PSIEC Transfer of Plot All Affidavits PSIEC

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Office : 5th - 6th Floor, Udyog Bhawan, 18,

Himalaya Marg, Sector-17 Chandigarh- 160017
Tel. +91172-5256400- 401 Fax: +91172-2702423
E-mail: [email protected]
(A State Government Undertaking)


Plot No._____________ Phase ________ Focal Point_____________

Name of the applicant______________________________________

Father’s / Husband’s Name _________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________

Mobile No.______________________________________________

E-mail _________________________________________________

Regd. Office : 5th - 6th Floor, Udyog Bhawan, 18, Himalaya Marg,
Sector-17 Chandigarh- 160017
Tel. +91172-5256400- 401 Fax: +91172-2702423
E-mail: [email protected]

Check List
Transfer of Industrial plot shall be allowed on completion of the following formalities / documents:
1 Upto date payment towards price of plot has been received including enhanced land cost,
extension fee etc. or submission of proof of production issued by GM(DIC) as applicable alongwith
Indemnity bond as per prescribed format

2 Plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances i.e. lease hold rights of plot have not been mortgaged
in favour of any financial institution in the shape of 1st/2nd/3rd charge (s) etc.

3 Self Declaration from transferor on non-judicial stamp paper of 25/- duly sworn and executed

4 Indemnity bond from transferor on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 50/- duly sworn and executed

5 Self Declaration from Transferee on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 25/- duly sworn and executed

6 Partnership deed of Transferee in case of partnership firm duly attested by Notary Public.

7 List of current shareholders with their respective share holding of transferee duly attested by CA/CS
in case of public/Pvt. Ltd.Co.

8 List of current Directors duly attested by CA/CS in case of Pvt./Public Ltd. Co. of transferee.

9 Copy of memorandum & articles of association of transferee in case of Public/Private Ltd. Company
attested by C.A./C.S.

10 Resolution of BOD’s of transferee in case of Pvt Ltd./Public Ltd. Co. duly attested by CA/CS
confirming purchase of particular plot and authorizing any director(s) to execute the documents
including Affidavit, Indemnity Bond concerning purchase of plot.

11 Request for transfer alongwith payment of applicable transfer fee equivalent to 3% of current
reserve price of industrial plot fixed by PICTCL operative at the time of seeking transfer.

12 After completion of formalities and examination of documents, personal appearance of transferor

would be required in the office of PICTCL, Chandigarh, before issuance of transfer letter.
In case of Death of Allottee:

13 Self –Declaration from beneficiary Legal Heir(s) as transferee non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 25/-
duly sworn and executed before NOTARY PUBLIC.

14 Self-Declaration from Legal heir(s) other than beneficiary/ transferee non-judicial stamp paper of
Rs. 25/- duly sworn and executed before NOTARY PUBLIC.

15 Certified copy of Will/ Succession Certificate



The Managing Director

18, Himalya Marg
Udyog Bhawan
Sector 17-A

Subject: Transfer of Industrial/residential Plot/Shed No.____________,

Phase_____________ Focal Point/Growth Centre___________________.


I/we are the allottee of the plot/shed as mentioned above and wish to seek
transfer of above plot in favour of Sh./Smt./M/S
__________________________________. All the requisites documents are enclosed. It
is further certified that neither there is any litigation pending in any court of law nor any
injunction issued by any court of law restraining the transfer/sale of the said property. I/we
do hereby certify that the above information is true and correct and nothing has been mis-
stated or concealed therein. All the requisite documents and requisite transfer fee , as per
checklist, are enclosed.

It is requested that transfer of above plot may be allowed .

Date:_________________ Signature _______________________

(Name & Address of Owner (s)


I/ We ____________________________ aged_______________ Years S/o. D/o.

W/o. Sh. ______________________Resident of ______________________Prop./Partner
of M/s. ______________________________Do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as

1. That I/WE, am/are the original allottee /lessee of Plot

No.__________________Phase__________Measuring _______Sq. Yds. In the
Industrial Focal Point___________________ Leased to me/us on 99 years lease
hold/free hold basis by the Punjab Information and Communication Technology
Corporation Ltd., Chandigarh, the lessor/Vendor Corporation, vide allotment letter
No._________________________Dated ________________and I / we have
entered into a deal for the transfer of referred leased/free hold property in favor of
Sh. / Smt.____________________ S/o.D/o.W/o.Sh._______________________
resident of _______________Prop/Partner of M/s

2. That I/we have duly realized full consideration amount covering the full cost of
property referred to herein above, as per the deal agreed upon between the
transferor and transferee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and

3. That I/ We hereby consent for the transfer in favor of

Sh./Smt./M/s._________________________________________,the transferee,
referred to herein above.

4. That I/we hereby also agree to revoke the original lease deed registered under
No._____________ Dated ________________with _____________________and
authorize the lessor Corporation and the transferee to execute a fresh lease deed
in his/their favor for the property referred to herein above.

5. That the said transfer referred to herein above is not a family transfer and in case
the PICTCL, who is the absolute owner of the property in question would suffer any
loss on account of this transfer in the name of transferee referred to above, the
deponent, his/their property and persons shall be liable to make good the loss of
any sort which may be sustained by the PICTCL on account of this transfer.

6. That the legal heirs./successors of the deponent shall also be liable to make good
the loss, if any, suffered by the PICTCL on account of this transfer.
7. That in case any legal heirs /or other persons shall make any claim on the property
in question, the litigation of the same shall be defended by the deponent at his risk
and costs and the loss suffered by the PICTCL, if any, on account of the same, will
also be made good by the deponent, his properties and persons.



Verified that the above contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein and no part of it is false.




(On non-judicial stamp papers of Rs.50/- to be attested from NOTARY PUBLIC)


This indemnity bond is executed at ______________________on this _________

day of ______________________________by Sh./Smt. _________________________
S/o.D/o.W/o. _______________________Sh.____________________________ Aged
_____________ resident of _______________________________________________

Whereas the executants is desirous of getting leased/free hold property bearing

Plot No.________________ In phase _____________________ measuring
______________ Sq.Yd., Focal Point_________________________________ transferred
in favor of Sh./Smt. ________________________S/o. D/o. W/o. Sh.
________________________________ Aged__________ resident of
__________________________________________________ Prop./Partner of M/s

And whereas the PICTCL, Chandigarh has asked the executant to furnish
indemnity bond for the same.

Now this indemnity bond witness as under :-

1. That the said transfer which is sought in the name

Sh./Smt./M/s._____________________________ is not a family transfer and in
case the PICTCL, would suffer any loss on account of this transfer in his/their
name, the executant, his/her their property and persons shall be liable to make
good the loss which may be sustained by the PICTCL or its employees on account
of this transfer.

2. That the legal heirs/successors of the executant shall also be liable to make good
the loss, if any, suffered by the PICTCL.

3. That in case any legal heirs/ other persons shall make any claim regarding this plot
the litigation of the same will be defended by the Executant at his/ their risk and
costs and the loss suffered by the PICTCL, will also be made good by the executant
and his/her/their properties and persons.

In the presence of the following witnesses, this indemnity bond is




1.________________________________ 2.________________________________
(On non-judicial stamp papers of Rs.25/-to be attested from NOTARY PUBLIC)

I/We ______________________________aged__________Years S/o.D/o.W/o.Sh.

__________________________________ Resident of ___________________________
Prop./Partner of./M/s. _________________________________________ do hereby
solemnly affirm and declare as under:
1. That I/We accept the transfer of Industrial Plot No. _______________________ in
phase _______________of Industrial Focal point
_____________________________, measuring ________________________ Sq.
yds. on lease hold/free hold basis.

2. That I/We further undertake to make payment of all the outstanding dues for such
amount as may be due or become liable/due against this plot at any later stage.

3. That I/We also accept terms and conditions relating to the transfer of the plot as may
be communicated by the PICTCL and shall abide by the provisions and
rules/regulations applicable there under as amended from time to time.

4. That I undertake to use the industrial plot so transferred for the purpose of setting up a
unit for the Manufacture of _______________________________________, which
industry is not on the banned list.


Verified that the above contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein and no part of it
is false.


(On non-judicial stamp papers of Rs.50/- to be attested from NOTARY PUBLIC)

This indemnity bond is executed at ______________________on this

________day of ______________________________by Sh./Smt. _______
___________________Aged ____________ resident of ___________________________

Whereas the executant has submitted a copy of the PMT certificate No.
___________/ letter NO._________ dated________ issued by the GM, DIC,________
showing the commencement of production on the Plot No.________________in phase
_____________________ measuring ______________ Sq.Yd., Focal
Point_________________________________ allotted/ transferred in his/ her/ their favour
by PICTCL vide letter No.____________ dated___________
And whereas the PICTCL, Chandigarh has asked the executant to furnish
indemnity bond confirming the date of commencement of production shown in the PMT
certificate submitted by him/ them.
Now this indemnity bond witnessth as under:-
1. That I/WE, am/are the allottee of Plot
No.__________________Phase__________Measuring _______Sq. Yds. In the
Industrial Focal Point___________________ allotted to me by the Punjab
Information and Communication Technology Corporation Ltd., Chandigarh vide
allotment/transfer letter No.__________________________Dated
______________ _____

2. That as per clause No._____ of the terms & Conditions of allotment, I/ we____
was/ were required to bring the unit under production on the allotted plot No.______
Phase____ Focal point______ after raising construction with in a period
of______years from the date of allotment and to submit the copy of PMT
certificate duly issued and attested by General Manager, Distt. Industries
Centre______ as a proof of having brought the unit into production on the allotted
plot failing which extension fee as per the terms of allotment/ decision taken by the
Govt./PICTCL from time to time and BODs of the PICTCL is leviable.

3. That I/ we have brought the unit into production on_____ after raising construction
of factory building on plot No.___________IFP______________

4. That I/ we have been issued PMT certificate No.______ dated____ by the General
Manager, Distt. Industries Centre_______ evidencing the date of commencement
of production on the plot as________.
5. That I have now submitted a photo copy of the above mentioned PMT certificate
duly attested by GM,DIC,______ in the office of PICTCL.

6. That in case it is found that the date of commencement of production mentioned in

the PMT or any other particulars mentioned in the copy of the PMT are wrong/ false
& PICTCL who is the absolute owner of the property in question would suffer any
financial loss on account of false/ wrong PMT certificate, the executant, his/their
property, legal heirs and persons shall be liable to make good the loss of any sort
which may be sustained by the PICTCL at a later stage even after the transfer of plot
in favour of any other person( s)/ party.

7. That the legal heirs./successors of the deponent shall also be liable to make good the
financial loss, if any, suffered by the PICTCL due to submission of wrong & false
documents depicting the date of commencement of production .



SELF DECLARATION from beneficiary Legal heir as transferee –
In case of Death of Allottee
(On non-judicial stamp papers of Rs.25/-to be attested from NOTARY PUBLIC)

I/We, (1)_____________s/d/w/h/o Sh/Smt.______________ aged_______

years________ resident of_____________(2)_______(3)________ do hereby solemnly
affirm and declare as under:-

1. That Sh./Smt.________________ s/d/w/h/o Sh/Smt.________________

Allotted/Partner of allotted firm/subscriber promoter-director of allotted company M/s.
_____________________ of Plot No. _____________ Phase ______ Focal Point
_______ has expired on __________ as per death certificate no. ______________, dated
on ________ issued by ____________ original/copy thereof annexed hereto which shall
form an integral part of this affidavit, leaving behind the following legal heir(s).
S. No. Name of legal Age Relationship
heirs with deceased




2. That except the name(s) particulars of legal heir(s) detailed and declared above there
is no other legal heir(s) of the deceased Sh./Smt.______________________ and the
property under reference is free from all sort of encumbrances and no dispute of any sort
is existing between the legal heirs /any other person or party regarding this property.

3. That the above named deponent(s) is/are not the beneficiary(s) from the above named
legal their(s) of the deceased referred to in para 1 above.

4. That the remaining other/all legal heir(s) has/have separately given his/their free
undisputed and unconditional consent for the transfer/surrender of his/their part of share(s)
as legal heir(s) of the above named deceased, in favour of the deponent(s) beneficiary
legal heir(s) transferee.

5. That the deponent(s) as beneficiary legal heir(s) of the above deceased/ transferee,
hereby accept the transfer of industrial plot/share(s) therein-bearing plot
no.__________________ Phase_______________ Focal Point__________
measuring_____________ sq.yds. As its proprietor/Partner(s)/Subscriber(s)-Director(s) of
M/s. _________________, along with its other existing partner(s)/

Subscriber(s)/Director(s), as per copy of partnership deed/list of Subscribers-Director(s),

as per copy of partnership deed/list of Subscribers-Director(s)
dated__________________, thereof annexed hereto.
6. That the deponent(s) further undertake to make payment of all the outstanding
dues/charges for such amount as may be due or become liable/due against this plot at
nay-later stage.

7. That the deponent(s) also accept terms and conditions relating to the transfer of the plot
under reference as may be communicated by the Punjab Information & Communication
Technology Corporation Limited and shall abide by the provision and rules/regulations
applicable there under as amended from time to time.

8. That the deponent(s) hereby undertake to use the industrial plot so transferred for the
purpose of sting up/running a unit for the manufacture of_____________, which industry is
no on the banned list.

9. That the deceased Sh./Smt.___________ s/o/w/h/o Sh./Smt.__________ had executed

a will on_____________ in favour of Sh./Smt.______________ in respect of the property
under reference copy thereof annexed hereto and the deponent hereby declares that the
said will is genuine and it bears the signatures of above named deceased. (Strike out if not


Verified that the above contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there in and no part of it is false.





The Managing Director

18, Himalya Marg
Udyog Bhawan
Sector 17-A

Subject: Transfer of Industrial/residential Plot/Shed No.____________,

Phase_____________ Focal Point/Growth Centre___________________.


I/we are the allottee of the plot/shed as mentioned above and wish to seek transfer
of above plot in favour of Sh./Smt./M/S __________________________________. All the
requisites documents are enclosed. It is further certified that neither there is any litigation
pending in any court of law nor any injunction issued by any court of law restraining the
transfer/sale of the said property. I/we do hereby certify that the above information is true
and correct and nothing has been mis-stated or concealed therein. All the requisite
documents and requisite transfer fee , as per checklist, are enclosed.

It is requested that transfer of above plot may be allowed .

Date:_________________ Signature _____________________

(Name & Address of Owner (s)

Check List

Transfer of Industrial plot through Partnership Allottee firm

Transfer of Industrial plot shall be allowed on completion of the following formalities / documents:

1 Upto date payment towards price of plot has been received including enhanced land cost,
extension fee etc. or submission of proof of production issued by GM(DIC) as
applicable alongwith Indemnity bond as per prescribed format

2 Plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances i.e. lease hold rights of plot have not been
mortgaged in favour of any financial institution in the shape of 1st/2nd/3rd charge (s) etc.

3 Affidavit from transferor on non-judicial stamp paper of 10/- by all partners duly sworn and
executed before NOTARY PUBLIC.

4 Indemnity bond from transferor on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 15/- by all partners duly
sworn and executed before NOTARY PUBLIC.

5 Affidavit from Transferee on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- (individual/all

partners/authorized signatory in case of partnership / Pvt./Public Ltd. Co. as the case may
be) duly sworn and executed before NOTARY PUBLIC.

6 Partnership deed of Transferor/Transferee in case of partnership firm duly attested by Notary


7 List of current shareholders with their respective share holding of transferee duly attested by
CA/CS in case of public/Pvt. Ltd.Co.

8 List of current Directors duly attested by CA/CS in case of Pvt./Public Ltd. Co. of transferee.

9 Copy of memorandum & articles of association of transferee in case of Public/Private Ltd.

Company attested by C.A./C.S.

10 Resolution of BOD’s of transferee in case of Pvt Ltd./Public Ltd. Co. duly attested by CA/CS
confirming purchase of particular plot and authorizing any director(s) to execute the
documents including Affidavit, Indemnity Bond concerning purchase of plot

11 Request for transfer alongwith payment of applicable transfer fee equivalent to 3% of current
reserve price of industrial plot fixed by PICTCL operative at the time of seeking transfer.
12 After completion of formalities and examination of documents, personal appearance of
transferor (all partners) would be required in the office of PICTCL, Chandigarh, before
issuance of transfer letter.



I/ We ______________________________aged__________________ Years S/o.

D/o. W/o. Sh. __________________________ Resident of
_________________________Prop./Partner of M/s.
______________________________Do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

1. That I/WE, am/are the original allottee /lessee of Plot

No.__________________Phase__________Measuring _______Sq. Yds. In the
Industrial Focal Point___________________ Leased to me/us on 99 years lease
hold/free hold basis by the Punjab Information and Communication Technology
Corporation Ltd., Chandigarh, the lessor/Vendor Corporation, vide allotment letter
No.____________________________Dated ______________ _____and I / we have
entered into a deal for the transfer of referred leased/free hold property in favor of Sh.
/ Smt. _________________________________________________
S/o.D/o.W/o.Sh._____________ ______________________resident
of________________________________ Prop ./Partner of M/s

2. That I/we have duly realized full consideration amount covering the full cost of
property referred to herein above, as per the deal agreed upon between the
transferor and transferee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and

3. That I/ We hereby consent for the transfer in favor of

the transferee, referred to herein above.

4. That I/we hereby also agree to revoke the original lease deed registered under
No._____________Dated________________with ________________________and
authorize the lessor Corporation and the transferee to execute a fresh lease deed in
his/their favor for the property referred to herein above.

5. That the said transfer referred to herein above is not a family transfer and in case the
PICTCL, who is the absolute owner of the property in question would suffer any loss
on account of this transfer in the name of transferee referred to above, the deponent,
his/their property and persons shall be liable to make good the loss of any sort which
may be sustained by the PICTCL on account of this transfer.

6. That the legal heirs./successors of the deponent shall also be liable to make good the
loss, if any, suffered by the PICTCL on account of this transfer.

7. That in case any legal heirs /or other persons shall make any claim on the property in
question, the litigation of the same shall be defended by the deponent at his risk and
costs and the loss suffered by the PICTCL, if any, on account of the same, will also
be made good by the deponent, his properties and persons.



Verified that the above contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein and no part of it is false.



(On non-judicial stamp papers of Rs.50/- to be attested from NOTARY PUBLIC)



This indemnity bond is executed at ______________________on this

________ _ day of ______________________________by Sh./Smt. _______
______________________ S/o.D/o.W/o. _________________________
_Sh._______________________________ Aged _____________resident of

Whereas the executant is desirous of getting leased/free hold property bearing

Plot No.________________In phase _____________________ measuring
______________ Sq.Yd., Focal Point_________________________________
transferred in favor of Sh./Smt. _________________________________

S/o.D/o.W/o.Sh. __________________________________________________
Aged__________ resident of
_____________________________________________________ Prop./Partner of
M/s _______________________________________________

And whereas the PICTCL, Chandigarh has asked the executant to furnish
indemnity bond for the same.
Now this indemnity bond witnessth as under :-

4. That the said transfer which is sought in the name

Sh./Smt./M/s._____________________________ is not a family transfer and in case
the PICTCL, would suffer any loss on account of this transfer in his/their name, the
executant, his/her their property and persons shall be liable to make good the loss
which may be sustained by the PICTCL or its employees on account of this transfer.

5. That the legal heirs/successors of the executant shall also be liable to make good the
loss, if any, suffered by the PICTCL.

6. That in case any legal heirs/ other persons shall make any claim regarding this plot ,
the litigation of the same will be defended by the Executant at his/ their risk and costs
and the loss suffered by the PICTCL, will also be made good by the executant and
his/her/their properties and persons.
In the presence of the following witnesses, this indemnity bond is




(On non-judicial stamp papers of Rs.25/-to be attested from NOTARY PUBLIC)



I/We ______________________________aged__________Years
S/o.D/o.W/o.Sh. ________________________________________ Resident of

Prop./Partner of./M/s. _________________________________________ do hereby

solemnly affirm and declare as under:

5. That I/We accept the transfer of Industrial Plot No. _______________________ in

phase _______________of Industrial Focal point
_____________________________, measuring ________________________ Sq.
yds. on lease hold/free hold basis.

6. That I/We further undertake to make payment of all the outstanding dues for such
amount as may be due or become liable/due against this plot at any later stage.

7. That I/We also accept terms and conditions relating to the transfer of the plot as may
be communicated by the PICTCL and shall abide by the provisions and
rules/regulations applicable there under as amended from time to time.

8. That I undertake to use the industrial plot so transferred for the purpose of setting up a
unit for the Manufacture of _______________________________________, which
industry is not on the banned list.



Verified that the above contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein and no part of it
is false.


(On non-judicial stamp papers of Rs.50/- to be attested from NOTARY PUBLIC)


This indemnity bond is executed at ______________________on this

________ _ day of ______________________________by Sh./Smt. _______
______________________ S/o.D/o.W/o. _________________________
_Sh._______________________________ Aged _____________resident of

Whereas the executant has submitted a copy of the PMT certificate No.
___________/ letter NO._________ dated________ issued by the GM, DIC,________
showing the commencement of production on the Plot No.________________in phase
_____________________ measuring ______________ Sq.Yd., Focal
Point_________________________________ allotted/ transferred in his/ her/ their favour
by PICTCL vide letter No.____________ dated___________

And whereas the PICTCL, Chandigarh has asked the executant to furnish
indemnity bond confirming the date of commencement of production shown in the PMT
certificate submitted by him/ them.
Now this indemnity bond witnessth as under:-

8. That I/WE, am/are the allottee of Plot

No.__________________Phase__________Measuring _______Sq. Yds. In the
Industrial Focal Point___________________ allotted to me by the Punjab Information
and Communication Technology Corporation Ltd., Chandigarh vide allotment/transfer
letter No.__________________________Dated ______________ _____

9. That as per clause No._____ of the terms & Conditions of allotment, I/ we____ was/
were required to bring the unit under production on the allotted plot No.______
Phase____ Focal point______ after raising construction with in a period of______years
from the date of allotment and to submit the copy of PMT certificate duly issued and
attested by General Manager, Distt. Industries Centre______ as a proof of having
brought the unit into production on the allotted plot failing which extension fee as per the
terms of allotment/ decision taken by the Govt./PICTCL from time to time and BODs of
the PICTCL is leviable.
10. That I/ we have brought the unit into production on_____ after raising construction of
factory building on plot No.___________IFP______________

11. That I/ we have been issued PMT certificate No.______ dated____ by the General
Manager, Distt. Industries Centre_______ evidencing the date of commencement of
production on the plot as________.

12. That I have now submitted a photo copy of the above mentioned PMT certificate duly
attested by GM,DIC,______ in the office of PICTCL.

13. That in case it is found that the date of commencement of production mentioned in the
PMT or any other particulars mentioned in the copy of the PMT are wrong/ false &
PICTCL who is the absolute owner of the property in question would suffer any financial
loss on account of false/ wrong PMT certificate, the executant, his/their property, legal
heirs and persons shall be liable to make good the loss of any sort which may be
sustained by the PICTCL at a later stage even after the transfer of plot in favour of any
other person( s)/ party.

14. That the legal heirs./successors of the deponent shall also be liable to make good the
financial loss, if any, suffered by the PICTCL due to submission of wrong & false
documents depicting the date of commencement of production .





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