Estaquick Aemd-600 Automatic Applicator: Service Manual

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EstaQuick AEMD-600
Automatic Applicator

0518 II (2) G
EEx 0.24 mJ

Model: AEMD-600

IMPORTANT: Before using this equipment, carefully read SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, starting
on page 5, and all instructions in this manual. Keep this Service Manual for future reference.

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About this Manual

• This service manual applies exclusively to the electrostatic automatic

applicator EstaQuick AEMD-600 for the application of solvent-based paints.

• The information in this document is intended only to indicate the

components and their working relationship in typical use. These are not
installation instructions. Each installation is unique and should be directed
by a RANSBURG representative.

• This manual provides information for the service and maintenance

of this RANSBURG electrostatic equipment at a typical installation
configuration. While this manual lists standard specifications and service
procedures, some minor deviations may be found between this literature
and your equipment.

• Careful study and continued use of this manual will provide a better
understanding of the equipment and process, resulting in more efficient
operation, longer trouble-free service and faster, easier trouble-shooting.

• Please conduct the specified tests and checks before requesting

service assistance, and have this manual in hand for ready reference
when requesting such assistance. We recommend that maintenance
and operating personnel who are familiar with the service problem be
authorized to contact us when service is required.

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Safety Precautions ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Hazards / Safegaurds ................................................................................................................................................... 5
ATEX/FM: 9-10
European ATEX Directive ............................................................................................................................................. 9
EstaQuick AEMD-600 ATEX Product Marking Definitions .......................................................................................... 10

Tests ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Specification ...............................................................................................................................................................12
Design ........................................................................................................................................................................12

Connection of EstaQuick AEMD-600 to Adapter AEMD-4500-6................................................................................. 13
Screwed Connection of EstaQuick AEMD-600-FIX to Adapter AEMD-4500-6-FIX .................................................... 14

Spray Pattern Adjustment ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Distance of Gun to Work Piece .................................................................................................................................. 15
Preventive Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Cleaning Procedures .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Troubleshooting Guide ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Service ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20


EstaQuick AEMD-600 - Parts List .............................................................................................................................. 30
Tip Selection Chart ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
Air Cap Selection Chart............................................................................................................................................... 32
O-Ring Selection Chart............................................................................................................................................... 32
Automatic Applicator EstaQuick AEMD-600 Selection Chart - Parts List.................................................................... 33
Machine Mounted Adapter.......................................................................................................................................... 34
Bracket for Machine Mounted Adapter AEMD-4500-6................................................................................................ 36
Robot Adapter............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Installation of Low Voltage Control Unit....................................................................................................................... 37

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EN Return To Contents SAFETY

Before operating, maintaining or servicing any Ransburg
electrostatic coating system, read and understand all of the ! WA R N I N G
technical and safety literature for your Ransburg products.
†† The user MUST read and be familiar with the
This manual contains information that is important for you
Safety Section in this manual and the Ransburg
to know and understand. This information relates to USER safety literature therein identified.
To help you recognize this information, we use the following †† This equipment is intended to be used by
symbols. Please pay particular attention to these sections. trained personnel ONLY.

†† This manual MUST be read and thoroughly un-

! WA R N I N G derstood by ALL personnel who operate, clean or
maintain this equipment! Special care should be tak-
A WARNING! states information to alert you to
en to ensure that the WARNINGS and safety require-
a situation that might cause serious injury if
ments for operating and servicing the equipment are
instructions are not followed.
followed. The user should be aware of and adhere
to ALL local building and fire codes and ordinances
as well as NFPA-33 AND EN 50176 SAFETY STAN-
DARDS, LATEST EDITION, or applicable country
! CAUTION safety standards, prior to installing, operating, and/or
A CAUTION! states information that tells how to servicing this equipment.
prevent damage to equipment or how to avoid a
situation that might cause minor injury.

! WA R N I N G
†† The hazards shown on the following pages may
NOTE occur during the normal use of this equipment. Please
A NOTE is information relevant to the procedure read the hazard chart beginning on page 2.
in progress.

While this manual lists standard specifications and service

procedures, some minor deviations may be found between
this literature and your equipment. Differences in local codes
and plant requirements, material delivery requirements, etc.,
make such variations inevitable. Compare this manual with
your system installation drawings and appropriate Ransburg
equipment manuals to reconcile such differences.

Careful study and continued use of this manual will provide a

better understanding of the equipment and process, resulting
in more efficient operation, longer trouble-free service and
faster, easier troubleshooting. If you do not have the manuals
and safety literature for your Ransburg system, contact your
local Ransburg representative or Ransburg.

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EN Return To Contents SAFETY


Tells where hazards Tells what the hazard is. Tells how to avoid the hazard.
may occur.

Spray Area Fire Hazard

Fire extinguishing equipment must be present in the
Improper or inadequate
spray area and tested periodically.
operation and maintenance
procedures will cause a fire
Spray areas must be kept clean to prevent the
accumulation of combustible residues.
Protection against inadvertent
Smoking must never be allowed in the spray area.
arcing that is capable of
causing fire or explosion is lost
The high voltage supplied to the atomizer must be
if any safety interlocks are
turned off prior to cleaning, flushing or maintenance.
disabled during operation.
Frequent Power Supply or
Spray booth ventilation must be kept at the rates
Controller shutdown indicates
required by NFPA-33, OSHA, country, and local
a problem in the system
codes. In addition, ventilation must be maintained
requiring correction.
during cleaning operations using flammable or
combustible solvents.

Electrostatic arcing must be prevented. Safe

sparking distance must be maintained between the
parts being coated and the applicator. A distance of
1 inch for every 10KV of output voltage is required
at all times.

Test only in areas free of combustible material.

Testing may require high voltage to be on, but only
as instructed.

Non-factory replacement parts or unauthorized

equipment modifications may cause fire or injury.
If used, the key switch bypass is intended for use
only during setup operations. Production should
never be done with safety interlocks disabled.

The paint process and equipment should be set up

and operated in accordance with NFPA-33, NEC,
OSHA, local, country, and European Health and
Safety Norms.

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Tells where hazards Tells what the hazard is. Tells how to avoid the hazard.
may occur.

Spray Area Explosion Hazard

Improper or inadequate Electrostatic arcing must be prevented. Safe sparking
operation and maintenance distance must be maintained between the parts being
procedures will cause a coated and the applicator. A distance of 1 inch for
fire hazard. every 10KV of output voltage is required at all times.

Protection against inadvertent Unless specifically approved for use in hazardous

arcing that is capable of locations, all electrical equipment must be located
causing fire or explosion is lost outside Class I or II, Division 1 or 2 hazardous
if any safety interlocks are areas, in accordance with NFPA-33.
disabled during operation.
Test only in areas free of flammable or combustible
Frequent Power Supply or materials.
Controller shutdown indicates
a problem in the system The current overload sensitivity (if equipped)
requiring correction. MUST be set as described in the corresponding
section of the equipment manual. Protection against
inadvertent arcing that is capable of causing fire
or explosion is lost if the current overload sensitivity
is not properly set. Frequent power supply
shutdown indicates a problem in the system which
requires correction.

Always turn the control panel power off prior to

flushing, cleaning, or working on spray system

Before turning high voltage on, make sure no objects

are within the safe sparking distance.

Ensure that the control panel is interlocked with the

ventilation system and conveyor in accordance with
NFPA-33, EN 50176.

Have fire extinguishing equipment readily available

and tested periodically.

General Use and Improper operation or Personnel must be given training in accordance
Maintenance maintenance may create with the requirements of NFPA-33, EN 60079-0.
a hazard.
Instructions and safety precautions must be read
Personnel must be properly and understood prior to using this equipment.
trained in the use of this
equipment. Comply with appropriate local, state, and national
codes governing ventilation, fire protection,
operation maintenance, and housekeeping.
Reference OSHA, NFPA-33, EN Norms and your
insurance company requirements.

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Tells where hazards Tells what the hazard is. Tells how to avoid the hazard.
may occur.

Spray Area / Electrical Discharge

High Voltage
There is a high voltage device Parts being sprayed and operators in the spray
that can induce an electrical area must be properly grounded.
charge on ungrounded objects
which is capable of igniting Parts being sprayed must be supported on
coating materials. conveyors or hangers that are properly grounded.
The resistance between the part and earth ground
Inadequate grounding will must not exceed 1 meg ohm. (Refer to NFPA-33.)
cause a spark hazard. A
spark can ignite many coating Operators must be grounded. Rubber soled
materials and cause a fire insulating shoes should not be worn. Grounding
or explosion. straps on wrists or legs may be used to assure
adequate ground contact.

Operators must not be wearing or carrying any

ungrounded metal objects.

When using an electrostatic handgun, operators

must assure contact with the handle of the applicator
via conductive gloves or gloves with the palm section
cut out.



All electrically conductive objects in the spray area,

with the exception of those objects required by the
process to be at high voltage, must be grounded.
Grounded conductive flooring must be provided in
the spray area.

Always turn off the power supply prior to flushing,

cleaning, or working on spray system equipment.

Unless specifically approved for use in hazardous

locations, all electrical equipment must be located
outside Class I or II, Division 1 or 2 hazardous
areas, in accordance with NFPA-33.

Avoid installing an applicator into a fluid system

where the solvent supply is ungrounded.

Do not touch the applicator electrode while it is


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Tells where hazards Tells what the hazard is. Tells how to avoid the hazard.
may occur.

Electrical Electrical Discharge Unless specifically approved for use in hazardous

Equipment High voltage equipment is locations, the power supply, control cabinet, and all
utilized in the process. Arcing other electrical equipment must be located outside
in the vicinity of flammable or Class I or II, Division 1 and 2 hazardous areas in
combustible materials may accordance with NFPA-33 and EN 50176.
occur. Personnel are exposed  
to high voltage during operation Turn the power supply OFF before working on the
and maintenance. equipment.
Protection against inadvertent
arcing that may cause a fire or Test only in areas free of flammable or combustible
explosion is lost if safety circuits material.
are disabled during operation.  
Testing may require high voltage to be on, but only
Frequent power supply shut- as instructed.
down indicates a problem in  
the system which requires Production should never be done with the safety
correction. circuits disabled.
An electrical arc can ignite Before turning the high voltage on, make sure no
coating materials and cause a
objects are within the sparking distance.
fire or explosion.

Toxic Substances Chemical Hazard Follow the requirements of the Safety Data Sheet
Certain materials may be supplied by coating material manufacturer.
harmful if inhaled, or if there is
contact with the skin. Adequate exhaust must be provided to keep the air
free of accumulations of toxic materials.

Use a mask or respirator whenever there is a chance

of inhaling sprayed materials. The mask must be
compatible with the material being sprayed and its
concentration. Equipment must be as prescribed
by an industrial hygienist or safety expert, and be
NIOSH approved.

Spray Area Explosion Hazard —

Incompatible Materials Spray applicators require that aluminum inlet fittings
be replaced with stainless steel.
Halogenated hydrocarbon
solvents for example: Aluminum is widely used in other spray application
methylene chloride and equipment - such as material pumps, regulators,
1,1,1,-Trichloroethane are not triggering valves, etc. Halogenated hydrocarbon
chemically compatible with the solvents must never be used with aluminum
aluminum that might be used equipment during spraying, flushing, or cleaning.
in many system components. Read the label or data sheet for the material you
The chemical reaction intend to spray. If in doubt as to whether or not a
caused by these solvents coating or cleaning material is compatible, contact
reacting with aluminum can your coating supplier. Any other type of solvent may
become violent and lead to an be used with aluminum equipment.
equipment explosion.

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EN Return To Contents ATEX


The following instructions apply to equipment covered by If the equipment is likely to come into contact with
certificate number Sira 11ATEX5240X: aggressive substances, then it is the responsibility of
the user to take suitable precautions that prevent it
1. The equipment may be used with flammable gases and from being adversely affected, thus ensuring that the
vapors with apparatus groups II and with temperature type of protection provided by the equipment is not
class T6. compromised.

2. The equipment is only certified for use in ambient Aggressive substances: e.g. acidic liquids or gases
temperatures in the range +0°C to +40°C and should that may attack metals, or solvents that may affect
not be used outside this range. polymeric materials.

3. Installation shall be carried out by suitably trained Suitable precautions: e.g. regular checks as part of
personnel in accordance with the applicable code of routine inspections or establishing from the material's
practice e.g. EN 60079-14:1997. data sheets that it is resistant to specific chemicals.

4. Inspection and maintenance of this equipment shall be Refer to "Specifications" in the "Introduction" section:
carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance
with the applicable code of practice e.g. EN 60079-17. a. All fluid passages contain stainless steel, nylon fittings
or chemically compatible resins.
5. Repair of this equipment shall be carried out by suitable
trained personnel in accordance with the applicable b. High voltage cascade is encapsulated with a solvent
code of practice e.g. EN 60079-19. resistant epoxy.

6. Putting into service, use, assembling, and adjustment 9. A recapitulation of the certification marking is detailed
of the equipment shall be fitted by suitably trained in the "ATEX" section, on the next page, drawing
personnel in accordance with the manufacturer's numbers: 79846-00 and 79852-00.
10. The characteristics of the equipment shall be detailed
Refer to the "Table of Contents" of this service manual: e.g. electrical, pressure, and voltage parameters.
a. Installation
The manufacturer should note that, on being put into
b. Operation
service, the equipment must be accompanied by
c. Maintenance
a translation of the instructions in the language or
d. Parts Identification
languages of the country in which the equipment is to
be used and by the instructions in the original language.
7. Components to be incorporated into or used as
replacement parts of the equipment shall be fitted
by suitably trained personnel in accordance with the
manufacturer's documentation.

8. The certification of this equipment relies upon the

following materials used in its construction:

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EN Return To Contents ATEX


0518 II (2) G
†† ATEX APPROVAL with the Power Source 9060
LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL UNIT KIT is only use for EEx 0.24 mJ
the Electrostatic Automatic Applicator AEMD-600 incl. SIRA 11ATEX5240X
Machine Mounted Adapter AEMD-4500-6.

Ex Certificate Number: Sira 11ATEX5240X

Sira = Notified Body performing EC-type
11 = Year of certification
ATEX = Reference to ATEX Directive
5 = Protection Concept Code (code 5 is
titled Encapsulation)
240 = Document serial number
X = Special conditions for safe use apply

The applicator AEMD-600 Shall only be used with Air- &

Fluid hoses that meet Safety requirements.

Product Marking

II 2 G

Ex = Specific marking of explosive protection

II = Equipment Group hazardous area
2 = Equipment Category
G = Type of explosive atmosphere (gases, vapors,
or mists)

EEX0.24mJ = The EstaQuick AEMD-600 applicator

is suitable for use in automatic spraying installations
complying with EN 50 050 as they are a Type A class
with a discharge energy limit of 0.24mJ.

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EN Return To Contents INTRODUCTION


An automatic (stationary) spray installation for electrostatic • Keep ready access to appropriate fire extinguishing
spraying of coating materials must be tested by an expert equipment. Check fire extinguishing equipment
prior to initial start-up. regularly, at least every 2 years. All personnel must be
adequately trained with fire extinguishing equipment.
Method, scope, and frequency of tests have to be
determined by the user based on the individual production • Keep ready an actual warning schedule showing the
requirements and local conditions. In the individual case type of alarm and the triggering function (manually /
the professional trade association may require a written automatically).
proof in form of a test book, report, or similar.

Ensure that electrostatic spraying systems and

installations and accessory parts be checked by an expert
for safe operation whenever necessary, but at least once
a year. This examination must be documented in writing.

The following checks must be carried out by a qualified


Test Cycle
Daily Weekly
Drawing-off air conveyance for efficiency X
Proper functioning of protection against over-current X
Protection against exceeded discharge energy X
Protection against ignition of flammable cleaning materials X
Efficiency of protection measurements against direct touch X
Efficiency of grounding measurements X
Isolation of all live installation components above 1kV X
Locking device, passing protection X

NOTE: A qualified electrician is a person who has specialist training, knowledge, and experience as well as knowledge
of the relevant rules and who can recognize and judge possible hazards of the works involved. (See § 2 Par. 3
UVV VBG 4). Furthermore a qualified electrician must have the following qualifications: Specialist training and
knowledge of explosion protection, electrostatic process technology, knowledge of local conditions, knowledge
of the electric installation, and knowledge of the load of electric installation.

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EN Return To Contents INTRODUCTION


Atomization: Conventional air atomizing 0 to 9 bar

Fluid Pressure: 0 to 7 bar

Cylinder Air Pressure: 7 bar

Tip Voltage: max. 90 kV DC voltage

Current Max.: 120 µA

Voltage Input: 220V at 50/60Hz

Gun Weight: 245 g

Dimensions: 125 x 46 x 56 mm

Material: PEEK / POM / Stainless Steel

Different Models

The EstaQuick is available in different versions. These

differ from different tips respectively different fluid feed
versions. Please see the Tip and Air Cap Selection Chart
for selection of fluid tips and air caps. The selection of the
correct atomizer depends on the desired finish quality, the
geometry of parts, and the paint viscosity. For this reason
a test should be carried out with different fluid tips and
fluid feed versions.

†† For more information, please see “AUTOMATIC
CHART” in the back section of this manual.

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EN Return To Contents INSTALLATION


Insert the EstaQuick AEMD-600 with the locking device
into the designated place by a turn of 45° to its later
position. Push the gun body onto the adapter whereby
the resistance of the spring must be surmounted. Turn
the gun clockwise by 45° in its position until it locks into
the adapter.

3. Push the gun downward against the spring force until

it bottoms on the adapter

1. Position the gun by 45° to the adapter

4. Click the gun into the rear locking device until it

sits straight

2. Insert the locking device into the seat

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In case of screwed connection insert the gun with the
locking device into the designated place by a turn of 45°
to its later position. Push the gun body against the spring
force onto the adapter. Turn the gun clockwise by 45° in its
position and fix it with the two screws in the front and back.

4. Click the gun into the rear locking device until it

sits straight.

1. Position the gun by 45° to the adapter.

5. Fix the gun at the back with screw.

2. Insert the locking device into the seat.

6. Fix the gun at the front with the screw.

3. Push the gun downward against the spring force until

it bottoms on the adapter.

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EN Return To Contents MAINTENANCE

†† Before installing the gun apply a light coat of
grease to the O rings to prevent from shearing off. To achieve optimum finish quality, position the gun
approximately 15 to 30 cm from the work piece.


The spray pattern of the atomizer is adjustable from PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE
round pattern to flat pattern. By increasing the air supply
(atomizing air) the pattern becomes wider, by reducing
the air supply (atomizing air) it becomes more narrow. Maintenance Schedule
Carry out tests in order to find the desired values. In order For longer service life of the gun and for safe use of the
to change-over the atomizer spray pattern from horizontal spray installation this maintenance schedule must be
to vertical, reposition the baffle in the spray head. There followed:
are two position bores in the spray head (see picture).
Several Times Daily

• Turn off the high voltage.

Position for vertical
spray pattern
• Check the air cap, spray tip, and electrode for paint res-
idues. Clean as often as necessary with a soft brush
and a suitable solvent and blow dry.

• Clean all insulated surfaces of the installation.

Remove paint residues from the gun exterior, the
high voltage cable, and the air and fluid hoses with a
solvent wetted cloth.

• Make sure the solvent is non-polar.

Position for horizontal • Make sure that solvent has a flash temperature below
spray pattern temperature in booth.

Daily (At the Begin of Each Shift)

• Either remove or ground all loose or non-grounded
†† For optimum finish quality always operate with objects within 6 meters of the operating range of the gun.
clean, dry, and filtered air.
• Check whether the atomizer head and the gun electrode
are clean and not damaged.

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EN Return To Contents MAINTENANCE

• Check the complete system for damage, leakage, and
†† Never remove the fluid tip if there is still fluid in the paint residues.
gun, otherwise fluid can enter the air passages. In order
to remove the fluid tip / air cap hold the gun downward. • Clean the atomizer unit.
Clogged air passages will cause improper atomization
and might lead to short-circuit. If the air passages
are clogged with conductive fluid, this will lead to
increased current output and low operating voltage,
and might finally damage the electrical components. †† If quickly depositing material is being sprayed
and the lines are not flushed frequently enough,
†† For maintenance of the atomizer please refer to the fluid passages of the gun and the lines may get
the chapter “Cleaning of the Atomizer”. clogged, resulting in more time consuming mainte-
nance and repair.

†† In order to change the fluid tip, pressure must CLEANING PROCEDURES
be applied to the needle.
Cleaning the Atomizer
During Operating Interruption
For regular cleaning procedures the following tools
(and at the End of Each Shift)
are needed:
1. Turn off the high voltage. • Suitable solvent
• Grounded solvent supply
2. Turn off material supply.
• A brush with soft bristles
3. Turn off atomizing air and cylinder air. • Some pipe-cleaners

4. Clean gun, cable, and hoses with a solvent wetted For safe and trouble-free operation keep the exterior
cloth. Use suitable solvent only. surface of the gun clean and free of paint residues and
dirt. This is to prevent high voltage loss to ground and
5. Empty the fluid lines and leave solvent in the non-pres- reduction of the electrostatic effect. Contamination at the
surized lines. (See the chapter „Flushing Procedure“). opening of the air cap will cause a reduction of atomizing
quality. Clean the air cap as often as necessary with a soft
brush and solvent in order to obtain optimum atomization.
! WA R N I N G
†† For a short operating interruption (shorter than
the respective pot-life of the fluid) it might not be nec- WA R N I N G
essary to flush the lines, depending on the coating
material being used. If the solid particles of the flu- †† Never wrap the gun into plastic film. A surface
id deposit slowly, the lines may not require flushing charging can be built up at the plastic material and
so quickly after an operating interruption as it would might discharge to the next grounded object. This
be the case with quickly depositing solid particles. reduces the capacity of the gun which might lead
to damaging the components. Ransburg will not be
†† The necessity for flushing depends on the coating liable for any damages caused by wrapping the gun
material and on the time of the operating interruption. into plastic film. To protect the gun use the gun pro-
tection (AGMD-400).
†† Metallic paints and primer will need more fre-
quent flushing than some other paints.

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EN Return To Contents MAINTENANCE

Cleaning the Air Cap Flushing Process

To clean the air cap the following steps have to be 1. Turn off the high voltage.
2. Turn off the material supply.
1. Turn off the high voltage.
3. Turn off atomizing and fan control air.
2. Turn off the material supply.
4. Connect solvent supply to the gun.
3. Clean the removed parts with a soft brush and
5. Flush the system with solvent until clean solvent
suitable solvent.
6. Remove the solvent supply.
! WA R N I N G
7. Activate the gun until there is no solvent left. After
†† Never use metal tools or metal brushes. For finishing these steps the gun will be ready for color
cleaning purposes never use any object that is hard- change, storage, or maintenance.
er than the plastic parts. If it is impossible to remove
paint residues with a cloth or with a brush, the parts
may be soaked in solvent, but only as long until the
residues can be removed! Never soak the gun body,
hoses, or the high voltage cable in solvent!

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EN Return To Contents MAINTENANCE

General Problem Possible Cause Solution


Asymmetric Shape Air hose of the remote air supply to air Clean, replace or repair.
valve obstructed or damaged.

Air channel and/or air inlet obstructed. Blow out or clean.

Unclean left or right Air cap damaged or obstructed. Replace or clean.

side pattern

Very uneven or Wrong air cap / fluid tip combination. Select the correct combination.
deformed spray Air and fluid not synchronized. Check the programming sequence.

Atomizing Air Air channel in gun or in air line obstructed. Blow out.

Pressure too low. Increase air pressure.

Fluid Output Fluid tip obstructed or damaged. Flush or replace.

Fluid channels in gun or fluid line obstructed. Flush.

Not enough travel of fluid valve needle. Lubricate piston and needle packing.

Fluid pressure too low. Increase fluid pressure.

Fluid filter obstructed. Clean or replace.

Fluid valve or fluid regulator obstructed. Clean.

Air escapes Air valve cap loose or damaged. Tighten.

Fluid leakage at rear Packing, piston, needle or electrode Replace faulty components.
part of the gun damaged.

Fluid leakage O-Rings AGMD-93 damaged or missing. Insert O-Rings

between gun and Locking device does not seal properly. Tighten cap screw AEMD-2130.
Insulating surface between head, head Loosen 6 screws, align parts and tighten screws.
bracket, and end plate is not even.

Fluid leakage at Fluid tip too loose. Engage fluid tip.

fluid tip Needle and tips do not close properly. Replace damaged components.

Retaining ring loose. Tighten retaining ring.

Continuous leakage Seat of fluid tip worn or damaged. Replace fluid tip.
at fluid tip
Needle / electrode worn or damaged. Replace faulty part.

Fluid tip not engaged. Engage fluid tip.

Needle does not close (cylinder air line not Check valve.

(Continued on next page)

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General Problem Possible Cause Solution

Wrap Back Insufficient grounding of the work piece. Check and correct.

Insufficient booth ventilation. Check and correct.

Too much atomizing air. Reduce pressure.

Insufficient or No Faulty high voltage connections. Check and connect to adapter and high
High Voltage voltage transformer.
Line passage between transformer and Check and correct.
electrode interrupted.

Insufficient or no grounding. Check and correct.

Faulty pressure switch. Replace.
High voltage cable damaged. Replace.
High voltage transformer damaged. Please see Service Manual for the high
voltage transformer.
Check fuse. Check.
Is the voltage turned on? Is the atomizing Check.
air turned on? Is the gun activated? Is the
paint too conductive?

High Make Impulse Paint in the air channels. Clean air channels with soft brush.

Paint in the rear part of the gun. See Leakages.

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SERVICE Removal of the EstaQuick AEMD-600

Activate the spring pad at the adapter, at the same time

NOTE the spring pad will be pushed into the gun and the gun
body can now be turned out of the adapter. Turn the gun
†† Only use genuine spare parts when servicing body by 45° counter-clockwise. The gun can now be
the EstaQuick. pulled off upward and the spare gun can be connected.

†† All personnel should read and understand
this Service Manual prior to starting maintenance
and service.

Disassembling the Gun from the Adapter

! WA R N I N G
†† When servicing the gun always turn off and
ground the high voltage, turn off the material supply,
and relieve pressure from the material supply.
1. Push in the spring pad at the adapter.


To take off the gun from the adapter the following steps
have to be followed:
1. Turn off high voltage.
2. Turn off material supply.
3. Turn off atomizing air and cylinder air.
4. Clean gun, cable, and hoses with a solvent wetted
cloth. Use suitable solvent only.
5. Empty the fluid lines and leave solvent in the
non-pressurized lines.

2. Turn gun by 45° counter-clockwise and pull off upward.

! WA R N I N G
†† Prior to cleaning or color change turn off the high
voltage and the supply voltage to the high voltage

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Removal of the EstaQuick AEMD-600-FIX Disassembling the EstaQuick AEMD-600

Remove the two screws that fix the gun on the adapter. For disassembly and assembly please refer to Parts Lists
The gun body can now be turned out of the adapter. Turn and Exploded View in this Service Manual.
the gun body by 45° counter-clockwise. The gun can now
be pulled off upward and the spare gun can be connected.
†† Disassembly and assembly of parts must only be
carried out by adequately trained personnel. Works must
be carried out on a clean and flat supporting surface.

Necessary Tools
• Test adapter
• Screw driver
• Tip wrench (AEMD-101)
• Allen screw wrench (SW 6)
• Ring spanner (SW 3)
• Multimeter
• Calliper gauge

Grease and Bonding Agent

• AGMD-010: for needle, needle packing and piston.

• Electrostatic Grease (Order No.59972-00): for
O-Rings, packing, and hollow spaces.
• LOCTITE 243 (screw locking “medium strength“)
• LOCTITE 222 (screw locking “low strength”)
1. Remove the two screws in front and back.

†† Needle, needle packing and piston must only be
lubricated with grease AGMD-010. Any other grease
can lead to gun failure (needle packing and piston
might swell if improper grease is being used).

Once the gun has been disconnected from the adapter

and has been replaced by a spare gun, the spraying
operation can be continued, and the disconnected gun
can be serviced at a suitable place.

2. Turn gun by 45° counter-clockwise and pull off upward.

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For disassembly the following steps have to

be followed:

1. Connect the gun to be serviced onto a test adapter.

Apply cylinder air with 6 bar pressure to the needle,
this retracts the needle toward the springs and
relieves the tip.

†† In order to protect the gun head from damages it
is important that pressure air (min. 6 bar) is applied to
the cylinder air during the disassembly of the air cap
and tip.

2. Disassembly with tip wrench AEMD-101.

2. Loosen the retaining ring and remove the air cap.

3. Only exchange the tip by hand or use the tip wrench

AEMD-101. It can be loosened by a light pressure
and a 1/4-turn counter clockwise. (See Pictures).

3 Disassembly with fingers.

1. Apply pressure of 6 bar to the gun.

3. DO NOT USE pliers or other tools.

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Cut B - B Cut B - B
insertion position locked position

†† The fluid needle is glued into the spring bolt with †† The contact wire will remain in the head.
LOCTITE 243. The two parts become one permanent

4. Remove the baffle and the O-Rings. 9. Disconnect the gun head from the head bracket.
Remove the contact lock.
5. Relieve pressure from the test adapter and remove
the gun.

6. Loosen the electrode from the needle.

7. Firmly hold gun head and head bracket and carefully

and evenly loosen the 6 connecting screws. Remove
the end plate from the head bracket.

8. Remove the pressure springs, the spring bolt /

fluid needle assembly and the piston. Remove the
washer for the end plate.

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10. Remove the washer and both O-Rings. 12. The locking device and the cap screw will remain in
the head.
11. The needle packing must be exchanged at each
disassembly. It will be destroyed at disassembly
(see picture). NOTE
†† An electrical contact must exist between cap
screw and contact wire. Check continuity with a

Cleaning and Examination of Gun Parts

After disassembly clean the gun parts at first and then

check for proper condition.

Cleaning of Parts

1. Insert screw driver.
†† The kind of contamination of the gun parts might
give an indication of the gun failure mode.

For regular cleaning procedures the following tools

are needed:

• Suitable solvent
• Grounded solvent supply
• A brush with soft bristles
• Some pipe-cleaners

Clean the contaminated gun parts with a soft brush and

suitable solvent and blow dry. Clean the air and fluid bores
with a solvent soaked pipe-cleaner.
2. Force flat blade screw driver with light blows of the hammer
into needle packing.

†† Do not soak the gun parts in solvent but wipe
them clean with a brush or a solvent dampened cloth.

For safe and trouble-free operation keep the exterior

surface of the gun clean and free of paint residues and
dirt. This is to prevent current leakage to ground and
reduction of the electrostatic effect. Contamination at the
opening of the air cap will cause a reduction of atomizing
quality. Clean the air cap as often as necessary with a soft
brush and solvent in order to obtain optimum atomization.
3. Unscrew faulty needle packing.

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10.3.2 Examination of Parts 2. Insert the contact wire into the bores and secure
with light blows of the hammer.
Prior to assembly of the gun all gun parts must be checked.
Faulty components must be replaced.

†† Never install faulty components into the gun
and only use genuine Ransburg spare parts!

Assembly of the EstaQuick AEMD-600

This describes the assembly of a gun with new parts. For

the renewed assembly of a gun, some parts will remain
and will not have to be assembled again.

2. Insert contact wire

Preparation of the Assembly “Head”

1. Screw the needle packing into the head by use of

an Allen screw wrench (SW 6), take care not to
close the fluid bore in the head. The correct position
allows full diameter of the fluid bore to be clear.

3. Secure contact wire with light blows of the hammer

1. Correctly Assembled: The needle packing sits below

the fluid bore

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3. Insert the locking device into its place in the head

and tighten with cap screw. Check the electrical
continuity between cap screw and contact wire with
the multimeter.

7. Check the electrical contact between wire and cap screw

4. Insert locking device

Preparation of the Assembly “End Plate”

4. Screw the spring pad into the end plate, so that the
ball shows for 3mm.


5. Screw in cap screw.

8. Screw in cap screw

5. Secure the adjusted spring pad with the set screw.

Preparation of the Assembly “Head Bracket”

6. Lubricate the running surface of the piston in the

head bracket and the two running surfaces of the
piston with grease AGMD-010.

6. Tighten cap screw

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7. Press the piston into the head bracket. 9. Insert the greased washers into the respective
groove in the head bracket.
8. Lubricate the washers for head and endplate with
electrostatic grease.

9. Grease running surface of the piston in the Head bracket 12. Lubricating the washers.

10. Grease running surface of the piston.

13. Inserting the washers.

11. Press in the piston. 14. Insert the O-Rings.

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10. The needle shaft will be glued into the spring bolt
with Loctite 243 medium strength.

Final Assembly of the EstaQuick AEMD-600

11. Insert the contact lock into the needle packing of

the head.

12. Place the head bracket onto the head.

†† The head bracket has a pocket into which the
contact lock has to be inserted.
15. Push end plate downward

13. Push the needle shaft / spring bolt unit into the
bore of the piston until you feel resistance.

14. Place the two pressure springs onto the spring


15. Insert the 6 screws into the designed bores in the

end plate.

16. Position the end plate with the screws onto the
head bracket.

17. Push the end plate downward, with sufficient force

to press the needle into the needle packing.

18. Lightly and evenly tighten the 6 screws crosswise. 16. Check for levelness with the calliper gauge

19. Check the levelness of the sealing surface of the

head, of the head bracket, and of the end plate
with a calliper gauge or an flat edge. Then firmly 22. Insert the baffle into the head. Hereby it has to
tighten screws. be decided whether a horizontal or vertical spray
pattern is wanted, see (Spray Pattern Adjustment).
20. Screw the electrode with LOCTITE 222 (screw
locking “low strength”) onto the needle shaft and 23. Lubricate the disc washer with electrostatic grease
tighten by hand. and install it onto the baffle.

21. Click the gun onto the test adapter and apply 24. Lubricate the O-Ring with electrostatic grease and
cylinder air of 6 bar. install it into its place in the tip.

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! WA R N I N G
†† Prior to each assembly of the tip into the head, the
seat of the electrode must be checked.

26. Install the air cap onto the gun, take care that
the horns of the baffle engage into the slots of
the air cap.

27. Screw on the retaining ring. Check the position of

the air cap, before tightening. Then tighten retain-
ing ring by hand.

17. Insert disc washer with tapered side into the groove of
the baffle.

19. Insert the slots of the air cap into the horns of the baffle.

18. Insert tip with lubricated O-Ring into the gun.

†† For longer service life the O-Rings must always
be lubricated. Never use faulty O-Rings.

25. Insert the tip with the guide pin into the bayonet
of the head. Push it downward with light strength
and fix it to the head by a ¼ turn clockwise.

NOTE 20. Check the position of the air cap while screwing the
retaining ring on.
†† The bayonet is only designed for attaching the
tip and not for sealing. Only after the gun has been
equipped with air cap and retaining ring, the tip is 28. Put the protective cap on the retaining ring to pro-
sealed to the head. tect air cap and electrode.

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Please have the Parts Lists in hand for ready reference
of part numbers when ordering parts.

• Check parts at disassembly

and replace if necessary
• Replace parts after each

EstaQuick AEMD-600

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Position Description Qty Part No.
1 Gun Head 1 AEMD-2196
or Gun Head for Circulating (1) AEMD-2196-U
2 Head Bracket 1 AEMD-2220
3 End Plate 1 AEMD-2242
4 Washer For Head 1 AEMD-2216
5 Washer for End Plate 1 AEMD-2218
6 Locking Device 1 AEMD-2244
7 Cap Screw 1 AEMD-2130
8 Needle Packing 1 AGMD-405-1
9 Contact Wire 1 AEMD-2240
10 Contact Lock 1 AEMD-2241
11 Baffle 1 AEMD-2033
12 Tip 1 See Chart 11.3
13 Air Cap 1 See Chart 11.4
14 Retaining Ring 1 AEMD-2368
15 Piston 1 AGMD-243-1
16 Electrode and Resistor 1 70430-01
17 Needle Shaft 1 AEMD-2420
18 Spring Bolt 1 AEMD-2219
19 Pressure Spring 1 AGMD-110
20 Pressure Spring 1 AGMD-111
21 Set Screw 1 AGMD-116
22 Spring Pad 1 AGMD-115
23 Pan Head Screw 6 AEMD-2131
24 O-Ring 3 See Chart 11.5
25 O-Ring 5 See Chart 11.5
26 Disc Washer 1 AEMD-2065
27 Protective Cap (not shown) 1 7331-03
28 OPTION: Screw 1 AEMD-2131
29 OPTION: End Plate 1 AEMD-2242-1
30 OPTION: Screw 1 DIN84M5X16PAG
31 OPTION: Vent connection
(Connected only with End Plate AEMD-2242-1) 1 ESTA-408-4

Note: Pos. 28 – 30: Option for Electrostatic Automatic Applicator AEMD-600…..-800-FIX.

Screw Coupling with Machine Mounted Adapter AEMD-4500-6-FIX.

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Viscosity Fluid Flow Spray Pattern
Pos Description Tip Size (mm) Part No. Air Cap (sDIN4) (ml/min) (mm)

12 Tip with bore 0.8mm 0,8 AEMD-2915-G AEMD-800C 18-35 250 355
Tip with bore 1.1mm 1,1 AEMD-2915-FX AEMD-800C 18-40 350 355
Tip with bore 1.4mm 1,4 AEMD-2915-FF AEMD-800C 18-50 350 355
Tip with bore 1.6mm 1,6 AEMD-2915-FW AEMD-800C 18-50 up to 700 355
Round Pattern Tip A=6,31 mm² AEMD-2941 AEMD-850 - - -
Round Pattern Tip A=7,22 mm AEMD-2951 AEMD-850 - - -


Pos. Description Part No.

13 Air Cap for Tip AEMD-2915 AEMD-800c

Air Cap for Round Pattern Tip AEMD-2941 and AEMD-2951 AEMD-850


Pos. Description Part No.

24 Standard O-Ring (Viton EX) AGMD-121

Option O-Ring for aggressive Solvent components, with Aromat, Esters and Ketones AGMD-121-C
25 Standard O-Ring (Viton EX) (5 parts per pack) AGMD-93-K5
Option O-Ring for aggressive Solvent components, with Aromat, Esters and Ketones AGMD-095

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Description Tip Size (mm) Tip Size Part No. Air Cap Part No. Machine Mounted
Adaptor Part No.
AEMD-600-G-800 0,8 AEMD-2915-G
Quick Disconnection

AEMD-600-FX-800 1,1 AEMD-2915-FX

AEMD-600-FF-800 1,4 AEMD-2915-FF
AEMD-600-FW-800 1,6 AEMD-2915-FW
AEMD-600-2941-850 A=6,31 mm² AEMD-2941
AEMD-600-2951-850 A=7,22 mm² AEMD-2951

AEMD-600UG-800 0,8 AEMD-2915-G
Quick Disconnection

AEMD-600UFX-800 1,1 AEMD-2915-FX

AEMD-600UFF-800 1,4 AEMD-2915-FF
Circulation U

AEMD-600UFW-800 1,6 AEMD-2915-FW
AEMD-600U2941-850 A=6,31 mm² AEMD-2941
AEMD-600U2951-850 A=7,22 mm AEMD-2951

AEMD-600-G-800-FIX 0,8 AEMD-2915-G
AEMD-600-FX-800-FIX 1,1 AEMD-2915-FX
AEMD-600-FF-800-FIX 1,4 AEMD-2915-FF AEMD-4500-6-FIX
AEMD-600-FW-800-FIX 1,6 AEMD-2915-FW
AEMD-600-2941-850-FI A=6,31 mm² AEMD-2941

AEMD-600-2951-850-FI A=7,22 mm² AEMD-2951

AEMD-600UG-800-FIX 0,8 AEMD-2915-G
AEMD-600UFX-800-FIX 1,1 AEMD-2915-FX
AEMD-600UFF-800-FIX 1,4 AEMD-2915-FF
Circulation U

AEMD-600UFW-800-FIX 1,6 AEMD-2915-FW
AEMD-600U2941-850-FI A=6,31 mm² AEMD-2941

AEMD-600U2951-850-FI A=7,22 mm AEMD-2951

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Machine Mounted Adapter AEMD-4500-6 for Electrostatic Automatic Gun AEMD-600

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1 9

3 14
13 4
6 15


Machine Mounted Adapter AEMD-4500-6


Pos. Description

1 Base plate 1 AEMD-4501-6

2 Plate 1 AEMD-4102
3 Pressure plate 1 AEMD-4346
4 Pressure plate 1 AEMD-4247
5 Holding plate 1 AEMD-4246
6 Screw 2 AEMD-4129
7 Guide piece 1 AEMD-4502-1
8 Contact piston 1 AEMD-4503
9 Pressure spring 1 AEMD-2108
10 Pressure spring 1 AGMD-114
11 Resistor (60MΩ) 1 AEMD-4216
12 Cable gland 1 AEMD-4217
13 Strain relief 1 ST-M16x1,5
14 Hose fitting for 8mm (atom & fan) 2 AEMD-4134
15 Hose fitting for 6mm (needle pressure, paint in &out) 3 AEMD-4135
16 OPTION: Screw 1 AEMD-2131
17 OPTION: Plate 1 AEMD-4102-1
18 OPTION: Screw 1 DIN84M5X16PA
Note: Pos. 16 – 18: Option for Machine Mounted Adapter AEMD-4500-6-FIX. Screw Coupling with Electrostatic Automatic
Applicator AEMD-600…..-800-FIX.

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Pos. Description Qty Part No.

1 Bracket (Applicator and Machine Mounted Adapter are not included) 1 AEMD-4250

No. Description Qty Part No.
1 Adapter ABB 5400, 580 1 AEMD-4260
2 Adapter ABB 5400 Enhanced Wrist 1 AEMD-4261
3 Adapter B&M LZ2000 1 AEMD-4263
4 Adapter Fanuc P-145/155 1 AEMD-4264
5 Adapter Fanuc P-200/250 1 AEMD-4265
7 Adapter Kawasaki KF192 1 AEMD-4266
8 Adapter Motoman EPX2850 1 AEMD-4267
9 Adapter Motoman EPX2900 1 AEMD-4268

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†† CE/ATEX APPROVAL WITH THIS POWER †† Installation of Low Voltage Control Unit
SOURCE IS ONLY FOR THE ELECTROSTATIC (See service manual CP-13 - 01).




9060 Low Voltage Control Unit


Pos. Description
1 9060 Low Voltage Unit
2 AEMD-600 (ATEX approved)
3 A10560-XXD High Voltage Cable
4 80104-01 External Cascade
5 79338-XX Low Voltage Cable
6 Booth Wall
7 Cascade Ground Connection
8 Cascade Separate True Earth Ground
9 Control Unit Separate True Earth Ground

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Qty Part No. Description
1 Table A 9060 Low Voltage Control Unit
1 Table B High Voltage Cable Assembly
1 Table C Low Voltage Cable Assembly
1 80104-01 External Cascade 100kV


“A” Dash No. Description A
-1 110 / 120V USA 10” Rack 80120-311
-2 220 / 240V Europe 10” Rack 80120-312
-3 220 / 240V China 10” Rack 80120-313
-4 110 / 120V USA 19” Box 80100-311
-5 220 / 240V Europe 19” Box 80100-312
-6 220 / 240V China 19” Box 80100-313


“B” Dash No. Description B

-1 High Voltage Cable-15` (5m) A10560-15D

-2 High Voltage Cable-25` (8m) A10560-25D
-3 High Voltage Cable-50` (15m) A10560-50D
-4 High Voltage Cable-75` (22,5m) A10560-75D


“C” Dash No. Description C

-1 Low Voltage Cable- 10m 79338-10

-2 Low Voltage Cable- 15m 79338-15

For ordering use 80143-ABC as indicated by Tables:

-A Designates the 9060 Cascade Control Unit
-B Designates the High Voltage Cable Length
-C Designates the Low Voltage Cables Length

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This product is covered by Carlisle Fluid Technologies materials and workmanship limited warranty.
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