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Department of Mathematics
End- Semester Examination (January-May, 2018): II Semester
MA-5202(Applied probability and stalistics)

Time: 3 Hours F. Marks: 50

.Answer all the questions.

2. All questions rary equal marks and right hand figures indicate maximum marks.
3. Use of
calculator and tables
Statistical permited.
are caleulator etc. and rough works on the
4. Borrowing of items such as eraser, pencil,
Question Paper are not allowed.

The joint density of X and Y is given by


Compute V(x|Y -yl 15)

Each throw of unfair die lands each of the
an on even numbers 2, 4, 6 with probability C and
on each of the odd numbers with probebility 2C.
) Find C.
12 times.
Further suppose that the die is tossed (5)
c) Find the probability that each of the six outcomes occurs exactly twice.
T e n hunters are waiting for ducks to fly by. When a Nock of ducks flies overhead, the hunters
fire at the same, but each chooses his targel at random, independently of others. If each hunter
independently hits his target with probability0.6,computethe expected number of ducks that
are hit. Assume that the number of ducks in the flock is a Poisson random variable with mean
uppose that two-dimensional continuous random variable (X, Y) has joint p.d.f. given by:
f(x, y) = 6xy, O<a<I,0y<1

Compute (i) P (0« X< 3/4, 13YA, ()POX+Y<), and (ii) P(Y<X)

X andY are independent Poisson random variables with respective parameters 4and A,
compute the distribution of X+Y.

Xis aPoison
distribution rndom
by the variable
method withgenerating
of moment then find
perameter ,function. mean and variance of the

FifRy mumbers are rounded off to the nearest integerand then summed. If the individual
round-off errors are uniformly distributed over (-0.5, 0.5), what is the probability that the
resultant sum difers from the exact sum by more than 37

automobile policyholders. The expected yearly claim
An insurance company has 10,000 deviation of S800. Approximate the probability
policyholder is $240 with a standard
per million. (5)
that the total yearly claim
exceeds $2.7
of a large group of workers,
we want to determine the average mechanical aptitude
4)If to be able to assert with probability 0.95 that
how large a random sample will we need
mean by more than 3 points?
the sample mean will not differ from the population
Assume that o = 20.
a school of engineering is
drawn at random
(b) A sample of 50 scores on the admission testfor to the school. If the sample
without replacement from the scores of 420 persons who applied
assert with 95% conf+dence
standard deviation are 546 and 85, what can we
mean and sample estimate of the mean scores of all
about the maximum error if the sample mean is used as an
the applicants?
M : 6

T h e mean weight loss of n= 16 grinding balls after a certain length of time in a mill slurry
3.42 grams with a standard deviation of 0.68 gram. Construct a 99% confidence interval
for the true mean weight loss of such grinding balls under stated conditions. (5)

Given a random sample of 5 pints from different production lots,we want 1o test
whether the fat content ofa certain kind ofice cream exceeds 14%. What can we
conclude at the 0.01 level of significance about the null hypothesis = 14% if the

sample has the mean x -

14.9% and standard deviation s= 0.42%? (5)

5.While performing certain task under simulated eightlessness, the pulse rate of 32
astronaut trainees increased on the average by 26.4 beats per minute with a standard
deviation of 4.28 beats per minute. Find 95% confidence interval for the true average
increase in the pülse rate of the astronaut trainees performing the given task. (5)

A trucking fim suspects the claim that the average lifetime of certain tyres is 28,000 miles.
To check the claim, the firm puts 25 of these tyres on its trucks and gets a mean lifetime of
27,463 miles with astandard deviation of 1,348 miles. What can it conclude if it takes tevel
of significance of 0.0117 (5)
(A random sample of 100 tes ers in a ar ne politan area revealed a mean weekly salary
of S487 with a standard deviation of S48. With what degree of confidence can we
assert that the average weekly salary of all teachers in the metropolitan area is between
$472 and $5027

b) In 64 randomly selected hours of production, the mean and standard deviation of the number
ofacceptable pieces produced by an automatic stamping machineare 1.038 and
S 146. At the 0.05 level of significance does this enable us to reject the null hypothesis
H 1,000 against the altermative hypothesis > 1,000? (5)
Department of Mathematics
End- Semester Examination
(January-May, 2019): ll Semester
MA-5202(Applied probability and statistics)
Time: 3 Hours F. Marks: 50

1. Answer all the questions.
2. All questions cary equal marks and right hand figures indicate maximum marks.
3.Use of calculator and Statistical tables are
4. Borrowing of items such as eraser. pencil, calculator etc. and rough works on the
Question Paper are not allowed.
*************** ************


A man and a women decide to meet al a certain location. If each

person independently
1, (a)arrives at a time uniformly distributed between 4 P.M.and 5 P.M., find the probability
that the first to arrive has to wait longer than 10 minutes. (5)

function of X and Y when

(6) Two fair dice are rolled. Find the joint probability mass
X is the value on the first die and Y is the larger of the two values. (5)

When a flock of ducks flies overhcad.

2. (a) Twenty hunters are waiting for ducks to fly by.
random, independently of
the hunters fire at the same, but cach chooses his target al
others. If each hunter independently hits his target with probability
0.6, compute the
that the number of ducks in the flock is
expected number of ducks that are hit. Assume (5)
a binomial random variable with mean

random variable (X, Y) has joint p.d.f. given

) Suppose that two-dimensional continuous
by f(x, y)= 6x'y, O<x<1, 0<y<1
= 0, elsewhere
and (ii) P(Y<X) (5)
Compute (i)P (0< X< 3/4, 1/3<Y<2), () P(X+Y<1).
X that is uniformly distributed on a road of length L. At
3.(a) An accident occurs at a point is at a location Y that is also unifomly distributed on
time of accident an ambulance
distance between
the road. Assuming that X and Y are independent, find the expected
the ambulance and the point of the accident. (5)

Poisson random variable with parameter à, then find mean and variance of the
(b) If X is a
distribution by the method of moment generating
function. (5)
lifetimes are independent exponentials with mean 5 hours.
(a) One has 100 light bulbs whose
a failed bulb being replaced immediately by a
If the bulbs are used one at a time, with
new one, what is the probability
that there is still a working bulb after 525 hours? (5)

10.000 automobile policyholders. The expected yearly claim

bAn insurance company haswith standard
per policyholder is $240
a deviation of S800. Approximate the probability
$2.7x10°. (5)
that the total yearly claim exceeds
d we want to determine the average mechanical aptitude of a large group of workers,
need to be able to assert
with probability 0.95 that
random sample will
w large a we
mean by more than 3 points?
mean will not differ from the population
Assume that o = 20.

A random sample of 40 drums of a chemical, drawn from among 200 such drums
standard deviation a=12.2 pounds,
wnose weights cxpected
can be have the to
all 200 drums as
of 240.8 If estimate the mean weight of
mean weight pounds. we
about the maximum eror? 5)
U8 pounds, what can we assert with 99% confidence
had test stripes
(a) In order to test the durability of a new paint. a highway department the
across heavily 15 diflerent locations. If
travelled roads in
average on
painted cars with a
The disappeared after they had been crossed by I, 46,692
test stnpes cars, construct a 99%
confidence interval for the true
dev iation of 14,380
of cars it takes to wear ofll the paini.
avcrage number

lots. we want lo lest

(b) Given a sample of 5 pints from different production 14%.
What can we
whether the fat content of a certain kind of ice cream
conclude at the 0.01 level of significance about the null hypothesis 14% if the

sample has the mean *


14.9% and standard deviation s

0.42°6? 5)
the pulse rate of 32
a While performing a certain task under simulated weightlessness,
astronaut trainees increased on the average by 26.4 beats per minule with a standard

deviation of 4.28 beats per minute. Find 99% confidence interval for the true average
increase in Lhe pulsc rale of the astronaut trainees perloming the given lask. (3)

(b) The security department of a large office building wants to test the null hypothesis that
- 2.0 minutes for the time it lakes a guard to walk his round against the alternate
hypothesis that a < 2.0 minutes. What can it conclude at the .01 level of significance

ifa random sample ofsize n= 3l yields s 1.8 minutes

(a) A random sample from a company's very extensive files shows that orders for certain
piece of machinery were filled. respetively. in 10,12,19,14,15.18.11, and 13 days.
Construet a 99o Conlidence inlerval lor the varance ol the amount of time it takes the
company to fill an order for a piece of the given kind of machinery. (5
.s b) In 64 randomly selected hours of production. the mean and standard deviation of the
number of acceptable picces produced by an automatic
and s 146. At the 0.0S level
stamping machine are r 1,038 =

of signilicance does this enable

hypothesis= 1,00 against the alternative hypothesis > I.000?
us to
reject the null

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