Analog Link

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SETTING UP A FIBER OPTIC ANALOG LINK Aim :- The Objective of this experiment is to study 660nm & 950nm Fiber

Analog Links. Apparatus :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Link-B Kit with power supply. Patch chords. 20MHz Dual Channel Oscilloscope. 1 MHz Function Generator. 1 Meter Fiber Cable.

Theory :- Fiber Optic Links can be used for transmission of digital as well as analog signals. Basically a Fiber Optic Link contains three main elements, a transmitter, an Optical Fiber & a receiver. The transmitter module takes the input signal in electrical form & then transforms it into Optical (light) energy containing the same information. The Optical Fiber is the medium which carriers this energy to the receiver. At the receiver, light is converted back into electrical from with the same pattern as originally fed to the transmitter. TRANSMITTER :- Fiber Optic transmitters are typically composed of a buffer, driver & Optical Source. The buffer electronics provides both an electrical connection & isolation between the transmitter & the electrical system supplying the data. The driver electronics provides electrical power to the Optical source in a fashion that duplicates the pattern of data being fed to the transmitter. Finally the optical source (LED) converts the electrical current to light energy with the same pattern. The LED SFH450V (950nm) operates outside the visible light spectrum. It's Optical output is centered at near infrared wavelength of 950nm. The LED SFH756V (660nm) operates at the visible light spectrum. It's Optical output is centered at wavelength of 660nm. RECEIVER :- The function of the receiver is to convert the optical energy into electrical form, which is then conditioned to reproduce the transmitted electrical signal in its original form. The detector SFH350V (Photo Transistor Detector) has a transistor type output. The parameters usually considered in the case of detector are it's responsivity at peak wavelength & response time. SFH350V (Photo Transistor Detector) has responsivity of about O.8mA/10uW at 660nm. But it's response time is quite large & thus Page 1 of 2

has lower bandwidth of about 300KHz. When optical signal falls on the base of the transistor detector, proportional current flows through its emitter generating the voltage across the resistance connected between emitter & ground. This voltage is the duplication of the transmitted electrical signal, which can be amplified. NOTE: KEEP ALL SWITCH FAULTS IN OFF POSITION. PROCEDURE :1. Connect the power supply cables with proper polarity to Link-B Kit. While connecting this, ensure that the power supply is OFF. 2. Keep switch SW8 towards TX position. 3. Keep switch SW9 towards TX1 position. 4. Keep Jumper JP5 towards +12V position. 5. Keep Jumpers JP6, JP9, JP10 shorted. 6. Keep Jumper JP8 towards sine position. 7. Keep Intensity control pot P2 towards minimum position. 8. Switch ON the power supply. 9. Feed about 2Vpp sinusoidal signal of 1 KHz from the function generator to the IN post of Analog Buffer. 10.Connect the output post OUT of Analog Buffer to the post TX IN of Transmitter. 11.Slightly unscrew the cap of SFH756V (660nm). Do not remove the cap from the connector. Once the cap is loosened, insert the one meter fiber into the cap. Now tighten the cap by screwing it back. 12.Connect the other end of the Fiber to detector SFH350V (Photo Transistor Detector) very carefully as per the instructions in above step. 13.Observe the detected signal at post ANALOG OUT on oscilloscope. 14. Adjust Intensity control pot P2 Optical Power control potentiometer so that you receive signal of 2Vpp amplitude. 15.To measure the analog bandwidth of the phototransistor vary the input signal frequency and observe the detected signal at various frequencies. Plot the detected signal against applied signal frequency and from the plot determine the 3dB down frequency. 16.Repeat the same procedure as above for second transmitter SFH450V by making the following changes. Analog bandwidth of SFH350 for TX1 SFH756 is about 300KHz while for TX2 SFH450 is below 300KHz. 17.Keep switch SW9 towards TX2 position. 18.Keep Jumper JP7 towards +12V position. Conclusion :Page 2 of 2

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