Federal Negarit Gazeta: Jltfij

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fh.Tf-*f ~F..t-"lf J;.'P'nt.f\.f«f ~Tllt\.n

&oYo&-A '1;JlT ;JltfIJ


5th Year No. 27

h9"il"'~ ~oo-r ck1'C S'%
Oh.-rf-A-.r &..1..t.I\ce .at'fOh/rl'L.rce ~T-ot\.h ADDIS ABABA - 29thDecem., 1998
h.atil hOfl-.+"I"P' S' cf>")Ii1f1li
f ,'h1l-o .,.milf-:f' 9"hC 0.:" mfl<t~-r fmll)


h'P~ ck'l'C lif~%IIi1f1li ~.9". Proclamation No. 147/1998

f"l-o~-r P'~,IP/"IO/,.:', h'P~ 1R' i1f.~~ Cooperative Societies Proclamation Page 942

h'P~ ck'l'C lit-:'ii/lfifjti PROCLAMATION NO 147/1998

.,. 00" "J.'. CJ:I\1-r fl1\:r:1D-{}S":r- 00 il h A 0 SOCIETIES
L"" 1.~ ~:,. 1\f.
f"'OO{}~'" "I'O~-r OooCJ:mC 1")"-{1") t'J1D-cf>-r");")'O~-r")lj WHEREAS, it has become necessary to establish
1-AO-r") OlP/il.,.flOC ~mfl")lj hCil OCil OOf.;J1CJ:")flP/.t.'I'? cooperative societies which are fonned by individuals on
voluntary basis and who have similar needs for creating
f"l-o~-r p'~. 1P/"I0t.-r") 1P/'J:'J:9"hilLI\... OoolfH savings and mutual assistance among themselves by
f"l'O~-r P'I,. IP/"Int.-r O~, 10.r fh.ttlfOlJ. P'C~:" pooling their resources, knowledge and property;
f1.1D-")IP/.lj h").at 6lij.m'l: IP/f.' ~ '1 OIP/ilL" 1-; WHEREAS, it has become necessary to enable
ID-lI'I' "'1
cooperative societies to actively participate in the free
J.'.11")")~I\IP/ "IP/"il-r f"l'O~-r P' t.1P/"I0t.-r fOlJ.f.t.~ market economic system;
O-r")lj fOlJ..,.J;f.-rO-r") f.,."" 1\ ,'h.., IP/ID-Il):" OlP/ilL"1-' WHEREAS; it has become imperative to issue a
Oh.-rf"A-.r &..1..i,.I\ce .at'fOht.{}..rce ~T-ot\.h ,'h1 comprehensive legislation by which cooperative
societies are organized and managed in order to achieve
oo")'1P'-r h")cf>R' !l'(;lliloolP~-r fOlJ.h"'''1D- ;J-ID-~A:: the above mentioned objectives;
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
hCJ:A h")1.' 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
m:" 1\1\
li' h6f.bC Ct'Jil General
J.'.IJ h'P~ "f'Hl(.:" '"'t.. o'''IOI,.-r h'P~ wt.'I'Clir!!tM 1. Short Title
t\.m<NI~.~fl\A:: This Proclamation may be cited as the' 'Cooperative
nlf:ifi" ''''01\'> Societies Proclamation No. 147/1998."
''''C~JJt 2. Dei1nitions
f ". t,1q.O "'1\ 'l'c'""" fOlJ.J'(}mlD- ilAIf~ Ol1+4>C In this Proclamation unless the context otherwise
nU.1J h'P~ w-.il'P:

,')P,. .,.;J ~;J~T ;JtLlIJ 7"''''.<h. iti'f.?!

. . 4'85
U mt P nce Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
1X" !!f~r &..y../..&\ ~:M'}' ;J1L1lJ'I:'I'C '(;'f:.+UPtP' '(;.,.') !!!fj{! 'I.,... Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 27 29thDecember, I998-Page 943

Ii' ""11nc:" "11\:" fUlU htp~ oPlPl.:" f"'1.t.~'i I) "Society" means a cooperative society established
f.f'oPtl1n f1111.'}' P't. f1111nc:~aJ-::n.,.I\y,9" h'LU and registered in accordance with this Proclamation
n:,' :-".f'Nll.tI~.}'} Y,l.1.1.9°
t.A: and it shall in particular include the following:
U) f1nt..9'1' f1.nl.'} Ft. "11nt..}.: (a) Agricultural Cooperative Societies;
1\) foPLJ/..f fl.}. f'HII.'}' Ft. "11nt.:": (b) Housing Cooperative Societies;
th) fh,'}~l'I'}/.'i ftJf. 'I'f111 f1111.:" Ft. (c) Industrial and Artisans Producers' Cooperative
f1111nt.:": Societies;
oP) flf"1¥1' f1111.'}' Ft. f1111fM.'}': (d) Consumers Cooperative Societies;
IP) f1'}tll1 <hmWi .ny.'c f1111.:" Ft. "11nt.:": (e) Savings and credit Cooperative societies;
I.) fQUf hil;J/'9':-'" f1111.'}' Ft. f1111fM.:"; (f) Fishery Cooperative Societies;
(t) ffllltJY.''} f1.nl.'}' Ft. f1111nt..}.:: (g) Mining Cooperative Societies;
!{. "f.1.nl.'}' Ft. f1111nC" fIIIl\:" (t9'1-- nL:J>f.~~:" 2) "Cooperative Society" means a society established
h.\1LJ"1..ff£'i "11nt.f£ '.y."l~:F:t:lD-') n;Jt. by individuals on voluntary basis to collectively
l\oPl'::":" fD'l..f*<hOD"}''i .ItIfDht."".ff£ fUr~ solve their economic and social problems and to
oP'}1Y.' fD'l,.fl'l"'P,Y.'''''}' f1111nc: ~(I}':: democratically manage same;
!~. "hIlA" fIIIl\'}' fhllA ~.}. oPoPtI~9'1--'} htIJ.A.y.. 3) "Member" means any physical person, or society
f"'oPtl1n fIII'}~(I}'9° °1l\(t11 (l}Y.9" lULU ;""l established under this proclamation which is regis-
oPlJ.'I.'} f.f'**oP f1111nC ~(I).: tered after fulfilling his membership obligations.
!!. "m:"""
.,.11h." OI/I\'} f h '} y" f1111nC h'I":" w y,9" 4) "General Assembly" means a meeting of members
foPIPI.:"f£ (l}f,9° hll.f n"f, .fl\' f1111IM.'} of the Primary Cooperative society or represen-
,,'milf'1' f"1,1')'.n.}' ".'1h. ~(I).: tatives of societies above primary level;
?;. "Af. (I}'Uf)." OI/I\'} nh'I"": "f, hl'l1P,~~'} ~'}Jt 5) "Special resolution" means a resolution passed hy a
'.1.(1}' hh'}Y.' 0I/1nC h'1"')' (I}'il..' no-I\'}' two third majority of the members to be hinding on
Y'il.,.7,:(I}. oP",'f.:" .fl\n.} (I}...n. ~(I)': all members;
'k "fFt. hoPt.C t1"1..';" fIIIl\'}' nm:""" 1.11h. 6) "Management Committee" means a hody elected
,"oPC{l1 f h '} y"'} OI/'~nc F 1..9'1' ~ '}JtoP t. ~,,~. ~:,. and empowered by the general assemhly with the
f.,.nll\ll'} hilA ~(I)': responsibility to manage the activities of the society;
1: "hOll111 .fl\(I}' '1I\FAtlJ,}" fIIIl\'}' f1111.'} Ft. 7) "Appropriate Authority" means an organ es-
OI/'~Ilt..}'} I\fIIIf.t.:~:.} : l\oPoP1'111: FAmCj tablished at federal level, or a bureau or an organ
l\oPilm'}: 9°C9°C I\fllly"I.°l'i I\lbl\"1' 'f;h~ilf£ established for the same purpose at Regional or City
".P'f'"')" .r...~r.: l\oPilm'} n&...e..t.A f.l.;f f.,,**oP Administration level, to organize and register
hilA mf,9° nhAA J'.I.;f f"'**oP n.~ mf,9" cooperative societies and to give training, conduct
nh.,.tII/ oPil"'P'J';C f.l.;f f"'**oP hilA wy,,}9" research and provide other technical assistances to
nh{H;t.f.C il(l}.'}l'IA f"'**oP ~(I}.:: cooperative societies;
~~. "(tm'" fIIIl\'} f"'~.'I'r: (t(l). mf,9° n;,."l f(tlD-~:" 8) "Person" means a natural or juridical person.
oP"l:" f.,.(tm(l}. )',ilA ~(I}.:: 3. Where the provisions of the Proclamation are set out in
t. lULU h 'P:~ (I}.l'I..' nm') .r.' ~:" f,"f. ~11(1}' f(L:"'}9" ~:" the masculine gender they apply equally to the feminine
.fil'}:"A:: gender.
!!. f"11nC '},,0I/9':)" 4. Objectives ofa Society
IHlU h'P:~' oPIJ'I.'} f07.**oP(I}' "11nC tUlU n:":-". The society to be established under this proclamation
)',,}f: (l)f,9° fnl\m' Q"fIII9'1' Y,LJ~:"A: shall have one or more of the following objectives:
1}-f.limA noPFt..}. f\.(I)lp.:':(I}' f"1f,1''). I) to solve problems collectively which members can
Ii' h'l"'}
:,:ro.'} ")""l~'.1' n;J t. (lDl'::",}>: not individually achieve;
!{. h'1":" .f":':(I}.'} tJro..,..}.: u1H'Cj 1'An.}' nflll"''i~:'' 2) to achieve a better result by coordinating their
f.,.1il\ ro.(J1.'}' OI/off.}>: knowledge, wealth and labour;
t. nt.l'I (lD"'fllloP'}') 0I/1An.}: 3) to promote self-reliance among members;
!!. fhJ11.D'l. :)'.o'~")"'} f1-l"1I11. 'I'I.'}' oPh"hA: 4) to collectively protect, withstand and solve
oP**9° ~ci "1l'l(f)1Y.': economic problems;
?;. 1\0I/9°1.'} f"1..fil~.A1ro''} w'''l.'i fh1A"lI\":" 'P;J'} 5) to improve the living standards of members by
l\oP"'~il h'I"'} fOlU.A1"}''} "ll1h:" wf,9" h1A reducing production and service costs by providing
°If\'''} Ilh~il"'7,: '1':) ~'}Jt.f1')" : 9"C:"T(I}' wf,9" input or service at a minimum cost or by finding a
h1 A °11\":":':(1}' f.,.1il\ f1 n.f 'I' ;J ~ '}Jt!1~ "11:I."l; better price to their products or services;
'k f";h~tJ
tJ(I}..,..}.'} IlF t. "f, I\fIII'PA f"7..filLA l' 6) to expand the mechanism by which technical
tl109'':J'. ~ '}Jtl'l4.4. 01/.r.'I.°l: knowledge could be put in to practice;
1K" itf~!! t..Y..~-A ~:M"" ;JJI.II}-h'l'C?;i ;1'u"tP'?;"',} IitIU 'J.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 27 29111
December, 1998-Page 944

%. f<kmllll l1~C i\1A"'/\oT h'}Jl.';l1ClI h'}Jlil~~ 7)

to develop and promote savings and credit services;
"?~I."'; 8)
to minimize and reduce the individual impact of risks
::;;. i\1l1\1: n",I\:fCD- l1.lt-r c:'e> t\.1.Cilll:fCD- f"7.':f and uncertainties;
l\CD-'} 7'.';TlI h. .,.,&- n;J&- n,,?I]t.A fhl'}.';'}~ '} 9) to develop the social and economic culture of the
It CD-7'.'; Tli h..,., &- oP'" '1il I members through education and training.
U. i\IlI\T'} n"?il1-"?ClI n"?ltAm'} "?1n&o«£lI i\.tIc:' 5. Guiding Principles of Co-operative Societies
"7..f«£ lltJA'} "?1AnTII 1) Co-operative societies are voluntary organisations
?;. ,,?tJ(]&-T f"7.oP-rQ:fCD- oPCtf':f open to all persons able to use their services and
ii. f111I.T F&- ,,?1(]&-T i\IlA'1T n"?1n&-1: i\1A willing to accept the responsibilities of membership
",/\oT /\oPm"'9" /\"7.t.A7'lI fi\IlA'1T ",1..;J-sP':f'} without gender, social, racial, political or religious
l\oP"'nA t.:f>1.~ l\tf'1- ltsP':f ll'lt- n~;J-l n"?1n&-«£ discrimination.
MI:9": ntlCl nTl\1;1] i\oPl\l]hT w~9" nY~"?c:'T 2) Co-operative societies are democratic organizations
A~'1T fI~1.I.'" hfi:T ~tfliAII controlled by their members who actively participate
!{. ,,?1(]&-T Tt\.lL n"?CD-tlJTlI CD-fl);sP':f'}n"?il1-I\/\fi: in setting their policies and making decisions. Every
f '1:f> 1-.,., T c:. n "7.11.C7' i\ 111\ T f"7.oP-r Jl 'l"h &- member has equal voting rights and accordingly one
lLl«£ ~C"f:-r-':f lI:fCD-1Ihl'}.';'}~ i\IlA hh-A ~9"'I\
member shall have one vote.
3) Members shall receive devideneds from profit accor-
1/\CD-lLtf,} i\,}~ i\IlA i\,}~ ~9"'I\ 11:F ~c:'I."AII
ding to their shares and contribution after deducting
f.' h TCfi: l\ oP 10 11n <t.fll l\ ib/\o ':f "?1 n&-«£ i\ 1 A ", f\o-r-':f
and setting aside an amount necessary for reserve
1-.,.'}" 1-.,.9" (11 i\ 111\T /\ "?1 n.;. 111.1.7'T oP" ",,"lI
and social services.
i\ il1-" '1\]. oP 10') ~h~.I\ A II
4) Co-operative societies are autonomous self help
~. ,,?1(]&-T hib/\°':f i\I]I\T ;JC (oP'}",FT'}9" 6J!"9"C)
organisations controlled by their members. If they
il9"9"'1T f"7.11.C7'T OJ~9" h"?1n&-:fCD- CD-6J!"
enter into agreement with other organizations; in-
h"7.1~ 9"'}6J!" 1'}fll1 oPn1.C f"7.':flt-T fi\I1I\T
cluding governments or raise capital from external
Jl'l"h&-lLl«£ <k'l''I'C'} n"7.11.;J"''I'li f"?1n&OTCD-'} sources, shall do so on terms that ensure democratic
f &-il (]&-il "?il1-.';1.C oPl1T h '}Jlll'9" f &oil i\111 control by their members and maintain their
I1tJ~CD-') n"?~'11] ll');;J- oPtf'} ~c:'Cn;J-AII autonomy.
?;. f,,?1(]&-T i\IlI\T: f"?1n.;. 1-oP&-",,"':fl f"?1n-r 5) Co-operative societies provide education and
F&- i\ilh.l"f:lI lP&-1-~':f /\"?1n&-:fCD- iJ~1T training for their members, elected representatives,
1-1l1.CD-'} i\il1-"'I\]. h'}Jllnl.h1: T9"tJCTli managers and employees so as to enable them to
FAmli h'}JlI17- IY.C;Jlt-1I ill\111I.T F&- contribute effectively to the development of their
671(]&-T 9",}'1TlI '1':"9" l\,'b1ll1- n1-l\~9" /\wtIJ1: societies.. They inform the general public, par-
1 il1-" CD-:f> A II ticularly the youth about the nature and benefit of
1;' ,,?1(]&-T ni\I]I1l1.: nU1C i\"'fi:l ni\tJ7'C i\"'fi:lI societies.
n~/\9" i\"'fi: 1.1."1;noP 1.&-~ T i\ 11/\°:F:fCD-'}n"7.111 6) Co-operative societies serve their members most
n"?1A1A f111I.T F&- ,,?tJn&-T'} h'}:"il:f>fI. Imll effectively and strengthen the societies movement
h&-lt-II by working together through local, national, regional
%. ,,?1(]&-T 1181.<k,,:fCD- Tt\.lLsP:F:fCD- i\,,?I]~'1T and.internationaJ. structures.
ni\I]I1l1.1:fCD-1\lt-111I.1-ltl1 "I\<t A"?T /\"?9"tlJT 7) Co-operative societies work for the sustainable
f"7.1 il ':fA 1-",11C J"hll CD-liIt-II development of their communities through policies
approved by their members.
hfi:A ll'/\T
il/\"?1(]&-T i\oPlP&-I.TlI 9"11111 PART TWO
Fonnation and Registration of Co-operative Societies
1;- il/\"?tJ(]&-T i\oPlP&-I.T
6. Fonnation of Co-operative Societies
ji. f111I.T F&- ,,?1(]&-T h,}1.fl1tJ~ITCD- hoPlPl.;J-«£
1) Co-operative societies may, according to their
hilh &..1..&-A 1.1."1;nf1.I."1;CD- oP1.&-~T ~':fl\lt- II
nature, be established at different levels from
!{. oPlPl.;J-«£ "?1nc n1-wlt'1 i\1]11l1. n"7. c:'-r w~9"
primary upto the federallevel.
n "7.lP-r OJ~9" n 1- OJIt '1 OD-1 n 1-lt"?';' ", /\It (1':f
2) A primary society shall be established by persons
WJ:tJ:"? All
who live or work within a given area.
f.' foPlPl..+«£ "?1nc i\I1I\T <k'l'C hi\FC t\.1,}il 3) The number of members in a primary society to be
i\~':fA9" II established shall not be less than ten.
~. fIt tJ i\ '}.,. '1\ ') 0- il i\ '}.,. '1\ (f.) h,} 1.1-10 n .,. tf c:' 4) Notwithstanding Sub-Article (2) of this Article, the
fi\,}~,} "?1nc i't.f1c:'''7.1«£ l1:f>T t\.lil1~ f"7.':f appropriate authority may specify in the directive,
l\CD-'} fi\I1I\T oP'17i <k'l'C i\",1l11 1l\CD- Il/\FAtIJ,} the minimum number of members that could make a
n"7..fOJtlJCD- oPoP~.f oPlPl.T t\.OJil,} ~':fI\AII society economically feasible.
1~ Uf~?; ~Y..t.A ~;JtT ;JfLlI)~1'C t;~ ;J-IJUfP't; +, lUln ,.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29thDecember, 1998-Page 945

?;. ""}'(-""I...OC fi1"C:f"A "If'~"" O"7.1;1If'OD(& 1.11 5) A society may sell some of its shares to persons
(&~ ,,~ outside its area when the society faces shortage of
f-l-CD"" bllJ ",...n~ h-l-**ODn"" ""'11ft
,,~:y. OD1i1f'f,:y."A:: capital.
Types of Societies 7.
%. f",...nt..}. qf,""':y.
I) A society may engage in either production or service
ii' n"}Y: ",...nc f?"C')' CDf,1J"f"1A..,I\""" CDf,1J" rendering activities or in both.
fIJ"C""C;f n 1A ..,1\""" -t'..,I1C f"7.1hC;(&"} l\.(f"} 2) The field of activities to be engaged in by any society
f,:Y'''A:: shall be determined by the by-laws of the society.
~, "'"}~CD'IJ" ",...nc f"'.lPt.n"" f JPt. ODhh nOD-I-.&; 8. Name of a Society
1./,.f 1."}11' f,CD"C;A :: ...1) Any society shall have its own name.
2) Words "Cooperative Society and Limited
;i;' f",'" n C h IJ" Liability" shall appear in the name of every society.
""~(&IJ" ",...nc ODm/,.f hlJ" l\. 'i ~(& f,1flA::
ii' 3) A name or distinguishing mark registered by one
~, h"'"}~(&1J" ",...nc hlJ" OD"-l.~?f "~,,~.,-I: f-l-CD"" society shall not be used by any other society.
f"'11~.}' JPt. ",unc" f"7.~"" ,.,."..,. OD"~ f.'iCfl 4) The name of every society shall be written boldly
T1'A:: and be put at every place where the society's
f.' ""}Y: ",...nc n-l-ODU1'U}.}'hlJ"C;ODl\,r IJ"Ah..,. 1\." activities are performed. It should also be written or
",... n c l\.m"'lJ" n"" "f.:Y' A IJ":: sealed on every notices letters, other specifications
!!, f"'"}~:CD'1J"",...nc hlJ" 1-AU Ir'i -I-~(;: fD7...n~ and documents which are signed on behalf of the
JPI.. n"7."'~.(-n')' nD7"}~(&1J" JP~t. ODl\m~ society.
,,1\ n"" :: ,,"} "lV-1J" n",... n ~ ", h:f" CDct 1 ~"f : 1.11'&; 9. Registration of a Co-operative Society
o.~:y. : I\.I\":Y' OD"'I\6l>}.~"fc; nD7...n~ hlJ" I) Any society shall be registered by the appropriate
n",.cC.~tID' ".,,,:y. "f, OD"~ CDf.1J" ", I-IJ" OD1.~'" authority.
,,1\ n"" :: 2) Any society, when established, shall submit an
application for registration together with the
ii' hl\",...nc 1J"111'1
following particulars to the appropriate authority:
D7"}~CD'1J" ",...nc """H1 '11\(& I1I\JPAlIJ"} (a) minutes of the founders meeting;
OD0D11111 nl\'}.}' :: (b) the by-laws of the society in three copies;
~, "'"}~(&IJ" ",...nc ,,"}1.'''**OD flJ"111fl "'ODAh (c) names, address and signature of the members;
:FCD" h"7.h-l-I\")' ;JC n.ff." n..,fl11 ,,1\(& fll\JP
(d) name, address and signature of the members of
AlIJ"} .f"'CI1A: the management committee of the society;
U) fODJPt.:('":f. h11"11 .<J>I\
1-flh.: (e) a detailed description which proves that the
1\) f",...n~"} OD"''&;1./',r 1."}11 'I'h.}' registered members of the society have met the
th) fD7...n~"} "11".}' hlJ" : "1:t.?fC; ~C",; requirements for membership in accordance
OD) fD7Un~ fJPI.. "ODt.C \1"',-1: "11""" hlJ" : with the provisions of this Proclamation and
- "':t.?fC; cC.Ctlll: the by-laws of the society;
IP) fll'/ "Jn C .). f "7. ODU111'''''
(1"f (f) name, address and signature of members of the
" 11"nll'/"Jn~
I'" CD'

.UlU "1'~C; OD-I-.&;1./,11."}11 n.,.CD societies above primary level;

(g) plan of the society;
""CD' ODIPI.')' nl1A I\OD(f"} 11<k OD(fC;T(&"}
fll'/..fhI.P,. 11C11C OD"'I\6l>}.~"f: (h) documents showing that the amount of capital
I.) hODIJ.'I.:"if tIIl"Jnc n"f. h(f'l fnflA D7"Jn of the society and the capital has been collected
1...)-1 illJ" : n1:1..7ic; cC.CD7: and deposited in a bank account, if there is no
(1) fll'/...n~"} b:"Y: : bank in the area, that it has been deposited in a
0) fOD'17i ""r::"I\'"} ODm"}C;-I-"11h(1 nfl1h ,£",11 place where the appropriate authority has
1'1. OD1.~1.1 : 'nh nl\.l\n.}' n"'flo. htr"
OD11;JO.CD' nCD""CD' (1:" OD"'ODm-") fD7.1~
(i) the description of the land on which the society
;J"'1f' ".,.f.' :
(j) other particulars that may be specified in the
.,.) II'/"J n ~ f D7.1P I.. .}.}. (1:f" OD'" 1\ 6l>}.:
regulations or directives issued for the im-
n) ,f..U"} nl' ~ 1\11'/ h cC:A IJ" n "7. CDm- 1.1 (1"f CDf.1J"
plementation of this Proclamation.
ODOD/"r~:Y' fD7.CD"~ I\.I\":Y' OD"'I\6l>}.~"f::
3) The appropriate authority shall register a society and
"",'1,n ,fl\CD' f11\JPAlIJ1 f.,.~nl\"'" flJ"111fl
OD(f~") (}.11.;1"'1' OI?; issue a certificate of registration within 15 days when
II'/ODAh:F ODC9°r: f"''''-''
it is satisfied that the application for registration
"'C;.). CD'h1' II'/"Jn~"} OD11"'(1 flJ"11111 flJ"hhC
submitted to it has fulfilled the requirements for
CD~"")- f."m1'A:: fUlUIJ" flJ"hhC CDI."''''' "f.
II'/...n... f-t'ODU1'U}.}' .,."} f,m"'''A::
"IX-ilf~ t..~t-&\ ~;MT .71LII)<h'l'C f'l: :r1J'1"" 1;"" Iilf:fli 'J.SJ". Federal Negarit Gazeta-No. 27 29thDecember, I 998-Page 946

h..,llll fla.m- 1lla."..AffJ'} hoPAI1~,} "7'"10C 4)
When the appropriate authority rejects the ap-
oPoP11111 hf,11lm-9'" fl.A flD(t~ h,}1.If~ 9'"h'}fi:,} plication for the registration of a society, it shall give
n;r,h.fj: n"7~~'" la."7'"1n~lDh.h--~ nI~ 4'e;-:"m-il-r a written explanation to the representatives of the
oP..,la.;r hla.n:" :: f,tJ9'" fl.1f'} fhoPAI1~ "7'"1nC society within 15 days. The representatives may
appeal to the high court which has jurisdiction on the
lD h.h-- ~ m-Pf~m-'} n oP :I" lD9'" f~:OS~:,. FA ffJ'} "la. lD-
decision of the appropriate authority.
fhfj:.,.;;: fj:C~ 0.:" f,..,Il:OS "7la.:" f,~"~::
5) The certificate of registration issued to a society
~" ntltJ h,}4';r '}o-il h,}4';r r) oPlP~:" f.,.(tm pursuant to Sub-Article (3) of this Article is an
f9"1I11l f9'"ilhC lD~4':" "7'"1n~ OtltJ htJ';E-n.,.1. ~ evidence to prove that a society is registered in
11m- oPlP~T f"'oPtl1n la.oPlf'" n4: Dl/il~~ accordance with this Proclamation.
f,lfe;-A:: 10. Juridical Personality and Responsibility
1) Any society registered in pursuance of Article 9 of
I " fib.., (tm-~:"e;- ~"k ~:,.
this Proclamation shall have juridical personality
li) "7'};;:m-9'" "7'"1nC ntltJ h'P;E- h,}4';r ii oPlP~:" from the date of its registration.
h"'oPtl1nnT 4',} "f.9'"r: nib.., f(tm-~:" oPlI:"
2) Any society shall not be liable beyond its total asset.
f,Cf~'PA:: It has limited liability.
I" "7'};;:m-9'" "7'"1nc 11la.m- m:""" ,}1I~:" n"f, nb~ 11. By-laws of Society
"'mfct hf,If'}9'"; ~"k~1: f"'lD(t~ ~m-:: 1) Every society shall have its own by-laws.
, 2) The contents of the by-laws shall include the
Ili" f"7'"1nC oP"'~1.&f 1.,}lI
lie hf'}~'}~ "7'"10C ft-"" oP"'~1.&f 1.,}lI f,Cf~'PA:: following particulars:
(a) name and address of the society;
~" foP"'~1.&f 1.'}o- f,tlT fOl/.h"'~:"'} f,QJ.9'"toA; (b) objectives and activities of the society;
v) f"7'"1n~ '} il9'"e;-h~t-7i ; (c) working place (area) ofthe society;
la.) f"7'"1n~ '} ~""7e;- .,...,IlC; (d) requirements necessary for membership of the
tit) f"71n",-'} fFt- (1:1' ht)lln.h society;
oP) f"7'"1n",- hilA la.oPlf'} fOl/.fnck oPoPtI;;: (e) the rights and duties of members of the society;
~~'}; (f) the powers, responsibilities, and duties of
IP) illa."7'"1n",- h 11,,:,. oPlI:,.e;- ..,1..:1'~~; management bodies;
(g) conditions for withdrawal and dismissal from
~) illa."7'"1n",-hoPt-C hl1":" FAffJ'}: ~"k~:,.e;-
.,..., 11C ; membership;
(h) conditions for relection, appointment, term of
(t) 1\11":" h"7'"1n",- illa.OI/.lDmn:,.e;- illa.OI/.lD1~n:" office and suspension or dismissal of the
v-~:1'; members of the management committee or
if) illa."7'"1n",-Ft- hoPt-C ttOl/.1: hll,,:"e;- ibh--~ other management bodies;
f F t. ~"k~~ 9'"C6l8l: n:oP:"e;- f F to 'Llf. (i) conditions for calling of meeting and voting of
h'} -'llJc9'" h~"k ~:,. illa.0I/.;t'1~n:" lDf,9'" illa. the society;
(j) allocation and distribution of profit;
OI/.lD1~nT v-~:1':
(k) auditing;
4') illa."7'"1n~ illl(t1l hmt-C : illa.~9'";r oPilm:" (1) employment of workers;
oPlI:,.e;- illa.~9'";r h(tffJ-r;
(m) other particulars not contrary to this
n) illa.:"Cfj: hoP~1.lIe;- hfj:fj:A; Proclamation.
.,.) illa.'l",l1 9'"CoPt.: 3) By-laws of a society may be amended by the special
T) illa.lPt..,.;;: h4'ffJmC; resolution of the general assembly. However, the
,.,) f,tJ'} h'P;E- f"7f,:I"~'" ibh--~ 1'~f"~:: amendment of the by-laws of the society shall be
,}1I effective on the date of its submission to . and
r" f"7'"1nC (ID"'~1.&f 1. nm:""" 1'1lt.. A ~ lD-Pf~
registration by the appropriate authority.
ta..7i7iA f,~"A:: IfCf9'" "7'};;:lD-9'" foP"'~1.&f
4) Where the Society decides on the amendment of its
1.') 11 "77i7if ta..~ fOl/.~ la.m- h.., 1111 "la.m- 11la."..
by-laws three copies of the amendment and the
AffJ'} 4'C(1 h"'oPtl1nn:" 4',} h,}il-f ~lfe;-A:: special resolution of the society made in accordance
(j" f"7'};;:m-9'" "7'"1nC foP"'~1.&f 1.,}lI h,}-'l7i7iA with this Proclamation shall be submitted to the
fl.lD(t') f"'1.~1m- "77i7ife;- ntltJ h'P;E- oPlP~:" appropriate authority within 30 days from the date of "
f.,."la.L f"7'"1n~ m:""" 1'1lt.. A~ lD-Pf~n"il:":":( the decision.
.,.1.C'''' m-"'~lD- n"'''la.L nIP"" (r!)) 4'e;-:,. m-il-r 5) The appropriate authority shall register the amend-
1\..,1111"la.m- 1lla."..AffJ'} oP:"~lI 1\la.n:" :: ment and give evidence or its registration to the
society where it is satisfied that the amendment of the
h..,llll fla.m- Illa.FAffJ,} f"'1.~1m- foP"'~1.&f
~" by-laws was made in accordance with this
1.,}lI "77i7if f,tJ'}'} 1\'P;E-e;-f,tJ'} h'P;E- la."7ilL~9'"
Proclamation and regulations issued for the im-
f lDffJ'} 1.,}1I f"7~:I" ~ '} oPlf.,. '} fl.f ~;J"'T "77i7i plementation of this Proclamation.
fm-'} f,oPtI..,IlA: "7il~~9'" la."7'"1n",-f,(tm'PA:: 12. Amalgamation and Division of Societies
m-tJ1.:,.e;-oPh~LA 1) Without prejudice to Article 6 (3) and (4) of this
I~" illa."7'"1nt-:"
lie ftltJ h'P;E- 1\,}4';r ~(r) he;- (!!) h'}1."'mn4' IfCf Proclamation, the general assembly of a society
1\,}~ "71nC nm:""" 1'11'\ A~ lD-"'~; through a special resolution may form a new society:
.,x. !!f~'!% &...('../..1:\ :J/.:/' :JlJ,f', '/:'I'C: 1,%;"U"IP-' r;' 4'1 mtUi ,.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29thDecember, 1998-Page 947

0) /'.I""} 110.1\:,' my.'}" h/U' Ill\YJ Illn "710t-"" (a) by dividing itself into two or more societies; or
l\.h'r.(,:A : my.'}" (b) by amalgamating itself with one or more
1\) h}','}J!.' (l)YJ')" hl/.J' Ill\YJ tun. UI/..,Il/.."" ;JC societies.
II (lotp,/ Y: }',J;.ft ili/'We: l\.OOfJ,'e:'} 2) The special resolution on the amalgamation or
y:.rl\A:: division of the society shall be effective on the date
~. fill/'Hle: (IDtp,/ .r: my.')" (IDh'r.t.A A f. (D'''1). 'h~!I"7. of its registration by the appropriate authority upon
f iI?1I' 'I (I)' : verifying that;
0) f'II/,W';.}', '11\:,.Ii ~\P, m,r'~?J"}" f'l"tlt.l\:':CD- (a) the members and creditors of the society fully
m,f!.9" 1l(l°h'r.t.I\' f".ftUl/(/D'Il')' : aJ~'}o agree to the amalgamation or division; or
1\) .f!A".ftil?tlU. }',III\:"'i ~\P, m,r'~sP1' f,t-ht. (b) the members and creditors that do not agree
1\:':(1)' (l)Y.')" ft'(,:,f! tpft:"'i f".(}n.,:,:CD': have been paid off or their payment is guaran-
(/011",. "'I.:J"ll" teed.
A f. (f}""').CD' it°l'l," 'M CD'
I)l\rAflJ') (}.(lo".,..1 'ICD':: 3) The previous registration of societies shall be can-
t. Ilm.tJ.l'.:,' f".t.ml.(I)' ili/'We: (}.ooll'..) aJ~9° it1Y: celed from the register as soon as the newly formed
f.,IlI.(I)' UI/'~Ile: (}.h'r.t.A f.,.t.m';")' "7..,n&."" society by amalgamation or by division are regis-
(},tID".,n' f"'.r.'quCD' uy..,n&..)' CDf,'I" "7..,nc 'l"1"lI
4) The rights and duties of societies which have lost
their identities by amalgamation shall be transferred
!~. nCD-tJf.1: :hACD-'i:fCD-'} fm "710&."" ou'"""'i
to the newly formed society.
"'Y..:"sP"f "-'th I\-t-LmlCD-0I/10C f,-t-I\I\4.t\-::
5) The rights and duties of a society which has 16.stits
?;. nouh4.t.l\. ihAlD-'ilD-'} fntlD- "710C ou'"""'i
identity by division shall be transferred to the newly
"'Y..:"sP"f ntLtJ ",}"'1\ '}o-h "'}+1\ (ID oulPl""
formed societies as specified in Sub-Article (2) of
fl-t-ouII,fllD- f"71fl';' A f. lD-"'~ I\f, fl-t-oul\h-t-lD-
this Article.
1'C1'C ODlPl"" ",-'tft CDY. -t-**(/D<"" "71fl&."" PART THREE
The Rights and Duties of Members of a Society
h~A ~h""
13. Requirements Necessary for Membership of a Society
f0l/1 n C it II1\"" ou'"""'i .., Y..:r
Any individual may become a member of a society
If.' f"71flC it')A I\outr') fOl/.fflch o-~:rsP"f where:
fOl/.h-t-I\''''''} fOl/..ftIJ.I\ "7'}~lD-'I" (}lD- f"710C itllA 1) he has attained the age of 14 if it is a primary
I\outr') ~"fl\A; society;
oulPl:rre OI/~flC htr'l b1:"7.lD- 19. ~ou..,. fqol\CD-:
ii' 2) he is able to pay the share capital and registration
~. f"71n.;. '} bnt I\ou..,t,""'i fOUOU1"l1.f h~f fee required by the society;
l\ouhLA fOl/."fA: 3) he is willing to implement his obligation and
t. f"7..,fl';''} ~I\OI/'i ou-t-P,Y.(,.f Y.'}-n f-t-+Ol\'i ..,Y..:r observe the objectives and by-laws of the society;
sP:t:'} I\OUL1.'I" t.:J>Y.~ fl'': 4) he fulfills other requirements which may be
!~. ~'}-'to-'I" f,tJ'} ittp:E- l\"7hL1.'I" flOl/.CDm"" specified in the regulations and directives issued for
Y.'}P"f'i ouOU(,.fsP1' f"7.CD(}). o-~:rsP"f'} the implementation of this Proclamation;
fOl/..ftIJ. 1\= 5) it is registered with the appropriate authority if it is
?;. houlPl:rre UI/'~ne: Ill\YJ tun it"'II)," lIl\CD- lIl\r a society above the primary society.
Ant'} f."ouW,1l III/'~Ile::: 14. Rights and Duties of Members
I§' ",,')1\')' (ID'n.}li "U!..:,. 1) Any member of a society shall have the following
Ii' Uln~:(1)'')'' f'll/'We: }',IIA f"7J1'/'I\"}' ou,".y."f rights:
~'i';':"A: (a) to obtain services and benefits according to his
0) III/,W';. flli/.(}m")o'} "/A.'J(\"'}'l' 1':"'1" participation in the society;
f'II/"rf :,.: (b) to participate in the meetings of the society
1\) Il"l/'W';. .,.II'~.9"'}" I\YJ f(IDilt.A'i 1:'1"1\ and to vote;
f(lpftm:" : (c) to elect and be elected;
Ih) f(/u'}" l.'I"i f(/p(IPI.'I': (d) to withdraw from the society on his request
(lp) '1'~"lu:,: .I"tHII.(I)'I\'} n'l"r<I:CD' oulPl"" with payment of benefits.
h"?'~Il';. f(l"(}'ill:" :: 2) Any member of a society shall have the following
~. "?'}i;:(1).'}" f'll/'We: }',IIA fUl/.h"'(\"} "IY..:"?J1' duties:
Y.I;'';':''A: (a) to respect the by-laws, directives and decisions
0) f"l/'W';.'} (lIJ"..IL\'.("f! .\':}-I) : (ID(ID(,.rsP"f'i of the society;
(I)'''/),9'''}'' flll/tIlIC: (b) to perform those activities which ought to be
1\) WII/,W,;. (lP.,..IL\,./.,(1 Y.'}-I)li (IPl/p("r oulPl"" performed in accordance with the by-laws and
f"l/.W';. p'/..9'"'}"') f(/P/"/..,)' : directives of the society;
Ih) f/)tlJli f(,p(,w""Il..f! t'(,:,r9"'}"'} f(IDhLA:
(c) to pay for share of capital and registration fee;
(lp) ftJI/'W.;.'} f:J/.. '}-III.'} flID'HI')h,n:: (d) to protect the cornmon property ofthe society.
15. Dismissal from Membership
H;' hitI)A":" ftl\(/p(}'in:,'
I) Any member of a society may leave the society on
ii. illn~:(I)'9" }',IIA Il/..(}' t..<J>.r.' hUl/..,n.;. l\.CDnt
,f!J :}"I\ A ::
his own intitiative;
1~ jH:~;~';t..J!D~.A ., ."Jk1- ."JIIJ" 'I:'rc ?;'~~;J"U",P'?;' +1 Iv.11?i 0,'9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29th
December, 1998-Page 948

~. UI/'};;:w'9u hIlA IH'Y,;J;JD7, "'Yo:"9'':j"1 f)t\D7 2) Any member of a society may leave the society
tHI~ en~9u nUll'W~" I\~ 'J''I-')' nOD&,KOO- when it is decided by the general assembly to
9utn,f')' hUll'~n~, ~1JtaJlJ} nm:'>1\1\ 1,f)'t dismiss him from the society because of commit-
t\.en(rH)-)' f,:}"I\A:: ting repeated faults;
,~~ hUll~n~" f,,.,,eiIH' D71;;:w'~ hIlA fD7~n~ 3) The rights of any dismissed member shall be
(/D"'P'Y,~.f Y:HI nD7,&,:,>y,w' ODlPt.T OD1H: respected in accordance with the by-laws of the
,e.{nn:'>t\:"A ::
4) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 13
!~, nUi/'};;:w'9u 9uh1,r.),
f',."C;IH' hIlA fllU hereof, any dismissed person may reapply for
h14>7, :O~.r.:'};J'l.9'":t',~1y,""mn<l: rnw,
membership. However a member dismissed in
"'ODAf"I h'lA t\OD1f1 f,':j'I\A :: rr'i~ lULU accordance with Sub-Article (2) of this Article
X'}4>7, '}o,fl h14>K' (~) ODlP/.')' f.f-(.C;n.,. may become a member of the society only if he
~,IIA "'(IOAf"I h'lA t\OD1f1 fD7,':j,t\w, nm:'>1\1\ obtains the approval of the general assembly.
'I.f)~. w'''n fI,&,4>Y.:t\.} 1lr ~en':: 16. Payment of Shares
, flt\6CJ} he,; .r I) The capital which enables the society to expand its
{i. UI/,}~:w'19u fIIl~ne; t\ODODflt..),C; P't,w'1 work activities shall be obtained from paid up
shares of each member in accordance of the
"4>fl fD7,ffl':j,t\av} f'l'C:"A ODm1 m:'>1\1\1-f)'tw' decision of the general assembly;
nD7,fl)fl~w' ODIJ.'/':" h~.f1P'1P,. hIlA f6CJ} hlJ:,f 2) The society may sell additional shares if it is found
f,flHflIIA:: necessary to promote the financial capacity of the
~. fUll'W~,'} f11l1.n ~,:'>9u t\fIIlP,nc hfl&.I\'L rr'i fl.1:'; society subject to the decision of the general
~'.' nm:'>1\1\ 'I,f)~ fI,enfl'} "'{,"1.fIIl~ 6CJ}9'':j" ODif'J' assembly;
f,!f.I\A:: 3) No member shall hold more than 10% of the total
e. Ulrg:w'9u hIlA h'l'1imw' m:'>1\1\ f6CJ} ODm1 I% paid up share capital of such society.
17. Register of Members
nl\~ .r.'e;1it\. 'i /.w' ~,f,:}"A~ ::
Every society shall keep a register wherein shall be
Ir: flt\hlll\'} (10111.,1 entered:
fIIl1;;:en'9u fIIl~nc fD7,h."t\")'1 l'Cl'C f,f" fhf)I\T
I) the name, address, occupation, age and sex of each
ODl",.,1 UllY,t.~f.'}(i OD.rl' ht\n.)-: member;
{i. f}"r1P,1P,.1 h'lA fl9u: hy"t.'7J' : P't, : 6Y."D7S 2) the date on which he became a member or ceased to
~:h be a member;
~. hf)A frnn.)"} 4>1 ~(i hIlA H:1 ,f!l:/.mnT1 4'1 :
3) the amount of shares held and the registration fee
t. f},.f1P,1P,.1 hIlA f6CJ) ODm1 ~'.' fODOD1'10,f paid, by each member;
4) the name and address of the heir of the member;
5) any other particulars that my be specified in the by-
ii. f~.f1P'1.';.1 hf)A lDt:1i fl9uC; hY.'t,'7J':
?;. nOD"'P,Y,~.f Y,10' f'I-lDfI~ /bt\,,':j, l'Cl,c:'f1 :: 18. Voting
It. flt\ y"~ft. hfln}'J' I)
Every member shall, regardless of the number of
{i. UI/'}~:W'~ hIlA ,ft\w' f6CJ} ODm1 h"'~,)' lD-fl'J'
shares he has, have only one vote at the meeting of

"f,1'1 nfl11f1f) I\f, "'1;~'f' ft7lJ.flmw' y"~?t' h1Y.: the society;

.n!]: ~lfC;A:: 2) Every member in a primary society shall personally
~. fIIl1~:w'9u fODlP/.:"lf Ull~nC hf)A nfll1f1f) I\f, be present at the meeting of the society to cast a
"'1;~'f' t.fI' y"9ulJ ODflm:" f,'icn:"A::
2) Every member in a primary society shall personally
t. hODIJ'/.:"lf fIIl~ne; nl\~ I)t\-.), Y,t.;f ft7lJ.!I:!I:~
be present at the meeting of the society to cast a
fIIl~nc y"9uft' fO:',flmw' IH,en'lf'':j, ~rrC;A::
:w. "CJ}'} enf,9u 'J':'>~1 flt\fIIlfl','I\t\lJ: 3) Members of a society above primary level shall cast
(i. UI/'}~:W'~ h f)A 6CJ}w'1 'en~~ 'J':,>00-1 t\D7fl.,.I\t\lJ: a vote through their representatives.
fD7, :}',t\w,: 19. Transfer of Share or Benefit
u) 6CJ}w'1 en~9u '1':,>00'1 hh1Y.' ~ODT I\I\~fI 'LlL I) No transfer by a member of his share or benefit in a
~ll'} f<f.f fI,lf1: ~(i society shall be valid unless:
(a) the member has held such share or benefit for
t\) fflllfl','1\t\4, ."ol'le; nP't, hODt,C 1'1177,1:
at least one year before he transfers;
f"'&,4'Y, flJr1 ~w':: (b) the transfer is approved by the management
~. h1.f: fODlPt.:"lf Ull~nC h'lA fI.qu.), 6CJ}lD-en~~
'1':,>110' nflll~n~ ODl'1.n w'fl'J' nent:1i~')' t\flfODlD- 2) On the death of a member of a primary society, his
en,e.9u o:L~ flJt:1i ,fAflfOD hrr~ nih.., t\ODlD-t.fl share or benefit shall be transferred to one of his
t\D7,:}"A ent,a: f,','I\t\'l-A:: ~U~ ft7lJ.rr~lD- mt.a: heirs des.ignated as such in the register of society or
fflll~n~ hIlA tun m~~ t\ODrr1 &.:f>y':';~1:1 failing such designation to his legal heir at law, and
h.,t\K ~w':: where such heir is a member or is willing to be a
.,~. v.r.~v. ~Yot.&\ .,;MT ;lIL"' <h'l'C ?;?; ;rUUfP'?; +, !v.r.jfif}.9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29thDecember, I998-Page 949

IDt.if. ftllJ"In~ hflA ttAIf~ 1Df,9" hflA l\(1IJ1f1 3) Where such heir is not a member and does not wish
ftllJf,LA<1 1Df,9" ftllJf,&..,>1:l\:" hlf~ f".t:t: f~1IJ1D- to become or is not admitted as a member, he shall
tp;J 'h'i 1':"9" f,h&.l\tpA:: be paid the value of the share or benefit of the
deceased member.
~. fUU' h1+1\ 1{H\ h1+1\ (I) (1IJ1P1.:"~IIJ CDf,9" 4) If the shares or benefit to be transferred to a member
1':"9" ftllJ...""l\tt:l\'r hf1A ~IIJID-.UltJ htp:E- h1+1\ under Sub-Article (2) of this Article are found to be
Ii!r! f"'ID(1~1D-1 11..n ftllJ..fAtt: Iftj f1.1~ Af.H: beyond the limitation prescribed in Sub-Article (3)
n11t1-f1 f,hLl\CPA:: of Article 16 hereof, the member shall be paid the
?;. fHLtJ h1+1\ 1o-i\ h1+1\ (I) (1IJ1P1.:" f.,.1.1.1 difference in cash.
tIIJi\ .,." l\ tt: IDf,9" tr tt:.f Y' i\.,. ~ CD1tj"f ntllJ"I n ~ "f, 5) The transfer or payment concluded in pursuance of
Sub-Article (2) of this Article shall not be reversed
ntllJ..f+C(1-:" 'I'.f4: 9"tr1.f:" hf,ifC9"::
due to the claims paused by third parties on the
trtt:A ht.:"
i\l\h(1lJt.C htt":" PART FOUR
~. i\l\tIIJ"InC fn"f, httA Management Bodies
ftllJ1~1D'9" tIIJ"Inc fn"f, h t}A ftllJ"In~ m:""" ,..f1h. 20. Supreme Organ of a Society
f,lf'i A :: The supreme organ of any society shall be the general
~ii' fm:""" .,.flh. r'AIIJ1'i "'<1fIC 21. Powers and Duties of the General Assembly
fh11: tIIJ"Inc m:""" 1.flh.:
The general assembly of a society shall:
ji. ftllJ"In~ 1 hm.."f, f r' t. 'h1:"i\.+fI.?J"f 'hf1(11J1(11J I) pass decisions after evaluating the general activities
lD""~?J"f1 .fi\"-"A4$.A : of the societies;
I' ftllJ"In~1 (1IJ"'~f-/..f f.1.,1'i ID-i\m 1.1-f1.f01:.+A; 2) approve and amend the by-laws and internal
h(1lJt.C \"1"7.i: : f-l:1''I'C \"1"7.i:'i
i:' ftllJ"In~1 fr't. regulations of the society;
ff\.f\"-:'" 1o-Pf1 \"1"7..f;?J";f. hfl":" f,(1IJCIIJA : 3) elect and dismiss the members of the management
f, ?it.A : committee, control committee and when necessary
the members of other sub-committees;
9.' ftllJ"In~1 f'hllJ (1IJm1 f,CDi\'iA : 4) determine the amount of shares of the society;
?;. ftllJ"In~1 f.,.lIJt. '1-ctt: 1:A1:A f,CDi\'iA : 5) decide on how the annual net profit of the society is
n,£Pf.,1 9"C(1IJt. /.7'c'1- "f, ID-Pf~ f,(1I1JA : distributed;
~. fr't. tr11D-1 /.7'C.,.";f'1 .f'&;9"IIJA: "'1ft1D-1 6) give decision on the audit report;
CD'Pf~ f,(1I1JA : 7) hear work reports and give proper decision;
~. fHLtJ htp:E- (1IJ1P1..1' tIIJ"In~ hf\." tIIJ"Inc ;JC 8) decide that a society either be amalgamated with
'h1.1ltp~1: CDf,9" tIIJ"In~ 'h1.1lhLA f,CDi\'iA : another society or be divided in pursuance of this
Ii. ~(1IJ:,.ce f r' t. ~:,.f.-1'i n~:"1 .f1a1:'+A : 9) approve the annual work plan and budget;
,. nr't. h(1lJt.C \"1t11J.'f;'i f\.f\.."f \"1"7. i:?J"f f"7. +C(1-
10) decide any issue submitted by the management
l\'}'1 tIIJ'iTID-19" 1.~f"";f. f,CDi\'iA :: committee and other committees.
~I' 111:""" .,-flh. i\l\(1IJ1'I,.:', 22. Calling of General Assembly
ftllJ"InC .,.IIh. ft.f1i\ n~(1IJ:" h11: 1..11. I) The general assembly shall meet at least once in a
ii' m:"""
f,1.I.;JA :: year; .

ftllJ"In~ f r' 1,. h(1lJI,.C \"1"7.i: mf,9" hm:""" 2) If the management committee or one-third of the
members of the general assembly require a meeting
h 11" 1: (1IJt}hA h 1 i" Y' i\"'~ ID- i\ -f1(1f1 'h 1.1lm 1,.
to be called, an emergency meeting may be held by
f1.m f,-I: f I?; .,.1 :,. 1:"7..f tIIJi\:f' CD<t.f ntIIJ ID-IIJ:" giving 15 days prior notice.
hi\TI-J.f, fm:""" ,..11h. l\.ml,. f,"f"A :: 3) Where the management committee fails to call an
r' nlLtJ h1+1\ 1o-i\h1+1\ (I) (1IJ1P1.:" hi\Tt),f, emergency general assembly in accordance with
'h1~.(1.<1 fr't. h(1lJI,.C \"1"7.-f:1'1. Sub-Article (2) of this Article such meeting shall be
m:""" ""Ih.
.f"1.1.1 'h1.l'.1f~ h<1fHI .fl\1D- fll\r'AIIJ1 1'I.1D-1 called by the appropriate authority and shall in such
.f.l'.C;JA :: f,.tjCD'9" m:""" ,..f1h.1D-nr'l,. h(1lJI,.C case be deemed to have been called by the
I1t11J.i:'h11."'ml,. f,~mt.A :: management committee.
23. Management Committee
~r' fr'l,. h(1lJt.C \"1"7.-f:
I) Every society shall have a management committee
ii' 'h.f1~1J;. tIIJ"Inc <h'l'I,.TID-'i hdDl,.I.IIJTID- n(1lJ'" which is accountable to the general assembly and
~1./..f 1.1(1- f"7.m(11 hf1":"1 f.ftll\m:""" ,..f1h.
whose members and manner of election to be
"'ml. flf~ fr'l,. h(1lJt.C \"1"7.i:f,tjl.tpA :: determined in the by-laws of the society.
fr'l,. h(1lJt-C \"1"7.-f:hfl":" fr'l,. 1f(1lJ1 Y'i\:" 2) The term of office of the management committee
~(1IJ:" f,1f'iA :: shall be three years.
fr'l,. h(1lJI,.C \"1"7.-f: hf1":" hu-l\:" .,.h:f':f'f, 3) Members of the management committee shall not
r' be elected for more than two consecutive terms.
f r' t. tI(1IJ1 n"f, l\.(1IJI.m- hf,"fl\-9" :: n"'(1IJ1.
They may be dismissed at any time by the general
m-n'r f r' t- 1f(1lJ11D-i\'I'nOW/'iTID-9"1..1"nm:""" assembly.
,..11h. l\.if~ f,"f"l\-:: 4) When members of the management committee
§. fr'l,. h(1lJt.C \"1"7.-f:hfl":" ntllJ'iTID-9" u-~:f' leave their office for whatever reasons, they have
r't.TID-1 f1.l\-I: nr'l,. tI(1IJ'iTID- .fh'iCD~:"1 the obligation to submit for inspection the activities
.,.<111C ftllJi\(1IJC(1IJC <1Y..:f' hl\flTID- :: they performed during their term of office.
1K' v.tj ~1-..t./:\ ~;Jt,.,. ;JtLIfJ~'ft: 'G%;t-UPf,... ?) +, !uf1ji 'l.9'". Federal Negarit Gazeta-No. 27 29thDecember, 1998-Page 950

?!9.' f",t. noot.C \101/.:1:",AflJ'}'i .,...,I1C 24. Powers and Duties of the Management Committee
f",t. noot.C \101/.1:",AflJ'}'i "''''I1~ (}I'''10~ 00"''«; The powers and duties of the management committee
f.t,f Y.'}.o fOl/.CD{\') Irtj O.,.I\,e. fOl/.h"'~:"'} shall be dertimined in pursuance of the by-laws and in
,e.'L1.9"t.A : particular shall include the following:
I) maintain the minutes of a meeting in writing;
fi' fi111{\'1 :1>1\1.11h.51'"f'} nR'cft.~ ,e.,e."Ai
g. f"'11n~'} 00"0111')''1' '1."".0 n0l/.111,e.,e."A: 2) maintain the documents and books of accounts of
the society;
r.' f"'11n~'} qoo:J.'P. f",t. {):"f:'i n~:" J'fI;JifA i
fl.tA'Y,:9" "'''''1t.'P. ,ff.C;JA : 3) parepare the annual work programme and budget of
9.' n"'11n~ 00"''«;Y.t,f f. '}.o 001Pl.:" m:""" the society; implements same upon approval;
1''1h.CD''} ,e.mt.A : 4) call general assembly in accordance with the by-
?;. 1\.1\..":j.
fm:""" ".IIh. CD''''~51'"f'},fi1LR''''1A ; laws of the society;
:: 5) execute such other decisions given by the general
'k t;rc,)' I\m:""" 1''1h. ,f"'C'1A
f", t. h '}:"i1,<J>(l,
f}?;' f <h'l''I' C \101/..1:
6) submit reports to the general assembly on the
h,f'}'«;,}~ "'11nC <h,,'t,:':lD- noo.,..«;f.tJ' f.'}O'
fi' activikties of the society.
fOl/.CD{\'} nIl"')',} f,ffl I\m:""" 1-11h. "'mt flf"
f<h'l'1'C \101/.1: ,e.tjl.tpA:: 25. Control Committee
~. f\101/.1:lD- n'l"')' f", t. flOO'} Y'i1:" qoo:" I. Every society shall have a control committee which
f,lr'iA:: f<h1''I'C \101/..1:1111".)'hV-I\')' "'h,+,+,e. is accountable to the General Assembly and the
f", t. floo'} n",e. I\.ool.m- n,e."f~9" :: n.,.ool. number of which shall be specified by the by-laws
m.n.)' f", t. floo'} n"'1'iTlD-9" l-fL nm:""" 1-11h.
of the society;
I\. 7J'~ f,":j." 1\' ::
2. The term of office of members of the committee
f}J;. f<h'l''I'C \101/.-f: ", A flJ'}c,~ ".oII1C shall be three years. No members of the control
f<h'l''I'C \101/.-f:CD' : committee shall be elected for more than two
ji. f",t. noot.C 1'1"'1..1: ~"t.",,:'} n:"tJtJA consecutive terms. They may, while in term of
oo(f)flJi:'} f,h:J''''''A : office, be dismissed by the general assembly.
~. f"'11n~ 1'}fl11'i '}11l.')' n:"tJtJA ",t. "f, ootp~'} 26. Powers and Duties of the Control Committee
f,4'>flJmt.A : The Control Committee:
f.' f"'11n~ Af- Af- h'}:"i1,<J>(l,51'"f O"'11n~ 00"''«; I) follows up that the management committee is
Y.t,f ~'i lD-i11' Y.'}11 001Pl..)' ooh'iCD'iTlD-'} carrying out its responsibilities properly;
,e.h:J"""A : 2) follows up that the funds and property of the society
9.' nm:""" 1-11h. fOl/.{\m-:"'} 1\.1\.."f ',...,I1C'"f J'h'i is properly utilized;
CD''iA :: 3) controls that the various activities of the socjety are
i1 1\ 1\.1\"':'" '} 0,'" '} \1 "'1..1: 51'":j.
carried out pursuant to the by-laws and internal
regulations of the society;
1\.1\.."f '}o..,,'} \101/..t:51'"f n"'11n~ oo.,..«;f.tJ' f. '}.o
4) performs other duties given by the general assem-
001Pl..)' 1\.:1::1:00-,e."}""I\- ::
tJc~A n9"i1:" 27. Other Sub-Committees
f"'11nC A f- oo.o.y.":j. Other sub-committees may be established pursuant to
1\"'11nC {).«;h~,f :,. Y-:OI/.,fi1l\ooi1m:" the by-laws of the society.
n"'1,}~CD'9" ih.., nl\." v.~:t' f.,.f."11 n.tjC9" !
"'1'}~CD-9" "'11nC hn,}f: nl1A ",e. fOl/.LA1lD- f{)'«;
Special Privileges of Society
h~.f foo'}..,r:" h'«;,} l8,e.'L1.9"C hl\.l\.."f {)'«;51'"fh~.f
:,. Y:OI/,.r f,{\mtpA :: 28. Priority of claims by Society
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in any
f}u' fnll"')',} {)flJ CDf,9" 1':"9" i11\"'1:F:FA law, debts owed to the society by member shall take
f"'1,}~CD'9" nil A {)flJ CDf,9" '1':"9" "'110~ 1\"'1_LA precedence over all other debts, except the debt owed to
..,(H' fh.«; h~.r "'1:F:F.r I\.Y.l..., ,e."f"A :: the Government.
c!}. {)flJ'} CD,e.9u'I':"9",} I\tJI/i1hnc CD,e.9"I\ooif'l' i1"l\oo:FA 29. Set-off in respect of Share or Benefit of Members
The shares or benefits of any member may be set-off for
(}flU ntp~ n ,}"'R' f}u h."y. "11lD- ni1.,..,.c "'1'}~lD-9" .
debts due to the society from such a member.
n'1A n"'11n~ CD-i11'fOl/.tj l.CD-()flJ CDf,9" '1':"9" nl1~ 30. Share or Benefit not Liable to Attachment or Sale
"I\n.)' ().«; "'1i1hL.r fl.IIA I\.hOC CDf,9" I\.if'l'
nf,"fA9u:: Except as provided in Article 29 hereof, the share or
benefit of a member in a society shall not be liable to
c!}l!. foo'}..,r.)' Y:;Jc~ attachment or sale.
ji' n"\. '}ii i1:"00'},), ih',.."f'i nl\.l\.."f ih',.."f f.,.L 31. Government Assistance
.,.,P,.,). "'1nl.:J':F51'"f 1\1.ol.:" rt. "'110t.:" I) Without prejudice to incentives permitted under
oot."'~ h,}Y."'mn.,. Irtji f1.ol.:" rt. "'110t.:" Investment laws and other laws, Societies which are
fOl/.h'''I\-.)''} y";Jc~'i "'1nl.:t':F .f1~~; organized and registered under this Proclamation
u) (UlU ntp~ 001Pl.:" fOl/.f.t.~ n,}f: "'110C shall be entitled to the following:
fOl/.,r1}CD- 10. Inn. ..,.oc "'1 f,1f'iA :: a) to be exempted from income tax; provided
Irtj9" nIl"')' hOl/.J'1'f.:" f{)flJ f:c?f n..,I1.o however, members shall pay income tax on their
'1I\CD-ih.., 001Pl.:" f1n. ..,.oc f,h~"~ ; dividends;
,,,. p'fj~ t...f..t-'I:\ ";J~'~' ;ltL") ch'l'C ?)%:J-UUfP'?) +, IP.I1?! q.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29thDecember, I998-Page 951

t\) nhAAIDf,9" 'f-fnl,.,1: t\4..lot.t\- oP"}'?P':" (b) to acquire land as determined by a Region or a
h.,.tIIJ nOtID(a.,m- oPlP(.:" oPt'..:" City accountable to the Federal Government;
ftllJ'?''j:'' : (c) to receive other assistance from the Federal
dl) h4..lot.t\- oP"}'?P':,. 1D~9" hhAA Government or Regional Government or City
oP"},? P':" IDf,9D '''ml,.,1: t\4..lot.A administration accountable to the Federal
oP"},? P':" h.,.tIIJ t\.t\°'f ~ ;Jc.:'f1 Government.
ftllJ'?l:" :: 2) An institute responsible for promoting cooperative
~. f'"l1)(.:" P't. h"}:"it:J'(&. ftllJ',..An:" : f(aID' ;)~A movement, rendering man-power training and con-
ftllJlPAm"} 're;:,.e; 9DC9"C ftllJl1~~ ;)1\4C.":" ducting studies and research shall be established.
f,,'(amm- .,.!l:9" ~!I:!l:tllJA ::
hr~A itY.,-it.}- Asset and Funds Societies
ftllJ1nt..}- '}1)(.:,.e; 1"}fllI
32. Indivisiblity of Asset and Funds of a Society
«!)~. ftllJ'"InC.1.1)(.,}'e; 1"}II1) ftllJf,h~LA itt\oPrr).
Except as otherwise prescribed under Article 33 (2) and
fUlIJ ntp~ n"}"''''' @r (~) he; ?ip. oPlP(.:" Anl)l\:" 44 of this Proclamation, the asset and fund of a society
h"}Jthti-t.A hDll.ID(a.,ID' nit.,..,.c fn1~ tllJ1nC shall not be divided for the members or any other party.
11)(.'}(; 1"}II1) t\n I)1\.,: 1Df,9" t\t\A 1D1"} n~h~
33. Allocation of Net Profit
I) The society shall deduct 30% of the net profit
enr' f"'I1)/,. 'h;(~ n1.I\Y.A obtained and allocate for the following purposes in
fir ftllJ1n-r oP"'P,Y.I,J' Y."}lI nOtt.:"1.m-e; tllJ1n-r accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in
nf"J.II.ID' nDll..PIDIIJID' tJ:"Y.,' oPlP(.:" htllJ1n-r the by-laws and plan issued from time to time by the
f"'lI)t. .}.cr~ I\f, en noP." hf.,..,..,(a t\Oth"'~:" society:-
1-P'f.:r. f,Y.t\,Y..I\A: (a) for reserve;
0) t\oPml)n<~.p: (b) for the expansion of work;
A) t\P' t. tllJit~t..P: (c) for social services.
(II) t\tllJ1fM.'P.n 1 A °It\o.y.'f:: 2) After the amount prescribed in Sub-Article (I) is
~. n'lU n1.,.?, "}O.it n1.,.".. (fi) f"'oPt\h"'ID' deducted the remaining net profit shall be divided
tH..,..,(a n:\1\ fDll."'(.ID' 'h;r~ t\nl)I\'}- ~ht$.t.l\A: among the members; the division shall be made on the
h(~(~t\, fDll.t.?oPm' n')I\'}- ntllJ1n-r 111::1-A lD'it'1' basis of the shares the members have in the society and
1)1\:,:m' tJlI) oPlP(.'}- he; t\tIIJ'"In-r t\7i.P~ 1)"'('0':" on the amount of goods offered for the sale to the
cnf,9D nOI1C nlD(a.~.}- tJ,4>oPm1 ~rre;A:: society or goods purchased from the society by
members of the society.
@!. itt\oPfU'.C 1D(a"}
n"}Y: tllJ1nC hn')I\'} 1D~9" ht\.t\°:r, Y.,'C~.,.:r-
34. Restrictions on Borrowings
fDll,nY.(.ID' 1)y"'C oPm"}e; v-kJ' ntllJ1n-r oP.,.P, I) A society shall receive loans from its members or other
Y.I,.p Y."}1) nDll.m(a.,m, UDIP(.:" ~rre;A:: organizations to such extent and on such conditions as
~. n"}Y.,' tIIJ'"Inc I\nY.(.m' 111111 fDll,.P1""m- cnt\Y.,- may be specified in the by-laws of the society.
h'nh ftllJny.l,.p mt\Y.,. t\.f)A'1' n~:r-A9":: 2) Interest on loans received from its members shall not
exceed the current interest rate of a bank.
«!)?;. it t\ tIIJ fU'. C m (a") 35. Restrictions on Loans
n"}Y: 0'I/1nC t\nf)I\'}- m~9" fUlU ntp~ oPlP(.'} A society shall not extend loans other than to its
t\.,.**oP t\.1\ O'I/'"Inc I1AI'" nit.,..,.c lIy"'C oPitm:'- members or a society established under this
n~:r'A9D:: Proclamation.
h(~A (al).)'
itt\ 'I."11) <I:'1''1'Che; itt\9"CoP t.
Audit and Inspection
en?; . itA 'I."1.n 9DCoPt. 36. Audit
fir nOI').n .Pt\CD''Mp'A")"} n,.p1it nqoP:" n1y'" 'ut I) The appropriate authority shall audit or causes to be
fO'lJ"}:;:ID'"}9" tllJ1nC '1."11) I.."" cn~9" h OOtfD audited by a person assigned by it, the accounts of
ht\m. (aID' f,oP('9Dt.A:: any society at least once in a year.
~. fUlU n1"'~ "}O.it n1.,.".. (fi) oPlP(.:" fOt1.(.,? 2) The audit conducted pursuant to Sub-Article (1) of this
f'l."11) 9"CoPt. .PA.l"tlt..t\ hP, l1t\n:" f,U"}). Article shall include the examination and verification
tJP,m."}e; f'rt'.. 1"}II1) '1.",1); ftpit:,.e;m-"} (a.,,,'fe; of overdue debts, if any, and cash balance, securities
fIN).,:") tp;J: ;"l\t.",,:"}9" oPoPCoPC f,~9"t.A:: and assets, and liabilities.
[. f'l.'~1) 9"CoPI,. 1,;I"C":9" t\m:"1\1\ 1-1)q. 3) The audit report shall be submitted to the general
f,"'Cf) A:: assembly.

37. Inspection
1) 'fhea-ppropriate authority may, make or cause to be
fir 1-,OIIH) .Pt\ID' 1)t\p'AII)"} I.."" mf,9" h fOtfD made by such person to be assigned by it an
hAm' (am' fn"}y"'1 tIIJ'"Inc MI:9": fp'I,. nL??9"= inspection to the organization, work execution,
oPt,ONH'e; f1"}'''') v-).:J' oPoPCoPC f,'fI\A:: documents and financial condition of a society.
1~ P'!:j~ ~~t-A '1;Jt..,. ;Ju'lIJ <I:'I'Cri'f: ;rUPtP' ?) 4>1 Ip.f1?i 'l.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29thDecember, 1998-Page 952

~) flltJ 1\1.,.", 10-ll 1\1.,.'" (Ii) h1f.i'mn.,. Iftj 2) Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this Article
1\Dl'H1 .f/\~ 1l/\P'AtTJ1 : inspection may be made when:
(a) a majority of the members of the executive
0) fP't- 1\oot-C \'1"t-t' 1\1lt\""f 1\11tl;;:sP:t:
committee request;
l1.m f.eI:: (b) not less than one-third of the total number of
/\) hm:t>/t/t~ fuy..,nCi'??"f eI:'I'C h1\ 1,(- members of the society request.
Y'lli';;: .f/t~... 1\11/\.."f l1.mf.eI::
38. Keeping Audit and Inspection Results
9"C9"I.- .ff.C;JA::
Audit and Inspection result conducted pursuant to
c!j~- f'L Ut11 eI:'I''I'C he; f9"COO I.- ~m. "'-1 ll/\UYll.,.oo'I' Article 36 and 37 of this Proclamation shall be kept in
the office of the authority and the society, open and
HlltJ 1\1f'~ 1\1.,.'" cflJ. he; c!j% OOlPt."" fi'f.t.1
easily accessible to everyone.
9"COOI.-e; eI:'I''I'C 01-111."'- uye;T~9" ()~ n.,./t",
/\..f1''im.e; /\..frm' n"t:r-A 1\\\:\1 nll/\P'AtTJ.,.e; 39. Actions to be Taken for Losses of Property or Fund of
the Society
nUYtJn-t. "'tJ&."', fl..} m'll'l' 00"'00'1' f,tjCn;t-A::
1) The auditor or inspector shall make a report to the
c!ju- nuy.., n -t. 111I. ..,.~ 111111 /t f, 1- .(- /\ ..,. () f.C fI fI /\ D'/. management committee or the general assembly or
w()~- hC9"~ the appropriate authority, as the case may be,
where the person who is or was entrusted with the
Ii- f'L Ut1) eI:'I''I'C mf,9" 9"COOI.- n"tf.t."w..,. 1.11.
management of the society or who is or has been an
fuy..,n-t.1 P'I.- h 1 Jt.f11'L.(- ;}/tk'1"" fi'tTJ/\n"" officer or an employee of the society, and who in,
mfJ9u .f''I'/\..n'''' f~nt.~ ()~; fUY..,U-t. 7f.9" mf,9" the course of an audit or inspection has been found
IP I.-.f';;:: to have committed the following acts:
0) nlltJ 1\1f'~: nf.1(1:t: mf.9" nOOi'.&;f.1.1
(a) had made any payment contrary to this
f.1(1:t: _fA-,'t."'f. tI~.f t.?\tJO hi'11:
Proclamation, the regulations or the by-laws;
(b) had caused any damages to the assets of the
/\) h9"~""1 nUY1-f.A mf,9" 1f1 1M" nUY()11 society by breach of trust or willfully or
mf.9" nTA i'~.~"" nuy..,n-t. 1111."" /tf, negligently;
-,-.(-/\..,. 1\~'C(I h-"11: (c) has misappropriated the properties of the
dt) fuy..,n-t. flf'1~1111111 1\/\1\..,1111 hw()f.: society.
2) The appropriate authority who received the report
-f'4'>tTJtTJ~m' mf.9" OOCuy~~ fI/\lJ-);:t'~
pursuant to Sub-Article 1 of this Article shall give
h1f, 1-.';¥- 1\DIIl11~:f' /\P'I.. 1\oot-C \'1"t-t'
the person concerned an opportunity to present his
mf.9" /\m:"/t/t 1-11h. mf.9" 1\..,1111 /t/\~ defense within fifteen days.
'1/\P'AtTJ1 ~7'C"" .ff.C;JA:: 3) After fulfillment of the above mentioned con-
~- nlltJ 1\1.,.", 10-ll 1\1.,.'" (Ii)
OOlPt."" ~TC"" ditions, the appropriate authority shall ask the
person who has been found responsible for misap-
f"'t.n/\"" 1\",'H1 _f/\m' '1/\P'AtTJ11-.&;¥- f"tOO/\
propriation of the fund or property of the society to
h-,-m' ()~ nI?; .,.e;..,. ~ll'l' ooAll h1JtI"'C11 return or pay same with interest including compen-
hf:A f.()mIf'A:: sation and damages. Where the person concerned
t- f.'fi9" hi't.ROO n:\/t 1-~'/\"" 1\~'C!J.A fi"1/\~ is not willing to do so, the authority shall take the
()m. 'I'ai-i';;: trtj l1.1~ _f-"'f./\~1 111111 wf,9" appropriate legal measure.
1-nt."" h'1m/\?,. h1JtlJ-9" f"tw()~~1 11...,e;
h."fl.- h1JtOOAfi mf.9" h1Jth~A 1\..,1111 1/\~
'It\P'AtTJ1 f.mf.:J'A:: t.:J'f.;;: Iftj I1Ai'11 Dissolution and winding up of Societies
1\Dl'H1 .f/\~ 11/\P'AtTJ1 i'1n.~ ih;Jlf hC9"~ 40. Dissolution of a Society
h1Jtm().(- _ff.C;JA::
A Society shall be dissolved on the following grounds:
h~A ll9"1"" 1) Where a special resolution for its dissolution is
ll/\uy..,nl.-"" oo~t.lle; 'LUt'1Tm'1 ll/\UYtTJl.-"" given by the members; or
c:i- II /\
n C 00 r,:t. II 2) Without prejudice to Article 6 (4) hereof, where
1\1 ~- uy..,nc nUY.hi'/\''''' 9"h1_f-f"f f.t.CtaA; the number of members of a primary society falls
below ten.
Ii- h1Jtt.Cll f1\11/t.} A¥- m.Ut); l1.()'I': mf,9" 3) Without prejudice to sub-Articles (1) and (2) of
~- 1\1.,.", J. (~) h 1 f,-"mn.,. rftj OOlPt.:J-lf uy..,nc this Article, a society the dissolution of which is
hrn f1\I1/t.,: eI:'I'C h1\P'C ()sP"f 1':" l1.A:: decided shall notify same to the appropriate
t- flltJ 1\1.,.'" 10-ll 1\1.,.'" (Ii) he; (~) h1f.i'mnel: Authority within seven days from the decision for
rnm. 1\1,(- uy..,nc
h 1Jtt.Cll l1.m()1 UYtJn-t. its dissolution.
1\Dl'H1 /t/\~ 11/\P'AtTJ1 fUY~t.ll ~ta);~1 U()I1"" 41. Liquidator
.,.e;-.,. ~fI'I' uytam:" f,tjCn:t'A::
1) Where the dissolution of a society has been
c:iIi - ll/\'LUt11 1\tTJ~ decided upon, pursuant to Article 40 of this
Ii- nlltJ 1\1f'~ 1\1.,.'" ':i OOlPt."" 1\1,(- UYtJnc Proclamation, the appropriate authority may,
h1Jtt.Cll l1.m()1 1\..,1111 .f/\~ 1l/\P'AtTJ1 'LUt11 assign a liquidator. It may, if necessary,
1\tTJ~ /\.00,(-11 f,:r-/tA:: 1\llt./t1. rftj l1.1~ f'L...,11 determine that his remuneration be paid out of
the accounts of the society.
1\tTJ~m'1 f1\1ADl/\""" 1f';J huy..,n-t. 'L...,11 h1Jt
2) The liquidator shall receive records, documents
ht.A /\.mll1 f.:r-/tA::
and properties of the society as soon as he is
~- 'L...,11 1\tTJ~~ h1f.-'-OOf,n fUYtJn-t.1 oot'..,11"";
assigned. He shall also take the necessary
()~f,:r.e; 1111."'- f.t.hl1A:: nUYtJn-t. 111t.-f"fe; measures to protect the properties and rights,
0011"" /tf. oot'..,11..,.e; () ~~"f /tf. 1-'&;"" h 1.&;f,f. records and documents of the society from
Cll9" 1\llt./t-l..m'1 hC9"~ f,mll'&;A:: damages.
11\ un;: 4..1..t.f;\ ~;Jt+ ;JILtlJ -Il'l'C?;:L ;rUPfP'?;"" !Uf1j! '1.9'". Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29thDecember, I998-Page 953

~I' f"lPf-fl tttfJ~lD- FAtfJ'c; .,...,ClC 42. Powers and Duties of the Liquidator
hij:RfIIl 1) The liquidator shall have all (he necessary powers
6' ~Pf-o ~1IJ~lD- f~ Pf-o "'1l1Jt.""" P'C~"" to complete the winding up proceedings. He shall
i\"'11:t.it ttitLI\1.lD- FAIIJ' v-h- ~lft.lf'A===
in particular perform the following in order to carry
F t.lD-' n "'1..1CI i\ uP L'''''' n "'i\~ f"'1. h.,. h-"",
J'htjlD-tjA; out his duties properly:
(a) investigate all claims against the society and
U) h"'1..,n~ f"'1.mf"'lD-' ~~ oPC9"r: ftth4.
decide on priority of payment among them;
Lh-' :"1.9" .,.h.,.A ~CDittjA;
(b) collect the assets of the society;
it) f"'1..,n~' U-o""'tj ,-01.."" ~(Ulitt1A;
(c) distribute the assets in accordance with the
tit) f"'1..,n~ m:"1\1\ it-or'1t1 t1R1."'lD- f~Pf-o
plan of liquidation approved by the general
"'1l1Jt."'" ~:"1: oPlPt."'" U-oi:,tj ,-ot.i:,
meeting of the society;
uP) f'lPf..1 "'1tfJt.i:, Ft. n"'1.1t1 i\oPLR9" (d) carry on the work activities of the society in
so far as may be necessary for the proper
'litLi\1 oPm' f"'1..,n~' P't. fl1~~A;
IP) "'1..,n~' n"'1.oPi\hi: hCtJr::f ",wl1~ liquidation of the affairs of the society;
~(rtjA; (e) represent the society in legal proceedings;
(f) call meetings of the members as may be
1..) i\ ~Pf-o "'1l1Jt.i: P't. uP:J>tj"" ttitLI\1. r'1.rr,
necessary for the proper conduct of the
ttClI\i:' i\it-or'1t1 ~mt.AII
I' ntLtJ ~ ,.,.'" ,o-it tt ,.,.'" (6) (tit) oPlPt.""
2) The liquidator shall issue notice in a newspaper,
f'-ot."'" htt:ij:A hoP 1.1..1- nk"" "'1..,n~ f"'1.Lt.it
iti\uP(r~ n;J".1IJ "'1it;J-CDetf .fCDIIJAII"'1it;J-CDetf before the distribution of property of the society
hCDlIJn""'''''l9''e~ithV-i\'''''CDC1:t.it''':J>lf''''1. takes place in accordance with Sub-Article (l) (c)
of this Article, that the society is to be dissolved. It
I1A"'t.n f'-ot."'" hij:ij:h-' f1.C;JA== h'LtJ 1.,1.
11...1 n:\1\ f"'1."'C-o .,. :J>lf''''1.oP-o"'" tt~lf t.lD-9"== shall proceed with the distribution where no claim
is presented within two months from the date of
C' f~Pf-o ttllJ~lD- f'lPf-o "'1l1Jt.i:, P'C~"" ~'1. such notice. No claimant shall have a right after the
LRoP ~;rCi:' tt";J~'" ~..,t1-o 1\i\lD-t1i\P'AIIJ'
expiration of such limitation.
.f"'Ct1A; f"'1..,n~' oPt,..,-o""'tj r'1~p..:f, tt..,t1-o
.fi\lD- t1i\P'AIIJ' n"'1..f"lD-P'ij:t. fit"'9"IIJA== 3) Upon completion of the winding up proceedings
the liquidator ~hall prepare and submit a report to
~r' 1'''-0 m.fet9':f' iti\oP#f't ,. the appropriate authority, he shall deposit the
records and documents of the society in such places
6' f1'''-o m.fet9':f tth4.LA ~Pf-o ttll)~lD- P't.
n"'1.l9"cn"'" 1.lL 'llI;JllD- f~ Pf-o "'1.tl'} oPlPt."" as the appropriate authority may direct.
~L'I."'1A== 43. Calling on Creditors
I) Creditors shall be paid on the basis of a balance
I' iti\'LV- ~1C i\1'''-o m.fet9'~ f"'1..,n~oPij:t.it
.,. ~..,elf'¥lD-; Mt i: ;J-¥lD-' ~ '}.flf it;J-lD-cktj i\ "'1.. sheet prepared by the liquidator upon the commen-
m~ck""'9" 1,,,-o1:;Jij: f"'1.rr~ r'1~p..:FTlD-'~'Jtf cement of his assignment.
.,.CO- "'1itm,.,.et.f ~1.t."'I\Tlf'A== 2) Creditors shall be informed ofthe dissolution of the
society and required to file their claims with
C' n"'1",n~ oP1'1fl:f lD-it'l' i\.,.R4 ,. 1'''-0 m.fet9':f
CD~9" nt\.1\ ttl).:\' i\;J-CDck9" .",,-0 mfet9':f supporting documents.
1M\1"'1' 1.. 1.-0'-;(1.9':f n.,.'I' ;J- ~I\ h 1\Tlf' A II 3) Creditors appearing in the society's records or who
i\ t\.i\o~ .." n;J 11.11)f"'1.CD m-"" "'1it;J- CDetf 9':f are otherwise known shall be notified directly by
i\v-i\"'" 1.11. n"'h:r;J-~~"'" nCDC tt,1: 1.11. registered letter. Notice to other creditors shall be
uPlD-II)"'" ~i\t1TlD-== given by notice, published in two successive
monthly issues of a newspaper, and also in the form
~!!. f.",,-fl m f~9':f, uP..l.}-ili\oPmn:" laid down in the by-laws of the society.
44. Protection of Creditors
6' h"'1..,n~ 1'''-0 m.fet9':f frr~"'" I1A"'hLI\TlD-
CD~9"f~~C"'" 1'''-0 i\oPhLA ~itLI\1. frr~CD- 1) Until the creditors of the society have been paid or
amounts required for payment be deposited, the
1'''-0 "'''''''16f!>I1A.,.1.t.1 n.,.c ~11)~9':f f"'1'"
liquidators may not distribute any part of assets
n~' ,-01.."'" nh~A9" 11.11" i\"'1..,nc"'7f~
"'1h~LA ~~:fi\.9"== among the members.
2) Where known creditors have failed to present their
I' f :rCDck""1'''-0 m.fet9':f "'1itt.j{TlD-' ltf"'Co-
supporting documents, the amounts owing to them
f"'~ ~, 1.rr~ f"'1.hLI\TlD- .",,-0 Ah nij:C1: (1.""
lD.Pf~ ~"'uPII)A== shall be deposited according to the decision of the
C' ~,Jtv-9" 1'''''1 m.fet9'~ i\"'1.LA1-"" 'lPf-o
"'oPlI)lI):tj frr~ If'it'''''tj9''f I1A"'r'1m-~TlD- CD~9" 3) Sums shall be set aside to meet the claims in
f"'1..,n~ ,-01.."'" ~h~LA ~~IlV- ..,1..;J-9':f ~ith. respect of undertakings of the society which are
hLi\. 1:t.it .,., I1A.,.1.t.1i\"'" n.,.c I\A.,.L'l.oPlD- not completed or which are under liquidation
..,1..:r CD~9"nhchc I\~ I\h-"'" f"'1..,n~ ..,1..;J-9':f unless the creditors are guaranteed or distribution
"'oPlI)lI):tj frr~ 1'''-0 "'~JI oP"'oP#f' ~i\n""'l1 of assets is postponed until such undertakings are
!!/ f"'1tJn~ ~~ .,.htt:i\o 11i\.,. CD~9" ~~lD-' i\oPhLA completed.
net frr~ 1'''-0 uP"'uPm- h.,.t.;J1m n:\1\ 4) After the payment of claims have been completed
~11)~9''f "'~lD-' f"'1..,n~' 1'''-0 i\"'1tJn~ ~t1I\"" or verified that sufficient deposit for payment has
n"'1.1t1TlD-uPm'.fh~ij:I\h-== been made, the liquidators may distribute the
assets of the society among the members based on
the amount due to them.
1K" v.f:m t..Y-ot.f:\ ~;M')' ;m,flJ 'I:'I'C '(;1.;1'U"tP' '(; .,.') Iv.f1ji q.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29thDecember, 1998-Page 954

~?;. lI1/'"Inc') hoP1'111 itt\oP(}l1' 45. Cancellation of a society from the Register
When the winding up proceedings are completed the
f'L Ut11 II1/lI]t-:'- P' t- ~ ') f.'''t.~oP lI1/'"In?- f"'oP1I1
nnT f9"ithc tDl""'" h °1'111 1\t\ CD- 11t\,... A lI]') certificate of registration shall be returned to the
~oPt\"A:: h"l1111 .ft\tD, 11t\P'AlI]')9" lI1/'"In?-')
appropriate authority who shall cancel the registration
hoP1'111 ~lPCt'A:: lI1/'"In?-9" hoP1'111 h"'lPllUlT of the society, and the society shall, upon the date of
.,.') "f.9"C: ihACD-'i"tD'').fll]A:: such cancellation, cease to exist.
htt:A "1Il~ PARTNINE
itt\hchc htD"(}') Settlement of Disputes
~i' .,.J.;r-:{'') n~c:" itt\oPt.L1.lit 46. Conciliation
lULU h'P:E- h')"'''' ~j! fof-oPt\hi:T hChc::f t\7i9" The disputes provided under Article 49 of this
"lA'i" J.;~"T hoP:"l'FfCD- nkT 1-J.;.fTCD-.,.ht-t]t proclamation shall be heard by a third party appointed
tD1e:':f nOl/.oPclll-:'- Y'it.,.~ tD1') n~c:" oP.TfT by the disputing parties before they are referred to the
ht\nT:: arbitrators.
~;k itt\ 7i9""lA 'I J.;~"T 47. Arbitration
ii' IUlU-h'P~ "h')"'''' ~j! f'''oPt\hi:T f'"l11lT P't- I) When the disputes provided under Article 49
lI1/'"Int-T hChC::{' n~c:" .fl\t\~ ~,)f.tr., t\7i9" regarding cooperative societies are not settled by
"lAC.' J.;~"T ~"'CIIt\,:: conciliation they shall be referred to arbitration.
~. t\7i9""lA'i" J.;~"T '''''lI1C fOl/.oPlm- (},,:f 2) The arbitration shall consist of three persons of
~'Pt-:t:CD- Y'itT Ire:' fll1/fJ.;tr'i" oPAt]9" it9" high reputation and impartiality.
3) The arbitrators shall conduct their hearing and
f7i9""lA 'I J.;~~ hchc::f') fOl/.(}OD-T'i"1I1/,)~CD-9"
.,.°IIM-T') u-t\. fOl/.t.",OD-T ntt:Tth 11thoC
P'Cq..,. ih"l oPlPl')- "CD-::
,, fulfill any of their duties in accordance with the
Civil Procedure Code.
48. Appointment of the Arbitrators
~~. f7i9""lA'i" J.;~:f hoPt-l'l'
1) Each party to the dispute shall appoint one ar-
ii' ~.f')J.;,)~ tD1') h11.' f7i9""lA'i" J.;~ ~oPCll]A:: bitrator. The third arbitrator, who shall be the
t\'li9""lA'i" J.;~"of: (}1)"n. ~,)Jltr,) fOl/.oPllllCD- chairperson, shall be appointed by both parties.
Y'it.,-~ J.;~ n;Jt- nu-t\1:9" tD1e:':f ~oPlll]A:: 2) The appropriate authority shall appoint the chair-
~. (}11"n. J.;~CD-')t\oP9Ul'l' u-t\i: tD1e:':f it9"9""T person arbitrator when the parties fail to reach an
I\~ .f AY.ll'l- ~ ') f.1r'1 (}11"n. fOl/.tr.,CD-') J.;~ agreement.
hOI'111.ft\CD-'1t\P'AlI]') ~oPCll]A::
49. Disputes to be referred to Arbitration
~!1' t\ 7i9""lA 'I J.;~"T itt\ 111/, .,.cn, hchc::{'
n c h *9" itt\,... I.-CD- h t] t1.' tD~9"
it t\h ') Y.; 111/'"1
The arbitrators shall have the power to hear disputes not
itt\P' t-w' ht.~~9" noP.,.t\h.,. n~c:" .fl\t\~ .,.J.;r-:f')
settled by conciliation regarding the organization,
management, or operations of a society which arises
f7i9""lA'i" J.;~~:
ji. nhl)l\T tD~9" n.,.1.'qu hl1I\T'i" tD~9" n.,.1.'qu between:
I) members or former members and members and
h')I\:" tDh.t\":f tD~9" nquT n.,.t\~ hl11\T oP11T
members or representatives of former members or
it9" hchc nll1/,.f.,.cn' (},,:f oPt]hA fOl/.""
hchc: persons claiming in the name of deceased mem-
~. nh'II\1:: n.,.1.'1" hll1\T tD~9" nhl1l\T lD~9"
bers; or
n.,.~'qu hl)l\:'- tDh.t\":f tD~9" nquT n.,.t\~ 2) members, former members or members or
hl11\T tDt-"(i:{.'i" nll1/'"In?- ""1.- hoPt-C \"101/.-1: representatives of former members or heirs of
nll1/'i"TCD-9"if.9": ntDh.t\. tD~9" nll1/'"In?-lPt-"'~ deceased members and any officer, representative
oPt]hA fOl/."" hchc: of the management committee or employee of the
nll1/'"In?-tD~9" nP't- hoPt-C \"101/. -I: tD~9" nll1/')
society; or
r.' 3) the society or the management committee and any
~tD,9" f.,.1.'1" fP't- hoPt-C \"101/.-1: 1I1/')?'/CD-9"
if.9u: tDh.A tD~9" lPt-"'~ tD~9" f+1:qu if.9" former management committee, any officer, agent
f.,.1:qu tDh.A OJ~9" f.,.1.'qu lPt-"'~ "'lIltCD-; or employee, or any former officer, agent or
tDt-"(i~ tD~9" tDh.t\,,~ tD~9" nquT n.,.t\~ employee or the nominee heirs or representatives
fll1/'"In?- if.qu:f tDh.t\":f tD~9" lPt-.,.~:f (/Pt]hA or representatives of deceased former members or
employees; or
fOl/."" hchc;
o. n C'i" nll1/')~ CD-9" t\.I\ 111/'"1
n h') 1.' 111/'"1 nc oPt] hA 4) the society and any other society.
fOl/."" hchc~ t\lI1/f:" P'AlI]') ~e:' t-T'PA:: 50. Civil Court Powers of Arbitrators
2' f7i9""lA'i" J.;~:f ftt:Tth .nthoc P'AlI]') The Arbitrators shall have the same power, with regard
lULU h'P:E- h')"'''' ~j! oPlPlT fOl/.;r~ .,.J.;r-:f') n.,.oP to the cases provided under Article 49 of this
t\h.,. 9"ithc::f') t\oP'Pt-T: lI1/itl~":f') t\lI1/it"'l11; Proclamation, as a Civile Court for the summoning of
T~t'1'9" t\oPitIllT'i" t\.I\9" 1I1/,)~CD-')9"ih;J1f ~C9"~ witnesses, production of evidence, the issuing of orders
t\oPCD-(}~'f7i9""lA'i" J.;~:{' ftt:Tth 11thoC:ft\"T P'AlI]') or the taking of any legal measures.
~e:' t-T'PA:: 51. Execution
2ji. ht.~~9" Any decision, order or award made under this
lULU h'P:E- oPlPlT fll1/,(}'P 1I1/,)~CD-9"CD-Pf);;T~tf1' Proclamations shall be taken as though made by a civil
tD~9" 11~,) ntt:Tth 11thoC :ft\"T ~,)f."'(}1Il "'''''PC' court, and, where appropriate, the courts shall have
hitt.I\'L (}.Ir') tt:c~' o."':{- CD-Ut);CD-;T~t,"' lD~9" jurisdiction to order the enforcement of any such
11~'" ~')Jlt.~9" fll1/it1Y-1: P'AlI]') ~e:' t-T'PA:: decision, order or award.
1K" UU?; ~1..t.&). ~:M"" ;JtLtIJ 4!'I'C ?J1.:rUUfP'?J"" Iilfjji q.r. Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 27 29thDecember, 1998-Page 955

~I' h" 'f;C~ 0."" rIA tIJ"} 52. Power of Courts

ntLtJ h'P~ h"}+:t '!i~ oPlPl."" n7i9"..,1A1J' .-;~~..,. Appeals on the decisions given by the Arbitrators under
n.,.{tm- lD-"")'SJ'"f I\f, ~"}~h..,q~ ,,&..Y-..t.1Ah'f;"'~ Article 47 ofthis Proclamation may, as the case may be,
'f;C~ 0."" lDf,9" OY'"ln-t-nhlAlA fOlJ."~ ftf~ ~"}~tf~ be instituted in Federal High Court, or the Regional State
"hlAlA hc;.:.,.~ 'f;C~ 0."" lDf,9" ""'"In-t- "&..Y-..t.1A High court or the Federal High Court of a city accoun-
". oP"}..,1'"'1: "'m~ (U,~ h.,.OY fOlJ."~ ftf~ ~"}~tf~ table to the Federal Government where the society is
,,&..Y-..t.1Ah'f;"'~ 'f;C~ 0."" f,..,q~ ".,:tol.1I f,;FI\IA== situated.
h'f;lA hl'"'C Miscellaneous Provisions
IA ~ IA ~ ~"} ;J1.SJ'"f
53. Address of a Society
~f.' h"""'"Inc h~t.7f Any society shall have an address registered pursuant to
OY"}~lD-9" OY'"lnc nlLtJ h'P~ nh"}+:t ii oPlPl."" Article 9 of this Proclamation. All services of process,
f"'oPtI.,n h~t.7f f,tj l.'PIA== fOlJ.I\h,"""(lP1'~1SJ'"f; notices and other communications shall be sent in such
""h;rlD<t.fSJ'"f1J' It,,,.."f "'Tf.~"'"f 0-1\- (}fLtJ h~t.7f
address. The society shall inform the appropriate
authority of any change in such address within thirty
f,I\I1".== OYtJn-t- h~t.7flD-"} """lD-1' nlPI\..., +IJ'''''
lD-h1' h °, 11 1\" lD- q" I'"' IAtIJ"} oy h;r lD:to h" n"" ==
54. Supplying Infonnation
~9.' oPl.jf h"oPhm""
Every society shall have the obligation to transmit
h "}~ OY'"ln c h.., q..1 1\" lD- '1"I'"' IAtIJ"} h" 0IJ.1hlJ'lD-
information to the appropriate authority about the ac-
IJ'TlD- "'''''11,.'''' oPl.jfSJ':Y' fOYh.,.I\,,'f; ..,y-";r h"n-r==
tivities it performs.
~f;- f &..Frt.1A h ilIA h"OY**9" 55. Establishment of a Federal Organ
n&"1..t.1A ~l.jf fOlJ.**OO- f'"l1ll.-r 1'"'1,. ""'"Int.-r"} A Federal Organ responsible for organizing and regis-
fOlJ..f~t.~1J' fOlJ.oPtI..,..H I'"'lAmlJ' fOlJ.{t1'; 9"C9"C tering Apex organisations and for rendering training,
fOlJ..f~C"'1J' It,t\<>"ffi:h~h -~ ;JC'."f fOlJ.{t1' f &..Y-..t.1A conducting research and other technical support to
hl1lA n,o.., f,**OYIA== societies may be eS,tablishedby law.
~I' f,tJ"} h'P~ : ~"}(1:Y."}1J'foP"''-;~~.f ~"}(1"f"} ""f,;r 56. Depositing of this Proclamation, Regulations and the By-
h 'f; -r h" oy ~ l..., laws
"""}~lD'9" OY'"lnc f,tJ"} h'P~; ~"}(1:':"}1J' foP"''-;~~1 Every society shall deposit at its address copies of this
~"}(1:':"} :to:(SJ'"f nOY'"ln-t- h~t.7f ~"}.ct1"f.1J' n~., Proclamation, the Regulations and the by-laws, to be
~"}.ct:l'~ oP'f;+~ h"n-r== accessible free of charge.
57. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws
~~. f.,.7f-t-1J'"'.t~0IJ. f".,f,I'-" ,o1"f
1) The Cooperative Societies Proclamation No. 138/
;;. f'"l1ll.-r 1'"'1,.""'"Int."" h'P~ <h1'C ;;fr!}t!Iiif<:' 1978 and the Agricultural Cooperatives Societies
~IJ' f.,n~SJ'"f '"I1Il.-r 1'"'1,.""'"Int."" h'P~ <k1'C Proclamation No. 85/1995 are hereby repealed.
it?;!Iiifitl nlLtJ ~tp~ .,.7il.'PIA== 2) No law, regulation or directive in so far as it is
I' hlLtJ h'P~ ;JC fOlJ..4>l."}OY"}~lD-9" ,0..,; ~"}11 inconsistent with this Proclamation have force or
lDf,9" oPoP~.f nlLtJ h'P~ lD-h1' n"'oP"h1:-r effect in respect of matters provided for by this
.,..-; r-"f .,. 4.~ OIJ.~ -r hf,tj l.lD-9"== Proclamation.

~t. foPif:J"~ f ~"} :J1. 58. Transitory Provisions

;;. 1) The cooperative societies which have been es-
n'"l1ll.-r 1'"'1,. OY'"lnt.-r h'P~ <h1'C ;;fr!}t!Iiif<:'
QDII' l."" .,.*<hoPlD- noP tablished and operating in accordance with
I'"' t.-r I\f, 1 I\- f'"l1ll.-r
Proclamation No. 138/1978 shall be reorganized
1'"'1,. OY'"lnt."" ntLtJ htp~ oPlPl.-r ~"}~"IJ'
under this Proclamation.
f,~t.jf 1\-==
2) The cooperative societies which have been es-
I' n.,n~SJ'"f f'"l1ll.-r 1'"'1,.""'"Int.-r h'P~ <h1'Cit?;!
tablished and operating in accordance with
Iiifitl oPlPl.-r .,.*<hoPlD- noPI'"'t.-r I\f, 11\- Proclamation No. 85/1995 shall be deemed to have
f'"l1ll."" 1'"'1,.OY'"lnt."" ntLtJ h'P~ ~"}~.,.**OO- been established under this Proclamation and shall
, r
continue to carry out their functions in accordance
"''''1'l.lD- ntLtJ h'P~ oPlPl.-r I'"'t.TlD-"} 1hlJ'
lD-1J'".== with this Proclamation.
f.' nlLtJ h"}+:t "}O-hh"}+:t (;;) oPlPl.-r f"'m+""-r 3) The societies indicated in Sub-Article (1) of this
OY'"lnt.-r ~"}~"IJ' "'~t,~"'lD- h..,q1l q"lD- q"I'"' Article shall continue their operations holding their
IAtIJ"} ~hhOlJ.oPtI.,~ ~l.h f~nt'TlD-"} ,o;J'E previous juridical personalities until they are reor-
{tlD-""" ~"}~1"' I'"'t'TlD-"} f,+1'I\I\-== ganized and registered by the appropriate authority.
(;;) 4) The appropriate authority shall facilitate the con-
9.' h"'Q1I '''lD- q"I'"'lAtIJ"} ntLtJ h"}+:t "}o-h
oP II' l.:"~OY'" nt.1: ~"} ~ ., IJ' fOlJ.~t.:(n -r"} o-).;J- ditions necessary for the reorganization of the
societies in accordance with sub-Article (1) of this
1~ v.r2i ~1.t.1A .,;MT ;JtLIIJ~'1'C?;~
;t-..,,,,,,. t; +,!Dnji 'J.,... Federal NegaritGazeta-No. 27 29thDecember, I998-Page 956

211' lI?itL"AO'/..r ih''''~ itl\lI?lD-II)T 59. Issuance of Implementing Legislations

f&..1o&.I\- OD,}"lFT fO'/.).itTr.'~ 9"hC f1.T; fhAA The Council of Ministers of the Federal Government or
(J)f,9" .t-tn&~1: 1\&..10&.1\- OD,}"lFT ftf~ hi-II? .,...c;~ the appropriate organ of a Region or city accountable to
fO'/.ODl\hi-lD- hilA f,U') hCP~ 00'/.111 F&. "f, I\II?CPA
the Federal Government may issue legislations for the
1I?lD-II)T f,~"I\-::
proper implementation of this Proclamation.
fO'/.l~ ih''''~,}
60. Effective Date
~. hCP~ fll?O'i"OT 1.11.
This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 291hday
f,U hCP~ h;J-..,..,F 0 cf>'}IIIf.1li ~'9" 'f.9"r.' fO'i" of December, 1998.
Done at Addis Ababa, this 29thday of December, 1998.
hJtit hOll ;""''''F 0 cf>'}IIIf.1li ~'9"
f.jc ~;J(t 1...c;..c;
fh.'}'f"k.r &"1o&."ce JtlJPh&.lLfce &Tl1l\.h

oflC?1'i 1'11\9"ay.t-fI7.! ~c~,), ;,..t-oo


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