Petroleum 1

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The key takeaways are factors affecting inflow performance relationships (IPR), ways to minimize formation damage, and components of an IPR curve.

Factors such as permeability, skin, flow regime, and fluid properties can affect inflow performance. Higher permeability and lower skin lead to better inflow performance.

Formation damage can be minimized by perforating underbalanced, using clean fluids, and optimizing perforation parameters such as density and phasing.


An IPR curve will not be a straight line if

a. The only produced fluid is gas b. The only produced fluid is oil
c. The only produced fluid is water d. All IPR plots are curved

2. Which parameter has no effect on the inflow performance of a reservoir?

a. Formation permeability b. Perforation skin
c. Production tubing diameter d. Reservoir boundary condition
e. PVT behavior

3. A gas reservoir is being produced at a rate of 500 MSCF/d. The pressure

measurement indicated much higher bottom-hole flowing pressure than calculated
based on Darcy law IPR.
What could be a possible reason for this higher bottom-hole flowing pressure>
a. Non-Darcy flow b. Lower skin c. Lower permeability d. None of the above

4. If pressure drop in the wellbore is reduced while all other parameters are the same,
that will result in:
a. Increased bottom-hole pressure b. Reduced wellhead tubing flow pressure
c. Increased production rate d. Change in IPR curve

5. A reservoir is producing at a production rate that is half of its potential. To determine

whether formation damage, or flow assurance in the wellbore is causing the problem a
nodal analysis is conducted.
Where would you select as a node to determine which is causing the problem?
a. At the wellhead b. At the bottom-hole, near the completion
c. At the separator d. At midpoint in wellbore

6. The actual production rate of a reservoir is lower than expected based on reservoir
analysis. What can be a possible cause of this lower production?
a. Higher formation permeability b. Higher reservoir pressure
c. Higher skin d. All of the above e. None of the above

7. Which flow pattern is expected if the entire zone of interest is perforated?

a. Radial b. Linear c. Spherical d. Hemispherical e. Both A and B are possible

8. Which of the following can cause the IPR curve to become a straight line?
a. Skin equal to zero b. Transient flow c. A bottom-hole pressure below the bubble point
d. Single-phase oil flow e. None of the above

9. A production engineer can do several things to increase production from an oil

reservoir which is producing at steady-state condition.
Which is one method that a production engineer can use to increase production from
the above reservoir?
a. Decrease wellbore size b. Increase bottom-hole flowing pressure
c. Increase reservoir pressure d. None of the above
10. Which of the following situations is the most ideal case for matrix simulation?
a. A sandstone reservoir with low permeability and low formation skin damage
b. A carbonate reservoir with high permeability and high formation skin damage
c. A sandstone reservoir with high permeability and high formation skin damage
d. A carbonate reservoir with low permeability and low formation skin damage

11. Which of the following well deviation angles would have the largest production?
a. Θ=0° b. Θ=15° c. Θ=30° d. Θ=45°

12. Undersized tubing will result in:

a. Higher wellhead pressure than optimum
b. Higher bottom-hole pressure than optimum
c. Lower bottom-hole pressure than optimum d. Need more information

13. Which of the following parameters does not affect tubing performance or VLP?
a. Tubing wellhead flowing pressure b. Perforations
c. Reservoir fluid properties d. Both B and C

14. A vertical well is producing where the bottom-hole flowing pressure is above the
bubble point. As the oil flows up the production tubing the pressure drops below the
bubble point. Which of the following represents the correct change in flow regime from
bottom-hole to surface?
a. Single-phase liquid, bubble, slug, churn, annular
b. Single-phase liquid, churn, annular, slug, bubble
c. Single-phase liquid, annular, churn, slug, bubble
d. Single-phase liquid, slug, churn, bubble, annular

15. If actual production rates are lower than predicted from IPR, and the BHFP
measurement shows to be lower than expected, then the cause is
a. A restriction in the wellbore b. Formation damage
c. Increase in reservoir pressure d. Both A, and B e. None of the above

16. Which of the following reservoirs are good candidates for (i) matrix acidizing and (ii)
hydraulic fracturing, respectively:
a. (i) No formation damage (ii) high near-wellbore damage
b. (i) High completion skin damage (ii) low permeability reservoir
c. (i) High permeability reservoir (ii) high near-wellbore damage
d. (i) High formation damage (ii) low permeability reservoir
e. (i) Low permeability reservoir (ii) thick, high permeability reservoir

17. Which perforation scheme will result in the lowest skin assuming rw=0.328' and
rs=1.328'? (All other parameters not shown below are the same for each).
a. Perforation radius = 0.24"; perforation length = 12"; 8 SPF
b. Perforation radius = 0.24"; perforation length = 18"; 4 SPF
c. Perforation radius = 0.40"; perforation length = 18"; 8 SPF
d. Perforation radius = 0.40"; perforation length = 12"; 16 SPF
18. The depth of formation damage can be minimized by
a. Drilling overbalanced b. Drilling underbalanced
c. Buildup of low permeability filter cake d. Minimizing time formation is exposed to mud
e. A, D, C f. D, C, B

19. Which of the following will be the best location for perforating in a reservoir with
h=120', assuming a vertical well with hw=40'. Assume all other parameters constant.
(zw is location of the perforation interval measured from bottom of the zone to the
middle of the perforations)?
a. Zw = 100' b. Zw = 60' c. Zw = 20' d. Cannot be determined

20. A horizontal well _____________ compared to a vertical well.

a. Has more exposure to the reservoir b. Has lower drilling cost and risk
c. Is better for thin zones < 50' d. Has higher production rates
e. Has a lower pressure drawdown f. Beneficial for good KV g. All the above

21. Pore plugging formation damage can result from:

a. Cake formation by large particles external to medium: (Cause: Injecting solids)
b. Deposition of adhering particles on surface of pore bodies (Cause: Injecting solids,
migration of material in rock, precipitations of insoluble materials or bacteria growth)
c. Bridging of pore throats by medium size particles (Cause: Injecting solids, migration
of material in rock, precipitations of insoluble materials or bacteria growth)
d. All of the above

22. A production engineer can enhance production of a well by:

a. Increasing bottom-hole flowing pressure
b. Increasing surface flowing pressure
c. Increasing reservoir pressure
d. None of the above

23. If the actual production rate of a well is lower than that predicted based on IPR
equation, and the bottomhole pressure measurement shows it to be lower than
expected, then the cause is:
a. By a restriction in the wellbore
b. By formation damage
c. By an increase in reservoir pressure
d. None of the above

24. If the bottomhole flowing pressure is reduced due to some changes in the reservoir
properties with the same production rate as before, then the new productivity index of
the well is compared to the previous productivity index of the well is:
a. Higher b. Lower c. The same d. Cannot be determined from the given information

25. Which of the following does not change as a result of a well stimulation operation?
a. IPR curve b. Reservoir permeability
c. Ultimate well recovery d. Reservoir flow pattern
26. An IPR curve can be a straight line if:
a. The only produced fluid is gas with condensate b. The only produced fluid is oil
c. Both oil and gas are produced d. Pwf is at least 100 psi below the bubble poin

27. In analyzing performance of a production system, two pressures are considered

constant. They are:
a. Pbottomhole and Pseparator b. Preservoir and Pbottomhole
c. Pbottomhole and Pchoke d. Preservoir and Pseparator

28. If the actual q for a well is lower at a given P than that predicted from its IPR curve,
the reason is:
a. Formation damage b. Production tubing that is too small
c. Partial penetration d. The cause cannot be determined from the information given

29. A common way to attempt to decrease initial perforation damage is to:

a. Perforate overbalanced b. Perforate underbalanced
c. Perforate as close to balanced as possible
d. Use lost circulation material in perforating fluid to minimize fluid leakoff

30. The main purpose of production tubing is to:

a. Assist artificial lift b. Convey produced fluids to the wellhead
c. Minimize formation damage d. Minimize water production

31. What is the BEST phasing angle for perforation radius?

a. 90° b. 120° c. 180° d. 360°

32. If a well's perforation length is greater than the damage radius, the formation
damage skin assumes what value?
a. Zero b. Less than original value c. More than original value
d. No change in formation damage skin e. A and B

33. When using average reservoir pressure, what IPR flow regime is required?
a. Transient b. Steady-state c. Pseudo steady-state d. Any of the above

34. Which of the following is not a component of IPR?

a. Reservoir pressure b. Perforation radius c. Completion thickness d. Fluid density

35. What are the units of the productivity index equation?

a. STB/PSI b. (STB/D)/PSI2 c. PSI/(STB/D) d. (STB/D)/PSI

36. A positive skin will do which of the following to IPR?

a. Increase inflow rate at a given Pwf b. Decrease inflow rate at a given Pwf
c. Causes no change in inflow rate d. Any of the above may occur
37. An IPR curve for a natural gas reservoir has what shape?
a. Straight line b. Straight line that curves at low bottom-hole pressure
c. Curved line through all bottom-hole pressures
d. Curved line at high bottom hole pressure, straight at low pressure

38. Wellbore deliverability depends on all of the following except?

a. Fluid properties
b. Initial reservoir conditions
c. Production rate
d. Flow geometry

39. Which condition below would require the largest tubing ID?
a. High flow rates b. Low flow rates
c. High flow rates in two-phase flow d. Low flow rates in two-phase flow

40. When dealing with completion skin, θ is defined as the angle between _____ and
wellbore direction.
a. Reservoir dip angle b. Horizontal c. Perforations d. Vertical

41. In nodal analysis, the pressure of the node is the pressure

a. At the IPR/VLP intersection b. At shut in (q=0) c. At qmax
d. At the reservoir boundary e. At the surface

42. For which of the following reservoirs will tubing size selection be most important
a. Depleted reservoirs with low skin b. Depleted reservoirs with high skin
c. High energy reservoirs with low skin d. High energy reservoirs with high skin

43. Flow regimes depend on pressure profile and production mechanism. True
44. For the same ΔP in the reservoir, a single phase fluid will have a higher production
rate than a two-phase fluid that's below Pb. True
45. The product (P/μZ) is approximately constant for a high pressure gas reservoir. The
product (μZ) is approximately constant for a low pressure gas reservoir. When Pwf >
3000 psi the gas reservoir is considered high pressure. True
46. For the same (p2-p2wf) value, Darcy flow would have a higher flow rate (mscf/d).
47. Vertical vs. Horizontal IPR: JH/Jv increases as Iani decreases. True
48. Completion formation damage/permeability reduction can be minimized significantly
by using clean, filtered fluids True
49. As you increase your perforation density (1 SPF -> 4 SPF), the related skin
contribution becomes small. True
50. Perforation damage can be minimized by perforating overbalanced.
False, underbalanced

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