Network Coding For Large Scale Content Distribution

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Network Coding for Large Scale Content Distribution

Christos Gkantsidis and Pablo Rodriguez Rodriguez Microsoft Research Cambridge, CB3 0FD, UK Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract We propose a new scheme for content distribution of large les that is based on network coding. With network coding, each node of the distribution network is able to generate and transmit encoded blocks of information. The randomization introduced by the coding process eases the scheduling of block propagation, and, thus, makes the distribution more efcient. This is particularly important in large unstructured overlay networks, where the nodes need to make decisions based on local information only. We compare network coding to other schemes that transmit unencoded information (i.e. blocks of the original le) and, also, to schemes in which only the source is allowed to generate and transmit encoded packets. We study the performance of network coding in heterogeneous networks with dynamic node arrival and departure patterns, clustered topologies, and when incentive mechanisms to discourage free-riding are in place. We demonstrate through simulations of scenarios of practical interest that the expected le download time improves by more than 20-30% with network coding compared to coding at the server only and, by more than 2-3 times compared to sending unencoded information. Moreover, we show that network coding improves the robustness of the system and is able to smoothly handle extreme situations where the server and nodes departure the system. Keywords: System design, simulations, content distribution networks, collaborative networks, network coding.

I. I NTRODUCTION Up until recently, content distribution solutions relied on placing dedicated equipment at certain places inside or at the edge of the Internet. The best example of such solutions is Akamai [4], which runs several tens of thousands of servers all over the world. However, in recent years, a new paradigm for Content Distribution has emerged based on a fully distributed architecture where commodity PCs are used to form a cooperative network and share their resources (storage, CPU, bandwidth).

By capitalizing the bandwidth of end-systems, cooperative architectures offer great potential for addressing some of the most challenging issue of todays Internet: the cost-effective distribution of bandwidth-intensive content to thousands of simultaneous users both Internetwide and in private networks, and the resilience to ash crowds- a huge and sudden surge of trafc that usually leads to the collapse of the affected server. Content distribution solutions based on end-system cooperation are inherently self scalable, in that the bandwidth capacity of the system increases as more nodes arrive: each new node requests service from, but also provides service to, the other nodes. The network can thus spontaneously adapt to the demand by taking advantage of the resources provided by every end-node. The systems capacity grows at the same rate as the demand, creating limitless scalability for a xed cost. As such, end-system cooperative solutions can be used to efciently and quickly deliver software updates, critical patches, videos, and other large les to a very large number of users. The best example of an end-system cooperative architecture is the BitTorrent system. BitTorrent became extremely popular as a way of delivering the Linux distributions. To enable multiple end-systems to cooperate, BitTorrent splits large les into small blocks, which allows users to download multiple blocks in parallel from different nodes. Once a user has downloaded a given block, that persons computer can immediately behave as a server for that particular block and serve anyone else looking for the le. For a detailed description of the BitTorrent system see [16]. Despite their enormous potential and popularity, existing end-system cooperative schemes such as BitTorrent, suffer from a number of inefciencies which decrease their overall performance. Such inefciencies are more pronounced for large and heterogeneous populations, during ash crowds, in environments with high churn, or when cooperative incentive mechanisms are in place. In this paper we propose a new end-system cooperative

solution that uses network coding, i.e. encoding at the interior nodes of the network, to overcome most of these problems. A. Network Coding Network coding is a novel mechanism proposed in the last years to improve the throughput utilization of a given network topology [8]. The principle behind network coding is to allow intermediate nodes to encode packets. Compared to other traditional approaches (e.g. building multicast trees), network coding makes optimal use of the available network resources and computing a scheduling scheme that achieves such rate is computationally easy. An overview of network coding and a discussion of possible Internet applications was given in [3]. Using network coding as a building block, we provide an end-system content distribution solution which optimally uses the resources of the network. Every time a client needs to send a packet to another client, the source client generates and sends a linear combination of all the information available to it (similarly to XORing multiple packets). After clients receive enough linearly independent combinations of packets, they can reconstruct the original information. In a big scale distributed cooperative system such as BitTorrent, nding the proper scheduling of information across the overlay topology so that nodes do not have to wait unnecessarily for new content to arrive is very difcult. This is especially the case in practical systems that cannot rely on a central scheduler and are based on local node decisions. The scheduling problem becomes increasingly difcult as the number of nodes in the overlay increases, when nodes are at different stages in their downloads, and when incentive mechanisms are introduced to prevent leeching clients. As we will see in this paper, network coding makes efcient propagation of information in a large scale distributed system with no central scheduler easier, even in the scenarios described above. To illustrate how network coding improves the propagation of information without a global coordinated scheduler we consider the following (simple) example. In Figure 1 assume that Node A has received from the source packets 1 and 2. If network coding is not used, then, Node B can download either packet 1 or packet 2 from A with the same probability. At the same time that Node B downloads a packet from A, Node C independently downloads packet 1. If Node B decides to retrieve packet 1 from A, then both Nodes B and C will have the same packet 1 and, the link between them can not be used.

Source Packet 1 Packet 2 Node C

Packet 1

Node A

Node B

Packet 1, or 2, or 12?

Fig. 1. Network Coding benets when nodes only have local information.

If network coding is used, Node B will download a linear combination of packets 1 and 2 from A, which in turn can be used with Node C. Obviously, Node B could have downloaded packet 2 from A and then use efciently the link with C, however, without any knowledge of the transfers in the rest of the network (which is difcult to achieve in a large, complex, and distributed environment), Node B cannot determine which is the right packet to download. On the other hand, such a task becomes trivial using network coding. It is important to note that the decision on which packets to generate and send at given node does not require for nodes to keep information about what the other nodes in the network are doing, or how the information should propagate in the network, thus, greatly simplifying the content distribution effort. B. Contributions We now summarize the main contributions of this paper: 1) We describe a practical system based on network coding for le distribution to a large number of cooperative users. Our approach does not require knowledge of the underlying network topology. Moreover, the nodes make decisions of how to propagate packets based on local information only. By using network coding, the problem of scheduling the block propagation across a large scale distributed setting becomes much easier. 2) We provide experimental evidence in many situations of practical interest that suggests that network coding performs better than transmitting unencoded blocks or using techniques that are based on erasure codes, which can be thought as coding but only at the server. Network coding performs better by almost a factor of two compared to performing encoding at the server and by a factor of three compared to not coding at all when the topology is clustered. Similarly, network coding

improves the download rates by almost 20% compared to source coding and by more than 30% compared to no coding in an heterogeneous network. During the early stages of a ash crowd, network coding outperforms source coding and no coding by 40% and 200% respectively. Even when the system reaches a steadystate, network coding still provides signicant benets compared to using other techniques. Moreover, when titfor-tat incentives are used the performance of network coding is bearly impacted, while, other schemes suffer signicantly. 3) We also show that our network coding system is very robust to extreme situations with sudden server and node departures. Network coding nodes are able to make progress and nish a download even if the server leaves shortly after uploading only one copy of the le to the system and nodes depart immediately after they nish their download. Without network coding, if both the server and the peers suddenly depart the system, some blocks of the original le or of the source-encoded le will disappear and nodes will not be able to nish their downloads. This demonstrates that network coding nodes require very little support from the origin server and are able to efciently feed information to each other even under extreme circumstances. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II we provide an overview of related work. In Section III we describe our model for end-system cooperative content distribution and discuss how network coding can be used as a building block of such a system. In Section IV we provide experimental evidence of the benets of using network coding over sending blocks of the original le and over source coding. We summarize in Section V and discuss some open problems. II. R ELATED W ORK Implementing large scale content distribution using endsystem cooperation techniques has been the focus of multiple research efforts during the recent years. a) Tree-Based Cooperative Systems: Two of the rst proposals to use end-systems for content distribution were Yoid and EndSystem multicast, which provided an end-system overlay multicast architecture for the delivery of video and audio content [13] [14]. Following a similar concept, SplitStream [9] builds multiple overlay multicast trees to enable a more robust and fair system where all nodes contribute roughly the same to the distribution effort and the departure of a node causes minor disruptions. Similarly, Coopnet [10] forms either random or deterministic node-disjoint trees, and it includes a Multiple Description Coding layer (MDC) [15]

to maximize the streaming quality experienced by the users. Creating and maintaining shortest-path multicast trees provides an optimized architecture for the delivery of real-time streaming content. However, architectures that employ tree topologies are bandwidth-limited in that the transfer rate to a client will only be as fast as the throughput of the bottleneck link on the path from the server, and moreover, perpendicular connections among nodes are often hard to exploit. For le downloads, optimizing bandwidth is often more critical than optimizing delay, and therefore, tree-based architectures may not always be the best approach. b) Mesh Cooperative Architectures: As an alternative to tree-based systems, a number of mesh architectures have also been suggested. Mesh cooperative architectures can substantially benet from additional connections between end-systems, thus, maximizing download rates. The improvement is possible due to intelligent collaboration among peers, which efciently use of the extra available bandwidth. Assuming that a given pair of end systems has not received exactly the same content, perpendicular bandwidth can be used to ll in the differences in received content, thus reducing the total transfer time. By harnessing the power of paralleldownloads resulting from connection to multiple nodes concurrently [18][19], cooperative architectures provide drastic performance benets by taking advantage of nodes whose working sets are complementary. However, one major drawback of mesh cooperative architectures is that since no trees are constructed, there is no pre-determined distribution path for the content and the mesh topology may include multiple cycles and out-of-order content delivery. In addition, nodes in the cooperative architecture often need to make local decisions which result in a non-optimal scheduling. The end result is that nodes need to wait unnecessarily for new data to arrive. The most popular of such cooperative architectures is BitTorrent [16]. A detailed analysis of BitTorrents performance can be found in [20] [21]. BitTorrent provides an end-system cooperative architecture to facilitate fast downloads of popular les. To improve the efcient propagation of content among nodes, BitTorrent uses a rarest-rst block download policy. Such policy attempts a uniform distribution of pieces among the nodes to prevent users who have all but a few of the pieces from waiting too long to nish their download. However, when nodes are close to nishing their download, nodes may attempt to obtain it from the server, causing unnecessary server overloading. To overcome such problem, Slurpie [17] proposes a

randomized back off strategy combined with an effective group size estimator that precisely controls the load on the server. c) Erasure Codes: A number of cooperative architectures [12] [11] have proposed the use of Erasure Codes1 [22][23] (e.g. Digital Fountain) to efciently transfer bulk data. The digital fountain approach enables end-hosts to efciently reconstruct the original content of size n from roughly a subset of any n symbols from a large universe of encoded symbols. However, since the sets of symbols acquired by nodes are likely to overlap substantially, care must be taken to enable them to collaborate effectively. This makes cooperation and reconciliation among nodes more difcult than when no content is encoded. To overcome such problem [11] proposes techniques to efciently reconciliate encoded content among different nodes using sketches, bloom lters, etc. While encoded content can efciently handle losses, asynchronous arrivals, and churn, locating missing data items may still be a challenge. To address the issue of efciently locating useful encoded blocks within the system, Bullet [12] proposes a mechanism that periodically disseminates summaries of data sets uniformly sampled over a random subset of global participants. d) Network Coding: Network coding was rst considered in the pioneering work by Alswede et al. [8], where they showed that a sender can communicate information to a set of receivers at the broadcast capacity of the network provided one allows network coding. High utilization of a given topology can also be achieved using multiple edge-disjoint distribution trees (specially in the case where all nodes are receivers). In fact, several schemes (e.g. SplitStream, CoopNet) have proposed to utilize multiple multicast trees (forest) to deliver striped data from the source to all receivers. These proposals can indeed improve end-to-end throughput beyond that of a single tree, however, computing the strategies to achieve optimal throughput using multiple trees has been shown to be NP-complete and APX-hard [24][25][26]. Instead, recent studies have shown that network coding can signicantly facilitate the design of efcient algorithms to compute and achieve such optimal throughput [7] [2]. Most of the previous work on network coding is largely based on theoretical calculations that assume a detailed knowledge of the topology, and a centralized knowledge point for computing the distribution scheme. However, little effort has been made to study
we use the terms Erasure Codes, FEC, and Source Coding interchangeably across the paper

the practical aspects of implementing network coding on a real distributed setting. In this regard [5] considers the feasibility of applying the theoretical insights in network coding to increasing throughput in actual multicast systems over wide-area networks. In [6], Chou et al. propose a practical network coding system for streaming content. Similarly, in [2], K. Jain et al. provide (contemporaneously with this work) analytical evidence that supports the use of network coding in peer-to-peer networks. Based on the work presented in [6] and [2], we propose a practical end-system cooperative architecture that uses network coding to enable efcient large scale content distribution. Network coding can be seen as an extension or generalization of the Digital Fountain approach since both the server and the end-system nodes perform information encoding. Note, however, that restricting erasure codes only to the origin server implies that intermediate nodes can only copy and forward packets. This results in the same erasure code being copied over from one node to another. Since mesh architectures contain cycles, it is possible that multiple copies of the same block arrive at a given receiver through different paths, thus, decreasing the effective capacity of the system. With Network Coding, on the other hand, a given block is combined with other informative blocks as it propagates through the network, thus, signicantly reducing the probability of duplicate information arriving at the same receiver from different paths. When the total number of different erasure codes in the system is very high, then, the probability of duplicate information arriving at the same receiver can also become quite small. However, for ash crowd arrivals where no node has the content, when nodes leave the system soon after they nish the download, or when the server leaves the system after serving few copies of the le, using erasure codes has far less clear benets compared to not performing encoding at all. III. M ODEL In this section, we describe our model for end-system cooperative content distribution. This model can be used to either distribute blocks of the original le, or blocks of encoded information, where the encoding can happen either only at the source, or both at the source and at the network. We will outline the basic operation of this system, emphasizing some algorithmic parameters that affect its performance. However, a detailed protocol implementation is outside of the scope of this paper. These algorithmic parameters and their impact will be studied in Section IV.

A. Model of a collaborative content distribution network We assume a population of users that are interested in retrieving a le, which originally exists in a single server. The capacity of the server is limited (a server could be an end-user) and, thus, users contribute their bandwidth resources to help other users. Since the server does not have the capacity to serve all users simultaneously, it divides the le into k blocks and uploads blocks at random to different clients. The clients collaborate with each other to assemble all the k blocks to reconstruct the original le. This is very similar to how current endcooperative systems, especially BitTorrent, work. We assume that users do not know the identities of all other users; they only know the identities of a small subset of them, which we call the neighborhood. We assume that the neighboring relation is symmetric, i.e. if node A is in the neighborhood of B , then, also, B is in the neighborhood of A. Each node can exchange information, which includes blocks of the le and other protocol messages, only with its neighbors. The size of this subset is normally a small value (e.g. 4-6). The way nodes join the network is as follows. Upon arrival, each user will contact a centralized server that will provide a random subset of other users already in the system (similar to the tracker concept in [16]). The new user will then connect to each of them to construct its neighborhood. The end results is a mesh overlay topology where information ows along the edge-nodes in that topology. Rather than using a centralized server, other mechanisms for providing random subsets of nodes can be used like the ones proposed in [28] and [1]. In the case that some nodes loose some of their neighbors (because they left the system), or when a node needs to use more neighbors to improve its parallel download rate, the node can request additional neighbors at any time. Thus, allowing the topology to recongure when needed. In this work, we assume that the major bottleneck in the system is the capacity of the access link of each user (and of the server). The total rate by which a user can receive information from all its neighbors is limited by the download capacity of the user; similarly, the total rate by which the user can upload information to all its neighbors is limited by the upload capacity of the user. For the purpose of this paper we assume symmetric links, where the download capacity is equal to the upload capacity of a node and both capacities are independent. We have experimented with asymmetric access capacities and observed very similar results and thus we omit the details of this case.

B. Content propagation of uncoded and source-encoded information Each time there is a transfer of a block from the server or a user to another user, a decision process is involved as to which block will be downloaded. We assume that neither the server, nor any user have a complete information about the blocks that each user in the system has. Instead, each user only knows about the blocks it has downloaded and the blocks that exist in its neighbors and, thus, the algorithm for deciding which block to transfer is based on local information only. In our system, we have experimented with the following heuristics, which are commonly used in current systems: Random block. The block to be transfered is decided at random among the blocks that exist in the source (if the source is the server, then a random block among all blocks). Local Rarest. The block to be transfered is picked among the rarest block in the neighborhood. If there are multiple rarest blocks, a block at random is picked among them. Global Rarest. This is a baseline scheme which is not practical in large networks. The block to be transfered is the system-global rarest block that exists in the neighborhood. This is a heuristic that gives priority to very rare blocks in the hope of improving the performance of the system. The BitTorrent system uses a combination of the Random and Local Rarest schemes. In the beginning each nodes uses Random and after a few blocks have been downloaded it switches to Local Rarest. When server coding is used, the system works very similar to the description above. However, the server gives blocks of encoded information and not of the original le. If the server uses forward error correction codes, then it generates k e blocks, where k is the number of blocks in the unencoded le and e > 1 is the expansion factor, a parameter decided by the server. If the server uses rateless codes, then each time the server needs to upload a block to a user, a new encoded block is generated. C. Content propagation with network coding. In the case of network coding, both the server and the users perform encoding operations. Whenever a node or the server needs to forward a block to another node, it produces a linear combination of all the blocks it currently stores. The operation of the system is best described in the example of Figure 2. Assume that initially all users are empty and that user A contacts the server to get a block. The server will

we use the terms nodes and users interchangeably across the paper

File B1 c1 B2 cn c2 E1 c'1 c''1 E3 c''2 c'2 E2 c'n Bn

Client A Client B

Coefficient vector: (c1 c1+c2c1, c1 c2+c2c2, )

Fig. 2.

Sample description of our network coding system.

combine all the blocks of the le to create an encoded block E1 as follows. First, it will pick some random coefcients c1 , c2 , . . . , cn , then multiply each element of block i with ci , and nally add the results of the multiplications together. All these operations take place in a nite eld. Observe that the probability that two independent nodes with the same set of blocks pick the same set of coefcients and construct the same block depends on the size of the eld. If the eld is very small such collisions may happen and they will reduce the performance of the system. In most practical cases a eld size of 216 should be enough. (For a related discussion of the size of the eld and the probability of decoding in a randomized setting see [27].) The server will then transmit to user A the result of the addition and the coefcient vector c = (ci ). Assume now that user A has also another block of encoded information E2, either directly from the server or from another peer, with its associated vector of coefcients. If user A needs to transmit an encoded block E3 to user B , A generates a linear combination of its two blocks E1 and E2 as follows. User A picks two random coefcients c and c , multiplies each element of block 2 1 E1 with the coefcient c and similarly for the second 1 block E2 , and adds the results of the multiplication. The block transmitted to user B will be the addition of the multiplications c E1 and c E2 . The coefcient vector 2 1 c associated with the new block is equal to c c+c c . 2 1 Observe that a node can recover the original le after receiving k blocks for which the associated coefcient vectors are linearly independent to each other. The reconstruction process is similar to solving a system of linear equations. The benet we expect to get by using network coding is due to the randomization introduced each time we generate a new encoded block. Recall that without network coding, each user needs to decide which block

to receive based on a local decision. This may be a suboptimal decision since such block may be already well represented in other areas of the network. On the other hand, with network coding, we perform a linear combination of all available blocks at a given node. Both popular as well as unpopular blocks are combined into a single block without having to estimate their popularity. If at least one of the combined blocks is of use to other nodes down the path, then the linear combination will also be useful. The only way that a generated encoded block is not useful is if the same block was generated independently elsewhere in the system (or from the same node in a previous transmission). However, as blocks traverse the network they get combined with other blocks in different nodes, making the probability of that happening particularly small. Observe that in the case of network coding we do not have to worry about how to pick the block to transmit to the other node; we combine all the available blocks. However, deciding whether a neighboring node can send an innovative packet is more difcult since the coefcient vectors of the sender can be different to the vectors of the receiver, but, still, span the same space. A simple approach is to ensure that each node knows the coefcient vectors of its neighbors. By using the neighbors coefcients and its own coefcients, a given node can easily calculate the rank of the combined matrices and determine which nodes can provide new blocks and moreover how many blocks they can provide. An alternative and cheaper approach is to have the sender generate a linear combination with random coefcients of the coefcient vectors available to it and send the resulting coefcient vector. If the receiver determines that the received vector is a linear combination of the vectors already available at the receiver, then it assumes that the sender does not have innovative blocks to send and waits for future updates from the sender. Observe that an unlucky choice of the random coefcients may lead the receiver to conclude that the server does not have innovative information, when in reality it does; such unlucky events should be very rare. Note that the overhead of transmitting the coefcient vectors is quite small. In most practical scenarios, the size of each block is normally in the order of several hundreds of KBytes [18] whereas the size of a coefcient vector is smaller than one packet. D. Incentive Mechanisms An important problem of current collaborative content distribution networks is free-riding; many users take advantage of the resources offered to the network by

other users without contributing their own resources. Free-riding can seriously degrade the performance of the content distribution [30], and, as a result, many collaborative networks have introduced mechanisms to discourage free-riding. In our system we use two mechanisms to discourage free riding. The rst is that we give priority to exchanges over free uploading to other nodes. In other words, when there is contention for the upload capacity of a user, the user will preferentially upload blocks of information to neighbors from which it is also downloading blocks. Thus, the nodes allocate their capacity preferentially to mutual exchanges and then use the remaining upload capacity for free downloads. The second incentive mechanism that we use is inspired by the tit-for-tat approach used in the BitTorrent network [16]. A user does not upload content to another user unless it has also received enough content from that user; more specically, the absolute difference of uploading minus downloading from one user to another is bounded. The introduction of such an incentive mechanism makes scheduling of information across a large distributed setting even more challenging. Given that nodes make decisions based on local information, a node may end-up downloading blocks that are already popular across the system and cannot be traded easily with other users. This effect gets amplied when the network frequently recongures. With network coding almost every block is unique and thus has higher chances of being useful to other users and being traded easily. IV. E XPERIMENTAL

In this section we study the performance of an endsystem cooperative architecture that uses network coding and compare it with other existing approaches. In particular we study the performance of end-system cooperative architectures for a) different types of topologies, b) heterogeneous client populations, c) dynamic node arrivals, d) sudden node and server departures, and d) incentive mechanisms. To evaluate the performance of each scheme, we calculate the time it takes for each user to download the le. We are both concerned with the average download time, as well as the maximum, and the standard deviation of the waiting times among all clients. Another performance metric, is the overall utilization of the network, or, in other words, how fast the network can push information to the users. We measure network throughput as the total number of blocks transfered in a unit of time. This metric is also related to how much load is taken away from the server. The higher the throughput in the cooperative

network, the more efciently nodes are contributing to the download, and the lower the load in the server. To study the performance of potentially large number of users under various settings and scenarios, we have implemented a simulator of an end-cooperative system that uses different algorithms for content distribution. Our purpose was not to construct a perfectly realistic simulation, but to demonstrate the advantages of network coding in some specic scenarios, which, we believe, are of practical importance. Our simulator is used to compare the performance of content propagation using network coding, not coding at all, and coding only at the server. The input to the simulator is a set of nodes with constraints in their upload and download capacities, an initial overlay topology that connects these nodes, the size of the le to be distributed to the nodes, and the capacity of the single server in the system. The capacities are measured as the number of blocks that can be downloaded/uploaded in a single round. The number of blocks of the le transfered between two users is always an integral number. We have experimented with ner granularities and observed very similar results. Whenever a user joins the system it picks four nodes at random and makes them its neighbors (provided that they have not exceeded the maximum number of neighbors, which is set to six in most of our experiments). The simulator supports dynamic user populations with nodes joining and leaving the system, and topology recongurations. In fact, at the end of each round, if a node determines that the utilization of its download capacity in the most recent rounds drops below a certain threshold (10% in most of our experiments), then it tries to discover and connect to new neighbors. Similarly, if the user has exceeded its maximum number of neighbors, then it will drop some of the old neighbors at random. The simulator is round based. At the beginning of each round, each peer contacts its neighbors to discover whether there are new blocks that can be downloaded. For unencoded content and for source coding we assume that the each node knows the blocks available at its neighbors; for network coding we use the techniques described in Section III-C. Then, the simulator decides which blocks will be exchanged so that the upload and download capacities are not violated and that exchanges take priority as explained in Section III-D. Nodes with free download capacity contact the server. However, the number of nodes that can be satised by the server is bounded by the servers capacity. The block transfers, either from a peer or from the server, take place at the same round and, then, the system moves to the next round.

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During each simulation all the nodes in the system use the same encoding scheme, either network coding, source coding, or propagating of original blocks. To simulate rateless codes we set the expansion factor e to be very large. To simulate a tit-for-tat scenario, the simulator keeps track of the difference between uploaded blocks minus downloaded blocks from a user S (source) to a user D (destination). If the difference is larger than the precongured value (typically 2 when we study tit-for-tat), then the source S will not send any block to D even if there is spare upload capacity at S and spare download capacity at D. Obviously, there are important parameters that we do not simulate such network delays, locality properties in constructing the overlay, cross-trafc impact, or malicious users. However, we believe that the simulator is able to capture some of the most important properties of an end-cooperative architecture. Next we present the experimental results based on the simulator described above. A. Homogeneous topologies We start by comparing the performance of network coding (NC) to source coding (FEC) and unencoded information using a local rarest policy (LR) in a wellconnected network of 200 nodes3 , where all nodes have the same access capacity equal to one block per round (homogeneous capacities). The upload capacity of the server is also 1 block/round. In this simulation we give priority to mutual exchanges, as described in Section IIID, but do not use the tit-for-tat mechanism. In Figure 3, we plot the nish times of each node and the progress per round for that conguration. We measure the nish times as the number of rounds required to complete the download. We observe that in this baseline scenario all schemes perform equally well. The performance with network coding was slightly better compared to the other schemes, but, still, in all schemes the average nish time was close to the minimum nish time possible, which is rounds since the original le is equal to 100 blocks. In the following sections we deviate from that baseline scenario and observe that with small changes in the conguration network coding performs better. B. Topologies with clusters Network coding has been shown to perform well in topologies with bad cuts. In this section we examine such
We have performed limited experimentation with larger topologies of sizes up to 2000 nodes showing similar results

Finish Time

125 120 115 110 105 100 0 200 180 160 LR LR+FEC NC





Nodes (sorted)

Progress per round

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 LR LR+FEC NC


Fig. 3. Finish times and progress per round for a well-connected topology of 200 nodes. Size of the le is 100 blocks.

a topology with two clusters of 100 nodes each. There is good connectivity and ample bandwidth between the nodes in each cluster (equal to 8 blocks per round in both directions and for all nodes). However there is limited bandwidth between the nodes of the different clusters; in every round only 4 blocks can propagate from one cluster to the other. The capacity of the server is also 4 blocks per round and moreover the server departs at round 30 and, thus, the nodes need to use the capacity between the clusters in the optimal way to retrieve the blocks of the le as fast as possible. In Figure 4 we plot the nish times for each node. The minimum possible nish time in this experiment is equal to 25 rounds. Observe that without coding the average nish time is roughly three times longer compared to using network coding. The reason is that without coding some packets are transmitted multiple times over the bad cut wasting precious capacity that could have been used to transmit new blocks. For similar reasons, network coding outperforms source coding in this example by almost a factor of two. Given that nodes stay in the system after the download is complete and the server puts 20% extra erasure codes in the system, with source coding the chances of transmitting the same block multiple times over the cut are reduced. Thus, source coding performs much better than no coding, but still



Finish Times






100 1



Fig. 4. each).

Finish times of a topology with two clusters (100 nodes

Fig. 5. Finish times of the fast nodes in a network with 10 fast nodes and 190 slow nodes. Size of the le is 400 blocks and capacity of server and fast nodes is 4 blocks/round. TABLE I F INISH TIMES FOR A FAST NODE AS THE RATIO OF THE CAPACITY

worse than network coding. In this example, for both source coding and transmitting of original packets, we have assumed that nodes use the local rarest heuristic to decide which blocks to receive from their neighbors. Choosing random blocks gave worse nish times. C. Heterogeneous capacities We expect that the nodes of a user collaborative distribution system will have non-homogeneous capabilities. The majority of the users are connected behind slow access links, including dialup connections and ADSL connections, and a small percentage are connected with very fast links (e.g. corporate and university users). In this regard, we wish to study the performance experienced by fast users when they interact with other slower users in such heterogeneous environments. Since fast users have more capacity, they are allowed to have more neighbors to fully utilize their extra capacity. However, the higher the number of neighbors feeding a fast node, the harder it is for the large set of neighbors to efciently provide useful data in an uncoordinated fashion. In Figure 5 we plot the nish times of the fast users in a network with many slow users and few fast users. In this example the fast users are 4 times faster than the slow users. We observe that with network coding the nish times of the fast nodes are on the average 20% better than source coding and around 30% better than with no coding. Also, observe that with network coding the difference in the observed nish time minus the minimum nish time is very similar to the baseline scenario of Figure 3, indicating that the heterogeneity did not affect the fast nodes with network coding, but had decreased the performance of the fast nodes with both source coding and no coding.

Method Random Local Rarest Source Coding Random Source Coding LR Global Rarest Network Coding

x2 107 106 84 78 75 69

x4 166 135 113 92 92 72

x8 281 208 134 106 98 73

Note: A ratio of x2 indicates that the capacity of the fast peer is two times the capacity of a slow peer. Similarly for x4 and x8. The number of slow peers is 50, 100, and 200 in the three cases respectively.

When network coding is not used, slow nodes may pick blocks from the server that are not needed by the fast nodes. Also slow nodes may use much of their capacity to share blocks that came from the fast nodes in the rst place. The end result is that often the decisions taken by the many slow nodes do not take into account the interests of the fast nodes and fast nodes need to wait for many rounds to obtain the appropriate blocks. On the other hand, with network coding, the blocks that propagate in the network are linear combinations of many other blocks. Thus, the fast nodes have better chances of making progress in each round. We have also noticed that as the capacity difference between fast nodes and slow nodes increases, fast nodes experience even worse performance when network coding is not used; on the other hand, with network coding, the performance degradation is minimal. In Table I we show some results that validate it. In this experiment we have only one fast peer and many slow peers (50, 100, and 200 for the three cases), which allows us to focus our discussion; similar results exist for the case of a small subset of fast nodes. As the


ratio of the capacity of the fast peer increases from 2 to 4 and to 8, we also increase the number of neighbors of the fast node (to give it the opportunity to use the extra capacity). We also scale accordingly the capacity of the server and the size of the le so that the minimum nish time for the fast node is 50 rounds. If no network coding is used, Table I shows a drastic increase in the nish times of the fast node as the capacities ratio increases. With network coding the nish time remains relatively unchanged indicating that heterogeneity in the capacities does not penalize the fast nodes. As a nal note, the performance of the slow nodes across these experiments remain almost unchanged. D. Dynamic arrivals and departures Dynamic Arrivals In this section we show the impact of dynamic arrivals in the performance of the system. When nodes arrive at different times, newly arriving nodes have different download objectives than the nodes that have been in the system for sometime. For instance, newly arriving nodes can benet from any block while older nodes require a specic set of blocks to complement the blocks that they already have. However, since newly arriving nodes do not know about the exact needs of the other nodes in the system, they will often make download decisions that are of little use to existing nodes in the system. This gets reected in Figure 6. In Figure 6 we simulated a scenario where 40 empty nodes arrive every 20 rounds. The le size is 100 blocks. We assume that nodes stay in the system 10 more rounds after they nish the download and the server is always available. As we can see from Figure 6, the rst set of nodes that arrived at time zero nish around time 110. In the ideal scenario where existing nodes are not delayed by the arrival of new nodes, 40 nodes should nish every 20 rounds. This is clearly the case with Network Coding. However, when no encoding is used or when source coding is used, newly arriving nodes unnecessarily delay existing nodes. Existing nodes need to wait many extra rounds to receive useful information since newly arriving nodes spend much of their bandwidth performing download decisions that carry no information for existing nodes. Such difference is amplied for the rst set of arriving nodes (e.g. a ash crowd). In this situation, network coding provides an improvement of 40% and 200% compared to source coding and no coding respectively. However, as time progresses the number of nodes that nish the download and stay around to help other nodes increases. As a result, the performance difference between network coding and the other approaches

300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Random NC FEC

Finish Times

Nodes (sorted by their arrival time)

Fig. 6. Finish times for Random, Network Coding, and Source Coding (FEC) under dynamic arrivals. Nodes arrive in batches of 40 nodes every 20 rounds. Nodes stay in the system 10% extra rounds. Server stays forever. File size is 100 blocks.

decreases roughly to 30%. Note, however, that this difference would increase substantially if nodes leave the system right after they nish their download. Robustness to node departures. When nodes are allowed to leave the system at any time and the server can also leave the system, then it is possible that some blocks disappear and reconstructing the original le is not possible (this is can be frequently observed in current le sharing P2P networks). One possible cause that can prevent full le completion is if the block propagation does not happen efciently and there are some rare blocks that only exist in few nodes. If the server and the few nodes holding the rarest blocks leave the system, then no node can nish the download. Such events can happen in dynamic environments. As we will see next, the inherent redundancy of network coding can help cope with such problems even in the most extreme cases of node departures. In Figure 7 we present the nish times of nodes using network coding, with 40 nodes arriving every 20 rounds. We assume that peers leave the system immediately after downloading the complete le. We present the nish times when a) the server stays always in the system forever, and b) the server leaves immediately after uploading each block once (observe, that source coding is meaningless in this example). From Figure 7 we can see that even in the extreme scenario where the server leaves the system immediately after distributing only one full copy of the le, network coding is able to provide the same performance as if the

200 190 180
Server stays forever Server leaves after serving full file

NC Free

450 400 350

NC TFT (dashed)

LR Free


# of Peers Finished


Finish Times

300 250 200 150 100 50


160 150 140 130 120 110





0 100










Nodes (sorted by their arrival time)


Fig. 7. Finish times for 200 nodes using network coding when a) the server stays for ever and b) when the server leaves after serving the full le. Nodes arrive in batches of 40 nodes every 20 rounds. Nodes leave immediately after downloading the le.

Fig. 8. Number of users nished by a given time (measured in number of rounds) for Network Coding (NC), Source Coding (FEC) and Local Rarest (LR) under a) no incentive schemes (Free) and b) tit-for-tat (TFT). Network size is 500 users. File size is 100 blocks.

server stays in the system forever. Not only the nish times are almost identical, but, also all nodes complete the download. Similarly, if we compare Figure 7 with Figure 6 where nodes stay in the system 10% extra time, we can see that the performance of network coding does not get signicantly impacted even if nodes leave the system immediately after they nish the download. This results shows that nodes using network coding are very robust and self-substained, relying very little on the support of the origin server and efciently feeding information to each other even under extreme circumstances. If we increase the number of extra rounds that the server or the nodes stay in the system by a very small amount (for both source coding and in the case of no coding), then again we observe similar results. For instance, leaving the server for an extra 5% rounds4 , only 40% of the nodes nished downloading when source coding was used and only 10% of the nodes nished downloading when no coding was used. However, we have experimentally observed that if the server and/or the peers stay in the system over a certain threshold (10-15% extra rounds for source coding and around 20%-30% for the case of no coding), then all users are able to nish the download, although they still may take a lot longer to receive the le. E. Incentive mechanisms: Tit-for-tat We have argued in Section III-D that the use of an incentive mechanism like tit-for-tat (TFT) may reduce the throughput of the system since blocks need to be carefully picked to be easily traded.
Rounds above the minimum possible time to download all the blocks.

In Figure 8 we show the total number of peers nished by time t with and without the use of titfor-tat to discourage free-riders. In this simulation the maximum allowable difference between blocks uploaded to a node minus the number of downloaded blocks from the same node is 2. In the case of network coding, the introduction of TFT has practically no observable impact on the performance of the system. However, for both source coding and no coding, the introduction of TFT signicantly affects the nish times by delaying the upper tail of the distribution. For instance, when transmitting unencoded blocks, the last user nished at time 161 without TFT and at time 185 with TFT. Similarly, when source coding was used the nish times were 159 and 182 respectively. The decrease in performance happens because nodes may end-up with blocks that are of little interest to their neighbors. Recall, however, that nodes are allowed to change neighbors if they are not able to receive enough throughput. We have also experimented with larger networks and observed that increasing the size of the network amplies the penalty introduced by using tit-for-tat, specially for a system where no-coding is used. V. S UMMARY


We propose a new content distribution system that uses network coding. Unlike other systems based on network coding, our approach targets the distribution of large les in a dynamic environment where nodes cooperate. Our system does not require any centralized knowledge of the network topology and nodes make decisions of how


to propagate blocks of information based only on local information. The main advantage of using network coding for distributing large les is that the scheduling of the content propagation in the overlay network is much easier. Deciding on the correct block of information to transmit to another node is difcult without global information; the transmitted packet is useful to the receiving node, but, may not be useful to other downstream nodes. With network coding, each generated block is a combination of all the blocks available to the transmitter and thus, if any of them is useful downstream, then the generated block will also be useful. We have demonstrated through extensive simulations the performance advantages of using network coding over transmitting unencoded information and over coding at the source only in scenarios of practical interest. Network coding performs better when the nodes have heterogeneous access capacities, when the arrivals and departures of the nodes are not synchronized, when there are natural bottlenecks in the overlay topology (that need to be utilized as best as possible), and when incentive mechanisms are in place to discourage freeriders. The performance benets provided by network coding in terms of throughput are more than 20-30% compared to coding at the server, and can be more than 2-3 times better compared to transmitting unencoded blocks. Moreover, we have observed that with network coding the system is much more robust to server and node departures. A major concern in any content distribution scheme is the protection against malicious nodes. A malicious node can introduce arbitrary blocks in the system and make the reconstruction of the original le impossible. When the nodes do not perform coding, the server can digitally sign the packets transmitted and, thus, protect against malicious users. Digitally signing is more difcult when rateless codes are used, but recently [29] demonstrated how homomorphic collision-resistant hash functions can be used to provide protection in that case. Similar schemes can be used to provide protection when network coding is in place. We are currently investigating the applicability and the performance of using homomorphic collision-resistant hash functions to provide protection against malicious users in our system. Despite the rich literature in network coding, we are not aware of any operational content distribution network that uses network coding. We are currently in the process of building a prototype system and study the advantages of network coding in more realistic settings. Building this prototype will also help us understand better some other practical issues with network coding, including the

speed of encoding and decoding. Preliminary implementation results show, however, that network coding can be implemented with very low encoding and decoding overheads (< 3%). Acknowledgments We would like to thank our collaborators Philip A. Chou and Kamal Jain for their invaluable insights about Network Coding which greatly inspired the design of our system R EFERENCES
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