Biology Practicals & Solutions

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Prepared By Sir. Donny Company
Introduction to Biology Practical’s
Until 2008, NECTA biology practicals contained three questions. Question 1 was required, and was a food test.
Students then chose to answer either question 2 or question 3. One of these questions was usually classification.
The format changed in 2008. Now, the practical contains two questions, and both are required. Food test and
classification remain the most common questions, but sometimes only one of these two topics is on a given exam.
The second question may cover one of a variety of topics, including respiration, transport, coordination,
photosynthesis, and movement.
Each question is worth 25 marks.

Common Practicals
_ Food test: students must test a solution for starch, sugars, fats, and protein
_ Classification: students must name and classify specimens, then answer questions about their characteristics
_ Respiration: students use lime water to test air from the lungs for carbon dioxide
_ Transport: students investigate osmosis by placing leaf petioles or pieces of raw potato in solutions of different
solute concentrations
_ Photosynthesis: students test a variegated leaf for starch to prove that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis
_ Coordination: students look at themselves in the mirror and answer questions about the sense organs they see

Note: These are the most common practicals, but they are not necessarily the only practicals that can occur on the
national exam. Biology practicals frequently change, and it is possible that a given exam will contain a new kind of
question. Look through past NECTA practicals yourself to get an idea of the kind of questions that can occur

(A) Food Tests

In this practical, students test a solution of unknown food substances for starch, protein, reducing sugars, non-
reducing sugars, and fats/oils. They record their procedure, observation, and conclusions, then answer questions
about nutrition and the digestive system.
This section contains the following:
_ How to carry out food tests
_ How to write a report
_ Sample practical with solutions

(1) How to Carry Out Food Tests

 Starch
Add a few drops of iodine to the solution and shake well. A blue-black color forms if starch is present
 Lipids
Add a few drops of iodine to the solution and shake well. A red ring will form at the top of the test tube is lipids are
You can also have your students do the grease spot test { rub a drop of solution onto a piece of paper, and let dry. A
translucent spot forms if fat is present. This test is great for its simplicity, but is not used on national exams.
 Protein (Biuret test)
Add a few drops of 1 M NaOH to the solution and shake well. Then add a few drops of 1% CuSO4 solution and
shake. A violet color forms if protein is present. Sometimes the color takes a minute or two to appear.
Some textbooks may recommend using Millon's reagent to test for protein.
This reagent contains mercury, which is extremely poisonous and should never be handled by students.
The purple colour from a positive test is the result of a complex between four nitrogen atoms and the copper (II) ion.
Specifically, these nitrogen atoms are all part of peptide bonds. These peptide bonds are adjacent on a protein, either
two from one protein and two from another, or two from one part of a protein and two from another part of the same
 Reducing sugar
Place some food solution in a test tube, and add an equal volume of Benedict's solution. Heat to boiling, then let cool.
A brick red or orange precipitate forms if a reducing sugar is present.

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Benedict's solution contains aqueous copper (II) sulphate, sodium carbonate, and sodium citrate. The citrate ions in
Benedict's solution complex the copper (II) ions to prevent the formation of insoluble copper (II) carbonate.
In the presence of a reducing sugar, however, the copper (II) ions are reduced to copper (I) ions which form a brick
red precipitate of copper (I) oxide. The oxygen in the copper (I) oxide come from hydroxide; the purpose of the
sodium carbonate is to provide this hydroxide by creating an alkaline environment.
Normally, sugar molecules form five or six member rings and have no reducing properties. In water, however, the
rings of some sugar molecules can open to form a linear structure, often with an aldehyde group at one end. These
aldehyde groups react with copper (II) to reduce it to copper
(I). Sugars that do not have an aldehyde group in the linear structure or that are not able to open are not able to
reduce copper (II) ions and are thus called non-reducing sugars. Students do not need to understand this chemistry
for their exam, but they may ask about what is happening in the reaction.
 Non-reducing sugar
Do the test for a reducing sugar using Benedict's solution. Notice that no reaction occurs. Add a few drops of citric
acid solution to the solution, then heat to boiling. Let solution cool. Add a few drops of 1 M NaOH, and shake well.
Then, add some Benedict's solution (equal in volume to the liquid in the test tube). Boil the solution, and let it cool.
A brick red or orange precipitate forms if a non-reducing sugar is present.
This experiment will also test positive for all reducing sugars. Therefore it is important to first perform the test for
reducing sugars before considering this test. If the test for reducing sugars is positive, there is no reason to perform
the test for non-reducing sugars - the conclusion will be invalid.
Non-reducing sugars are a misnomer, that is, their name is incorrect. This test does not test for any sugar that is not
reducing. Rather, this is a test for any molecule made of multiple reducing sugars bound together, such as sucrose or
starch. When these polysaccharides are heated in the presence of acid, they hydrolyse and release monosaccharides.
The presence of these monosaccharides is then identified with Benedict's solution.
The purpose of the sodium hydroxide is to neutralize the citric acid added for hydrolysis. If the citric acid is not
hydrolysed, it will react with the sodium carbonate in Benedict's solution, possibly making the solution ineffective.

(2) How to Write a Report

Food test data is reported in a table containing four columns: test for, procedure, observation, and inference. With the
exception of the `test for' column, data should be reported in full sentences written in past tense.
The procedure should also be in passive voice. No, this is not the way professional scientists write. However,
students here must use passive voice to get marks on the national exam.
Note that every column is worth marks on the exam. Even if students fail to do the food tests correctly, they can still
get marks for writing what they are testing for and what the procedure should be.
See the sample practical below for an example of a report.

(3) Sample Food Test Practical Solutions

Practical 01
You have been provided with Solution K. Carry out food test experiments to identify the food substances present in
the solution.
1. Record your experimental work as shown in the table below.

2. Suggest two natural food substances from which solution K might have been prepared.
3. What is the function of each of the food substances in solution K to human beings?
4. For each food substance identified, name the enzyme and end product of digestion taking place in the:
4.1. Stomach
4.2. Duodenum
5. What deficiency diseases are caused by a lack of the identified food substances?

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(Assume Solution K contains protein and starch.)
1) The results were as follows

2) Solution K could have been prepared from egg and maize. (Note: Any non-processed food containing protein
or starch is correct here.)
3) Starch provides energy to the body. Proteins are used in growth and tissue repair.

5) A deficiency of protein causes kwashiorkor. A deficiency of starch causes marasmus .

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Practical 02
You are provided with food sample A. By using scientific procedures, taste what sample A contained.
STARCH A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test
tube then a few drops of iodine solution were added
and was shaken.
REDUCING A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test
SUGAR tube then an equal amount of Benedict’s solution was
added and the mixture was heated to boil.
PROTEIN A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test
tube then a few drops of NaOH and CuSO 4 solution
was added and shaken.
NON- A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test
REDUCING tube then a few drops of dill HCl was added heated
SUGAR and then cooled then a few drops of NaOH was
added and equal amount of Benedicts solution was
added and the mixture was heated to boil.
FATSTOLS A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test
tube then few drops of sudden III solution were
added and were shaken strongly and leave it to settle.

By using the table below
STARCH A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test The colour of solution A Starch is present
tube then a few drops of iodine solution were added changed from white to
and was shaken. black
REDUCING A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test Series of colour change Food solution A
SUGAR tube then an equal amount of Benedict’s solution was from blue to green to contained reducing
added and the mixture was heated to boil. yellow to Orange PPts sugar
PROTEIN A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test Food sample A retained Protein is absent
tube then a few drops of NaOH and CuSO 4 solution light blue colour of
was added and shaken. CuS0 4
NON- A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test Food solution A retained Non-reducing sugar
REDUCING tube then a few drops of dill HCl was added heated blue colour of Benedict’s is absent
SUGAR and then cooled then a few drops of NaOH was solution
added and equal amount of Benedicts solution was
added and the mixture was heated to boil.
FATS/OILS A small portion of food solution A was kept in a test Food solution A retained Fats. Oils is absent
tube then few drops of sudden III solution were added red colour of Sudan III
and were shaken strongly and leave it to settle. solution
The food solution A contained
i) Reducing sugar
ii) Starch

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Practical 03
From the samples
 Sample A…………………….
 Sample B…………………….
Starch A small portion of food solution A and B
were kept in two different test tubes then
few drops of iodine solution were added
to each test tube and were shaken
Reducing sugar A small portion of food solution A and B
were kept in two different test tubes then
on equal amount of Benedicts solution
was added in each test tube and the
mixture of each was heated to boil.

Non-reducing A small portion of food solution A and B

sugar were kept in two different test tubes then
a few drops of dill HCl were added;
heated and then cooled; then a few drops
of NaOH were added and equal amount
of benedicts solution were addled and the
mixture were heated to boil for all
solution A and B.

Protein A small portion of food solution A and B

were kept in two different test tubes then
a few drops of NaOH and CuS04 solution
were added to both solution and shaken

Lipids ( Fat and A small protein of food solution A and B

Oil) were kept in two different test tubes then
a few drops of Sudan III solution were
added and were shaken: strongly and
leave to settle to both two test tubes

From the samples
 Sample A – Tomato
 Sample B - Onion

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Starch A small portion of food solution Food sample A and B Starch was absent in both
A and B were kept in two solutions rationed sample A and B
different test tubes then few brownish yellow color of
drops of iodine solution were iodine
added to each test tube and were
Reducing sugar A small portion of food solution Series of colors change Reducing sugar is present
A and B were kept in two from blue to green to to both food samples
different test tubes then on equal yellow to change PPts
amount of Benedicts solution was (Brick red PPts) to both
added in each test tube and the food solution A and B
mixture of each was heated to
Non-reducing A small portion of food solution Both solution A and B Non-reducing sugar to
sugar A and B were kept in two rationed black color of both sample food A and B
different test tubes then a few Benedict its solution
drops of dill HCl were added;
heated and then cooled; then a
few drops of NaOH were added
and equal amount of benedicts
solution were addled and the
mixture were heated to boil for
all solution A and B.
Protein A small portion of food solution Food solution A and B Protein is absent in all
A and B were kept in two rationed; light blue color food sample A and B
different test tubes then a few of CuS04
drops of NaOH and CuS04
solution were added to both
solution and shaken
Lipids ( Fat and A small protein of food solution Food solution A and B Lipids is absent in all food
Oil) A and B were kept in two rationed red color of sample A and B
different test tubes then a few Sudan III solution
drops of Sudan III solution were
added and were shaken: strongly
and leave to settle to both two
test tubes

Practical 04
You are provided with solution S
(a) Carry out experiments to identify the food substances present in solution S
(i) Record your experimental work as shown in table 1 below
Table 1
Test for Procedure Observations Inference

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(ii) Solution S contains…………………….
(b) Suggest one storage organ in a plant from which solution S might have been prepared.
(c) For each food substance identified in (a) (ii) above, name its end product(s) of digestion.
(d) Which of the identified food substance is mostly needed by small children?
(a) i) Experimental work to identify food substance(s) present in solution S.
• Starch • To 2 cm of a sample
• Yellow- brown color • Starch was absent.
solution S, few drops of was observed i.e.
iodine solution was added. iodine color was
• Reducing sugar • To 2 cm of a sample
• The blue color of • Reducing sugar was not
solution S, equal volume of Benedict’s retained present
Benedict’s solution was (observed).
added and boiled for few
• Non reducing sugar • To 2 cm3 of a sample • The blue - color of No reducing sugar was
solution S, few drops of Hcl Benedict’s solution was not present
solution was added and retained
heated followed by cooling. (observed.)
After cooling few drops of
NaoH/NaHC03 were added,
followed by Benedicts
solution + boiling
• Protein • To 2 cm3 a sample • Purple color was • Protein was present.
solutions, few drops of formed
sodium hydroxide solution
was added followed by
addition 1% copper II
sulphate solution drop vise
white shaking
• Lipids (Fats and oil) To 2 cm3 a sample solution • Red stained food • Lipid (oil) was present
s, few drops of Sudan III dye droplets were found at
solution was added followed the upper layer of the
by addition of few mills of test tube
distilled water and then the
mixture was shaken
Vigorously and left to stand
for about 5min.
(ii) Solution S contains protein and lipid (oil).
(b) Storage organ in a plant from which solution S might have been prepared might be root tuber (bulb - like tuber
(which is ground nut
(c) Protein end product of digestion was amino acid(s)
Lipid (Fat and) oil end product of digestion was Fatty acids and glycerol.
(d) Food substance in solution S identified which is mostly needed by small children is protein.

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Practical 05
In a practical lesson, a candidates has been provided with a sweet potato and a ginger
(a) Explain how the candidates should prepare these organs for investigation of stored foods and suggest the
experiment (s) he/she would carry out and his her observations
(b) Record the information as shown in the table below
Test for Producer Observation Inference

(c) (i) State the nature of the stored food substances identified in each storage organ.
(ii) Name the plant from which each storage organ develops.

a) Preparation for sweet
(i) Clean your sweet potatoes under normal tap running water
(ii) Peel off your sweet potatoes using normal kitchen knife
(iii) Cut it into small slices or pieces using kitchen knife
(iv) Grind it either by using mortar and pestle or blender machine.
(v) Slurry or porridge of sweet potato is now read for laboratory food test - procedures.
Preparation for a ginger
(i) Clean your ginger preferably under normal running tap water.
(ii) Peel off your ginger using normal kitchen knife.
(iii) Cut into small slices or pieces using kitchen knife
(iv) Grind it by using either mortar and pestle or blender machine
(v) Slurry or porridge of ginger is now ready for laboratory food test procedures.
• Starch • To 2mls of a sample (potato slurry), a few drop of • Blue - black coloration • Indicates that
iodine solution was added. was observed starch was present
in the sample.
• Reducing • To 2cm3 of a sample in a test tube, equal volume of • The series of color • This shows that
sugar Benedict’s solution was added and the mixture was changes was then reducing sugar
shaken. The mixture was then boiled for about 2-5 min. observed from blue to was present in the
green, yellow, orange and food sample
finally - brick -red (sweet potato)
• Non • To 2 cm3 of a food sample in a test tube, 1 cm3 of HCl • The series of color • Non reducing
reducing was added to the sample and the mixture was then changes was observed sugar was present
sugar boiled for about one minute. After cooling the mixture, from blue to green,
sodium hydrogen carbonate solution was then added to yellow, orange and finally
the mixture. Equal volume of Benedict’s solution was brick – red coloration.
added into the mixture and boiled again.
• Protein • To 2 cm3 of potato sample in a test tube, a little • Purple color was • Protein was
solution of NaOH was added, followed by solution of observed present
Copper II Sulphate drop wise
• Lipids (fats • To 2 cm3 of sweet potato sample, a little amount of There was no any food • Lipids was
& oil) water was placed, followed by addition of few drops of droplets trapped by the absent
Sudan III dye solution and then, the mixture was Sudan III solution at the
shaken. After five (5 min) the observation was done. upper part (top) of the test
c) (i) The nature of the stored food substances identified in each storage organ.
In sweet potato: (as storage organ)
 Starch found in sweet potato remain as it is i.e. is stored as starch.

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 Both reducing sugar and non reducing sugar found in potato are stored in from of starch since the storage of
glucose in plants is starch.
 Protein found in sweet potato are stored in form of amino acids
In ginger (as a storage organ
 Starch found in sweet potato is stored as starch (it remains as it was).
 Reducing sugar and non reducing sugar are both stored as starch since the storage of glucose is plants is starch.
 Protein however small is it; it is stored in form of amino acids.
(ii) The plant part from which each storage organ develops
 For sweet potato was root tuber
 For ginger is a rhizome (modified plant stem.)

Practical 06
From two students of Moivoro secondary school were asked to carry out an - experiment by their biology teacher the
experiment was conducted as follows
(i) Three test tubes labeled A, B and C were set as shown in figure 4 below. Each of the three test tubes contained 1
ml saliva and 1 ml water. The three test tubes wee heated in water bath at different temperature for 30 minutes.

(ii) Another set of three test tubes also labeled A, B, and C each containing 1 mil starch solution was heated for the
same duration in water bath as shown in figure 5 below.

(iii) The contents of the test tubes in the corresponding water bath of figure 4 and figure 5 was mixed and heated
further for 30 minutes.
(iv) The contents of each test tube was then tested for starch using iodine solution
Study the above procedures carefully and then answer the following questions
(a) What was the aim of the experiment?
(b) Why was it necessary to heat the tubes for 30 minutes before mixing their contents?

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(c) State the colour change you would expect in each test tube after adding iodine solution
(d) Account for the expected observations

(a) The aim of the experiment was to find out the effect of temperature on salivary amylases or to study the effect of
temperature on enzyme salivary amylase) activity
(b) It was necessary to heat the tubes for 30 minutes before mixing their content in order to obtain optimal
temperature for enzymes (salivary amylase) to work properly.
(c) After adding iodine solution, the following color change were observed
Test tube labeled A: in this case, blue- black colouration was observed
Test tube labeled B: in this case, yellowish -brown colouration was observed
Test tube labeled C: blue - black colouration was observed as well.
(d) Accounting for the expected observations.
 For the test tube labeled A blue- black colouration was observed to indicate that starch is still present because the
temperature 5 is not suitable temperature for the enzyme to act on substrate (starch)
 For the test tube labeled B, the colour of iodine (yellowish - brown) was retained because all the substrate (starch)
has been reduced into simple sugar by the action of enzymes (salivary amylase) due to the availability of favourable
or suitable temperature for such enzyme to act on the substrate
 For test tube labeled C, blue - black colouration was observed to indicate; substrate (starch) was still present
because the temperature 7 is not optimal temperature for the enzymes (salivary- amylase) to act on substrate (starch).

(B) Classification
The classification practical requires students to identify specimens of animals, plants, and fungi. The students must
write the common name, kingdom, phylum, and sometimes class of each specimen. They also answer questions
about the characteristics and uses of the specimens.
This section contains the following:
 Common specimens
 Sample classification practical with solutions
(1) Common Specimens
Fungi: Mushroom, yeast, bread mold
Plants: Fern, moss, bean plant, bean seed, maize plant, maize seed, pine tree, cactus, sugar cane, Irish potato1,
cypress tree, acacia tree, hibiscus leaf and cassava
Animals: Millipede, centipede, grasshopper, lizard, tilapia (fish)3, scorpion, frog, tapeworm, liver fluke, cockroach
and spider

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Practical 07
Study the diagram below.

a) (i) Identify specimens represented in figures. 1, 2 and 3

ii) Explain how each of the organisms part of the organism represented by figures 1, 2 and 3 reproduce.
iii) Mention the type of reproduction exhibited by the organisms/ part of organism represented by figures 1,2 and 3
b) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of mode of reproduction represented by figure 1.

(a) (i)

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 Yeast (fig 2. ) produce by budding or binary fission
 Pea plant reproduce sexually since it has both male and female parts
(iii) Type of reproduction exhibited by organism represented above (i)
Fig 1 (potato tuber): exhibit asexual mode of reproduction
Fig 2. (Yeast): Exhibit budding mode of reproduction
Fig 3. (Pea seedpod): Exhibit sexual mode of reproduction.
Advantages of asexual reproduction Disadvantages of asexual reproduction
- Gives the ability to produce large - All offspring are exactly identical, so no diversity
quantities of offspring - Since all the offspring are genetically cloned, it is mo-
- It requires less energy as compared likely for mutation to spread more rapidly
to sexual reproduction - It is impossible for asexual reproduction to adapt to
- It has a better chance of survival any environmental changes etc.
even at adverse condition etc.

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Practical 08
In an ecological study a student caught an organism represented by figure 6 below

(a) (i) Name the kingdom and phylum to which the organism belong
(ii) Name the class to which the organism belongs, give reason (s) for your answer
(iii) Suggest its feeding habits.
(iv) Suggest its mode of locomotion.
(b) Suggest how the organism is adapted to its habitat ( any 2)

(a) (i) Organism Kingdom Phylum
Fig. 6 Animalia Arthropod
(ii) Organism class
Fig. 6 (lobster) crustacean

- They have hard exoskeleton made of calcium
- They have had with two compound eyes
- They have two pairs of antennae.
(iii) Feeding habits of organism (fig 6) is mainly on scraps and dead bodies (scavengers)
(iv) Its mode of locomotion: organism uses appendages for locomotion
(b) Adaptation for the organism fig. 6 (lobster) to its habitat.
 Has ability to lose and re-grow an appendage designed to help organism escape predators.
 Its compound eyes are adapted to low light environment.
 Organisms antennae are revered in small hairs that pick up chemicals from potential predators or prey, these hairs
are so sensitive
 Organism also developed a pair of claws that are distinct to another, one claw is large with very small teeth on it
that the organism uses to grab, hold and crush its prey.

Practical 09
Study the specimens J, K, L, M and N provided.
(a) Identify specimens J, K, L, M and N by their common names.
(b) Name the kingdoms for each of specimens J, K, L, M and N.
(c) Suggest the possible habitats for specimens J and K.
(d) Draw and label specimen N.
(e) List four (4) observable differences between specimens J and K.

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Specimen Common name
j Grasshopper
K Earth worm
L Centipede
M Cocoyam (sweet
N Leaf (simple leaf).
Specimen j K L M N
Kingdom Animalia animalia Animalia Plant ae Plant ae
b) Possible habitat(s) for specimen J (Grasshopper) are dry and open habitat with plenty of grass and other low
plants, some live in forest or jungles A
Possible habitat(s) for specimen K (Earthworm) are in moist soil and in dead plant material; they are available in
rainy forest areas as well as in fresh water.
c) Well labeled diagram of specimen N (leaf)

d. Four (4) observable differences between specimens J and K are: -

Specimen J (Grasshopper) Specimen K (Earthworm)
• They have legs • They do not have legs
• Specimen J are able to jump • They are not able to jump
• They have wings specially adult • They do not have wings
• Habitat for specimen J is dry and • Habitat for specimen K is mostly
open place with plenty of grass. in moistly in moist soil and in
dead organic water.
• Specimen J possesses antennae.
Etc. • Specimen K does not have
antennae. Etc.

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Practical 10
Carefully observe the organisms represented by diagrams A, B, C and D shown below

(a) (i) Identify the organisms represented by diagrams A, B, C and D by their common names.
(ii) Name the kingdom to which each of the organism in (a) (i) above belongs

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(iii) Which two (2) features have you used to group each organisms represented by diagrams B and D in their
representative kingdom?
(b) Name the mode of reproduction and movement for the organism represented by diagram D
(c) (i) Where does the organism in diagram A live?
(ii) What is the economic importance of the organism in diagram C?

a. i).
Organism (s) Common name(s)
A. Hydra
B Lobster
C. Filamentous fungi
D Protozoa

Organism Kingdom
A Animalia
B Animalia
C Fungi
D Protozoa
iii) Features (2) that were used to group organism B in kingdom animalia are:-
 Invertebrates: it lack back bones
 It has external skeletons (exoskeleton)
 It has jointed appendages and segmented body
 Most of them are unicellular
 They take eukaryotic organism
 They take in their food through osmotrophy or phagocytosis.
 Others have flagella for locomotion
 They cause diseases. E.g. Amoeba (Amoebiasis: etc.
b) The mode of reproduction and movement for the organism represented by diagram D
 The mode of reproduction for the organism represented by diagram D is either exhibit sexual reproduction or
a sexual reproduction by binary' fission
 The mode of movement for the organism represented by the diagram D is through flagellum: since it has
single flagellum.
c) (i) The organism in diagram A live in aquatic environment.
(ii) Economic importance of the organism in diagram C:
 Organism is used by industry for manufacture of useful products such as enzymes; metabolites; food. (e.g.
baking; brewing cheese - making)
 Manufacture of some antibiotics etc.

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Practical 11
You are provided with specimens. A, B, C, D, E and F. Study them careful and then answer questions below

A. B.

C. D.

E. F.

(i) Identify Specimen A to F by their common names

(ii) Classify specimen A to F to class level
(iii) What are the observable features of specimen A and B?
(iv) What are the modes of nutrition of specimen A and B?
(v) What are habitats for specimens A and B?

(i) Specimen are A - Giant Millipede B - Centipede C - Lizard D- Beetle E- Cockroach F - Grasshopper

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iii) Observable features of A and B
(a) They have hard exoskeleton
(b) They have one pair of intimae
(c) Their bodies are divided into segments
iv) Mode of Nutrition
The mode of nutrition is Heterotrophic nutrition
A - Herbivorous
B - Carnivorous
(a) Habitat of specimen A and B
A - Moist shed places
B - Moist shed places (dark)


Fern plant Plantae Filicinophyta Hepatica
Bean plant Plantae Angiospemae Dicotyledone
Maize plant Plantae Angiospemae Monocotyledon
Grasshopper Animalia Arthropoda Insert
Crab Animalia Arthropoda Crusla
Cactus Plantae
Moss plant Plantae Bryophyte Music
Butterfly Animalia Arthropoda Insect
House fly Animalia Arthropoda Arachinida
Spider Animalia Arthropoda Reptilian
Chameleon Animalia Chordate Aves
Quail feathers Animalia Chordate

Practical 12
Your are provided with specimen D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 grown on bread. Study them carefully and answer the
questions that follow
(i) Give the common name of each specimen provided
(ii) Classify specimen D1 to D5 to Phylum Division level
(iii) Specimen D3 is a vector of much human disease. Identify any two disease transmitted by specimen D3.
(iv) Give three (3) adaptive feature of specimen D2 to its survival in its habitat
(v) Draw a large diagram of specimen D1 and label the part involved in photosynthesis.
(vi) Write two (2) economic importance of the Kingdom from which specimen D5 is obtained

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i. Specimen
- Hibiscus leaf
D2 – Tilapia fish
D3 - House fly
D4 - Millipede
D5 - Bread mould/ Rhizopus

iii) - Cholera, Trachoma

- Typhoid
iv) They have gills for gaseous exchange
- They have (paired pelvic and pectoral) fins for swimming
- They have cycloid scales which point backwards to avoid friction when moving in water.
- They have streamlined body
- They have lateral line for detection
- They have swim bladder that is filled with air to regulate buoyancy.

Structure of a specimen D1 showing apart involved in photosynthesis

vi. - Cause diseases
- Spoil food substances
- Used as food e.g. edible mushroom
- Used in production of alcohol e.g yeast
- Used in production of medicine e.g penicilcum.

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Practical 13
A class of twelve groups of students carried out a survey of uncultivated land measuring 20 x 15 metres, with twelve
5 x 5m quadrates labeled A - L. Each group counted the number of black ants, grasshoppers, spiders, beetles in each
quadrate as shown in the table below.

Animals Number of animals in each quadrate

A B c D E F G H I J K L
Black ants 30 25 6 7 20 26 10 4 27 11 30 20
Red ants 25 2 17 5 0 4 4 23 4 61 45 25
Grasshoppers 8 3 2 9 2 7 3 6 1 8 12 5
Spiders 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 1 3 12 4
Beetles 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1


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(C) Respiration
The purpose of this practical is to investigate the properties of air exhaled from the lungs. This section contains the
_ Limewater
_ Apparatus
_ Sample respiration practical with solutions
(1) Limewater
Limewater is a saturated solution of calcium hydroxide. It is used to test for carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide is
bubbled through limewater, the solution becomes cloudy. This is due to the precipitation of calcium carbonate by the
CO2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq) → CaCO3(s)
Limewater can be prepared from either calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide.
Calcium oxide reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide, so either way you end up with a calcium hydroxide
solution. Calcium oxide is the primary component in cement. Calcium hydroxide is available from building supply
shops as chokaa.
(2) Apparatus
Many books call for delivery tubes, test tubes, and stoppers. These are totally unnecessary. Add the limewater to any
small clear container and blow into it with a straw.

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Practical 14
You are given limewater in a test tube and Rubber tube Blow some air through a rubber tube and at the same times
observe the changes that take place. Then answer questions that follows


(D) Transport
The purpose of this practical is to investigate osmosis by observing the changes in a leaf petiole placed in a
hypotonic solution (water) and a hypertonic solution (water containing salt or sugar).
This section contains the following:
_ Materials
_ Sample practical with solutions
1. Materials
The petiole is the stalk which attaches a leaf to a branch. The papaya leaf petioles in this practical should be soft
petioles from young leaves, not stiff petioles from older leaves. Cut the petioles into pieces, and give each student
two pieces of about 6 cm in length. Cylinders cut from a raw potato may be used instead of petioles.
The hypertonic solution may be made with by mixing either salt or sugar with water. The hypotonic solution is tap

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Practical 15
A form four student was interested to investigate osmosis phenomenon and decided to set the experiment as shown in
figure 7 below
Study this figure and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Which solution has a higher concentration of free water molecules?

(b) Which solution has high solute concentration
(c) In which direction will osmosis occur?
(d) What does the semi - permeable membrane corresponds to within an animal cell?
(e) (i) What is osmosis?
(iv) Name five (5) processed in living things that depend on osmosis

(a) Solution which as a higher concentration of free water molecules is solution B.
(b) Solution which has high solute concentration is solution A
(c) Osmosis will occur in this way; water molecules will move from solution B through semi permeable membrane
towards solution A
(d) The semi-permeable membrane correspond to plasma membrane within an animal cell
(e) (i) Osmosis refers to the movement of solvent (water) from the region of its low concentration to the region of its
high concentration through semi - permeable membrane.
Osmosis is the movement of a solvent across semi- permeable membrane toward a higher concentration of solute.
(v) Five (5) process in living things that depends on osmosis are:-
(b) Active transport
(c) Passive transport
(d) Plasmolysis
(e) Osmotic pressure
(f) Endocytosis
(g) Osmotic gradient
(h) Oxocytosis
Practical 16
You are provided with a beaker, tea bag and hot water. Carry out the following experiment.
Pour about 100cm3 off hot water into the beaker.
Put the tea bag into the beaker containing hot water.
Observe carefully the experiment for a few minutes.
a. (i) What happened to the tea bag when it was put in hot water?
(ii) Explain why the changes you observed occurred?
b.(i) What do you think was the aim of the experiment?
(ii) Draw a conclusion from the experiment
c. (i) Name the physiological process investigated in this experiment
(ii) Define the process named in (c) (i) above

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(iii) What is the importance of this process in nature?

(a) (i) When tea bag was put in hot water, water rushed (entered) the tea bag through Osmosis process, after
attaining equilibrium water soluble ingredients (chemicals) from the tea bad started to go out (diffuses) slowly into
the beaker containing hot water and changes the color of hot water slowly from clear (colorless) to brown color
through diffusion process.
(ii) The above change a (i) occurred due to occurrence of both diffusion and osmosis. Osmosis process is when hot
water molecules entered (moved) into a tea bag through selectively permeable membrane (tea bag material), and the
diffusion process is when aqueous solutes (soluble chemical ingredients) moved out (diffuses) from the tea bag into
the beaker containing hot water and finally becomes brown in color.
(b) (i) Aim of the experiment was demonstrate both Osmosis and diffusion processes.
(ii) In conclusion, tea bag acted like a cell membrane because it controlled what went in and out just like a cell
osmosis and diffusion occurred when tea color left the bag and water entered the bag.
It also acted like a cell membrane by keeping some things in likes the tea leaves.
(c) (i) The physiological process investigated in this was either Diffusion or Osmosis.
(ii) Diffusion is the movement of substance from area of higher concentration to area of lower concentration.
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through or across semi permeable membrane from where they are in
high concentration to where they are in low concentration in order to reach equilibrium.
(iii) Importance of diffusion in nature
Diffusion is a process in which material spreads throughout a liquid or gas, it is important to living things as it
explains how useful materials and waste products can move into and out of cells. Digested food molecules (amino
acids, glucose) move down a concentration gradient from the intestine to the blood.
Diffusion allows the exchange of substances; the entry of oxygen, proteins etc. into the cell and the removal of waste
(iv) Importance of Osmosis in nature
Osmosis is a natural physical process in which water molecules moves across a selectively permeable membrane
from area of high concentration to an area of low concentration so as to maintain equilibrium.
Plants need osmosis because, through osmosis they their water. So plant cells maintain their water content despite the
loss of water to the air that is constantly occurring.
Osmosis provides turgidity to the softer tissues and is therefore, essential for their mechanical support. It also
controls the absorption of water by root hairs from the soil etc.

Practical 17
In an experiment to find the composition of blood, 5cm3 of fresh blood from a rabbit was centrifuged and the result
was as shown below

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i) Most plentiful in B
ii) Least plentiful in B
c) Arrange in increasing order the substances present in B


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Practical 18
You are provided with solid sample C and distilled water. Fill the beaker with distilled water using a spatula slowly
put a small portion of the solid sample C in a beaker of water and observe the changes in the mixture for 5mn then
answer the question that follows.


Practical 19

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Is the movement of water molecules from high concentration of water molecules to low concentration of water

Practical 20
You have been provided with specimen X and two solutions SI and S2. Using razor blade or scalpel, cut 6cm long
petiole from Specimen X. Use this same piece of petiole in all 3 stages of the experiment described below.
Stage I:
Using razor blade or scalpel, spirit the piece of petiole from Specimen X longitudinally up to its length so as to
produce 4 strips on one end of the specimen, while the other end remains intact as shown in the diagram.

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Stage II
Dip the piece of petiole in solution S2 for about 10 minutes. Remove it from the solution, observe and touch it gently
to feel it’s hardness or softness.
Stage III
Dip the petiole in S3 for about 10 minutes. Remove it from the solution, observe and touch it gently to feel its
hardness or softness.
(a) Record your observations and explanations for Stage II and stage III of the experiment as shown in the table.
Stage of Experiment Observation Explanation
Stage II
Stage III
(b) What was the aim of the experiment
(c) Give brief comments on the concentrated of solution S2 and S3
(d) Why is the biological process demonstrated by the above experiment important to plant?
(e) Define the process demonstrated by the above experiment
(f) Explain what happen to the cells of the petioles in Stage II and Stage III. Illustrate your answer.

Stage of Experiment Observation Explanation
Stage II The piece of petiole becomes It shrinks due to loss of water
Stage III The piece of petiole becomes It absorbs water and become
hard and strong turgid
b) To demonstrate the process of Osmosis
c) - The solution of S2 is hypertonic (too concentrated) compound to cell sap of the leaf petiole that is why the
petioles lose water and become plasmelysed.
- The solution S3 is hypotonic (less concentrated) compared to the cell sap of the leaf petiole that is why the
petiole absorbs water and become turgid.
d) i. It is important as it enables plant roots to absorb water and dissolved mineral salt from the soil also give
strength to the offers support plant
ii. Allows opening of stomata hence facilitate gaseous exchange.
e) Osmosis is the movement of water Transpiration molecules from lowly concentrated solution to highly
concentrated solution through semi- permeable membrane.
f) In stage IT the petiole loses water, shrinks and become plasmolysed

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In stage III the petiole gain water and becomes turgid

(E) Photosynthesis
The purpose of this practical is to prove that chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis.
This is done by using iodine to test a variegated leaf for starch. The parts of the leaf containing chlorophyll are
expected to contain starch, while the parts lacking chlorophyll are expected to lack starch.
This section contains the following:
_ Procedure
_ Materials
_ Sample photosynthesis practical with solutions

1. Procedure
1. Use iodine tincture from the pharmacy without dilution.
2. Prepare hot water bathes. The water should be boiling.
3. While the water gets hot, send the students to gather small leaves. The best have no waxy coating and are
varigated (have sections without green).
4. The leaves should be boiled in the hot water bath for one minute.
5. Each group should then move its leaf into their test tube and cover it with methylated spirit.
6. Each group should then heat their test tube in a water bath. Over time, the leaf should decolorize and the
methylated spirit will turn bight green.
The chlorophyll has been extracted and moved to the spirit. A well chosen leaf should turn completely white,
although this does not always happen.
7. After decolorization, dips the leaves briefly in the hot water.
8. For leaves that turn white, students should test them for starch with drops of iodine solution.
(2) Materials
 Variegated leaf: this is a leaf that contains chlorophyll in some parts, but not in others. Often variegated
leaves are green and white or green and red. Look at the flower beds around the school and at the teachers'
houses - they often contain variegated leaves.
 Source of heat: anything that boils water - Motopoa is best, followed by kerosene and charcoal

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 Ethanol: use the least expensive strong ethanol available; this is probably methylated spirits unless your
village specializes in high proof gongo.

Practical 21
The diagram in figure 8 shown the set up of an experiment to investigate a certain physical process in a plant,
follows: -

Study the apparatus set up and then answer the question that
(a) (i) Which gas is collected in the test tube?
(ii) Where does it come from?
(iii) During which process is this gas produced?
(iv) Write conditions necessary for the process to take place
(v) Suggest a test for this gas and experiment results.
(b) What will happen if the apparatus is kept in a dark place?
(c) What was the aim of the experiment?
(d) There was a mistake in assembling the apparatus. With a reason, point out that mistake.
(e) Why is water held up in the test tube without running on the funnel?

(a) (i) Gas which is collected in the test tube is oxygen gas (O2)

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(ii) Gas collected come from water plant (elodea) i.e. this is a green water ; when exposed to sunlight it produces
oxygen gas
(iii) This gas is produced during the process called photosynthesis.
(iv) Conditions necessary' for the process (photosynthesis) to take place are
 Sunlight
 Chlorophyll
 Carbon dioxide gas
 Water.
(v) A test for this gas (oxygen) is re- lighting glowing splint (piece of wood)
(b) If the apparatus was kept in the dark place there will be no gas produced by the water plant (elodea) due to the
absence of sunlight.
(c) The aim of the experiment was to show that water plant produces oxygen gas during photosynthesis process.
(d) Mistake in assembling the apparatus.
• Funnel was not inverted in such a way that test would be inserted to fit so as trap the gas properly as shown in the
figure below

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Practical 22
The diagram below- shows an experiment set up for a biological investigation. The potted plant was kept in darkness
for 48 hours before the experiment. It was then kept in sunlight for several hours. Observe the set up and answer the

b) Why was the potted plant kept in darkness?

c) (i) What will be observed if iodine solution is added to leaves M and N after their chlorophyll is removed?
(ii) Which of the leaves M and N served as a control experiment?
d) (i) Name the biological process investigated in the experiment
ii) Suggest the aim of the experiment
iii) State the importance of the experiment


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Practical 23

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(F) Coordination

Practical 24
You are predicted with a looking mirror open your mouth widely and look at your mouth on the mirror then answer
the following questions
(a) What sense organ did you observe?
(b) What sense is it perceived
(c) Draw and label the sense organ showing different regions of state

a) The sense Organ is TONGUE
b) The fumet ion is used for TASTING
c) The diagram

Practical 25
Look at your image of right eye and then answer the following questions i) What structures responsible with
i) Protection from physical injury
a) Protection from dust particles
b) Control amount of light entering the eye
c) Draw and label your right eye as you see it on a looking mirror.

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i) Structures are
a) Upper eyelid
b) Eye lushes
c) Iris
ii) Diagram

Practical 26
You have been provided with cotton wool soaked, in methylated spirit. Rub it at the back of the palm of your hand.
(i) What sensation do you feel on the rubbed part?
(ii) Explain what happened to the superficial blood vessels miler the rubbed part in response to the sensation
(iii) In nature what process brings about the same sensation as that experienced in (i) above in human being
(iv) What biological significance of the process in (iii) above
(v) State two ways by which an animal is capable of regulation body temperature when it is above normal
i) Coldness sensation
ii) Blood needs contrast (This is due to prevent more heat loss)
iii) Sweating
iv) To regulate the body temperature
v) (a) Sweating
(b) Vasodilatation

Practical 27
Look at your body observe the structure you can see on your body
(a) Name the sense organ that occurs through the whole body
(b) What are the functions of the sense organ you have named in (a) above

a) The sense Organ is SKIN
b) The functions of skin
i) Used to cover the body' prevention from pathogen
ii) Used in excretion
iii) Used in sensation

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