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Subject : English Class: Time

Theme : World Of Knowledge Focus skill: Speaking
Language MINDS
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity: LESSO
Worksheet, audio. Communication, collaboration.
Language/Grammar focus:
Recycled food vocabulary from lesson 117 – 119, I’ve got, Prepositions, Help me, please

M 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly C 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print
and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies

M 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using suitable words

from word sets C 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of
very simple phrases and sentences

M At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to sing the song and describe food using suitable prepositions correctly.

C At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to read and sing the song correctly.

1. Brainstorm with pupils possible ways of adapting the song in Superminds p.48 (Lesson 119).

2. Possibilities include: a different character name, different food, different prepositions.

3. Do an example together with the whole class for the first 2 lines of verse 2 of the song.
4. Help pupils with new vocabulary as appropriate.

1. Divide pupils into pairs or small groups and ask them to create a new song.
2. Provide pupils with a language frame to help them structure the song.
3. Pupils create their song.
DEVELOPMENT 4. They can write the song down, but must also be able to sing it.
5. Pupils sing their song to other groups.

1. Ask 1 or 2 groups of pupils to take turns to sing their song to the rest of the class.

III. POST LESSON 2. Use the karaoke version. of the song for pupils to sing in groups.
3. Write prompts for verses 2 and 4 on the board to help the class join in with the song.


a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to sing the song and describe Lesson postpone:
M food using suitable prepositions correctly. a. Course c. CRK

a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to read and sing the song b. Sick leave d. Meeting
C correctly. Other :

Tommy’s in the ________________ ,

Come and take him out!
Tommy’s in the ________________ ,
Come and take him out!

I’ve got __________________________________ my

I’ve got __________________________________ my
I’ve got __________________________________ my
Help! Oh, help me, please!

Tommy’s in the ________________ ,

Come and take him out!
Tommy’s in the ________________ ,
Come and take him out!

I’ve got __________________________________ my

I’ve got __________________________________ my
I’ve got __________________________________ my
Help! Oh, help me, please!

Tommy’s in the ________________ ,

Come and take him out!
Tommy’s in the ________________ ,
Come and take him out!

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