P AND P AS TOPICS1 Supervisor Level

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By Wlaa ahmed


1. You are using the volumetric method to control a gas influx in vertical well bore.
When will the maximum pressure at casing shoe be reached? 2
Please select 2 answers
a) When the top of gas reaches the casing shoe.
b) When the bottom of gas rises above the BHA.
c) When the well shut in.
d) When the top of gas reaches surface.
e) When the bottom of the gas reaches the casing shoe.

2. There is a gas kick and the well is shut in with no float in the drill string. Due to a
power failure on the rig, the kill operation is delayed. As a result, the influx begins to
What will happen to the drill pipe pressure and casing pressure? 1
a) Both the drill pipe pressure and the casing pressure increase, but the casing
pressure increases more than the drill pipe pressure.
b) The drill pipe pressure and casing pressure are not affected by the gas
c) Both the drill pipe pressure and casing pressure increase by approximately
the same amount.
d) Both the drill pipe pressure and casing pressure increase, but the drill pipe

pressure increase more than the casing pressure.

3. A fresh water kick (with no associated gas) is circulated out of a vertical well a
surface BOP stack using water-based drilling fluid.
When will the surface casing pressure reach its maximum? 1
a) Just after the kill fluid reaches the bit.
b) Only when the kick reaches the casing shoe.
c) When the kick is circulated out to surface.
d) Immediately after the well is shut in and pressure stabilize.

4. When circulating a gas kicks from a well using the driller method. What
happens to the casing shoe pressure once all of the influx is above the
casing shoe? 1
a) The casing shoe pressure will stay the same.
b) The casing shoe pressure will increase.
c) The casing shoe pressure will decrease.

5. You are using the first circulation of the driller method to kill the well.
What will happen to casing shoe pressure once you have circulated all the
influx into the cased hole section? 1
a) The casing shoe pressure will still stay the same.
b) The casing shoe pressure will increase.
c) The casing shoe pressure will decrease.

6. At what stage of kill operation can choke pressure reading exceeds

MAASP without breaking down the formation at the shoe? 1
a. As kill fluid is circulated to the bit.
b. When the influx is in the open hole section.
c. When the influx is on the bottom.
d. When the influx is above the casing shoe


1. The pit level increase when the pumps are off, but the pit level stays
constant when the pumps are running. What could be the problem? 1
a) The HP is greater than FP.
b) The pumps have failed.
c) The pump pressure is greater than HP.
d) APLs (annular pressure loss) are creating an overbalance that prevents
the well from flowing.

4-Warning signs

1. While drilling along at steady rate, the derrick man asks the driller to
reduce the pump rate so the shakers can handle an increase in cuttings
in the mud returns.
What should the driller do? 1

a) Stop pumping and flow check, if there is no flow, circulate bottom up

at reduced rate so that shakers can handle the cuttings volume.
b) Reduce the pump rate until the shakers can handle the capacity of
cuttings in the mud returns.
c) Stop the pumps and flow check, if there is no flow, continue at the
same rate allowing the excess to bypass the shakers and get caught
in the sand traps.
d) Stop pumping and flow check, if there is no flow, continue using the
original drilling parameters.

2. At bottoms up after a connection, the mud loggers report an increase in

gas level, shortly after, the gas level returns to normal, what is the
safest action for driller to take?
a) Increase weight on bit to compensate for increase in gas. Stop flow
checking on connections.
b) Carefully monitor for additional warning signs as formation pressure
may be increasing.
c) Increase the pump speed to control gas levels after a connection.
d) Call the mud logger to confirm that their instruments have been
calibrated within last week.

3. While drilling. The Driller reports to the supervisor that the cutting
returning to the shakers are becoming bigger and more angular in
shape. The mud logger also reports that there is a significant increase
in background gas. What should the supervisor do? 1
a) Instruct the mud Engineer to increase the drilling fluid density in the
active system.
b) Instruct the Driller to operate the vacuum degasser.
c) Instruct the Driller to reduce the ROP to reduce background gas
d) Instruct the Driller to stop drilling. And flow checks the well.

2. While drilling, the driller reports to the supervisor that the cutting
returning to the shakers become splintered. What should the supervisor
do? 1

a) This may be a kick warning sign, so communicate with the mud

loggers to assess if there are other warning signs.
b) This is normal, request a change of shaker screens.
c) This is a positive kick indicator, so instruct the driller to shut in the
d) This is normal, request for the return flow to by-pass the shale

3. There is a sudden increase, and then decrease in the drilling fluid

measured gas percentage at bottom up from a connection. What should
you instruct the driller to do? 1
a) Call the mud loggers to confirm that their instruments have been calibrated
within the last week.
b) Increase the WOB to compensate for the increase in gas, and stop flow
checking on connections.
c) Carefully monitor the ROP and shut in the well if ROP increases or
d) Carefully monitor for additional warning signs as formation pressure may be

4. The measured gas percentage in the drilling fluid increased from 8% to

9% over the past three days. What should you instruct the driller to
do?? (Choose 1 answer)
a) Call the mud loggers to confirm that their instruments have been
calibrated within the last week.
b) Circulate bottoms up before making connections and monitor for an
increase in the gas percentage.
c) Increase WOB to compensate for the increase in gas and stop flow
checking on connections.
d) Carefully monitor for additional warning signs, as formation pressure
maybe increasing.
5. During well operations the drilling fluid becomes gas-cut flow check
results are negative, what is the impact of the gas cut drilling fluid on
the operation?
a) This is normal and will affect ongoing operations.
b) This is a kick warning sign, run the vacuum degasser.
c) This is appositive kick indicator and the well must be flow checked.
d) This is appositive kick indicator and the well must be shut in.

6. While the rig is drilling a head measured drilling fluid gas level gradually
increase, and gas cutting is seen at the shakers with no indications of well
flowing, what action is required?
a. This is trip gas.
b. This is re-circulated air.
c. This is connection gas.
d. This is back ground gas which indicates a formation change and/or a
formation pressure increase instruct the crew to switch on the vacuum
degasser and prepare to increase the mud weight.

5-PUMPING PILL or slugs(1)

1. A heavy mud pill is circulated around a well. When will BHP start
to increase? Ignore dynamic pressure losses in the well? 1
a) When the driller starts to pump the pill into the drill string.
b) When the driller starts to displace the pill into the annulus.
c) When the driller has pumped the all pill into the drill string
before it exits the bit.
d) When the driller has pumped the entire pill into the annulus.


1. What one positive indicator that the well is flowing? 1

a) An increase in gas cut drilling fluid.
b) An increase in torque.
c) A decrease in pump pressure.
d) An increase in flow returns.
2. While drilling which action can help you detect a kick early? 1
a) Reduce the range of PVT ( pit volume totalizer ) high and low alarm
b) Continue operating the solid control equipment during connections.
c) Allow drilling fluid losses by overflowing the shakers.
d) Allow mud system transfers from the reserve pits while drilling a


1. You plan to trip out of the well to change the bit.

You decided to pull 10 stands and then run back to bottom (check
trip) and circulate bottom up.

What is the main reason for doing a check trip? 1

a) To test that drill crew is ready for tripping.

b) So that pipe can be pulled to surface at faster rate and minimize the
risk of swabbing.
c) To verify that primary well control can be maintained when pulling
pipe out of the well.
d) To allow the mud at the bit to cool down before pulling out of the hole.


2. After pulling ten stands out of the hole, the fluid it takes to fill the
hole is less than calculated on the trip sheet.
What action is required? 1
a) Flow check, if there is no flow, continue to pull out of the hole to
b) Flow check, if there is no flow, run back to bottom while monitoring
c) Pump the remaining stands out of the hole.
d) Flow check, if there is no flow, displace a heavy slug into annulus
and continue to pull out of hole.
3. You are running casing with a self- filling float assembly across a
pressured formation. At the casing shoe, you convert to float, how
do you confirm that the self-fill assembly has converted correctly?
a) Confirm that the return from the well equal the closed end volume of
the casing that was run in the hole.
b) Check the hook load increase by the buoyed weight of steel run in the
c) Confirm that the return from the well equal the steel displacement.
d) Reverse circulate and measure the number of strokes pumped before
mud flow out of the casing.

4. Using the trip sheet below, what action should the supervisor

Note: The pipe will be pulled dry.

DP Capacity = 0.0178 bbl/ft
DP Displacement = 0.0068 bbl/ft
Calculated Trip tank
Length Total
Stands Displace Volu
pulle Length
Pulled ment me
d (ft) (ft)
(bbl) (bbl)
- - - - 15

1-5 470 470 3.2 11.8

6 - 10 473 943 3.2 8.6

11 - 20 945 1888 6.4 2.2

15 bbl added to trip tank 17.2

21 - 30 942 2830 6.4 10.8

31 - 40 944 3744 6.4 4.4

(Choose 1 answer)

a) As the BHA is still below the casing shoe, stop tripping, flow check
the well.
b) As the trip is going as expected, continue tripping.
c) As the driller should have flow checked the well before filling the trip
tank, stop tripping.
d) As the calculated displacement are incorrect, flow check and
circulate the well

5. Using the trip sheet below, what action should the supervisor
Note: The pipe will be pulled dry.

DP Capacity = 0.0177 bbl/ft

DP Displacement = 0.0069 bbl/ft
Trip tank
Stands Length Total Calculated
Pull pulle Lengt Displacem
ed d (ft) h (ft) ent (bbl)
- - - - 15

1-5 462 462 3.2 11.8

6 - 10 464 926 3.2 8.6

11 - 20 930 1856 6.4 3

15 bbl added to trip tank 18

21 - 30 928 2784 6.4 11.6

31 - 40 927 3711 6.4 5.2

(Choose 1 answer)

a) Stop tripping, flow check the well. If flow is confirmed, run back to
b) Stop tripping, flow check the well. If there is no flow, circulate the
c) Stop tripping, flow check the well. If there is no flow, run back to
d) Stop tripping, flow check the well. If there is no flow, continue to


6. What well control problem can happen when using self- filling floats? 1
a) Fluid in the annulus is less likely to maintain hydrostatic head when u tubing.
b) If the self-filling float fails, it can completely plug the casing string and annulus.
c) If float fails to convert it may result in uncontrolled flow in the casing string.
d) By running casing more quickly, you reduce the ability to monitor returns

7. Long series electric logs will be run in a well with small overbalance.
What is the safest action to take? 1
A. Reduce the number of electric logs to be run.
B. Replace a set of shear/blind rams with a set of pipe rams.
C. Install and pressure test the appropriate riser/lubricator assembly.
D. Run the logs, as no additional equipment is required.

8. What action helps to prevent swabbing?

a) Pump out of the hole while tripping out of the hole
b) Pumping a heavy slug before pulling out of the hole.
c) Installing a non-return valve (NRV) in the drill string.
d) Monitor trip tank levels


1. You are running casing using a conventional double float system when you
start to experience minor losses. What should you do? 1
a) Continue running casing at a reduced speed while carefully monitoring returns.
b) Increase casing running speed and start the cement job as quickly as possible.
c) Reduce the drilling fluid density used to fill the casing until losses stop.
d) Stop running casing and pump lost circulation materials immediately.

2. What can you do to reduce the risk of surging before running casing? 1
a. Circulate and condition drilling fluid in the well.
b. Calculate drilling fluid displacement volumes.
c. Keep drilling fluid static for 24 hours before running casing.
d. Fill the trip tank with drilling fluid from the active system.

9-Shut in data(12)

1. The driller shuts in a well on a kick. There is a float valve in the drill string.
What should the driller do to determine the shut-in drill pipe pressure in order
to calculate the kill fluid density? 1

a) Remove the top drive and drop the float opening tool to read SIDPP.
b) As the SIDPP cannot be read, start raising the fluid density by small increments.
c) Pump very slowly into the drill string, when the casing pressure rises, the pressure
on the DP is SIDPP.
d) Use the annulus pressure instead of the SIDPP to calculate the kill fluid density.

2. A well is shut in on a surface BOP installation, and the pressure reading are:
SIDPP: 435 psi.
SICP: 0 psi.
What is the most likely reason for this SICP? 1
a) The hole is packed off around the BHA.
b) The well is swabbed in.
c) The drill string has twisted off.
d) The formation at the shoe is fractured.

3. There was a delay in shutting in the well and a large influx was taken. How would this
affect surface shut-in pressures?
a) It will result in a higher SICP and a lower SIDPP.
b) It will result in higher SICP but SIDPP will not be affected.
c) It will result in a higher SIDPP requiring a heavier kill fluid density.
d) It will result in higher SIDPP and SICP.

4. While drilling ahead, well kicks and is shut in. the SIDPP and SICP begin to
increase and then suddenly the SICP drops, followed by a sudden drop in
What may have happened? 1
a. The drill string has washed out.
b. Gas has started to migrate up the well bore.
c. The bottom hole assembly has packed off.
d. A weak formation has broken down.

5. The driller shuts in a well on a kick. The DPP is zero because There is a float
valve (non ported) in the drill string.
What action should be taken to establish the shut-in drill pipe pressure

a) Bring the pump up to kill rate.

b) Pump at kill rate into drill pipe and annulus.
c) Pump very slowly into the drill string with the well shut in, when the casing pressure
start to rise, stop the pump and read SIDPP, this is SIDPP.
d) Shear the pipe and read SIDPP.

6. A vertical well with a surface BOP stack is shut in on a kick. The pressure
reading are:


SICP : 630 PSI

What is the reason for difference in two readings? 1

a) The influx has a lower density than drilling fluid.

b) The BOP was closed too fast and caused trapped pressure in the system.
c) The influx is already in the casing.
d) The influx has a higher density than the drilling fluid.

7. You are fingerprinting connections during the current operation. On the last
connection. The drain back and return flow are faster than you have previously

The well is shut in, and the stabilized pressure read:

SICP: 225 psi

SIDPP: 0 psi.

There is a non-ported float in the drill string.

After bumping the float, pressure now reed:

SICP: 250 psi

SIDPP: 160 psi

How do you interpret this data? 1

a) This indicates that the well is stable.

b) This indicates an influx.
c) This indicates that there is lost circulation.
d) This indicates that the driller has not fully charged the drill string.

8. You have been fingerprinting connections while drilling the current well
section with Annular Pressure Loss (APL) 350 psi while circulating. On the last
connection the drain back and the return flow were faster than had been seen
previously. The well is shut-in giving a stabilized Shut in Casing Pressure
(SICP) of 225 psi. There is a non-ported float in the drill string so you do not
have a Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure (SIDPP) reading. What action should you
take to confirm potential kick indicator? (Choose 1 answer)
a) As the SICP is less than APL, open the BOP and continue with the connection.
b) As the SICP is less than APL, bleed off the SICP by 350 psi and monitor well.
c) Bump the float to get SIDPP. If the SICP is greater than SIDPP, this is normal you
can continue to make connection.
d) Carefully pump the float open to get SIDPP .confirm there is pressure on the drill
pipe and circulate the well through the open choke.

9. SICP is usually higher than SIDPP.

If there was a large volume of cuttings in the annular space, how would this
affect the pressure reading? 1
a) It would not affect pressure reading.
b) SICP would be lower than expected.
c) SICP would be higher than expected

10. What would the SIDPP read if 10 bbl. of gas 0.1 psi/ft. is swabbed into the
horizontal section of an 8-1/2 inch well?
Well data.
Current fluid density: 12 ppg.
TVD: 12895 ft.
Hole capacity: 0.0820 bbl./ft. (1 answer)
a) 80 psi.
b) 65 psi.
c) 8180 psi.
d) 0 psi.

11. When drilling horizontal section of a well, there is a gas kick and the well shut
If the influx is in the horizontal section what SIDPP and SICP values would you
expect to see on the pressure gauges? 1
a) SICP would be higher than SIDPP.
b) SIDPP would be higher than SICP.
c) SIDPP would be the same as SICP.


1. In addition to volume handling capacity of the choke and annular friction

losses during the kill operation, what other factor do you need to consider
when selecting the SCR slow circulation rate ? 1
a) The burst pressure of the casing.
b) The MGS handling capacity.
c) The size of the bit nozzles.
d) The volume capacity of vacuum degasser.

2. What factor should be considered when selecting the pump rate to kill the
well? 1
a) The depth of casing shoe.
b) The vacuum degasser capacity.
c) The mud gas separator (MGS) capacity.
d) The size of casing.

3. In addition to the handling capacity of MGS and the annular friction losses
during the kill operation. What other factor do you need to consider when
selecting the slow circulating rate (SCR)? 1
a) The burst pressure of the casing.
b) The volume capacity of the vacuum degasser.
c) The size of the bit nozzle.
d) The volume handling capacity of the choke.

4. Before drilling out the surface casing shoe, why are circulating pressures
taken at different kill rates? 1
a) To establish the required tank level to kill the well.
b) To establish the output volume of the kill pump.
c) To circulate (establish) a safe kill rate to minimise the effect of ECD.
d) To circulate the kill and choke lines to clean water.

5. In addition to the handling capacity of MGS and the volume handling

capacity of the choke during the kill operation, what other factor do you
need to consider when selecting the SCR? 1
a) The burst pressure of the casing.
b) The annular friction losses during the kill operation.
c) The size of the bit nozzles.
d) The volume capacity of vacuum degasser.

6. In addition to the volume handling capacity of the choke and the annular losses
during the kill operation, what other factor do you need to consider when selecting
the slow circulating rate (SCR)? 1
a) The burst pressure of the casing.
b) The volume capacity of the vacuum degasser.
c) The size of the bit nozzle.
d) The MGS handling capacity.


1. What is one condition required for a successful leak off test? 1

a) There must be a constant drilling fluid density in the well.
b) The ICP must be used.
c) The hole must be drilled to total depth (TD).
d) The casing pressure test value will equal the LOT value.

2. Which parameters would affect the LOT pressure? 1

a) The volume of the fluid in the annulus from casing shoe to surface.
b) The fluid pump circulation rate.
c) The hydrostatic pressure at the casing shoe.
d) The pressure limit for the fluid pump.
3. Which factors can affect the MAASP?
a. The maximum allowable pump pressure, the low gravity
solids content of the drilling fluids, and the pump efficiency.
b. The water loss of the drilling fluid, the formation pressure
at the casing shoe, and the solids content of the drilling
c. The diameter of the last casing string, the fracture of the
formations behind the casing shoe, and the kill fluid
d. The depth of the last casing shoe, the fracture pressure of
the formation at the casing shoe and the drilling fluid

4. When performing LOT which parameters must be accurately measured and

recorded? 1
e) Fluid volume in open hole. Density of fluid used and TVD.
a) Fluid volume pumped. Density of fluid used and TVD.
b) Fluid volume in casing, and MD.
c) Pumping time until the leak off and MD.

5. The drilling programme requires that the casing shoe is drilled out and
leak-off test (LOT) is performed 12 feet below the shoe depth. However,
premixed mud is added to the active system and the fluid density in the
suction tank is varying by 0.5 ppg.
In this situation, which action is required to give an accurate LOT result? 1
a. Using the cement unit, slowly pump down the drill pipe using pump
pressure for LOT.
b. Stop the pump after every 10 gallons and use the established drill pipe
pressure for the LOT.
c. Select the lowest fluid density and use it to perform the LOT.
d. Condition the fluid until you are certain of constant fluid density in the well,
before doing LOT.

6. Which critical pressure is calculated using the results of LOT? 1

a) ICP.
c) FCP.
d) Dynamic casing pressure.

7. Which conditions are required to complete an accurate leak-off test? 1

a) An accurate hole capacity. An accurate stroke counter. And the exact
vertical depth of casing shoe.
b) The exact fluid density, an appropriate pressure gauge, accurate
measurement of pumped volume, and the exact vertical depth of the
casing shoe.
c) The exact fluid density, an accurate stroke counter, And the exact vertical
depth of casing shoe.
d) A fluid density sample, a fully rated pressure gauge, the calculated pump
volume, and the exact vertical depth of the casing shoe.

8. Which information do you need for an accurate LOT? 2

a) The fluid pump circulating rate for the next drilling operation.
b) The pressure limit for the fluid pump.
c) TVD of the casing shoe.
d) The volume of fluid in the annulus from casing shoe to surface.
e) The fluid density in the well.
9. In which situation would you expect formation fracture pressure to change?
a) When the SIDPP is higher than the MAASP.
b) When drilling into a new open hole formation.
c) Every time the drilling fluid density is changed.
d) On the BHA or bit is changed.

10. Which conditions in a well increase the risk of reaching the MAASP during a well kill
operation? 3 ANS.
a. Small bit nozzles.
b. A small influx.
c. A large difference between formation breakdown pressure and mud
hydrostatic pressure.
d. A long open hole section.
e. A short open hole section.
f. A large influx.
g. A small difference between formation breakdown pressure and mud
hydrostatic pressure.

12-Killing methods

1. During the second circulation of the driller’s method. Which pressure must be
kept constant when kill fluid is pumped to the bit to keep the BHP constant? 1
a) The casing pressure.
b) The well head pressure.
c) The drill pipe pressure.
d) Accumulator pressure.
2. You have used the wait and weight method after the well takes a kick.
You note that drill pipe pressure and casing pressure both read 100 psi. There are no
trapped pressures in the system.
What should you do next? 1
a) Recalculate the kill fluid density. Then begin a new kill with the new values.
b) Open the BOP.
c) Continue to circulate.
d) Bleed off the annulus 3 bbl. per step

3. When circulating a gas influx to surface, which kill method minimizes the surface
casing pressure?
a) Wait and weight
b) Driller volumetric
c) The bullheading
d) Driller

4. Which statement is correct when comparing the driller’s method with the wait and
weight method?
a) The driller method allows you to start circulating out the influx sooner than the
wait and weight method.
b) The wait and weight method allows you to start circulating out the influx sooner
than the driller method.
c) The driller method gives a lower choke pressure than the wait and weight
d) wait and weight method requires more circulation time to kill the well than the
driller’s method.

5. A kick is shut in on a surface BOP stack. No kill rate circulation pressures are
What procedure should be used to determine the correct initial circulation pressure
(ICP?) 1
a) When starting to kill the well, keep the choke pressure as close to the
shut in casing pressure (SICP) as possible. When the selected kill pump
rate is reached. Read the drill pipe pressure and use it as the ICP.
b) Contact the driller’s Method as the drill pipe pressure does not change
during circulation and the shut in casing pressure (SICP) can be used to
maintain constant ICP.
c) Contact the mud logger and request an estimate of the ICP to kill the
d) Check the records and use the kill rate circulating pressure the driller
recorded when the previous BHA was closest to the kick depth. Add a
safety margin as a precaution.
6. How would determine the ICP on surface stack BOP when the kill rate circulating
pressure is unknown? 1
a) Add 400 psi to casing pressure and bring the pump up to kill rate when using
the choke to keep CP constant.
b) Bring the pump up to kill rate while keeping the CP constant. This circulating
pressure equals ICP.
c) Circulating at desired SPM to circulate out the kick, but hold 200 psi back
pressure on drill pipe side with the choke.
d) Add 1000 psi to the SIDPP and circulate out the kick.

7. A gas kick is being circulated out on a surface BOP installation using the driller
method. What happens to BHP if casing pressure is held constant while the gas
is being circulated from the BH to surface? 1
a) BHP decrease.
b) BHP increases.
c) BHP doesn’t change.

8. While killing a well the pump speed is increased while the BHP is kept constant
what will happen to the casing pressure? 1
a) Casing pressure will decrease.
b) Casing pressure will increase.
c) Casing pressure will remain the same.

9. On a surface BOP installation, the driller’s Method is used to kill the well.
SIDPP: 500 psi
SICP : 900 psi
After the first circulation:
SIDPP: 500 psi
SICP : 650 psi
Which action should be taken? 1
a) Bullhead the annulus until the SICP is decreased by 500 psi.
b) Continue with the first circulation of the driller’s method until kick is circulated
out. Then pumping kill mud, start the second circulation of the driller method.
c) Continue with second circulation of driller’s method, holding the casing
pressure constant until kill fluid reaches the bit.
d) Reverse circulate until SICP is decreased by 500 psi.

10. How is the SICP used in well control? 1

a) To maintain BHP during pump start up.
b) To calculate the FCP.
c) To determine the required kill rate.
d) To calculate the fluid density required to control the well.

11. During a kill operation, the choke is adjusted to increase drill pipe pressure by
200 psi, while pump speed is maintained at a constant 30 SPM .
What will happen to casing pressure? 1
a) Casing pressure will increase.
b) Casing pressure will stay the same.
c) Casing pressure will decrease.

12. During a kill operation the choke is adjusted to increase drill pipe pressure by 200 PSI while
pump speed is maintained at a constant 30 SPM.

What will happen to the casing shoe pressure?

a) Casing shoe pressure will increase.

b) Casing shoe pressure will stay the same.
c) Casing shoe pressure will decrease.

13. When starting a kill operation on a surface BOP installation, the choke pressure
is kept constant while bringing the pump up to speed. The drill pipe gauge now
reads 200 psi higher than the calculated ICP.
What is the correct action to take? 1
a) Allow the casing pressure to increase by 200 psi by closing the choke.
b) Continue to circulate with the new ICP and adjust the calculated drill pipe
pressure schedule.
c) Open the choke and let the standpipe pressure drop to the calculated value
d) There will now be 200 psi over-balance on the bottom, which is acceptable. No
further action is required.

14. A kill operation is ready to start using the wait and wait method.
Kill fluid is ready to be pumped, but it takes 20 bbl to fill the surface lines.
What is the correct procedure to follow? 1
a) Re-set the stroke counter to zero when kill fluid reaches the drill pipe.
b) No action is required; there will be no effect on the drill pipe pressure schedule.
c) Subtract the 20 bbl. (converted to pump strokes) from total strokes to be
d) Add the 20 bbl. (converted to pump strokes) to the total strokes to be pumped.

15. While using the driller’s method, the first circulation removed the influx from the
well. Which actions are required for second circulation? 1
a) By adjusting the choke hold casing pressure constant while kill fluid is pumped to
b) By adjusting the choke, hold the casing pressure constant while kill fluid is pumped
from bit to surface.
c) By adjusting the choke, hold the drill pipe pressure constant while the pump is
brought up to kill speed.
d) By adjusting the choke, hold the drill pipe pressure constant while kill fluid is
pumped from surface to bit.
16. While using the wait and weight method to kill the well, the pump rate is reduced
while holding the casing pressure constant.
How will this affect BHP?
a) BHP will increase.
b) BHP will stay the same.
c) BHP will decrease.
17. On a surface BOP installation, which action should be taken while killing a well
using the wait and weight method?
a) Adjust the choke to hold casing pressure constant while kill fluid is pumped from
surface to bit.
b) Adjust the choke to hold the drill pipe pressure constant while kill fluid is pumped
from bit to surface at constant pump rate.
c) Adjust the choke to hold casing pressure constant while pump is brought up to kill
d) Adjust the pump speed to hold casing pressure constant while kill fluid is pumped
from pump to stand pipe.
e) Adjust the choke to hold the drill pipe pressure constant while kill fluid is pumped
from surface to bit.

18. While displacing the well with kill fluid using wait and weight method, when will
the FCP be reached? 1
a) Once the influx is circulated out of the hole.
b) When the kill fluid reaches the casing shoe.
c) When kill fluid is pumped down the drill string.
d) After kill fluid reaches the bit.
19. While displacing the well with kill fluid during the second circulation of the driller
method, when will the FCP be reached? 1
a) Once the influx is circulated out of the hole.
b) When the kill fluid reaches the casing shoe.
c) When (as) kill fluid is (being) pumped down the drill string.
d) After (when) kill fluid reaches the bit.

20. After the first circulation of driller method both SIDPP and SICP are equal. Which
action must be taken during the second circulation? 2 answers.
a) Shut in the well. Check that annular and stand pipe pressures are
approximately equal to original SIDPP after kill fluid has reached the bit.
b) Adjust the choke to maintain casing pressure constant, until kill fluid is at the
c) Adjust the choke to maintain drill pipe pressure constant, while the kill fluid is
pumped from the bit to surface.
d) Adjust the choke to maintain drill pipe pressure constant, until kill fluid is at the

21. While drilling a 17 ½” inch hole section in a vertical well, the driller detects a kick
and shuts in the well.
As there is a long open hole section and a low leak off test (LOT) value, there is
a risk of lost circulation during the well control operation.
Which well control method will minimize the well bore pressure below the
casing shoe?
a) The driller method.
b) The wait and weight method.
c) The volumetric method.
d) Bull heading.
22. During the second circulation of the driller method no influx is in the annulus, what
happens to the casing pressure while kill fluid is pumped to the bit?
a) Casing pressure will remain constant.
b) Casing pressure will decrease.
c) Casing pressure will increase.
23. Which kill method minimises the pressure generated in the annulus? 1
a) The driller method.
b) The volumetric method.
c) The wait and weight method.
d) The bull heading method.

24. A kick is circulated out at 40 SPM on surface BOP stack. Drill pipe pressure is
650 psi and casing pressure is 1050 psi. The pumps are slowed to 30 SPM while
maintaining 1050 psi on the casing gauge.
How will this affect BHP? Exclude any ECD effect. 1
a) BHP will decrease.
b) BHP will stay the same.
c) BHP will increase.

25. During a kill operation with surface BOP, which action is required to maintain
constant BHP when starting circulation? Ignore APL.
a) The pumps must be brought up to kill rate while holding CP constant.
b) The DP pressure should be kept constant while bringing the pumps up to kill
c) The pumps must be brought up to kill rate while increasing drill pipe pressure
by safety margin above the original SIDPP.
d) The pumps must be brought up to kill rate while reducing the CP by safety

26. On a surface BOP installation, the supervisor uses the wait and weight method to circulate
out a gas kick.
What will happen to BHP if the drill pipe pressure is kept constant when kill fluid is being
pumped to the bit? (Ignore pressure losses in the annulus). 1
a) BHP will increase.
b) BHP will decrease.
c) BHP will stay the same.

27. A kill operation is ready to start using the wait and wait method.
Kill fluid is ready to be pumped, but it takes 130 strokes to fill the surface lines.
What is the correct procedure to follow? 1

a) Reset the stroke counter to zero after 130 strokes are pumped.
b) No action is required; there will be no effect on the drill pipe pressure
c) Subtract the 20 bbl. (converted to pump strokes) from total strokes to
be pumped.
d) Add the 20 bbl. (converted to pump strokes) to the total strokes to be

28. In a vertical well with a long open hole section, which kill method will minimise the risk of
losses at the casing shoe?
a) The volumetric method.
b) The driller’s method.
c) The wait and weight method.
d) The bull heading method.
29. What actions can be taken to minimise pressure in the annulus during the kill operation if
drill pipe volume is less than the open volume? 2 ANS.
a) Choose a higher circulating rate.
b) Use the drillers’ method.
c) Maintain extra-pressure on the choke for safety.
d) Choose a lower circulating rate.
e) Use the wait and weight method.

13-Killing problems

1. While killing a well, the drill string is displaced to kill mud at constant pump
rate. There is a sudden loss in standpipe pressure. But no change in the
casing pressure.
If the choke was closed to compensate for the reduction in pressure. How
would this effect BHP? 1

a) BHP would remain constant.

b) BHP will decrease.
c) BHP pressure will increase.

2. During the second circulation of the driller method, a bit nozzle is suddenly lost while kill
fluid is pumped from surface to the bit.
In this situation, which pressure would remain constant?
a) The casing pressure
b) The drill pipe pressure.
c) No pressure will remain constant
d) The circulation pressure at kill rate.

3. During a well kill operation, how would the choke operator recognize if there was wash
out in the drill string?
a) If the choke operator has to continually close the choke to maintain the
previous circulation pressure.
b) If there was an increase in drill pipe with no change in casing pressure.
c) If the choke operator has to continually open the choke to maintain the
previous circulating pressure.
d) If there was a rapid increase in casing pressure with no change in drill pipe

4. During a well kill operation using the driller method, the choke pressure
suddenly increases by 150 psi.
After a short time, the operator sees the same pressure increase on the drill
pipe pressure gauge.
What is the most likely cause of this pressure increase? 1
a. A second influx has entered the well.
b. A plugged nozzle in the bit.
c. The choke is partially plugged.
d. A washout in the drill string.

5. During a well kill operation on a surface stack, a washout develops in the drill
string. What immediate action is required?
a) Swich to reverse circulation.
b) Pump lost circulation material (LCM).
c) Shut in the well and assess the situation.

6. During a well kill operation using the driller method, the choke pressure
suddenly increases by 150 psi.
After a short time, the operator sees the same pressure increase on the drill
pipe pressure gauge.
What is the correct action? 1

a) This is normal, continue with the operation.

b) Reduce the pump rate to decrease both pressures by 150.
c) Shut in the well and change to another choke.
d) Shut in the well and change to the spare stand pipe.

7. While killing a well with wait and weight method, a constant pump rate is used to displace
the drill string to kill fluid. The drill pipe pressure suddenly drops.
What is the safest action to take? 1
a. Close the choke to compensate for the pressure loss.
b. Increase the pump rate.
c. Shut in the well, and prepare a new drill pipe pressure schedule.
d. Continue the operation at the same pump rate.
8. Kill fluid is circulated down the drill string in a horizontal well. After the kill fluid reaches
the start of the 2000 feet long horizontal section, circulation is stopped and the well is
secured. What should the shut in drill pipe read? 1
a) The same as the SICP.
b) Kill fluid density divided by original mud density x 2000 ft. x 0.052.
c) The same as the original SIDPP.
d) Zero

9. The choke is gradually closed to compensate for a string washout.

What effect does the gradual closing of the choke have on BHP? 1

a) BHP decrease.
b) BHP increase.
c) The BHP will stay the same.

10. While circulating out a kick, the choke line between the hydraulic side outlet valve and the
choke manifold breaks. What action should be taken? 1

a) Stop the pumps and close the shear rams.

b) Stop the pumps and close the BOP side outlet hydraulic valve.
c) Stop the pumps and re-route through the kill line.
d) Stop the pumps and close the choke.

11. Which factors should be affected by a string washout during a well kill operation? 2
a) The final circulation pressure.
b) The formation fracture pressure.
c) The slow circulating rate pressure.
d) The kick tolerance.
e) The casing pressure.
12. Which factors could be affected by a string washout during a well kill operation? 2
a. The final circulation pressure.
b. The formation fracture pressure.
c. The bottom hole pressure
d. The kick tolerance.
e. The mud density

13. While starting a well kill, the remote choke stuck in the open position.
Which action is required?

a. Decrease the pump rate to allow time to open the manual choke.
b. Without stopping the pump, changes over to the manual choke.
c. Stop the pump and close the valve upstream of the choke.
d. Increase the pump rate to increase the annular friction loss.

14. A vertical well on a surface BOP installation is killed using the wait and weight method,
initially, a quantity of original drilling fluid is pumped down the well instead of kill fluid.
The quantity pumped is equivalent to a volume of 1000 ft of drill pipe.
What a action is required? 1
a) Stop the pump and shut the well in. Evaluate pressures, reset stroke
counter and restart circulation.
b) Ignore it, this mistake will only have a small effect on BHP.
c) Bleed off the pressure from the drill pipe until the pumped volume is
d) Increase the back pressure by equivalent difference in drilling fluid

15. During a well kill operation after open hole volume has been pumped. There are small
mud losses. What is the first action to take to reduce the pressure at the lost zone? 1
a) Reduce drilling fluid viscosity.
b) Reduce the fluid pump speed, keeping BHP as close to formation
pressure as possible.
c) Stop circulation and shut in the well, allow the influx to migrate to
surface. While controlling the BHP using the volumetric method.
d) Stop circulation, secure the well and prepare to bullhead.
16. Found Gas percentage on shale shaker very high, reduce pump rate but still very high
What is your action?
a) transfer from M.G.S to vacuum dresser immediately
b) shut in the well , reestablish hydrostatic pressure inside M.G.S &
circulate through it
c) continue circulation , gas level will decrease with time

17. During a well kill operation, the gas alarm at the shale shakers activates.
The pump rate is decreased from 25 to 15 SPM, but the gas level at the shale
shakers remains very high.
What is the most appropriate action to eliminate the high gas levels at the
shale shakers? 1
a) Direct the return from MGS to Vacuum degasser.
b) Continue the kill with 15 spm as these high gas level decreases as
the killing process progresses, as a precaution keep all persons
away from the shaker area.
c) Open the second choke to double the flow rate to MGS.
d) Shut the well in, restore the liquid seal in MGS and continue to kill
the well with a reduced circulation rate.

18. During well killing operation wash out developed in the string and the operator hold
casing pressure constant , what is the effect of this reaction on BHP ?

a) BHP increase.
b) BHP decrease.
c) BHP stay the same

19. When circulating out a kick in a deep well, with a deep casing shoe ,the choke pressure
approaches the MAASP while the influx is still in the open hole.
What is the most important action to take?

a) Increase the pump speed to quickly get the influx into the casing.
b) Minimize any extra pressure in the annulus without allowing bottom
hole pressure (BHP) to fall below formation pressure.
c) Start pumping drilling fluid with a higher density than needed to kill the
well down the drill string.
d) Keep the casing pressure at MAASP by operating the choke.

20. You are circulating an influx to surface using the first circulation of the Driller’s method.
The pump speed remains constant but the circulating pressure increases rapidly from 1100
psi to 1500 psi.
Which action should you take? 1
a) Adjust the circulating pressure to 1100 psi, by adjusting the choke
and maintaining pump speed constant.
b) Stop the pump, shut the well in, monitor the stabilised pressure, and
investigate the problem.
c) Adjust the kill fluid density to compensate for increase in well
d) Adjust the circulating pressure to 1100 psi by adjusting the pump
21. While circulating in a well control situation, the mud gas separator (MGS) pressure
indicator shows that you are about to lose the liquid seal. What immediate action is
a) Stop pumping. Fully open the choke to bleed off the gas.re-establish an
effective liquid seal. Continue operations with a reduced flow rate.
b) Stop pumping. Shut in the well. Re-establish an effective liquid seal.
Continue operations with a reduced flow rate.
c) Continue pumping at the established flow rate. Open the manifold blow
down line to reduce the gas flow to the MGS.
d) Continue pumping at the established flow rate. close the choke to reduce
gas flow.

22. During well kill operation you see casing pressure rapidly increasing.
You tell the driller to shut down the pump to prevent over pressure the open hole.
What could have caused the rapid increase in casing pressure? 1
a) A plugged choke.
b) A washout in the drill pipe.
c) A lost bit nozzle.
d) A plugged bit nozzle.


1. A well is shut in on a 25 bbl. influx. The influx is gas condensate (with both gas and liquid
SIDPP 500 psi
SICP 660 psi
There is a total pump failure and the influx starts to migrate. Drill pipe and casing
pressures starts to increase.
If the choke was used to keep casing pressure constantan at 660 psi, what would happen
to BHP? 1
a) The BHO does not change.
b) The BHP increases.
c) The BHP decreases.

2. A well is shut in on a 25 bbl. influx. The influx is gas condensate (with both gas and liquid
SIDPP 500 psi
SICP 660 psi
There is a total pump failure and the influx starts to migrate. Drill pipe and casing starts to
If the choke was used to keep DP pressure constantan at 500 psi, what would happen to
BHP? 1
A. The BHP does not change.
B. The BHP increases.
C. The BHP decreases.
3. While drilling, there is 10 bbl. Gas kick and the well is shut in with the bit on bottom.
The pressures at surface stabilize after a few minutes.
Due to problems with the pumps, the kill operation cannot start. After an hour, the
pressures at surface increase because of gas migration.
What action is required to keep the bottom hole pressure constant? (Assume there is
no float valve in the string.) 1
a. No action is required as gas migration will not affect the BHP.
b. Bleed off the drilling fluid from the choke to reduce the drill pipe
pressure until it returns to the original SIDPP.
c. Start bleeding off drilling fluid at the choke, and allow the casing
pressure to decrease to the original SICP.
d. Bleed off drilling fluid at the choke, keeping the casing pressure

4. Shortly after starting the first circulation of driller’s method. The drill pipe becomes
plugged and you cannot circulate or read the drill pipe pressure. You have indications that
the gas kick is migrating.
Which well control procedures should you apply? 1
a) The volumetric method.
b) The driller method
c) Reverse circulation.
d) The wait and weight method.
5. During a well kill, there is a washout in the drill string with the influx below the washout.
What is the safest action to take?
a) Stop pumping. Use the volumetric method until the influx is below the BOP.
Begin to lubricate fluid into the well and bleed of the influx.
b) Pumping lost circulation material (LCM) at the maximum pump rate until
the influx is above the washout. Continue the well kill operation.
c) Increase the pump rate to its maximum until the influx is above the
washout. Then reduce the pump rate to the original kill rate.
d) Stop pumping. Follow volumetric stripping control procedures and strip out
of the hole to locate the washout in the drill string. Replace washout joints.
And complete the well kill with the bit off bottom.

6. During a well control operation, the middle pipe rams are closed and shut in against 4000
The spacing between rams allows you to strip the tool joint down through the middle pipe
Ram type BOP data:
Rated working pressure: 15000 psi.
Nominal size: 7 1/16 inch.
Closing ratio :6.9.
Opening ratio: 2.2.
Before stripping the pipe in the hole, what action must be taken first? 1
e) Close the bottom ram and bleed off the pressure from above.
f) Close the upper pipe rams above the tool joint, pressure the space
between the middle and upper pipe rams to 4000 psi, then open the
middle pipe ram.
g) Close the bottom rams and bleed off the pressure from above.
h) Close the upper pipe rams above the tool joint. Then open the
middle pipe rams.

7. During a kill operation, the pump rate is increased and the choke is adjusted, while
holding the casing pressure constant. If the influx is above the casing shoe, how will
this change in pump speed affect the casing shoe pressure? ( assume annular
friction pressure losses are zero) 1
a. Casing shoe pressure will remain the same.
b. Casing shoe pressure will decrease.
c. Casing shoe pressure will increase.


1. When should a stripping drill be done? 1

a) When performing open hole logging operations.
b) When the drill string is out of the hole.
c) When the drill string is in the open hole.
d) When the drill string is inside the casing.

2. As per API RP 59, which is good practice for well control drills? 1
a) The drill is announced, so everyone knows there is a drill.
b) The drill scheduled when the crew changes.
c) The drill scheduled after the casing is drilled out.
d) The drill should not be announced, so everyone is unaware that
there is a drill.


1. According to API standard 53, what actions are required if a well barrier element fails a
pressure test? 1
a) Tightening, repair or any other work can be done only after verification
that all the pressure has been released; all parties must agree there is
no potential for trapped pressure.
b) Tightening, repair or any other work can be done if test pressure is
reduced by half; there is no need to consult with other parties.
c) Tightening, repair or any other work can be done with the test
pressure still applied to the element. All parties must agree before
work starts.
d) One of the drill crew should be posted next to the equipment being
tested to check for leaks. If they are leaks then they should be
tightened immediately.
e) One of the drill crew should be posted next to the equipment being
tested for leaks. If there are leaks then they should be tightened


1. What fluid additives are commonly used to prevent or remove hydrates?

Please select two answers 2
a) Diesel oil
b) Glycol.
c) Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC).
d) Methanol.
e) Water.
2. While drilling with water based fluid the well kicks and is shut in.
Which condition is most likely to lead to hydrate formation when the gas kick is circulated
out to surface? 1
a. If the gas kick is circulated out at low temperature and high
b. If the gas kick is circulated out at high temperature and low
c. If the gas kick is circulated out at high temperature and high
d. If the gas kick is circulated out at low temperature and low pressure.
3. In which situation can hydrate form?
a) When there is an oil influx while using water based fluid.
b) When there is a water influx while using water based fluid.
c) When there is a natural gas influx while using using oil based mud.
d) When there is a natural gas influx while using water based mud.
4. A well is killed using the wait and weight method with water based fluid.
While circulating out the gas influx through the choke manifold system, the supervisor
makes a choke adjustment, but the choke does not respond.
Which is the most likely cause?
a) Hydrate formation upstream of the choke.
b) Hydrate formation in the choke.
c) Hydrate formation of the hydraulic control line.

5. Which statement about hydrate removal is correct?

a) Injecting methanol (glycol) into the flow stream helps to remove
(prevent) hydrates.
b) Reducing the temperatures below the freezing point of water helps
to remove hydrates.
c) Increasing the pressure at the choke helps to remove hydrates.
d) Injecting distilled water into the flow stream helps to remove

6. What is one way to remove hydrates once have formed?

a. Injecting distilled water into the flow stream.
b. Bleed gas very quickly from surface equipment.
c. Inject methanol into the affected equipment.
d. Pressure tests the well to maximum anticipated surface pressure.


1. When drilling, there is a complete loss of returns and no drilling fluid is visible when you
look down the hole. What should you do first? 1
a) Pump lost circulation material (LCM) immediately.
b) Fill the annulus with water at surface and record the added volume.
c) Pump a cement plug into the annulus through the kill line.
d) Pump a heavy slug into the annulus through the kill line.

19-BARRIER (3)

1. You are drilling through production casing into a reservoir section. In addition to the
drilling fluid which barrier element will make up the barrier envelope? (Choose 1 answer)
a) Cemented production casing, well head, wellhead side outlet valves,
casing hanger, the drilling BOP and IBOP.
b) Drilling BOP and IBOP, the drilling diverter system, and reservoir
c) Ported drill string flapper valve, the reservoir formation and the
cemented well conductor.
d) The drilling diverter system, the cemented well conductor and the
reservoir formation.

2. What are the key requirements of a barrier test document? 2

a) All barrier test documents must be signed by an authorized person.
b) All test documents must be retained at head office for a period of six
c) Barrier test pressure must be recorded.
d) All barrier test documents can be destroyed after a successful test.
e) If there is a successful function test, there is no need for pressure test

3. What should you do if an annular BOP fails its pressure test? 1

a) You should remove the annular from service.
b) You should repair it immediately and then re- test it.
c) You do not need to retest it until the next planned test date.
d) No action is required if the rams are successfully tested.

20-TOP HOLE(4)

1. What is the consequence of losing Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) while drilling top hole
through a gas bearing formation? (Choose 1 answer)
a) An increase in cuttings builds up.
b) Loss of BHP may cause the pipe to become stuck.
c) Top hole usually drilled with water so there is no loss of BHP.
d) Gas around the rig may lead to an increased risk of explosion.

2. Which action is considered good practice when drilling top hole with a risk of shallow gas?
a) Controlling the drilling rate.
b) Maintaining a high overbalance.
c) Pumping while pulling out of hole.
d) Maintaining a high ROP.
e) Keeping the drilling fluid viscosity high.
f) Drilling pilot holes.
3. You are diverting shallow gas kick overboard. What problems could this cause? 1
a) The remote choke will become either plugged or washed out.
b) The well could bridge-over due to pumping kill fluid at high pump
c) While diverting the shallow gas kick overboard, the diverting system
could quickly erode.
d) It will be difficult to track the pressure drop if kill fluid is pumped to

4. When drilling top hole with a risk of shallow gas, which actions are considered good
practice? 2
a. Use heavy density fluid to create maximum overbalance.
b. Maintain high rate of penetration (ROP) so that fluid
viscosity is as high as possible.
c. Drill a pilot hole at a slow controlled rate.
d. Pump out of the hole while tripping.
e. Regularity pumps a fresh water pill to clean cutting from the

5. When top hole drilling. A well starts to flow due to shallow gas. What is the safest action
to take to secure the safety of rig and personnel? 1
a. Line up the MGS. Active the diverter system and remove personnel from
the rig floor.
b. Shut in the well and prepare for kill operation immediately.
c. Activate the diverter system, and remove non-essential personnel from
the rig floor and hazardous areas.
d. Activate the blind/shear ram to shut in the well.


1. H2s is released during a well control incident, what is the risk to personnel?
a) The risk is minor as H2s low toxicity.
b) The risk to personnel is minor.
c) The risk to personnel is high as h2s is highly toxic and heavier than
d) There is no risk as h2s is nontoxic.
2. During a routine test you see that they would hold (drain hole/vent hole) on one of the
ram type BOP bonnets is leaking drilling fluid. What action is required?

a) The primary ram shaft seal is leaking secure the well and replace it immediately.
b) Enrgise the secondary (emergency) seal. if the leak stops, leave it until the next
maintenance schedule.
c) The weep hole only checks the closing chamber seal, Leave it until the next
maintenance schedule.
d) The ram packing elements on the ram body are worn out, replace them

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