Inst GTI 3003

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Operating instructions Page 4 GB

Chest freezer
Read the operating instructions before switching on for the first time

7081 139-00
GTE GTI R134 311
Disposal notes Safety instructions and warnings
The appliance contains some reusable materials • To prevent injury or damage to the unit, the appliance should be
and should be disposed of properly - not simply with unpacked and set up by two people.
unsorted household refuse. Appliances which are no • In the event that the appliance is damaged on delivery, contact
longer needed must be disposed of in a professional the supplier immediately before connecting to the mains.
and appropriate way, in accordance with the current • To guarantee safe operation, ensure that the appliance is set up
local regulations and laws. and connected as described in these operating instructions.
When disposing of the appliance, ensure that the refrigeration circuit • Disconnect the appliance from the mains if any fault occurs. Pull
is not damaged to prevent uncontrolled escape of the refrigerant out the plug, switch off or remove the fuse.
it contains (data on type plate) and oil. • When disconnecting the appliance, pull on the plug, not on the
• Disable the appliance. • Any repairs and work on the appliance should only be carried
• Pull out the plug. out by the customer service department, as unauthor­ised work
• Cut through the connecting cable. could prove highly dangerous for the user. The same applies to
changing the mains power cable.
WARNING • Do not allow naked flames or ignition sources to enter the appli-
Danger of suffocation due to packing material and plastic film! ance. When transporting and cleaning the appliance ensure that
Do not allow children to play with packing material. Take the pack- the refrigerant circuit is not damaged. In the event of damage,
aging material to an official collecting point. make sure that there are no ignition sources nearby and keep the
room well ventilated.
Do not vent R134a into atmosphere: R134a is a fluorinated • This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including chil-
greenhouse gas, covered by Kyoto Protocol, with a Global dren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack
Warming Potential (GWP) = 1300. of experience and knowledge unless they have been given initial
supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised
to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Range of appliance use • Avoid prolonged skin contact with cold surfaces or chilled/frozen
food. This could cause pain, numbness and frostbite. In the case
The appliance is suitable solely for cooling food in a domestic
of prolonged skin contact, protective measures should be taken,
environment or similar. This includes use in, for example
e.g. gloves should be worn.
- in staff kitchenettes, bed and breakfast establishments, • Do not eat ice cream, particulary ice lollies or ice cubes, imme-
- by guests in country homes, hotels, motels and other forms of diately after taking them from the freezer compartment as there
accommodation, is a risk of „burning“ because of the very cold temperatures.
- in catering and similar services in the wholesale trade. • Do not consume food which has been stored for too long, as it
Use the appliance solely as is customary within a domestic envi- could cause food poisoning.
ronment. All other types of use are inadmissible. The appliance • If you have a lockable appliance, do not keep the key near the
is not suitable for storing and cooling medicines, blood plasma, appliance or within reach of children.
laboratory preparations or similar substances and products • Do not use electrical appliances inside the appliance.
covered by the 2007/47/EC Medical Devices Directive. Misuse of • The appliance is designed for use in enclosed areas. Do not
the appliance can result in the stored products suffering harm or operate the appliance outdoors or in areas where it is exposed
perishing. Furthermore, the appliance is not suitable for operation to splash water or damp conditions.
in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Setting up
Climate rating • Avoid positioning the appliance in direct sunlight or near cookers,
radiators and similar sources of heat.
The appliance is set to operate within specific ambient temperature
• The floor on which the appliance stands must be horizontal and level.
limits according to its climate rating. These temperature limits should
• Do not cover the gap between the lower edge of the freezer and
not be exceeded. The correct climate rating for your appliance is
the floor, as the refrigeration
indicated on the type plate.
unit has to be supplied with
Climate rating Set for ambient temperatures air for cooling.
SN +10°C up to +32°C • There must be a gap of at
N +16°C up to +32°C least 20 cm between the
ST +16°C up to +38°C ventilation grille and the wall.
T +16°C up to +43°C This gap must be kept clear
and the ventilation openings
The appliance complies with the relevant safety regulations and uncovered.
EC directives 2004/108/EC and 2006/95/EC. • Do not place any objects im-
mediately next to the outer
housing of the appliance.
There must be a gap of at least 20 mm all round in order to ensure
Dimensions (mm) adequate heat discharge.
Model Height Width Depth • Do not connect the appliance to the supply with other equipment
using an extension cable - risk of overheating.
GTE 15.. 900 545 605
GTE 24.. 890 830 665
GTE 30.. 890 1000 665
GTE 37.. 890 1170 665
GTE 43.. 890 1340 665
GTE 50.. 890 1510 665
GTI 18.. 900 660 665
GTI 24.. 900 830 665
GTI 30.. 900 1000 665
GTI 37.. 900 1170 665
GTI 43.. 900 1340 665
GTI 50.. 900 1510 665

Connecting to the mains Defrosting
Power supply (a.c.) and voltage at the operating point must comply After the appliance has been in operation for some time, a layer
with the details on the type plate. The type plate is located on the of frost or ice will form on the inside walls. This increases energy
rear of the appliance. The socket must be fused with a 10 A fuse consumption. You should therefore defrost the appliance regularly.
or higher, it must be away from the rear of the appliance and must
be easily accessible. • Switch the appliance off to defrost. Pull out the mains plug or
remove/unscrew the fuse.
Connect the appliance with a properly earthed fused plug • Wrap the frozen food in paper or blankets and store in a cool place.
and socket only. • Leave the lid open while defrosting. After defrosting mop up the
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the remaining water and clean the appliance.
following code: green/yellow = earth, blue = neutral, brown = live. Do not use any mechanical devices or other artificial aids for
Warning! This appliance must be earthed. defrosting other than those recommended by the manufactur­er.

Switching the appliance on and off

You are recommended to clean the appliance before switching it Cleaning
on for the first time (see „Cleaning“). Before cleaning always switch off the appliance.Pull out the
Connect the appliance to the mains - the appliance is switched on. mains plug or remove/unscrew the fuse.

To switch the appliance off: Pull out the mains plug or remove/ • Clean the inside, equipment parts and outer walls with lukewarm
unscrew the fuse. water and a little detergent. Do not use abrasive or acid cleaners
or chemical solvents.
• Ensure that no cleaning water penetrates into the electrical com-
ponents or ventilation grille.
• Dry all parts well with a cloth.
Setting the temperature • The ventilation grilles should be cleaned regularly. Dust deposits
increase energy consumption. Ensure that none of the wires or
Turn the arrow on the temperature control to a other components are dislodged, bent or damaged.
setting between 1 und 7.
Do not use steam cleaners because of the risk of injury and
Setting 1 = lowest cooling setting damage.
Setting 7 = highest cooling setting, cold
The temperature control is in the cover grille for
the compressor department on the right-hand
side wall of the freezer. Malfunctions
You may be able to rectify the following faults by checking
the possible causes yourself:
Storage • Appliance does not function:
- Is the plug correctly fitted in the mains socket?
The appliance is suitable for storing ice cream and ready-
- Is the socket fuse intact?
frozen foods. It must not be filled higher than the stacking mark
on the inside of the freezer. • The temperature is not low enough:
- Is the temperature setting correct (see „Setting the temperature“)?
- Does the separately installed thermometer show the correct read-
Temperature display - Is the ventilation system working properly?
(depending on model and options) - Is the appliance set up too close to a heat source?
The thermometer shows the warmest frozen food temperature. If none of the above causes apply
and you cannot rectify the fault
yourself, contact the nearest cus-
tomer service department stating
the type of appliance ➊, service
number ➋ and appliance number
➌ as indicated on the type plate.
The type plate is located on the
rear of the appliance.

Shutting your appliance down

Special features If your appliance is to be shut down for any length of time, switch
Barrel lock: it off and disconnect the plug or remove the fuse. Clean the appli-
Appliances with a sliding lid can be ance and leave the lid open in order to prevent unpleasant smells.
locked with a barrel lock. Place the
barrel lock in the opening provided After decommissioning, the appliance must be stored or
in the lid, turn the key and remove. transported on its housing feet or castors! If not, the refrig-
erant circuit can become blocked.

Do not leave the appliance in direct sunlight either when it

is switched on or when it is in storage - there is the risk of
plastic part deformation.

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