G0501022018 Mtech

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Code No: G0501/R13

M. Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Jan/Feb-2018

Common to Computer Science & Engineering (58) and Computer Science (05)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

1. a i.Write the converse and contra-positive of the conditional statement: 6M

“If you obey the traffic rules, then you will not be fined”.
ii. Prove without using truth table ⋀(ܲ → ܳ) ⟹ ܳ .
b Prove or disprove the validity of the following arguments using the rules of 6M
inference. i) All men are mortal ii) All kings are men iii) Therefore, all kings are

2. a Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9} and R= {(x,y)/ x+y is divisible by 4} in X. 6M

show that R is an Equivalence Relation.?
b Let f(x): x3 -3x2+2x+3. Find f(x2) , f(x+5) and f(x2-6)? 6M

3. a Solve the following: 6M

i. Five red, two blue and 3 white balls are arranged in a row. If all the balls of
the same colour are not distinguishable, how many different arrangements
are possible?
ii. How many arrangements of all the letters in the word MISSISSIPPI have no
consecutive S’s?
b State the Principle of Inclusion‐Exclusion 6M

4. a Use iteration to solve the recurrence relation an=an−1+ n with a0=4. 6M

b Suppose that and are both solutions to a recurrence relation of the
rn qn 6M
forman=αan−1+βan−2. Prove that c⋅rn+d⋅qnis also a solution to the recurrence relation,
for any constants c,d.

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Code No: : G0501/R13

5. a Construct the minimum cost spanning tree for the following graph using 6M
Depth first Search.

b Describe an algorithm to decide whether a graph is bipartite? 6M

6. a Solve the recurrence relation an=2an−1− an−2. 6M

i. What is the solution if the initial terms are a0=1 and a1=2?
ii. What do the initial terms need to be in order for a9=30?
iii. For which x are there initial terms which make a9=x?
b Use the Euclidean Algorithm to find GCD(181, 587) 6M

7. a Prove that isomorphism is an equivalence relation on diagraphs? 6M

b You have access to 1×1 tiles which come in 2 different colors and 1×2 tiles which 6M
come in 3 different colors. We want to figure out how many different 1×n path
designs we can make out of these tiles.
a. Find a recursive definition for the sequence an of paths of length n.
b. Solve the recurrence relation using the Characteristic Root technique.

8. Discuss the following: 12M

i. Hamiltonian graphs & Chromatic Numbers
ii. Binomial Coefficients
iii. Semi groups and Monoids
iv. homomorphism, Isomorphism

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