Method Statement For Cable Terminaton (CP3)

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Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

PREPARED BY (Graduate Engineer as a minimum, who has received all relevant project procedural and compliance training)
Position Name Date Signature

MEP Engineer Hugo Lam

Note: All Method Statement MUST be signed off by Temporary Works Coordinator. Method Statements
involving Risk Category A and B Temporary Works must be signed off by Temporary Works Coordinator and
Engineering Manager.
Position Name Review Date Signature

MEP Team Leader Gomez Yuen

Site Manager Fung Sai Kam

Construction Manager Victor Au

Safety Manager Brian Colquhoun

Temporary Work Coordinator N/A

Engineering Manager David Sein

Quality Manager Jerry Chang

Environmental Officer Stephen Tsang

Position Name Signed Date Signature

Project Manager Stephen O’Donoghue

Project Director approval required? Yes No

Signed by Deputy Project Director / Principal Project Director

Name: Eric Wu Date

This document is controlled in soft copy. Any hard copies
seen are uncontrolled unless chopped with Red Control


LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 1 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

1 scope 3
1.1 Limitations 4
1.2 References 5
2 Programme 5
3 Terminology 6
4 Leighton/Subcontractor Details 10
5 Construction Method and Sequence of Works 11
5.1 Prerequisites prior to the commencement of works 11
5.2 Permits and documents to be in place prior to work commencement 12
5.3 Carrying out the works 13
5.4 Sequence for isolation of electrical devices before cable termination 14
5.5 Procedure for Terminating Cables 14
6 Construction Risk Assessment 15
7 engineering 15
8 Quantities and Resources 16
9 Storage and Handling 17
9.1 Non-Hazardous Substances/Materials 17
9.2 Hazardous Substances/Materials 17
10 Quality Assurance and Control 17
10.1 Inspection and Testing 17
10.2 Measuring Equipment 17
10.3 Materials Control 17
10.4 Quality records 17
11 Environmental Protection 18
Appendix A – Drawings 19
Appendix B – Inspection and Test Plan 20
Appendix C – Environmental Aspects, Impacts and Mitigations 21
Appendix D – Construction Risk Assessment & Job Hazard analysis 22
Revision History
Revision Date Revision Description
A 15/02/2018 First Issue


This method statement covers the cable termination works of existing high mask lighting
and associated pillar box at carpark area of reconfiguration of CP3 in Contract No. 3503 –

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 2 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

Terminal 2 Foundation and Substructure Works.

The scope of works includes:

 Power off the circuitries for those demolition electrical equipment includes the road
lighting, kiosk and metal pillar box.
 Termination the no use power cables for those area of excavation and backfilling
 Isolation and pad lock to the switchgears

The specific locations of work are as follows:

 Work area 3503/1;

 Work area 3503/2;
 Work area 3503/3a;
 Work area 3503/3b;
 Work area 3503/4a

Details, refer to attached reference drawings as Appendix A

This method statement must be read in conjunction with the following documents
which detail the procedures which must be followed to carry out the electrical
isolation and energisation works included in the method statement.

 Hong Kong International Airport Procedure No. TSD-P/T/003 Electrical System –

Operation and Maintenance

 Leighton Electrical Safe System of Work (ESSW) – Management of Electrical

Safety & Safe Isolation Procedures for Permanent Electrical Works HKM-HSE-

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 3 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

1.1 Limitations

The table below provides reference to associated works described under other method
statements or procedures that are relevant to this method statement.
Reference Document Number
Proceeding Works
(e.g. H1234-CON-MST-NNN-nn)

Reference Document Number

Related Works
(e.g. H1234-CON-MST-NNN-nn)

Reference Document Number

Following Works
(e.g. H1234-CON-MST-NNN-nn)

The contents of this document will be subject to review during the course of the works and
may be amended if so required to suit actual site conditions. Any change of scope shall
be reassessed to identify new risks associated to the works.

1.2 References

The following documentation should be referred to prior to commencement of the works:

 Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406)

 Electricity Supply Regulations
 Electricity Supply (Special Areas) Regulations
 Electricity (Wiring) Regulations
 Electricity (Exemption) Regulations
 Electricity (Registration) Regulations
 Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations
 Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment
 Regulations for Electrical Installations, the Institution of Electrical Engineers
 CLP Supply Rules
 British Standards Specifications & Codes of Practice or other equivalent national

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 4 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

Standards and publications.

 3503 – Particular Specification
 3503 – Particular Technical Specification – T2
 AAHK General Materials and Workmanship Specification (GMWS)
 AAHK General Specifications, Issue 9, July 2016
 AAHK Technical Procedure No.: TSD-P/T/003 Electrical System – Operation and
 Leighton Electrical Safe System of Work (ESSW) – Management of Electrical Safety
& Safe Isolation Procedures for Permanent Electrical Installations
Refer to COP Electrical Work, COP Isolation Hazardous Energies and Project Safety
 Leighton Electrical Safe System of Work – Management and Control of Electrical
Installations – Guideline on Definitions HKM-DEP-GDL-021
 Leighton Class One Practices
 Leighton Electrical Safe System of Work – Application of Permit-to-Work and Lock-
Out Tag- Out Systems HKM-DEP-SOP-004
 Leighton Permit to Dig, Penetrate, or Demolish Guideline LAL-HSE-GDL-032


The works will be undertaken between Feb 2018 and July 2018. All works are planned to
be carried out during the daytime where possible and with prior approval of AAHK. Works
which are not permitted to be carried out during the day will be completed during night
time hours, exact works hours will be further confirmed with AAHK.

This method statement should be reviewed entirely at the end of the period provided
above and amended as necessary should the period require extension.


Apparatus – All equipment in which electrical conductors are used, or supported, or of

which they form a part.

Authorised Person (AP) – A person authorised to prepare Permit-to-Work documents

including determining locations and types of electrical points of isolation.

Barrier – An effective physical means (Hard Control) of preventing unauthorised

approach to a source of danger.

Buddy system – The requirement for two qualified registered electrical workers (REW)
to be present in the workplace and to be aware of each other’s tasks while performing
potential electrically hazardous works.

Under this rule, each of the ‘Buddy System’ REWs must:

i. Be a qualified registered electrical worker in accordance with the requirements of

the REW scheme as administered by the Electrical and Mechanical Services
Department (EMSD) of the Hong Kong SAR Government;

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 5 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

ii. Remain in visual and audible contact with each other while performing the works;

iii. Have a thorough knowledge of the location and operation of the sources of
disconnection and isolation associated with the works being performed;

iv. Be capable and able to safely disengage an injured worker from the hazard, and

v. Be trained in appropriate First Aid techniques and know of the location of the
nearest Accident and Emergency Department (AED).

Caution Notice - A notice of the form reading “CAUTION, DO NOT INTERFERE” fixed at
a point of Isolation and a Circuit Main Earth prior to the issue of a Safety Document. The
notice should not be used for any other purpose (see TSD-P/T/003-001).

Circuit breaker – A device capable of making, breaking, carrying electrical currents under
normal and abnormal circuit conditions such as short circuit, overload etc.

Competent person in charge of the works (CPICW) – A person of appropriate

experience and/or qualification who is wholly familiar with the project, the electrical
design / installation and has a good understanding of the potential projects risks as well as
the measures necessary to mitigate said risks associated with works to be undertaken.

Danger – A risk of harm / injury to persons from:

 Fire, electric shock, burns, arcing and explosion arising from the use of, or
proximity to, electrical energy, and

 Mechanical movement of electrically controlled equipment, in so far as such

danger is intended to be prevented by electrical emergency switching, or
mechanical maintenance of non-electrical parts of such equipment.

Danger Notice - A notice of the form reading “DANGER – LIVE” calling attention to the
danger of approach to or interference with Apparatus or conductors which are Live (see
Attachment TSD-P/T/003-002).

Dead – At or about zero voltage and disconnect from any live system.

De-energised electrical work – Electrical work that is performed on equipment that has
been previously ‘live’, i.e. electrically energised which is now free from any electrical
connection to a source of potential difference and from electrical charges, including

Note: De-energised does not describe an electrically safe work condition – such a circuit
must also be controlled and verified, i.e. isolated and locked-off in accordance with the
lock-out tag-out guidelines referenced in Standard Operating Procedure HKM-DEP-PRO-
012 – Application of Permit-to-Work and Lock-Out Tag-Out Systems.

Earth – The conductive mass of the Earth, whose electrical potential at any point is
conventionally taken as zero.

Earthed – Connected to the general mass of earth in such a manner as will ensure at all

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 6 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

times an immediate discharge of electrical energy without danger; when applied to

electrical equipment, all phases short-circuited and effectively connected to earth.

Electrical equipment (電力器具 ) – Any item for such purposes as generation, conversion,
transmission, distribution or utilisation of electrical energy, such as machines,
transformers, apparatus, measuring instruments, protective devices, wiring systems,
accessories, appliances and luminaires.

Electrical Safe System of Work – This is an overarching procedure covering:

i. Lock-out tag-out system (LOTO)

ii. Permit-to-work system (PTW);

iii. Limitation-of-access (LOA);

iv. Method statements;

v. Risk assessments;

vi. Job hazard analysis (JHA);

vii. Field control inspection checks (part of JHA);

viii. Power energisation requirements (PER), and

ix. Emergency procedures.

High voltage (HV) (高壓) – Is typically defined as a potential differential being in excess of
Low Voltage, usually a voltage exceeding 1000V a.c rms or 1500V ripple free d.c.

Isolate / Isolation – A function intended to cut-off for reasons of safety the electrical
supply from all, or a discrete section, of the installation by separating the installation or
section from every source of electrical energy.

Isolated – Equipment (or part of an electrical system) which is disconnected and

separated by a safe distance (the isolating gap) from all sources of electrical energy in
such a way that the disconnection is secure (e.g. via lock and key), i.e. it cannot be re-
energised accidently or inadvertently.

Isolating switch – A switch intended for isolating an electric circuit from the source of
electrical power. It has no interrupting rating, and is intended to operate only after the
circuit has been opened by some other means.

Insulated Tools – Tools specially manufactured and tested complete with proprietary
insulation with the purpose of using them on or in close proximity to exposed conductive
parts on energised plant, equipment and/or systems.

Live – Equipment and/or electrical circuits that are electrically charged.

Live work – Any electrical work on, or near live conductors where a fully qualified REW of

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 7 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

appropriate licence grade is exposed to energised conductors, terminals, bus bars or


Lock-out – The placement of a lock on a power-isolating device according to procedure,

ensuring that the electrical power isolating device and the equipment being controlled
cannot be, accidently energised, or operated until the lockout device is removed.

Lock-out tag-out (LOTO) – A procedure that covers the working on, servicing and
maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected re-energisation of the
equipment or release of electrical power could cause injury to employees.

Low voltage (LV) ( 低壓 ) – Voltage exceeding extra low voltage (ELV), but not exceeding
1000V a.c. rms or 1500V ripple free d.c. between conductors, and up to 600V a.c. rms or
900V ripple free d.c. between conductors and earth.

Permit-to-work – An official form signed as approved by the Permit-to-Work Coordinator

(PTWC) and issued to a Competent Person in Charge of the Works (CPICW), in writing,
defining a safe system of work which includes switching operations and other measures
that have been carried out to ensure any risks from energised systems have been
removed. It also details the work to be carried out and any further precautions required to
be observed and undertaken by the CPICW and anyone under their control and the
requirement to fully brief all persons involved or affected by the related works activity.

Permit-to-Work Coordinator – A person appointed in writing by the LCAL Project Leader

responsible for establishing, implementing, managing and maintaining a Permit-to-Work
and Lock-Out Tag-Out System, as part of the safe electrical working procedures for the
electrical installation on the project.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) – Specialised clothing and/or equipment worn by

employees for protection against health and safety hazards. Personal protective
equipment is designed to protect many parts of the body, i.e., eyes, head, face, hands,
feet, and ears.

Registered electrical worker (REW) ( 註冊電業工程人員 ) – An Electrical worker registered

under S30 of the Electricity Ordinance Cap 406 holding a valid certificate of registration
issued by EMSD. Grades A, B, C, R and H as defined on Form 8 (EMSD/LE/34). Only
Grade H Registered Electrical Workers may work on high voltage electrical installations.

Residual current device (RCD) – An earth leakage protection device intended to

automatically disconnect (trip) when a residual current attains a given value under
specified conditions.

Residual current device c/w integral overcurrent protection (RCBO) – A residual

current device designed to perform the functions of protection against overload and/or
short circuit, i.e. the functions of an MCB and RCD combined.

Responsible Person (RP) - A Responsible Person is a registered electrical worker of an

appropriate grade or a Registered Electrical Contractor approved by the Authority. The
Responsible Person shall be an employee of the AAHK or a direct employee of
Registered Electrical Contractor, who shall take charge of the electrical works to ensure

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 8 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

the quality and safety of the works are in full compliance with the statutory requirements. A
register of the Responsible Persons is held by the respective Technical Services Inspector
(see Form TSD-F/087 Register of Responsible Person).

Safety lock – A uniquely numbered colour coded locking device and/or padlock which is
used for securing an isolating or earthing device.

Voltage (of a circuit) – Voltage by which an installation (or part of an installation) is

designated. The following ranges of nominal voltage (rms values for a.c.) are defined:

i. Extra low – Not exceeding 50V a.c. or 120V ripple free d.c. whether between
conductors or to Earth.

ii. Low – Exceeding extra low voltage but not exceeding 1000V a.c. or 1500V ripple
free d.c. between conductors, or 600V a.c. or 900V ripple free d.c. between
conductors and Earth.

iii. High – Normally exceeding low voltage.

System Controller - An Authorised Person of the FRT holding Grade “H” in Certificate of
Registered Electrical Worker, who has been authorised in writing by the AAHK General
Manager, Technical Services or his authorised delegate, to be responsible for controlling
both the HV and LV systems.


The number of personnel required will be dependent on the task. Where work is deemed
high risk, such as working at height or in public areas, then a minimum of two members of
Leighton staff will be present during the works.

Description Name Contact

1 Authorized Person Tony Tong

Site Engineer [PIC] Hugo Lam 9556-3236

2 MEP Team Leader Gomez Yuen 9098-7807

3 Safety Officer Brian Colquhoun 5645-0597

4 Construction Victor Au 9091-4265


5 Sub-contractor Francis Chan 5408-2756


LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 9 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

6 MEP Representative TBA

7 MEP Representative TBA

8 MEP Representative TBA


As the works will be carried out within the Car Park area outside Terminal 2 of the HKIA,
all works associated with this method statement must be carried out strictly in accordance
with the requirements of AAHK and as such, prior approval must be granted by AAHK
representatives prior to commencement of any works.

There are several permits which will need to be in place prior to the works
commencement. The specific requirements for each have been detailed in the table later
in this section. Due to the nature of the works, all relevant hard controls must be
implemented to protect the works force from potential Class 1 Risks in accordance with
the Leighton Risk Management Procedure.

All documentation relating to the electrical works must be kept on file and will be the
responsibility of the Electrical Permit to Works Coordinator (EPTWC) LCWJV.

Live works must be carried out under dead conditions. In the event that live works is
unavoidable then prior approval must be sought from AAHK. Live works must strictly
follow the procedures defined by AAHK and LCWJV.

5.1 Prerequisites prior to the commencement of works

The following must be in place prior to the commencement of any works associated with
this method statement:

a) An Authorised Person (AP) AAHK must be appointed by AAHK and must be a

Registered Electrical Worker (REW) of the correct grade to carry out the works.
Applications for APs should be submitted at least 14 days prior to the
commencement of the works.

b) A Responsible Person (RP) AAHK who will be responsible for the works must be
appointed by AAHK. Applications for RPs should be submitted at least 14 days
prior to the commencement of the works. A list of all RPs will be provided to AAHK

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 10 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

c) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be provided as necessary for the

works. This will include some specialist PPE such as insulated boots, arc masks

d) Insulated tools should be provided for all works carried out on electrical boards.

e) Suitable signage and barriers should be erected to prevent unauthorised access to

the works areas. AAHK ‘Caution’ and ‘Danger’ notices will be used.

f) A Permit To Work (PTW) must be issued by the RP AAHK prior to commencement

of the works.

g) The methods, locations, programme and risks and other key details should be
discussed with the AAHK prior to the commencement of the works.

h) Calibrated test equipment should be made available and the calibration certificates
kept on file.

i) Site temporary power electrical distribution boards must comply with Leighton
standards and have Residual Current Device (RCD)s with Miniature Circuit
Breakers (MCB)s or Residual Current Device with Overload (RCBO) protection.

j) Electrical tools and equipment must be suitably inspected tagged.

k) Ensure that all workers are competent to carry out the works described. Training
should be provided as necessary. Work briefings and a tool box talks should be
carried out prior to and during the works.

5.2 Permits and documents to be in place prior to work commencement

Due to the adoption of both AAHK and Leighton procedures, there are several
prerequisite documents which must be applied for prior to commencement of the works.
Reference should be made to the procedure documents listed in the References section
1.2 of this document for guidance on the specific documentation to be implemented
depending on the requirements of the work.

Document Ref Description Originator Approver

TSD-F/017 Limited Work Certificate AAHK FRTMO

TSD-F/084 High Voltage Area In-Out Log AAHK Technical Services

Book Inspector/ FRTMO

TSD-F/085 Switching Log of HV Installation AAHK FRTMO

TSD-F/086 Authorised Person Authorisation AAHK Technical Services

Form Inspector

TSD-F/087 Register of Responsible Person AAHK Technical Services

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 11 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A


TSD-F/088 Register of Responsible Person AAHK Technical Services


TSD-F/089 Electrical Energisation Application AAHK FRTMO


TSD-F/090 Electrical Installation Energisation AAHK FRTMO


TSD-F/092 Application Form for Authorised AAHK Technical Services

Person Inspector

BU1-DEP-FRM-017 Request for Electrical Equipment LCWJV EPTWC

Energisation Part 1/
Energization Notice Part 2

BU1-DEP-FRM-018 Electrical Permit to Work (No Live LCWJV EPTWC

Works) – Without Isolation

BU1-DEP-FRM-019 Electrical Permit to Work (No Live LCWJV EPTWC

Works) – With Isolation

BU1-DEP-FRM-020 Electrical Permit to Work (Live LCWJV EPTWC

Works – Sanction for Test)

BU1-DEP-FRM-021 Electrical Permit to Work (Limited LCWJV EPTWC


BU1-DEP-FRM-022 Electrical PTW Register LCWJV EPTWC

BU1-DEP-FRM-023 Electrical Equipment Energization LCWJV EPTWC


BU1-DEP-FRM-024 Temporary Boundary Isolation LCWJV EPTWC

Lock Register

BU1-DEP-FRM-025 Electrical PTW Personal Red LCWJV EPTWC

Lock Register

BU1-DEP-FRM-026 Nomination of Key Electrical LCWJV EPTWC

Personnel Register

BU1-DEP-FRM-027 De-Energization Notice LCWJV EPTWC

BU1-DEP-FRM-028 Register of Registered Electrical LCWJV EPTWC


BU1-DEP-FRM-029 Electrical Equipment Energization LCWJV EPTWC


LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 12 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

5.3 Carrying out the works

a) All works associated with this method statement must be carried out by REWs of
the appropriate grade.

b) REWs must adopt a buddy system at all times.

c) All works must be carried out on dead circuits which must be isolated and locked
off in accordance with the relevant procedures. A test for dead must be conducted
to ensure the power source has been isolated.

d) The works areas should be inspected to identify any problems or potential


e) Adequate task lighting, in addition to the background lighting, must be provided to

the works areas.

5.4 Sequence for isolation of electrical devices before cable termination

1. Electrical power circuits should be double isolated and locked off in accordance
with the LOTO procedure.

2. Identifying the circuit(s) requiring isolation.

3. Use suitable and adequate personal protective equipment.

4. Disconnect active conductors from the relevant source(s), to identify any multiple
sources and stand-by systems/generators/photovoltaic systems as well as
auxiliary supplies from other boards.

5. If a removable or rack out circuit breaker or combined fuse switch is used, the
breaker should be racked out or removed, then locked open and tagged with
danger notices.

6. Lock the isolating switch(es) where practicable or remove and tie back relevant
conductors to protect the person(s) carrying out the electrical work.

7. Test to confirm the relevant circuits have been de-energised and any other
relevant conductors in the work area Re-testing as necessary.

8. Circuits will be proven dead by means of a contact type voltage tester.

9. Caution notices will be placed at the points of isolation.

10. The isolation lock key should be keep by the EPTWC-LCAL to confirm the
specified isolation has been completed.

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 13 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

5.5 Procedure for Terminating Cables

The procedures below list the basic steps for making cable terminations. These are
intended for general information only since the procedures vary for different cable types
and sizes. In each case, the specific cable lug manufacturer’s instructions for terminating
will be followed to ensure reliability.

1. Identifying the power cables which to be demolition.

2. Follow Permit to Work procedure to isolate the point where power cables will be
3. Shut off electricity to the equipment, proof-dead confirmed and recorded by RP.
4. Remove such item from the mounting. Be careful not to accidentally pull the
wires out of the door.
5. Unhook the wires from the equipment (if necessary) for removal of the mounting
6. Attach power cable caps or terminal block and wipe with electric tape to prevent
any exposed conductor.
7. Record information of terminated cables and report completion.


The construction risk assessment describes sequentially the operational tasks along with
the associated risks and their corresponding mitigating control measures to be
implemented for the works. The risk assessment is attached in Appendix D.


Not required.


Provide details in the table below:

Manpower Quantity Duration
REW 1 For the duration of the
Engineer 1 For the duration of the
Workers TBA For the duration of the

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 14 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

Plant and Equipment Quantity Duration

Multimeter TBA For the duration of the
Electrical Tester TBA For the duration of the
Isolation locks TBA For the duration of the
Warning Tags TBA For the duration of the


For details of the plant and equipment requirements for the isolation and energisations,
refer to the relevant electrical procedures


9.1 Non-Hazardous Substances/Materials

Test instrumentation and PPE should be stored correctly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions in order to prevent damage.

9.2 Hazardous Substances/Materials



LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 15 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

Key quality control and assurance issues for electrical isolations and energisations are:
 Use of calibrated test equipment

10.1 Inspection and Testing

Not Required

10.2 Measuring Equipment

Check that the Multimeters and electrical testers are calibrated before use.

10.3 Materials Control

Not Required

10.4 Quality records

To be kept in electrical PTW file.


Specific significant environmental impacts associated with these works are identified
below with the appropriate mitigation measures that will be implemented to ensure
compliance with legal and contractual requirements and mitigate disturbance to the local

These environmental aspects, impacts and mitigation measures are more fully described
in Appendix C.


References Drawings:

Drawing Number Rev.

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 16 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A

TRD/3503/AA-XX/C/DR/0002 C

ACM/P282/RD-RDL/U/DR/3000500 B

ACM/P282/RD-RDL/U/DR/3000511 B

ACM/P282/RD-RDL/U/DR/3000512 B

ACM/P282/RD-RDL/U/DR/3000515 B

ACM/P282/RD-RDL/U/DR/3000517 B

ACM/P282/RD-RDL/U/DR/3000518 B


Important notice: Inspection and Test Plans (ITP) attached to this method statement are for
“Information only” and considered as uncontrolled documents. All users of this method statement
are reminded to refer to the applicable electronic controlled document library to verify the latest
inspection and test plan with “For Construction” status. This method statement will not be updated
for inspection and test plan changes unless there is a significant change in the construction
methodology and/or the related inspection and test requirements.

Inspection and Test Plans

- Inspection and Test Plan No.: LACW-H2681-ITP-00003-A

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 17 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A


Reference should be made to the Environmental Control Plans for each environmental aspect
contained in the Environmental Management Plan.
Key: Level of Significance: Level 1 An impact that could cause pollution or degradation that may have irreversible
(High Severity) detrimental effects on the environment and/or community.
Level 2 An impact that could cause pollution or degradation that may have persistent but
(Medium Severity) reversible detrimental effects on the environment and/or community.
Level An impact that could cause pollution or degradation that may have short term and
(Low Severity) reversible detrimental effects on the environment and/or community.
Aspects Sources Level of Significance Mitigation Plan Responsible By
Noise Working with PMEs Level 3 Obtain necessary CNP for Site Agent/ Superintendent/
including Cherry operation of any PME at Environmental Officer/
Picker, Forklift, least 28 days before the Engineer/ foreman
handtools, scissor commencement of night
platform works

Comply with all conditions

listed in CNP

Operate restricted hours

permit-to-work system

Waste General Refuse Level 3 Properly segregated  from Superintendent/ Supervisor/

inert waste and dispose to Foreman
NENT landfill

Inert Material Level 3 Properly segregated from Superintendent/ Supervisor/

general refuse and dispose Foreman
to TM38

Energy Operation of PMEs N/A Switch off PME when not in

use to reduce consumption Supervisor/ Foreman
of diesel and electricity

(Delete as appropriate)

Prepared by: Hugo Lam Signature: Date:

Approved by: Stephen Tsang Signature: Date:

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 18 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A


- Risk Assessment Report – LACW-H2681-RISK-00002-A

- Job Hazard Analysis – LACW-H2681-JHA-00001-A

LACW-H2681-FRMT-00004 Rev A, 12 FEB 2018 Page 19 of 20

Leighton – Chun Wo Joint Venture

Construction Method Statement LCJ/P3503/J/000127/A

Contract Name: T2 Foundation and Substructure Works Contract No.: 3503

Method Statement Title: Method Statement for cable termination (CP3)
Method Statement No. : LACW-H2681-MST-00002-A


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