Syriac Contract

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It is hereby agreed this 6th day of June, 2011, by and between the Board of Education of the Town of Syriac S"ymour, tocaieO in the State of conneiticut, (irereinafter referred to as the "Board") and Christine
(hereinafter referred to as "superintendent") that:



The said Board hereby does employ Christine $yriac,

$uperintendent of Schoois of Seymoui'ufon the terms and

9ld t.h" accepts employment, conditions hereinafter set forth,



month period July 1 ,z}llthrough June.30{h,2015. The annual contract yearis.defined as.a twelve may agree to commencing .aci;July t*,. tne Board, with mutual consent of the Superlntendent, greaterthan three (3) extend the contract in one (1) year increments not to exceed a contract period years.

a,) The Superintendent agrees to faithfully perform..her duties in service as Chief Executive Officer of the goard of Educition. Such duties shall be performed in accordance with the written policies of the Board and the laws of the $tate of connecticut.
her b,) The Board shall provide the Superintendent with the opportunity to discuss with them option of the performance at least once during each contract year, or more often at the to a buperintendent and/or the Board. fne Superintendent shall be entitled, upon request,written statemeni of t'tur performance within the school system. Evaluation of the year. Superintendent's performance shall b* r*.o*plished no later than June 30h of each 4.) TERMINATION

a.) This contract may be terminated by mutualwritten consent at any time'

dismissal for good and b.) Throughout the term of this contract, the Superintend.ent shall be subjeci to

just cause provided the Board does not aci arbitrarily, capriciously and/or without rational basis reasons for in fact, The Board shall provide the $uperintendent with statements in writing of its reasons for dismissal. The Superintendent shail have an opportunity to respond to the stated dismissal. has c.) The Superintendent may terminate this contract at any time, provided the Superintendent given ai least three (3) months' notice to the Board'



a.) The Superintendent shall be entitled to all benefits


granted to the Seymour Administrators

Association which are not otherwise specified in this contract,

The Superintendent shall be entitled to vacation of up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) days in one contract year. Such vacation may be taken as earned or up to a maximum of five (5) days per year may be carried over to the next contract year, In no event, however, will the Superintendent accrue and/or use more than thirty (30) vacation days in any one contract year. Such vacation time shall be exclusive of legal holidays recognized by the Board. The buperintendent or her estate shatl be entitled to payment for up to thirty (30) days of earned accumulated unused vacation days upon her death or cessation of services with the Seymour School System,

c.) The Superintendent shall be entitled to already accrued sick leave earned in the Seymour Public Schools.

d.) The Board mandates that the Superintendent of Schools will attend the AASA Major Educational Conference each year during this contract, with expenses for one (1) person to be paid for by the Board. e,) The Superintendent will atso attend another major conference of her choice during this contract, with expenses for one (1) person to be paid for by the Board.


Retirement Longevity lncentive Allowance will be paid upon retirement to the Superintendent if she completes at least ten years of continuous service in Seymour as a teacher or administrator. Said compensation shall be based on the Superintendent's annual salary at the time of retirement and shall be for four (4) months salary if said Superintendent has accumulated seventy-five (75) sick days, and five (5) months salary if said SupErintendent has accumulated one hundred (100) sick days.

ln addition, upon retirement as outlined in $ection f. above, the Board wilt pay one third of the
health insurance premium cost associated with health insurance plan(s) currently being offered to the Superintendent and her eligible dependent(s).

g.) Monthly travel stipend of $150 to be paid quarterly.

h.) The Board shall pay premiums on term life insurance on the life of the Superintendent at the amount equal to three (3) times the base salary of the Superintendent. i.) Except as otherwise may be provided herein, all benefits in this contract shall be paid during the term of this agreement,




Subject to the budget appropriation and Board policy, the Superintendent shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of her professional duties,


CO[IFENSATION Fcr the period of July 1, ?01? thr*ugh June 30rh, 2015, th* $uperintendent sheli be paid an annual base salary comprisecl of two pa*s:

o e

?012-13 (July 1,2012 -June 30,2013) --- $163,47il bsse salary cf v''hich $7,500 rnay be defetred to an elective {ax-s}reltererl annuity "pur$**nt to a valid and legally binding salary reduc{ion

agr*em*nt to be paid to a tax-sheliered annuity

seNectecl by

the superinteneient".

2013-14 {July 1, 2013 * June 30, 2014} --- {base salary from 2012-2013 plus ?,5%) of which $7,500 may be cleferred to an elective tax-shelt*r*d annuity "pl,r$uant tn a valid and legally bindlng s*l*ry reduction agrecment ta be paicl ta a tax-sheliered annuity *elect*d by the sup*rintendent",

- June 30, 201 5} --- A % increase abov* the 201 3-2014 base salary i* [:e rregctiated of whicll sn sm*unt to be n*gotiated nray h* cieferred to an eleciive taxsireitered annuity "pur$uant ts a valid and legatly hinding salary reduetion agreement to be paid to a tax-*helt*reci annility s*le*ted i:y the $uperirttendent". ln no event shalithe salary for the third year of this contract be less ihan the salary for the imrnediately preceding p*riad, Any adjustment in salary rnade durir"lg ihe life cf this contraci shall hecome part of this contl"act. lt is providecl, l"l*wevel, lhat by so cicing, ii shall nat be eonsid*ted that the Board has entereri into a new ccntract with ihe $up*rintendent, or that the terminatian date of the existing contract has been ext*nded.
?014-J 5 {July I , 2S14



This contract contains the entire agr*em*nt by and hstween the Board and the $uperintendent" lt may nct be arnendeci orally, but nray be amended by an agreem*nt in writing, signed by both parties and attached hereto. lmrn*diately ilpon signing, it will sr-rpersede *l{ prior agreements b*tween the
parties. tN WITN*$$ WHHlqFilF, the und*rsigned harre executed this contract the day and year aforesaid.

$uirerintendent of $chools

Chairnian, B*atd of Educaticn


r l,







Approvecl by the Board of Education on June S, 2011 at a regular rneeting,

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