BASIC CAL WEEK 7 9 Reviewer

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Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.
Answer: 4
Answer: 19.56
Answer: -2.99
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. and z = 2.
Answer: -67

Answer: 11.5 Answer: -2

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Answer: 2.38 y=x
Answer: 1
Answer: 0
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Answer: -56250
Answer: 461.47
Answer: -8.71
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Answer: 2.27
Use 3.14 for the value of pi.
Answer: -20.02
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Answer: 13
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.
Answer: 2.97
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Answer: 0

Answer: 16.71
Answer: 15.21
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1 Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1, b
and a = 2. = 2, and c = 3.

Answer: -3.85
Answer: 0 Answer: 2.33

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.

Answer: 2920
Answer: 9344.26 Answer: 24

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.

Use 3.14 for the value of pi.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -4.

Answer: 1.41 Answer: 0 Answer: -0.01

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.

Answer: -16 Answer:

Answer: -811512

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1 Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1
and a = 2. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
and s = 2. Use 3.14 for the value of pi.

Answer: 0.7 Answer: 0

Answer: -0.05

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.

Answer: 0 Answer: 4.31 Answer: 12.75

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.

Answer: 2.09 Answer: -8 Answer: 0

Compute for the third derivative of the given function for x = Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.

Answer: -24 Answer: -14

Answer: -120

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.
Compute for the second derivative of the given function for x
= -5.

Answer: 0.55 Answer: 0.14344

Answer: -54

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -4.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.

Answer: 3.3
Answer: -0.32
Answer: 0.14344

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -4.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.

Answer: 12 Answer: -37.39

Answer: -759

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -4.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.
Answer:1.67 Answer: 0.28
Answer: 40.24
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -4. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.

Answer: -2304 Answer: -32531804780000 Answer: 1.03

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -1. Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
The angle is in radians.

Answer: 10.87
Answer: 0.14344
Answer: 6

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
The angle is in radians. Answer: 2
Answer: -3.58
Answer: -9.43 Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -4.
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -1. Answer: 120.51

Answer: - 670208 The angle is in radians.

Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -4. 8Answer: -0.83

Answer: 0
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
Answer: 110.54
The angle is in radians.
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 2.

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -4. Answer: 0.25
Answer: 2285525343
Compute for the derivative of the function below for x = 1.
Answer: 0.04

Answer: 0.14344
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
The angle is in radians. The angle is in radians. The angle is in radians.

Answer: -1.66 Answer: 1.138432 Answer: -1.21

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -1. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -1. Compute for the second derivative of the given function for x
The angle is in radians. The angle is in radians. Use 3.141592654 for the value of pi. = -5. The given angle is in radians.

Answer: 5.46 Answer: 0.14344

Answer: 3.36

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2. Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
The angle is in radians. The angle is in radians.
The angle is in radians.

Answer: -2.4
Answer: -3.72 Answer: -9.94
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
The angle is in radians.
Compute for the third derivative of the given function for x = Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
-5. The given angle is in radians. The angle is in radians.
Answer: 24.13

Answer: 0.14344
Answer: -3.48
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -1.
The angle is in radians.
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
The angle is in radians.
The angle is in radians.
Answer: 2.84

Answer: -22.56 Answer: -733.92

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -2.
The angle is in radians.

Answer: 24.1297
A rectangular field is to be enclosed by 440 feet of fence. Find two positive numbers whose product is 64 and whose Find the length of the shortest ladder (in feet) that will reach
What is the length of the field (in feet) if the area is a sum is a minimum. over an 8-ft high fence to a large wall which is 3 feet behind
maximum? Answer: 8 and 8 the fence.
Answer: 110 Answer: 14.99

Build a rectangular pen with three parallel partitions using

Find two non-negative numbers whose sum is 9 and so that 500 feet of fencing. What width of the pen (in feet) will What is the height (in inches) of the smallest right circular
the product of one number and the square of the other maximize its total area? cone that may be circumscribed about a sphere of radius 3
number is a maximum. Answer: 125 inches? Use 3.141592654 for the value of pi.
Select one: Answer: 12
Answer: 3 and 6
The volume of an open box with a square base is 256 cubic
inches. Find the height of the box (in inches) if the material Divide 25 into two parts such that one of them multiplied by
A page is to contain 24 square inches of print. The margins at used to make the box is a minimum. the cube of the other is a maximum. What is the value of the
top and bottom are 1.5 inches and 1 inch at the sides. Find Answer: 4 larger part?
the most economical length (in inches) of the page. Answer: 18.75
Answer: 9
A sheet of cardboard 3 feet by 4 feet will be made into a box
by cutting equal-sized squares from each corner and folding A rectangular area is bounded on one side by a wall and on
Find two numbers whose sum is 10 and the sum of their up the four edges. What should be the base width of the box the other three by 440 feet of fence. How long is the wall (in
squares is a minimum. (in feet) for it to have the largest volume? feet) if the rectangular area is to be a maximum?
Answer: 5 and 5 Answer: 1.87 Answer: 220

A box is to be made from a piece of cardboard 32 inches by An open rectangular box with square base is to be made A page is to contain 54 square centimeters of printed
20 inches by cutting equal squares out of the four corners from 48 square feet of material. What should be its length material. If the margins are 1 cm at the top and bottom and
and turning up the sides. Find the maximum volume that (in feet) so that it has the largest possible volume? 0.5 cm at the sides, find the most economical width of the
may be made (in cubic inches). Answer: 4.62 page (in cm).
Answer: 1152 Answer: 5.2

A cylindrical glass jar has a plastic lid. If the plastic is half as

A waste basket is to have as its base an equilateral triangle, expensive as glass, per unit area, what is the most
its sides are to be vertical, and its volume is to be 8 cubic economical height of the jar (in inches) if its radius is 6
feet. What is the minimum possible surface area (in square inches? Use 3.141592654 for the value of pi.
feet) of such a waste basket? Answer: 9
Answer: 25.64
Compute for the second derivative of the given function for x What is the value of the derivative of the function below for Evaluate:
= -5. x = 1? The given angle is in radians.

Answer: 0.35
Answer: -32 Answer: 1.32

Compute for the second derivative of the given function for x What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
= -5. What is the value of the derivative of the function below for t = 1? The given angle is in radians. Use 3.141592654 for the
x = -1? value of pi.

Answer: -156
Answer: -13.47
Answer: 0.56

Compute for the third derivative of the given function for x =

-5. What is the value of the fourth derivative of the function
What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
below for x = 2?
x = 1? The given angle is in radians.

Answer: -384 Answer: 13200 Answer: 4.54

Compute for the third derivative of the given function for x = Is the piecewise function below continuous at x = -3 or not? What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
x = 1? The given angle is in radians.

Answer: 296
Answer: 0.85
Answer: The piecewise function is not continuous at x = -3
Compute for the third derivative of the given function for x =
since the graphs of its sub-functions do not meet at this
-5. What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
value of x.
t = 1?
Answer: 3000
What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
Answer: 5
Compute for the second derivative of the given function for x x = 1?
= -5. The given angle is in radians.

Answer: 0.5
Answer: -1.68
What is the value of the derivative of the function below for What is the value of the derivative of the function below for Evaluate the limit of:
x = 1? x = 1?

Answer: 6561
Answer: 109
Answer: 0
What is the value of the derivative of the function below for What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
x = 1? x = -1? The associated angle is in radians.
Consider the function below. Is this continuous for all real
Answer: 6.93 Answer: -233.557

Answer: The function is not continuous for all real numbers

What is the value of the derivative of the function below for What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
since there are restrictions for its domain values.
x = -1? The given angle is in radians. x = 1? The given angle is in radians.

Is the function below continuous for all real numbers? Answer: 1.34
Answer: -4.48

What is the value of the derivative of the function below for Answer: The function is not continuous since its domain is What is the slope of the line tangent to the equation below
x = -1? not the set of real numbers. at the given point?

Answer: 0.14344 Is the function below continuous at x = -5? Answer: 0.50

Answer: The function is continuous since it is defined at the

What is the coefficient of y in the line tangent to the What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
given value of x.
equation below at the given point? Consider the general x = 1? The given angle is in radians.
form of the equation of the tangent line.
Is the piecewise function below continuous for the given
Answer: 6.15
Answer: 0
What is the value of the derivative of the function below for
What is the value of the third derivative of the function x = -1?
below for x = 2? The given angle is in radians.
Answer: The piecewise function is not continuous since there
Answer: -1.20 is a "jump" in the graphs of its sub-functions. Answer: 0.14344
Is the given function continuous at x = 3?

Answer: Yes, since the graphs of the sub-functions will meet

at x = 3.

What is the value of the derivative of the function below for

x = -1?

Answer: -0.60

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -1.

The angle is in radians.

Answer: -50.47

Compute for the derivative of the given function for x = -1.

The angle is in radians.

Answer: -2.18

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