S 121201 Nonincendive

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Formerly ANSI/ISA–12.12–1994

Nonincendive Electrical
Equipment for Use in
Class I and II, Division 2 and
Class III, Divisions 1 and 2
Hazardous (Classified) Locations

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form or manner without the permission of ISA. This copy of the document was
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any other person in print, electronic, or any other form. Violations of ISA’s
copyright will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and may result in
substantial civil and criminal penalties.

Approved 6 April 2001


ISA–The Instrumentation,
Systems, and
Automation Society
Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and
Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations

ISBN: 1-55617-740-2

Copyright  2000 by ISA–The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights
reserved. Not for resale. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the

67 Alexander Drive
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
—3— ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000


This preface, as well as all footnotes and annexes, is included for information purposes and is not part of

The standards referenced within this document may contain provisions which, through reference in this
text, constitute requirements of this document. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid.
All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this document are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated within this
document. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ANSI
maintain registers of currently valid U.S. National Standards.

This document has been prepared as part of the service of ISA–The Instrumentation, Systems, and
Automation Society, toward a goal of uniformity in the field of instrumentation. To be of real value, this
document should not be static but should be subject to periodic review. Toward this end, the Society
welcomes all comments and criticisms and asks that they be addressed to the Secretary, Standards and
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Telephone (919) 549-8411; Fax (919) 549-8288; E-mail: [email protected].

The ISA Standards and Practices Department is aware of the growing need for attention to the metric
system of units in general, and the International System of Units (SI) in particular, in the preparation of
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greatest extent possible. Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric
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ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 —4—




The following people served as members of ISA Subcommittee SP12.12 which prepared this standard:


N. Ludlam, SP12.12 Chairman* Factory Mutual Research

T. Schnaare, SP12 Chairman Rosemount Inc.
F. McGowan, SP12 Past Chairman Retired
D. Bishop, Managing Director Consultant
R. Allen Honeywell, Inc.
D. Ankele* Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
A. Ballard Crouse Hinds (Division of Cooper Industries)
G. Bentinck* E I du Pont
E. Briesch* Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
R. Cardinal Bently Nevada Corp.
M. Coppler Ametek Inc.
U. Dugar Mobile Chem Co.
A. Engler EGS Electrical Group
T. Feindel R Stahl Inc.
W. Fiske Intertek Testing Services
D. Hohenstein Pepperl+Fuchs Inc.
P. Hamer Chevron Research & Tech Co.
J. Kuczka Killark
M. Lindner Rosemount Inc.
R. Masek ABB Autmation
J. Miller Detector Electronics Corp.
A. Mobley 3M Co.
J. Oudar ExLoc Corp.
J. Propst Equilon Enterprises
P. Schimmoeller* Factory Mutual Research
A. Stafford The Foxboro Co.
C. Wellman* E I du Pont

* One vote per company.
—5— ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

The following people served as members of ISA Committee SP12:


T. Schnaare, Chairman Rosemount Inc.

F. McGowan, Past Chairman Retired
D. Bishop, Managing Director Consultant
N. Abbatiello Eastman Kodak Co.
D. Ankele* Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
B. Apel MSA Instrument Div.
A. Ballard Crouse Hinds (Division of Cooper Industries0
G. Bentinck E I du Pont
K. Boegli Phoenix Contact Inc.
R. Brodin Fisher Controls Intl Inc.
M. Buettner Ralston Purina Co.
R. Buschart PC&E Inc.
R. Cardinal Bently Nevada Corp.
C. Casso Schlumberger Oilfield Services
M. Coppler Ametek Inc.
J. Cospolich Waldemar S Nelson & Co. Inc.
J. Costello Henkel Corp.
S. Czaniecki Intrinsic Safety Concepts Inc.
T. Dubaniewicz* Niosh Laboratory
U. Dugar Mobile Chem Co.
A. Engler EGS Electrical Group
T. Feindel R Stahl Inc.
W. Fiske Intertek Testing Services
G. Garcha General Electric Co.
E. Henning ABB Automation Inc.
D. Hohenstein* Pepperl+Fuchs Inc.
D. Jagger Hawke America
F. Kent Honeywell Inc.
J. Kuczka Killark
B. Larson Turck Inc.
W. Lawrence* Factory Mutual Research
N. Ludlam* Factory Mutual Research
R. Masek* ABB Automation
A. Mobley* 3M Co.E. OlsonEllis Engineering Co.
B. Page III MSHA Certification Center
J. Propst Equilon Enterprises
W. Shao Canadian Standards Association
D. Wechsler Union Carbide Corp.

* One vote per company.
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 —6—

This standard was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices Board on
30 December 2000.


M. Zielinski Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc.

D. Bishop Consultant
P. Brett Honeywell, Inc.
M. Cohen Senior Flexonics, Inc.
M. Coppler Ametek, Inc.
B. Dumortier Schneider Electric SA
W. Holland Southern Company
A. Iverson Ivy Optiks
R. Jones Dow Chemical Co.
V. Maggioli Feltronics Corp.
T. McAvinew Instrumentation & Control Engineering LLC
A. McCauley, Jr. Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc.
G. McFarland Westinghouse Process Control Inc.
D. Rapley Rapley Consulting Inc.
R. Reimer Rockwell Automation
J. Rennie Factory Mutual Research
H. Sasajima Advanced Architecture and Technologies
R. Webb Altran Corp.
W. Weidman Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group
J. Weiss EPRI
J. Whetstone National Institute of Standards & Technology
M. Widmeyer EG&G Defense Materials
R. Wiegle CANUS Corp.
C. Williams Eastman Kodak Co.
G. Wood Graeme Wood Consulting
—7— ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000


1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3 Definitions..................................................................................................................................... 10
4 General requirements................................................................................................................... 13
5 Requirements for Class I, Division 2 equipment........................................................................... 13
6 Requirements for Class II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 equipment ....................... 14
7 Nonincendive circuits and nonincendive field wiring .................................................................... 14
8 Normally nonarcing components .................................................................................................. 25
9 Marking......................................................................................................................................... 25
10 Surface temperature requirements............................................................................................... 28
11 Evaluation of nonincendive circuits .............................................................................................. 28
12 Evaluation of nonincendive components ...................................................................................... 32
13 Evaluation of sealed device.......................................................................................................... 32
14 Evaluation of enclosures for Class II and III ................................................................................. 34
15 Drop tests and impact tests .......................................................................................................... 36
16 Manufacturer’s instructional manual ............................................................................................. 36
Annex A — Explanatory material......................................................................................................... 39
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—9— ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

1 Purpose
1.1* The purpose of this standard is to provide minimum requirements for the design, construction, and
marking of electrical equipment or parts of such equipment for use in Class I and Class II, Division 2 and
Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 hazardous (classified) locations. This equipment, in normal operation, is incapable
of causing ignition of the surrounding atmosphere under the conditions prescribed in this standard, although
the equipment may contain electronic components that operate at incendive levels and may also have field
wiring that is incendive. In addition, it is the intent of this document to establish uniformity in test methods
for determining the suitability of the equipment and associated circuits and components as they relate to
potential ignition of a specific flammable gas or vapor-in-air mixture, combustible dust, easily ignitible fibers,
or flyings.

2 Scope
2.1 This standard applies only to equipment, circuits, and components designed specifically for use in
Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 hazardous (classified) locations as defined in the
National Electrical Code (NEC®) ANSI/NFPA 70.

NOTE — Some equipment designed for use in ordinary locations is permitted by the NEC® for installing in Division 2 locations. The
judgment of acceptability for the installation would be determined by the authority having jurisdiction. Such equipment would not
have the hazardous location marking or documentation described in this standard. It is anticipated that such equipment would
comply with the other requirements in this standard and that the determination of compliance is elementary ( e.g., a nonarcing
instrument inside a NEMA Type 4 or 12 enclosure used in a Class II, Division 2 location).

2.2 This standard also applies to certain ordinary (unclassified) location equipment specifically designed
to directly connect to nonincendive field wiring in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2
hazardous (classified) locations as defined in the NEC®.

2.3 This standard is primarily intended to provide requirements for electrical and electronic test,
measuring, and controlling equipment.

2.4 This standard is concerned only with equipment construction and test criteria related to electrical or
thermal ignition of specified flammable gases, vapors, combustible dusts, fibers, and flyings in air.

2.5 This standard is not intended to cover equipment for use in Class I and Class II, Division 1 locations,
such as equipment constructed to be intrinsically safe, dust ignition-proof, or explosion-proof. Such
equipment is, however, suitable for use in Class I and Class II, Division 2 locations in the same group for
which it is suitable in Division 1.

2.6* This standard does not cover mechanisms of ignition from external sources, such as static electricity
or lightning, that are not related to the electrical characteristics of the equipment.

2.7 This standard is not intended as an instructional manual for untrained persons. It is intended to
promote uniformity of practice among those skilled in the area of design, construction, and application of
equipment suitable for Class I and Class II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 locations.

2.8* The requirements of this standard are based on consideration of ignition in locations made hazardous
by the presence of flammable gases, vapors, combustible dusts, fibers, and flyings under the following
ambient conditions:

NOTE — An asterisk following a word or a clause number signifies that explanatory material appears in annex A.
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 10 —

a) an ambient temperature of -20°C to 40°C

b) an oxygen concentration of not greater than 21 percent by volume

c) a pressure of 80 kPa (0.8 bar) to 110 kPa (1.1 bar)

NOTE — If equipment is specified to operate in conditions outside the ranges listed above, the requirements of this standard may not
ensure the desired level of safety.

2.9 This standard covers portable battery-powered equipment other than flashlights and lanterns for
Class I and Class II, Division 2, and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 hazardous (classified) locations.

2.10 This standard does not cover equipment that utilizes purged or pressurized enclosures. Such
equipment is, however, considered suitable for use in Class I and Class II, Division 2 locations when designed
to meet the requirements of ANSI/NFPA 496.1

2.11 This standard does not cover electric lighting fixtures for use in Division 2 hazardous (classified)

2.12 This standard does not cover electric motors, electric heaters, heat tracing cables, and similar heat-
producing devices, except where they are an integral part of the equipment under evaluation, for use in
Division 2 locations.

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply.

3.1 associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus:

apparatus in which the circuits are not necessarily nonincendive themselves, but that affect the energy in
nonincendive field wiring circuits and are relied upon to maintain nonincendive energy levels. Associated
nonincendive field wiring apparatus may be either of the following:

a) Electrical apparatus that has an alternative type of protection for use in the appropriate hazardous
(classified) location

b) Electrical apparatus not so protected that shall not be used in a hazardous (classified) location

NOTE — Associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus has designated associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus connections
for nonincendive field wiring apparatus and may also have connections for other electrical apparatus.

3.2 control drawing:

a drawing or other document provided by the manufacturer of the nonincendive or associated
nonincendive field wiring apparatus that details the allowed interconnections with other circuits or
equipment The control drawing includes the applicable electrical parameters to permit selection of
equipment for interconnection.

3.3 dust-tight:
so constructed that dust will not enter the enclosing case under specified test conditions.

NFPA Standard 496-1998, Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous (Classified) Locations
— 11 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

3.4 hermetically sealed device:

a device that is sealed against the entrance of an external atmosphere and in which the seal is made by
fusion; e.g., soldering, brazing, welding, or the fusion of glass to metal.

3.5 maintenance, corrective:

any maintenance activity that is not normal in the operation of the equipment and requires access to the
equipment’s interior. Such activities are expected to be performed by qualified personnel who are aware of
the hazards involved. Such activities typically include locating causes of faulty performance, replacing
defective components, and adjusting service controls.

3.6 maintenance, operational:

any maintenance activity, excluding corrective maintenance, that is intended to be performed by the
operator and is required for the equipment to serve its intended purpose. Such operational maintenance
activities typically include the correcting of "zero" on a panel instrument, changing charts, keeping of
records, and adding ink.

3.7 make/break components:

components having contacts that can interrupt a circuit (even if the interruption is transient in nature).
Examples of make/break components are relays, circuit breakers, servo potentiometers, adjustable
resistors, switches, and connectors.

3.8 maximum external capacitance (Ca):

maximum capacitance in a circuit that can be connected to the connection facilities of the equipment.

3.9 maximum external inductance (La):

maximum value of inductance in a circuit that can be connected to the connection facilities of the
nonincendive field wiring equipment.

3.10 maximum external inductance to resistance ratio (La/Ra):

ratio of inductance (La) to resistance (Ra) of any external circuit that can be connected to the connection
facilities of the nonincendive field wiring equipment without invalidating nonincendive safety.

3.11 maximum input power (Pi):

maximum power in an external circuit that can be applied to the connection facilities of the equipment.

3.12 maximum input voltage (Vmax):

maximum voltage (peak a.c. or d.c.) that can be applied to the connection facilities of the equipment
without invalidating the type of protection.

3.13 maximum internal capacitance (Ci):

total equivalent internal capacitance of the equipment, which is considered as appearing across the
connection facilities of the equipment.

3.14 maximum internal inductance (Li):

total equivalent internal inductance of the equipment which is considered as appearing at the connection
facilities of the nonincendive field wiring equipment.

3.15 maximum internal inductance to resistance ratio (L i /Ri):

ratio of inductance (Li) to resistance (Ri) that is considered as appearing at the external connection
facilities of the nonincendive field wiring equipment.
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 12 —

3.16 maximum normal output current (Isc):

maximum current (peak a.c. or d.c.) in a circuit that can be taken from the connection facilities of the

3.17 maximum normal output voltage (Voc):

maximum output voltage (peak a.c. or d.c.) in a circuit that can appear under open-circuit conditions at the
connection facilities of the equipment under normal operation.

3.18 maximum output power (Po):

maximum electrical power in a circuit that can be taken from the equipment.

3.19 nonhazardous locations:

locations which are not required to have been evaluated by the process defined in ANSI/NFPA 70:1999
Section 500-5 (a) or Section 505-5 (a).

3.20* nonincendive circuit:

a circuit, other than field wiring, in which any arc or thermal effect produced under intended operating
conditions of the equipment, is not capable, under specified test conditions, of igniting the flammable gas-,
vapor-, or dust-air mixture.

3.21 nonincendive component:

a component having contacts for making or breaking an incendive circuit and the contacting mechanism
shall be constructed so that the component is incapable of igniting the specified flammable gas or vapor-air
mixture. The housing of a nonincendive component is not intended to exclude the flammable atmosphere
or contain an explosion.

3.22 nonincendive equipment:

equipment having electrical/electronic circuitry that is incapable, under normal operating conditions, of
causing ignition of a specified flammable gas-, vapor-, or dust-air mixture due to arcing or thermal means.

3.23* nonincendive field wiring:

wiring that enters or leaves an equipment enclosure and, under normal operating conditions of the
equipment, is not capable, due to arcing or thermal effects, of igniting the flammable gas-, vapor-, or
dust- air mixture. Normal operation includes opening, shorting, or grounding the field wiring.

3.24 nonincendive field wiring apparatus:

apparatus intended to be connected to nonincendive field wiring.

3.25 normal operating conditions:

conditions under which equipment conforms electrically and mechanically with its design specification and
is used within the conditions specified by the manufacturer. These conditions include

a) supply voltage, current, and frequency;

b) environmental conditions (including process interface);

c) all tool-removable parts (e.g., covers) in place;

d) all operator-accessible adjustments at their most unfavorable settings; and

e) opening or grounding of any one or shorting of any two of the nonincendive field-wiring conductors.
— 13 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

3.26 operator-accessible:
readily accessible to the operator during normal use without use of a tool.

3.27 sealed device:

a device so constructed that it cannot be opened during normal operational conditions or operational
maintenance; it is sealed to restrict entry of an external atmosphere. See clause 13 for detailed
requirements for sealed devices.

3.28 unclassified locations:

locations that have been evaluated by the classification process defined in ANSI/NFPA 70:1999 Section
500-5 (a) or Section 505-5 (a) and determined to be neither Class I, Division 1; Class I, Division 2; Class I,
Zone 0; Class I, Zone 1; Class I, Zone 2; Class II, Division 1; Class II, Division 2; Class III, Division 1; Class
III, Division 2; or any combination thereof.

4 General requirements
Requirements for equipment intended to be used in Class I and Class II, Division 2 and Class III,
Divisions 1 and 2 hazardous (classified) locations are established on the basis that the equipment in its
normal operating condition is incapable of causing ignition of a specified flammable gas, vapor-in-air
mixture, dust, fibers, or flyings. The tolerances associated with the components of the equipment shall be
considered. Subsequent arcs or thermal effects within the equipment, resulting from opening, shorting, or
grounding of nonincendive field wiring, shall be taken into consideration as they affect the suitability of the
equipment for use in Division 2 locations. Equipment also shall comply with the ordinary location
requirements for the particular category of equipment2 except as specifically amended herein.

5 Requirements for Class I, Division 2 equipment

5.1 Protection shall be provided according to 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 to ensure that under normal operating
conditions such equipment is not capable of igniting the specified flammable gas or vapor-in-air mixture.

5.1.1* Each make/break component shall be either

a) a normally nonarcing component that meets the requirements of clause 8;

b) used in a nonincendive circuit that meets the requirements of clause 7;

c) a nonincendive component that meets the requirements of clause 12; or

d) a sealed device that meets the requirements of clause 13.

5.1.2 Equipment with a surface temperature in excess of 100°C shall comply with the requirements of
clause 10.

5.2 Enclosures shall provide protection to prevent deterioration of the equipment that would adversely
affect its suitability for use in Class I, Division 2 locations.

2 ANSI/ISA-82.02.01-1999 (IEC 1010-1 Mod), Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling, and
Related Equipment - General Requirements; ANSI/ISA-82.02.02-1996 (IEC 1010-2-031), Safety Requirements for Electrical
Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use (Identical to IEC 1010-2-031: Particular Requirements for Hand-Held
Probe Assemblies for Electrical Measurement and Test); ANSI/ISA-82.02.04-1996 (IEC 1010-2-032), Safety Requirements for
Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use (Identical to IEC 1010-2-032: Particular Requirements for
Hand-Held Current Clamps for Electrical Measurement and Test); and ISA-82.03-1988, Safety Standard for Electrical and Elec-
tronic Test, Measuring, Controlling, and Related Equipment (Electrical and Electronic Process Measurement and Control Equip-
ment) (Partial Revision and Redesignation of ANSI C39.5-1974).
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 14 —

NOTE — Although general-purpose enclosures normally will suffice, particular attention should be given to the possible need for
weatherproofing, general protection from corrosion (e.g., ANSI/UL 50, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment), and preventive

5.3 Equipment shall be capable of being installed according to the applicable requirements of the NEC®.

5.4* Fuses used in circuits that are subject to overloading in normal use shall be of a type suitable for use
in Division 2 locations or housed in an enclosure suitable for Division 1 locations.

NOTE — This subclause precludes a fuse housed in a general-purpose enclosure from being used in a motor circuit where a
possibility of a stalled motor opening the fuse exists, or where there is the possibility of an overload not caused by a fault in the circuit.

5.5* If a fuse is provided, a switch suitable for the location where it is installed shall also be provided to
remove power from the fuse. The switch need not be integral to the equipment if the equipment installation
instructions indicate the need for such a switch.

5.6 A circuit breaker that may be used as a switch shall be of a type suitable for use in Division 2 locations
or alternatively protected for use in Division 1 locations.

6 Requirements for Class II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 equipment
6.1* For Class II, Division 2 equipment, protection shall be provided by the use of an enclosure that
meets the requirements of clause 13 or 14 or shall be a nonincendive circuit meeting the requirements of
clause 7, with consideration for possible ignition in accordance with 7.2 due to the ingress of dust or by a
combination of these methods. For Class III locations, protection shall be provided by a dust-tight enclosure
that meets the requirements of clause 14.

NOTE — Consideration shall be given to shorting or bypassing components by conductive dust.

EXCEPTION: Portable battery-powered equipment for use in Class II, Group G or Class III need not have
all electrical components and wiring enclosed provided both the following conditions are met:

a) Entrance of dust does not result in ignition or charring of the dust

b) Circuits with make/break components shall be determined to be nonincendive by testing with a

propane-air mixture in accordance with the spark-ignition test (see 11.1 through 11.5, or 7.1).

7 Nonincendive circuits and nonincendive field wiring

7.1* Either of the following two methods may be employed to determine that a circuit(s) or field wiring is

a) Testing the circuit according to clause 11

b) Comparing the maximum calculated or measured values of current, voltage, and associated
inductances and capacitances to the appropriate values in figures 1 through 8 to establish that the
current and voltage levels are below those specified in 7.3; for Class II and III locations the curves for
propane are to be used

7.2 When evaluating a circuit as nonincendive, the following ignition sources shall be considered as normal
operating conditions:

a) Discharge of capacitive circuits

— 15 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

b) Interruption of inductive circuits

c) Intermittent making and breaking of resistive circuits

d) Grounding, opening, and shorting of nonincendive field wiring circuits

7.3* The maximum voltage and current levels (d.c. or a.c. peak) in circuits determined to be nonincendive
by the comparison method, for given circuit constants, shall be less than

a) the current from figures 1 through 6; and

b) the voltage from figures 7 and 8.

The maximum normal output voltage and the maximum short-circuit current shall be determined under the
worst-case normal operation.

NOTE — Figures 1 and 2 apply only to circuits whose output voltage/current characteristic is a straight line drawn between open-
circuit voltage and short-circuit current. Circuits with nonlinear outputs are subject to special investigation.

7.4* Use the maximum normal output circuit voltage (Voc), and maximum short-circuit current (Isc) of
associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus. Employ applicable ignition figures 1 to 8 to determine the
maximum allowable connected capacitance (C a) and maximum allowable connected inductance (La).

7.5* For evaluating nonincendive field wiring apparatus, determine the maximum unprotected capacitance
(Ci) and maximum unprotected inductance (Li). These parameters shall be below the limits shown in figures
1 to 8 based on the maximum normal input voltage (Vmax) and the maximum normal input current (Imax) of
the nonincendive field wiring apparatus.

7.6* For nonincendive field wiring circuit evaluations the maximum normal input voltage (Vmax) of the
nonincendive field wiring apparatus shall be equal to or greater than the maximum normal open circuit voltage
(Voc) of the associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus. Additionally, the maximum normal input current
(Imax) of the nonincendive field wiring apparatus shall be equal to or greater than the maximum normal short
circuit current (Isc) of the associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus.

EXCEPTION: For nonincendive field wiring apparatus that controls its own normal operating current, the
maximum normal input current (I max) of the nonincendive field wiring apparatus need not correspond to the
maximum normal output current (Io) of the associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus (e.g., 4-20 mA
measurement and control devices). Likewise, the maximum normal input voltage (Vmax) of nonincendive
field wiring apparatus that controls its own normal operating voltage need not be greater than the
maximum normal output voltage (Voc) of the associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus (e.g., current
to pressure valve controllers that are voltage clamped at the terminals). Details of the permitted
connections shall be provided on a control drawing.

7.7 Nonincendive field wiring enables interconnection of nonincendive field wiring apparatus with
associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus not specifically examined in combination as a system when
one of the following conditions is true:

a) Normal operating voltage or current not controlled by the nonincendive field wiring apparatus

Vmax ≥ Voc; Imax ≥ Isc; Ca ≥ Ci + Ccable; La ≥ Li + Lcable

ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 16 —

b) Normal operating current controlled by the nonincendive field wiring apparatus (Imax of the
nonincendive field wiring apparatus need not be greater than the Isc of the associated nonincendive
field wiring apparatus)

Vmax ≥ Voc; Ca ≥ Ci + Ccable; La ≥ Li + Lcable

c) Normal operating voltage controlled by the nonincendive field wiring apparatus (V max of the
nonincendive field wiring apparatus need not be greater than the Voc of the associated nonincendive
field wiring apparatus)

Imax ≥ Isc; Ca ≥ Ci + Ccable; La ≥ Li + Lcable

d) Normal operating current and voltage controlled by the nonincendive field wiring apparatus (neither
Imax nor Vmax of the nonincendive field wiring apparatus need be greater than the corresponding
parameter of the associated nonincendive field wiring apparatus)

Ca ≥ Ci + Ccable; La ≥ Li + Lcable
— 17 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

igniting currents applicable
to all circuits containing
aluminum, cadmium,
magnesium, or zinc.


Short Circuit Current ISC






10 20 50 100 200

Open Circuit Voltage VOC (V)

Figure 1 — Resistance circuits (L ≤ 5 µH)

ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 18 —






Short Circuit Current ISC




igniting currents applicable
to circuits where aluminum,
cadmium, magnesium, and
zinc can be excluded.


10 20 50 100 200

Open Circuit Voltage VOC (V)

Figure 2 — Resistance circuits (L ≤ 5 µH)

— 19 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000












500 H

200 H

100 H

10mA 20mA 50mA 100mA 200mA 500mA 1A

Short Circuit Current ISC

Figure 3 — Inductance circuits

ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 20 —











500 H

200 H

100 H

10mA 20mA 50mA 100mA 200mA 500mA 1A 2A 5A

Short Circuit Current ISC

Figure 4 — Inductance circuits

— 21 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

Figure 5 — Inductance circuits

ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 22 —

Figure 6 — Inductance circuits

— 23 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

Figure 7 — Capacitance circuits

ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 24 —

Figure 8 — Capacitance circuits

— 25 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

8* Normally nonarcing components

8.1 Make/break components that are to be considered nonarcing in normal operation shall comply with
the requirements of 8.2 through 8.7, as applicable.

8.2* Connectors and plug-in components used in incendive circuits and incorporated within equipment
shall be considered normally nonarcing if disconnection is not required under operational maintenance
conditions and if they require a separating force of at least 15 N or if they are mechanically prevented from
separating. If accessible during operational maintenance, connectors in an incendive circuit shall be provided
with a warning marking in accordance with 9.2.

EXCEPTION: Plug-in components need only pass a pull test of 3 times the mass of the component.

8.3 In incendive circuits, fuses that are removable during operational maintenance shall be removable
only with the use of a tool. The fuseholders for such fuses shall be provided with a warning marking in
accordance with 9.2 and located adjacent to the fuseholder.

8.4 Circuit breakers that cannot be manually switched off, i.e., have only a reset button, may be used in
circuits that are not subject to overloading in normal use. All such circuit breakers shall be provided with a
warning marking in accordance with 9.3 and located adjacent to the circuit breaker.

8.5 In incendive circuits, removable lamps that are accessible during operational maintenance shall be
removable only with the use of a tool. The lamp holders for such lamps shall be provided with a warning
marking in accordance with 9.2 and located adjacent to the lampholder. The lamp holder shall provide
protection to prevent breakage of the bulb.

EXCEPTION: A tool need not be required to remove the lamp if the lamp is accessible only after removal
of a separate protective cover. The cover need not require a tool to remove.

8.6 If accessible during operational maintenance, connectors used for nonincendive field wiring shall not
be interchangeable with other field wiring connectors.

EXCEPTION: Where interchange does not affect nonincendive circuits or where connectors are so
identified that interchange is unlikely, interchangeable connectors are allowed.

8.7 If accessible only by the use of a tool, manually operated make/break components in an incendive
circuit are considered normally nonarcing components.

NOTE — Circuit breakers may be used in circuits that are not subject to overloading in normal use.

9 Marking
9.1 In addition to the marking required for general-purpose equipment, the equipment shall be marked
with the following minimum information:

9.1.1* Hazardous location suitability: Class, Division, and Group(s). In lieu of Group(s), a specific gas,
vapor, or dust

9.1.2* Temperature marking according to 10.2

ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 26 —

9.1.3* Any other markings or cautions necessary for the installation and safe operation of the equipment

The international symbol may be used to refer the operator to an explanation in the equipment

9.2 Connectors, fuseholders, and lampholders required to be marked according to 8.2, 8.3, and 8.5 shall
be marked with the following or an equivalent warning:


If practical, this marking shall be either on or adjacent to the component. Otherwise, this marking shall be
displayed on a prominent place on the enclosure.

9.3 Circuit breakers, required to be marked according to 8.4, shall be marked with the following or an
equivalent warning:


9.4* The following information shall either be marked on the equipment or contained in the instruction
manual for equipment with nonincendive field wiring connections:

9.4.1 Connections for nonincendive field wiring shall be clearly identified

9.4.2* Equipment supplying energy

a) Voc – maximum normal output voltage

b) Isc – maximum normal output current

c) Ca – maximum allowable connected capacitance (based on Voc) and La - maximum allowable

connected inductance (based on Isc); or capacitance

d) Po – maximum normal output power (optional)

NOTE — In addition to the above, parameter La /Ra may also be marked, where La /Ra is the maximum allowable ratio of inductance
to resistance.

9.4.3* Equipment receiving energy

a) Vmax – maximum input voltage

b) Imax – maximum input current

c) Ci – maximum unprotected capacitance

d) Li – maximum unprotected inductance

e) Pi – maximum input power (optional)

— 27 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

EXCEPTION: Equipment supplied, as a system, including cables supplied for field wiring, need not
comply with 9.4.

NOTE — In addition to the above, parameter L i /R i may also be marked, where L i /R i is the maximum internal inductance to
resistance ratio.

9.5 In addition equipment may be marked Class I, Zone 2 Group IIA (or IIB, or IIC as applicable) and the
operating temperature or temperature class. The temperature class shall be in accordance with 10.2, but
limited to those without the alpha suffix. The correlation between Groups for Zones and Groups for Divisions
are shown below.

Where the electrical equipment is suitable for use in a particular gas, the chemical formula or name of the
gas shall follow the symbol II.

Class I Division 2 Groups Class I Zone 2 Groups

B (IIB + H2)

NOTE — (IIB +H2) is not a Group as defined by the NEC®.

9.6 For practical reasons the symbols used for voltage, current capacitance, inductance, and L/R ratio
may be replaced by the symbols used in ISA-12.02.01-1999 (IEC 60079-11 Mod) Electrical Apparatus for
Use in Class I, Zones 0, 1, & 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations – Intrinsic Safety “i”. A comparison is shown
in the following table. Intrinsic safety and nonincendive parameters should not be mixed.

Table 1 — Alternate nonincendive field apparatus wiring markings

Nonincendive Intrinsic Safety Marking

Electrical Parameter Marking ISA IEC
For Associated Apparatus
Maximum normal output voltage Voc Voc Uo
Maximum normal output current Isc Isc Io
Maximum output power Po Po Po
Maximum external capacitance Ca Ca Co
Maximum external inductance La La Lo
Maximum external inductance to resistance ratio La/Ra La/Ra Lo/Ro
For Apparatus
Maximum input voltage Vmax Vmax Ui
Maximum input current Imax Imax Ii
Maximum internal capacitance Ci Ci Ci
Maximum internal inductance Li Li Li
Maximum input power Pi Pi Pi
Maximum internal inductance to resistance ratio Li/Ri Li/Ri Li/Ri
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 28 —

10 Surface temperature requirements

10.1* The maximum temperature of any surface that may come in contact with a flammable gas or vapor-
in-air mixture or dust, fibers, or flyings shall be determined under normal operational conditions. Such
measurements need not be made on the internal parts of sealed devices. Measurements shall be made at
any convenient ambient temperature between 10°C and 40°C, corrected linearly to 40°C.

10.2* Apparatus that attains temperatures higher than 100°C based on a 40°C ambient shall be marked
either by the temperature code as given in table 2, or by the specific temperature as measured according
to 10.1, corrected linearly to a 40°C ambient.

NOTE — Component surface temperature may exceed the marked temperature rating if it can be demonstrated that no hazard

Table 2 — Temperature identification numbers (temperature codes)

Degrees °C Temperature Code

450 T1
300 T2
280 T2A
260 T2B
230 T2C
215 T2D
200 T3
180 T3A
165 T3B
160 T3C
135 T4
120 T4A
100 T5
85 T6

Temperature codes without the alpha suffix (A, B, C, or D) agree with the temperature identification system
specified by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC 60079 series publications).

11* Evaluation of nonincendive circuits

11.1 The spark test apparatus used for performing ignition tests on circuits shall consist of an explosion
chamber at least 250 cm3 in volume, in which circuit-making and circuit-breaking sparks can be produced
in the presence of the prescribed test gas.

11.2 Components of the contact arrangement are a cadmium disc with 2 slots and 4 tungsten wires of 0.2
mm diameter, which slide over the disc. The free length of the tungsten wires shall be 11 mm. The driving
spindle, to which the tungsten wires are attached, shall make 80 revolutions per minute. The spindle on
which the cadmium disc is mounted shall revolve in the opposite direction. The ratio of the speeds of the
driving spindle to the disc spindle shall be 50 to 12. The spindles shall be insulated from one another and
from the housing. See figure 9. The explosion chamber shall be able to withstand pressures of 1470 kPa
or shall be provided with suitable pressure relief. When cadmium, zinc, or magnesium will not be present,
the cadmium disc may be replaced by a tin disc.
— 29 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

11.3* Gas mixture

11.3.1 For Group D, the test mixture shall be 5.25 ± 0.25 percent propane by volume in air.

11.3.2 For Group C, the test mixture shall be 7.8 ± 0.5 percent ethylene by volume in air.

11.3.3 For Groups A and B, the test mixture shall be 21 ± 2 percent hydrogen by volume in air.

11.3.4 For Classes II and III, the test mixture shall be 5.25 ± 0.25 percent propane by volume in air.

11.3.5* Apparatus that is intended for use in a specific gas or vapor-in-air may be tested in the most easily
ignitable concentration of that gas or vapor-in-air mixture in lieu of the mixtures specified in 11.3.1 through
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 30 —

Figure 9 — Test apparatus for evaluating nonincendive circuits

— 31 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

11.4 Sensitivity verification of spark test apparatus

11.4.1 The sensitivity of the spark test apparatus shall be verified before and after each test series
conducted in accordance with 11.4.2. The test apparatus shall be operated in a 24 V d.c. circuit containing
a 95 mH air-core coil. The currents in these circuits shall be set at the corresponding value given for the
appropriate group in tables 2 or 3, as applicable.

11.4.2 Verification of the apparatus shall be satisfactory if ignition of the gas occurs within 400 revolutions
of the tungsten wire holder.

Table 3 — Current in verification circuit - cadmium disk

Group Inductive Circuit

D 100 mA
C 65 mA
A&B 30 mA

Table 4 — Current in verification circuit - tin disk

Group Inductive Circuit

D 110 mA
C 90 mA
A&B 50 mA

11.5 Tests

11.5.1 The spark test apparatus shall be connected in the circuit under test at each point where an
interruption normally occurs, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

11.5.2 Ignition test conditions

There shall be no ignition of the test mixture under any of the following conditions:

a) For line-connected apparatus, the input voltage shall be increased to 110 percent of nominal line

b) All adjustments shall be set at their most unfavorable positions.

c) All circuits shall be tested for the following number of revolutions of the tungsten wire holder in the
spark test apparatus:

1) For d.c. circuits, not less than 400 revolutions - 200 revolutions at each polarity

2) For a.c. circuits, not less than 1000 revolutions

ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 32 —

11.5.3 The test apparatus shall be verified according to 11.4 after each ignition test. The ignition test shall
be considered invalid if the verification test is unsatisfactory.

12 Evaluation of nonincendive components

12.1 Nonincendive components shall be subjected to the tests specified in 12.2.

12.1.1 A nonincendive component is limited in use to the rating for which it has been satisfactorily tested
according to 12.2.

12.1.2 Nonincendive components shall be preconditioned by being operated a minimum of 6000 times at
the rate of approximately 6 times per minute while carrying their normal electrical load.

12.2* Spark ignition test for nonincendive components

12.2.1* Following the preconditioning test, the nonincendive component shall be placed in a suitable test
chamber of at least ten (10) times the volume of the device and connected to an electrical load of 150
percent of the a.c. or d.c. current (maximum 75 percent power factor if for a.c.) and at maximum voltage of
the circuit for which the component is being tested.

EXCEPTION: The 75 percent power factor requirement may be neglected for totally resistive loads only. Components intended for use with high inrush current loads (e.g., motor or tungsten lamp loads)
shall be subjected to overload testing that is representative of actual circuit applications. Preconditioning
and overload conditions shall be according to the requirements of national standards that cover these

12.2.2* Nonincendive components shall be filled with and surrounded by a gas mixture according to 11.3.1
through 11.3.5. The samples should be prepared by using one of the methods in to and
then successfully withstand the test in 12.2.3. Remove the housing adjacent to the contacts to permit free access of the air-gas mixture to the
contacts. Drill at least two holes in the enclosure that will assure propagation of an ignition from the inside
to the outside of the enclosure. The test gas shall flow through the device. A tube may be connected to
one of the holes for this purpose. Draw a vacuum within the chamber and maintain the vacuum for 100 seconds. Fill the test
chamber with the specified air-gas mixture and maintain the concentration for 100 seconds before applying
the required electrical load. An explosion detection device (e.g., a pressure transducer) shall be connected
to the device under test to detect ignition.

12.2.3* The component shall be operated a minimum of 50 times at not less than 10-second intervals,
renewing the air-gas mixture after each set of 10 operations (or more frequently, if necessary to ensure the
presence of the air-gas mixture within the nonincendive component). There shall be no ignition of the air-
gas mixture.

13* Evaluation of sealed device

13.1 This subclause covers the requirements for electrical apparatus or parts of electrical apparatus or
components that contain normally arcing parts or heat-producing surfaces that, by their location in a sealed
— 33 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

enclosure, are intended to be made incapable of causing ignition of the specified gas or vapor-in-air mixtures
at their most easily ignitable concentration.

13.1.1 Hermetically sealed devices (see definition in clause 3) shall be considered to meet these
requirements without test.

13.2* Except as permitted in 13.1.1, the free internal volume of the device shall be less than 100 cm3.

13.3 Resilient gasket seals or poured seals shall be arranged so that they are not subject to mechanical
damage during normal operational conditions and shall retain their sealing properties for the intended
conditions of use.

13.3.1 Sealing and encapsulating material shall have softening or melting points at least 20°C higher than
the maximum expected operating temperature of the device.

13.4* A sealed device shall have structural integrity and shall be constructed of materials suitable for the
intended environment with full consideration for anticipated atmospheric contaminants and corrosive
compounds. The enclosure shall be sufficiently rugged to withstand normal handling and assembly
operations without damage to any seals provided.

13.5 To ensure that damage affecting safety of operation will not occur during normal operational conditions
of the sealed device, three samples shall be preconditioned by oven aging according to 13.5.1 and subjected
to an air leakage test according to 13.5.2.

13.5.1* Oven aging

If the device contains a gasket or seal of elastomeric or thermoplastic material or a composition gasket
utilizing an elastomeric material, each sample shall be subjected to temperature aging in a circulating air
oven in accordance with the following formula:

t = 2685e − (0.0693 )(T − T1)


t = the test time in hours

e = 2.7183

T = the aging temperature in °C

T1 = the maximum rated operating temperature in °C (40°C minimum)

13.5.2* Air leakage test

Each of the samples shall pass one of the following tests:

a) At an initial temperature of 25°C the test samples shall be immersed in water at a temperature of 50°C
to a minimum depth of 25 mm for a minimum of 1 minute. If no bubbles emerge from the samples
during this test, they are considered to be "sealed" for the purpose of this standard.

b) The test sample shall be immersed to a minimum depth of 75 mm in water contained in an enclosure
that can be partially evacuated. The air pressure within the enclosure shall then be reduced by 120
mm of mercury. If no visible bubbles emerge from the samples during this test, samples are
considered to be sealed for the purpose of this standard.
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 34 —

c) The test sample shall be shown to leak at a rate not greater than 10-5 ml of air per second at a
pressure differential of 1 atmosphere (101.3 kPa) by means of a suitable leak rate detector.

14 Evaluation of enclosures for Class II and III

14.1* An enclosure that is required to exclude the entry of dust shall pass any one of the tests according to
14.2, 14.3, or 14.4.

14.1.1 For the tests in 14.2 or 14.4 a length of conduit may be installed in the enclosure under test to
equalize the internal and external pressures, but it shall not serve as a drain.

14.1.2 A gasket used to make an enclosure dust-tight shall be made of material acceptable for the
purpose, e.g., plant-fiber sheet packing or similar material. A gasket of elastomeric or thermoplastic
material may be used if it is resistant to aging when tested in accordance with 14.1.3. Gaskets shall be
either secured or captive if they could be dislodged during installation or maintenance of the apparatus.

14.1.3* Aging test

A gasket of an elastomeric or thermoplastic material, or a composition gasket utilizing an elastomeric

material, shall be of such quality that samples have a tensile strength of not less than 60 percent and an
elongation of not less than 75 percent of values determined for unaged samples, when subjected to
temperature aging in a circulating air oven in accordance with the following formula:

t = 2685e − (0.0693 )(T − T1)


t = the test time in hours

e = 2.7183

T = the aging temperature in °C

T1 = the maximum rated operating temperature in °C (40°C minimum)

14.1.4* As an alternative to the test detailed in 14.1.3 a gasket of an elastomeric or thermoplastic material,
or a composition gasket utilizing an elastomeric material, shall be tested by submitting the enclosures to
continuous storage for one week in an ambience of (90 ± 5) % relative humidity and at a temperature of
(20 ± 2) K above the maximum service temperature but at least 80 °C.

In the case of a maximum service temperature above 75 °C the period of one week specified above will be
replaced by a period of 85 hours at (95 ± 2) °C and (90 ± 5) % relative humidity followed by a period of 85
hours at a temperature of (20 ± 2) K higher than the maximum service temperature.

14.2 Dust-blast method

The enclosure shall be subjected to a blast of compressed air mixed with dry Type 1 general-purpose
Portland cement (or equivalent) using a suction-type sandblast gun that is equipped with a 4.8-mm
diameter air jet and a 9.5-mm diameter nozzle. The air shall be at a supply pressure of 620-690 kPa. The
cement is to be supplied by a suction feed. A minimum of 6 kg/m of test length (sum of height, width, and
depth) of the enclosure under test is to be applied at a minimum rate of 2.3 kg per minute. The nozzle is to
be held 305-381 mm from the enclosure, and the blast of air and cement is to be directed at all points of
— 35 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

potential dust entry, such as, but not limited to, seams, joints, and external operating mechanisms. There
shall be no visible dust inside the enclosure at the end of this test.

14.3* Circulating dust method

The test is made using equipment in which talcum powder is maintained in suspension in a suitable closed
chamber. The talcum powder used shall pass through a square-meshed sieve whose nominal wire
diameter is 50 µm and whose nominal width between wires is 75 µm. The amount of talcum powder used
shall be 2 kg/m3 of the test chamber volume. It shall not have been used for more than 20 tests.

Enclosures shall be determined to fit in one of two categories:

a) enclosures where the normal working cycle of the apparatus causes a reduction in the air pressure
within the enclosure below the surrounding atmosphere (e.g., caused by thermal cycling effect); or

b) enclosures where reductions in pressure below the surrounding atmospheric pressure are not caused
by normal cycles of the apparatus.

For enclosures of category (a) the enclosure under test shall be supported inside the test chamber and the
pressure inside the enclosure is maintained below the surrounding atmospheric pressure by a vacuum
pump. The suction connection shall be made to a hole specifically provided for this test. If not otherwise
specified in the relevant product standard, this hole shall be in the vicinity of the vulnerable parts. If it is
impracticable to make a special hole, the suction connection shall be made to the cable inlet hole. If there
are other holes (e.g. more cable inlet holes or drain holes) these shall be treated as intended for normal
use on site. The object of this test is to draw into the enclosure, by means of depression a volume of air 80
times the volume of the sample enclosure tested without exceeding the extraction rate of 60 volumes per
hour. In no event shall the depression exceed 2 kPa (20 mbar). If an extraction rate of 40 to 60 volumes
per hour is obtained the duration of the test is 2 hours. If, with a maximum depression of 2 kPa (20 mbar)
of water, the extraction rate is less than 40 volumes per hour, the test shall be continued until 80 volumes
have been drawn through, or a period of 8 hours has elapsed. For an enclosure of category (b), the
apparatus under test should be supported in its normal operating position inside the test chamber, but the
test chamber shall not be connected to a vacuum pump. Any drain hole normally open shall be left open
for the duration of the test. The test shall continue for a period of 8 hours.

If it is not possible to place the complete assembly in the test chamber, one of the following procedures
shall be used:

a) Individual testing of separate enclosed sections of the apparatus

b) Testing of representative parts of the apparatus (such as doors, ventilating openings, joints, and shaft
seals), with the vulnerable parts of the apparatus (such as terminals and slip rings) in position at the
time of testing

c) Testing of smaller apparatus having the same full-scale design details

The enclosure shall be deemed to pass the test if no visible dust is detected inside the enclosure at the
end of the test.

14.4 Atomized-water method

The enclosure shall be sprayed with atomized water using a nozzle that produces a round pattern
76-102 mm in diameter, 305 mm from the nozzle. The air pressure shall be 207 ± 6 kPa. The water is to be
supplied by a suction feed with a siphon height of 102-204 mm. A minimum of 485 ml/m of test length (sum
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 36 —

of height, width, and depth) of the enclosure under test shall be applied at a minimum rate of 11 liters per
hour. The nozzle shall be held 305-381 mm from the enclosure, and the spray of water shall be directed at
all points of potential dust entry including, but not limited to, seams, joints, and external operating
mechanisms. To pass the test there shall be no visible water inside the enclosure at the end of this test.

15 Drop tests and impact tests

15.1 Portable equipment ( equipment intended to be carried by hand) shall be subjected to a drop test as
specified in 15.2. There shall be no damage to the equipment that may affect its acceptability for use in
Division 2 locations.

15.2 Equipment is to be dropped six times, not more than once on any one equipment surface, from a
height of 0.9 m onto a smooth concrete floor. A nonrestrictive guide may be used.

15.3 Equipment intended for use in Class II, or Class III hazardous (Classified) locations shall be subject
to a 2.7 joules impact test prior to dust tests. The point(s) of impact shall be the place(s) considered to be
the weakest. The test mass shall be fitted with a steel hemisphere of 25 mm diameter. The equipment shall
be positioned on a steel or concrete base so the direction of impact is normal to the surface being tested.
The base shall have a mass of at least 20 kg. No location shall be subjected to more than one impact. The
equipment shall be tested completely assembled, and with any guards installed that are normally supplied
as part of the equipment. Ambient temperature for the test shall be 20°C ± 5°C except where the electrical
enclosure or parts of the enclosure are made from polymeric material. In this case, the impact tests shall
be repeated at the upper and lower ambient temperature of the device as marked on the equipment label
or listed in the product literature.

16 Manufacturer’s instructional manual

16.1 The manufacturer's instructional material shall include, in addition to the information required for
ordinary locations, the information shown in 16.2 through 16.5 to emphasize the precautions required when
operating the equipment in a Division 2 location.

16.2 The following or equivalent specification for the location of the equipment shall be included:

This apparatus is suitable for use in Class (as applicable), Division 2 groups (as applicable), or unclassified
or nonhazardous locations.

16.3 The following or equivalent information for use of the equipment shall be included.

A control drawing shall be provided for all nonincendive field wiring apparatus or associated apparatus. A
nonincendive field wiring system could consist of apparatus investigated as a system or apparatus
investigated under the nonincendive field concept. If the intrinsically safe and associated apparatus are
investigated as a system, the control drawing shall provide information for proper connection and
installation. If the nonincendive field wiring or associated apparatus is investigated under the entity
concept, the control drawing shall include applicable electrical parameters to permit selection of apparatus
for interconnection.

The control drawing shall contain notes to explain the following if applicable:

a) The polarity requirements for associated apparatus

b) That associated apparatus shall not be connected in parallel unless this is permitted by the associated
apparatus approval
— 37 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

c) How to calculate the allowed capacitance and inductance values for the field wiring used in the
intrinsically safe circuit

d) The hazardous (classified) locations in which the apparatus may be located

e) Permissible connections to simple apparatus

The control drawing for the apparatus investigated under the entity evaluation concept shall provide the
following information, either the ISA Marking, the IEC marking, or both, as shown in table 1, may be used
to designate circuit parameters on the apparatus and in the installation documents and control drawing.

Alternatively, the parameters listed under 9.4.2 and 9.4.3 may be provided.

16.4* If equipment contains sealed components the following shall be provided:

sealed devices

16.4.2 The list of materials used in the construction of these devices

Name of sealed device - generic name of the material and the supplier’s name and type designation.

16.4.3 A recommendation for the user to periodically inspect the devices named above for any
degradation of properties and replace if degradation is found

16.5 The following warning or equivalent warnings for repair of the equipment shall be included:

16.5.1 If replacement of a component (e.g., fuse, lamp or plug-in module) could ignite the flammable



16.5.2 If disconnecting the equipment supply could ignite the flammable atmosphere


16.5.3 If components are relied upon to make the equipment suitable for Division 2 locations, these
components shall be individually identified. The following is an example of identifying such components:



Reference designation Description Type of Protection

K3 Relay Sealed contacts
OL1 Thermal switch Hermetically sealed contacts
M1 Fan Brushless motor
S6 Switch Nonincendive component

16.6 Documentation accompanying nonincendive components that are not factory-installed in equipment
shall state the circuit parameters for which the components have been determined to be safe.
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— 39 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

Annex A — Explanatory material

This annex is not part of this standard but is included for informational purposes only. The paragraph
numbers herein refer to those starred in the standard.

A.1.1 General information

This standard was prepared to provide more detailed requirements than the requirements identified in the
National Electrical Code (NEC®) ANSI/NFPA 70 for electrical apparatus suitable for use in Class I and II,
Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 hazardous (classified) locations.

This standard reinforces the practice of many years in North America of supplying general-purpose
electrical equipment for use in Class I, Division 2 locations where the equipment is of normal industrial
quality and in which sources of electrical or thermal ignition do not exist under normal operational

The principles involved are based on the low probability of the presence of an explosive gas-air mixture
occurring for a substantial period of time in an area classified as Division 2, coincident with an abnormal
condition in the electrical equipment capable of igniting the gas mixture.

Reference information was obtained from CSA Standard C22.2-No. 157-M1979, Intrinsically Safe and
Nonincendive Equipment for Use in Hazardous Locations, and IEC 60079-15:1987, Apparatus with Type
of Protection ‘n’. The latter document defines equipment for use in IEC Zone 2 classified areas.

A.2.6 Consideration should be given to equipment employing polymeric enclosures for their possible static
electricity properties.

A.2.8 The experimental data on which the requirements of this document are based were determined
under normal laboratory atmospheric conditions. Ignition parameters are not easy to extrapolate from
normal laboratory conditions to other conditions (such as might exist in process vessels) without careful
engineering consideration. Increasing the initial temperature of a flammable or combustible mixture will
decrease the amount of energy required to cause ignition so that, at the autoignition temperature of a gas
or vapor, the electrical energy required for ignition will be zero. The nature of the energy variation between
these limits is not well documented. Temperature variations also can change the concentrations of
flammable materials in the mixture.

Oxygen enrichment decreases the energy necessary for ignition. The minimum ignition energy of mixtures
of flammable materials with oxygen may be as low as 1 percent of that required for the same material
mixed with air.

As a general rule, the minimum ignition energy of a gas or vapor is inversely proportional to pressure
squared. When examining a situation where the gas mixture is above atmospheric pressure, one shall
consider whether a flammable mixture exists under such pressure conditions. At high pressure, many
flammable materials will condense.

A.3.6 Nonincendive circuit

The concept of a nonincendive circuit for equipment in Division 2 locations was first identified in ISA
Recommended Practice ISA-RP12.2-1965. This recommended practice covered certain aspects of
equipment for use in Division 2 locations. ISA-RP12.2-1965 was withdrawn following the availability of
NFPA 493, which is concerned only with intrinsically safe equipment suitable for use in Division 1 and
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 40 —

Division 2 locations. However, NEC® ANSI/NFPA 70:1999 Section 501-3 (b)(1)c and other codes
recognize nonincendive circuits. This standard defines such circuits and provides a procedure for testing.

A.3.9 Nonincendive field wiring is recognized in the EXCEPTION shown in NEC® ANSI/NFPA 70:1999
Sections 501-4 (b) and 502-4 (b).

A.5.1.1 It is recognized that other means of protection are acceptable. Purging and positive pressurization
are described in NFPA 4963, and oil immersion requirements are covered in
ANSI/ISA-12.26.01-1998 (IEC 60079-6 Mod) 4, and the NEC® (ANSI/NFPA 70).Sections 501-3 (b)(1)a
and 501-6 (b)(1).

A.5.4 It is unlikely that some malfunction will occur causing a fuse to open concurrent with the
location becoming flammable. For "signaling," "alarm," "remote-control," and "communications" systems,
NEC® ANSI/NFPA 70:1999 Section 501-14(b)(3) permits fuses in a general-purpose enclosure in
Division 2 locations.

A.5.4 This precludes a fuse housed in a general-purpose enclosure from being used in a motor circuit
where a possibility of a stalled motor opening the fuse exists, or where there is the possibility of an
overload not caused by a fault in the circuit.

A.5.5 Switches not integral to the equipment should be suitable for the locations in which they are

A.6.1 The NEC® ANSI/NFPA 70:1999 Section 503-3(a)(1) recognizes only dust-tight enclosures
for Class III. In view of this limitation, other alternatives were not included in this edition of the standard.

A.7.1 Figures 1 through 8 represent very simple circuits. Unless the circuit can clearly be identified as
conforming to the special conditions from which the curves are derived, analysis may prove invalid.
Testing is required in such cases. As an illustration, the capacitance discharge curves do not include the
effects of the charging circuit.

A.7.3 It is recognized that the margin of safety lies in the use of (a) a test apparatus more sensitive than
any probable ignition condition and (b) an ideal gas mixture.

A.7.3 Normal conditions for nonincendive circuits include opening and closing of contacts, adjustments,
operation at the maximum pressure etc. Normal conditions for nonincendive field wiring include opening,
shorting or grounding of field wiring.

A.7.5 The maximum current (Isc) from the source is not related to the maximum input current of the load
device. The maximum inductance (La) permitted to be connected to the source is calculated based on the
maximum short circuit current available from the source (Isc). The maximum capacitance (Ca) permitted to
be connected from the source is based on the maximum open circuit voltage (Voc) of the source.

A.7.6 Unlike the entity concept in intrinsic safety the maximum input current of the receiving equipment
does not have to be greater than the maximum output current of the source. This is because under normal
operating conditions the current drawn by the receiving equipment will be limited by the normal operation
of the circuit. When opening, grounding and shorting of the nonincendive field wiring takes place, provided

NFPA Standard 496-1998, Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous (Classified) Locations.
4ANSI/ISA-12.26.01-1998 (IEC 60079-6 Mod), Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations Type
of Protection - Oil-Immersion "o"
— 41 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

the maximum voltage remains the same, the current drawn by the nonincendive field wiring equipment will
not exceed that drawn under maximum worst case normal operating conditions.

A.7.6 The control drawing for the apparatus investigated under the nonincendive field wiring concept
should provide either the nonincendive marking, the alternate intrinsically safe marking as shown in
table 1 or both sets of marking.

A.8 Clause 8 applies to components that would cause ignition-capable arcs if the make/break contacts
interrupt the circuit. They are permitted because the arc is likely to occur only during servicing if the
component complies with the requirements in this clause. This clause is written essentially for parts
replaced, disconnected, or operated during servicing such as fuses, lamps, connectors, and tool-
accessible controls and switches.

A.8.2 EXCEPTION: In the context of this standard, plug-in components are plug-in resistors, jumpers, IC’s
and other similar devices.

A.9.1.1 - A.9.1.3 Some equipment may be suitable for more than one group or zone (class or division). It
may not be practical to provide markings on the equipment. The complexity of such marking may require
the use of a reference document. In these instances, permanent reference should be made on the
marking plate to a system or equipment control drawing (e.g., for hazardous location suitability, reference
Dwg No. XXX).

A.9.4 The exception to Section 501-4(b) of NEC® ANSI/NFPA 70:1999 states: "Nonincendive field wiring
shall be permitted using any of the methods suitable for wiring in ordinary locations." This exception is
intended to permit what is termed "nonincendive field wiring" by this standard.

One problem facing both manufacturers and users in applying the nonincendive field wiring concept is the
ability to interconnect different manufacturers’ equipment with nonincendive field circuit connections and
be assured the combination will provide a nonincendive field circuit. In order to facilitate this
interconnection, the marking method covered in this subclause provides a convenient way to assess the
compatibility of different manufacturers’ equipment with respect to nonincendive field circuits. The criteria
for the comparison are that the voltage (Vmax) that the load device can receive shall be equal to or greater
than the normal circuit voltage (V n) that can be delivered by the source device. The current that the load
device can receive is independent of the current that the power source can supply. In addition, the
maximum capacitance (Ci) of the load device is based on the maximum voltage available. However the
inductance (Li) of the load, which is not prevented by circuit components from providing a stored energy
charge to the field wiring (e.g., a diode across a winding to clamp an inductive discharge), is based on the
maximum normal operating current of the load device. The capacitance and inductance of the
interconnecting wiring shall be equal to or less than the capacitance (Ca) or inductance (La) that can be
driven by the source device.

When cable parameters are unknown, the following values may be used:

Capacitance: 200 pF/m (60 pF/ft)

Inductance: 0.66 µH/m (0.20 µH/ft)

a) Determine Vmax from the appropriate curve, based on the maximum unprotected capacitance at the
field wiring terminals of the device.

b) Determine Imax from the appropriate curve, based on the maximum unprotected inductance at the field
wiring terminals.
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 42 —

c) Determine, either analytically or experimentally, from the values of Vmax and Imax determined in steps
(a) and (b) above, that the device will not produce an ignition-capable temperature rise of components
for that combination. Verify also that some lower value of current will not cause ignition-capable hot
spots. Since this step can be quite time consuming, a manufacturer may arbitrarily specify a voltage
lower than Vmax as determined in step (a).

A.9.4.2 Item (c): After determining the maximum open circuit voltage (Voc) and maximum short-circuit
current (Isc) of the source device according to 7.1.2, determine the appropriate values of maximum allowed
capacitance (Ca) and maximum allowed inductance (La) from figures 3 through 8.

A.9.4.2 NOTE — Maximum La /Ra ratio

The maximum La /Ra ratio, as currently used in the U.K. and Europe, is another parameter that is assigned
to the field wiring terminals of equipment supplying energy to nonincendive field wiring and nonincendive
equipment. This parameter allows the distributed nature of cable resistance and inductance to be
considered, rather than multiplying the cable inductance per-unit-length times the total length of the cable,
and comparing it to the lumped inductance value, La. The La /Ra ratio for a cable is calculated with the
cable short circuited, and as long as the L/R ratio is less than the source La /Ra rating, the cable inductance
can be disregarded.

NOTE — Using the L/R ratio, the cable inductance will rarely be a problem, however, the total cable capacitance (capacitance per-
unit-length times the cable length) shall be added to the receiving equipment internal capacitance Ci, and the total shall not exceed

In a two-wire circuit the maximum allowable load-plus-line inductance is determined by the maximum short
circuit current. Assume that La is the maximum allowable connected inductance, line and load. If all the
inductance is in the line (long cable), the inductance of the line is proportional to the resistance and to the
length. Maximum energy storage occurs when the sum of the line and load resistance equals the internal
resistance of the source (Voc /Isc), the current = Isc /2, and the inductance is 4 La. The maximum L/R ratio
is, therefore, given by the following equation:

Maximum L/R ratio = 4 La(Isc /Voc).

If the line is short and all the inductance is in the load, the same results are obtained. Therefore, safety is
assured if either the above situation exists or if both the line and load have L/R ratios that do not exceed
the above limit. Other conditions shall be evaluated individually.

Marking Example:

Voc = 40 V
Isc = 64 mA
Ca = 0.14 µF
La = 19 mH
L/R = 122 µH/ohm

A.10.1 Tests should be performed under worst-case heating conditions; for example, the highest or lowest
extreme of specified supply voltage plus the worst-case load conditions.

A.10.2 Caution needs to be exercised in the interpretation of the temperature identification code. The
temperatures given in table 2 are based on operation at a 40°C ambient temperature; the maximum
specified ambient temperature rating of the equipment may exceed 40°C.
— 43 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

A.10.2 NOTE — The lowest ignition temperature of the ignitible atmospheres concerned may be above
the maximum surface temperature. However, for components having a total surface area of 10 cm2 or less
(e.g., transistors or resistors used in low-power circuits protected by the energy limitation technique), their
surface temperature may exceed that for the temperature class marked on the electrical equipment if there
is neither a direct nor an indirect risk of ignition from these components, applying the safety margin

50 K for T1, T2, T2A, T2B, T2C, T3, T3A, T3B and T3C, or

25 K for T4, T4A, T5, and T6

where K is Kelvins.

The safety margin shall be ensured by experience of similar components or by test of the electrical
equipment itself in representative ignitible mixtures.

NOTE — During the above test, the safety margin may be provided by increasing the ambient temperature an appropriate amount.

If the temperature of a component is below the auto-ignition temperature (AIT) of a given material, the
component can be considered suitable for use in a circuit without regard to thermal ignition. When the
temperature of a component is above the AIT, it shall be determined by test whether or not it will thermally
ignite the material. The ability of any small component to thermally ignite a material is dependent on the
AIT of the material it is exposed to and the temperature, size, and shape of the heated component. A test
that has been used to verify the suitability of a small component (from a thermal standpoint) may be
conducted using a 5 percent diethyl ether-in-air mixture. Diethyl ether represents a material having one of
the lowest AITs of the Class I atmospheres currently listed in NFPA 497. Various characteristics of diethyl
ether are as follows:

Name Formula LFL % of UFL % of SP.GR

AIT Vapor density (Air = 1)
Vol Vol (Water = 1)
C2H5OC2H5 320°F
diethyl ether* 1.9 36 (160°C) 0.7 2.6

*Synonyms: ether, ethyl ether, diethyl oxide, ethyl oxide.

The test apparatus shall consist of a test enclosure with a gas-tight cover and viewing port. The enclosure
shall contain a low-velocity fan, a diethyl ether dish, through-wall component terminal connections, and an
igniter for mixture-ignition verification. The component under test shall be suspended within the enclosure
with connections (via the terminal connections) to the external associated component’s circuitry or power
source. An appropriate amount of liquid ether shall be placed in the dish. If a 3-liter enclosure is used,
0.65 cm3 of liquid ether will be needed for a 5 percent mixture. The cover shall be closed, and the fan shall
be turned on to aid in the evaporation process and to maintain a homogeneous mixture. Power shall be
applied to the component until thermal equilibrium is reached, the component fails open, or the
surrounding material is ignited. If the component fails to ignite the mixture, the sensitivity of the mixture
shall be verified by activating the igniter circuit. A minimum of six tests shall be made.

A.11 The test apparatus using 0.2 mm diameter fine tungsten wires yields low ignition currents. Since the
tungsten wires reach a high temperature when the test currents approach 3 A, testing with higher currents
may require wires of a different material (such as copper), or a different type of apparatus may be needed.
The apparatus described above is suitable for testing circuits up to 300 V. For tests of capacitance circuits,
modified apparatus (such as apparatus with one or more of the tungsten wires removed) is required.

A.11.3 The purity of commercially available gases and vapors normally is adequate for these tests, but
those of purity less than 95 percent should not be used. The effect of normal variations in laboratory
ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000 — 44 —

temperature and pressure and of the humidity of the air in the gas mixture is also likely to be small. Any
significant effects of these variables will become apparent during the routine verification of the sensitivity of
the spark test apparatus.

A.11.3.5 The most easily ignitible concentration may not be the stoichiometric mixture.

A.12.2 These requirements were obtained from CSA and IEC reference documents.

A.12.2.1 A plastic bag may be used as a test chamber. The test factor of 150 percent of rated load is
greater than the requirement of the IEC 60079-15:1987 document; it is identical to the CSA document.

A.12.2.2 The CSA standard specifically requires that a nonincendive component be evacuated prior to
filling it with the test mixture. This is only one of several ways to ensure that the component is filled with the
test mixture. Therefore, this specific test method is not required in this standard.

Historically, these three test methods have been used by the approval bodies in North America. However,
depending on the preparation of the test sample, different results may occur. Therefore, passing any one
of the tests is acceptable.

A.12.2.3 Depending on the method used to fill the nonincendive component, more frequent renewing of
the gas or vapor-in-air mixture may be required.

A.13 These requirements were obtained from IEC 60079-15 (1987). For products to be used in damp
environments, polymeric enclosures should be tested for resistance to fungi according to ASTM
G21-1970 (1985).

The free internal volume applies to each independent chamber containing arcing contacts.

A.13.2 The 100 cm3 limitation is consistent with both the IEC and the CSA referenced documents.

A.13.4 The principle applied to sealed devices is not one that prevents entry of the external atmospheres,
but rather restricts it to a degree commensurate with the probabilities that relate to the presence of an
ignitable gas-air mixture in a Division 2 location. Sealed devices are covered in both CSA Standard C22.2
No. 213-M1987 and IEC 60079-15 (1987).

For static seal applications, most commercially available sealing materials, even sealing materials that are
considered unacceptable for process wetted applications, are suitable for short term vapor exposure (short
term is relative to Division 2 exposure).

Dynamic seals are inherently more susceptible to mechanical damage and, therefore, warrant a more
comprehensive evaluation involving the expected chemical exposure and the dynamic motion of the

The NACE/Materials Technology Institute has been conducting tests of plastics and elastomers for years,
but has been unsuccessful in determining a relationship of vapor exposure over time to predicted life. For
this reason, the solvent exposure test that was contained in previous editions of this standard has been

A.13.5.1 This equation is based on the Arrhenius equation. It relates the rate of most chemical reactions
and how they increase rapidly with increasing temperature.

A.13.5.2 Historically, these three test methods have been used by approval bodies in North America.
Different results may occur; however, passing any one of the tests is acceptable.
— 45 — ANSI/ISA–12.12.01–2000

A.14.1 Historically, these three test methods have been used by approval bodies in North America.
Different results may occur; however, passing any one of the tests is acceptable.

A.14.1.3 This equation is based on the Arrhenius equation. It relates the rate of most chemical reactions
and how they increase rapidly with increasing temperature.

A.14.1.4 This requirement is based on the tests in ISA-12.00.01-1999 (IEC 60079-0 Mod). Some gasket
materials are foamed-in-place or poured-in-place and it is not possible to conduct the tensile test required
by 14.1.3 on this type of gasket.

A.14.3 This test is based on the IEC 60529:1989 test for IP 6X enclosures.

A.16.4 No simple test of components can verify compatibility with every chemical that might be present in
all foreseeable concentrations. Therefore, the user of sealed devices shall assure, by testing, reference to
the literature, or by contacting the manufacturer of the sealing material, that chemicals in the atmosphere
surrounding the device are not likely to degrade the sealing of the device. Because this judgment is not
precise, sealed components should be inspected periodically for any sign of attack or degradation. If signs
of physical degradation, (e.g., crazing, swelling, or deformation) are observed, the component should be
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ISBN: 1-55617-740-2

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