EME - Chapter II

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Unit II

Design of Joints & Power Screw

2.1 Introduction: A cotter is a flat wedge-shaped piece of rectangular
cross-section and its width are tapered (either on one side or both sides) from
one end to another for an easy adjustment. A cotter joint is a temporary
fastening and is used to connect rigidly two co-axial rods or bars which are
subjected to axial tensile or compressive forces. It is usually used in
connecting a piston rod to the crosshead of a reciprocating steam engine, a
piston rod and its extension as a tail or pump rod, strap end of connecting rod
2.1.1 Design of Cotter Joint: -
In a socket and spigot cotter joint, one end of the rods (say A) is provided with
a socket type of end as shown in Fig. 2.1 and the other end of the other rod
(say B) is inserted into a socket. The end of the rod which goes into a socket
is also called spigot. A rectangular hole is made in the socket and spigot. A
cotter is then driven tightly through a hole in order to make the temporary
connection between the two rods. The load is usually acting axially, but it
changes its direction and hence the cotter joint must be designed to carry both
the tensile and compressive loads. The compressive load is taken up by the
collar on the spigot.

Fig. 2.1 Socket and Spigot Cotter Joint

Design of Socket and Spigot Cotter Joint
The socket and spigot cotter joint is shown in Fig. 2.1.
Let P = Load carried by the rods,
d = Diameter of the rods,
d1 = Outside diameter of socket,
d2 = Diameter of spigot or inside diameter of socket,
d3 = Outside diameter of spigot collar,
t1 = Thickness of spigot collar,
d4 = Diameter of socket collar,
c = Thickness of socket collar,
b = Mean width of cotter,
t = Thickness of cotter,
l = Length of cotter,
a = Distance from the end of the slot to the end of rod,
σt = Permissible tensile stress for the rod’s material,
τ = Permissible shear stress for the cotter material, and
σc = Permissible crushing stress for the cotter material.
The dimensions for a socket and spigot cotter joint may be obtained by
considering the various modes of failure as discussed below:
Step 1. Tensile Failure of rod: -
The rods may fail in tension due to
the tensile load P.
We know that Area resisting tearing
A= * d2
Tensile Strength of the Rod
P= * d2 * σt
Calculate ‘d’.
Step 2. Design of Spigot (d2, d3, t1, a): -
a) Tensile Failure of Spigot at Slot: -
Since the weakest section of the spigot is that section which has a slot in it for
the cotter, as shown in Fig.,
Area resisting tearing of the spigot across the slot,
A= * (d2)2 –(d2*t)
Tensile Strength of the Spigot
P= * (d2)2 –(d2*t) * σt
Take t=d2/4
Calculate ‘d2’ and ‘t’
b) By using emperical relations determine remaining dimensions of Spigot: -
a= 0.75*d
c) Crushing failure of Spigot: -
The spigot may fail in crushing, so
check crushing stress.
We know that crushing Area
Crushing Strength of the Spigot
P= d2 * t * σc

Calculate & Check ‘σc’

For safe design σc< σc(Max)

d) Shear failure of Spigot: -

The spigot may fail in Shear, so
check shearing stress.
We know that shearing Area
shearing Strength of the Spigot
P= 2 * d2 * a * τ

Calculate & Check ‘τ’

For safe design τ< τ(Max)

Step 3. Design of Socket (d1, d4, c): -
a) Tensile Failure of Socket: -
We know, Area resisting tearing of
the socket across the slot,
A= [(d1)2 –(d2)2] -(d1-d2) t
Tensile Strength of the Spigot
P={ [(d1)2 –(d2)2] -(d1-d2) t} * σt
Calculate ‘d1’

b) By using emperical relations determine remaining dimensions of Socket: -

c= 0.75*d
c) Crushing Failure of Socket: -
Considering the failure of socket
collar in crushing as shown in Fig.
We know that crushing Area
A=(d4-d2) t
Crushing Strength of the Spigot
P= (d4-d2) t * σc

Calculate & Check ‘σc’

For safe design σc< σc(Max)

d) Shear failure of Socket: -

The socket may fail in Shear, so
check shearing stress.
We know that shearing Area
Shearing Strength of the Spigot
P= [2*(d4-d2)*c] * τ

Calculate & Check ‘τ’

For safe design τ< τ(Max)
Step 3. Design of Cotter (t, b, l): -
a) By using emperical relations determine dimensions of cotter thickness: -
b) Shear failure of Cotter: -
Considering the failure of cotter in
shear as shown in Fig. Since the
cotter is in double shear, therefore
shearing area of the cotter,
Shearing Strength of the Spigot
P= [2*b*t] * τ
Calculate ‘b’

2.1.2 Knuckle Joint: -

Introduction: - A knuckle joint is used to connect two rods which are under
the action of tensile loads. However, if the joint is guided, the rods may support
a compressive load. A knuckle joint may be readily disconnected for
adjustments or repairs. Its use may be found in the link of a cycle chain, tie
rod joint for roof truss, valve rod joint with eccentric rod, pump rod joint,
tension link in bridge structure and lever and rod connections of various types.
In knuckle joint, one end of one of
the rods is made into an eye and the
end of the other rod is formed into a
fork with an eye in each of the fork
leg. The knuckle pin passes through
both the eye hole and the fork holes
and may be secured by means of a
collar and taper pin or spilt pin. The
knuckle pin may be prevented from
rotating in the fork by means of
a small stop, pin, peg or snug.
Design of Knuckle Joint: -

P = Tension in rod (Load on the joint)

D = Diameter of rod
D1= Enlarged diameter of rod
d = Diameter of pin
d1 = Diameter of pin head
d0 = Outer diameter of eye or fork
t1 = thickness of eye end
t2= thickness of forked end (double eye)
x= distance of the Centre of fork radius R from the eye.
Step 1. Tensile Failure of rod: -
The rods may fail in tension due to
the tensile load P.
We know that Area resisting tearing
A= * D2
Tensile Strength of the Rod
P= * D2 * σt
Calculate ‘D’.
Step 2. Decide dimensions of Various Parts of the Knuckle Joints by using
emperical relations: -
t1= 1.25*D
t2= 0.75*D
Step 3. Decide the dimensions of pin (d, d1)
a) Shear Failure of Pin
The pin may get sheared off into
three pieces as shown below, since
the pin breaks at two places it is
called double shear. Both areas are
taken as resisting areas.
We know that Area resisting tearing
A=2* * d2
Shear Strength of the Rod
P=2* * d2 * τ
Calculate ‘d’.
Note: - From This equation Diameter ‘d’ of pin can be found. But since the pin
is also subjected to bending one more diameter of pin on the basis of bending
is determined and the bigger of both is taken as the final size of pin
b) Bending Failure of Pin
The diameter on the basis of bending is determined using the following

Calculate ‘d’.
c) Decide dimeter of pin head by using emperical relation
Step 4: Check Stresses in Eye end
a) Tensile Failure of Eye end
The single eye may fail in tension as
shown below
We know that Area resisting tearing
A=(d0-d) * t1
Tensile Strength of the Rod
P= (d0-d) * t1* σt

Calculate & Check ‘σt’

For safe design σt< σt(Max)

b) Shear Failure of Eye end

The single eye may fail in shear as
shown below
We know that Area resisting tearing
A=2*(d0-d)/2 * t1
Shear Strength of the Rod
P= (d0-d) * t1* τ

Calculate & Check ‘τ’

For safe design τ< τ(Max)
c) Crushing Failure of Eye end
The single eye may fail in Crushing
as shown below
We know that Area resisting tearing
A=d * t1
Crushing Strength of the Rod
P= d * t1* σc

Calculate & Check ‘σc’

For safe design σc < σc(Max)

Step 5: Check Stresses in fork end

a) Tensile Failure of fork end
The fork end may fail in tension as
shown below
We know that Area resisting tearing
A=2*(d0-d) * t2
Tensile Strength of the Rod
P= 2*(d0-d) * t2* σt

Calculate & Check ‘σt’

For safe design σt< σt(Max)
b) Shear Failure of fork end
The fork end may fail in shear,
We know that Area resisting tearing A=2*[2*(d0-d)/2] * t2
Shear Strength of the Rod
P= 2*(d0-d) * t2* τ
Calculate & Check ‘τ’
For safe design τ< τ(Max)
c) Crushing Failure of fork end
The fork end may fail in Crushing,
We know that Area resisting tearing A=2 * d * t2
Crushing Strength of the Rod
P= 2* d * t2* σc
Calculate & Check ‘σc’
For safe design σc < σc(Max)
2.1.3 Turn Buckle: -
Introduction: Sometimes, two spanner when required. Sometimes
round tie rods, as shown in Fig., are instead of a spanner, a round iron
connected by means of a coupling rod may be used.
known as a turnbuckle. In this type
of joint, one of the rods has right
hand threads and the other rod has
left hand threads. The rods are
screwed to a coupler which has a
threaded hole. The coupler is of
hexagonal or rectangular shape in
the centre and round at both the
ends in order to facilitate the rods to
tighten or loosen with the help of a
Design of Turn Buckle:

Fig. shows Turn Buckle, Let

dc = Core diameter of rod.
d = Outer diameter of rod.
D = Outer diameter of coupler at end.
D1 = Inner diameter of coupler at centre.
D2 = Outer diameter of coupler at centre.
l = Length of threaded portion.
L = Total length of coupler.
Parts of Turn Buckle
1.Tie rod (dc, d)
2. Coupler Nut (D, l)
3.Coupler (D1, D2, L)
Step 1. Decide the design Load (Pd)
For threaded portion the design load is taken 30% more than the given load
to account for friction in threads
Pd=1.3 P
Step 2. Design of tie rod (dc, d) –
a) Tensile Failure of rod
Considering tensile failure of rod
We know that Area resisting tearing
A= * dc2
Tensile Strength of the Rod
Pd= * dc2 * σt
Calculate ‘dc’
By using emperical relation
Calculate d=1.15 dc

Step 3. Design of coupler nut (l, D)

a) Tensile Failure of coupler nut
Considering tensile failure of
coupler nut
We know that Area resisting tearing
A= * (D2-d2)
Tensile Strength of the Rod
Pd= * (D2-d2) * σt
Calculate ‘D’
b) Shear Failure of coupler nut
considering share failure of coupler nut,
We know that Area resisting tearing
A= (π * dc * l)
Shear Strength of the Rod
Pd= (π * dc * l) * τ

Calculate ‘l’

Step 4. Design of coupler (D1, D2, L)

a) By using emperical relation decide D1
D1=d + 6 mm
b) Tensile Failure of coupler
considering tensile failure of
We know that Area resisting tearing
A= * (D22-D12)
Tensile Strength of the Rod
Pd= * (D22-D12) * σt
Calculate ‘D2’

a) By using emperical relation decide L

2.2 Power Screw: -
2.2.1 Introduction
The power screws (also known as translation screws) are used to convert
rotary motion into translatory motion. For example, in the case of the lead
screw of lathe, the rotary motion is available but the tool has to be advanced
in the direction of the cut against the cutting resistance of the material. In
case of screw jack, a small force applied in the horizontal plane is used to raise
or lower a large load. Power screws are also used in vices, testing machines,
presses, etc.
In most of the power screws, the nut has axial motion against the
resisting axial force while the screw rotates in its bearings. In some screws,
the screw rotates and moves axially against the resisting force while the nut
is stationary and in others the nut rotates while the screw moves axially with
no rotation.
2.2.2 Types of Screw Thread Profiles used for Power Screws
Following are the three types of screw threads mostly used for power screws:
1. Square thread
A square thread, as shown in Fig.,
is adapted for the transmission of
power in either direction. This
thread results in maximum
efficiency and minimum radial or
bursting pressure on the nut. The
square threads are employed in
screw jacks, presses and clamping

2. Acme or trapezoidal thread.

An acme or trapezoidal thread, as shown in Fig., is a modification of square
thread. The slight slope given to its sides lowers the efficiency slightly than
square thread and it also introduce some bursting pressure on the nut, but
increases its area in shear.
3. Buttress thread
A buttress thread, as shown in Fig., transmission. It is employed as the
is used when large forces act along thread for light jack screws and
the screw axis in one direction only. vices.
This thread combines the higher
efficiency of square thread and the
ease of cutting and the adaptability
to a split nut of acme thread. It is
stronger than other threads
because of greater thickness at the
base of the thread. The buttress
thread has limited use for power
2.2.3 Torque Required to Raise Load by Square Threaded
The torque required to raise a load by means of square threaded screw may
be determined by considering a screw jack as shown in Fig. The load to be
raised or lowered is placed on the head of the square threaded rod which is
rotated by the application of an effort at the end of lever for lifting or lowering
the load.
Let p = Pitch of the screw,
d = Mean diameter of the screw,
α = Helix angle,
P = Effort applied at the circumference of the screw to lift the load,
W = Load to be lifted, and
μ = Coefficient of friction, between the screw and nut
μ = tan φ, where φ is the friction angle.
tan α = p / π d

Little consideration will show that if one complete turn of a screw thread be
imagined to be unwound, from the body of the screw and developed, it will
form an inclined plane as shown in Fig.

Torque required to overcome friction between the screw and nut,

When the axial load is taken up by a thrust collar as shown in Fig., so that
the load does not rotate with the screw, then the torque required to overcome
friction at the collar,

Total torque required to overcome friction (i.e., to rotate the screw),

T = T1 + T2
2.2.4 Torque Required to Lower Load by Square Threaded
Torque required to overcome friction between the screw and nut,

2.2.5 Stresses in Power Screws

A power screw must have adequate strength to withstand axial load and the
applied torque. Following types of stresses are induced in the screw.
1. Direct tensile or compressive stress: - The direct stress due to the
axial load may be determined by dividing the axial load (W) by the minimum
cross-sectional area of the screw (Ac) i.e., area corresponding to minor or core
diameter (dc).
∴ Direct stress (tensile or compressive)
Where, Ac = * dc2
2. Torsional shear stress: - Since the screw is subjected to a twisting
moment, therefore torsional shear stress is induced. This is obtained by
considering the minimum cross-section of the screw. We know that torque
transmitted by the screw,
T= * τ * dc3
Shear stress induced

3. Shear stress due to axial load: - The threads of the screw at the core
or root diameter and the threads of the nut at the major diameter may shear
due to the axial load. Assuming that the load is uniformly distributed over the
threads in contact.
We have Shear stress for screw,

and shear stress for nut,

Where, W = Axial load on the screw,

n = Number of threads in engagement,
dc = Core or root diameter of the screw,
do = Outside or major diameter of nut or screw, and
t = Thickness or width of thread.
4. Bearing pressure: - In order to reduce wear of the screw and nut, the
bearing pressure on the thread surfaces must be within limits. Assuming that
the load is uniformly distributed over the threads in contact, the bearing
pressure on the threads is given by,

where d = Mean diameter of screw,

t = Thickness or width of screw = p / 2, and
n = Number of threads in contact with the nut

2.3 Welded Joints: -

2.3.1 Introduction- A welded joint is a permanent joint which is obtained
by the fusion of the edges of the two parts to be joined together, with or without
the application of pressure and a filler material. The heat required for the
fusion of the material may be obtained by burning of gas (in case of gas
welding) or by an electric arc (in case of electric arc welding). The latter method
is extensively used because of greater speed of welding. Welding is extensively
used in fabrication as an alternative method for casting or forging and as a
replacement for bolted and riveted joints. It is also used as a repair medium
e.g. to reunite metal at a crack, to build up a small part that has broken off
such as gear tooth or to repair a worn surface such as a bearing surface.
2.3.2 Types of Welded Joints
Following two types of welded joints,
1. Lap joint or fillet joint
2. Butt joint.
1. Lap Joint or fillet joint

The lap joint or the fillet joint is obtained by overlapping the plates and then
welding the edges of the plates. The cross-section of the fillet is approximately
The fillet joints may be
1. Single transverse fillet, 2. Double transverse fillet, and 3. Parallel fillet joints.
The fillet joints are shown in Fig. A single transverse fillet joint has the
disadvantage that the edge of the plate which is not welded can buckle or warp
out of shape.
2. Butt Joint

The butt joint is obtained by placing the plates edge to edge as shown in Fig.
In butt welds, the plate edges do not require beveling if the thickness of plate
is less than 5 mm. On the other hand, if the plate thickness is 5 mm to 12.5
mm, the edges should be beveled to V or U-groove on both sides.
The butt joints may be
1. Square butt joint, 2. Single V-butt joint 3. Single U-butt joint, 4. Double V-butt
joint, and 5. Double U-butt joint.
3. Other types of welded Joint
The other type of welded joints are corner joint, edge joint and T-joint as shown
in Fig.
2.3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Welded Joints over
Riveted Joints
Following are the advantages and disadvantages of welded joints over riveted
1. The welded structures are usually lighter than riveted structures. This is
due to the reason, that in welding, gussets or other connecting components
are not used.
2. The welded joints provide maximum efficiency (may be 100%) which is not
possible in case of riveted joints.
3. Alterations and additions can be easily made in the existing structures.
4. As the welded structure is smooth in appearance, therefore it looks
5. In welded connections, the tension members are not weakened as in the
case of riveted joints.
6. A welded joint has a great strength. Often a welded joint has the strength
of the parent metal itself.
7. Sometimes, the members are of such a shape (i.e. circular steel pipes) that
they afford difficulty for riveting. But they can be easily welded.
8. The welding provides very rigid joints. This is in line with the modern trend
of providing rigid frames.
9. It is possible to weld any part of a structure at any point. But riveting
requires enough clearance.
10. The process of welding takes less time than the riveting.
1. Since there is an uneven heating and cooling during fabrication, therefore
the members may get distorted or additional stresses may develop.
2. It requires a highly skilled labour and supervision.
3. Since no provision is kept for expansion and contraction in the frame,
therefore there is a possibility of cracks developing in it.
4. The inspection of welding work is more difficult than riveting work.
2.4 Riveted Joints: -
A rivet is a short cylindrical bar with riveted joints are widely used for
a head integral to it. The cylindrical joining light metals.
portion of the rivet is called shank
or body and lower portion of shank
is known as tail. The rivets are used
to make permanent fastening
between the plates such as in
structural work, ship building,
bridges, tanks and boiler shells. The

2.4.1 Types of Riveted Joints

Following are the two types of riveted joints, depending upon the way in which
the plates are connected.
1. Lap joint
2. Butt joint.
1. Lap joint

A lap joint is that in which one plate overlaps the other and the two plates
are then riveted together.
There are different types of riveted lap joints depending upon the number of
rows of the rivets.
1. Single riveted joint 2. Double riveted joint.
A single riveted joint is that in which there is a single row of rivets in a lap
joint as shown in Fig.
A double riveted joint is that in which there are two rows of rivets in a lap
joint as shown in Fig.
2. Butt joint
A butt joint is that in which the main plates are kept in alignment butting (i.e.
touching) each other and a cover plate (i.e. strap) is placed either on one side
or on both sides of the main plates. The cover plate is then riveted together
with the main plates. Butt joints are of the following two types:
1. Single strap butt joint 2. Double strap butt joint.
In a single strap butt joint, the edges of the main plates butt against each
other and only one cover plate is placed on one side of the main plates and
then riveted together.
In a double strap butt joint, the edges of the main plates butt against each
other and two cover plates are placed on both sides of the main plates and
then riveted together.
2.4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Riveted Joint over
Welded Joints
Following are the advantages and disadvantages of riveted joints over welded
Advantages of Riveted Joints
1. It is more reliable
2. It can also be used for non-ferrous metals
3. Parts assembled by Riveted joint do not have any thermal after effects
4. Its quality inspection is easy and cheap
5. When parts are dismantled riveted parts have less damage compared to
welded parts
Disadvantages of Riveted joints
1. Due to holes plates become weak
2. Labor cost is more
3. Overall cost of riveted joints is more.
4. They have more weight than welded joints.
5. Riveting process creates more noise.
6. Stress concentration near holes

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