Study On Multi Blade Cutting Machine Used: A Mini Project Report ON

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of the degree of

Submitted by
1) Gandra Rakesh (18281A0343)
2) Adnan Afridi (18281A0342)
3) Gajjula Sravan (18281A0339)
4) Rupireddy Vamshi (18281A0331)

Under the guidance of

Assistant Professor



(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)

(Accredited by NAAC with B++ grade)

Singapuram, Huzurabad,
Karimnagar-505468 (TS)

(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)

(Accredited by NAAC with B++ grade)

Singapuram,huzurabad, Karimnagar-505468(TS)


This is to certify that the project report entitled “STUDY ON MULTI BLADE CUTTING
MACHINE USED IN GRANITE INDUSTRY” is a Bonafede work carried out. By

1) Gandra Rakesh (18281A0343)

2) Adnan Afridi (18281A0342)
3) Gajjula Sravan (18281A0339)
4) Rupireddy Vamshi (18281A0331)

Submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the award of degree in Bachelor of

Technology in Mechanical Engineering by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University
Hyderabad during the academic year 2021-2022.

Internal guide Head of the Department


Assistant Professor Professor & Head

Mechanical Engineering Department Mechanical Engineering Department

The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of people who made it possible and whose encouragement and
guidance has been the source of inspiration throughout the course of project.

we owe our gratitude to Mr.K.SHANKARAIH, Assistant Professor, our project internal

guide who has supported a lot in the successful completion of our Mini Project.

We would like to thank Dr. S. RAJENDRA PRASAD, Associate Professor and Project
cordinator of Mechanical Engineering Department, for his support in the Mini Project.

We owe our sincere thanks to Dr. M.V. SATISH KUMAR, Professor and Head of
Mechanical Engineering Department, for his constant help and guidance during the Min

We take this opportunity to extend our thanks to Dr. K. SHANKER, Principal of

moral support and encouragement throughout the study.

We are thankful to MANAGING PARTNER, HUANG JIN for providing us an opport-

unity to go through Mini Project work.
We express our sincere thanks to M. A. ALEEM, Mechanical Engineer at HAUNG JIN for
his wonderful support.

1) Gandra Rakesh (18281A0343)

2) Adnan Afridi (18281A0342)
3) Gajjula Sravan (18281A0339)
4) Rupireddy Vamshi (18281A0331)


We hereby declare that this project report is titled “STUDY ON MULTI BLADE
CUTTING MACHINE ” is a genuine project work carried out by us, in B. Tech degree
submitted to any other course or university for the award of any degree or diploma

1) Gandra Rakesh (18281A0343)

2) Adnan Afridi (18281A0342)
3) Gajjula Sravan (18281A0339)
4) Rupireddy Vamshi (18281A0331)

10) SAFETY 35


The stone processing industry has a very huge market in world. There is only three basic
need of a human i.e. food, clothes and shelter, where stone covers big part of shelter, hence the
requirement is also high. The basically most of the stone processing industries in India are
small scale industry. The basic detail about the stone cutting machine is discussed and along
with that a brief overview about granite, its future outlook and current scenario is also discussed
in this paper. The study of cutting of granite bock by using multi blade circular saw is studied
and the process parameters of the multi blade cutting machine is discussed like number of
blade, depth of cut, & cutting speed. In this study, two different materials namely Malpura
Black & Rajasthan Black. The number of blades and depth of cut is varied through the
experiment and result obtained in the terms of production, cost of electricity and cost of
segments is discussed in detail. The results were then used to train the data in PLC unit of the
machine in order to preset the cutting feeds for Malpura Black and Rajasthan Black material


In India there is a huge deposit of all type of dimension stones. It is the largest producer of the
dimension stone in world. Over one million workforces are involved in this industry. This
industry plays vital role in economy of many states of India. Granite is light coloured plutonic
rock made of feldspars, plagioclase, quartz and different type of mafic minerals like biotite,
hornblende, pyroxene, iron oxides, etc . But if we look at it in a commercial way, these are
those all crystalline rocks which have pleasing colours, strength to bear the process of quarrying
and cutting and polishing and are used commonly for decorative purposes . As compared with
marble, granite is more resistant to wear and tear as well as weathering, granite is more sought
after stone to be used as building as well as decorative stone, this is because of its mirror like
polish, high compressive strength, longevity and beauty [6]. India is second largest exporter of
raw granite after China and ahead of Brazil and South Africa. India ranked fifth in export of
processed product . As discussed above that India has a huge deposit of granite, hence there
are huge number of plants operating and doing quarrying, cutting, polishing the material and
making monuments etc . The present demand of the product is not about the quantity but it’s
about the quality and good quality starts with the good and healthy machinery involve in the
processing .
In this paper the Optimal Parameter for a Multi Blade Granite Cutting Machine is discussed.
As in order to get the good quality product, parameters for operating the machine is the most
important part of it.
With the vigorous development of architectural decoration, precision machinery and other
industries, natural stones are widely used due to their beautiful appearance, stable physical, and
chemical properties.
The equipment of diamond circular blade, frame saw and wire saw are introduced to machining
these natural stones, which has caught widespread attention.

Granite is the high hardness and brittleness material, how to achieve efficient sawing has
become an important direction in hard stone processing.
The efficient processing of the equipment is influenced by many factors: cutting tools, hardness
of stone and so on. Traditionally, most scholars use the cutting forces and tool wear as
evaluation indicators of sawing performance.

Many scholars have conducted research and analysis on the cutting forces in order to study the
sawing mechanism. Turchetta et al. [built the cutting force model of a diamond particle and
measured the cutting forces under kinds of processing conditions.
The function of the cutting forces and the average thickness of sawing chip was obtained by
regression analysis. Besides, a theoretical processing model for natural stone was obtained
based on the cutting forces.
established the undeformed chip to characterize the granite sawing process.
The result showed that the normal force of each particle increases with the maximum thickness
of chip.


The first step of the process is a primary cutting or shaping of the material. This is typically
accomplished for granite using a diamond wire-saw. When operating a circular or diamond
wire saw, a continuous Stream of water over the saw is required in order to dissipate heat
generated by the process; sufficiently-elevated temperature can cause major machine and
material damage.

Once the block has been shaped, it is then moved to the cutter machine. The width of
the blades are adjusted as per specification. There are wide range of cutter machines from single
blades, all the way to 10 blades in one machine. The more the number of blade, the faster the
cutting process for a block. However, single blade cutter machines are used to process blocks
as per non-standard size / thickness.

During the cutting process, a stream of distilled water is also sprayed to absorb any heat
dissipating from the cutting process and minimize any sparks.

The blocks are cut until the last few inches are left and then a team of stone specialists, cut and
extract the slabs from the cut block, one-by-one. These slabs are then inspected thoroughly for
any defects, and then numbered for inventory tracking and moved for further processing.

The stones will be procured from quarries and undertake polishing in the unit.
Polished stones are abundantly used in floorings, kitchen slabs, toilets etc. in house
constructions in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. These slabs are normally available in one inch
thickness. Slabs of various length and breadth are cut in to required sizes and polished into high
polishing machine with sand / emery materials as well as water as local lubricants for polishing.
The first polishing machine for rough polishing and second one for smooth polishing.
There is no specific quality specification prescribed by any institutions. With the growth
in the construction industry in the country in general and the State in particular, there has been
a growth in the usage of flooring tiles made of stone.

These are not only durable but also lend aesthetics to the buildings. . Much would
depend on the cost price and the quality of materials supplied.


The word "granite" comes from the Latin granum, a grain, in reference to the coarse-grained
structure of such a completely crystalline rock Granitic rocks mainly consist of feldspar, quartz,
mica, and amphibole minerals, which form an interlocking, somewhat equi-granular matrix of
feldspar and quartz with scattered darker biotite mica and amphibole (often hornblende)
peppering the lighter color minerals.

Occasionally some individual crystals (phenocrysts) are larger than the groundmass, in which
case the texture is known as porphyritic.
A granitic rock with a porphyritic texture is known as a granite porphyry. Granitoid is a general,
descriptive field term for lighter-colored, coarse-grained igneous rocks. Petrographic
examination is required for identification of specific types of granitoids.
Granites can be predominantly white, pink, or gray in color, depending on their mineralogy.

The alkali feldspar in granites is typically orthoclase or microcline and is often perthitic. The
plagioclase is typically sodium-rich oligoclase. Phenocrysts are usually alkali feldspar.
Granitic rocks are classified according to the QAPF diagram for coarse grained plutonic rocks
and are named according to the percentage of quartz, alkali feldspar (orthoclase, sanidine, or
microcline) and plagioclase feldspar on the A-Q-P half of the diagram. True granite (according
to modern petrologic convention) contains between 20% and 60% quartz by volume, with 35%
to 90% of the total feldspar consisting of alkali feldspar.

Granitic rocks poorer in quartz are classified as syenites or monzonites, while granitic rocks
dominated by plagioclase are classified as granodiorites or tonalites.

Granitic rocks with over 90% alkali feldspar are classified as alkali feldspar granites.
Granitic rock with more than 60% quartz, which is uncommon, is classified simply as quartz-
rich granitoid or, if composed almost entirely of quartz, as quartzolite.
True granites are further classified by the percentage of their total feldspar that is alkali
Granites whose feldspar is 65% to 90% alkali feldspar are senogranites,
while the feldspar in monzogranite is 35% to 65% alkali feldsparA granite containing both
muscovite and biotite micas is called a binary or two-mica granite.

Two-mica granites are typically high in potassium and low in plagioclase, and are usually S-
type granites or A-type granites

Like all granites, the modal mineralogy of S-type granites are dominated by alkali and quartz.
Thus, S-type granites are silica over-saturated (contain quartz). An interesting feature of S-type
granites, at the hand sample scale, is that alkali-feldspars are typically white in color (rather
than pink) excluding samples that have been affected by weathering and
alteration. A photomicrograph, taken in cross-polarized light, of alkali feldspar from the S-
type Granite of Australia

A- Type Granites:
A-type granite is a particular category of the S-I-A-M or 'alphabet' system which classifies
granitoids and granitic rock by their photoliths or source. The 'A' stands for Anorogenic or

Anhydrous, as these granites are characterized by low water content and a lack of orogenic or
transitional tectonic fabric.[3]

Evolution of stone cutting techniques:

Stone is one of the earliest materials used by man. Natural deposits of granite, marble, slate
and other stones have served a wide range of applications, from practical to artistic.
The stone cutting process consists of two broad steps: extracting stone from the earth and then
treating and shaping it for its desired purpose. Over time, a number of different tools and
methods have been used cut stone.

1)Early Stone Age:

The most primitive method of stone cutting involved simply hitting a soft stone with a harder
one. This process dates back to, appropriately enough, the Early Stone Age.
At the time, stone was used primarily as a weapon. Early “tool kits” included hammerstones,
which were used to do the work, and core stones, from which smaller flakes were struck to
provide cutting edges.

2)Ancient Egyptians:
Ancient Egyptian civilizations constructed pyramids, obelisks and some of the more stunning
examples of stonework found in history. The Egyptians’ quarrying technique consisted of
digging a trench around a block of stone, then cutting beneath the stone and pushing it out.Once
the stone was extracted, workers cut a series of holes with a hammer and Water
-soaked wooden wedges were inserted into the holes, where they expanded and split the rock.
Bronze tools were used with limestone and other softer

3)Stone Saws:
Saws have long been a traditional tool for woodcutting, so it was inevitable that man tried to
use them on stone as well. Unsurprisingly, saws made from the hardest materials available were
still of little use on anything but the softest types of stone.

4)Marble Cutting and the Helical Wire:

Marble cutting techniques took a huge step forward in the 19th century with the development
of the helical wire.

A continuous loop of steel wire was attached to a pulley moving five to six meters per second.
The abrasiveness of the wire cut through marble, allowing a greater degree of precision than
had previously been possible. Helical wire cutting was refined in the mid-20th century, when
diamond dust was embedded into the wire.

5)Modern-Day Quarrying
The quarrying process today begins with surface stripping, in which crawler tractors remove
material covering the stone to be extracted. Sometimes blasting is done by drilling holes into
the earth and packing them with explosives.
With CNC stone cutting machines, there are almost no limits to the objects that can be
produced, from flat countertops to intricately-cut architectural pieces.

Types of granite cutting operation:

1. Circular peripheral cutting
2. Reciprocating cutting
3. Linear motion cutting

I. Circular peripheral cutting:

In Circular peripheral cutting via multi blade cutting machine there is a series of different
diameters blade starting from 3.5-meter diameter and the diameter of the smallest blade
diameter is 0.42 meter. In Fig. a multi blade cutting machine with 9 blade set is shown, this is
a three axis machine in which the bridge moves left and right, the main box moves to and fro
for cutting and the spindle moves up and down for the cutting depth feed

2) Reciprocating Cutting:
In reciprocating cutting via gang saw machine there is a series of steel straight cutters placed
adjutant to each other and there could be up to 80 cutters, and on them the diamond segments
were installed and the frame moves to and fro to cut the granite, in granite gang saw machine
the trolley on which the block is placed moves up in the direction as a cutting feed and the
frame is fixed.

Once the block has been shaped from the wire-saw, matting is done to ensure that there are no
cracks or breakage during the cutting process. The blades are set in the gang-saw machine
according to the hardness of the rock and the thickness specification for cutting, and accounting
for the loss of thickness in cutting and further processing. The granite block is loaded onto the
tray and packed with cement and left to dry for a day to ensure, there is no movement whiles
the cutting process. The tray housing the granite block is then moved into the gang-saw

A mixture of water, lime, and grit; referred to as the slurry is used in the cutting process that
helps in gutting the block as absorb any heat dissipating from the cutting process.
The viscosity of the slurry is vehemently monitored and adjusted for every material and also
during the cutting process. Every 2-3 hours the machine and the block is observed and re-
adjusted, if needed to ensure a steady and straight cut for the blocks. Once the slabs are cut,
they are inspected for any defects and then are marked individually for inventory tracking and
moved for further processing.

3). Linear Motion Cutting :
In linear motion cutting via multi wire saw machine there is a series of diamond wire fitted on
the drum and that rotates in a clockwise motion at high rpm which provide the surface speed
of 27 m/s. Diamond beads were feed in the steel wire at a gap of 35mm to 40mm.

Multi wire saw cutting machine

In this multi wire saw cutting machine wire is Diamond wire cutting (DWC) is the process of
using wire of various diameters and lengths, impregnated with diamond dust of various sizes
to cut through materials. Because of the hardness of diamonds, this cutting technique can cut
through almost any material that is softer than the diamond abrasive.
DWC is also practical and less expensive than some other cutting techniques, for example,
thin diamond wire cost around 10-20 cents per foot ($0.7/m) in 2005 for 140 to 500 micrometer
diameter wire, to manufacture and sells around $1.25 a foot ($4.10/m) or more, compared to
solid diamond impregnated blade cutters costing thousands of dollars.
Thus a 1,000 foot (300 m) spool of diamond wire costs around $200 to manufacture and sells
for around $1,250. Selling cost may vary because of wire grade and demand. Other diamond
wire cutting can use shaped diamond rings threaded through cables. These larger cables are
used to cut concrete and other large projects.

I) Diamond masonry blade.
II) Diamond contour blade
III) Diamond circular saw blade
IV) Diamond grinding cup wheel

V) Angular grinder

1) Diamond masonry blade:

In order to properly cut through granite, you are going to need the right type of blade. Granite
is a very tough type of material, and you won’t be able to make a dent in it with normal blades.
You need to have diamond blades in order to cut granite properly. One of the most typical types
of diamond blades that are used to cut granite is the diamond masonry blade.
This blade can be attached to many different types of saw. It will be capable of making precise
cuts to granite. The blade being shown here features fourteen teeth that are segmented.
This is a great blade for general masonry work, and you will want to own it if you are going
to be cutting granite for your project. These saw blades should last for a while, but you should
expect to have to change blades at some point in time. Buying several of these diamond
masonry blades when you have a big job coming up is sensible..
This blade here is actually very cost-effective, so it shouldn’t be difficult to buy the proper
number of blades that you need.

Diamond masonry blade

2) Diamond contour blade:

Diamond contour blades are another important blade type that you will want to become familiar
with. If you are going to be working with granite, then you need to know the right blades to
use for different situation

A diamond contour blade is going to be what you want to use when you need to cut curves
into granite. Curved cutting is going to be possible with this blade, so you’ll definitely want
to purchase it for complex granite cutting jobs.
People use these types of blades when they are installing granite countertops or sinks. Granite
is a very common and popular material in bathrooms and kitchens. If you are going to be doing
work installing and creating these types of things, then you need the right blades to rely on.

A diamond contour blade will certainly make the job a lot more manageable.
This is another blade type that should fit on many different saws. You should be able to cut a
perfect circle with this blade if you need to do so. It will be very accurate and can give you the
results that you want. This is a very sharp blade that will be able to make cutting granite easy.

3) Diamond circular saw blade:

So many people use tile saws to cut things for large projects. They are a convenient tool to own
that can make many jobs a lot simpler. You can use your tile saw to cut granite for your project
so long as you have the right blade.

A diamond circular saw blade is going to be capable of making the cuts that you need, so it’s
a worthwhile purchase.
This blade will actually be really useful for cutting lots of different materials. You will be able
to effectively cut through ceramic, porcelain, and even marble.

Your granite jobs will always be a lot easier when you have this blade, and you will be able to
rely on it for a long time. It is built to be a durable blade, so you won’t have to change the blade
out as often as you would some of the others.
You are meant to use this blade on a tile saw that is being used for wet cuts. It isn’t
recommended for dry cutting. Keep this in mind, and make the purchase that you need to based
on your needs.

Diamond grind cup wheels are similar to the profile wheels mentioned above in many ways.
The difference between them is that these are used more for smoothing out the granite and truly
finishing the project. The profile wheels will be great for edging the granite and providing the

shape. You can then switch to the grinding cup wheels to smooth out the surface and put on
those finishing touches.
You will generally be using the same tools for these grinding cup wheels that you would be
with the profile wheels.

These are simple to make use of, so long as you have the right grinder and polisher available
to you.

You’ll simply want to know how to use your grinder to smooth things out properly before
moving forward. Even if you don’t have a lot of experience with these tools, it’s actually
fairly simple to figure things out.
This diamond grinding cup wheel here will come in many different sizes. There are a lot of
options to choose from, so finding the size that is going to suit your needs properly shouldn’t
be too difficult at all.

No matter what size you decide to buy, you’ll be getting a tough wheel that can handle a
heavy workload. This will be a good grinding cup wheel to use for many purposes.

5)Angular grinder:

Owning an angle grinder will also come in handy when you are working with granite. People
use angle grinders in order to grind down the edges of granite.
This is good for when you’re installing countertops, sinks, and other types of granite products.
As long as you have a diamond grinding wheel installed in your angle grinder, you’ll be able
to do good work.
The angle grinder being shown here is a truly useful tool. It comes with a diamond blade and
grinding wheels.
This makes it useful for the purpose of working with granite right off the bat.
Most of the tools on this list have required a purchase of a diamond blade in order to be used
with granite, making this angle grinder somewhat exceptional.
It only weighs four and a half pounds, and it is really simple to hold. You can grind the edges
of your granite without feeling too tired. Despite the lightweight design, this is a durable tool,
too. You’ll be able to use your new angle grinder to help you cut and grind granite for many
years to come.


Its multi blade stone cutting machine ,it consist of A bridge type reliable and heavy duty
machine with the latest technology for sawing stone block making slabs. The equipment is
applicable for cutting granite, marble, sandstone, limestone, etc. It is able to carry multi blades
when sawing granite stones that greatly raise the production output.

multi blade block saw for sawing kinds of stone blocks into slabs of varying thickness with up
to 5 nos. of diamond circular saw blades. The structure of such machine featured of simple and
functional, is made up of a sturdy fabricated steel & cast iron to ensure maximum stability and
utmost precision during sawing.

Plus the machine is formed with linear motion guide running path. "Hydraulic cylinders for
rapid up/ down system”, to ensure maximum protection against rust.
Lubricant System can vastly reduce maintenance Frequency and maintenance costs which
means a perfectly cutter compared with traditional same kind of machine.
Steel Fabricated giant blade for extra depth cutting, a robust machine built on four columns
that support and guide the vertical cutting unit movement along with the steel fabricated bridge.

Vertical movement on two precision screws. Plus the machine formed with linear motion guide
running path. Max. diameter of fixed blade can be 2400 with five number of smaller disc
combination. The machine is available for cutting Granite Block.

During the cutting process, a stream of distilled water is also sprayed to absorb any heat
dissipating from the cutting process and minimize any sparks. The blocks are cut until the last
few inches are left and then a team of stone specialists, cut and extract the slabs from the cut
block, one-by-one. These slabs are then inspected thoroughly for any defects, and then
numbered for inventory tracking and moved for further processing.
Power consumption increases rapidly following the initial contact of the saw blades with the
granite block. The increase in power consumption ends once all of the segments performing
the cut enter into the block. When all the cutting segments enter the block, the power
consumption curve reaches its peak. This region of the curve is called the mid-region
The type of saw used widely in early days, and still used to some extent, is the mud saw.

It consists of a mild-steel, circular, rotating blade fed with a mud made of clay and 100- or
220-grit silicon carbide. The mud is supplied constantly to the blade, which carries it to the
stone surface, where it advances the cut by abrasion. Saws of this type are employed chiefly
today for making cuts so large that using a suitable diamond saw would be very expensive. A
popular diamond saw is the notched-rim-blade type. It consists of a disk of mild steel or copper,
in which evenly spaced notches about 1/8-inch deep are cut in the rim. Diamond dust is
introduced into each slot, sometimes in the form of Vaseline paste.

The slots are then closed with a steel roller that presses the metal over the diamond dust. At the
same time the roller enlarges the edge to give the set or clearance that any saw must have.
Another popular diamond saw is the sintered-rim-blade type. Diamond grit is mixed with
powdered metal and compressed into a hoop, which is subjected to a temperature high enough
to fuse the metal particles.
The hoop is then soldered to the edge of the saw disk. The sintered-rim saw is more expensive
than the notched-rim saw. The action of both saws is the same. When the rotating blade comes

in contact with the stone, the surface metal is quickly worn away, exposing the diamond
particles, which do the cutting.
Very large stones usually are cut with handsaws. A typical bandsaw consists of a 21- foot,
endless ribbon of steel, 1-¼ inches wide and approximately 1/16 inch thick. The steel ribbon
is carried as a belt over two 42-inch wheels at a speed of about 2,200 surface (wheel
circumference) feet per minute.
The specimen to be cut is firmly clamped and brought in contact with the edge of the ribbon
by means of a screw-feed table. No. 100-grit silicon carbide abrasive is fed to the edge of the
ribbon with a small stream of water. About 1 pound of abrasive is used per hour, but the
abrasive may be recovered and reused. A wire is sometimes used instead of a steel ribbon.
When a band or wire saw is properly operated the cut is smooth and flat. A wavy surface
indicates that the feed pressure is too great.
Uneven cutting is undesirable as it involves additional grinding.
Circular saws is the cutting tool that is used the most in cutting and sizing of natural stones that
are segments containing diamonds’ welded around circular metal body. Grinding mills are used
for process such as cutting, graving, shaping… etc.

In the abrading operation mentioned until here, the process of wear results from simple
geometrical situations with a linear movement between abrasive grain and material.
When grinding mills are analyzed, if abrading operation occurs on the edge of grinding mill,
the situation is simple. But if abrading is on the disc, the situation is complex.
In the literature, abrading mechanism that occurs here is mentioned with the word grinding.
The wear that occurs here is defined as a micro-scaled grinding

Several studies provide normal, tangential, or compound cutting force.In the case of diamond
disc cutting the amount of removed material per time unit is obtained as the product of the pass
depth times the feed speed. Some articles, provide the normal and tangential force value, versus
specific removal rate. See some results on the figure 3.
This tests were carried out on two granite types, grey and red, but their compressive strength
was not given. According to documental research this could be between 110 – 180 MPa. The
machine was fitted with a 350 mm diameter disc, with 3.6 mm wide segments, and cut at a
speed of 30 m/s.
The efficiency of a given cutting process is measured by specific energy, which is defined as
the energy consumed per unit volume of material removal. So, some tests deal with specific
energy measurement and how it is influenced by feed rate, wear or cutting depth

The characteristic of multi Cutting machines are :

1. The up and down lifting adopts double hydraulic lifting, and the guide adopts high-precision
chrome-plated guide column + wear-resistant guide sleeve, with small matching gap, and
multi-layer sealing is designed in the guide sleeve, waterproof, dustproof, oil leakage, it’s better
for long cutting life and save the production cost for customers.

2. Bridge Cutting machine uses the microcomputer control system and human-computer
interaction interface, equipped with high-precision rotary encoder fixed length, and infrared
laser marking device, which can be adjusted according to the stone material.

3. The Bridge Cutting machine adopts a large span bridge structure. The walking track is

sealed by an oil immersion test, and the anti-wear lubricant forms a thin oil film between the
track and the slider, and provides side beam protection to reduce material loss;

4. Imported frequency converter is used on the cutting machines to realize stepless speed
regulation and cutting. Equipped with a 360-degree rotating worktable, it has flexible rotation,
accurate positioning and good rigidity, which makes the equipment cut smoothly and work
efficiently. It is an ideal equipment for processing high-value stone, tombstone crafts, and

5. The worktable is made of good materials which is more durable than the general
worktable on the market. The key components adopt imported high-quality parts, which have
high cutting efficiency, high cutting precision, low cost and good stability. High performance,
easy operation, etc.;

6. It is better to choose aluminum alloy or stainless steel for the shell part, which is mainly not
easy to corrode and rust; iron is easy to corrode and rust, and it may cause secondary pollution
of the stone and cause rust spots;

7. The whole machine has fine processing, stable performance, high automatic production
efficiency, convenient installation, operation and maintenance, and adapts to the development
needs of international stone processing.

Details of configuration:
A. Main motor:
Stone Cutting machine is using motor of Siemens or Well-know domestic first brand, Which
is capable of providing 55kw/75 hp and rotate at an RPM of 1500

B. Electronic box:
uses the Panasonic PLC and Inverter, Fujian Contactor.
PLC stands for programming controlling unit . They are industrial computers used to control
different electro-mechanical processes for use in manufacturing, plants, or other automation

C. Electric Box Connection
Plug In Connection, it’s much more Simple operation, avoid connection fault.
It is basically used for arranging of wire orderly
D. Operation Interface:
Human-friendly interface with picture, it’s easy to understand and input operation easily
Others: Boring text, it’s hard to understand and operate command.

D. Spindle box lubrication system

Gear is soaked in a fully sealed box fill with lubrication, it can avoid dust and extend easily
service life.

E. Precise transmission:
Thress Encoders for Leftward & rightward, Up & Down, Back & Forward Transmission which
is more convenience and accurate.

F. Spindle box lubrication system:

Unique Lubricate system for spindle box, and fully automatic Lubrication System for Guide

G. Crossbeam and body:

Shot blasting and other special treatment for crossbeam and body, to clean the surface,
eliminate residual stress, and increase fatigue strength, Long term use without distortion.

1) Reinforced steel cover for blade, Belt cover.
Also for the Side beam, We equip locking devices on side beams, to avoid crossbeam lifted
by counter force from inappropriate operation, or even distort the screw rod in side beams, as
crossbeam and screw rod are connected.
Others: No extra half steel cover for blade, and not belt cover
2) operator and observers should never cross the hazard line marked on the floor


Model Maximum Number Lifting Max.Cuttin Power Water Gross-
Diameter of Blades Travel g Size (mm) of Main Consumpt weight
of Blade (mm) LXWXH Moter ion 3 (M (tons
(mm) (HP) /)

KMT - 2400 9 1200 4000 X2000 55KW/7 26 16

G9/2300 X 1000 5HP
KMT G - 3000 5 1500 4000 X2000 55KW/7 26 18
5/3000 X 1200 5HP

The multi blade cutting machine has two vertical beams , one horizontal beams and one
hydraulic cylinder mounted on horizontal beam which gives up and down motion during
Hydraulic cylinder is mounted on horizontal beam which is connected to the motor and which
gives left and right motion to provides the feed during the cutting of stone

• This machine suitable for 2300 mm cutter diameter featuring a useful cutting Height of
1000 mm.
• Powerful 5 blade processing maintaining precise equilibrium and thickness of stone
while processing.
• 50% higher production than single blade machine hence helps in reducing power
• Vertical movement on two precision screws and the machine formed with linear motion
guide running path.

• Specially designed trolley mechanisms of width adjustment, with the help of special
positioning mechanism for perfect positioning of the blocks in tolerances to be in
• PLC base AC drive panel with HMI display for easy& smooth operation.


Polished stone tiles or slabs are now being widely used for construction of buildings. They
enhance the beauty of the building and reduce maintenance cost. The market for these products
is growing in urban areas particularly in middle and upper middle class houses in cities and
commercial complexes. The proposed sizes are of the order of 1' x 1' and 1' x 2' (tiles). The
product has good market prospects in all important towns in the country

Granite slabs are the best choice for flooring as they give an exquisite and expensive look to
the home.

Glitter's beautifully crafted countertops and panels add glamour to a workplace and combine
beauty with strength

Granite table tops make the dining room look attractive and inviting.

Granite slabs and tiles transform drab walls into mirror-polished surfaces of varied hues.


At present, most of the mining crushing and industrial sand making plant produced a lot of
limestone powder waste (limestone powder content is high). This not only pollute the
environment, and the raw material waste is serious.

It is imperative to find a reasonable solution to deal with limestone powder waste "waste into
treasure". The results show that the limestone powder as the admixture of concrete has the
effect of improving the concrete structure, enhancing the workability of anti - sulphate attack
ability of concrete under low temperature.

In recent years, limestone powder into the concrete as a binder has become the hot topic and
development trend in the concrete industry. Commercial concrete mixing plant generally uses
325 mesh limestone powders; the saving rate is not less than 85%


An experimental study was carried out utilizing a fully instrumented block-cutter to investigate
the sawing performances of five different types of travertine blocks during cutting with a
circular diamond saw. The sawing tests were performed in the down-cutting mode.

Points for improvement are the use of greater stresses on the saw, and a larger sized one. The
aim of both these is to obtain greater feed speeds and improve this cutting system’s

By using multi blades, cutting blade will last longer than single blade cutting machine

By using multi blade cutter machine the production rate per day is higher


1. Manufacturing technology by P N RAO

2. Production technology by R K Jain.
3. cutting principles, wear and applications by Lindberg.
4. Diamond and Related Materials, by Roenthal
5. Theoretical analysis of stone sawing with diamonds. Journal of Materials
Processing Technology, by. KONSTANTY, J


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