word file
4 Report using word file
5 Report using word file + LabVIEW files
6 Report using word file + Video

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

A recruitment opportunity is available at research and development center which is specialized in
improving new mechatronics systems in many industrial fields. The center is concerned about
systems designs, specifications, test and fault identification and correction. The interviewer has
assigned a system to be investigated by an individual technician. Consider yourself one of these
technicians and try to attempt the following tasks.

Read the following instructions carefully:

1. Each student will suggest and deliver his answer according to the approved system by the
2. To get the full knowledge and guidance about your suggested system, you can access the
workshops available in the Technical and Vocational Institute (TVI) inside the Industry Service
Complex (ISC) such as:  CNC workshop
• Welding Workshop
• R&D Projects Workshop
• Plastic Injection Lab
• Lathe CNC Lab
• Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Lab
• Reverse Engineering Lab
• Mechatronics Lab
3. If you need more guidance about any workshop, laboratory or a machine, you can ask the help
from the staff of Research and Development Department, Services Workshop Department or
Production Workshops Department.
4. You can get the specifications for your system using the data available in the ISC different
workshops and labs by doing practical research or by internet search.
5. Submission of assessment answers will be using Google Classroom.
6. Answer template is provided for using.
7. Discussion and feedback will be using Zoom.
8. Be committed to the deadlines and submission formats.

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

1. To get familiar to your assigned system, you need to:

a) Describe the key components of the system by drawing a detailed block diagram of the
system and providing a description for the used sensors, actuators, control system and
graphical user interface (GUI). It is recommended to support your answer with graphs and
figures where possible.
b) Provide a detailed flowchart for the system and explore in details how these components
must work in an integrated way such that the system can operate correctly.

2. Based on the knowledge gained about your assigned system from the available facilities/
guidance mentioned in the scenario.

a) Identify the types of actuators, sensors and transducers that are used in your system by
mentioning the type, role in the system and specifications of each component.
b) Investigate the different methods of control (put a hypothesis of at least two different
control methods) that can be used to control your assigned system by providing the
control requirement of your system and a flow chart of the control role in the system,
gathering evidences (using commercial real control systems in the market) to test your
hypothesis, analyze the evidences then decide which hypothesis is supported or not.

3. Based on the knowledge gained about your assigned system from the available facilities/
guidance mentioned in the scenario or using a bench mark product available in the market.
Investigate the system specifications to propose alternative solutions to provide another way
for solving problems like sensor measurement, display the system data, actuator power
consumption, control system lag, actuators speed control etc... by mentioning the system
specifications then put a hypothesis of at least two different alternative solutions that can be
used for your assigned system by gathering evidences to test your suggested hypotheses,
analyze the evidences then decide which hypothesis is supported or not.

4. Each mechatronic system should have a design specification that can describe the system
capabilities and limitations in engineering aspects.

a) Inspired by your assigned system, evaluate the operational capabilities and limitations by
comparing to a bench mark system available in the market.
b) Assume that the system needs an upgrade to overcome these limitations by upgrading the
sensors and the actuators. Select and justify your selection for the sensors and actuators
needed for the system upgrade.
c) Produce a design specification for the system after upgrade process.

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

5. According to your experience in the suggested system operation and functionality.

a) Build your suggested system in LabVIEW® to demonstrate this simulation software

considering system components such as sensors, transducers, actuators, GUI and
control system.

b) According to the simulated system, explain the function and operation of your
system showing the integration of the above-mentioned system components.

c) This is considered your first experience dealing with LabVIEW®, describe the
advantages and disadvantages of this software considering the following evaluation
1. Ease of use 8. Built-in functions
2. Integration of CAD software 9. Writing comments
3. Frequency of update 10. Ease of learning
4. Technical support 11. Ease of installation
5. 3D-animator 12. Cut, copy, paste of
6. 3D models library 13. Warning messages
7. Zoom function 14. Audible alarms
6. Using the “Pneumatic Handling System” shown in figure 1 and 2, where it is located in
the Mechatronics Lab (Room No. 308 - 3rd Floor - TVI Institute). This system can be
configured with many introduced faults for each student.
Each student will have a time slot to access this system in the Lab. in order to solve the
practical part of this task. You will challenge 5 different types of faults that you have to
deal with.

Note: A schematic Diagram for the system is attached in a .pdf format.

a) Locate the faults in the system by highlighting the faults on the system block diagram
shown in figure 2.
b) Rectify these faults to make the system able to return to service by mentioning the
rectification steps for each fault.
c) Explain the safe use of fault-finding test equipment that you have used in 6.1 and 6.2.
d) Apply practically the correct use of the fault-finding test equipment by recording a
video showing the steps.
e) Document in a video format the steps from a) to d).
f) Due to the gained experience after dealing with faults, investigate the causes of each

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fault from your point of view, then suggest alternative modifications to the design
specification to improve the system reliability according to your experience with the
system operation.

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Centre No.: 91043

Figure 1: Pneumatic Handling System Block Diagram

Figure 2: Pneumatic Handling System

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 P1 M1 D1
Examine the Describe the key Explore how the Investigate an actual
design and components of a given mechatronics mechatronics system
operational mechatronics system components specification to
characteristics of a operate as part of an propose alternative
mechatronic P2 integrated system solutions
system Identify the types of
actuators, sensors and M2
transducers used in the Investigate the methods
mechatronics system of control used by
mechatronics systems

LO2 P3 M3 D2
Design a mechatronic Select the relevant Justify the sensor and Evaluate the
system specification for sensor and the actuator technologies operational capabilities
a given application appropriate actuator selected with reference and limitations of the
technologies and to available alternatives mechatronics system
produce a design design specification
specification suitable produced
for these selections
LO3 P4 M4 D3
Examine the operation Demonstrate industry Describe the advantages Explain the function and
and function of a standard mechatronics and disadvantages of operation of a
mechatronics system simulation/ modelling the software simulation simulated mechatronics
using simulation and software system
modelling software
LO4 P5 M5 D4
Identify and correct Explain the safe use of Apply and document Investigate the causes
faults in a mechatronic fault finding test the correct use of of faults on a
system equipment faultfinding techniques/ mechatronics system
methods and suggest alternatives
P6 to the design
Locate and rectify faults specification to improve
on a mechatronic reliability

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Assignment 1/16
Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

RQF - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Qualification: BTEC Level 5 HND in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Student Name/ID Rewan Khaled ahmed

Unit Title Mechatronics
Assignment Number 1
Formative Date 03 – Apr. – 2022
Submission Date 29 – May – 2022
Assessor Eng. Amr Khamis

Assessor Formative Feedback:

Task No. Positive Feedback Next Steps

Amr Khamis Date: 03 – Apr. – 2022

Assessor Submitted Feedback:

Task No. Positive Feedback Next Steps

Assessor Signature:
Grade: P/M/D Amr Khamis Date: 05 – Jun. - 2022

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Assessor Resubmission Feedback:

Task No. Positive Feedback Next Steps

Assessor Signature:
Grade: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Ahmed Shoier Date: 05 – Jun. – 2022

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Assignment 1/16
Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Student Name: Rewan Khaled ahmed

Reg. Number: 20109720
Project Title: UV Disinfection Tunnel

Unit Assessor: Eng. Amr Khamis

Unit IV: Dr. Ahmed Shoier

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

UV Disinfection Tunnel

(cuttingedgeservices, n.d.)

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Task 1.a)


1. Ultrasonic Sensor

 It is a proximity sensor which is used to determine the distance of an object.

 It has 4 pins.
· VCC: connected to 5v.
· Trigger: input pin.
· Echo: output pin.
· Ground connected to 0v.
 It has a transmitter for ultrasonic waves and a receiver for the
CITATION pib21 \l
U.S. waves.
2057 (piborg.org, n.d.)

2. Current Sensor

 It is an analogue sensor connected in series between the power

supply and the load to measure current and protect the motor
from being damaged if high current delivered
 It is connected to the controller through 3 pins.
· VCC: connected to 5v.
· Ground: connected to 0v.
· Analogue input.

CITATION add21 \l
2057 (addicore, n.d.)

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3. Lm35 Sensor

 It is an analogue sensor used to measure temperate.

 It is range from −55 ° ¿+ 150℃ .
 It has 3 pins.
· VCC: connected to 5v.
· Analogue output voltage. CITATION gee21 \l
2057 (geeksvalley, n.d.)
· Ground: connected to 0v.
• We can use lm35 to measure motor temperature to protect the motor from

4. Shaft encoder

It is an electromechanical device used to sense linear motion.

It consists of a card with black and white pattern fixed to the wheel, As
the wheel rotates, the sensor gives pulses, if these pulses are counted,
they indicate certain distance measurement.
CITATION ind21 \l
2057 (indiamart, n.d.)

(ARTICLE, n.d.)

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1. Stepper Motor
It is an electric DC motor
gives straight line movement.
It moves in discrete steps
It has multiple coils organised in groups called phases CITATION egy21 \l

(learn.adafruit, n.d.) 2057 (egypt.souq, n.d.)


● Arduino Mega
• It is an open-source electronic board which can reads inputs and turn it into outputs.
• The instructions are sent to the microcontroller on the board using Arduino programming
• It has 54 digital input / output pins, a USB connection a power jack, an ICSP header a reset
button and crystal oscillator
(store.arduino, n.d.)

CITATION pol21 \l
2057 (pololu, n.d.)

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User Interface
 Inputs
1. Switches: Power switch.
On / Off the machine / and on / off the UV lamps.
2. Knobs: To open the tunnel.
CITATION spa21 \l 2057
3. Touch Screen: CITATION spa21 \l 2057
(sparkfun, n.d.)
(sparkfun, n.d.)

 Outputs
1. LEDs: To indicate the state of the machine on or off
and the state of the UV lamps.

2057 (Indicator, n.d.)
2. Monitor: To indicate the wave length of UV lamp, current state and temperature.
3. Buzzer: To give alarm if something went wrong.

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Task 1.b)
Flow chart

start Inter products

The belt is
Read instructions Power ON moving

Uv lamps ON

Adjust belt spood



Packaging the product End

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Component integration
 The tunnel is designed for 360 ° degree uv disinfection the products are transported on a stainless-
steel grid belt.

 The ultrasonic sensors indicate the entering and exiting of the products to be disinfected.
 The current sensor measures the current value to know if there is increase in current which may
indicate over load on the motor which protects motor.
 Temperature Sensor: measures the motor temperature (rise of temperature indicates motor over
 Shaft encoder: It senses the motor linear motion to calculate the distance the product cover
between entering and exiting.
 H.bridge It controls the DC motor to go backword or forward through the microcontroller.

CITATION IDE21 \l 2057

(Ideakart, n.d.)
(build-electronic-circuits, n.d.)

 Arduino: To which the components are connected and work according to the code written.

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Task 2.a)

An actuator is a machine part that imitates movements when it receives order from a control system

It creates specific motion depending on the purpose of the machine

 Stepper Motor
• Type
An electric DC motors.

• Role in the system

It receives digital pulses and converts them into
CITATION egy21 \l
mechanical motion to move the conveyor belt in straight path. 2057 (egypt.souq, n.d.)

Using H.bridge with the motor controls the motion and speed of the motor.

(creativemotioncontrol, n.d.)

• Specifications

Item Value

Holding Torque (Gear box) 1.24 N /m

Efficiency 73 %

Amps / Phase 1.00 A

Shaft Maximum Axial Load 50 N

Shaft Maximum Radial Load 100 N

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(alldatasheet, n.d.)


Sensor is a device that receives signal or stimulus as input and gives electrical signal (such as current or voltage) as

1. Shaft encoder
It is a sensor device that is attached mechanically to a motor and electrically connected to a logic
system to give information to the logic system about the motor.

Role in the system

A card with black / white pattern is fixed to the wheel 3mm away from
the sensor face, As the wheel rotates, the sensor gives square wave

If these pulses are counted, we can calculate the distance between interring and exiting the
product to be disinfected by the UV tunnel.

(sciencedirect, n.d.)

• Specifications

Item Value

• Power Supply
± 0.3
• Accuracy
• High Speed Operation 30,000 rpm

• Compact 22 mm dianeter body

(alldatasheet, n.d.)

2. Lm35

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Centre No.: 91043

• Type
It is an analogue temperature integrated circuit sensor.

 Role in system:
It is used to measure the temperature of the motor to protect the motor from over loading.

 Specifications:

Item Value

−0.2 v −+35 v
• Supply Voltage
−1.0 v −6 v
• Output Voltage
10 mA
• Output Current
−60 ℃−+150℃
• Storage Temperature
300 ℃
• Lead Temperature
• Accuracy ± 0.2

• Sensitivity 10 mV /℃

(alldatasheet, n.d.)

Transducer is a device that converts one type of energy in to another.

It has a signal conditioning unit which converts the physical (output) of the sensor to an electrical quantity.

Examples of signal conditioning unit.

• Analogue to digital converters.

• Amplifiers.
• Filters.
• Rectifiers.
• Modulators.

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

1. Current Transducer

 Type
Analogue transducer
It is a device that detects and converts current to an easily measured output voltage which is
proportional to the current through the path.
(engineersgarage, n.d.)

Role in the system

Current transducer detects current in the motor to protect the motor
from over loading.


Item Value

Measuring Range ± 15 v

Rms Accuracy at I PN
−20 ℃ →+70 ℃ %
Thermal Drift Coefficient −20 ℃ →+70 ℃ μA /℃
Bandwidth −1 d B
Supply Voltage ±5%
Secondary Resistance +70 ℃ Ω

(alldatasheet, n.d.)

2. Ultrasonic Transducer

• Type

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

It is a digital transducer used to measure the distance of an object using

ultrasonic waves.

• Role in the system

There are 2 ultrasonic transducers used in the system one where the
product to be sterilized enter the tunnel and the other on the exit to ensure the interring and
exiting of the product.

• Specifications

Item Value

Resonant Frequency 40 K Hz
Maximum Ultrasonic Power 6w
Static Capacitance 5400 ±10 % PF

Resonant Impedance ≤ 20 Ω

(alldatasheet, n.d.)

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Task 2.b)
Flow chart

start Inter products

The belt is
Read instructions Power ON moving

Uv lamps ON

Adjust belt spood



Packaging the product End

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Assume 2 control system (hypothesis)

We may use Arduino to control the system or we may use plc as a control system.

Plc requirements

• Input voltage: 24v.

• CPU module: to store in formation and execute tasks.

• Power supply: It receives AC power and convents to DC power.

• Programming device: software that introduces the control logic to the system.

• Input / Output module: these can be digital or analogy modules.

Evidence of the Hypothesis

A company named: Alpena visual packing Aids in New Delhi is selling the machine on line and
use plc for control.

Using Arduino for control system is more simple and easy to use but for industrial control as in our
machine (UV Disinfection Tunnel) using plc is more helpful because Arduino is affected by the
noise produced by motors in industrial applications and if there is fault or error (e.g. cable
disconnection) Arduino will not tell us where the fault is as well as the plc language is more easier.


Using plc for control instead of Arduino mega.

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Task 3
▪ System specifications
Item Features
2-Meter Length

Dimension 0.70-Meter Hight

0.75 Meter Width

Sterilization Time 2 minutes

Mobility Fixed machine

Placement of UV lamps Top, bottom lamps

To notify if UV lamps or any component of the

Alarm System
system failed

Control unit Arduino mega

Voltage 220v 50Hz

Power 1.5kw

Weight 150kg

• Alternative solutions:

Item My Machine Alternative

Mobily Fixed machine Movable in place

UV Lamps Placement On top or bottom Top, Bottom and Sides or Combination

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Sterilization Time 2 minutes Few seconds

Control Arduino Mega Plc

• Analysis
▪ The Machin is better to be movable in the place to allow for cleaning and maintenance.
▪ The UV lamps are better placed on top, bottom and sides or combination of for better
▪ The control system:
Arduino can’t withstand vibrations or electrical noise but plc can.

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Task 4.a)
We have searched for a company which is manufacturing the UV Disinfection Tunnel for food, and we have
founded that there is a company which is called “BCB Infrarrojos y Ultravioleta” that produce an UV
disinfection tunnel which is manufactured for food disinfection
disinfection tunnel which is manufactured for food disinfection

Figure 1:BCB Infrarrojos y Ultravioleta UV Disinfection

tunnel for food

(bcbsl, 2022)

The Operational Capabilities comparison table

Table 1: The Operational capabilities comparison table:

Capabilities Our Machine “BCB Infrarrojos y Ultravioleta”

Profile Bench material We have also used an aluminum Conveyor on aluminum profile
profile bench for the conveyor. bench.
Safety constrains  We have used a series of Special supports for fixing to
cylinders to support the existing conveyor belt.
conveyor to bear with heavy
 The presence of rubber
rectangular shape sheets is
mounted on the entrance and

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Centre No.: 91043

end of the tunnel.

 System of stopping the motor
when its temperature exceeds
the normal.
 System pf stopping the motor
when the current entering the
motor exceeds the normal
Control Unit Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3 Control by touch screen and PLC.
Lamps Normal UV lamps Watertight lamps for low
temperature or high humidity
Capacity 10 kg Not determined
Easiness of use It is easily to be assembled form Easy installation on any surface
very small parts.
Maintenance Simple change of the lamps Simple change of lamps: open the
Easiness of detecting faults bridge and change.
Efficiency Using 6 UV lamps where 4 of Mirror electropolished internal
them are distributed from the reflectors for maximum use of UV
internal cavity of the tunnel, and 2 light.
are fastened inside the conveyor
Environmental impact It doesn’t produce any wastes Do not generate ozone or waste of
any kind.
Material Mild steel stainless steel 304, 316 or
aluminium (according to

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

The Limitations Comparison Table

Table 2: the limitations comparison table:

Limitations Our machine “BCB Infrarrojos y Ultravioleta”

Safety constrains  Presence of Sharp edges  Presence of Sharp edges
 Using of weak, not durable  There is no rubber guard to
UV lamps. prevent the escape of UV
light from the tunnel
Capacity The conveyor can’t bear heavy The width of the machine is not
loads more than 10 kg. enough to understand a lot of
products to be disinfected.
Control  The Arduino mega is not Using PLC is very expensive
helpful like using the PLC
 Arduino is not durable in the
industrial field.
Efficiency  Using UV lamps more than -
 We didn’t use mirrors to line
the internal cavity of the
Material The mild steel is not the perfect Using stainless steel to
choice for manufacturing such a manufacture such a machine may
similar machine, we can use increase the cost of the machine.
stainless steel.
Weight It is very heavy It is heavier than our machine,
because of presence of PLC in
that system.
(bcbsl, 2022)

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Task 4.b)
Upgrading in sensors:
 We will replace the LDR sensor which we have mounted inside
the UV tunnel to detect the presence of the UV light with
Detection Module UV Sensor Module.
 Detection Module UV Sensor Module for Arduino is a module
which can be used to detect the amount of UV radiation.
 This device is better than the visible light LDR sensor, as it is
specially manufactured for detecting UV radiations, it can
determine the amount of the UV radiation inside the tunnel to
know if there is a damaged lamp from the UV lamps which is
mounted inside the tunnel from the decrease the amount of UV
radiation in that tunnel. Figure 2: Detection Module UV Sensor
Module for Arduino Ultraviolet Ray Module
DIY Electronic DC 3.3V 5V 3p
Parameters Values
working voltage 3.3V-5V
output voltage DC 0-1V
Measuring accuracy ±1UV INDEX
Wavelength 200-375nm
Operating temperature -20°-85°
Size 19.8x15mm
(ElectronicNova, 2022)

Upgrading in actuators:
 We will replace the Stepper motor which we have used in

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

the project to move the conveyor belt with a brushless DC parallel shaft gearmotor with AC-powered
 We have replaced the stepper motor with this motor because this type of motors is the most suitable
type of motors used in moving the conveyors, as it is stronger than the used stepper motor, and also has
higher torque than the used stepper motor, in addition to its high durability.
(bodine-electric, 2022)

Specifications of the Brushless DC motor

Parameters Values
Speed (rpm) 208
Rated Torque (lb-in) 12
Rated Voltage 24V
Amps (24V Model) 3.3
Amps (130V Model) 0.53
Peak Torque (lb-in) 13
Motor HP 1/16
Gear Ratio 12
Radial Load (lbs) 60
Length XH (inch) 5.58
Weight (lbs) 3.75

(bodine-electric, 2022)

It needs a control to help it to maintain the speed of the motor and also regulate it. So, we have to entre the
specifications of the Brushless DC motor control

Figure 4: Enclosed Filtered SCR Brushless DC


(bodine-electric., 2022)

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Specifications of the Enclosed Filtered SCR Brushless DC Controls

Parameters Values
HP Rating 3/8 At 2,500 Rpm
Input Voltage (VAC 50/60 Hz) 115
Output Voltage (VDC) 0-130
Continuous Output Current (Amps) 3
Peak Output Current (Amps) 6
Form Factor 1
Weight (lbs.) 7.5

(bodine-electric., 2022)

The Design Specification table for the system after upgrading:

Items Features
Tunnel Dimension 1200 mm (Length)
500 mm (Width)
500 mm (Height)
Conveyor belt Dimension 2000 mm (length)
500 mm (Width)
100 mm (Thickness)
750 mm (height from the ground)
Outer Material Mild Steel
Type Radiation Sterilization Equipment
Theory UV light Radiation
Capacity 90 kg
Lamps 6 UV Lamps
Sterilization Time 2 – 4 min.
Display LCD Display
Sensors LDR sensor
Ultrasonic sensor
Current Transducer
Temperature sensor
Location of UV lamps From the top, and bottom

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Control unit Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3

Light Indicators  Current LED Indicator.
 Temperature LED Indicator.
 UV LED Indicator.
Alarm Indicators  To indicate the presence of an object
in front of the Ultrasonic sensor.
Weight 155 Kg
Mobility Fixed
Electric Tension (Voltage) 220 V /50Hz
Power 5 KW

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Technical and Vocational Institute
Centre No.: 91043

Task 4.c)

Justify Upgrading in sensors:

 It is more accurate in its sensing than the visible light LDR sensor as it specially manufactured to detect
the UV radiations to give indications when the amount of the UV radiation produced from the UV
lamps suspended at the lining of the tunnel and also inside the conveyor belt.
 We didn’t use the photodiode with a filter for monochromatic light detection, as the operating
temperature of it ranges from -20 to +60 o c but the operating temperature of the Detection Module UV
Sensor ranges from -20°-85°. And also, the wavelength of the photodiode ranges from 252 to 256 nm,
but the wavelength of the module ranges from 200-375nm. (hamamatsu, Photodiode with a filter for
monochromatic light (220, 254, 275 nm) detection, 2020) (hamamatsu, For monochromatic light (220,
254, 275 nm) detection, 2020)
 It can detect the wavelengths from 200 to 375 nm which is a wide range detection.
 It can be connected to the Arduino, as it is manufactured to be part from Arduino system.
 It can bear wide range of operating temperature, as its operating temperature ranges from -20° to 85°

Justify Upgrading in actuators:

The brushless DC motors have a lot of features which distinguish it, as:
 It produces very low percent of noise compared to the brushed motors.
 It doesn’t contain any carbon brushes, which eliminate the happening of the erosion, that reduces the
cost of maintenance.
 Because brushless DC motors employ electronic control, which allows for greater control of the
motor's speed and position, they exceed brushed DC motors in terms of performance and efficiency.
Brushless DC motors last around six times as long as brushed DC motors.
 it also can maintain maximum torque during rotation.
 A feedback control for brushless DC motors is provided to monitor and regulate the speed and torque.
(Shock, 2022)

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Task 5.a)
Using lab view, we have designed our project to be simulated.
the Frontal Panel

the Block Diagram

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Task 5.b)
This project consists of three parts
 Sensors

 We have used in this project 3 sensors, which are:

 LDR sensor: to determine if there is a UV light is producing from the UV chamber
inside the tunnel.
 Temperature sensor: to monitor motor temperature and send a signal to the controller
to safeguard the motor from overheating.
 Current sensor: to monitor the amount of current delivering to the motor, to protect it
from increasing the abnormal amount of current reaching the motor.

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 This parts from the block diagram means that when the temperature of the motor increases to
exceed the maximum temperature of the motor, the temperature LED indicator turns on, and the
buzzer will turn on also, the motor will stop.

 This parts from the block diagram means that when the current reaching the motor increases to
exceed the maximum current of the motor, the current LED indicator turns on, and the buzzer
will turn on also, the motor will stop.

 This part of the block diagram means that the motor will stop if the temperature sensor of the
current sensor receives a signal.
 When the machine turns on the ON indication will be turned on, and also the motor.
 If the LDR sensor (UV switch) is turned off, the UV LED indicator will turn on indicating that
the UV lamps have a problem.

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 Control

 It is the control through which we can control the whole machine from the start button and the
presence of the toggle switch to increase the safety of the machine, as it acts as a safety switch.
 This part from the block diagram refers to the control switches, through which we can turn the

machine on / off, when the toggle switch (power switch) is turned on, the machine will be
turned on and vis versa.
 And then the LED of the power switch will turn on.

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 Conveyor’s speed:

 This part is the part through which we can control the speed of the conveyor belt.

 This part form the Block diagram means that the speed of the motor who move the conveyor’s
belt can be controlled using the speed potentiometer

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Task 5.c)

 Ease of use:
 It is a very easy program as it has very simple interface, which makes the program easy to be
used for beginners.

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 Writing comments
 We can write comments through the string control.

Figure 5: the String control from the front


 Ease of learning:
 It is very easy to be learned because of its very simple interface, and also because of providing
helping feature which illustrates all the functions of each tool in a very easy way.
 It is very simple compared to programming with other programming languages.

Figure 6: the Show context help window

 Technical support:
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 It provides technical support for the members (Users) when it is hard for him to understand
something in the program, as it provides two ways of supporting:
o Self-Help Resources: this kind of support aims to provide Visit ni.com/support for
software drivers and updates, a searchable KnowledgeBase, product manuals, and step-
by-step troubleshooting tools, among other resources.
o Standard Service Program Membership: Members of this program get direct access
to NI Applications Engineers for one-on-one technical help through phone and email.

(ni, Technical Support and Professional Services, 2022)

 Ease of installation:
 According to my experience from installing the Lab View program, I didn’t face any problem
while installing it on my laptop, but a lot of my friends have faced a great problem in the lab
view installation, as it is heavy program, which requires a strong computer to be operated

Figure 7: Lab view Installation

(ucl, 2020)

 Warning messages:

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Figure 9: error message

 We can get warning messages, which indicates that there is something went wrong of not.
 We can follow some instructions to make the warning messages appear while you are working
on the program.

 Zoom function:
 The function of the zooming, which we are using to illustrate the connections by increasing the
size of the panel, is not founded in that program even at the last version from the program.
 Audible alarms:
 We can use this feature if we want to make the buzzer gives a strong sound when a desired
certain condition performed, we can program the alarm to give a strong sound to indicate that
there is a problem, have been occurred.

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 Cut, copy, paste of objects

 we can use cut, copy, and paste features to cut, copy, and paste all the used blocks which are
used in the design.

Figure 10: the Cut, Copy and paste features

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Task 6.a)

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Task 6.b)

The fist fault:

 there is an open circuit between the power supply and the arduino, as there is no power reach the
The Rectification steps of the first fault:
 first we have measured the input voltage of the green terminals using avometer which are shown in
figure 1, we founded that the input voltage is 12 v on the avometer.
 Second, we have measured the terminal of the input voltage which are protruted from the kit, and also
we have measured the terminals of the input voltage which is located after the blue switch.
 We have founded that the terminals of the input voltage which are located before the blue switch is
connected to the power, as it is connected to the 12 v from the DC-DC step down connverter, but the
terminal located after the blue switch have no power reached.
 So, we have concluded that the first fault is the presence of an open circuit between the 12 v input
voltage and the buck converter which is formed to step down the input voltage from 12 volts to give
the arduino 5 volts.
The second fault:
 The power doesn’t reach third sensor.

The Rectification steps of the second fault:

 We have used the avometer to measure the voltage of the sensors and to know if the sensors have a
power or not, and also to know if signals of the sensors reaches the arduino or not.
 We have founded that the signals of all sensors reaches volt, and also the power of all sensors reaches
volts except the third sensor.
 We have measured the volt of the terminals which are located before the red switches and also the
terminals located after, and we have founded that there is an open circuit between the power of the
third sensor and the DC-DC step down Converter.

The third fault:

 there is an open circuit between the third actuator and the ULN.

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The Rectification steps of the third fault:

 We have measured the voltage on the terminal which are connected from the arduino going to the ULN
IC after and before the first red switch as shown in figure.
 We have founded that there is no open circuit present after and before the first red switch.
 As the ULN converts the signal, we have put the positive prob of the multimeter on the VCC and the
second prob (negative) on each terminal located after the ULN.
 Then, After the ULN, we have measured the black terminals which are located after the ULN but it is
before the second red switch, and also we have measured the black terminals which are located after
the second red switch.
 We have founded that the third terminal getting out from the ULN going to the thrid actuator is an open

The fourth fault

 The cooling fan is turned off.
The Rectification steps of the fourth fault:
 We have measured the voltage which are present on the terminals located as shown in figure 4, one
time with the first terminal and one with the second terminal.
 We have founded that there is an open circuit between those terminals, as the voltage measurement at
the fist terminal gives 12 volts, but in the second terminal, it doesn’t give any volt.
 So, we have turned the cooling fan switch on to make it work.

The Fifth fault:

 the Air compressor valve is turned off.
The Rectification steps of the fifth fault:
 we have checked all the circuit for another time, and we didn’t find any additional faults in the kit. So,
we had looked at the Aircompressor valve to check if there is a problem prevent getting the air out
from it.
 We have founded that the air compressor valve is turned off.

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Task 6.c)

Figure 11: Multimeter (Avometer)

Volts, electric current (DC or AC), resistance, and capacitors are all measured using this equipment.
It is divided into three sections:
 COM (common): this is where the black probe is plugged in.
 10A: we use the red probe to monitor high currents.
 mAV: we use the red probe to detect tiny currents, voltages, and resistances.
(aydinlatma, 2020)

How to use the Multimeter safely:

 When measuring AC Voltage, avoid touching the probe tips together to avoid shorting the circuit,
which might result in a spark or flame that could hurt the instrument or the user.
 Only use a d-energized component to measure resistance. The Avometer will generate incorrect
readings and may be destroyed if the circuit is activated.
 To avoid electric shock, never plug the test lead into the wrong socket.
 Do not use the test loads if the protective insulation is damaged; if the fingers come into contact with
the probe conductor, electric shock may happen.
 In order to prevent a damaging spark, we must break the circuit and connect the multimeter to the two
points of the open break.
(fluke, 2022)

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Clamp meter

Figure 12: Clamp meter

 An electrical test instrument called a clamp meter which combines a conventional digital multimeter
with a current sensor.
 Clamps are used to measure current. Voltage is measured through probes. An electrical meter with a
hinged jaw allows personnel to clamp the jaws around a wire, cable, or other conductor at any point in
an electrical system and measure current without disconnecting or deenergizing it.

(fluke, What is a clamp meter?, 2022)

How to use the clamp meter safely:

 Before you use the meter, inspect the casing. Examine the area for any fractures or missing plastic.
 Examine the insulation surrounding the connections with care.
 Examine the test probes for any exposed metal or broken insulation. Check the continuity of the test
probe. Before using the meter, replace any damaged test probes.
 If the meter isn't working properly, don't use it. Security might be jeopardized. If you're unsure, get the
meter serviced.
 To power the meter, only use the stated battery type, correctly inserted in the meter housing.
 Before using the meter, make sure the battery door is closed and locked.
 Before opening the battery door, remove the test probes from the meter.
 The metre should not be used when the back cover is removed or the case is open.
 Connect the common test probe before adding the live test probe. When removing test probes,
disconnect the live test probe first.
 Do not use the flexible current sensor if the inner contrasting insulation colour is visible.
 To avoid false readings that might lead to electrical shock or injury, replace the batteries as soon as the
low-battery alert displays. There is a low battery alert.
 While the test probes are plugged into the input jacks, never measure current. (fluke, Clamp meter
safety tips, 2022)
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Infrared camera

Figure 13: Infrared camera

 The infrared energy of objects is detected and measured using an infrared camera (thermal imager). The
infrared data is converted into an electronic picture that depicts the item's apparent surface temperature.
 An optical system in an infrared camera focuses infrared light onto a particular detector chip (sensor
array) with thousands of detecting pixels organized in a grid.
(fluke, How infrared cameras work, 2022)

How to use the infrared camera safely:

 We can measure the desired equipment by scanning this equipment from a safe distance using an infrared
camera, reducing the risk of being exposed to risks.
(fluke, How infrared cameras help you stay safe on the job, 2022)

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Task 6.d)

The Fault-finding techniques:

We have applied these fault-finding techniques while I am trying to find the 5 faults which I have
founded in the kit:
1. Analyzing the observed symptoms:
 Inquire about any unexpected scenarios the operator may have heard or seen while running the
 Keep an eye out for any strange circumstances in the vicinity of the equipment.
 Look through all of the information on the monitor.
 Check to check if the system is working properly.

2. Check the system carefully:

 First, check that the machine is linked to the power source, that no connections are damaged,
and that all sensors and actuators are in place.
 Uses natural sensors to detect overheating or vibration, such as palpating the machine with
 Take images and measurements to gather proof.
 Assess the findings.
3. Determining of the fault place:
 Analyze the acquired data in the form of a diagram to create a fault system diagram.
 Identify the required test strategy according to the situation.
 Using testing equipment to locate the problematic stage in a systematic manner.
 Find the problematic stage and determine the reason: Once I've found the faulty stage and
determined the cause, I may either replace the faulty item with a new one or fix it on-site or at
the maintenance facility.
4. continue trying to find the location of the fault:
 In case of didn't find the problematic unit, I'll keep examining the circuit with the same test
approach until I find the faulty part and determine its cause, at which point we will replace or
repair it.
5. I'll run the system to verify the performance after replacing or fixing the damaged item:
 In case of resulting an accepted result, the system will continue to operate.
 In case of resulting of an unaccepted result and the system isn't functioning properly, we will
repeat the test approach until the issue is found, fixed, and the system is restored to service.

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Task 6.e)

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