Indian English Literature Shodhganga
Indian English Literature Shodhganga
Indian English Literature Shodhganga
there are three types of Indian writers in English, first those who have
Indians who have settled abroad but are constantly in touch with the
large number of Indians were greatly moved by the genuine desire to present
before the western readers authentic pictures of life in India through their
numerous writings.
The Novel emerged as the most forceful and convincing of all thegenres
distinction and prestigious position in recent times in the whole of the world.
The international literary awards like The Booker, The Pulitzer, The Sinclair
won by Indian novelists exemplify that they have been appreciated even by
the western critics. “It is now recognized that Indian English literature is not
in the World literature. Today it has won for itself international acclaim and
The Indian English Novel has passed through several stages before
broadly divided into four stages. It was in Bengal that a literary renaissance
first manifested itself, but almost immediately afterwards its traces could be
seen in Madras, Bombay and other more educated parts of India. The first
stage includes the works of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Toru Dutt, Romesh
Chatterjee‟s Rajmohan’s Wife (1864) was the first English novel written by an
Indian. His works brought a certain space and stature to Indian novels in
The period after the First World War has been considered the second
period. In the first decade after the war, S.K. Ventaramani, Shankar Ram and
A.S.P. Ayyer were the novelists who came to the fore. After them comes the
emergence of the great „Trio‟- Mulk Raj Anand, R.K.Narayan and Raja Rao.
Who are considered as the finest painters of Indian sensibilities. They tried to
The three major writers together are called the major „trio‟ who
Independence Era which is the third phase has a two-fold effect on Indian
writing in English. The radical changes like poverty, hunger, death, disease
etc., which were brought about by the Partition of the country, on the one
hand made the writers dream about a finer future and on the other hand
provided fertile soil for many novelists to flourish and a considerable number
English Novel. The chief figures are Ruth Pawar Jhabvala, Kamala
After the 1960s there was a thematic and technical shift in focus in the
Indian English fiction owing to the influence of the modern British novel.
There was the impact in the post-war period on the populace that gave rise to
explored by Anita Desai and Arun Joshi and this changed the face of Indian
English novel. It is with the novels of Arun Joshi and Anita Desai that a new
era in the Indo-English fiction began and also witnessed a change in the
After 1980 is the period of so-called „new‟ fiction which includes new
Roy, Kiran Desai, Arvind Adiga and others. These novelists heralded a new
era in the history of Indian English Fiction. They experimented with new
themes and techniques. Vikram Seth has experimented even with the form of
the novel. His novel The Golden Gate (1986) is written in the form of verse.
Arundhati Roy, Arvind Adiga and Kiran Desai got Man Booker Prize for their
debut works. All the novelists of this period have proved that Indian English
novelists, both men and women, has increased in an unprecedented scale. The
range of themes, forms and sub-genres in Indian English Novel is very vast.
As far as the genres within Novel is concerned, there are political novel,
Novel of Social Realism, Novel of Magic Realism, The Partition Novel, Novel
Campus Novel and others. Like many sub-genres of Novel, Campus Novel is
originated from the west. The number of novels dealing with academic
However, there were some writers such as Michael Madhusudhan Dutt
and Romesh Chandra Dutt, who were persuaded not to write in English, but
expression and made their names in different fields of literature, for example,
Discovery of India in English and not in Hindi. Similarly, Toru Dutt, Sarojini
Naidu and Sri Aurobindo wrote in English and not in Bengali. They used
English to represent the Indian culture and spirit. In this connection, the
remarks of Randolph Quirk and Raja Rao, are of worth quoting. According to
Quirk, English is not the private property of the Englishmen. Similarly, Raja
Rao says in the Preface of his novel Kanthapura (1938, rpt. 1971: 5) “One has to
convey in a language that is not one's own, the spirit that is one‟s own.” It
seems that the mother-tongue did not impede their way in writing in English.
and expression, James H. Cousins (1918: 179) says, “… If they (Indians) are
am able to confirm, after nearly thirty years of writing, that English has served
novel and drama, these writers have made Indo-Anglican literature as a
the Indians instigated the Indians to use an alien tongue for creative
elite class such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo,
creative expression. They realised that by using English, they could reach pan-
India and even the world audience. Thereafter, the Indian writers in English
Some Indian writers such as Mulk Raj Anand, R.K.Narayan, Raja Rao, Nissim
Yet, one cannot deny the fact that the Indian literary culture has been
Indian English literature and vice-versa. But for the makers of Indian English
The possible literary form for a writer to keep himself always in touch
with the common readers is the fiction. It is in this area we find that the Indian
writers in English have made the most significant contribution. So, of all
Williams (1976: 109), “It is undoubtedly the most popular vehicle for the
India, on a greater extent are indebted to the European and English novel
because as an art form, it has been imported to India from the West. In other
Chatterjee‟s Rajmohan’s Wife (1864) and Lal Behari Day‟s Govind Samanta
(1874), Indian novel in English has grown by leaps and bounds in respect of
Both of them have used an acquired language to comment on the
Indian social context. But compared to the recent output, most early novels in
English were almost imitative and faulty. It is assumed that Indian novel in
English has its roots in the nineteenth century realistic tradition of English
of European models are the chief factors responsible for the rise and
But with the passage of time the Indian novel in English has become
thoroughly Indian in terms of the themes, techniques and the human values.
In this regard, Meenakshi Mukherjee (1985: viii) observes that: „The novel in
economic and political forces in the larger life of the country‟. “Despite
education, disjunction of agrarian life and many others that affect the form of
continuing traditions. The Indian novel in English has-been divided into three
successive periods such as: a) novel from1875 to 1920, b) novel from 1920 to
1947, and c) novel from 1947 onwards, by the Indian scholars likeK.R.S.
Iyengar (1962), M.K.Naik (1982) and Meenakshi Mukherjee (1985),
From 1935 to the 1960‟s, c) Modernism: From the 1960s to the1980s, and d)
The New Novel: From 1981 onwards. However, such classification has its
modes and values of representation at the time of writing. Hence, the whole
corpus of Indian novel in English may be divided into three broad groups:
the source of the Indian novel in English for the prominent pioneers of the
Tagore, who dealt with the social problems within their reach. These writers
were not merely the imitators of the West but they had in the words of
experiences which are valid in the Indian context.” The pioneer novelists were
trying to establish a new sense of social morality in place of the age-old social
values. They were social reformers and with them, the novel became an
“The Indian novelists in English have their roots in two traditions the
Indian and the Western. It was a challenge for them to expresses distinctly an
Though the novels were being written in the regional languages, for
tradition. Naturally, at the formative stage, the Indian writers were greatly
novels of the romantics and the early Victorians, Dickens and Thackeray. Yet
they were not the blind imitators of the Western models. On the other hand,
they tried to establish their own tradition of novel writing in accordance with
only novel in English Rajmohan’s Wife laid down the foundation for the first
India. Both the male and female novelists who emphasized their personal and
private experiences followed him. The early novels were, therefore, sketchy,
domestic and aloof from the political happenings. The early novelists depicted
rural and domestic life, filled with superstitions and religious whims, with an
equal emphasis on morals and social ills. In spite of that their creative efforts
were very poor:“The deeper issues of national as well as human life do not
enter into their novels. The women writers wrote about nubile romances and
marital male adjustment and their male counterparts wrote about socio-
political issues.”4
Indian English women novelists. However, their world was different from the
In spite of this the Indian novel in English has definitely taken many
steps forward after the First World War. The First World War stimulated the
nationalist spirit among the Indians and further the freedom movement led by
1930‟s onwards. The writers such as Mulk Raj Anand, R.K.Narayan and Raja
Rao attempted to explore the contemporary Indian society from their specific
views without distorting the reality. They were reformists and didactic, yet,
Mulk Raj Anand, R. K. Narayan and Raja Rao emerged on the literary
scene in 1930. It was the real beginning of Indian novel in English. They were
labelled by William Walsh (1990: 62) as “The founding fathers”, “the genuine
novelists”, “and inaugurators of the form.” They made their appearance in the
thirties with the publication of Untouchable (1935), Swami and Friends (1935)
English fiction.
“Indian novel in English around 1930s needed the novelists who could
grasp the social scene with an insight into the human consciousness and who
could interpret the real Indian world, distinctive in themes, issues and
treatment in their fiction”5. Mulk Raj Anand is humanist and a novelist with a
purpose. He writes from his personal experience and the experiences of real
people. For Mulk Raj Anand (2000: 65), the novel is “the creative weapon for
about the lower class life. Widely read novelist Anand is influenced by
themes and events, is of a social realist. Therefore, his novels are the novels of
protest and social realism. Anand is influenced by the two ideologies – the
against social and industrial evils, the status of women in India, exploitation
(1977: 115) aptly says, “The moot point to be noted about Anand is that he has
faith in man”. Anand‟s early novels, Coolie (1936), Two Leaves and a Bud (1937),
Village (1939), Across the Black Waters (1940) The Sword and the Sickle (1942) and
The Big Heart (1942) justify this point, as Anand has brought in them the lower
class down-trodden people such as the scavengers, the coolies, the leather-
workers, and the untouchables who form the bulk of Indian society. His novel
represents a day from morning till evening in the life of a sweeper boy named
(1935) to The Painter of Signs (1976). His novels The Bachelor of Arts (1937), The
Dark Room (1938), The English Teacher (1945) and Mr.Sampath (1949) brilliantly
and realistically describe the South-Indian life. William Walsh (1983: 250),
Narayan “writes admirably plain English.” His is a very simple and straight-
he is not as prolific writer as Mulk Raj Anand and R.K.Narayan. His concern
with philosophical and mythological aspects distinguishes him from Mulk Raj
Anand and R. K. Narayan. His first novel Kanthapura, a masterpiece, describes
the village life and peasant sensibility. It shows the influence of Gandhian
1971:5-6), says: “We cannot write like English. We should not. We can write
only as Indians. We have grown to look at the large world as part of us.” He
adds that English is “the language of our intellectual make up…. but not of
our emotional make up.” About the rich contribution of Mulk Raj Anand,
Narasimhaiah (1973: 63) observes that the „human centrality‟ of Mulk Raj
„metaphysical aspect‟ of Raja Rao have really enriched the realmof Indian
Kabir have also written novels on rural, political and social life of India.
established art form in the works of the „Three Musketeers‟ (M. K. Naik, 1977:
375) – Mulk Raj Anand, R. K.Narayan and Raja Rao- who were still actively
engaged in creative writing at the turn of the century. The novel form further
post-Independence period.
modern novel. It is not radically different from the novel in the pre-
social, political and historical concerns. But later in 1950s a new kind of novel
dealing with the contemporary issues appeared on the Indian literary scene.
The psychological novel depicting the human personality and inner realities
of life replaced the realistic novel. Makarand Paranjape says (1991: 25), “The
completely devoid of social reality; therefore, there should be balance between
the personal and the social. The novels written in the post-Independence
A number of novelists like Arun Joshi and Anita Desai have explored
the psychological and sociological conflicts in the social and the individual‟s
life. There is a kind of shift from socio-political concerns to the inner life of
human being. The modern Indian writers write about the socio-cultural
predicament of the modern man. Many modern novels dealt with man‟s
alienation from his self, his class, his society and humanity at large. In other
words, the centre of their novels shifted from the society to an individual. C.
Paul Verghese‟s comment in this regard is worth quoting (1971: 25). Most of
the novelists in their eagerness to find new themes „renounced the larger
world in favour of the inner man‟ and continued „a search for the Essence of
human living‟. It is this trend that continued in the seventies and it also
Unlike 1930‟s and 50s, the year 1980s marks the significant stage in the
growth and development of Indian novel in English. It is during the 80s that
some very promising Indian English novelists and their novels earned great
honours and distinctions in the academic world. The Indian novel in English
“has now attained luxuriant growth and branched off in more directions than
one,” says R. S. Pathak in his „Preface‟ to Recent Indian Fiction (1994: 9). It
the eighties and nineties in the hands of old masters aswell as the new
Their achievement lies in finding out the new fictional themes and
techniques. In a sense they are contemporary novelists as they deal with the
and the contemporary reality in modern India. They made the novel a
Thus the novel, with the publication of Salman Rushdie‟s Booker prize-
became a major force in the world literature. It has created the Indian tradition
December, 1991), viz. Amitav Ghosh, Vikram Seth, Allan Sealy, Upamanyu
Kanga. Each one of them produced prize-winning novel. In their hands, the
concerned with the life and the experiences of the minorities in India, for
example, Pratap Sharma, Ranga Rao, Boman Desai, Mukunda Rao, Gopal
Gandhi and so many others enriched the realm of Indian novel in English
living and evolving literary genre, andis trying, in the hands of its
practitioners, a fusion of form, substance and expression that is recognizably
Indian English fiction. He nearly wrote the eight novels. Chaman Nahal, like
Kushwant Singh, is major novelist who spreads himself with the older
the month of August, 1927 in Sialkot “a small town which is now in Pakistan
and lies only a few miles away from the state of Jammu and Kashmir”(SL,1).
He was a Rajastani, born in the family of the goldsmiths. His father was a
times”(SL, 1). Of his mother, Nahal says very little compared what he says
about his father. He says that she had “big, soft eyes ever remained a trifle
teaching staff was made of „Scotts and Englishmen‟ and therein he was fed
“with Shakesepare, Jane Austen, and Dickens, the staple fodder of English
reading English only in V Class, when I was about ten”(SL, 7). He finds the
method of writing scripts of the Persian and Devanagari languages was found
“I read A Journey to the Centre of the Earth at his prompting, and later the hole
Ramayana and Mahabharatha were the part and parcel of daily life. Of his job,
admits: “I read through the entire Vedas, the mighty Upanishds, (parts of
Vedas) that brought up instant storms in you. I read Shankara. I read Sri
Aurobindo. I read the Jatakas, filling myself in more fully on the Buddha. I
read about Ashoka and what he did for Buddhism. I read the Chinese
wrote on the mighty preceptor. I read about Tibet, about Lhasa, and about the
Dalai Lama”(SL, 33-34). After that short service, he went to work in National
mistake he did. Because of the stilfing atmosphere of the Academy and his
born in 1955. Then he moved on to the University of Delhi in 1957 and later to
English. . Since 1949, he has taught in a succession of universities in India; he
professor and novelist, had a career for a period of forty years or so.
Quartet. His first was the Weird Dance and Other Stories (1965), My True Faces
(1973) is the first novel; Into Another Dawn (1977) was followed it. The next
was the first volume of the Quartet, Azadi (1975). It was followed by another
interesting novel The Sunrise in Fiji (1988) and it was followed by The English
In the later period, Nahal took up the task of writing the Gandhi trilogy
by writing its successive volumes- The Salt of Life (1993), The Triumph of the Tri
–Colour (1993) and The Crown and the Loin Cloth (1993). All volumes put
together with Azadi as the first volume made The Gandhi Quartet which
The total output of Nahal caught the attention of the scholars and
books. K.R.S. Iyengar also referred to him in his Indian Writing in English in
the section of the historical novelists. There several studies on him especially
worked on the Gandhi Quartet in 2000; Vikas Sharma (2000) worked the
historical aspect of his Quartet; Usha Rani (2012) worked on themes of quest
in his novels; Dr.S.R. Ravindranath studied thematically his novels; Dr. Usha
Badiger (2000) also critically evaluated him as one of the contemporary three
Thus, the critics have focused mainly on the historical aspect of the
fiction and neglected other aspect which is found in the novels four
novelslike, My True Faces, The Sunrise in Fiji, Into Another Dawn and The
1.3. Hypothesis:
The problem taken up for the present study of the fiction of Chaman
Nahal is a total. This is the marked feature of the thesis whereas other have
studied only the historical fiction and even neglected to study his technical
aspect of it.
The study takes up the detailed and in depth study of the four novels and also
The Gandhi Quartet and the collection of the short stories. It is thematic and
the scholar takes up the analysis of the novels and short stories as well.
This sort of study shall lead to the total and proper evaluation of
collect the interview of the novelist if any. The letters written by the author to
his friends and publishers are also important. The field work includes that
This is case study of an author which includes the in depth study of all
novels and shorts stories of the writer. That is the reason why the work of
There shall be five chapters of which the first one deals with the brief
survey of the Indian English fiction with including the literature survey and
biographical details of the author and the chapter design. In this chapter he
taken up from the earliest times, and discussed the first major novelists like
Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan and Raja Rao and also modernists like,
The second chapter takes the novels of first two novels- My True Faces
and Into Another Dawn in depth study from the thematic and technical points
marriage between Kamal Kant and his wife Malti. The quest motif holds the
Sharma going to America and falling in love with an American woman, the
The third chapter deals with the Sunrise in Fiji and The English Queens
from the thematic and technical points of view- In the former, he focuses on
the theme of quest for happiness in a life of a rich business man named
Harivansh Batra who goes to the island of Fiji and finds nothing. The
focuses the use of supernatural element and extravaganza with the story of
Rekha and the army officer. There is satire at the core of the novel.
The fourth chapter deals with the masterpiece The Gandhi Quartet not
from the historical point of view but from the general point of view of social
and domestic themes of love and betrayal of a Hindu boy and a Muslim girl –
Arun and Chandani against the historical backdrop of the freedom struggle.
communities obliquely suggest the schism in the Indian nation which led to
relationship between the story and the history, etc. In context of tradition-
the historical process and there is no hatred. Hatred is at the macro level but
love is at the micro level. The contrariness is created by Nahal to show both
are polarities. How the aspirations of the common people were thwarted by
the political and historical forces which became more powerful and dominant.
previous chapters are brought together into one to prove the argument that
English fiction in comparison with the some of the novelists like Kushwant
Singh, Arun Joshi and Manohar Malgoankar, G.S. Gidwani and K.A.Abbas
etc. The major themes are of love, marriage, money and failure of business
the affairs of love. These are domestic, social and political and historical. He
also focuses on the narrative techniques adapted by Nahal in various novels
chapter1 .pdf
International 2010)
Sewak and Sing CharuSheel, (New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and
4. Indira Bhat and Suja Alexander, Arun Joshi’s Fiction: A Critique, (New