Section A Multiple Choice Questions (20 Marks)

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Section A Multiple Choice Questions (20 marks)

For Questions 1 to 15, four possible answers labelled A, B, C and D are given for
each question.

Choose the one you consider to be correct and indicate your answers on the Answer
booklet provided.

1 U3O8 is a catalyst, prepared by heating a uranium nitrate salt, UO2(NO3)2. The

salt decomposes quantitatively to give U3O8, NO2 and O2 only. How many
moles of O2 are produced from one mole of the salt?

A 1/3

B 1/2

C 2/3

D 2

2 The main ingredient in chocolate bars is sugars, typically about 47% in milk
chocolate bars. If these sugars are represented by sucrose, C12H22O11, how
many sugar molecules are there in 1 kg of chocolate bars?

A 9.67 x 1022

B 2.82 x 1023

C 8.27 x 1023

D 3.57 x 1024

3 A constituent of wood preservative is manufactured by heating the ore chromite,

FeCr2O4, with sodium carbonate in air.

4FeCr2O4 + 8Na2CO3 + 7O2  8Na2CrO4 + 2Fe2O3 + 8CO2

What are the changes in oxidation number of chromium and iron in this

Change in oxidation number Change in oxidation number

of chromium of iron
A +1 0
B +2 0
C +2 +1
D +3 +1

© ACJC 2014 JC1 Term Exam 2014


4 Use of the Data Booklet is relevant to this question.

Potassium manganate(VII), KMnO4, reacts with sodium cyanide, NaCN, in a
molar ratio of 2:3 to form manganese(IV) oxide, MnO2.
Which of the following would be the carbon-containing product in this reaction?

A* C


5 In which of the following compounds does the underlined element contain

unpaired electrons?


B MnCl2


D Cu2O

6 The table below contains incomplete information of two ions, Y and Z.

Ion Mass Atomic Number of Number of Charge of

Number Number neutrons electrons ion

Y 59 27 e f +2

Z 79 g 45 36 h

Which of the following shows the missing numbers (e, f, g and h) in the above

e f g h

A 29 27 34 +2

B 32 27 34 -2

C 59 25 36 +2

D 32 25 34 -2

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7 Under what conditions will the behaviour of a gas be least ideal?

pressure temperature

A high high

B high low

C low low

D low high

8 Two identical bulbs at the same temperature contain ideal gases D and E
separately. The density of gas D is twice that of gas E and the molecular mass
of gas D is half that of gas E.

What is the ratio of the pressure of gas D to that of gas E?

A 1:2 B 1:1 C 2:1 D 4:1

Which bonding does not correspond to its description of physical properties?


Bonding type Physical properties

A Ionic High melting point, conducts electricity when

molten but not when solid

B Metallic Variety of melting points, conducts electricity

when solid and when molten

C Giant covalent High melting point, conducts electricity

in the aqueous state but not when solid

D Simple covalent Low melting point, does not conduct

electricity in solid, liquid and gaseous states

10 Why does copper wire conduct electricity when a potential difference is


A The crystal lattice breaks down.

B The atoms of copper become ionised.

C Copper ions move in the crystal lattice.

D Bonding electrons in the crystal lattice move.

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11 Which isomer of the hydrocarbon C7H16 is likely to have the highest boiling

A (CH3)3CCH(CH3)2




12 Boron nitride, BN, exists in two possible forms, hexagonal boron nitride and
cubic boron nitride. The structure of hexagonal boron nitride and cubic boron
nitride are similar to graphite and diamond respectively.

boron atom

nitrogen atom

hexagonal boron nitride cubic boron nitride

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A They are both giant covalent structures.

B There is dative bonding in cubic boron nitride.

C The layers in hexagonal boron nitride are held together by van der
Waals’ forces.
D Only weak van der Waals’ forces are overcome when melting
hexagonal boron nitride.

13 Which of the following pairs does species I have a smaller bond angle than
species II?


A NO3– NO2–

B SF6 ClF3

C XeF4 BrF5

D BrO3– ClO3–

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14 The diagram represents the melting points of four consecutive elements in the
third period of the Periodic Table.

melting point / K

0 proton number

The sketches below represent another two properties of the elements.

property M property N

 
 
 
0 proton number 0 proton number

What are properties M and N?

property M property N

A third ionisation energy electronegativity

B number of valence electrons boiling point

C ionic radius effective nuclear charge

D electrical conductivity atomic radius

© ACJC 2014 JC1 Term Exam 2014


15 A student used the set-up below to heat a can containing 200 g of water.


can containing
200 g of water

burner containing

You are given the following:

Change in temperature of water = ΔT oC
Relative molecular mass of propan-1-ol = 60.0
Enthalpy change of combustion of propan-1-ol = 2021 kJ mol−1
Specific heat capacity of water = c J g−1 K−1

Assuming that efficiency of this process is 80%, what is the mass of propan-1-ol

A 2021 1000  0.8 C 200  c  ΔT  60.0  0.8

200  c  ΔT  60.0 2021
B 2021 1000 D* 200  c  ΔT  60.0
c  ΔT  0.8 2021 1000  0.8

From questions 16 to 20, one or more of the three numbered statements 1 to 3 may be correct.

Decide whether each of the statements is or is not correct (you may find it helpful to put a tick
against the statements that you consider to be correct).

The responses A to D should be selected on the basis of

1, 2 and 3 1 and 2 2 and 3 1 only
are only are only are is
correct correct correct correct

No other combination of statements is used as a correct response.

16 Which of these statements correctly describes atomic orbitals?

1 The energy of a d orbital is always higher than that of an s orbital

for any given quantum shell.

2 Electrons in a 3p orbital are more diffused than those in a 2p


3 For elements in the ground state, electrons always fill up a

spherical orbital before a dumbbell shaped orbital of the same
principal quantum number.

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The responses A to D should be selected on the basis of

1, 2 and 3 1 and 2 2 and 3 1 only
are only are only are is
correct correct correct correct

No other combination of statements is used as a correct response.

17 For a fixed mass of an ideal gas, which of the following graphs do/does not
have the same general shape as the graph of P against ρ T?
(ρ = density of the gas; M = molar mass of gas)
1* M
PV against
2 P
against T

3 T
against V

18 An element X forms an ion Xn-.

Which of the following statements about X and Xn- are correct?

1 The radius of Xn- is smaller than that of X.

2 Less energy is released when an electron is added to Xn- than to X.

Less energy is required to remove the outermost electrons from Xn-

than from X.

19 Which of the following exhibit hydrogen bonding?

1 CH3F

2 KHF2


20 Which of the following reactions does the value of H represent both standard
enthalpy change of combustion and standard enthalpy change of formation?
1 P4(s) + 5O2(g)  P4O10(s)

2 ½N2(g) + ½O2(g)  NO(g)

3 2Mg(s) + O2(g)  2MgO(s)


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Section C (15 marks)

Answer all questions on foolscap paper.

1 Boron and aluminium are elements from Group III, where both form
trihalides with chlorine and fluorine.

(a) Boron is a poor conductor of electricity at room temperature and has an [2]
unusually high melting point of 2076 oC whereas aluminium has a melting
point of 660 oC.

Suggest the structure and bonding of boron.

(b) (i) Draw the dot-and-cross diagram for boron trifluoride and state its shape [3]
and bond angle.

(ii) In an attempt to determine the bond energies of B-F and B-Cl [1]
theoretically, a student found the following data.

Standard enthalpy change of formation of BF3 (g) / kJ mol-1 -1039

Standard enthalpy change of formation of BCl 3 (g) / kJ mol-1 -439
Standard enthalpy change of atomisation of B (s) / kJ mol-1 563

From the value above, define standard enthalpy change of formation of

boron trifluoride.

(iii) Using the data from the Data Booklet and the above table, determine the [4]
bond energies of B-F and B-Cl by constructing a general energy cycle.
You may use X2 to represent the halogens at standard state.

(iv) Hence, explain the difference in bond energy for B-F and B-Cl. [1]

(c) Aluminium chloride exists as a dimer whereas aluminium fluoride and

boron trichloride do not.

(i) Draw the structure of the dimer of aluminium chloride and explain how it [2]
is formed.

(ii) Suggest why alumiumium fluoride and boron trichloride do not exist as [2]


© ACJC 2014 JC1 Term Exam 2014


Section C (15 marks)

1 Boron and aluminium are elements from Group III, where both form
trihalides with chlorine and fluorine.

(a) Boron is a poor conductor of electricity at room temperature and has [2]
an unusually high melting point of 2076 oC whereas aluminium has a
melting point of 660 oC.
Suggest the structure and bonding of boron.
Giant covalent structure [1] with strong covalent bonds between
boron atoms [1]
(b) (i) Draw the dot-and-cross diagram for boron trifluoride and state its [3]
shape and bond angle.

xx x x xx


xx xx

Trigonal planar [1]

Bond angle: 120o [1]
(ii) In an attempt to determine the bond energies of B-F and B-Cl [1]
theoretically, a student found the following data.

Standard enthalpy change of formation of BF3 (g) / kJ mol-1 -1039

Standard enthalpy change of formation of BCl 3 (g) / kJ mol-1 -439
Standard enthalpy change of atomisation of B (s) / kJ mol-1 563

From the value above, define enthalpy change of formation of boron


Enthalpy change of formation of boron trifluoride is the amount

of energy given out when 1 mol of boron trifluoride is formed
from boron and fluorine at the standard state, at 1 atm and 298K.
(iii) Using the data from the Data Booklet and the above table, determine [4]
the bond energies of B-F and B-Cl by constructing a general energy
cycle. You may use X2 to represent the halogens at standard state.

∆Hf θ(BX3)
B (s) + 3/2 X2 (g)  BX3 (g)

563 + 3/2BDE(X-X) 3BDE(B-X)

B (g) + 3X (g)

[1] – correct state symbols and balanced equation

[1] – Correct direction of arrows + correct label
By Hess’ Law,
BDE(B-X) = [563 + 3/2BDE(X-X) - ∆Hf θ(BX3)]/3
BDE(B-F) = + 613 kJmol-1 [1]
BDE(B-Cl) = + 456 kJmol-1 [1]

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(iv) Hence, explain the difference in bond energy for B-F and B-Cl. [1]

B-F bond is stronger than B-Cl due to smaller size of F atom and
therefore, more effective orbital overlap between B and F than
that between B and Cl.
(c) Aluminium chloride exists as a dimer whereas aluminium fluoride and
boron trichloride do not.
(i) Draw the structure of the dimer of aluminium chloride and explain [2]
how it is formed.

Cl Cl Cl
Al Al
Cl Cl Cl

Al is electron deficient with an empty orbital which will accept a

lone pair of electrons from Cl. [1]

(ii) Suggest why alumiumium fluoride and boron trichloride do not exist [2]
as dimers.

Aluminium fluoride has strong electrostatic attraction between

aluminium cations and fluoride anions in a giant ionic lattice
structure and therefore does not exist as simple covalent
dimers. [1] OR Aluminium fluoride is an ionic compound with
giant ionic lattice structure.

Boron trichloride is unable to form dimers due to the small size

of boron atom, preventing it from forming bonds with 4 other
larger Cl atoms.


There will be repulsion between the larger Cl atoms that

prevents dative bond from forming between B and Cl. [1]

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Section A (20 marks)

Write your answers to the multiple choice questions in the table provided

1. C 6. D 11. D 16. A

2. C 7. B 12. D 17. D

3. D 8. D 13. D 18. C

4. A 9. C 14. A 19. C

5. B 10. D 15. D 20. D

Section B (25 marks)

Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.

1 Ethanedioic acid has the formula (COOH)2 and is a dibasic acid which is
readily oxidised to carbon dioxide by hot acidified potassium manganate

(a) Construct the overall balanced ionic equation for the reaction between
hot acidified manganate (VII) ions and ethanedioic acid.

(COOH)2  2CO2 + 2 H+ + 2e
Overall: 5(COOH)2 + 2MnO4- + 6 H+  2Mn2+ + 10 CO2 + 8 H2O
(b) In a practical assessment, a student was asked to determine the
concentrations of two solutions, ethanedioic acid and potassium
manganate (VII), given solid anhydrous potassium carbonate. This is
what the student plans to do:

1. Prepare a standard solution of potassium carbonate of 0.1 mol

dm-3 using solid anhydrous potassium carbonate.
2. Add different volumes of potassium carbonate to identical
samples of 25.0 cm3 ethanedioic acid solution so that partial
neutralisation occurs.
3. Warm the mixture to about 70C and titrate the remaining
ethanedioic acid in each mixture with potassium manganate (VII).
4. Plot a graph of volume of potassium manganate (VII) used (y-
axis) against volume of potassium carbonate added (x-axis) and
obtain the values of the intercepts.
5. Using the values of the intercepts, determine the concentrations
of ethanedioic acid and potassium manganate (VII).

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(i) Outline the procedure involved in preparing 250 cm3 of standard

solution of 0.1 mol dm-3 of potassium carbonate using solid
anhydrous potassium carbonate.

Amt of K2CO3 to be in the standard solution = 0.1 x 0.250 = 0.025


Mass of K2CO3 required = 0.025 x (39.1x2+12.0+16.0x3) = 3.46 g


1. Weigh out about 3.46 g of the anhydrous potassium

carbonate in a weighing bottle using a weighing balance.

2. Dissolve the anhydrous potassium carbonate in about

100 cm3 deionised water in a 250 cm3 beaker. [ ½ ]

3. Using a filter funnel, transfer the solution into a 250 cm3

graduated flask.

4. Rinse the beaker, glass rod and filter funnel with

deionised water and add washings into the graduated
flask. [ ½ ]

5. Make up to 250 cm3 mark using deionised water. [ ½ ]

6. Stopper and shake well to get a homogenous solution.


(ii) The student plotted the graph and obtained the following values for
the x- and y-intercepts.

x - intercept = 25.20 cm3

y - intercept = 28.10 cm3

Given that the potassium carbonate solution prepared has an actual

concentration of w mol dm-3, use the intercept value(s) to determine
the concentrations of ethanedioc acid and potassium manganate
(VII), in terms of w.
Amount of K2CO3 used to react with 25.0cm3 of ethanedioic acid
= 0.0252 w

Amount of (COOH)2 = 0.0252 w

Concentration of (COOH)2 = 0.0252x/0.025 = 1.01 w mol dm-3 [1]

Amount of KMnO4 used to react with 25.0cm3 of ethanedioic

acid = 2(0.0252 w)/5 = 0.01008 w
Concentration of KMnO4 = 0.01008 w /0.0281 = 0.359 w mol dm-3
(allow ecf for concentration of KMnO4 if amount of (COOH)2 was
calculated wrongly) [2]
[Total: 6 marks]

© ACJC 2014 JC1 Term Exam 2014


2 Cyanogen, a highly toxic gas, is composed of 46.2 % carbon and 53.8 %

nitrogen by mass. At 25 C and 101 kPa, 1.05 g of cyanogen occupies 0.500
dm3. By calculating the relative molecular mass of cyanogen, determine the
molecular formula. Hence, draw the dot-and-cross diagram.


% by mass 46.2 53.8

No. of moles of atoms 46.2/12 = 3.85 53.8/14 = 3.84

Simplest mole ratio 1 1

Empirical formula of cyanogen is CN

Using PV = nRT,

1.01 x 105 x 0.500 x 10-3 = 1.05 x 8.31 x 298

Mr of cyanogen = 52.0
(CN)n = 52 1
n = 52 ÷ (12 + 14)
n = 2

Molecular formula of cyanogen is C2N2

xxx x
:N … C x C xxx
… N:
[Total: 3 marks]

3 (a) Write an equation to define the second ionisation energy of an element


X+ (g)  X2+ (g) + e-

No state symbols - 0 [1]

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(b) The second ionisation energies of the elements magnesium to chlorine

are plotted in the following graph.

2nd Ionisation Energy of Mg to Cl

2nd Ionisation Energy / kJmol-1

2260 2300
1820 1580 1900


Mg Al Si P S Cl

(i) Explain the relative values of the second ionisation energies of

aluminium and silicon.

2nd IE of Al:
Al+(g)  Al2+(g) + e

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

2nd IE of Si:
Si+(g)  Si2+(g) + e

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2

The 2nd ionisation energy of Al involves the removal of a 3s

electron or show electronic configuration of Al+
The 2nd ionisation energy of Si involves the removal of a 3p
electron or show electronic configuration of Si+ [1]

More energy is required to remove the 3s electron which

possess lower energy or closer to the nucleus [1] hence more
strongly attracted by the nucleus compared to that of the 3p [2]

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(ii) How would you expect the first ionisation energy of Selenium (Se)
to compare with that of Bromine (Br)? State your reasoning.
Nuclear charge (or no. proton) of Br > Se and approximately
constant screening effect [1]

Effective nuclear charge of Br > Se

Stronger electrostatic attraction between nucleus and the valence
electrons of Br

More amount of energy required to remove the valence electron of

1st ionisation energy of Se < Br [1] [2]

(c) The first eight ionisation energies (in kJ mol-1) of an element, T are as
966 (1st), 1950, 2730, 4850, 6020, 12130, 14330, 17830
(i) State, giving reasons, the group of the Periodic Table to which T is
likely to belong.
966 1950 2730 4850 6020 12130 14330 17830

984 780 2120 1170 6110 2200 3500

There is a big increase in the I.E. upon the removal of the 6th electron
the difference between the 5th and 6th I.E. is the largest.

Hence, the first five electrons are in the outermost electron shell [1] while
the 6th electron is from the next inner electron shell.
the 6th electron is removed from an inner principal quantum shell which is
nearer to the nucleus.

It can then be deduced that the element is in Group V. [1] [2]

(ii) Explain why the successive ionisation energies for element T

increase as electrons are removed successively.
Ionisation energy involves removal of electron.
 The nuclear charge (or no of protons) remains the
same while the number of remaining electrons
decreases. [1] or p:e ratio increases.
 Hence valence electrons are held more tightly by the
positive nucleus [1] and more energy is required to
remove the next electron. Or more energy is required to
remove an electron from an increasingly more positive ion.
 The successive ionisation energy hence increases. [2]

[Total: 9 marks]

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4 Some physical properties of the oxides of elements of the third period are listed

Formula of Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P4O10 SO3 Cl2O

Melting point 1132 2830 2054 1710 422 17 -121
good very nil
by molten or poor
liquid oxide

(a) With reference to structure and bonding, explain the following:

(i) P4O10 has a much lower melting point than Al2O3 and SiO2.

P4O10 has a simple molecular structure whereas Al2O3 and SiO2

have a giant ionic lattice structure and giant covalent structure
Less energy is required to overcome the weak instantaneous dipole
– induced dipole interactions (or Van der Waals forces) between
P4O10 molecules, than in Al2O3, strong ionic bonds are broken, and
in SiO2, strong covalent bonds are broken.
Structure & bonding 1 mark for each oxide [3]
(ii) P4O10 has a higher melting point than SO3.
SO3 has a simple molecular structure.
P4O10 has more electrons, and hence, a larger electron cloud than
SO3 which is more polarisable [1]. Thus, more energy (i.e. a higher
temperature) is required to break the stronger id-id interactions
between P4O10 molecules [1]. [2]

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(b) On the axes below, sketch a graph showing how electrical conductivity
varies for the oxides in their molten state.
Electrical Conductivity

Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P4O10 SO3 Cl2O

1 mark for increasing trend for Na2O, MgO & Al2O3

1 mark for SiO2 lower than the above 3 oxides & the rest as nil.
[Total: 7 marks]


© ACJC 2014 JC1 Term Exam 2014


JC1 H2 Chemistry Term Exam 2015 (Suggested answers + examiners’


Section A
Use of the Data Booklet is relevant to this question.
In a typical solid fertiliser for use with household plants and shrubs, the
percentage by mass of the element N is 15 %. The recommended usage of this
fertiliser is 14 g per 5 dm3 of water.
What is the recommended concentration of nitrogen atoms in this solution?

A 0.03 mol dm−3

B 0.05 mol dm−3

C 0.42 mol dm−3

D 0.75 mol dm−3

Answer: A
Concentration of fertiliser =
= 2.8 g dm−3
Concentration of nitrogen in g dm−3 = 2.8 x 0.15
= 0.42 g dm−3
Concentration of nitrogen in mol dm−3 =
= 0.03 mol dm−3

0.010 moles of a hydrocarbon was burnt in excess oxygen. The resulting
gaseous mixture was passed through a first U-tube containing anhydrous CaSO4
and then through a second U-tube containing solid NaOH.
There was an increase in mass of each U-tube and these are recorded below.

Increase in mass of U-tube containing anhydrous CaSO4 / g 0.72

Increase in mass of U-tube containing solid NaOH / g 1.32

What is the relative molecular mass of the hydrocarbon?

A 40.0

B 44.0

C 60.0

D 204.0
Answer: B
Anhydrous CaSO4 absorbs water vapour so the increase in mass of U-tube

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015


containing anhydrous CaSO4 is attributed to the mass of water.

NaOH reacts with CO2 to form Na2CO3 so the increase in mass of U-tube
containing NaOH is attributed to the mass of CO2.
Amount of H2O = = 0.04 mol
Amount of CO2 = = 0.03 mol
Amount of hydrocarbon = 0.01 mol

CxHy ≡ 4H2O ≡ 3CO2

So x = 3, y = 8.
Mr (C3H8) = 44.0

3 0.010 moles of metal, M, reacted with 0.015 moles of chlorine gas to form only
one product. Determine the empirical formula of this product.

A M3Cl2

B MCl3

C M2Cl3

D MCl2
Answer: B
Amount of M : Amount of Cl2
2 : 3
2M + 3Cl2 → M2Cl6
∴ Empirical formula: MCl3

Use of the Data Booklet is relevant to this question.
The electronic configurations of four elements are given.
Which element will most easily form an isolated gaseous ion with the charge of

Answer: C

A 1s22s22p3
Removal of electrons from the 2nd principal quantum shell requires more
energy than removing from the 3rd principal quantum shell.

B 1s22s22p63s23p3
Removal of electrons from the 3rd principal quantum shell requires more
energy than removing electrons from the 4th principal quantum shell.

C 1s22s22p63s23p63d14s2
Both C and D involve removing two 4s electrons and one 3d electron. It
is easier to remove the 3d electron from this element as the electron
experiences less effective nuclear charge attraction.

D 1s22s22p63s23p63d54s2
Removal of one 3d electron from D is harder than from C since the
electron experiences greater effective nuclear charge attraction. There

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015


are more protons in the nucleus and the number of inner shell electrons
is the same (almost constant shielding effect)

In an acidic medium, 3 moles of the compound, CaXF4, was found to completely
oxidise 2 moles of FeC2O4, giving the products Fe3+ and CO2.
What is the final oxidation number of element X?

A −1

B 0

C +1

D +2
Answer: B
FeC2O4 → Fe3+ + 2CO2 + 3e−
Amount of electrons lost = 3 x 2 = 6 mol
Amount of electrons gained by 1 mol of CaXF4 = =2
Initial oxidation number of X = +2
Final oxidation number of X = 2 – 2 = 0

When iron is reacted with aqueous iron(III) ions, iron(II) ions are formed.
Assuming the reaction goes to completion, how many moles of Fe and of
Fe3+(aq) would result in a mixture containing equal numbers of moles of
Fe3+(aq) and Fe2+(aq) once the reaction had taken place?
No. of moles No. of moles of
of Fe Fe3+(aq)

A 1 2
B 1 3
C 1 5
D 2 3

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015


Answer: C
[R]: Fe3+ + e− → Fe2+
[O]: Fe → Fe2+
Overall: Fe + 2Fe3+ → 3Fe2+

Fe + 2Fe3+ → 3Fe2+

Initial 1 5 0

Change −1 −2 +3

Final 0 3 3

7 Which element is expected to show the greatest tendency to form covalent

compounds with a non-metallic element?

A Aluminium

B Calcium

C Magnesium

D Sodium
Answer: A
Approach: An ionic compound will form as a result of both elements reacting
together. The degree of covalent character in the ionic compound depends on:
(i) Charge density of the cation
(ii) Polarisability of anion

Al3+ has the highest charge density among the four.

8 The value of pV is plotted against p for 2 gases, A and B, where p is the

pressure and V is the volume of the gas.

pV Gas A
Gas B


0 p

Which of the following could be the identities of the gases?

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Gas A Gas B

A 0.5 mol of H2 at 25 ºC 0.5 mol of H2 at 50 ºC

B 0.5 mol of H2 at 25 ºC 1 mol of SO2 at 25 ºC

C 0.25 mol of SO2 at 25 ºC 0.5 mol of H2 at 25 ºC

D 1 mol of SO2 at 25 ºC 0.5 mol of H2 at 25 ºC

Answer: C

From the curve of the graph, students should also observe that that Gas A
deviates more from ideality than Gas B. i.e. Gas A has
 Stronger strength of intermolecular forces of attraction, or
 Lower temperature
Since pV = nRT, the vertical axis (pV) can also depend on nRT. In other words,
 doubling the number of moles causes pV to double, or
 doubling absolute temperature also causes pV to double

In option A, lower temperature of Gas B causes it to deviate less from ideality

that Gas A. However, increasing the temperature from 25 ⁰C to 50 ⁰C does not
cause pV to double from x to 2x. In order for the value of pV to double, absolute
temperature (in K) should be doubled.

In option B, Gas A is H2 while Gas B is SO2. However, SO2 has greater strength
of Van der Waals forces because it has pd-pd interactions between molecules
while H2 has id-id interactions between molecules.
In option C, Gas A has stronger Van der Waals forces, hence the graph
deviates more from ideality. There is twice the number of moles of Gas B than
Gas A, hence pV is doubled.

In option D, the identity of the gases corresponds to their deviation from ideality.
However there is twice the number of moles of Gas A than Gas B, and that
contradicts the value of pV in the graph.

Rank the following four molecules in ascending boiling points.

V: X:

Y: Z:

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015





Answer: D
X and Z have hydrogen bonds between molecules while V and Y have
permanent dipole-permanent dipole interactions between molecules.
Hence the boiling points of X and Z are generally greater than V and Y.
Z and Y are linear while X and V are spherical, causing Z and Y have stronger
instantaneous dipole-induced dipole interactions than X and V respectively.
Ascending order for strength of intermolecular forces of attraction: V < Y < X < Z
Ascending order of boiling points: V < Y < X < Z

10 The diagram represents the melting points of four consecutive elements in the
third period of the Periodic Table.

Melting point / K

0 Proton number

The sketches below represent another two properties of the same elements.

Property M Property N

 
 
 
0 Proton number 0 Proton number

What are properties M and N?

Property M Property N

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015


A Third ionisation energy Electronegativity

B Number of valence electrons Boiling point

C Ionic radius Effective nuclear charge

D Electrical conductivity Atomic radius

Answer: A

Based on the trend of the melting points, student can deduce that the four
consecutive elements are Si, P, S and Cl.

(Examiners’ comments: There are more than one way to solve this MCQ; below
is a suggested method that uses elimination of options)

Since Property N shows an increasing trend,

Option B can be eliminated since boiling point varies from Si to Cl.
Option D can be eliminated since atomic radius decreases from Si to Cl.

Using the trend of Property M, option C can be eliminated because ionic radius
decreases from P3- to Cl-.

Test yourself: Try to sketch the trends of all the properties given in options A to

11 In which set of species is the bond angle of the second species larger than that
of the first one?
A NCl3 , H2O

B BF4− , SCl2

C PCl6− , ClO2−

D Br2O , SF6
Answer: C
PCl6− has an octahedral shape, while ClO2− has a bent shape.

Use of the Data Booklet is relevant to this question.
With reference to the following four reactions,
P Br2(g) → 2Br(g)
Q 2Cl(g) → Cl2(g)
R CH3(g) + Cl(g) → CH3Cl(g)
S CH4(g) → CH3(g) + H(g)
the order of enthalpy change from the most exothermic to the most endothermic
would be:



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Answer: C

Equation Bond breaking / forming Magnitude

(kJ mol-1)
P Br2(g) → 2Br(g) Breaking of Br-Br bond +193
Q 2Cl(g) → Cl 2(g) Forming of Cl-Cl bond -244
R CH3(g) + Cl(g) → CH3Cl(g) Forming of C-Cl bond -340
S CH4(g) → CH3(g) + H(g) Breaking of C-H bond +410
Most exothermic to the most endothermic: R → Q → P → S

13 In which of the following process are hydrogen bonds broken?

Answer: B
Bonds / interactions overcomed

A H2(l) → H2(g) Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole

interaction between H2 molecules

B NH3(l) → NH3(g) Hydrogen bonds between NH3


C 2HI(g) → H2(g) + I2(g) H-I covalent bonds between H and I


D CH4(g) → C(g) + 4H(g) C-H covalent bonds between C and H


14 Which of the following equations has a negative enthalpy value?

Answer: D Type of enthalpy Endothermic /
change Exothermic
A Ag+(aq) + Cl−(aq) → Ag+(g) + Cl−(g) −ΔHhyd(Ag+) & Endothermic (note
- that ΔHhyd is
−ΔHhyd(Cl )
negative so −ΔHhyd
is positive)

B Cl2(g) → 2Cl(g) Bond breaking, Endothermic


C Ag(g) → Ag+(g) + e− 1st ionisation of Endothermic


D Cl(g) + e− → Cl−(g) 1st Electron Exothermic

affinity of Cl

15 When steam condenses, 44 kJ mol−1 of heat enthalpy is evolved.

What is the entropy change when 54 g of steam condenses at 100 oC?

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A −354 J K−1

B −118 J K−1

C −1320 J K−1

D +354 J K−1
Answer: A

When steam condenses, 44kJ of heat are given off for every mole of H2O.

54 g of steam is = 3.0 mol of H2O Hence ΔH = − ( 3 x 44) kJ
Using ΔG = ΔH − TΔS where ΔG = 0
ΔS = ΔH / T = −( 3 x 44 x 103)/373 = − 354 JK−1

The enthalpy change of solution of magnesium fluoride is negative (−17.7 kJ mol−1),
but the enthalpy change of solution of barium fluoride is positive (+3.8 kJ mol−1).
What conclusion can be drawn from these data?
1 The lattice energy of barium fluoride is more exothermic than the sum of the
hydration energies of the barium and fluoride ions.

2 The lattice energy of barium fluoride is more exothermic than that of

magnesium fluoride.

3 The hydration energy of the barium ion is more exothermic than that of the
magnesium ion.
Answer: D
ΔH soln = ΔH hydration – LE
As LE and ΔH hydration are always exothermic, ΔH soln will be endothermic if LE >
ΔH hydration and exothermic if ΔH hydration > LE.
In the case of BaF2, statement 1 implies that the ΔH hydration < LE. Hence ΔH soln
of BaF2 would be +ve.

Statement 2 is incorrect as the LE of MgF2 is larger than that of BaF2 ,

since LE α (q+q-)/(r+ + r-); q+, q- and r- are the same, but r+ is larger for Ba2+.

Statement 3 is incorrect as ΔH hydration ∝ q+/r+. Since r+ for Ba2+ is larger, ΔH

hydration of Ba2+ is lower.

17 Which of the following is/are reason(s) why the first ionisation energy of neon is
higher than that of fluorine?
1 The nuclear charge in neon is greater than that in fluorine.

2 Neon has a complete octet, but fluorine does not.

3 The atomic radius of fluorine is less than that of neon.

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Answer: D
Statement 1 is correct. The Effective Nuclear charge for Ne is higher, hence
attraction for valence electrons is stronger, first IE of Ne is higher.

Statement 2 – a complete octet does not imply that the first IE will be higher – the
nuclear charge affects the IE more directly.

Statement 3 – As nuclear charge increases across a period, Ne is expected to have

a smaller atomic radius.

18 Which of the following solid(s) contain more than one type of bond?

1 Brass (an alloy of copper and zinc)

2 Graphite

3 Ice
Answer: C

Statement 1 : Brass contains Zn and Cu – both are metals – so they have only
metallic bonds.

Statement 2 : Graphite has covalent bonds between the C atoms in a layer and
van der Waals forces of attraction between the hexagonal layers.

Statement 3 : Ice has covalent bonds between O and H atoms in H2O and
hydrogen bonds between the H2O molecules.

The following represents the electronic configuration of both a Group II cation and
a Group VII anion.
The radius of the anion is approximately twice that of the cation.
Which reason(s) explain the difference in radius?

1 The cation has a greater nuclear charge than the anion.

2 On forming the anion from its atom, the extra electron repulsion makes the ion
much larger.

3 There is more shielding in the anion than in the cation.

Answer: B

There is a total of 36 electrons. For a Gp II cation to have 36 electrons, it has lost 2

electrons. So the Gp II element has 38 electrons and 38 protons.
The Gp VII anion has 36 electrons, the element has gained 1 electron. So it has 35
electrons and 35 protons.

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Statement 1 : Hence, the cation has a higher nuclear charge than the anion.

Statement 2 – For the Gp VII anion, inter electronic repulsion between the added
electron and the unpaired electron would cause the ionic radius to be larger than
the atomic radius.

Statement 3 – the anion and cation have the same electron configuration, hence
they have the same number of shielding electrons. Hence shielding effect is the

20 Which of the following would be required to determine the lattice energy of AlF3 in
a Born-Haber cycle?

1 First electron affinity of fluorine

2 Enthalpy change of atomisation of AlF3

3 Bond energy of Al – F
Answer: D
The Born Haber Cycle relates the LE (formation of AlF3(s) from its gaseous ions)
and the ΔH formation of AlF3 (from its elements under standard conditions).
Statement 1 : Hence, first electron affinity is needed to change the F(g) to F−(g).
Statement 2 : There is no need to atomise the AlF3, only atomization of the
elements Al(s) and F2(g) are required.
Statement 3 : Bond Energies are not needed in the Born Haber Cycle.

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015


Section B (25 marks)

Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.

1 Planning
A solution FA1 containing 75.0 g dm−3 of FeSO4.xH2O has been prepared. To
determine the water of crystallisation, x, FA1 was to be titrated against a
standard solution of acidified KMnO4.

A standard solution FA2 having the concentration of 1.12 mol dm−3 KMnO4 was

A student carried out a preliminary test of the titration and it was found that 20
drops of FA1 required 4 drops of FA2 for complete reaction. Based on this
preliminary test, the student decided that FA2 must be diluted before it could be
used for titration. The diluted solution would be named FA3.

(a) Calculate the concentration of FA3 given that the titre volume must be
approximately equal to the volume of the sample pipetted.

To have a titre reading that is approximately 25 cm3,

5 4
Concentration of diluted KMnO4 = 25 X 1.12 (or 20 X 1.12)
= 0.224 mol dm-3

-Recognise that FA2 is too concentrated and needs to be diluted.

-Recognise for the volume of FA1 used to increase from 4 to 20 drops, its
concentration must decrease by a factor of 5.

(b) Give a step-by-step description of how the experiment would be carried

out. Your plan should be prescriptive and include details of

 Appropriate apparatus with dimensions

 Calculations for the volume of FA2 required
 How you would prepare a solution of FA3
 A titrimetric method to carry out sufficient titrations to allow an
accurate end-point to be obtained

0.224 x 250 = 1.12 x volume of FA2 required

volume of FA2 required = 50.00 cm3

1. Measure 50.00 cm3 of FA2 from a burette into a 250 cm3

volumetric flask.
2. Top up the volumetric flask to the marking using deionized water.
3. Stopper and shake well to obtain a homogeneous solution.
4. Pipette 25.0 cm3 of FA1 into a 250 cm3 conical flask.
5. Fill a 50 cm3 burette with FA3.
6. Titrate FA1 using FA3 until one drop of FA3 turn the solution from
pale yellow to a permanent pink colour.
7. Repeat the titration to obtain consistent readings of 0.10cm3.

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- pH indicators are usually not used in redox titrations, since there is no
sharp change in pH.

- When one solution (KMnO4) is intensely coloured, this solution may be

used to indicate the end-point of titration.

- Some stated the colour change to be purple to colourless, where the

original content of the conical flask is actually Fe2+ instead of MnO4−.

2 (a) The successive ionisation energies of a period 2 element, X, are given in

the table. Explain which group the element X belongs to.

1086 2352 4620 6222 37831 47277
energies /
kJ mol-1

There is a large increase in IE from the removal of the fourth to fifth

electron. This shows that the fifth electron is from the inner
quantum shell and there are 4 valence electrons, hence X is in
group IV.

- Students should avoid ambiguous terms such as “going to the next
- Some stated Group 4 instead of Group IV.

(b) When atoms which have been completely stripped of their electrons are
passed through two plates carrying electric charge, the nuclei of element
X and another nuclei of element Y, from the same group, are deflected
as follows.

2⁰ Y


Deduce the identity of element Y.

Angle of deflection = k (charge / mass)

2⁰ = k (6 / 12)

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For element Y,
Angle of deflection = 4 x (charge / mass)
Charge / mass = 1.763⁰ / 4 = 0.44075
Hence element Y is Ge (32 / 72.6 = 0.44077)

(C1/M1) / Angle1 = (C2/M2) / Angle2
(6/12) / 2 = (C2/M2) / 1.763
C2/M2 = 0.4407

- Some did not read carefully that Y is in the same group as X.
(c) Write the electronic configuration of the element Y in (b).

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p2


3 (a) Chlorine perchlorate is an unstable oxide of chlorine. It decomposes

readily to form oxygen, chlorine and solid dichlorine hexoxide, Cl2O6.

a b

Chlorine perchlorate

(i) State the oxidation state of each chlorine atom in chlorine


Cla : +7 Clb : +1

- Many students did not appreciate the relevance of the molecule’s
structure to the oxidation state of Cl.

- Some students gave negative values when Cl is the less

electronegative element in the compound.

(ii) Write a balanced equation for the decomposition of chlorine

perchlorate, and state the type of reaction.

2 Cl2O4 → O2 + Cl2 + Cl2O6

Disproportionation reaction

- Student were careless and thought that Cl2O6 was the compound
that was undergoing decomposition.

- Students should not mention redox as disproportionation is more

specific than redox.

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(b) When a sample of chlorine perchlorate was allowed to decompose, the

products occupied 210.0 cm3 at the pressure of 9.50 x 104 Pa and the
temperature of 333 ⁰C.

(i) State the two assumptions that need to be made in order for the
gas mixture to exhibit ideal behavior.

The volume of the gas molecules are negligible compared to

the volume of the gas.

The intermolecular forces of attraction are negligible.

- Give the 2 most important assumptions that ensure ideal gas

- Do not mention “no intermolecular forces of attraction”.

- A few stated “the volume of the gas molecules are negligible”

without making a comparison to the volume of the gas as a whole.

(ii) By assuming ideal gas conditions, calculate the mass of chlorine

perchlorate that decomposed.

= 𝑛
9.50 × 104 × 210 × 10−6
= 𝑛
8.31 × (333 + 273)

n = 0.003962 mol

Mass of chlorine perchlorate

= 0.003962 x (2 x 35.5 + 4 x 16.0)
= 0.535 g (3 s.f.)

- Many students do not convert the volume of cm3 to m3 or they
have the wrong conversion.

- A few did not convert the temperature given to Kelvin.

- The amount calculated is the amount of gas present in the


4 (a) (i) 10.0 g of Cr2(SO4)3 crystals were mixed into 50 cm3 of water and
stirred until the solid completely dissolved. It was found that the
temperature fell by 5.9 °C.

Given that the experimental setup has 90% efficiency, calculate the
enthalpy change of solution of Cr2(SO4)3. Assume the specific heat
capacity of water to be 4.18 J K−1 g−1.

Heat lost by water = 50 x 4.18 x 5.9

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= 1233.1 J

Heat gained by solvation of Cr2(SO4)3

= 1233.1 / 90 x 100
= 1370.1 J

No. of moles of Cr2(SO4)3 dissolved = 10.0 / 392.3

= 0.02549 mol

Enthalpy change of solution of Cr2(SO4)3

= + 1370.1 / 0.02549
= + 53.8 kJ mol−1 (3 s.f.)

- Some students did not understand the term “90% efficiency” and
multiplied the heat lost by water by 0.9.

- Students must remember to include the sign and the units for the
enthalpy change of solution.

- Some students also used the mass of the Cr2(SO4)3 crystals (10g)
instead of the mass of water in the calculation of the heat lost by

- Students must write clear statements to illustrate their working.

(ii) The following energy level diagram shows the heat content of
Cr2(SO4)3 under various conditions.

Using your value from part (a)(i), calculate the lattice energy of the

Enthalpy / kJ mol−1
2Cr3+ (g) + 3SO42− (g)

Hydration energy = −2380 kJ mol−1


2Cr3+ (aq) + 3SO42− (aq)

Cr2(SO4)3 (s)

ΔHsol = HE – LE
LE = −2380 – (+53.8)
= −2430 kJ mol−1 (3 s.f.)

- Students should use the diagram provided to determine the lattice

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015


energy, as well as its relation to hydration energy and ∆Hsol. (some

gave the wrong equation when relating the 3 terms together)
- The diagram provides a hint to ∆ Hsol being an endothermic
(iii) Justify the sign of hydration energy of Cr2(SO4)3 by sketching a
diagram of a Cr3+ ion and water molecules in the aqueous solution.

In your diagram, name the interaction involved.

+ H

- +


ion-dipole interaction

- Students need to draw water molecules correctly and include the
dipoles for O and H atom.

- Some students mentioned about permanent dipole and

permanent dipole interactions.

(b) The standard entropy change of solution of Cr2(SO4)3 is −287 J mol−1 K−1.
Suggest a reason for the negative sign of its entropy value.

Entropy decreases because several water molecules are arranged in

an orderly manner around each aqueous ion. [1]

- A lot of answers explained the increase in disorder due to the
dissolution process but this involves a positive entropy change.

- Students confused entropy with enthalpy.

- Students misunderstood that a negative ΔS meant that the system was

more disordered.

- Students did not understand the process of solution and talked about
gaseous ions.

5 (a) Draw the dot and cross diagram for CS2 and NO.


- Some answers had more than 8 electrons around N, C or O.

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- Some students drew circles (illustrating orbitals) for the dot and cross

(b) Using your answer in (a), draw the dot and cross diagram for N2O2 which
occurs in solid NO.


- Students are to recognise N2O2 as a dimer of NO.
- Lone electron of N in NO will be involved in bonding with each other.

(c) State the shape about the N atoms in (b).

Shape: Bent


(d) Explain why the melting point of CS2 is higher than that of NO.

NO and CS2 have simple molecular structure.

Electron cloud of CS2 is larger than NO and more polarisable .This
results in stronger induced dipole – induced dipole forces of
attraction between CS2 molecules which require more energy to be
broken, resulting in a higher melting point for CS2.


- Some students thought CS2 is a polar molecular but did not recognise
that the polarity of the bond cancelled each other.

- Some answers discussed the shape of the electron cloud, with CS2
having a more elongated one. However, the sizes of electron cloud for
both molecules are different. There is no basis for comparing shape of
electron cloud.

- Some students talked about intramolecular bonding instead of

intermolecular bonding. Students must recognise that both CS2 and NO
are simple molecules. Melting involves the breaking of intermolecular
bonds between the molecules.

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015


Section C (15 marks)

1 PF3 is a highly toxic compound that binds to haemoglobin in blood in a
similar fashion to CO. Below is some information about PF3 and one of its
constituent element, phosphorus.

Enthalpy change of formation of PF3(g) – 945 kJ mol−1

Enthalpy change of atomisation of P4(s) + 314.6 kJ mol−1

(a) (i) Define the term standard enthalpy change of atomisation.

It is the energy required to produce one mole of gaseous

atoms from its element under standard conditions.

- Some students did not include standard conditions and wrote
standard state instead.

- Answers that wrote “energy change / energy involved” were not

accepted as the atomisation process always absorbs energy.

(ii) Write an equation, using P4(s) as an example, to illustrate your

answer in (a)(i).

P4(s) P(g)


(b) Using information from the Data Booklet and that provided above,
construct an energy cycle and calculate the bond energy of the P – F
bond in PF3(g).

P4(s) + F2(g) PF3(g)

∆Hatom BE (F – F) 3 BE (P – F)

P(g) + 3F(g)

∆Hatom + 3/2 BE (F – F) − ∆Hf = 3 BE (P – F)

BE (P – F) = +499 kJ mol−1

- Some students did not know how to draw the energy cycle or did not
label the energy cycle correctly.

- State symbols must be included in the energy cycle for marks to be


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(c) (i) Calculate ∆G for the reaction at 25 °C.

1 3
P4 (s) + F2 (g) PF3 (g) ∆S = − 72.2 J mol−1 K−1
4 2

∆G = – 945 – (298)(– 0.0722)

= – 923 kJ mol−1

- Some students forgot to divide ∆S by 1000.

(ii) State the spontaneity of the reaction in (c)(i).

Reaction is spontaneous.


(iii) State the maximum amount of free energy that can be obtained
when 0.5 mol of PF3 is formed from the reaction in (c)(i).

462 kJ

- Many gave the answer −462 kJ.

(d) Both the elements, nitrogen and phosphorus lie in Group V. Nitrogen
exists as N2 molecules while phosphorus exists as P4 molecules, with
its structure shown below.

(i) Suggest why phosphorus does not form molecules of P2.

The atomic orbitals of P are larger than N. This results in

ineffective / poor side – on overlap of the orbitals when P
forms a triple bond with another atom.

- Some students commented that it was an unstable molecule
which is not accepted as this merely rephrases the question.

- Students need to recognize that in P2, both atoms bond via a

triple bond (similar to N≡N in N2). This bond is rather weak
(making P2 reactive / unstable) and students need to explain why
the triple bond is weak.

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(ii) With reference to the structures of PF3 and AlF3, explain the large
difference in their melting points.

PF3 exists as simple molecules / has a simple molecular

structure. AlF3 has a giant ionic lattice structure. Weak
permanent dipole – permanent dipole forces of attraction
exist between the molecules of PF3 while strong electrostatic
forces of attraction are present between the ions in AlF3,
requiring larger amounts of energy to overcome. This results
in AlF3 having a higher melting point.

- A few erroneously thought that AlF3 has a simple molecular
structure (like AlCl3).

(iii) Both NF3 and PF3 are soluble in polar solvents but PF5 is
insoluble. Explain why PF5 is insoluble in polar solvents.

PF5 is non polar and induced dipole – induced dipole forces

of attraction are the predominant forces of attraction
between its molecules. It is not able to form favourable
intermolecular forces of attraction with solvent molecules /
overcome the stronger permanent dipole – permanent dipole
forces of attraction between the solvent molecules.

- Some answers only described PF5 as being non-polar and
therefore could not dissolve in polar solvents. This was
insufficient, as a further elaboration on the nature of the forces of
attraction (id-id) between PF5 molecules was needed. This is then
associated to the inability of PF5 to break the stronger pd-pd
interactions between solvent molecules.

- Some only made a specific reference to water instead of polar

solvents in general. As a result, their answers were along the
lines of PF5 not being able to form hydrogen bonding with water,
which is insufficient for this question.

- Answers that focused on addressing the reason for NF3 and

PF3’s ability to dissolve well in polar solvents did not answer the

- Some students discussed the reasons why PF5 is non polar

which was not the focus of the question.

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(iv) When PF3 reacts with NH3, a single product is formed. Draw the
structure of this product, showing clearly the geometry about the
P and N atoms.

- Dative bonding, with the P atom of PF3 being the electron donor,
is not possible as N cannot expand its octet.

- Some students forgot the lone pair on P when determining its


- Some did not read the question carefully, giving a 2D structure

without mentioning the shape around the P and N atoms.

© ACJC 2015 JC1 Term Exam 2015

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