7 - 1996 Investment Insentive Council of Ministers

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fh.Tf-k' 4..1..t-"'e"l'l"ht-I't''e &TlIt\..

&..Y-o&.1A";J ~ T ;J It £I]

IN'''';;: ~OD:" ~'I'C tl'it 2ndYear No. 29

h.lth Mlf1 - ilJ!.~ .,., Iitfift lJ~:"r-kf J..1..t.l\'f .ct'l"h&-Itf'f tTlll\.h ADDIS ABABA-4th July, 1996
f ih1fll "'lDttr-i- 9"hC fl.:" mll4:~:" flDlI)


~111 4l1'Ci/!!1fif~ Ii.?"'. Regulations No. 7/1996

fh.1iihToP1T D70l:J-:FfOlJ.thTC'i-rhc o.T Investment Incentives Council of Ministers
~ 111 "'''''''''''''' 1 X- ~f3'?; Regulations Page 225

fOlJ.thTC':frhc o.T ~111 4l1'Ci/!!1fif~ COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO. 7/1996



fOlJ.thTC':y.rhc 0.:" fh.Tf-k' These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers
l1.''e &T-ot\..h "iM.KOIJ."""T1 P'AIIJ1'i .,...,I)C ~oPtDla1 pursuant to Article 5 of the Definition of Powers and Duties of
OtDlIJlD""CP:E-4l1'C §/ !!1fft"'+X- ?;'h'i Oh.1iihToP1T the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia Proclamation No.4/l995 and Article 9 of the
"CP:E- 4l1'C l!Ji/!!1fif~ "'+X- !1 oPlPlT ,e.U1 ~1-o Investment Proclamation No. 37/1996.
hlf:A '" ~ PART ONE
m:""" General
ji. htif.l'c CiJh 1. Short Title
,e.U~1-o "fh.1iihToP1T D70l:J-:F fOlJ.thTC':f rhc These Regulations may be cited as the "Investment
o.T ~1-o 4l1'C i/!!1fif~" .,.-of\ot\..m+h ,e.:f"AII Incentives Council of Ministers Regulations No. 7/1996."
~. TC:}"1 2. Definitions
f ft>tr "11)-0 """ TC.,.r fOlJ.,lamlD""Atr~ nh.,.+c mw Unless the context otherwise requires, in these
~1-o lD"h1'I Regulations:
ji. ""CP:E-" D7~T fh.1iihToP1T "CP:E- 4l1'C l!Jil 1. "Proclamation" means the Investment Proclamation
!!1fif~ ~lD"I No. 37/1996;
~. "f.,.r~h +l1''' D7~T n11l iJft>?':f ",e. fOlJ.lIJtr 2. "Customs Duty" includes taxes levied on imported
:J-hlt:f1r ,e.lart-AI goods;
3. "Income Tax" means tax levied on profits from
~. "f11l..,lIC" D7l).Tf4..1..t-tr oP1"'P'T tD,e.r fhAA
business and categorized as the revenue of the Federal
oPh"''&;~C':y.tD,e.r frJ-~1: f;Jt- 11l ftr~ nTCIf: ",e. Government, Regional Governments or as their joint
fOlJ.IIJA:J-hh ~lD"I revenue; --

§. "{1C~" D7~T f4..1..t-tr oP1"'P'T h.1iihToP1T 4. "Board" means the Federal Investment Board;
{1C~ ~lD"I

nJS. 1f;J ~:MT ;Jtl.1lI 7'...,.41. itif.li

Unit Price } 5'15
Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
1~ ~f~} ~Y.,t.A ~;Jt..,. ;JIL(f) <I:'rC~!! /'I). ~% 4>1 Iitfitt I).S/". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 29 4 lh July 1996 - Page 226

~. " Ilf\F' A flJ"}" lP/f\:" fit.:"r- k f it. 'Hi il:"ou"}:" Ilf\F'

5. "Authority" means the Ethiopian Investment
AflJ1 ~lD-;
}. Oh'P;f. h1"'1\ ~ f\-rOUf\h-t:."f' .4'1\:" f-r(}m- :"C~ 6. The definitions provided for under Article 2 of the
o<J.91'f f\H.U9" 1.1-0 -r ,{.1tfTIJ.f-.If'i ft-:: Proclamation shall apply t<?these Regulations.
htj;A o-f\ ."t- PART TWO

h10. °I-oC ~, ilf\uolf1 Exemption from Income Tax

i~' A~ ''''h-~'''' ilf\fTIJ.(}flJTlD-fit.10il"'-OU1:" oui.1\1'f 3. Pioneer Investment Activities

Ii' A ~ :,. h- ~..,. ffTIJ.(}flJ;flD- fit. 1 0 il'rou1:" ou il \1:.f h 'itl 1. Pioneer investment activities shall be those listed in
f.1'0 ;JC O-rffHlD- lP1m~1r h1f: f-t'H~H~:" Schedule One attached to these Regulations.
~If'ift-~' . 2. An investor who invt?sts in pioneer inv~stment ac-
~. A~ :"h-~.1' OlP/.(}flJTlD- fit.10il:"OU1"" ouil\1'fh"til tivities by establishing a n~w enterprise shall be
exempt from income tax on the following conditions:
f.:c~.1' f\lP/**9" it.10il:" ffTIJ.ff.C"l Ilf\O-o:" h10.
"l-oC ~, foulr1 ou'O"" OlP/.h-t'f\lD- h~:\1 ~(}m'PA; (a) where the investment is in Addis Ababa, Nazareth
or in a locality within a radius of 15 kms of the main
0) Oh"til hOIl OJ~9" 0'i'H1..:" OJ~9" 0-f\-f:1 h-rqu'f
highway connecting the two cities, the period of
OfTIJ.f1'i1lD- hlD-t',. 1~'i °It--'i .,.:t; OI~ h.f\o o<J.:"C exemption shall be for 3 ye'j.rs;
hAA lD-il-r it.1iiil.Fl1f.~1 Ar qou:";
(b) where the investment is in relatively under-
f\) Oh11tt',.,£ f.~jf Oit.\1tffTIJ. AlP/:" (J}1.:\1\ O.,.~ hI-J1l developed Regions such as Gambella, Benishan-
0.911' lP/f\:"9" O;J9"OA : Oo.t1i11-A'i ",OO-'H : gul and Gumz, South Omo, certain zones in Afar,
'H'.O"O ).qul OJ14-c f-rOJ(}~ Iflf'f : OftlP/t\. hAA 'h'i Somali and other regions to be. determined by the
flc.t;. 111
1.'{..1-'h1 f. 0-),;1-OJ.'hf -r ou f\ h,,, 0 fTIJ.
OJile;TlD- ~oard, the period of exemption shall be for 5
hI11l0.91".f' it.10il"'- I-Jf-~1 i\~ qou:"; years;
(c) where the investment is in localities other than
tit) OtlU '}o.il h1"'~- O'{.f-A -rt-- (0) 'h'i (f\) h-rOUf\
those specified in sub-Article 2(a) and (b) of this
h.t:"', lD-1if!>
Ot\.f\o'.f- hI-Jllo.91'f it.10il:" i]f.~1 f\Q
t}ou.}:: Article, the period of exemption shall be for 4
years. .'

r' f'lU h1"'1\ 10-il h1"'~- (~) f.:1."J1. o.tfC9" 01\'P~ 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-Article (2) of
1\1"'1\ lli(i:) OUlP~'''' 1\.10il"'- f1.~1 flD-bf!' Ilf\O'O:" this Article, a foreign investor who invests in accor-
it.10il'1- f1.~1lD- 11'(:J'A h~rif.u f1\o<J.~I-J"}P-I\C dance with Article 11(3).of the Proclamation shall be
OJf.9" h~lo- ',,,oul1)flJ:t; 'OC fl;1-'f hlf~ flP/.(}mlD- t..,n. entitled to exemption from income taX'for a period of 2
°1'OC ~, fUDlf1 ou'O'''' f\~ qou:" ~lr'iA:: years, where the amount invested is less than 500,000
U.S. Dollars or its equivalent in Birr .
Q' '1-h-~'r ilf\lP/.(}fl}TlD- fit.10il:"OU1"'- ouil\1'.f-
4. Promoted Investment Activities
Ii' :,. h-~ ..,. ffTIJ.(}flJ;'~lD- fit. 10 il :"QD1"" ou il \1:.f h H.U
1. Promoted investment activities shall be those listed in
1.1-0 ;JC '''f~If OlP/.1'~.lD'lP1m~1f o-f\:" f-rU~H~:"
Schedule Two attached to these Regulations.
~1Y'i ft.::
2. An investor who invests in promoted inv~stment
~. :"h-~.1- 0lP/.(}flJTlD-f1\.10il:"OD1:" ouil\1'f 1\"til
activities by establishing a new enterprise shall be
f.:C~"" f\lP/**9" it. 1"oil:" ffTIJ.ff.col Ilf\O-o:" h10. exempt from income tax on the following conditions:
"l.nc ~, fOUlf1 ou.n:" OfTIJ.h-rf\lD-1\~:\1 ~(}m'PA; (a) where the investment is in Addis Abab~, Nazareth
0) 01\"til hnll OJ~9" O'i'l't..:" (D~9" 0-f\-f:1 h-rqu'.f. or in a locality within a radius of 15 Kms of the
OfTIJ.f','ilOJ- hlD-t',. 1~'i °It--'i .,.~ OI~ h.f\o o<J.:"C main highway connecting the two cities, the period
hAA lD-il.., it.1 0 il:" I-J1.~1 f\1i qou:"; of exemption shall be for 1 year;
f\) 01\1'''.'£ 1.~jf Oi\.\1tffTIJ. AlP/:" mf.:\1\ n.,.~- 1tI-J1l (b) where the investment is, in relatively under-
developed Regions such as Gambella, Benishan-
O.91'.f- lP/f\:"9" n;J9"flAI Oo.Fi11-A'i ",OO-'H I
gul and Gumz, South Omo, certain zones in Afar,
O1.f1-'0 ).qu : 01\4-c f-rOJ(}~ Iftf1- : I1ftlP/t\. hAA 'h'i
Somali and other regions to be determined by the
flCJ;. OJf.,{..1-'h1 f.o-),;1'lD- 'hf'''OUf\h-r OfTIJ.OJil'iTlD-
Board, the period of exemption shall be for 3
J1I1QO.91:.fit.10il.1- I-J.(>,.~1
f\i~ qou:"; years; .
tit) OItU 10-ft 1\1"'~- fl.{..(>.A'''t',. (0) 'he; (f\) h'''ODi\ (c) where the investment is in localities other than
h'I::,. lD-6J.Lflt\.f\o:r- 1\I-JIlOJP:.f h.1 0 il"'- I-J1.~1 i\~ those specified in sub-Article 2 (a) and (b) of this
qou"',:: Article, the period of exemption shall be for 2
years. .
'IX- nn t-F..&.t\ ~;M"" ;JftlfJ ch1'C ttll M~ n .,.1 !Ilfif~ '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 29 4 th July 1996- Page 227

r' ftlU 1\'}+f\ '}o-il 1\'}+f\ i~o Y:,}:J1. 0. 'iC9" 01\CP~ 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-Article (2) of
1\'}+f\ Hi(r) oPlPl:" 1\.'}nil:"I"l1 f(1)oo6f.h
11t\011:" this Article, a foreign investor who invests in accor-
1\.'} nil:" 1 "l1 (1)00 111::h~\ h~ rn: u f 1\1111&
11') p..I\C dance with Article 11(3) of the Proclamation shall be
(IJ~9" htlu- 1'oPlf)lf)~ l1C O:rT hlf~ fOllltm(1)ooh10. entitled to exemptionfrom income tax for a period of 1
..,l1C ~, foulf'} oPl1:" t\1i '}oP:" ~lfe;fAll year, where the amount invested is less than 500,000
~. ftlU 1\'}+f\ '}o-il 1\'}+f\ (~) 'he; (r) Y:'}:J1. 0. 'iC9"
U.S. Dollars or its equivalent in Birr .
OIP'}ml1r u-t\:" (1)ooil... OL"fA 1'to (ill) 1'to ~1'C :1=1 4. Notwithstandingthe provisions of sub-Articles (2) and
j11lli1 ~~1 'he; ~r OL"fA 1'to oP(~) 'he; OL"fA 1'to (It) (3) of this Article, an investor who invests in Addis
O+oPt\hi::" f1\. '}nil:"oP'}:" oPill'1T 01\Jtil 1\011 Ababa in investment activities specified in Schedule
1\.') nil:" 1 "l1 11t\011:" h10. ..,11C ~, foP If'} Two C (8), (9), (11), (42) and (43), D(2) and G shall not
oPl1:" 1\f,.lam(1)oo9"11
be entitled to income tax exemption.

~. ~I1CY:C1::"'} ilt\"7il4-4-:,.e; ilt\"77i7ifA

5. Expansion and Upgrading of Existing Enterprise
Ii' fA~ :,. irl:" (IJ~9" :,.irl:" 0 "7.lam(1)00f JPto oPilh
f+fJJ07/l' ~I1C Y:C1::"') t\"7il4-4-:" (IJ~9" t\"77i7ifA 1. An investor who invests in expansion or upgrading of
1\.') nil:" f"7.1 "c.., 11t\011:" '''l1 (1)00')"7il4-4-:" an already existing enterprise engaged in pioneer or
(IJ~9" "77i7ifA O"7.oPt\h:" 11:F h10. ..,l1C a foPlf') promoted investment activities shall, with respect to
oPl1:" O"7.h+t\(1)oo1\~:\,} ~lamCPfA; such expansion or upgrading, be entitled to income tax
0) fA~ :"irl:" n
f1\. '} il:"oP'}:" oPilh hlf~
O"7.lam(1)oo exemption on the following conditions:
t\~ '}oP:" ; (a) for pioneer investment activities: 2 years;
t\) :,.irl:" 0 "7.lam(1)00
f 1\.') nil :"0iJ'}:" oPilh h If ~ t\1i (b) for promoted investment activities: 1 year.
'}oP:" II 2. An exemption of income tax in accordance with sub-
~. OtlU 1\'}+f\ '}o-il1\'}+f\ (Ii)oPlPl:" f"7.lam(1)ooh10. Article (1) of this Article shall be applicable where the
..,11 C ~, foP If'} oPl1:" + &., "7. f"7. If ~(1)00
"7 il4-LI (1)00 additional income generated from the expansion or
(IJ~9" "77i7iI(1)oo lil1'1(1)oo +lJJ."7& 10. +t\~'" "l..,,11
upgrading is separately held in a different account.
f+I"t\:" 'h,}"If~ ~(1)oo11 3. The restrictionsmade under sub-Article (4) of Article 4
of these Regulations shall also apply to expansion and
r' OtlU "'}111\'}+f\ ~ 1O-il1\'}+?t (~) f+"l1(1)oo ""11 upgrading of already existing enterprises.
~I1C Y:C1::"') O"7il4-4-:,.e; O"77i7ifA l1Y:9" 1'&.1t"7.
6. Minimum Capital
~. fl11::rfA ""'0
1. An investor shall be entitled to incentives provided for
Ii' "7'}~(1)009"11t\011:" Otlu "'}111\'}+?t r 'he; ~ oPlPl:" under Articles 3 and 4 of these Regulations where the
t\"7.lam(1)oo "70l:r:F 'O~ f"7.If~(1)oo 1\Jtil Y:C1::" investmentcapital allocatedto the new enterprise is not
t\"7**9" foP" 0 (1)00 f 1\.') nil :"oP'}:" 111::r fA; less than:
0) f1\1C (1)ooil...Ql\Ol1'''' (llf') hl1C ~r2n:u; (a) 250,000 Birr, in the case of a domestic investor;
t\) f(1)oo6f.h
111\011:" (llf') h~rn:u f1\III1&I1'}p..I\C; (b) 500,000 U.S. Dollars, in the case of a foreign
ill) O:"'} ~:,. f + "l1 1\.'} nil :"oP'}:" (llf') f (1)006f.h
(c) 300,000 U.S. Dollars, in the case of a foreign
11t\011i: ~'c7i hrrn:U f1\III1~I1') p..I\C;
investor's contribution to a joint investment;
oP) :"cf. '} CD~9" f:" ClJ: y:c7i (1)00')oPfAf' 01 C (1)ooil
(d) 100,000U.S. Dollars or its equivalent in Birr, in the
1\.') nil:" 1 Y.l" f ar6f.h 111\011:" "-If'} hlirn:u
case of a foreign investor reinvesting his profits or
f1\III1&I1'}p..I\C CD~9"ftt.u- 1'oPlf)lf)~ hlf~ l1C; dividend.
11\~la tur~ 11:F ~arll
2. An investor shall be entitled to incentives provided for
~. "7'}~ar9" 111\011'''' OtlU oPlPl:"
",}11 1\'}+?t ~ under Article 5 of these Regulations where the invest-
I\"7.lamar "70l:r;J: 'O~ f"7.lf~ar t\"7il4-LI CD~9" ment capitttl allocated to the expansion or upgrading
I\OI}?j?il Te:f.h'j: foPf.O(1)oof1\.1nil:"oP'}:" 111::rfA project, compared to the capital of the already existing
oPm'} h~I1C ~'C1:'f: 111::rfA ;JC (l ~1t~C h"7.h+t\(1)oo enterprise, is not less than the following percentage:
oP"'~ 11\~la hlf~ .0:F ~ar; (a) where the capital is from Birr 250,000 up to Birr
0) 111::J'I\' hl1C ~2n:u'hilh 'OC ~"7.t\.r-'} (llf') ~~ 2,000,000 . 45%;
OoP1": (b) where the capital is greater than Birr 2,000,000 up
1\) 111::J'I\' h'OC ~"7.ll.f'1 Ol\~ 'hilh 'OC ~"7.t\.r-1 (llf1
to Birr 5,000,000 ' 40%
~OoP1" ; 1J"'i9" h'OC !!rn:u 11\~la;
(but not less than Birr 900,000);
1~' ~¥.?;.~ t..Y..t'..A., ;J~'1' ;J'LfI' 'h'l'C t)i! (I). t)1 'I"J Ii!fit~ ~.9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 29 4. Ih July 1996 - Page 228

dt) trr:h\' h1lC l;OI/.l\.f''} Ol\.f. ~l1h 1ICf}0I/.1\.f',} (c) where the capital is greater than Birr 5,000,000 up
f''} f 1\Hn
ft.1Y'}«9l;0 OD-f;lYif 9" h1l C ~ 01/.1\. to Birr 20,000,000 35%
OD) '11:;1-1\' h1lC f}tPJ.l\.f''} Ol\.f. M',h 1IC 201/.1\.f',} (but not less than Birr 2,000,000);
ft.1Y'} «90OD-f; IYif 9" h1l C 't 01/.1\.f''} f 1\Hu (d) where the capital is greater than Birr 20,000,000 up
to Birr 50,000,000 30%
LP) '11::1-1\' h.OC 2tPJ.1\.f',} Ol\t ~l1h 1IC lirOl/.I\. f''}
(but not less than Birr 7,000,000);
ft.1Y'} f}l;OOD-f; lYif9" h1lC Il; OI/.I\.f',} fl\Hu
(e) where the capital is greater than Birr 50,000,000 up
~) '11:;1-1\' h1lC lirOl/.I\. f',} Ol\.f. ft.1Y'} f}OOD-f; lYif9"
to Birr 100,000,000 :.~ 25%
h.OC ~'l; OI/.I\.f-,} .rl\H' :: (but not less than Birr 15,000,000);
I:' 0) f"l}C Y:C:(;-..,.'11:;J-A ""hht\~ ODm'} OltJl"'C (f) where the capital is greater than Birr 100,000,000
{H'OD~OD~ f,£VI'O ~;rc"" OD~;J1T lD.f.9"OltJl"'C 20 % (but not less than
f'''OD~OP~ f,£vl'O ~T'C"" h"'t\ n'"ll}1I ft\lD- Birr 25,000,000).
fit. Tii l1""OD'}'''' l}t\F A Il)'} f.,. ~ H-t\""'} OD~~ 9'"f 3. (a) The actual capital of an already existing enterprise
ODC9"C: fOD"O'}- ODtr'} nt\O"":: shall be as ~udited and verified by auditor's report
t\) O'UJ n'}"'''' '}O-l1 n'}"'''' r (0) f"'ODt\h"'lD-I
or, in the absence of such report, as accepted by the
the appropriateinvestment organ after examination
O?l1tj,t.f lD.f.9" tPJ"It'?if t\.,. f.~1t\"" it. '} 0 l1""OD'}""
of documents submitted to it.
'1'r;J'A I\.f. "'t.?ttPJ. .f.1Ye;A::
(b) The provisions of sub-Article 3(a) of this Article
't. h10. o'1IC "., fODIY~ UOD'}l1t\OI/.1:9"CO"" in. shall also apply to capital invested in the expansion
h10. o,.oc "., fODIY~ tfOD'} OD"'mC fOl/.1.9" ~lD- or upgrading of existing enterprises.
l}t\o.o.,: ~'}Y,nO,l}O' f9"C"" lD-m."" '11'YO"" lD.f.9" 7. Commencement of Periodof Exemption from Income Tax
ftPJ9"~:" lD.f.9" n1AO't\""" fODl1m"" Ft- h1.OD~O""
The period of exemptionfrom income tax shall begin from
.,.'} 1.9"C: .f.1Ye;A:: the date of commencementof production or of provision of
:f, . h. VI t- '} 11t\ tPJ l1'" 1\t\ lj: services, as the case may be.
h'm. o,'OC "., fODIY,}OD'O'}' O''''''mO'''' tfOD'}lD-11'Ph. Vlt-
8. CarryForwardof Losses
f ;JmODlD- tPJ'}~lD-9" l}t\O'O'}' fY.~(aO"" h...,t- f"" OD1Ii:
An investor who has incurred loss within the period of
IfOD'}~ '}~ t\.,. t\ tPJ.h 'N\"}' f}OD:r"" .f..,.I\t\ Ct:t\;I' A; exemption from income tax shall carry forward his loss
fi' it. '}ol1'}-OD,}i: OnJll1 nOl} lD.f.9" oe;'Ut.."" lD.f.9" under the following conditions, for the.number of years
IN"':'} h.,.qu"f otPJ..r.,e;leD- nlD-II' 1~e; '"It-e;.,.~ OIl; specified hereunder, after the termination of the tax
h.t\.. tPf...,.c hAA lD-11,,'f"'Y.~1 hlY"e; A~ ""h-~"" holiday:
lD.f.9" '}'h-~'}' ftPJ..'mlD' hlY" t\f f}OD""; 1. where the investmentis in Addis Ababa, Nazareth or in
, ~

a locality within a radius of 15 kms of the main

~. it. '}ol1'}'OD'}.f: On'}?tll''e f.~~ Oit.J'1iftPJ. AtPJ"" lDf.:\I\
highway connecting the two cities and where such
o.,.~ tPJt\'}'9" O;J9"n.I\~ on.)."It''}1'Ae; 1'OO-'U~Of.H-1I
investment falls under pioneer or promoted activities
ltqu~ On~C f"'lD(a". t'if"f~ Of\tPJ'" hAA ~e; PCP#>
! '. """""'''''''''' ',:'''''' for 3 years;
lDf.t..'" ~'}Y-u-kJ'lD-~ f'"ODt\h''' OtPJ.lDl1e;:flD-
2. where !theinvestment is in relatively underdeveloped
0.9'~" f"'Y.~1 hlY":
regions such as Gambella, Benishangul and Gumz,
0 ) A f. ..,. h. ~ .}- f tPJ.(a m lD- h IY " t\ l; f} OD"" ; South Omo, certain zones in Afar, Somali and other
t\) ''''h-~'}- ftPJ.(amCD- hlY" t\9. f}OD"" :: regions to be determined by the Board:
e) it. '} o'l1'}-OD'}.f: h IUJ Ol\.f. O'}o-l1 1\'}.,. '" (li) ~e; (~) (a) for pioneer activities: 5 years;
h'''ODt\hi:'''' lD-6J!-O"'t\..~~ n'1l}O.9'"f f"'f.~1 hlY"; (b) for promoh~dactivities: 4 years;
},e; 3. where the investment is in localities other than those
specified in sub-Articles (1) and (2) of this Article:
0) A f. .}-h. ~..,. f tPJ.(am lD- h IY" t\ l; f} OD"" ;
(a) for pioneer activities: 5 years;
t\) .},h. ~..,. f tPJ.(am lD- h IY" t\ r f} OD"" :: (b) for promoted activities: 3 years.
i!' 11t\'Pe;..,.e;FAme; lDb'J.9'1' 9. Expenditures on Research and Training
tPJ'}~lD-9" l}t\IHl'''' f.'C:(;-.f:'} O'"ODt\h''' t\OI/.f'1,£Y.lD- An expenditure incurred by an investor on research and
ftPJ7i"lt'f 'I'e;..,.e; 9"C9"C ~'}Jlu-9" fFAme; TC:'"It-9" training programmes to upgrade or expand an enterprise
fY.~1lD- lD(,L1..o,1IC fOlI.ht.AO"" 10. ft.:r(a1l .,..,.e;7i shall be deductible for income tax purposes.
10. Methods of Calculation of Depreciation
I' 11t\~c:(;-e;:"e;1i fl1""}' tff.. 1. Subject to the choice of the investor, depreciation
ji. f~c:(;-e; ~e;'li ftPJ.(al\lD-~,}f.l}t\01li: 9"C6l>J.
Off}ODi: allowance shall be calculated annually either- on the
On1f.: f}.f.":" lD.f.t/>~f"'Hl OOl/.~Y:ODm'}'.f.IYe;A:: basis of straight line or accelerated depreciation
1~ Utl'i ~S?t.1A ~:;Jt-'t-".7!LIfJ <k1'CtI'~ (U~tl'i ""~ifif~ '}''''', Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 294 Ih July 1996 -Pag~ 229

~. Ill\U-oi: O'ttlJ h'}"'Y\ '}1J'i, h'}.,.;t (Ii)

uPlPl..:" 2. The choice made by an investor in accordance with
'fO?f1.C1t& 9"C-A hO-I\:" h')~ '} -oY: ffU (J'1f sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be indicated at the
hh. '}oit:"uP'}:" ~:P f: "'1OiJAhY:t& ;JC uP~I..-o time of application for investment peimit.
hl\O¥ :: 3. The method Of calculating depreciation"allowance
r' Ill\U-oi: OtLlJ h'}.,.;t ,o-it h''''* (~) uPlPl..:" chosen by the investor in accordanc6with sub~Article
fpol..mt&, f~C~~ ~~7i fitt\.:" U1. f:C~i: i\Ui\ (2) of this Article shallbe used throughout the duration
4:;J-t&fO?m"'9"O:" ~(J'~A :: of the enterprise.
hlf:A V'it:" PART THREE
h"'9"~h "'1..'1' ~., iti\uP(J'')
Exemption from Customs [j~ty
Iii' m~""
Ii' hfllJ l.~-o ;JC ""f~Ut& 00?-,-r-:,. lP'}IIlI..V h'}f: t 111. General
O-i\:"~ V'it:" 0..,." I..U~:" A ~ :,. h-I..:" (IJ~9" :,. h-I..:"
1. An investor who invests in pioneer or) promoted
0 O?(}tlJrt& f r t- uPltt1T 0 fllJ 1.'}-O h'}.,.;t ?;h..,.1. ~ activities enumerated in Schedules ONE, TWO and
11t& -U~""~fi1-r;J-A.11.-of"~(} h. '}oit:" fO?f1.C.., THREE of these Regulations, the minimum capital
Ill\U-o"" , i\O?f9:4~uPt& hJtit f:C~:" (IJ~9" ~IlC specified in Article 6 hereinabove, shall be exempt
f:C~:"') i\"'1I)4.4.:" (IJ~9" i\"'1?('?('AfO?fit~A"':"') from paYl1),entof customs duty on, machinery and
uPPI(,f?''f~ iJ:P?''f h"'9"~h "'1..'1' ~., (J'~t&i\:" equipment necessary for the establishment.of
, a new
t\.fit11l ~'f"A :: enterprise or for the expansion or upgrading of an
~. OfllJ h,}"'~,}o-it h'}.,.;t (Ii)f""m.,.(tt& fi1-r;J-A 11.-0 already existing enterprise. .
0.'fC9" : h~IlC f:C~:" f11t&') h~7f.1J fhOJt(,i1'} p.."C 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-Article (1) of
(IJ ~9" f fl 0- ""uPtIJtIJ~ h (J'~ -0C f" ~(t :"C(j: uPA (I. this Article, a foreign investor who reinvests a
I\f:C~i: "'1it4.kf:(IJ~9" "'1?(,?'ifh.') 0 it:" f1.1..1 ft&6J.h minimum capital of 40,000 U.S. Dollars or its
Ili\U-o:" i\o,il4.kfoJ. (IJ~9" i\"'1?('?('ft& fO?fit~A equivalent in Birr, drawn from the profjt of an already
.,.:,.') uPPI(,f?''f~ ~:P?''f h"'9"~h "'1..'1'~., (J'~t&i\:" existing eI)terprise,in expansion or upgrading shall be
t\.fit11l ~'f"A :: exempt from payment of customs duty on macbinery
r. hfllJ 1.'}-0 ;JC ""f~fI 00?11t& lP'}IIlI..V ht-:" and equipment
necessary for said investment.
O""Ul..tI~:" h-OC ~£27f.1Jfh. ') 0 it:"uP'}:" i1-r:J-A 3. A.ninvestor who invests in activities of less than Birr
O;J-'f 0"'1_i1~~ fPt- uPit"''f h.'}oit:" fO?f1.C.., 250,000 capital, enumerated in Schedule FOUR at-
Ili\U-o:" i\O?f*~;uPt& hJtit f:C~:" fO?fit~A"':"'} tached to these Regulations, shall be, exempt from
oPPI(,f?'1fC; iJ:p?'r h"'9"~h "'1..1' ~., (J'~t&i\:" payment of customs duty on machineryand equipment
t\.fit11l ~'f"A :: ,
necessary for the investment.
~. ffllJ h'}.,.;t '}Q.it n,.,.;t (Ii)'~~ (r) f:'};J1. o.lfC9" 4. Notwithstandingthe provisions of sub.:Articles(1) and
OlP'}IIlI..V O-i\r t&it1' Ok1.A rt- (th) ..,.t- ~'I'C ~ t (3) of this Article, an investor who invests in Addis
it: Iii : ~~ ~~ ~r : OIP'}IIlI..V V'it:" t&it... Ok1.A ..,.t- Ababa in investment activities specified in C (8), (9),
(I..) ~'}Jto-9" OlP'}IIlI..V ht-:" t&it'l' Ok1.A ..,.t- (i\) (11), (42) and (43) of Schedule TWO, F of Schedule
.,.t- <k1'C~: ?;: ~ ~~?;?; OTuPi\hi::" fh. '}oit:"uP'}:" THREE as well as B(5), (6), (8) and (26) of Schedule
uPit"''f OhJtit hOIl t&it'l' h.') 0 it:" f1.1..1 Ili\U-o:" FOUR shall not be exempt from payment of customs
h"'9"~h "'1..'1'~., fuP(J',} uP-o:" h~(tIllt&9" :: duty.
~. "'1~rt&9" ftl-r:J-AiJ:P?''f h"'9"~h "'1..1' ~., (J'~t& 5. Capital goods shall be imported free of customs duty.
~'}Jt 10- ~~"'~A :: lrlf9" ht&6J.h U1C h.,.I..'I' a Provided, however, where substitutes of capital goods
~'}Jt 10- fO?lIlf-k fi1-r;J-A iJ:P?''f~ uPPI(,f?,'f required to be so imported are locally produced, the
* 0 U1 C t& it 'I' fO? uP I..i: h (J'). ht&6J.h f0?'10-:,,'} t\."" h- Board shall publicize such substitute capital goods by
directives issued from time to time.
fO? 'fl\' fi1-r;J-A iJ.<J>?,'f~ uPPI(,f?,'f -UC-UC (1C~
Of1.tLt& OO?f(IJtlJt& uPuP(,f ~'}Jt;J-(lJ~ f1.C;JA :: 6. Goods imported free of customs duty shall not be
?;. h"'9"~h "'1..'1' ~., (J'1f f11l "'1~rt&9" iJ:P t\.h~AO:" transferred to third 'parties not entitled to duty-free
~11l f~OI..t& f"'9"~h "'1..1' hit.,.f:IJD "'~h~AO:" privileges, unless prior payment of customs duty is
effected thereon. .
f.,.1..'I' ~., uP-O:" i\ t\.i\ t& (tt& t\. """i\ (j: h~ 'fA 9" ::
I~' i\"'-oc~ h. '}oit'r'uP'}:" fO?t."'~ uPPI(,f?''f~ iJ:P?''f 12. Machinery and Equipment to be Imported Duty Free for
i\"l-oC~ h.') 0 it:"uP'}'''' htllJ O;J-'f f""UI..U~:" iJ:P?''f AgriculturalInvestments
(IJ~9" hC~i\"Y:Tt& 0«f';J hI~ OuP.y. h"'1~OA'I' fuPi\ The followingmachinery and equipment, and accessories
«f'(IJ-A iJ:P?'-:;' ;JC t1"l'9"~h "'1..'1' ~., (J'~t& ~ '}Jt 10- thereof, together with spare parts of up to 15% of their
~&_"'~A ; value shall be exempt from payment of customs duty:
1K" Uc9 ~1..'rI\~:?~"" ?,H.tfJ~1'C ~D tt~ ~ +., !Dfit~ ,.9'". Federal Negarit Gazeta - N.o.294 tbJuly,1996- Page 230

j). 1\.Jlia 00(..:"') A"C7f "''''I)C A",H;J1::"CW'

",c7f ID-ia-r 1. agricultural machinery f.or~he preparati.on .of virgin
~ 00')1Jl."f') AooHC;J:" f"7.1iaLA~ hl)~ foo(.."" farmland and heavy earth m.ovingequipment J.or the
"'H';Jjf 00"'~19'"f ; c.onstructi.on.offarm roads;
I' oo~:,.: h"'(}CW'~:" CD"r h",AiaAia "iah 1\1I00~ 2. equipmentnecessary starting(r.omland preparati.on.or
00 (}lI (}lI 1\iaLI\'" flf). CD"r hoo ( ,. f"7.1"YID-') sm.o.othingup t.ocrop harvesting .orf.orseparating .or
ID-m.:" A00 Af"" CD"r A"'"I~"" f"?!1A.., It- 00'" ~ cleaning .ofagriculturalproduce;: , .

19'"f ; .
3. equipment necessary f.or breeding animals .or f.or
separating, preparing .orcleaning animal products as
r' ,,') ia(8"f') A", ~I)"" CD"r hllv- f"7.1"YID-') ID-m.""
well as f.orfishery devel.op!llent;
A00Af"" .. A",H;J1:"" CD"r A"'"I~"" ,,') .Jlv-r f,."
4. producti.onmachinery and equipment necessary f.or
A",""') A"'I1~~ f"7.11A..,1t-00"'~19'"f ; agr.o-industries.
!i' A1\..,c: h. ,)J;.ia""~ 1\iaLI\... flf). f",rl.;F 00"'~1
9'"fCW'b:J>9'"f II 3. Machinery and Equipment to be Imported Duty Free for
I r' Ah. ') J;.ia ..,.~ h.') 0 ia""00')"" f"7.L +J;. 00'" ~19'"f
Manufacturing Investments

0+-r:1' b:J>9'"f') A",rl.:" f"7.1itLlA~ Mrl.;F oo.,,~ Machinery and equipment directly put t.o'pr.oducti.on .of
19'"f .. b:J>9'"fCW'",~Ilv- htt:",,"f O'P;J hI~ooo-f g.o.ods,and access.ories there.of, t.ogether with spare parts
h",,,OA-r fOOA'PCD6l»J. b:J>9';FTID-;JC .. "'.Jlv-rA~lI .of up t.o 15% .of their value as well as steel structures
necessary f.or c.onstructi.on .of fact.ory' buildings shall be
~111D-~')' "'')1):1' f"7.11A..,1t- fia-tA ia""~hTC 1\111\:"
exempt fr.om payment .ofcust.oms duty.
h~r~h +l.-r ~, 1f~1D-"').Jl1'" "L"'~A II

I!i' AiI')ia""~h1i') h.') 0 ia""oo!}:" f"7.L+J;. 00"'~19'"f 4. Machinery andEqu.ipmentto be Imported Duty E'reefor
AiI,)ia""~h1i') JP~ .,.*~~"f '\flD-'! ,.~:}~ <k~C:"fj ConstructionInv~stments
lb",,"f 'lID-'!~h iI,)ia:"~h1i')JP~9'"f t AiI,)ia""~h1i') C.onstructi.onmachinery and equipment, t.ogether with
00"'~19'"f h.~" 1\1A..,"""" h. ')oia:"oo'):" f"7.1ia spare parts .of up t.o 15% .of their value, necessary f.or
LA~ fil,)ia:"~h1i') 00"'~19'"f O'P;J hI~noo-f h",,, c.ontract.ors,water-well drilling and .other water related
OA-r fOOA'PCDDJ.b:J>9';FTID- ;JC h~r~h +l.-r ~, c.onstructi.onw.orksas well asf.or leasing-servicepurp.oses
1f~1D-"').Jl1'" "L+~A II
shall be exempt fr.ompayment .ofcust.omsduty.

I ~. Alf 1: A fj i: ~ 11r 1\1 A.., ",,:,. h.') 0 la""00')"" f"7.L + J;. 115.Equipment to be Imported Duty Free for In vestments in
b:J>9'"f f Hotel and Tourism ServiCes .

~. Oilhll1.l.jf A"7.**~ 1f1:~"fCW'o;rciI"ffj O:1'~l1ce 1. Durables .ofbig imp.ortance necessary f.orkitchen w.ork
P:1'9'"f A"7.**~ "";l."f f,lPJ.liaLA~ Ar..,l1 as well as for laundry services in star-rated h.otels and
",lI(}lfj "'H;Jjf .. "').Jlv-r AI\ID-')~4 1\1A..,""-f"f l.odges inside parks and hist.orical sites ~hall be exempt
f"7.lD-lt-htt:"'~ *",. b:J>9'"fh1:'r~h +l.-r ~, 1f~1D- fr.om payment .ofcust.oms duty.
"').Jl1'" "L+~A II '2. The type and quantity .ofg.o.odst.obe imp.orted as under
I' OIlO 1\,)"'7\, ')tJ.-ia 1\')+7\ (~) 001Pl."" h~r~h +l.-r sub-Article (1) .of this Article shall be determined by
~, 1f~1D- "').Jl1'" f",.L+J;. b""'9'"f '''~''''fj 11""" directives issued by the Board.
PCJ;. 00000~1 0"7.1CD"l1D-1IC1IC "CD(}fjA II
6. Equipment to be Imported Duty Free for Investments in
I}' A:"roc.}' 1\1A..,"""" h. ')oia:"OO')"" f"7.""+J;. b:J>9'"f EducationalServices
Of1.l.jflD- f"7.11- f:"y-UOC"""'*",""l\.tj~TID- iaA"7.11) Equipment necessary f.oreducati.onalservices including
f""ruc.}- 001A11fj fl\lI~-f~ b:J>9'"f .. f:"roc"" lab.orat.oryequipment, as specified in directives issued by
"7.),ia1:C 0"7.1CD"l1D- QPOO~1 1\" 0"'1A~1D- 1IC1IC the Ministry .of Educati.on in respect .of educati.onal
. 001Pl.:" *"7.f~roc')- 1\1A..,"""" ooia"'i oP"'~I9'"ffj instituti.ons at vari.ous levels, shall.be exempt from
fl\lI~-f~ b:J>9'"f h1-r~h +l.-r ~, 1f~1D-"').Jl1'" payment.of cust.omsduty.
f.""+~A II
117.Equipment to be imported Duty Free for In vestments
I"t. Am. fj 1\1 A.., ""T 1\.') 0 ia.}-oP'):" f"7."" + J;. b:J>9'"f in Health Services
Of1.l.jflD- f"'.11- fm.fj 1\1A..,"":" "'*"'''''l\. tj ~TID- Equipment necessary fqr health services including
la"0IJ.11) fm.fj 1\1A"'''''')- oola6l»J.oP"'~I9'"ffj fl\lI~-f~ lab.orat.oryequipment, as specified in directives issued by
b:J>,,"f : fm.fj -r0:J> ",.),la'f:C, 0"7.1CD"l1D- oPoP~1 1\" the Ministry .ofHealth in respect .ofhealt~ institu~!.onsat
0"'1 A~ ID- 11C1IC oP IPl..}- *"7. f ~ h rfj 1\1A.., tr"" vari.ouslevels, shall be exempt from payment .ofcust.orrts
oPla6l»J.oo"'~I9'"ffj fl\lI~-f~ b:J>9'"f h~r~h +l.-r ~, duty.
If ~ID-"').Jl1'" ",,- + ~ A II
.,~. ~~r!}!i t..fo/..f;\ ~,"J&.). ~IL(f' 'h'l'C?)U c'I~~ 4'1 Iufit~ 'i.1/'". Federal Negarit Gazeta
" " - No. 29 4 lh July 1996 - Page 231

I~' f\:"&.1i17'C'''' h1Aolf\":"'1 f\OI/hOl/:Fh1A"lf\o:" 1\.1ni1
18. Equipment to be ImportectDuty Free for In vestments
:"001:" ,fOl/.L"'~ oo'1t.!?''f in Transportand Storage Services
Oh1C OJ-i11'fOJ-"/hl1l\:"l\~ {}?,'f1'1 ":J>?''f1 f\0I/~~1I
Vessels and small ships for transportation of people and
fOl/.!1f\"lf\' ~AI1?'r,'1
,\ h~i1+'1 oochn'f : ~i1h t}"
gools on inlandwat~r~,aireraftswith a seatingcapacity of
00111.7/;'f OJ~9"~i1h iHttJif h.f\o"li9" foo6fiJ.1h:"9" up to 20 passengersor,witha.cargo capacity of 2,700 kg.,
!I\T~ t..Ch&.iJ:-f'f: ,\."f\o:ffhn.f7i1 h1A"lf\o;" 00i1~ pther equipment anq" accessories thereof for aviation
00'1t.!?''f'1 f~ttv- htj;f\o'f : 000 ;JUtf'f OJ-i11' services, air cooling equipment to be installed in
f 01/.1 III00- fOl/"'1I"''''' oo'1t.!?''f : f":J> 01/178'1 fOJ-i11' warehouses,cranes and in-house vehicles'fortransporting
f\OJ-i11' OI/~~"" oo'1t.!?''f'1 OCP;J hI~ooo"\h"7~OA1' goods together with spareparts of up to 15%ottheir value
shall be exempt from payment of customs duty.
fOOf\CPOJ6bJ. ":J>?'i';JC h1.9"orh "'1.1' ~, tr~OJ- ~1Jl1o- ,
~4."'~A :: J9. Equipment ta belniportedDuty Freefor Investments in
Engineeringand TechnicalConsultancy Services
Ii!' f\1\.1j{~t.1"l'1 i:h~I1A 9"hC h1A"lf\o:" 1\.1ni1:"001:"
f0l/.4."'P,. nu'1t.!?''f Equipment for surVeying,designing, photogrametry and
f:"fl) : fJltl~1 : fG:1""l&'OI/.:"t. : fI1C-f"l&.kh : cartograhpy, measurement and accuracy devices and the
f 00 f\ h.! : fooL-I' 78'1 ""h h f\ '1 ~:,. fOl/I.;J 16fiJ. 00'1 t.!
like, with the exception of, such office equipment as
computers and photocppiers, equipment necessary for
?''f~ fbf\..'f h\1~1:f.-I'C: G:1" i11:fC'1 hOOl){}f\-:f. fO.r.'
engineeringand techni~alconsu\t~ncyservicesand acces-
":J>?,'f Oi1+."C f\1\.1:(~t.1"l'1 f\.J;h~I1A 9"hC h1A sories thereof shall be exempt from payment of customs
''If\o:'' fOl/.!i14.A1' *01/. oo'1t.!?''f'1 ":J>?''f ~1Jlv-9" duty.
f~~ILV- hc,:f\o'f tl'l.9"orh "'1.1' ~'l tr~OJ- ~1Jl1o-
20. Vehicles to be Imported Duty Free for Investment
~4."'~A:: Activities in WasteDisposal Services
~. f\~7Pi 0I/i1OJ11: h1A"lf\o:" 1\.1ni1:"001:" fOl/.L"'~ Vehicles for lifting and transporting solid or liquid waste,
-FlihCI1t.?''f and accessories thereof, together with spare parts of up to
1,1.:"'1 iJ:l)'li ~787801/178'1 OI/~~"" +7ihCI1t.?''f'1 f~ttv- 15% of their value shall be exempt from payment of
hC':f\o'f OCP;J hI~ooo-f hOl/~OA1' oof\CPOJ6fiJ.":J>?''f customs duty.
;JC h1'9"orh "'1.1' ~'l (r~OJ-~ 1Jl10' f,L"'~A :: 2 J. Machinery andEquipment to be Imported Duty Free for
~A' f\t..fbh""t.h ~f,A h:"Cn."''1 ~~~ f\OI/ffJ&.:"1\.1ni1:" Investments in Generationof Electrical
001:" fOl/.4."'~ oo'1t.!?''f'1 ":J>?''f Energy and in PetroleumRefining
ft..fbh:"t.h ;}f,A f\0I/001t;t;},:" : f\0I/i1+1\f\iJ:'1t\OI/h Machineryand equipment,and accessoriesthereof, neces-
4.LA fOl/.!i14.A1' oo'1t.!?''f'1 ":J>?''f : ~1Jlv-9" saryfor generating,transmittingand distributing electrical
~~~ f\OI/ffJ&.:" fOl/.!i1&.A1' 00"1t.!?''f'1 ":J>?''f energy as well as for refining of petroleum, together with
fHlV- hc,:f\o'f OCP;JhI~OOD-f hOl/f,OA1' ODf\CPOJ6fiJ. spare parts of up to 15% of their value, shall be exempt
":J>?'i. .'JCh1.9"orh "'1.,,' ~, tr~OJ-~1Jl1o- f,L"'~A :: from payment of customs duty.

~!l' i1f\ f.: ;Jc,: {}t;Ll.00'1 t.! ?''f'1 ":J>?''f 22. Support Machinery and Equipment
f .(';JiJ: (}('IJ.oo'1t.!?,'.f''1 ":J>?''f 0I/f\..,.9" G:Ch f\.tj;-f'f: Support machinery and equipment such as forklifts,
f t..fbh.}'t. h ~~~-I'c.''f : i19"T ("{}c.''f : ft..fbh:"t.h'1 electric generators, compressors, machinery and equip-
fOJ-"/ ooi1ooc.'i' f\ootlC;J"" fOl/.!i1'ff\- oo'1t.!?''f'1 ment for installation of electric and water supply lines,
":J>?''f : i11Iifc.''f : f/WI,.-ft. oo'1t.!?''f'1 ":J>?''f : conveyors, laboratory equipment, boilers and main-
tenance equipment, radio communication equipment,
n~f\c.''fc,' f1'1'1 oo'1t.!?''f : f(..Jlf' 001'1'1 oo'1t.
specialpurpose vehicleswith refrigeratorsor sprayers and
.f?''f: f-f'f\ f h1 A °If\'''''' fOl/.{}m-01/"'11"''''' OJ~9"ooC6fiJ. vehicles designed for transporting live animals shall,
f-I'111l00I\TOJ- -I'7ihCI1t.?''f : ~1i1l):"1 hn;J- n;J- where ascertained necessary by the Authority for the
f\0I/~~1I -I'.nf\OJ-f-f',por -FlihCI1t.?''f f\1\.1 n i1:"001:" investment project, be exempt from payment of customs
Tc.':f.h.,: hi1LI\'L~:J';':OJ' nl1f\P'AffJ~ h+I.;J111l duty.
h1'9"orh "'1.1' ~'l tr~OJ-~1Jl1o- ~4."'~A :: 23. Vehicles
~'r' i1f\ +7ihCI1t.?''f The type and quantity of vehicles to be exempted from
f\h1'(' 1\.1ni1,"'001'}' Tc.'~h:" l1iht.OJ-: i14.rf: OJ~9" payment of customs duty, as deemed necessary for the
fOl/.**9"O"" n;J- M":J-f P' I"OJ-1 f\oo~ ooC'1 f\0I/1." commencement and operation of investment activities,
l)."i1 !i14.A;Jf\. -I"0f\OJ- h1-9"orh "'1.,,' ~, tr~OJ- shallbe determinedby directivesto be issued by the Board
~ 1Jl1n' fOl/.4."'~ -,"lihcl1t.?,'f l}~~:"'1 >0.,:" nc~ in considerationof their nature, size or location.
noooot.! nOl/.!OJIf)OJ- 11C1IC f,OJ{}'1A ::
'IX" !O~r!)1A..1.t.fA ~;M"";JIt.(I) ..1l-rC fii .U ~ .,., Iiiftl ,.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. ??4 1h July 1996 - Page 232

hti:A ltt.:" PARTFOUR

A' A' 1:");11."'"
Miscellaneous Provisions
ti~. "'LK"7.~:" ilN"f,lft.TaJo 1."),,"fti 0000(,1"'" 24. Inapplicable Regulations and Directives
htllJ 1.")11;1C f"7.:J>l")D'/'iTaJo'" 1.")11mf,'" 0000(,1 . Any Regulations or directives inconsistent with these
OtllJ 1.")11 f.,.1. ~11qTaJo") .,..c;r-'" O.,.ooAh+ .,.LK Regulations shall not be applicable with respect to
"7.~:" ltf,'i laJo'" II
matters covered herein.

I ti?;.1.")'" f"7.~'iO:"1.", 25. Effective Date

f,., f.")11hlakHi +")Iifit~ 't.,... 1..,..r:f~'if,If'i A r. I These Regulations

of June, 1996. shall come into force as of the 18thday

It-'LilltOq lak ti~ +") Iifit~ 't.r. Done at Addis Ababa, this 4thday of July, 1996-.

ooAit JI.'i'f . MELES ZENA WI

f1\.:",.111 L~t."'f -'LlfDht.""''f (,T-flA.h PRIMEMINISTER OF 1HEFEDERALDEMOCRAl1C


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