Nature of Accounting - Acc140

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The various definitions and explanations of accounting has been propounded by different accounting
experts from time to time and the following aspects comprise the nature of accounting :

i) Accounting as a service activity -accounting collects financial information for the various
users for taking decisions and tackling business issues.
ii) Accounting as a profession -A profession is a career that involve the acquiring of a
specialised formal education through professional bodies before rendering any service.
iii) Accounting as a social force-Under the changing business environment the discipline of
accounting and the accountant both have to watch and protect the interests of other
people who are directly or indirectly linked with the operation of modern business.
Therefore, safeguarding of public interest can better be facilitated with the help of
proper, adequate and reliable accounting information and as a result of it the society at
large is benefited.
iv) Accounting as a language -It is one means of reporting and communicating information
about a business.. The expression, exhibition and presentation of accounting data such
as a numerals and words and debits and credit are accepted as symbols which are
unique to the discipline of accounting.
v) Accounting as science or art. Accounting has its own principles e.g. the double entry
system, which explains that every transaction has two fold aspect i.e. debit and credit. It
also lays down rules of journalising. Accounting is an art as it also requires knowledge,
interest and experience to maintain the books of accounts in a systematic manner.

The following are the main objectives of accounting :
1. To keep systematic records : Accounting is done to keep a systematic record of
financial transactions. In the absence of accounting there would have been terrific
burden on human memory which in most cases would have been impossible to bear.

2. To protect business properties: Accounting provides protection to business properties

from unjustified and unwarranted use in terms of assets, liabilities and capital. This
Information helps the proprietor in assuring that the funds of the business are not
necessarily kept idle or underutilised.

3. To ascertain the operational profit or loss : Accounting helps in ascertaining the net
profit earned or loss suffered on account of carrying the business.

4. To ascertain the financial position of the business – Through preparation of the

Balance Sheet which is a statement of assets and liabilities of the business on a
particular date. It serves as barometer for ascertaining the financial health of the

5. To facilitate rational decision making : Accounting these days has taken upon itself the
task of collection, analysis and reporting of information at the required points of time to
the required levels of authority in order to facilitate rational decision-making.

6. Information System : Accounting functions as an information system for collecting and

communicating economic information about the business enterprise.

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